by: gary gray, pt · gary’s opportunity to work-out with j.o. (jason owens) squat-pourri. . . a...

©2002 Functional Design Systems 1. “You can’t learn to dance while sitting on your pants . . . if you ain’t got squat, you ain’t got squat”. 2. Squatting is a three dimensional Chain Reaction™ throughout the entire body. 3. We need to tweak in and tweak out all components of squatting to facilitate our analysis, rehabilitation, and training. 4. Being able to maintain our squat-ability is the functional magic of life. 5. A great rehab process seeks to find out the thresholds of function. 6. “Rehabilitation should be 90% analysis”. 7. Squat is a fundamental thing . . . it is a fundamental truth of function. 8. Tri-plane rule of function: When you feed one plane, you feed the other two planes. 9. We need to create enough variability through our tweakology capabilities. 10. Most forms of function take advantage of the squat, in order to produce the load, in order to ultimately produce the unload. 11. With an over tweak transformation drill, it is important to immediately go from the drill, right to the real deal. 12. The most powerful research may be within the power of one . . . our patients, clients, and athletes. 13. We need to build in motor control flexibility through tweakology. 14. “I get down, He lifts me up”.

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Page 1: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting



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1. “You can’t learn to dance while sitting on your pants . . . if you ain’t got squat, you ain’t got squat”.

2. Squatting is a three dimensional CChhaaiinn RReeaaccttiioonn™ throughout the entire body.

3. We need to tweak in and tweak out all components of squatting to facilitate our analysis, rehabilitation, and training.

4. Being able to maintain our squat-ability is the functional magic of life.

5. A great rehab process seeks to find out the thresholds of function.

6. “Rehabilitation should be 90% analysis”.

7. Squat is a fundamental thing . . . it is a fundamental truth of function.

8. Tri-plane rule of function: When you feed one plane, you feed the other two planes.

9. We need to create enough variability through our tweakology capabilities.

10. Most forms of function take advantage of the squat, in order to produce the load, in order to ultimately produce the unload.

11. With an over tweak transformation drill, it is important to immediately go from the drill,right to the real deal.

12. The most powerful research may be within the power of one . . . our patients, clients,and athletes.

13. We need to build in motor control flexibility through tweakology.

14. “I get down, He lifts me up”.

Page 2: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

v4.1 SQUATOLOGYThe Science of Squat

By: Gary Gray, PT


To assimilate up-to-date information and knowledge about Squatology. To learn how to apply effective functional techniques when testing, training, and rehabilitating using Squatology.

To understand and appreciate the tri-plane CChhaaiinnRReeaaccttiioonnTM principles as they apply to Squatology.


This functional guide can be used as a convenient summary of the program’s contents to take with you afterviewing. You can also use this guide as a notebook; space has been provided so that you canmake notes on relevant tracts as you watch them.

Page 3: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

STRATEGY 1Strategically understanding what a squat is, and what drives a squat.

STRATEGY 2Strategically appreciating the tri-plane biomechanics of squatting.

STRATEGY 3 Strategically experiencing tweaking in and tweaking out.

STRATEGY 4Strategically exploding the myths of squatting.

STRATEGY 5Strategically analyzing function through the components of squatting.

STRATEGY 6Strategically building upon our analysis of squatting, to reveal the next steps of rehabilitation.

Page 4: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

STRATEGY 7Strategically rehabilitating at the thresholds of function.

STRATEGY 8Strategically utilizing position tweaks to facilitate various forms of squatting.

STRATEGY 9Strategically transforming our analysis of tri-plane squat loading into effective production of function.

STRATEGY 10Strategically taking advantage of research on squatting to enhance our understanding of function.

Page 5: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Back in the late 1970’s we took a close look at function . . . how did the body do what it wanted to do?

We took a critical look at seated, non-weight bearing, knee extension and knee flexion exercises.

“You can’t learn to dance while sitting on your pants”.

“If you ain’t got squat, you ain’t got squat”.

When we look at all of function, we see that the body is a “Chain Reactor”.

Understanding the need for the basic function of squat.

Squatology . . . the science of squat . . . what really is a squat and what drives a squat.

Squatting . . . lowering ones self.

“Duck Squat”, cervical dominant squat, thoracic dominant squat, hip dominant squat, knee dominant squat, ankle and foot dominant squat.

Squat . . . gravity and ground coming together and “squishing” the body.

Dominant plane of squat - sagittal plane.

Squatting in the frontal plane and the transverse plane.

Squatting is the gift of three dimensional loading.

Loading with squat in order to jump.

In order to be uplifted, we must first of all humble ourselves.

“A squat isn’t a squat, isn’t a squat, isn’t a squat”.

How the body squats - looking at it from the ground up.

Lower extremity swing phase into ground contact to produce squatting in the sagittal plane anteriorly and posteriorly, in the frontal plane, same side lateral and opposite side lateral andin the transverse plane, same side rotational and opposite side rotational.

The ground contact leg squats, to allow the swing phase of the other leg.

Eversion of the subtalar joint . . . unlocking of the mid-tarsal joint . . . the mid-tarsal joint squatsin all three planes into dorsiflexion, inversion and abduction . . . “the foot becomes squatty”.

The ankle primarily squats in the sagittal plane.

The squat-ability of the knee in all three planes.

The hips ability to squat in all three planes.

The transverse plane squat is hidden inside the butt.

Squatting is a three dimensional CChhaaiinn RReeaaccttiioonn™ throughout the entire body.

The lumbar spine squat-ability primarily in the sagittal and frontal planes, with the thoracic spinesquat-ability in all three planes along with the cervical spine.

So many ways and so many purposes of squat.

Page 6: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

What drives us to squat? . . . The “purpose-driven squat”.

Demonstration and description of chair squatting.

Creating the environment for the right kinds of squat.

What can they do now? . . . What do they want and need to do? . . . Performing a squat gapanalysis.

Driving the biomechanics of the desired squat.

What we analyze:- The joint dominance of the squat- The plane dominance of the squat- The range of the squat- The position of the squat

Essentially we analyze the four major movement tweaks.

We need to tweak in and tweak out all the components of squatting, to facilitate our analysis, rehabilitation and training.

The need to utilize the same authentic drivers to produce the desired squat.

Tweaking in and tweaking out through the hips.

• Sagittal plane, tweak in through flexion• Sagittal plane, tweak out through extension• Transverse plane, tweak in through internal rotation• Transverse plane, tweak out through external rotation• Frontal plane tweak in through abduction• Frontal plane tweak out through adduction

Using the opposite foot as a driver for squat

• Anterior and posterior reach• Right lateral and left lateral reach• Left rotational and right rotational reach

Utilizing the same foot as a driver

• Sagittal plane tweaks • Frontal plane tweaks

Exploding the myths of squatting• The knee must remain aligned with the foot in the sagittal plane . . . “not really, but it depends”.• The knee must not displace forward over the foot . . . “not really, but it depends”. • The lumbar spine must maintain a specific position . . . “not really, but it depends”.

It depends upon what is driving the CChhaaiinn RReeaaccttiioonn™ for the desired function.

Being able to maintain our squat-ability is the functional magic of life.

Page 7: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Special thanks to Ruth Merillat for her kindness, cooperation and generosity.

Introduction of Ruth: 85 year old beautiful lady, status post left hip fracture withopen reduction and internal fixation.

Ruth wants to enhance her function, have more fun and be safe.

“The good Lord wants us to continually do better”.

A great rehab process seeks to find out the thresholds of function to determinewhere we can safely go the next day in order that the next day we can get better.

Using squatting in our analysis, rehabilitation and training, and conditioning.

• Symmetrical stance, bilateral squat with bilateral hand touch assistance• Ski squatting with bilateral hand touch assistance• Transverse plane hand driven squat• Wide symmetrical stance, deep squat with variable bilateral hand touch assistance• Wide symmetrical stance, deep squat with hand tweak reaction• Wide symmetrical stance, deep squat with hand driven guidance

Beginning to tweak in and tweak out in the sagittal plane

Tweak in and tweak out in the frontal and transverse planes

Review of allowing success “tweak in” in all three planes

Discussion of the sequencing of the plane tweaks

• Frontal plane lunge squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Frontal plane lunge squats, with transverse plane hand driven tweaks• Frontal plane lunge squats, with transverse plane hand driven position tweaks• Frontal plane lunge squats, with transverse plane hand driven reach tweaks

Hand reach targets in all three planes to obtain the desired CChhaaiinn RReeaaccttiioonn™

Page 8: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

• Right stride stance squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Left stride stance squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Left stride stance squats, with hand driver anteriorly• Symmetrical stance toed out squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Symmetrical stance toed in squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Right stride stance squats, with hand drive posteriorly• Right leg unilateral squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Left leg unilateral squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Left leg unilateral squats, with right foot toe touch anteriorly, with bilateral hand

touch assistance

Discussion of super tweak . . . sometimes we get there through “functionalgrace”.

Comparative left and right leg unilateral squats, with sagittal plane feed out,frontal plane feed in and feed out, and transverse plane feed in and feed out.

• Left leg unilateral squats, with right leg posterior/left lateral toe touch reach, with bilateral hand touch assistance

• Right leg unilateral squats, with vertical drives, with bilateral hands• Quick feet squats in all three planes

“Do I want Ruth to become a middle line backer?”

“Rehabilitation should be 90% analysis”

• Chair driven squats with bilateral hand touch assistance

Discussion of a task tweak . . . the task of sitting in a chair is a butt driver.

• Left stride stance chair squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Right stride stance chair squats, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Frontal plane and transverse plane chair squats, with bilateral hand touch


Discussion of sagittal plane feeding in and feeding out

Quick feet 3D lunge squat mirror reaction drill with bilateral hand touch assistance

Page 9: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Discussion of “Feed and Feel”

Discussion of sagittal planes tweaks

Shuffle dance in the frontal plane

• 3D Jumping Jack Matrix, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Quick feet, with hand reach drivers• Frontal plane step overs, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Frontal plane step up and down, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Frontal plane step down and return, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Sagittal plane step down and return, with bilateral hand touch assistance• Transverse plane step down and return, with bilateral hand touch assistance

Discussion of functional manual reaction of the subtalar joint

• Body Blade facilitated squats• Left leg unilateral squat, with 3D shoulder to overhead lift matrix with dumbbells

“Big problem . . . having too much fun and being never ending”

The number one goal is always safety

Discussion of all the other goals towards function

Admiring the toughness of Ruth

A kiss for both Gary and Dave

Having ongoing thankfulness for Ruth

Page 10: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Debrief with Bob Wiersma, Executive Director, Functional RehabilitationNetwork • Just one question . . . “Got Squat?”• Squat is a fundamental thing . . . it is a fundamental truth of function• Squatting . . . a vertical compression• Gravity is a big player• Focus on the loading (squatting), not so much on the unloading (productive

activity)• Walking is squatting• The under exploitation of squatting• Transverse plane squatting• Tri-plane rule of function: When you feed one plane, you feed the other two

planes• Big rock squatting . . . the big rock of the body . . . the butt, in all three planes

of motion• Analysis of the success of the butt• How does the hip feed into what is below it and above it• Feeding in and feeding out the butt• We need to create enough variability through our tweakology capabilities• The strategy of tweaking out• Aerobic squatting . . . the synergistic nature of the body• Cardiovascular system enjoys the variety of stress• The power of squatting• Maintaining squat-ability• Not going down the spectrum fast enough or far enough . . . the gap between

the end of rehab and where we can potentially go• We have to close the gapA special thanks to Bob Wiersma

Page 11: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens)

Squat-pourri . . . a potpourri of squats

“Squatting every which way but loose”

3D barbell squatting in the sagittal, frontal and transverse planes

3D lunge, with bilateral hand reach matrix, with symmetrical dumbbells • Anterior lunge, with bilateral ankle anterior reach • Anterior lunge, with bilateral overhead posterior reach• Same side lateral lunge, with bilateral ankle anterior reach• Same side lateral lunge, with bilateral overhead posterior reach• Same side rotational lunge, with bilateral ankle anterior reach• Same side rotational lunge, with bilateral overhead posterior reach

Discussion of multiple tweaks

Stance position tweak squatting, with bilateral shoulder to overhead reach, with symmetrical dumbbells• Normal stance• Right anterior stance• Left anterior stance• Wide stance• Narrow stance• Toed out stance• Toed in stance• Right stride stance, toed in• Left stride stance, toed in• Right stride stance, toed out• Left stride stance, toed out• Wide stance, toed in• Wide stance, toed out• Narrow stance, toed in• Narrow stance, toed out

Page 12: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

• Right stride stance, wide• Left stride stance, wide• Right stride stance, narrow• Left stride stance, narrow• Right stride stance, wide, toed out• Left stride stance, wide, toed out• Left stride stance, wide, toed in• Right stride stance, wide, toed in• Right stride stance, narrow, toed in (not shown)• Right stride stance, narrow, toed out (not shown)• Left stride stance, narrow, toed in (not shown)• Left stride stance, narrow, toed out (not shown)

Hand position tweak squats from normal stance • Bilateral anterior shoulder reach • Bilateral overhead posterior reach • Bilateral overhead left lateral reach • Bilateral overhead right lateral reach • Bilateral shoulder left rotational reach • Bilateral shoulder right rotational reach

Discussion of single leg squats with tweaks

Single leg squats with 3D bungee tweaks

Discussion of face smile squatting and spiritual squatting

Bringing J.O. back into Functional Video Digest land to apologize . . . there are27 different foot positions, not 19.

Special thanks to J.O.

Page 13: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Most forms of function take advantage of the squat, in order to produce the load,in order to ultimately produce the unload (i.e; the productive force)

Our transformational challenge is to determine how, when, and where the squathappens to facilitate the point of transformation

Discussion of 3D Squatting to load for the golf swing

Understanding the vertical component of squat in golf

Exaggerated Squat Drill • The use of bilateral crates to facilitate the need for a more significant squat• Tweaking in the sagittal plane, transverse plane and frontal planes by positioning

the crates relative to the ball

With an over tweak transformation drill, it is important to immediately go from thedrill, right to the real deal

Page 14: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Feedback Squat Drill • The use of the original “wedgey”• The grip end of the club is positioned against the right ischial tuberosity with the

right handed golfer

The proof of the pudding with any of our range drills of transformationwill be told by the flight of the ball.

Page 15: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting


Escamilla RF. Knee biomechanics of the dynamic squat exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001 33 (1): 127-41.

Flanagan S, Salem GJ, Wang MY, Sanker SE, Greendale GA. Squattingexercises in older adults: kinematic and kinetic comparisons. Med SciSports Exerc. 2003, 35 (4): 635-643.

Salem GJ, Salinas R, Harding RV. Bilateral kinematic and kinetic analysisof the squat exercise after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003, 84 (8): 1211-6.

The most powerful research may be within the power of one . . . our patients,clients, and athletes.

Squatting with going up and down stairs, walking, and going to the bathroom

At the point of transformation is when we want and expect the greatest compression of force between the patella and femur

If squatting is good, but squatting hurts, we must use our power of tweakologyto give the gift of squatting back

Take the sitting squat exercise and go crazy, go tweak.

Page 16: By: Gary Gray, PT · Gary’s opportunity to work-out with J.O. (Jason Owens) Squat-pourri. . . a potpourri of squats “Squatting every which way but loose” 3D barbell squatting

Example of utilizing the 27 different stance positions for the sitting squat

The more we know about function, the less time we may have to spend with our patients, clients and athletes

Utilize safe tweaks at the functional threshold . . . facilitate subtle yet powerfultweaks

Discussion of tweaking in and tweaking out relative to performing a task

We need to build in motor control flexibility through tweakology

The subtle power of tweaking out is huge

Tweaking out does not come in at the end

The more successful we facilitate function, the greater responsibility we nowhave to build upon a greater foundation of function

Squatting in an empty room

Squatting to give thanks and to get wisdom

““II ggeett ddoowwnn,, HHee lliiffttss mmee uupp””..

A ssppeecciiaall tthhaannkkss ttoo DDrr.. DDaavvee TTiibbeerriioo