by chris tuck€¦ · some try starving. some combines these two. while another group just sit...

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712 For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies By Chris Tuck WWHF Fat Loss & Fitness Specialist

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Page 1: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

By Chris Tuck WWHF Fat Loss & Fitness Specialist

Page 2: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Why you may be sabotaging your weight loss

effort’s before you begin.


Obesity is the biggest negative offshoot of our technology driven lives.

Most of us live a mechanical life with no time to think of such things as

healthy living. It is a big truth that we have to make adjustments in our

life styles in order to find the time and inclination to indulging in health

improving activities. This, combined with ignorance, sows the seeds of

obesity and related health problems.

However, the society as a whole is waking up to this reality. Everyone

wants to shed weight or keep body weight to acceptable levels. Some of

us overexert and sweat it out. Some try starving. Some combines these

two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking

that they would remain healthy without the help of any of these


Have you been trying your hardest to lose weight but to no avail? I have

made a career out of doing this so I know the frustrations and elation of

continually losing weight and putting it back on.

For years I have read reports and attended seminars on how to lose

body fat and learnt the optimum ways to eat and exercise to allow this to


When I put these principles in practice I definitely did lose weight. But

Page 3: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

eventually the weight has almost always come back on.

Now I have just passed my 42nd birthday I have had enough! I have

been very lucky to have interviewed many industry experts to find out

their views on fat loss; what it takes to succeed, and more importantly

why they fail, consistently.

There seemed to be common threads amongst all of these interviews so

I have detailed the main reasons that people have of sabotaging their

weight loss efforts. See if any ring true for you :O)

Page 4: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue Number 1: Emotional Eating

Negative thoughts tend to override the positive in many people’s lives

and they come out in full force on those who are facing the task of trying

to lose weight. We are well-aware of common addictions: smoking,

caffeine, alcohol, amphetamines, prescription pain meds, and sleeping


However, most of us are blind to what could be the biggest addiction of

all: Food. The shocking truth is that too much weight now kills more

people than cigarette smoking. How scary is that?

Yes, food is addictive – and I LOVE food! Whether it’s a physical, mental,

emotional, conditional, cultural, or all-of-the-above addiction makes no

difference. We’re hooked, and that’s why it’s so tough to beat those

cravings that loudly lure us in, no matter how much we try to think or talk

ourselves out of them.

For some of us, it’s sweets that our weakness; for others, it’s salt. It can

be greasy chips we choose, or diet pop we gulp. Bread soothes, meat

rules, cheese pleads. Countless combos connive to command and

control. And let’s not forget the dark devil himself, a seductive master

who leaves us weak in the knees and vacant of sense…chocolate.

Page 5: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Breaking free from emotional eating to lose weight is to start by under-

standing that the brain has two built in directives: pleasure seeking and

survival. Which one influences our eating behaviour? Both!

The Pleasure-Seeking Program

First, since having been a child, most celebratory occasion, whether it be

a birthday, holiday or party brought friends, relatives, attention, love,

warmth, and………

If you behaved yourself then you got desert, if you finished your main

meal you got a dessert. So really it is no surprise that your brain often

says, "Eat, you'll feel better; be nice to yourself; it tastes good; you

deserve it."

The Survival Program

When you were a baby and you cried-for most any reason-what was the

answer? The bottle, right? Anytime you were frustrated or upset, the

bottle was there. Food and frustration being connected together was the


Growing up led to the same things happening. If you lost or broke a toy,

if you fell over and hurt yourself, or the teacher yelled at you because

you didn't have your homework, anything that went wrong, what


You were given food, and that world shattering problem soon went away

and you felt better. So really it is no surprise that your brain often says,

"Eat, you got a lot done today," or "Eat, you've had a rough day," or

"Given all the bull you've put up with today, you deserve something," or

"Eat. If you don't, it'll get thrown away and you'll be wasting money," or

Page 6: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

"Eat. Be nice to yourself and treat yourself to something good!"

The Result

Now while you are active and in control of this then this is fine, but

because we have been so good at conditioning ourselves to eat in

response to pleasure and/or survival, when a weight problem does arrive

then it can be difficult for us to break that habit.

Now those of us that suffer from cravings and have tried to lose weight

know that it is not just a simple question of “don’t eat this” or “stop eating

when you are full” Why?

Well because we as a society are good at suppressing our emotions, it is

easier for us to feel that we have an eating problem as opposed to a

problem to us handling emotions and the subsequent link to food. But

the issue here is that our emotional reactions to stress can in itself cause

stress which could cause us to stray of the eating wagon, no matter how

good our intentions are.

Breaking free from Emotional eating is really beyond the scope of this

ebook, as there is so much to deal with here. But it really is important to

know that this is a really important factor in achieving long term weight

loss. Having a food diary is one really important way of starting to

achieve this. You can write down what you ate at specific times in the

day and also how you felt when you were eating that food.

You will be amazed at what trends can appear if you do this on a regular


Page 7: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue No. 2 Unaware of your calorie intake

People may tend to overlook the amount of calories they are getting. I

have been guilty myself of convincing myself that I have only had 3

meals in a day and then conveniently forgetting that I had half of

Cadburys range of chocolates throughout the day!

Again having a method where you can write down what you eat and the

times is really enlightening to track what you do actually eat. Also

seeing it written down is also effective as it somehow “brings it all to life”

and not just a figment of your imagination.

However it is really important that we don’t go down the starvation diet

route. Now I love food too much to have been on a starvation diet, but I

know people that have and none have succeeded.

Deprivation diets start a cycle of weight loss, weight increase. Under 5%

of these dieters experience permanent weight loss. If you restrict your

calories too much you force your body into starvation mode.

So when you eventually start to eat as normal, your body then holds on

Page 8: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

to every calorie that you take in, so that even if you have lost weight you

will regain it again and then some, as the body prepares for the next

starvation mode, ie when you go on your next diet!

So it is important that people become educated on the right way to eat

and the different recipes that can make up a healthy eating plan. That

is why when you join the WWHF Fat Busters program you are given

recipe books, a 7day eating plan sampler and regular healthy eating tips

and/or recipes which will cut out a lot of the guesswork with making a

healthy eating plan.

Page 9: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue Number 3: Lack of social support

Social support, defined as the help and encouragement provided by

other people, has been demonstrated to be linked with lasting weight


While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how the involvement of others

enhances weight loss success, the available evidence suggests that

motivation by others enhances feelings of control and confidence.

Some people don’t give themselves the opportunity to receive social

support. They start their weight loss journey alone, feeling that if they

fail, then no one knew anyway so no harm was done, except to their self

esteem. Sound familiar?

I know from personal experience that when I received positive

comments from people about me losing weight and how I felt in myself, I

was more motivated to continue my program.

I even posted some videos on Youtube, stating my intentions to lose

weight and the reasons why I was doing this. This was amazing as I

Page 10: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

was making myself accountable to Youtube! I felt that I had to keep up

with my training program because I said that I would make regular posts

about my progress which I did when I put myself through my 28day Fat

Busters C.L.E.A.N. living program :O)

By making yourself accountable to someone else or a group of people

you are providing more motivation to keep going when the going gets


There are many ways of achieving this and the Fat Busters Facebook

forum will help to make you accountable to others in the program as


Page 11: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue Number 4: Monitoring Progress

Many people that try to lose weight never monitor how they are doing so

they never know how much body fat they are losing or how much weight

that have lost as well. Not surprisingly if you do this it is easy to lose

motivation as you fail to see the point of spending hours in the gym and

depriving yourself of your favourite food (and drink!!)

You need to focus on how you feel in your clothes as well as what the

scales are telling you!

Are your clothes looser? Do you need a smaller size? Has your body

shape changed?

I personally think that this is more important than the scales.

Muscle is more compact then fat so you can look and feel completely

different if you were 10stone of fat or 10stone of muscle.

Page 12: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

As you lose 5lb of fat you could

replace it with 10lb of muscle to ‘fill’

the same space. You would weigh

the same 10stone but your body

shape would be completely different.

Your muscle : fat ratio would be

completely different. You would feel

more toned!

All that extra muscle will help burn

more fat and so the cycle to a better

more efficient fat burning body


This is why doing the correct Fat Burning exercises are so important

along with the CLEAN diet.

As you know I advocate the Fat Busters C.L.E.A.N Living Program to

maximise your fat loss results :O)

Page 13: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue Number 5: Lack of Physical Inactivity

Our bodies are designed to move. Full Stop! Physical activity is

central to lose weight permanently: Get more exercise in your daily life,

and you will burn more calories. Do the right type of exercise and you

can turn your body into a fat burning machine!

As an instructor and trainer it used to upset me that there were people in

the gym that were obviously unhappy about the way that they looked

that were spending half their life in the gym without getting anywhere

near the results that they wanted.

The great news is that you do not have to spend hours in the gym

plodding away on a treadmill being strapped on watching the latest

programs on the gym tv.

If you exercise correctly, it can be fun, effective and not take over your

life! We love that! The trick is “knowing” how.

In the WWHF website there are some video workouts that you can learn

and do, either at home or in the gym. There will be more added in the

Page 14: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

coming months :o)

They will take 20 – 30 minutes maximum, and you don’t need loads of

equipment. Some workouts will just be using your bodyweight. So you

haven’t got any excuse.

Page 15: By Chris Tuck€¦ · Some try starving. Some combines these two. While another group just sit there and indulge in wishful thinking that they would remain healthy without the help

©Chris Tuck 07932-594712

For Fitness Classes, Fat Busters Bootcamp, Personal Training & Complementary Therapies

Failure Issue Number 6: Procrastination and excuses

Procrastination and excuses create a huge stumbling block to our weight

loss goal. One major excuse people like to give themselves is, “oh, I

shall start my diet on Monday, since I already had a poor diet this

weekend and it is not worth starting my new diet and exercise program

until then” How many times have I done that??

Some people wait for the “right” time to exercise, when they feel that

they won’t have as many commitments. The problem is if we get into this

mindset then Monday never comes, it always is going to be a week


I know it is hard but there never will be the perfect time to exercise and

train, you just have to get on with it. Something really is better than


As they say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. We

just need to make sure that we make that step!

Healthy Regards,

Chris Tuck :O)

WWHF Fat Loss and Fitness Specialist