by: aliya s. hajan

© 2009 Rey Ty By: Aliya S. Hajan 1 1

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Page 1: By: Aliya S. Hajan

© 2009 Rey Ty

By: Aliya S. Hajan1


Page 2: By: Aliya S. Hajan

© 2009 Rey Ty2

Page 3: By: Aliya S. Hajan

© 2009 Rey Ty

This is a recycling program in my community which aims in reducing, reusing and recycling solid waste

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© 2009 Rey Ty

• Global warming is an alarming situation and one of the primary causes of climate change is improper waste disposal

One photo here per


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© 2009 Rey Ty

Aliya S. Hajan27 years of age15 and upYakanTausug, Yakan, Sama, Chavacano and BisayaIslamIslam, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Iglesia ni Kristo and Seventh Day AdventistThe people in the communityMore or less majority of the populaceLocal Government Units and National Commission On Muslim FilipinosAbdelbakhri S. Hajan

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© 2009 Rey Ty

Isabela City BasilanSan Rafael Barangay

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© 2009 Rey Ty77

Identifying InformationProject Title Turn Your Trash Into Cash

Project Proponent Aliya S. Hajan, Yakan, Islam

Project Location San Rafael Barangay

Who Will Benefit? Majority of the members of the community

How Many Will Benefit? At least 50 households

Project Cost PHP 20,000.00

Date of Implementation July 15, 2010

Total Budget PHP 20,000.00

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© 2009 Rey Ty88

Turn Your Trash Into CashYour Name Aliya S. Hajan

Youth or Adult Adult

Adult Adviser for Youth NONE

Profession Legal Assistant

Sex Female

Ethnicity Yakan

Religion Islam


Organizational Address San Rafael Barangay Isabela City Basilan


Cellphone +639176955454

Email [email protected]

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© 2009 Rey Ty99

Organizational Partners (or Co-Sponsors)

Name Contributions Benefits Other Comments

1. Local Government Units

City garbage truck and other logistics

2. National Commission on Muslim Filipinos


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© 2009 Rey Ty

SituationWaste segregation is

being practiced but not majority of the households

Bulk number of garbage just go to the landfill

5 years from now there will be no place to dispose of these garbage 10


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1. Which community? Name it. San Rafael 2. Why this community? My own community3. How many families? About 50 households4. How many people? About 200 people5. How many women? About 100 women6. How many men? About 100 men7. How many people from minority group or culture?

40% minority

8. How many people from the dominant group or culture?

60% majority

9. How many poor? 35-49% are poor

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© 2009 Rey Ty




OpportunitiesExternal Threats

Familiarity with the

situation of the


Unwilling members of the community to participate

Linkages with the Local Government Units and other national offices

Suspicion of political aspiration


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© 2009 Rey Ty

An environmental friendly community

A model community in the province



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© 2009 Rey Ty

To have a community free from harmful effect of improper waste disposal

Promote cost effective recycling waste reduction


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© 2009 Rey Ty

To educate the people on proper waste disposal

To generate income for the community

To encourage participation of people in the community 15


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• Participatory

• Environmental

• Social awareness


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© 2009 Rey Ty

To maintain increasing awareness for the necessity of recycling

To provide incentives for the convenience of residents to recycle. 18


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© 2009 Rey Ty

• Collection of garbage• Segregation• Recycling• Buying of recyclable

materials from the people in the community

• Giving incentives• Selling recycled

materials to generate income


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© 2009 Rey Ty

reduced garbage disposal

Reusable itemsIncome generatingIncrease

awareness in the necessity of recycling


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© 2009 Rey Ty

“The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature” Section 16 of Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution


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© 2009 Rey Ty

Reduction on pollution



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© 2009 Rey Ty2323

Action PlanObjective: To conduct a consultation with the people in the community

Pre-Program Stage Strategies (1)# Action


Lead Person

Support Person/s

Start Date

Date Complete Comments

1 Permits? Aliya Hajan Abdullah Alih July

2 Finance? AbdelbakhriHajan

Sakiran A. Hajan July

3 Management Abdullah Alih July

4 Marketing MuammerDansalan

Sandra Dansalan July

5 Operations? AbdelbakhriHajan

6 Venue? San Rafael Brgy

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Action PlanObjective: To inform the people as to the necessity of recycling

Actual Program Stage in Detail (2)# Action Lead

PersonSupport Person/s

Start Date

Date Complete



Abdullah Alih



Lectures Atty. Golly Ramos

Aliya Hajan July

Collection of garbage/segregation

Abdullah Alih



Recycling stage

Abdullah Alih



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© 2009 Rey Ty

Action PlanObjective: To monitor the outcome of the project

Post-Program Stage (3)# Action Lead

PersonSupport Person/s

Start Date

Date Complete



Aliya Hajan Brgy. Officials

Exhibit the Recycled materials

Aliya Hajan Barangayofficials and volunteers

Sale of recycled materials

Jasmine Hajan



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© 2009 Rey Ty2626

Overall Timetable by MonthsOverall Objective: To completely finish the initial stage and evaluate the outputs and outcome in order to improve the second phase of production

# Action September October November December1 Pre-

Conduct Stage


2 Conduct Stage Itself


3 Post-Conduct X

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© 2009 Rey Ty2727

Project TimetableOverall Objective: To (action verb)…

Pre-Conduct Stage Strategies (1)

# Action (Strategies) Sept Oct Nov Dec1 Obtain Permits? X

2 Secure Finance? X X

3 Management X

4 Marketing X

5 Operations? X

6 Venue reservation? X

7 Purchase of Food & Drinks? X

8 Transportation arrangements? X

9 Accommodations? X

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© 2009 Rey Ty2828

Project TimetableOverall Objective: To educate the people on the proposed project and to provide awareness on the necessity of recycling

Conduct Stage Strategies (2) # Time Event Person-in-Charge1 7:00 AM Arrival of brgy. Officials and

volunteersAbdullah Alih

2 8:30 AM Registration and opening ceremony

3 9:00 AM Lectures on Global Warming, Necessity of recycling

Atty. Golly Ramos

4 9:45 AM Open Forum Aliya Hajan

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Project TimetableOverall Objective: To monitor on the outcome of phase one

Post-Conduct Stage Strategies (3)

# Action Dec Jan Feb Mar1 Monitoring and

evaluating of project2 Exhibiting the recycled

materials3 Selling of recycled


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© 2009 Rey Ty

Budget for ResourcesItems Cost Per Item x Quantity Cost

Recycling containersPick Up truck



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© 2009 Rey Ty3131

Sources of FundingSource Cost Share Cost

NIU Grant $150.00

Solicitation from Local Government and other offices


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© 2009 Rey Ty

There would be a long-term and/or permanent client to which the recycled materials to be sold


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© 2009 Rey Ty