bxwxfxwxßßtf^ ismmlrw*^wmlsmx. s[imm^.i^m^ · which reminded him ofborn** aadbl* agedmother....


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Post on 03-May-2020




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a .?I." ?'"

iSmmlrW*^WmlSmx. la ai-'fl T* ttt q*aatlt*es.

.JIaULI IMmßawß MA? .11. M*

The Iwasatßars ta-tese te «**"«ra*r Vanes*

fit isedet*ot tha Dlsptlch caaaot fall tolaeatreekhy the tVta, argnrneets, ***d graveaad watghty eleqeeece of this re trkableJonstatat It le taa* fhr unanswered, *adis, wetartly aeltavfa, altogether nnanswera-ble.fort to brtagelWßtarestoratloß ef peace?

Howcaa heopea negotUUon* for *hl%t aw> "

rable purpose? Every attei»rll»co«*u-nicate, even upon aubject*commonest Interests of humanity, with thedespotism at Washington, has been rejected

« wlthecorn.ad the only terms upon which hewill allow nato breathe theair, which Is the common in-heritance ofall mankind; of theslaveas wellasof the free; of the captive ia bls dungeon,as well as of tbs Kteg upon his throne,?Behas aot exhibited the ?lightest aymptoas

- afa dlepceitionto relax the rigor ot thesetoiasa. indeed, hie interpreters say, thateven they were not meant for such ns are\u25a0till rebellious, bnt for those abject wretch-es, whohave already thrown away their arms,nnd embraced the knees and kissed thefeet of ths tyrant.

But suppose taa channel of communica-tion were open. Suppose we conld havefree access to the royal person, snd no oh*Steele were opposed to oaropening a nego-tiation. Does i the-corns ns to bs the 11rst tobus for peace ? We are tbs injured party.A most wicked, a most wanton, a most nn-jsstluable war has been made upon us, theonly pretext for lt being lhat we claimedcertain rights which we maintain to be in-dubitableand inalienable. Iv theprosccntlonof this war a series of atrocities has beenperpetrated without any parallel lo the his-tory ofmodern civilization. We have acteddaring the wbols time entirely on the de-fensive, TVe have been willing, always, andso ws Bays long since proclaimed, to be atroses, ss soon sa our enemy would consentto let as alone. Has he shown aoy disposi-tion to let ns alone - On the contrary, is henot at this Tory moment waging the warnpon a scale more gigantic,and a systemmore atrocious, than ever before? Andabould wecrawl upon our knees to his foot-stool, with our petition in our hand, aiu]aay, "npon such a timeyou wantonly burnedsuch avillage-?upon such another,yon mnr-dered so many of our helpless clUxens?onsuch another, again, yon laid watte a wholedistrict without provocation, driving thou-sands into exile, reducing thousands to pau-peris***, and causing, probably, the death ofthousands by etarvation?and for all thesekindly favors shownto as and onrs, we begyouto make peace?'-

In all cases otquarrel between IndividualsIt is the man who does the wrongthat ongbtto first propose a reconciliation. Tbe manwho Buffers it cannot take such a step with-out humiliation. By a parity of reasoning,In all wars, the aggressor onght to make thefirst advances to peace. The Injured vat ionor people cannot do it without ssir-aba6e-ment. Inonr case It is eer lain that nol hingbut absolute anbmission would do, and Lin-coln has already piochtlmed the terms onwhich he will condescend to receive oaranbmUslon. These proposals to initiatepeace propositions on our side tire to tin*last degree pernicious. They generate tttreaFonable spirit where it did not exist be-tore, and keep It alive where ft fat BBdth.it, too, whateft-r may be the intentJons ofthose with whom they originate. We re-gret to see the authority ot tr,.: h a nauu* ssGov Vance's given to j.roi-efilirtga ca f***tjes-tionable.

We arefor peace, too. Bnt the negotii-wAi* whom we would employ are I.pc,Johnston, fimureg&rd, Kirl.y Bmitli, DickTsylpr, and their companions in arms.«'Sauce f*r the Goese, Sauce for tbe flander."

For publishing a proclamation supposedto have been written by Lincoln, but after-wards prOTed to be a forgery, two NewTork newspapers -the World an.l tbe I.ur-nolof Comm»r;e~ were euppreised. It doesnot appear that tbe proprietors knew tbedocument to be a forgery. Oa'tbe contra-ry, tbey took It to be genuine, according totuelr own statement* and aa it waa clearlyagainst their Interest to weaken tbe pnblleconfidence in their papers by disseminatingfalse lttteiliger.ee, and intelligence wbicbcould soeasily be proved to be false, It isfair to presume tbat tbey speak the trntb.. Now,Saward sent a forged report of Mr.Mailory to Adams,and directed blm to baudIt to leord RnssslL That Beward eitherforged tbis documenthimself, or got someons to forge It. orst least knew that it wasforged, la evident. It purported to bo ad-dressed to one Babcok, Speaker of theHouseaf Reprosentallyes, and Sewardmusthaveknown that the Speaker waa not namedBibcock. Further, he must have knownthat the Secretary of the Navy doe" not re-port to the Speaker of the House, bnt tothe President

11* the VrerM and Journal ought to he sup-pressed for giving currency to a forgerywhat ought to he done with Seward '!mmimmm»mmtmm^mmmmmm---m-??m~--? r--__~ w_^mmm^_^^^^

fftV..Ma.ABON -C MOTIOB-The Bt***b«rs cf tb*Ss»fjW \mmmVSSZ£m, ]t'Z9'iU 'm-''il ' r

a.,.-, a. utaj^-aatT^g,taxa \u25a0\u25a0' ?i ? rzz-m-ziaEm^u mm-mm--mMmataTt-T!!*- AI* N «A"" *tBBTlB« af th* stack-

L^a,a.w,to -to imiiTmroi^Btyai-tt J>Wl Jx**aer*r.M*BNB AND Bnvs- H.TS* '

******* -taSaaraf * " ***1*

\u25a0ll^t^^^^SSmmmStrjmT *j.!*y**s iSK*25^"I - i Oantala{ Aml*A*motmim\tm^r

[ Waaaßf^^t nrySt-ttf 9 vauwmm

raearwa*. * aswa«aa *?*<*-

\u25a0xeaV **?lr*Vrl im,M ltom\mllmZ'mm*mß B PmTtMlTmr' M>m'

j******* atwaaa **,*a*ajaa*aaßßX*» "? "* ? w*""* *"*\u25a0 ts*r «OCHOOL -t W tmmßertt ->..st**gsS*B^a^^asysi-ii* ' " \u25a0 W. OoUM.

; ?

A? ... AfaodßlbaCaw, wltAwaatai^ff.fOySfawaßf a* Bajaetant tri?i i r a* \u25a0 i i \u25a0twjrarrwaw.

" timnWg>*^A^^A^^Z 99tMm -MV'


*"'??' , "

i r77r'ftVi»*>*. ?** th*** ot a**r snws la law, MrflreVtt amdVatt J.*n B Bttnarrl. are levltrd l.i at*trad err Mar-tai. fmm Bt Psol's Chnich, tbl* af,nae*«alfteVrat-k. ?

Oa ye«trr*y, nf wnead* trrclved on th* 931,»?>»,«:*\u25a0«??**. a Vor lit,, ef the I'renabsw t*st-tety, I* ik* 2tah year of l.tetge.

tit* funeral Will take }?***« Iron* tbe reatdrnc* ofLit Brother, nn Strrckei's Bill, tt.u rat-iralßg, at 10avieek. Hl* friend* and acquaintances, and t*i<*»eaf ihe fsa.ll,, are Invited to attend. *

tlhitnnrr*Wiaiud. .1 at Itrewry'* rt'un. May lf..h. and died

at tlve litteae of Mr. KlbbH, o* Mala atreet, !.*iwrea \l*t and n|, at lnoYlock P St., May IT, BrP M. BKABHOX, nr Uaaaell eonnty, Va , pilvalela Capt. liickiaton'* company, S9th Virginia rrgl-m.-Ri lie wa* mom kindly attraded la ul* laatriHtment* by the houeeh-'U. and by other *iran*. rtilentl*. who were atiractr-d in hi* bedside? hy hi*ranVriagt ia a can**- to dear to as. lie was a'?farmer boy,'' plain 1* bi* manner*, and mostmodest la bis desires; bnt there dwelt In bitmanly, at alwart form a* *t»ut * heart as ever die*for liberty -, yet withal * heart so tender, *o aflee-tloßate! la hi* delirium even, the blooey *eeaesof strife which loomed op before blm could notcrowd oat from tils heart iho*e softer scene*which reminded him ofborn** aadbl* agedmother.Parched With taint aad fever, he said, amidst hladying withe*. "Just give me oae drink frommother* tprlng." There waabo kiwnu here tettteara ha loss or drop a tear upon hi* grave; batthere were thoae present who, though tbey bad\u25a0een war la It* huahest form*, yet could not stopthe rising tear aa tbeylaid ibe fallen patriotto restIn hla narrow home. Maybe aad thoae tbai lovedblm meet again atound ihe " blood bought merry.\u25a0eat." t t>*


artfclß of Wrttßtg lak! Hover * Co.** lakI* warraated tuneftor to aay In as*. Bewar* ofeouaterfeitt! Tt* gaauln* *rttcl«, sold wbolaaal*and retail, at N* 4. uadar atxcßßßgs Hotel, 1418etteou Also, i*>deUbia Ink, Inr e.etai*g.

?arSl-ltsi \ .",;: .Ik , ~ ___l_i___

FOE RENT AMD SALETfOK Kcct---.li ale*, **mfen*bl* tront room. v*rvI* plrsseatly ettaatfd.on tha loeer tl >or, withthe enllr*u«* vt th* front door, suitable fbr a ladyor gentleman,lv a Bio* rat*la*hbornooii for t*rmsand location, apply at th* eoraar of Marthall aadMaeteoßßf*. my 8i-Btft*OK Kent?A turottneU room.pleaaaotly mated,

1 oaths Aral S »r, with gas aad atteadaflea ?

T**rm* moderate. HaUr-orc* reqalred. Apply atthe comer r.f Gtraee asd '»ff«rfoa alttttt.


FIB K*ut?Two good rooms, on seooßd flaw,with gas, plainly furatabed, wllh or wimouiboard, to giantni«a, oa Broad *t, between Oih sad

10th, 4thdoor from lOtB. my Sl?SitBJ*wjH KbTNT.?'f we rooms, furatebat or unfur-ls matted, in a plaarul locality, sntUble for **u-gi* geat'emen or * gentleman aad taa wife. Forwins. Ao-, apply at «aarln ? Office my 81? Stf

FIR BF.KI-.Ob* pleasant fnralshad Boom, withor without biard, on 7th street, Srst door be-

yond Leigh, east aid*. A tew gentlemen ceaalsobe a<-»ommod*t*d wttb day board. my 81?Utt

Foil Rt nl Together or aeparatelr, oneanf.ir-itithe*! room, kttctiaa. cellar. *tabl*, asd bay

room. A B I'ITZfATKtt'K,Hast aid* 4th etreet,

mySO-att tletween Jacaaea aad Duval.TJXFB Bant?Two basement room* also, on* roomB* cm s*eond S-ror. Each room baa gas in It.?apply on Mala at, betwssa 6tb aad Ttb, third doorfront fltn. my no?at*

I . \u25a0 \u25a0BTOR Bant ?Two unfurnished parlor rooms, salts-¥> ble forgentlemen, aa I .'toy st, between 7tb aadBth, fourth ctoor from 7th. my 80?Sit,"DUB Bant?Two or atota itie*ly-fornl*bed front*? Booms, Sw gentleman, with gaa and eat of abath fee ta* ibbbh,la a privat* family, oa Orac*

\u25a0l, eeeond bens* above Ist. Bsfareßce r* .aired.aiy SB-:*-*



WANTF.D? An Overseer.- v?*nt«d, to supsrla*tend a fsrtu near tbe city,aa atpenanced man,wbo abb eoeie well recommend. 1. To a alngta man,

?x*mpt from military servir*, * good plane is sf-feted. Address "FiKMBB." r.wpatchr-nle._my 31?st*TJE7ANTBI? a gautleman who tta* leisure tune*fy desiresa ??tuati-.n wli*-,-ehi* services ran »>eemployed as iKrtik ks*per,«r performlßg auy klud.rt clerical dtity. Address ?\u25a0rUctimoiid, ' throughliißpatcbodii-t' my ::t- lt{

WANTBD A room, by a gfnttemai; sttaatloncentral, gs* aad water,ani witb occasionalumoi klitheii. Addre**, ktatlng term*, &c,<-Boxt,tWt_"* my 31?It*

WANI'BH? A lady wlatte* a Blinallo«"uYmc*lauiiiy, tv La t**ner*t|jr uacfiil. Ret'srei*e*a

*l*t*n if rei-uirc.t. AiAmm* IBMBgh i-uirtom>«," yt"

?___ tnyj'l? *tXCJ a NTKII to «en?in 000 Oabbaa* flaa.w,iat a."* met biiadrdd, eotum ul uuth aud N street*,

(runr.-B Hill M. *.-. SllAHi'.my SI?HX

WANTlit to hire Two or thran good VarnaHan a*, fi w.irk un a farm josl above Kiev-BBTBe. Apply t* A. li. KI.taUTT,_

my Sl?3.; No. 17r'earl atreet.

WANTBD? Two bras* Sulaber* immediately.Apply ta WM L COX,

jay Sl?Sit Corßwrof 7th and Caoal ats.

WANTBB ?A young tuau wbo to exempt Irommilitary dutydesire*a situation lv Sums mer-

esßtile bouse. Beat ox references gives. Inquiraat V JIIHNBTOB a BBtyS. my SO-Ut

WANTBD? to pun baa* a coaitorUbl*containing iroi.l six to eight rooms, wit* gaa

and water on ins pramUas, wilbin a. uiiveaiieut datfaflC* Of the Capitol. Apply 10 o z an.*.-*,my $»-B.t, lata at, est Main md Cary.*nrsNTKI). Mttin to adopt an orphan boy ot*v gMarhara-Ur,*t*-*dy su iadaslrious habit*.

On* wßoee lauwr ha* lost hi* life iv defence of onrcoTtatey would ba preferred. Keferanc* givau and?***alt*d. Apt** a*my restdseea en Clay etreet,B**r Buthauanr Hprtng,or a* rat* etore No S», Malastreet. 0 BaettuAajj.

P H.?Oae who will suit will ree.lv* agood r*da-catlOß, aad lalßSte*actsd_lß tnem*reantllebewiat**.

say atT?lw*

WABYawtWAC******-! wl h to hire or bayaSjftr r*U Coo*!. Wt»*h*>r aad Iraaer. Mac*

other aaed mpmlf. Bar further Intavrmatloa eallatmy tvßk*. No . ttsrl at, or damning, Broad *tr**teast S* btonumeatal Church.

*»ya**-M*dSt ALPBP) MOSES.?TBTANTBO?A *4**Bly-tuta*lMd bouts, withWW fjrx ohambms. partor aad dinlag-roem,kttohcß.aßd qaaners for a half doxaa B*rraata.?Lceattoa iterth ot Mala aad wast of 13th sts.say 81?xawfet

ANTPIi-100 groeaor large and small bottieafor which tb* highestprice will be given.

- HBNBY SBfTB,aty go-ISI* rary and Virginiasts.


10 macblflliu10 blacksmiths

At tbe Msasswißlßsp B B Ibop*, flrasasboro, N C.HlglttmwageapaU. mylo-Smt\u25a0 I ' \u25a0 Bl 8881 \u25a0\u25a0 i \u25a0 .rasa

PERSONAL.IP Basket Bartia (fwassrlyOaodwla) Is la Bleb-\u25a0oad,*be **c **» herbmta*r*-'ABdr*w BBad

H*towosaeetadletxmle-e*. my3l?ltf

TBB perse* who pteked up aBlack l.ace VeU lathe aisle of tt, Ptml** Cbareb, *a BHMdaygreat faToroa its

owa*e by Waviag It with theftaxton.say St?atj BBBB*aBBSBaea i," ,'i , ;,\u25a0 -a**-**-ra

*eeralta Wstttad to completen| tb**rtraalzttlMMacom***yaf **Mth*,be.T**** ******«lai? *ad *l*p*tie*B, tobe attachedy *>? P?y Maat aafSßifSß. ApiHloatdoaaformtm-S?**}*. wLn,°* ******«?"» ('? aweaay) arteraooß at4y, o'olosk pa, lersarer th* W*r Daaartmeet,onBtßßt,b*tweeax4xdnftMarteßkUa.PcrwM jmatu* tfeeh aa orgaalxatlCß will belltsreay exempt rVsat the rwrerv* corse, aad willoaly be oeeaplad darlag raamaof *e*arganer aadraid* or lb* tetanyaaaawt the etty. "Uaiform sad?satpaMata furaabai. B B BAY. Ja,. ">ytlT '. ObaßßtnT WbXbXo.i* % «*.Wj MbetaUra*ttibUsroala

ISbaxsssosptosaaa*saltto ay* (MtekafsbSde* tBBBBaWMr-tmvrtwlHitpir:s:irc

_tny-U--*Btt Bwx»*t,»tfßfOary.

MBS BTSBL, ta*r**s*a*ax«r. ar**** ratera aer.-_**-*? » UmTmymTot Btehßsegta^K».!!S *m9mim7 EAm*mkmm*m t* b**t»-**A% to raarlt * ?¥**a**B tt ake saaa* also.!&_***' «\u25a0*»*» a***TtVt*rd*r. ttaaatoac*: 31kiaiAdT 3**? *** Soar, rtfbt

laslaarf fiMfjaj M*BIJHaa*-^Mt*a*9*eß*tr*eu*BD,l

mTmtomaoA_TOfA*aa*»S*T,BA*B. ' BTtfti

'^*I:^m^S*****^»i*AmT m

Tkmmt<e\m mlfl^****^xfc-eslm-a-aa^^mW*W WWA -Sftxaaxaa^*!*.*^\u25a0BBBaaf B*i*aa>*-|l JMffl awXwXw*l*a^awXta l *B.

mk*%*mm**%*mm***mmN** ******* "oSsswft sadaaasdatsfaSßag atd Btage ****** *~.*..* »*w**ae

TVF.<OAY MFMEINO, Aftsj 81, ISM,88-tinr or


Wksa wttl h* tret-aatefl, by wqatat, Shaksasatst**

flr**rttr*g*dy afROMEO AND JiJLIEr.

MlßsKtU* Bst*tl* a*Boa**oan* Blo»f*Mtldg** AfJ.UlttMraOOtßtr A*Hwt**

Fell seaTajntW lelheaast.


DA NCI NO.Oosclud* wttb. for th* first tlta*, aa entirely new

farce, wrlttea lor tbis tb*atr«, ?aittledMRSand AIR BATTLE'

Mr Battls J W*l«*Mr* Battle ***Ule Urtlugtt-n

OQ*-T*morrow.THE OHOST.

afaWln rehearsal, a aew play, entitledOGDEN'J ADVENTURE.

KoTtra ?Box ofllo* cpa* from 8K A M te S F M,wken ssau raay be seourad.

Cat-re* of Ora-inio Boca ?Doors op*a at half past7 oViloek; ****lr*rßt*ao* te ooraraeßca at half'past 8\u25a0BBagg aty 3-«

CONCERT HALL,Ex:bsßg* Hotel, cor 14th aod Fisoklin st*.


WIU take ptotso at n* raaaioaaßt* Uauciog AcadamyOa TBCBJBATBVBBIBO, JaaaSd, ISO4.

Tb* ratertarßiß*Bt win commence pr*cit*ly at« H la ClOCk With tb*.


CROWNING Of THE QUESN !After which the ittllowlßg very oeautilul danceswill be ttaoeed by tbs ecbolars, vis r

Prince Imperial, Walls,Polk*, Bißtaußd Q is-ltille,Wana Faotula, .

frt.bcaa,Cra**ov.*ene, HlgblanilFling,IScotch Fiiag, Bailors' Hornpipe,

Will b* danred by b.->tb yO"if"g ***BP>«BS audmiiUtt'Selnotcb rung by Mttl* H-tcbai anil Katie.A beautiful modify by ibo v team aod sist*r, he.

CHINhr?B I'MH-WOW,with several otbtr beautiful tlSDrsi.

At i6r tbe cbt'dreia'a exhibition teeAL.ULTS- BAIL

wtll ro-nrutr.ee.AaellgbUttl ?vsnlag's eat*. Ulumaut Is promised.

Adbi*b*ob ?ladle*'ani gentlemen,96 eacb; cbll-rfreß (setacholar*) Aft :.1 each. Hsholars invited

Hones ?Prof B Musts there wtll be arail attendaaea of tho scholar* at school tbis evening, (Tues-day,) at 4 o'clock; alto to morrow, ( vt-sdoeiday,) Itbeing the Isst leasou tbis season.

Alull ptegrammsof lb* evening* ?Dtertaiiin.eatwill be la Thnrsday morning's liirpa-cb.

Tlakats can be procured at tba llxll at ad houro :also al tbe principal music bb<l bookstore*, aod atths hotels. my .'.l?at

RUNAWAYSOTUP lha Kunaway.?My boy Bob ran aw*y Mayaj .1 Mb. ia thß city. Be is a bright mulatto boy.about CO Tsars of eg*, rather heavy tet, about il*el 0 laahes la hslgbt, large, round tore, no vrhis?tats, fa.l, round eyes, rather straight hair, ruuodsboutdMt.l, aad is ioriinad to ba bow Wg*.]. Itadoa whsa b* left a gray uniform cap, b.u* valvaljacket,with large SU pearl lvitout, whit* linenpant*,ani good eboei.

I Will pay liberally fbr his arrest and eonftn*m«ntla prlton. Bisregaid all ******ha may exhibit

Address r***, ears cf ¥ Sf Naat, box No 1,4 .T,Bleßmond, Va. J DARVKY tIBItIBAM,

my 31?at» Ist Lt, 3d Lareat'l.

ONE Buudred Dollars Beward.?Ban away ironthe subscriber April tbe SStb, ISS4, my boy

waiter, about 14 years old, \u25a0 aearon the left cornerot ba mouth, aad oaa on tbe left hip; ba hail on anold brown oo*t, gray pants, and a black cloth cap. 1bought him at auction a law days before from a MrCook, sold by Meatr* r.ee a Gat, Aui-ls,Xi lini>i..i.I will pay the above reward If coottoai le Kicbwon.tort'b.eteiflo'ld .ill. IHIOBBK BAKU.A If,

C over Hill Pits.N R.?Bis mother lives aa Broad atieel, near theNow Market, with Brs Moonshine. my 31?wf

'IVan AWSV r SU't>,B«ward, 'fan away. Bats***"Ilu servant Girl, about 12 yearr* old, named i.i.y\V r..*a she Ittt abs hid on ait old Me* .-.-.tt.-t.i dr **.-?<

taßd t-li«rck apron,and alien last BfttttStßtstwas on ths Wcelhaiu I'tetvk rosd.fcbout tine* *Poafrom tlie city. ML* wss paeeing by tba naci* oft 'fttkarine. The tUre reward will lisraid fa* h«*rdelivery to th* euLttilter, at tbe corner 11 Bet* andMain Bts, or such it I irmttlon aa woultt lead to litrre<rovery. fmy Sl-St;! T I. CgOSTttßx".fIIKN IVillars Reward.? Ban away ft**** Ibe alib-le acrtbei-, on Balurday l*»t, a negro fellownamed .Mm. *l years oi age, dark complexion, b feet10 inches la height, and naatn* Hrvvost Marabat'epas* tor leu daya, dated ?* ih May, 1 will pay tbeabove raaard f..r In* return lo iitaat Hungary, orfor bts ...iitluemeiii iv jail. A S FAltt.Kf.

my 81? lot*

NOTM :t ? Notice 1 -Rtinawaye.?A r-»tnl t.fBy* butidrtd dollar* eaeb will be paid for the

apprehension and icteuti n Ib fafa cimi-ady till Igettbem, of the following negroes, who left my term,tv Powhataa coaaty, n*sr Fine creek, oa Wednes-day, tba *Mth day of May, lsti*:

Boatou, a carpenter, about tire feet tan incheshlgb, red mulatto skin, with xery heavy blackbeard aad moustache.

Haywood, absut fivefeet eight Inches high,brownakin, small moustache; ha* adown lock wb*u talkedto.

Sorbert,about six feet two Indus high; varyllkstynegro, .larkuarouu eomplexlon; teeth detectiv* aiidb l*<k.

Uaorg*, abont tta feet fir* inches, squsr*builtremsitsblySn*, tjf**)uetißflt*iiauCe; quick In uoy*-menta; earn* Irutu near Uortiouerlil*, Oiaag*senate*Joba, abont Aye feet Un lochta*; very likely,verySaws United aud etouf.

Csr-rar, about fly* reel eight or nine iucbss; verylikely; a light mulatto.

Bltan, Wile to (asiar, about fiva feet iwo loeh*r,T*ry black; v*ry stout?a regular African. Whenaha 1* aot at bar work she I* very much giv*B towbWtllßg and alngtag.

Albert, about Bra feat eightor nine Inehe* high;very black and stout, aad teuiat kably likely.

Henry, or Patrick lienry, about Sve feet four orfly* loohe* hlgb; very likely; maroon coloi; VeryBtneh dlapoeed to be stout aad Sat, aad has a wifeIt/ Richmond,

Scout* aad pleksts wtll benefit thiraselves bykarpiag a leek oat for these negroer; and all oou-Btablas, polk* cmcera and other* ai* desired to addrwts the undeteigaedat line Creek P 0, Powhatancounty,Ta, orBr Thome* H Lipscomb, Richmond.,\u25bca, tn the eesnt of their apprehendingany ons orall of there negroes. Officer* of lb* army aud oth-er* ar*notified against hiring negroes correspond-ing to the above- description, a* these negroes willdoubUaasr*pre*S'n t ihtmselvssa* fra*.

B P MOBBV,aay 27?St* Ageatmr OoUT X Thorbura.

FT AA DOI.LSBH Reward ?Raa away li«m myat\J\J plaaUtion, near llurksvtll*, Va, on lbsfr.ii of the present month, my man John HenryPrestea. fieat seme 22 year* at' age, black, about6 fast kor 6 ia*Bes high. Be had * pas* to go toCharlotte OH, where be was ralssd, and was soldbyOaplThe* J Spencer, of tbat county. I w 111 psytbe abov* reward If delivered to Mr Robert lump-kin of Richmond. W U THOMAS.sayas-iattPA DOLLABS Reward.?Ranaway froaa the Bub-gjXJ sorlber, sa tbe BM teat, my negro boy Saw-nay, wbo ta about 17 yeaie eld, S feat d Inches high,of a lightgingerbread color, Mo* eyes, with a thickhead of hair; wa* raised la twang* connty. by aMrOaiwMt, ta mm**x*one mayattemptto ask*bto war; or b* may be lurkingabout Richmond andBe -noisily. The aber* reward of $60 will bepaid far his delivery to \u25a0*, or It aeeured ia any.,jaH ao I get him agata. BAPATTEBSON.

H?rleo co, MaySt, ISS4. my "H-St


MULBS, Oiea, aad JSIIoh f'ows for sale'-llhave for sal*, on* pair Sa* ytuog Mubw,

weu tereke; oae pair 1stk* well brek* Ox*n,sudtwo Milch row*. Apply ret No. i tii Mala street.

atySUat"Bj**oK Beta- A No t Cavalryktosm. batweaa ft andW* Sysarsold; has b**« ta set slot fcraelmrt

ttxae. Applyto"lt>x 7»l " say6o?St?"DOB Bale* Two tioraes. I* good .-onduioo, with?a* wagoaaad foar ssts ofbarneas. AddraßS "M *,"at thi* mm. my 38 -at*

> Btohaßgw- forarttiisry last****,* lot ot mart*wttb colt*. Applyat nanooa t*aart*r branch,to BOAf P Atti'fJle.tt._nvy j-H-tSt Bajor aad *j M.

Mui.Bfl far Hal*-* pair of No t Mates. >oeng.gonad, aad gaatla. Addres* «'X X,*» ittepatrßSty SS-31*

NEGROES FOR SALEAND HIREWI Bin?A s*t**T*a*tt_ Woraaa, who Is a good

?Uawaat MBtwaUy. Ha* will' b* hired by ta* raewtber for tha balase* af tbe ,*»?>. Apply UTLtatrßTtaay, at ths oatce er tb* sup't ot B, P A PB«itaaad


my si-*;m_*Oß Blra?Aeaak aad baas* aarraat -lb*E* oaek Is an sgssMset oa**. wit-heat *asaas-bTsbbb tv how** sereaet I* w*U grows aad

Kiby, wtt*a**at ?acaathtaae*. Applyat No 111sat. ue ssstro. aty ai?stf*mjAnt Btea?xwt ****** momma, exoseetat tmaes,* mammm,tnmon,m.

rnylle-SH Cetaar *th and waiirtaall at*.

Tsy>l-Sf Maiaead 17thsts.Haiti -IfJaJLt fa*. IStf^'fl.a.,1 ' ittU J,

*^_\\\\\* m* wAMFmMMMtp mWM\ fAMM 9Pmw w\jmEMwmM\ MM\M)t*T*ytw**t\ ;.

*'«S mmlZ!mmVS?Sm.\S[imm^.i^m U'^^Sn,m

e**artoftha elreatsr, and tmtsßMttslaatt efeaaeaTlpl* ar*aajntaei to W***j ?» ***"***?**,vlgoreM txccatloo of it* wovi»loßa,Bßd*»rt*t*ln-stronlo** aad laterpretatWi heretosreaortbtd Iif Uador th* terras of tfce Blh aaetioa ot th* actof CMgress pabitsbrd In B* SB AA-Jot ant *ad latpsetor Oeaf*r»»-i office, ?""\u25a0* th* ****** iof C»real*vNOßt.,ef tbe B»r*»u, Isst *r»rlf*,c*iß- 'maattaats will procasl to organist tba ***ytoaj»their In addition to th* r.rg*ntn-lloa taarato provided far,Bnd la ' P**-"***?*Bf paragraph 11, ot th* aald Oeßarat Ordirs No'AJ,commandaata will forthailh orgaals* Ineach countya Board, to conatet of not more than tbte* of ta*most reliable and intelligrat clti/*n*,betwe*B tneages ot '» and 60 years, and who bavebeeß *****

sad detail**forth*service. Ihne Bosrdß will hacharged wllh aMlng the local onrollog offioertoob-.tatatagInfonßatlon ooaeerßlag all .oPPl^'"o,*" J*etempllonand detail for Bgricottorsl orother Indus-trial pereni *, aadalso In rtttnitblega'l other letbr-maUon wbteb may be seeded to lb* duties Impceedupon lb* enrolingofficers. , ? \u25a0-_,_'._

The local and Congressional enroling officerwill be required to supervise the action »f theseBoatds, and promptly report to the commandantunfiine** or delinquencieson the part ol llie per-sons detailed fjr them. So long as the ditties arcproperly performed, llie perron* s* employed willbe exempted from other *ervice. Cnre will beused In the beginning lo select proper men; anil inview of tho grave duties herein devolved upon theenroling officer, he will, at bis discretion, requirethe written opinion of the Board on claims for ex-emption or applications for detail, and may c-.l onthem for special information concerning mattersp-rlli.oiit to Ihe service. In every case referred bythe local or Congressional district enroling officerlo the commandants, an opinion as to the meritmint be endorsed or accompany the case, and thelike rule will bs rigidly observed by coinuiaiidaulsin referring to this Bureau.

111. Commandant* will order the Immediate en-rolment and examination of all person* within ibeprescribed ages, who are found in the employmentof any department of the Government, aud whoare not specially exempted by the acl of Congress;and elicit a* ate found fit fur service in the. field,may be detailed until the 10th dayof April neit,provided aa applictßo* is made according to theterms of the nth paragraph of General Ontci-. Soat, herein etted.

IV. 1BSBfwBBwXwSatS Of Conscripts Will forthwithtransmit to this Bureau reivnimcndalions lur pbystclafi* to be employed iv execrdance wllh para-graph IX, Qenaral Order. No *.'d, herein c'.te.t. Uor.bcomplaintreaches this Bureau eoneeroliig irregular-ities ia lb* m*tllcal examtnale i.s. laoso or irregu-lar etamlßStioßS muat tiot he permuted, and r.mi-

tasudsntswlll promply refKtrt at.y wtll arcertalnedtle.ittiiv.ien.-T In tbe matter.

V. Forms for cinisoiiitateil rer-oita by the com*maudabl* sf eomttanpsa will be fomar.lee; alao,lorim f«r tiio recr.l* of ibe toogremionul dittrirtand local eurolitig ottU'tir*. TUess rccorda must beaccuiately kept, su.t Ihe reports based on ttismmust be in a clear aud iutelllgiMe form, or tbeywill b* returned for revision aod correction.

VI Persons and classes enumerated in the 1si, l.t,3d, 4lb,6tb, aud 6tu arllclM or seelion 10th, exceptthose referred to In lha tatter claaxo of the 41b arilels of the said lUih section of tbo act or Oongres*recited, sball be exempt* 1. All other perii-ns re-ferred lo in said set stand bo detailed.

VII. BXBMITItI-tf Hi* BXtßl.t-tNli ItOtKPS.

1. Persons wbo shall be determined by the Beardof tr'xamlnstli n to bo incapableor performing activeteivlco iv tbe i'tcl.l, and any or tbe ditties nietitlocailla tbe Bth section o| the said act ot t 'tingr***,, fromenures or a psrniauetit uature, shall bo exemptedfrom militaryaervloe by the nttd hoard, wbo sballgrant certltlcatca thereof, which stall specify thocanoes of the incapacity, reciiicg iv full tbe natureand degree of ll.e iiieeate or other incapacity, andthe pfooal.le tturaiiuu of the disability caused by it;and the partiessball not be Siitjcct t.i future c natalii ilion, uiiiess specially ordered by tbe Hoard oi theiV.rigrtrsaiobal litatrlcl in which such f.arii.ia reside,or by the cotum-mdaul »f conscripts for tho r-tatt, orby tbi* Htircan.

-I, When, tn tbo opinion nf enroling ..lHc# ra, tliecaaees for wbtcli eiviupilon was granted |* a per-son, after examination by tbe lucdtca] board, haveceased io exist, tbey v. Ul make areport to tbe Board,itat iug tbe name of tho pet too, wben enroled, whenexamined, and tbe disease or other cause of disa-bility,wilh the reasons, for believing it to hare die*appeared,aud tbat the perfou It capable of perform*tug active service In the Held, or aoino of the dutiesmentioned ia the said Bib Bee.lon of the act afore-said.

The E-rmrilitifig Hoard will Ibe* order the parlyto be biought before it lor a re .-lamination.?When a p.'l'uili l-i re-etamined by Hie I'.i.aid, l.i*toriiier e.-rlliieate shall be **iinend-red nnd eatteelt-i.l Ifagajafoaad ni.in lot Set**, aa*w eentS-eate ol etempiloii -dial! be rateed te blui.

.'I. V.tery cenlrieaie oi eremptlon granted l.y ~

Itoar.t ill r.taflitliallon tliall be upproved Bf Hie:*l".i'il fßatilel .11101111)/ oSVeer, wbo -I. .11

pr.uc. i iln- pcreaa erewptrd irom inoi.-i.iii.in l.ytli<-I.tit. in ol < (nl-. iipilo.l, ami if'to 1.--.iit.ii, naif the 1i.i.i.1 oi Ffamitiaii.-ii, or llie t'oiu-maiilaiii of Cattaerls**, «.t iu«' Btttesu of CtttiacrlpHon shall ..nl. i iln- fame.viu. BX*Mr~Tt**M or seicirnn e*JMBBS ano ivoivtr.

tI*LS.I. AppH" :tll»n for i xempiiuii under lite 3d and

Silt aillrlr-s ol Hit- IStb -j.-.:lioil of Hi.' a.-lalor.-nitid, Ieliall be mad.' to the IrfefwXtag olli. ? I ol Ihe e.ninlylv iviii.-ii the ui.pli.-ani re*a**W, wi... will iberangb !ly liivt'Mttgate iln- ess**, nnd it satfctwWS, l.y CNtape- jtent e.vldtriice, that ei-Jinpii.ui hi..,ti!.| be a*Jie*>*>4t Ieliall Issue a* t-eitliicftitr ttureoi, wtn.-li ii.n-l lan 1iiil.ii.ili..1 10 ttlf t liiolirg Ofliri-i 01 the f'iiii(J,,*eiolial iltsiri.'t lor hirt SBfr.iv.-.t.

. AppliealioiiS lor Oi'mplhins milter the flfth ar-ticle af the loth sv.<'ii»ii <>f ibe abt affeisasld aitail bemade lo ibe tMimu.aii'Uut af cmseripta f.ir ibo Slate,wbo will grant tho certificate oi SXamßtloaaatbortied by law, to eoulliiua doriog c.i-iiop!iacci: v\ itb tb*conditio s r.rercrthe l by said act. Kxemptiou, ex-cept for tbu I'refi'leot,Treasurer, AudiK.r, aod Su-perintendent,snail not bo allow. *to auy nfWrer*and employers of a railroad company, unless tbaPresident of Muptriutt-ai'leol eliul! itciil.i'v, nu Oftb,that tbe parlies applied lor are indispef-aaf.ie to tboetflcleui npeiatioiiof such /ailroad, tbat tho BBBtbsrof persons eiou.pl*-d on said raiuoad aiiail not ex-ceed on* f»r each mil* thereof lv actual neo lot mUt-Ury trsneporuttou; that the eismpts for seeb roadshall be reported by name aud deecriptiriii en** atacaib to tbo i uiuiutoJuuie t.f i .niß.rripiu Bar theState ihiot-.a-b which e.icl. road paßtef.or toiha Be*rea-tof Cotiiuriptiou, together with the riam« anddescriptive lietof any who **es leav*. the emßtay-uiefjt mt lha railroad e*tr**Bßy-,t*r who may teafce lebe indispeuaakle lo the *X**a*Bt 0,-.ei-*1,..u * tnesaid roa.i.

3. Tho sxemptlOß of over*3«ers or riarriculttirailat*on *aeb farm or plaatatiau up,--i which there arenew, aad w*r« on th* Ist day of January i.mr, ntU«u abl* bodied band* between the age* of Bitte«nand fifty, will be allowed for the epaoa oi twalv*month*,and the certificateof exemption ahull bagranted by the officer taking the boad required bylaw, upon being Informed by th* commandant torthat Btat* that the boud I* approved.

4. The boad required to be glvea npon the ex-emptioa ofan overseeror agrieultui ifet, nnaer the4-h article of aeetkn 10th ol th* atld act, shall bst*k*aby the enroliug effioerof th* county or die-trlel la wh !ch saeh party resides, with the advioeand of the temporary Board aforesaid.It shall be payable to the Confederate States cfAmerica, tn a penalty double th* e*tlm*ted valueof tha product* tobe dellverr-tl to the tiovernmeot,aod conditioned for ths faithful performance of therequirements of tbs 4th article of th* 10th sectionof tbe ssid act. Th* value of tb* .aid productsshall be aasaased by tb* enroling ofttocr, who shalltake the said bond, with th* a**iet*nc« of th* saidtemporary Beard, aceotding to th* mark*t vain*thereof at tb* tim* and placeot aractament

lha eaid bond mty be act tired by a dettitlt of theamount of the penalty tbereor tn notes leaned fromtbe TreasuryDepartment ot tu* i '.mft-derate .state*,with any of lha depoeilartes of the ssid Treasury,or bf persoasl security, the nature of lbs securityto ba at tha option of tbe principal obligor lv thosaid bond. Should It* person so exempted elect togtva persooal security, tha Burette* tendered by btnishall jnsurytheir sufficiency under oath before somajufttceof thepeace, but shall not be aeoepted unlesstbe enroling officer taking lha said bond, uodsr tbeadvice of tha said temporaryBoard, shall deem ihemsuOlclant. Stieh bonds tball, after due execution, beti-ansniitted to the commandant of conscripts for theetals, re* fit* In tba oSmc, to be surrendered to thsobligors when the conditions thereof are fu ly com-plied with; sad tbs receipt of any quartermaster crtM>mmts*my,sj>*etfyiiigihat tba amount of producerequired bythebond ha* been duly delivered andseceptad, will eatitl* the pwson tohave the bondcancelled; and copiea of sseb receipts should be f. r-wardsd to tbe oommandant of coascrlpts, to be byblm forwarded to th* Quartermaster General or theOommlsssry General, through iba Bureau.


Person* entitled to exemption as provided Tor inp*ragr*t*ti Xtl,Oe*eral Order* No SS, A aud I U 0,current series, will, na application, receive certilt-trats* thereof from th* nongresslonal enrolling crtlear, oa producing saltalaartortty avldeace that tbeyhay* complied with tb* tet|uir*meßt of the law.x. Bißurr-iifl ts ot-fictas or '\>-»rßi.eH*Tß ano

SVtVX OOVBSHUSBTS.CsrlifieatflSOf etempllontor omens nf tb* Ohm-

faoarataaad alafca Qot/erßincnU w.n ba *-iveui.ylb* oommftadauu Sir tbs nuw*.XI. INVwSTUUtIuB 0* IrPlKUirr* 808 STBUPnoN.

1. All other applteattoaa for *x*mptl..n sball be\u25a0sad* la writing to tbe ?arolllag oStrarof tb* troua-ly or d*«tnct ta whlsb the *|-*iieaat resides; sballlie eapportad by bl* nSMavlt and otbar sworn tailBBSay, aad daatt wttb aooordlßg to the provaions ofparagraph 111,of H eneml Orders No SO, A sad 1Uo,eurrent sari**.9 Bvery application for exemptton ahr.uld becarefully, minutely, and ihttttiugnly tnve**u«*!<*i!by the iit.nl BBteiiag oaVer, with tbe aid of thetempttiauy baaiJ tv be organ! red under lite s>.|t lau-e of paragraph li. m thi* circular, and bethetaattcr transmitted tn tbe eammandaairi ofcan-sctlpt* fnr ibe Mtote, wllh a report m fact*, andtheir revncctlve unißton* on the menu m* thr »ppMralliia.

The tt-port of fset* abmiid be aowiewhat to de-tail, setttag forth fa isgaiar ntaVr tba tacts de~vetopes to the Uvt-rstl*-*ttaa,gtft-*g brleSy the lea-see* fey the npietloa exitteaaed, aad la*tesd nf be-ing put la iba form ofrot aadarsrracat, will be-\u25a0\u25a0fiif ?5JPm*?it * _m__tthe tovcatlfaßß* aBo-ald act be coaßaed to aaexsaaawßttaa er-.th* *-B**r>r|na anil th* paper* thata**ee*aa*ay a, «* aMntry late te* truth of tha*t*to-ataats tAoimtoad*, bat "it-raid bs Sal****f*lf**iwith aytowjßf*f*sstfßtal*B aB -?*?<***** aed_"****'

. _. OFFtVUL. IiL.ujL_.uuii.itTr.- IJffßetM. |1. Th* ot"ser,*» of coirttatnlptaOß will give the meet

c*rrft»l attention to tbo aro*Je*|oß* of fmragraphIV OO Bb BS, A aadI00, earrnßl aeries, ta coa-aeetlnß wttb the last claase ef the 4th atttel*of

. the 10th tecllon of the act ofCongre** cited. ?1 Tbl* paragraph embrace* tho arhnt* *y*t**m*f

> detail* prtmtledhy latr to maintain tha IrtdfcfUtal ,rtrodaetlc-a* of the coßHtry, la view ot the pablledefence. 'i <t. The Investigation r.f every case presented

1 mutt he the moat precise and arr uratewhich caahe obtained by ihe enroling officer, (aiih the eo-operitlnnof tho temporary board*,) and all aeilonmatt be in direct view nf tbe net-est ttte* tntllc-at.it.

I Oontmandant-i wtll tnatltute anch modes ef linttilt vand report as will fnrnieb th** fitlleM teetlmnny

The noli, vof tbe. law 1* in enforra the largestam..tint of production In every caw In Which thedel-ill I* mntle. The srlti-iliil.- of t.-rmt here.-nappended will. It If believed, meet n majority ofUts ensr* that are likely to be presented WhereItIh doubtful whetlifr lite en-e to covered by tho«la*»l(icail..ii,.<.iiif.ia.i.l*ni*i will Ingeneral decideIt} reference to llu* plain Intent of ihe taw, or referthe mailer to this burc-tit, with full testimony andopinion. In nil details iln-rt* muni be suil*fai-iory

: evidence nf the nece-islty, as et pressed in 11. lie' rat Older* No -ti, current series. j

BCHSDt I.X Of TBBBBa ':i. Wlier.* there are two or more farms couilg-t-

--on.e, or within five mile* of each other, measuringfrom tlie homesteads, Having on each live or morehands, ainnnntlng in the aigtegate to fifteen hands,orwliertr one parkin ha* two or tnt.r.' plantationswithin five mile* of e.icb other, having an aggre-gate of iiilt-t-.ii or more hand*, there may he detail-ed one person as ovursoer or manager of Ihe twoor more farm*: Provided, there is on neither ofthe farm* a white male adult declared by the en-rolingofficer and the temporary board capable ofmanaging the farm* with a reasonable efficiency,not liable to military duty; and provided the per-son detailed wa*, on the first .lay of January, Isn't,either owner, manager or overseerresiding on oneof the farm*.: and provided the owner* of saidfarm* shall execute a joint and several bund, ontlie trims prescribed for Ihe ownersnf fifteen liau.ta,except that such person* sball not be a -lowed theprivilegeofcommutation provided in the 4th arti-cle of the lOili section nl the act recited.

4. Where detail* are allowed to persons havlagleas than fifteen, aud Aye, or more thaa five bauds,they shall saler into like obligation as prescribed forthe oa ti;-r of tlittton or mora hituttf, except lhat fureach tiand less than tlfUca, tlowu to Ova, there aballbe rjujipllet live pounds leg* tu«at, thus: each ofI'otirlaett ban.!**, Mtiety ilv>: thirteen hand*, ninety;twelve bands, tlghtv-rtre; ? * ? * six band*,Ofty live; v,-.- hands, illly pc.un.la.

6. tvt.uiß details a." allowed to pcrscaf havingless than tire faautls, ib*y shall eater into Ilka otll-galtons to si II all td*lr surplus production* to theOovernnieot.

tf All details herein prescribed to he allnws.l erasubject to r*»v<MratH<ii by tbo commandant ul i.iu-scripts, ou tbe repcrt of tba enroling officer mat thepertiiu detailed Is not habitually, Industriously, audla good faith angarad In tbe occupation lor whichthe detail is (.ranted. ICurollugofficers are requiredto bo uiiunually vlgtlanl In taporv .*lug such details.Om'*tk>n tn this duty will constitute grave derelic-tion.

7. Kiirollng officers at* resnlred to exercise th*utmost cautlou tv recommending details tn th* rlsts-es enumerated, ll Is by no means intended to granttbem luditcrlmlnately,but to limit them as loncb a*is consistent witti the public good All pertinent elr-ctiiiittanc.* wi Ibo carefully Inquired Into. Amongthese arc JStnos* for tbs field ; abilityor aptitude fortine pnrposesof tb* detail; condition of tbe family ;abelter aoy, or bow many, aro lv the mllitsty ser-vice; pti&llc good, justice,e*j.u!ty or necessity, he.

tin. nsiAits fob r-rßi.i.' taaßaaaTr,Applicationsfor detail,friii h as aro not required

lor the aervleu of any of the military bureaux, orlor for vice ix auy of the department* of the fluvern-iiteul, loclttding Kt*rvi.:o with cooirtrtorf, will bamade, accompanied by a descrlptlvs list, to tbe sn-roliug ? iti --er ol tbe appropriate county or district,aad be supported by the affidavit of tbe applicantand otbet tettimnny under oath.

'i'lie eiir.i'ing BBBCfJI will ln-*iliute a minute andei-ar, hlnn illi'fnllg.ilionint.. till llie (Ji.'lllnslail. efi.l lU>* Cite, llie results Bf Which Will be Bel I'm Hitut a separate slu-t-1 ol paper.

The dlsirir-i enroling officer may, If he approve*tbe application, grunt a detail lor atxty .tay-t, amii.uw.td the paper-., through tin: commandant, mtbe iiureau for its action.

If the npplioailt.ii In refused, the reason in fullwill lie endorsed; and, in caseof appeal, the paper*torw.iidcd to till* Bureau, through tin* same chan-nel-..

lithe per-tnris for wbo-*e detail application is\u25a0sad* are engaged in peifiMfSlng ihe Swtirewi *c-cniiiit >.l'whli I. ilet.ilN are usee.l, they wall ba al-lowed to n-tii un until final :i<-u..ii. ll Btbeiwlsa,they etiitiii.l be Mat te rax*** ot raatrnt-nun.ai<. r.gTiiii MB rifv.il FXrWaX**) -tii Attn SI TOH

,iO\Ut\HmiH".- Woß>:.

Applicationsfur the detail ol peat*** betweenfatty iiv aad iiuv y-iti ul age, lvi service lv jf.yi.l llie tlii'iluyBBteaai <U ill any Of itiedfp'.iiliiiciil*ill the UoVi llilll" til. Will lie 111 nl"-, a. .-iilliiillileil l.yB il. \u25a0-.< liplive 11-l, 1.l llif local or itUlrl, I *BX*tlißgiiftt'-.-r; and li Battel *jei Imiti 110- lialllii- nl llie du-ties tube pi-il'i.rutej,BBS mil-.oily lor tile ileti.il,and 110- period lor wlil'-li ll is rt-ijulred.

I'll.-.1.-.tit. I fittiiliti*- iilll.-t-r, alter Investigation,lliaile and rejM.rlcd B* dirt-clcd in preceding par i-

' graph, may, If lie rt'ijiiove tilt* application, glint .1il.-l.til lot :t period not exceeding ail triy day-), and

[ forward Hie payers to the commandant for hi*' Helton.\u25a0 An appeal irom tin* tieiion of the enroling eSteeraj ami the .-oiiiiiiaiiil.iiii, may be inken tnilil* Bateau.

xv. BttTaVfL* or ..Kri*tr<:-3,-tfcaaNir-Ji, xrir.1. Application* for llie il. tall lor service 111 any

nl tin- mtliluiy tntn atu, or for any of I tie depart -Stents ot ibe liovirnin.-iit (Includingi oiilrto lor-,)joi *rtl*aras, bih.'luiblc*, or pesmnaa at .-><-ieiitiii.rfcLiii, to ficriiirni it:fli*pen-al.|.' duties, should In;in-.de, with d.'hcttpilye list, to the eatetißg ***eexaTlie -kill of tin* pally, llie .linitf to l.i* perl..runit,ana why his serßbEt** tire iiiili*rpensalili-,and llieperiod tor which ttt* .lelail Is nnuir.-.1, ltt ti -1 lie at**liiiiilv set li.nll.

application, tor tbe employeesof contractors muativ additicn,. ...it,., a eertiit.-ate Irom Ibe Ulieer run-

irairied witb, or tbo bead of tbe department, tbat theservice* of the particular parties are required lor thapt'ii.jimaat'.o of indispensable lioveiutueul v».-k -

The dteti-I. t enrtllug?aaaer may grant ibo detail r>raitly .lays, aud forward tha papm, ttnoogu tbatxiaiiiiaudabt (each etprotuiDg hi* ojilniou,) to ibistuTca.ii, i..f it*SCI too.

ii ti.o *p**Jtr*tf*B la fwakßaS, reatnna In toll will becolon. I, ant in case sf api**i, **f*BB fat warded totbia bureau I

li ibe parties tumamt for are at work, tbey will baallowed to remain until action is taken, tr other-wise, tbey etitf.ll befciil to thecamp* or tattrnctloOi

Applications for tbe detail oi contractors theni-selves must also contain the cortiHcate of* tba beador the bureau required l.y tlie lllh tecliou of lb*act. \u2666 -

XVI. Another applications for exemption or An- Itail, not otherwise provided, will bo made to tbo a *.

ruliugofficer, suit forwarded throughthe proper«bannele.

XVIf. Great ear*should ba exercised In exempt-ing or detailingable-bodied man bwlwcen eighteenaudforty-five.

No case abould be acted onuntil after minute andthorough tuTeattgatloa as to IB* alleged private orpublicnecessity, advantage,convenience, justice, orequity, and ta to whether persons not liable lo ser-vice In the iield may not be obtained. i

XVIII, ".SPOUTS. I1. Examiningboard*, in addition to the lifts di-

rected in |.ara*;rii'ili VIII, General Order* No Ot'., Aami Hi I >, current Bret*** will furnish illstrlct en-roling ofticer* with lir.t* nt tur-n in ilielr dUtrlet*i.nimt lit i«tr unlitary terslee, bat unfit tor servicein the ti.-lil, apt?? i'ying In e«i-li ea** what diuic*tb**" art* ca|.al.lir of [n rformlng. t'ongreteion.illii-.iil.-i ofUctuf to tiiial.-li similar Hit* to countyt-i.tirllng ntiit-er-i, tin- ut>jri-lbeing in enable prrawi*.needing detailed man to see who aro the eeaject*ttt detail, and lo t-liiiu-ie Horn Ihem.

ii. l.iui.liiiK tiriii-t-i-i will forward lo tli<- com-mandant ol <ri risoilpi-.. monthly, a report of allperson* enroled by them, and the actiou ukett inerat-lt case. i

These reports will he consolidated by tbe coin - {mandant, with reference tn the distinctions made IIn the act ofCongress, and the regulation* fur it*enforcement tn duplicate, one copy of which willbe forwarded to thi* bureau and oaekepi on file lathe office of the commandant.

xtx. BBeWLfturt or *a*aasviD citsst*.I. Commandants of oonacript* will proofed to *a ?

rol all parsrxts between lb* age* of seventeen sad?ightaeßßßd forty-five and fifty years, iv execa*tion cf General Order* No 33,A and 180,current?erf«t; wbicb is herewith Btad* a part of tbis Cir-cular ;

ADJDTtffT ASH Iriff's QSM'LfI OPFICS, )KichatOßd, fa, March 16, U64. J

General Ordert, No 33?.

1 Tb* Bureau of Conscription will preescd to en-rol a I person* between tb* sgta of atvanteen aadtlaxaSeaay*ar*,aad between th*age*tf tarty Sv*aud fifty years', uatter tb* nth «*r-tioa cf the Aat orCongrats to organia* fore** tn aery* daring tbawar.

S. Persons liable to enrolment will present them-\u25a0el ye* io lb* anrcliag oflioer in lbs Btato* cast of thekf issisaippi river wtibiu thirty day* from ihe daywhen ta* Bttttt-e shall be given la tb* distrtetor ,trooßty by tiie aawetiag ofiicer fnr puton* of mi*class t* tttinoar tor earuimeul. IB* failure to com-ply wIU inlaantic* will sui./oct the dalaalter le aliabilityle to* eallsd tato th* general servlo* withtn* class of **ar*oas bstweea IS aad 4», uatets he?ball bay* a -rand ?«*** therefor, to b* Jedf«d afbytb* Bttreaa of C'caacjletloa.

3. Any r***r*os liable to wrolrasat Batter tbta actmay Jain any enmpaay tar local defaae* whloß beebean formed aadsr General Order* Mos*,t*au«4'.sib Jo**. IHS3, a>r the war, or aay other csßtpsaiytar local *W*ao* which baa been strreptad tato th*set-visa,sad whit*, by tha torras of tvealßtaaeat, jto llabla to serve aay where wuafat the State; or ;paraona af tbta elaaa raay lartn a*w rioa****!** tarmeal ttettate**ad saevlai screte*, uadar i**a*ral Or-der* Mo sS, If***), fer the war, aad s*taet tbatr *waoSßwra. By order, HtJOOr-i**.

Adj'laad latSß'r Uosrat.9. Otißta **<**!* will k*Bp a awaaerat* aad et**

ll**! r*B of p**fa*B* bate**** th* as** **'e*r*nt**naad eightomaad tarty a** asd aVur.B. CnaßX**A*aßßtß SS* eSaß*ei*t* Wtß BaBXgBt* SbIJ,

** **BpnafTli*S IfTS* B* ***BWB**rtßWt B*a*ttto,C*>*apißßiei **mar ha 11 iiiiialiilay themamsdTmmlk\ltvmmAm,smt a* **ad[3ahtaaarrte*; **dwh*ea*ataey****^m^Sm


BxwXfXwxßßTf^SBSafa a *a*Bfßxet ssxetbar *f ?*«***>? *********Si*a4tm*a*«e af *g*,m a. toF a 6 *Bjtelßa?«**,ptoxy Am tot* tm*sa***tsßal Biftrfat. A*om**r*wt******,al ttw ranb of Colon*', will Ua«s*gn*J bytatWaweaan i ßt**aa**t** *«cb eampstiiaTlnt*? a*.ajaaaat, tf taw* be tb* nnmitVto kember *f *o*tf*-

, asest *vtafaaMtelien, If tbara be itm taaa teaM*s|snlie ; or Into two battalion*, if **»a*4 pr*

I xx. os*Bß*t nsTßrorfore*,j 1. Comraandant* wis alw*yabear m mtad thatOeneral Order* No VL xa aot only tb* ba*u but tbrmsb rarg* imrtlae of tbete Instruct iont. ibey willBBbHaalle reear to tt* proTt-tlms toaid I* tba aeoli-raltoa af te* r4b*r prartstoh* of this circular.

S wilt, of sear**, refer r**ea ol \u25a0dlfDcnttyte tbta Buraan; bnt re*tr*Bes* wbk-b beatoa their far* taat tbay are rather ti avera dee reapoaslbUity or tot.i-r, will be iiturnad wt thorn ra.marks.a The duty of lb* commandant * or canscrtpr* to.I* aeemdsmje with these instruction*, to malatotaand Invigorate lhamdualrl*)prodrjctloa of tb* 000.faderacy, aad supply lis mmie* with men. Ibis dutymust bs performed, or our struggle for Independ-ence and libertywit) fall.

By order of Col J S I'mmto**, p..**,.my 14-U 0 B ItOtTIEIiP, A A den.

| LOST, STRAYED. A-tfptfO HOBDBBD ABO FIFTY O'Ll ABU 88---1 WAKD.?Strayed or Btolen, from tbe Camp ofl ..nail's Battalion w.igia-tralo, Bear SpotaylraalACourt-Hoot*,on th* night of th* loin ln<t,ocelight bay Horse, wllb black mane, tall and legs ;tall a little Moat, from havingbeen partiallybittennt ; face aad features very prominent, with full,clear eyes Aay peraon* giving inrorttatton hywhich said bora* may bs recovered, will receive tteabove reward, and bo questiona atked, by ctinmu-mealing with Capt If 8. Met ARIHY,

Ist Howitzer Company,Cabell's Baal. Light Artillery, Ist Corps.

my Sl?o '

fT/\ Dol.taArlS Koward ?Straj ed Iron, my hf-tite*.01/ 00 Saturday last, a largo red cow. Site titsoae note hired tbiongbeach bora BBBf the eo.lt, aUrge big, and le In medium order. She lurmerlvbelonged to Mr Bydnor, In Uanover county, nearWalnut Grove. Very likely aba may be makingherWay io his house. 1 will give ibe above rewardtorbar delivery to ut. JN'ii » HLBDP,my 31?Stf Hiitt-bar.ai Market

STRAYKD or ****l*n***-<*J Beward. Stra/eti or?toi*n, tram my rnidenc* on Adams strest.twodoors ft.-m l.»'gb, a ml anil whit* two year i Ut

lieli'er, wltha tea hre})l*r around her arek .uoear msrks. Aay ptraon Hiding ta* mat. w»rleg Inf.-rraaliin so that I gat her. will reeetr* th*abOT*Mwst.t. HAUUr-i. I'K.ir.i ki.

rny.il -Xt' f

STRAY Kit-From my primifef, on tVldav last, ador)- e:.w, in low condition, with lartmearot

over her bacar and'netk. Fu'-h intormaii >n a* maylead to b*r recovery, a-iti be liberally rcwcrdoJ.

WILLIAM J PB't'liCßKw",mt 31?It* bib Bt, north ol Leigh.

LOST-- I'onfedrraM* Vreaaury It., nipt No ill,dated Man ii 17,1864. ia favor cr tb* subscri-

ber, for one thousand dollar* !t belog a receipt lota bond for rl per cent ,tn act urdacce with tbo Iri.'haertlen of tbe set of February 17,1554. Notice I*iherebygives thtt an appiiraUoa will bo made lvdue time for a renews! of tba earn*.

my 30?lawSwt VV Tl I'BEW.

Ll'ST? Between Mattia fewer* k Valentine*and Broad street, s I'ccket Book, with i'.C> '.

aa o'on federal* money?*pJ in new !bhi«?my *x-emptioa paper*, and some parers, wortble** to theliuder. A liberal tewanl wi Ibe paid by tetving I.ut .Viewer*Powers A VaUntiseV, Canr afreet, 2d >lcorf.-om tilth. W UHANVILI.K ('RAY.

my 30-at*# WV~ $i0Beward ?*»***, onttia attadmg of theI* vi'th of May, a bU-k trap- Veil, on Clay «t,

EaWWewß Sth ft. and Brook i*.»-t tv- The lii.terwill p'**ee Uavt It at Ih* etOre nf Mr R A X Da'aU*y, on the corner of 7th ami Bt.itd .«(»

my .10?attOTOT>N -from lite paint room, al tie fi,.»<*rnA meat shn[e. between the island 'a.'.vi of May, alady's claret colored Cabinet Br, about 14 by i<Ituhes tqutrc, mouoted with monldlogaan.t carve Ideitgns, ani partly lrlmn.ed loilde, a cluhter olgrapes carved on th* top, an-1 the lettcra"rt J A,"entwined with a representation of vine*, iu.-r.nn.!Ing tbe key bol*. A reward will bo paid tor it* <t«livery at tbe office near tbe gale of the f: -*) tot,Bae.on'a Q-iarter Branch, or lor Inlormatloa thaiwill lead to Its recovery. toy '..'.?'ttrtfli BtMAABB lleirard?eirayet or atolrn ae)\J larg* apottai aow; she ha* no maik, wilt

about '.tO pounds, tail iiaufuallv bu«hyHbe baa a litter of young p-Vt. 'I' « above rewardwl'l b* paid if ehebe d«ltv*tad at Übimhonii > H<-*ipita*, No 1 ditiiioß, or such liifoiiuatlcn be giventhtt th* mar be re.-*over*d. my SS-**-***rft *rU*--*Al*'l Hewat.l ? .-.trayi-d or ati'ien, a*)lr P**larctl (Jow, medltim s:ae, white bark andtail, mtrke.l with a hole Bad unterc.it In nrartiaud b crop tn tne other. I arts' pay tt.s ***** reward lor her delivery to ni.\ on Main tttrcnt, Beeoad.1....1 ir-or.i I itiiri.oi, Hi: Vi <>.i|.u tilt.my te -tii

STBAYBOfrt lamea Pjcsa*! th* eaaaatßa* ioBancnetter, «>n the '*&tb Bay, a «oi:til a..ml

Bmtio, inaiko.l'-l r*l." I will pay .-Jit..! Mr tbe d#bve.y of tbeborbu to mo.

uiy :*o?iit* Mrs ARCHER D VSR.

STOI.Mi Uoiec- SISS l'-ward.?WaH «ols-i .on,tbe Btabletl Ifu-bard Boor*, on tha At adow

Brl'J|<*r Road, one mltit troin the city, on t hur->dayulj»tt% tl.'? -'.th lant, a bay Hr.reo. ll* baa a vtttyt.w,;» scar on each t.it* ot b'm Larrk. near th* I..in-.Ilia bind feet are both white, and he has a whitespot in bis fort-he* t; in -.hod ull around. I will gir*the above reward fur taa <l»ltvery of tb* bnrae a iditetectic-n cf th* thl-r, cr man ajg r.| l( . delivery im h-horse to me at Johnaon's .stable, ou t-rauk.ln rt.

BJgßta-3 t JAMBS MtKiUaVtj**fr*TV 6ollai* Reward.?r-tfoi«n fit in my f.riat,lon twWßtta May, a bay boree, about 11 r...md; bl* bfityeout, and a Beat ou thet-*ft 'i .-, ileg betw. cv tb* ankt* and kn«e>. Kir aay iiitora-it-tif.il which will l#*-l to it*, leoaaaerf- Of lha aa. ».-

law***, t will pay a r«wsr.l of ft**,MiSl'Ui.'-l M HARStS,

my -M f,.y Auburn Mills, llancv.*r.

yßfi ataftarwd D-dlar* Reward.?l.att, on otnyi.*4lb,asmr*ll hay Viare, (Origbt.) tit yctrt

, ilender built, *tar in torebea-l. oae bedtViian iwi heard tytm wa-t la Rncketts, anS in v- \u25a0*eeesltrn Bf a ne t -io boygolag towat.Li Omteßn'i i »i .-i.1 will give tbs aboe<) reward i-.r her de ii3-y. net ?

lt.rtualioli ro 1 gather. T B hill.'l.'?\u25a0lT.t Aftsietai.t H.ifgeon, -illB*. V* .«v.I my «.W?7llI > KWArtli Vty house, situ i'el taat Ween i'.i.-h---11, mond and Camp tat*, wa* tircken '.pea on ti.*

of the arm lust, and IT pi*ca* .it Won andtwo boxes of t* bay ?\u25a0?>> ftoteu. A lir.trat retvard willbe paid fer the detectinn of the thUve* or Ih* re-coyery cf the goods,or far either.

!my ai-tt* _\i'sx _\ niH.t.Ansv,

af* DOLIitRS ItJwar.t ? HWayeJ t rotu tbe yard/,> ot tne o S naval stable, ..u tho uighluf lbsSun of May, ISBt, a dun coloreit bisre uf taodium **z>, about tea rears old, rather low lv order,and branded on tha left *hould«r wltti tb* letter* "CBN." No other marks recollected, a ioward ortwenty five dollars will be paid any one returningsaid mole to tbe ciß.ce of Special fervice, corner of9th BBtt Bank ats, or to tbe aaval stable, en IBiu tl,between Franklin and Grace,

i JOHN B PARKBR,1 my 27?5 i IdeiU la charge ofllee specialser vice.

IrZfl f'OU.AKB Reward ?Btrayedorsto.cn Iromt)\J tnatubstribiir.on Saturday, the Slit last, a

arar* r*d caw, wUh white back m.d breast; also, alulls white, mixed with red, u-ivt.-m th« lu.ro*acti yea, and a little white under Ibo helly. Tbe aboiureward of ShiiJ will be paid fnr her delivery to me,on STth Bt, between Clay aad Leigh.

my an? l'lt* BJO t smith.

2f IKILLAKS BowarJ.?Ka*ray*Hl, a email mv-, > laii.. boy, about 14 years old, by tho uaraa nf

l,?gao, formerly bvtonged to .lobn i Bartttwxafe, olimarrottatvlUe. Hot being u«s to tt.e city tranaotfind bis way home. If h* has been earriri to any

i hospital»by lulorntatiou will tie toanWfuliy r.---r*l»ed| By fJttA9 IV AliikN,! my%i?tk 7th st, betOrscaaad graasim.

AB'*T*sn lßefß (.'SNSBaL'* l fflfi, tUlcbinon d. May Vt, iseVt. J" j[Bxtrael.j

SPECIAL Orders, tto IM ?

? ?

~x vn. Th* depots sad yards of railroad comps-ales will set be occupied by troops, uor ba hi aayin*nner Interfered with by tbem.

By eommsad of the Secretary of War.(Bigoed) SAM'L W MELTON,A A General.

Oltl.-ial?T 0CBtm-ttT, A A o*o*l. my 30?81"Vforttj'K.?l bay* troid to M M Wain** all of atyla latorest ta tb«* fitraaof Satnes A Gates aat6*t*SA B**rd*a, of Washington county. Vs. andmy connection th*r*wlth > ****** treat tbl*d it*.

j X X BKARIiKN,?f Baeoa, tl*.

\u25a0 U** » 7**aJ"gi aty3o--lw|Ls »yx*a taOSßataa

*? ------

IH MWItU Bjf'**l.lS*-t iret-elvatl from the i-tonta, ? Sa* lot of Hwlu

! Muslin*. Also, Ba* all wool whit* funnel. SOU raa, Bngttsh Oasiilo **.-.ap. farul* by

W 1 FOLK,jmfao-.-.t WoiaTa^BM-set^m_\)ii Unto 1 *.**»*'?»?? lour Bttrsa Thr*** tag M**>W* chla*, aearly new aad la ported order ; also aMtmt***a*rywheatfatt, u*arly a*w Irtk i-u besaaa at aty farm, i«*t la Urn rear or Jackson boapit-sJ, two r*tliss from Btabßtaed.

tap SS-S | JOBN N tw«BLl».LAtKrUStTB!*' B*4"<-w*,Aa-rtU,**dT**>fo7^r'rtaio.-Hl* Bsltows, Aavlta aad Tools tar tato.

Hhop tar twat, oafttß straH, betwrea M*r*haii! sad Clay Aa*4y to B P Baglaad. eoreer of It! aad afetsaatlat*,« SI A Bre's l^taJi

era*t. raj Hi ul jWNOtJliß-B**.-«r*v.ey W*

WIS b* givse in attmaaga tor *%_,Site l*sßar Nntr* --t?

At th* eurrsatratm.my ttS-*r«*i3t A D WII.LIA***).

BS^C^2j** aH^a^7^^A Awatfftttl AlaaV ' BaaaaOxßaaxt. wxatr\u25a0l|-BBwx*x*x*x«* *W,aa*a*wt J*Tm***


<*~ ****&*? *;\LBy tiro. P). WVHs, Anrfr ' "\u25a0

I Mf #*o T« ut..aaaalf^r^Af^^ Mw- \u25a0Bea.ly mad* ntothlag,dry *r*x>,l* trtttttttflBhcea. hats, weak.r., tv7o^4aad etiTerwaishet, jewelry %- atttttttw!stao, \MWMM?? splendid mtrl!* topafde t, Wf ,.All good* sold si aes-loa st pr»»H BI ..,,. MWMM

called lot, Bill barr-anld tbl* lay a, SMA r ?x-x-x-x-iowner. (my t-0] Q w »**'j^^'*"*^MBy If. C. ff.fmer, Aurt.

"\TAI.nABLB Hwses al aoetio*._i _~ ... IV punlle aia-iio*, aa Taesjay. ||» ».," 4i-Vtork. oa tha tot la rear of ray

bbBB. street, several valuable hwi?* 11, i N(> ''flAlso,oa«*.raH'oat sailer"* WfgorTaaJ *£ r¥ _l*'^^M

7 '

_dacttcr.iwe I

AUCTION BaA>Eo?m^re Vu\ m\^^Lm M'BaT'-rrxoM'rl will ifT-rfer rale at c,. " aa.N OBmb/rUn-J eonaty,Va, al ill, ?tfa tie bigbest l.rid*t, my boatHalle ofTb* said boat >s ia good repair. ?» ,>«rto,.'^?

\u25a0 SB 31 ~"-'i 55| B MllUfl ~\u25a0r» t\£ ******<*» ?SaMta,

" \u25a0fNo S 10th Bt, between Bala aed Cary )

TJtI'RN ITTBB, Pry f 100 J*,T} Ctotbiog, Faaey floods,Gold aad Silver Watcbe*, \u25a0*~

Ws will sell a*, onr tale-room, oa nJLl"***** IJune 3d, camiaecciag Bt 10 o'clock, a .leerable i~,, \u25a0


f"iiTm*r i . 'i ? i . \u25a0ci-rbslsrtag In psrt of '«» ng, t-,***Kin* maliogaay bureausWardrobes, chair*, tablet, bedsit**, is flaawXwHair Slid ti.ii-x "Oaiuo \u25a0\u25a0

~ «t.-vt* awXwßflPillow ctsas, da* engraviu.s .^HI. .t of fJiui.it: r coats aud pant*, new - BwXwaw)0 piece* Irish ltoeos t^H'.ti dcztn ladles' tuna L^H10 s* /tiip.tr.l sat*** mWE$ mmer* «xeß*e tSetb mWE10 ptc.vs tal>!« iic.*n L^HlfOt<ro»*agato butt&as WWHat ,] bi ti *.p,Vwbt'.s em-. I-.pee WM

lt<> rrtaait Bole |~.'rcr WWft) r»*m*Knjrdßß exp ptper.'nl iium* uorfttb r-Oiainorcial not* do MWA

aWO bottles fU;»er hlarlc Writ I *!* ,t>* awXtK*'..'. .it r ill fll.v i.lvl.yliai,;* <\u25a0- k.iu- I****, wllh future* ?****, Iitnaud tll.fr WBBBke**, ** I

CunslgnmoLUrseetvad tin luorr.iug of sals aaaalm si n r iiooto a »?o, ?.--..??

lty P. T. **i'.if..,i, Ahmt&meer, '

fat aiain tt, formerly wllb tl W Wiiili | WMT7uat.rTiir.B, HI? Dr* iVoodf,

Crockery and it.".**?*. IHoots siil Shoes,C!otbiog, B T.k*, xc ,

At Si'oi''-*| WMWill be sold on WcdnesJsy more'cft, June Ist, at Iin i.V.I.t k, a line *«-t.-»rintei.t t f the abov 1 at**. Iturned gtml*, togellt«r with a lot et ini»ce.!iao.>ii* Ian !clef, MB uiinterou* to inemi.tu. ? MMTruukt. Valises and Carpet lis.-t. A flue Bt it * H

!I*Bthwa*B*B l*Bl>Btg. But 0'..-,i*«, full andi;U.-*inr<. T !\u25a0 K.lltlM,

my P.l -21* 61 Main ft. \u25a0L'ij /.W.....t.,Z ,f- Phillips, Aurti, \u25a0

| No it Main etr*et.| \u25a0

WE will t.i:l at auction, at our shire, Thaa> Iday,.l.ine'M,at lv o'clock, a d.'flrat.to as (flfurttii'-fit r.f genteel 1.-nlture, tush aa il

li .can *,rah tnels HPI :<»r..-. i*at i-iiai *. table* flj(-.ar.kingRlovi*, large tuirrr.r Ht, .1 of chf-wtr.fr- and ?ruotitig tohai*2o A*!'! '.'.bo.*-', watrbc?, h.t flj

Cans t-ament* c..',. i ,-i 1,11 ,'a? .v ta'". fl]KBPWOGD, I'ilil.Lii' - V tl.i, \u25a0

my 31 Ammymmm HJIh) Ttmmt. If. Ettmt, Aurtiwcer, I

(t.m.v iMru't of l.than.i Cary st****as.) fljfA C'.jii.l.miut Hor*e an.l tf-.'-s BW BBtt ll, y\ fleet utt \u25a0

will be r**M on Friday, tho in.h of loan, fu tea Idciuncl a******an* Bat**,*! tne f. t*. ri< \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0» 1.4, Iat Bacon * v tarter Urant-h, ct.miuen*lr.*T at iJ IB**e*6S. It. I' ARI licit, \u25a0

Mat an i l* M..\u25a0?-.1.- ...Ddii. t«.t i.p Tii.** W. Knit*, AMttaoscr, Imy 31


Ba/.'.,' Ut.'.-lull,"irrr.tr CO., .4Kf'*.. HJ[N.i.'lH'.' M*Jn rl, ijetjiih an.l n.tli.J flj

1 lie*, 1100.il, fljCrockery \u2666 ~., fl|

?v-.i.M.-ie-. a*. *,-. BAt Baatßa fl]

On Wammmttmj, Same tat, tSfB, wa will e*it .t MWonr ealritroom. No I-' Vlti,, i-trrs-i, ..ii.tti-ii i-i,.; IIn o'clock A ax, m very urSltaM* *t>eo(ttnent t.i tot MEnifurc, t.fj.t.'li.j-. dry ifeode, c:ock«»yw*re, &,.-, c. a- Ibifiiicv of ih-- 10110-vlmr and other atti-lta:

I aataattwl raant.t \u25a0Bkror fljI -.(ipert.mahctjiov » B****Ba t*M*t fIHWatdmktt , lie IsEaaeß \u25a0

WaUlletaolP, r.Ai.i.ielrl WMChair*, tab!**, f.<- Is WMiit<tl.iiue*, plataw*

< C.t*-iy n/il /'--'"* ?"*-

liry good* and slttßafag WMEti al air.) etlver wat.-h*-* km.Cockingftovetf, loung**, *~ >Am

fIHA very .t**ir*li, e lot of tutnfM tatax*** an-t m^t1 etc*itrat*iol* leather tinratinx truns, ii-w, TWUiv \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 "Wlf.l IAM-r<(l-t] ? f*i», Aur-f

By Sw*»*sa tf /'m, j"..i:*.,i

> l*n.J HJAT Auction ?At tbo n.-uestof Mr Thorn** * H

v .....I wa will cii r f*.r ss.le, on tno MSB**. 1..ri Wet'need a7, let of ,luo« Oftt, (if fair; ittne Mat fair day.'i lit* Farm, lying ou St* wat.:tvoy ceesxt* tn Ibo ce-.iaty of Al***afl**fß. ono n. IIrom ivey fispr.t, r.n tbo Mr«!ot* Central Rain -\u25a0*?!, WMC'luttluitig Sli* X 10 acres, s.li BSBBg the Udils t-l ' ? MAJulio X W.K,J*afi.l uttier*: abonl UO acrtf in v. MMa large part heavily ttinbc-rcit; tlio balance clear. 1and divided Into Ova ttc-l.is, ail under *B**l BBBtt LMt1 hero is a neat it..-.*t. upon the tarm artbo ncca-EEaty s\it braine/, Iba lan.l ia capaithe fatrbeft flat* of ImproTcmont lilies in <ti.o t.rtt 1..-yt.b.'.i i...,..i -i in tbar-uattj, rear in etui <Emil s, acbcula, Ac.

linid. Ji»t:!y A'Aer the sal* of tba land, If \u25a0fr*>W>lig.rff*sranhodt*r*ose.l 61, wa will full aramaiutiia* ***% etork, borses, rtrioiug ultra*ftset rate four-bore* tbresblag machine, he. MM

my 13-:!!awWs BBNSON to Br. \u25a0

WC UaBB.NBA, Atrtlosser, No. ISO. V H# Btraet, *ppoail* Bieaaog* Bask.?Bet ?*

sal* d*)*, Mondays aad Thursday* 1 will sen. outho above mentioned dsys, at.srcnand.se sad turat-tore of every description* ?

t 'onfiftitiiL'ai* lespectfally solicited.mli 4?:*ru* W 0 UKBKSFB, Anel'r.

Ilstrx/io* wtBBVeetaaBSBNWiSBtj IH . bui...u,l, May r*t, I*4l |

NnTIHK - Isarcoiilarcawlth tbo prevalent of .Ueucr.i! Hr.lar Mv :?:\u25a0. A and I 11 elite*, Itflserioa, Uieo«u*r*.>r the ft.ltowti-.** Slav.* will can-al thla I'tinp aud pi- va lh*tr rlattrcs, aa ieauirci byact ot I'onjtrcst

Allan - Bastes* to tbes P forby, near Fi*>'*r cl:bury aantby »*-,.*<r Btl.ir.for.l, May li.

Jus Wtiklns- rtaiongsto l»r IVliklns, of <*h**t*r**tltil.l county. capture.Bear Drewry'a Biuß, Mar M ?

Tta s L lUitlt-«-kU»lt*ag* to Wm BBttia, ot Bdgt-e.'uib county, N C; captured near Drewry'* Blbit,Hay IS

U.inert Harris- Belongs to Uoaby Doval, of H«nrlco comity, arrsatcd near thla ctty,ta llmri-oeoun-yisaa!orr'erktnß-n«!ir>Bgs to EM Msislb. of iloort-lantoouutj; arrsstedBear tba euy, to B*nricoco,Hay 7

Btil-lUloßf* to David Bu«**tl. of llyde coasty.M I'; captured *t Dreary** H'-a*,**? ?


John Wllllam*-B*loagß «? M.*JL%** "fd*

conaty.M C: caplaretlat Drewry"* BiaS, May isJob* P Partlef.nf Manor** -

county, vs, caftured aad ssst by Major Turn*-May IS; ta a supposed ruMwaj

Dabney-B.i.tog* to Atox sm*tma>*\ Emcouoly; capture.! by o*u llanlou* brlgads, Ma, .B>.bVrt Beioag* to albert AIkSS. oi lUmW***, *captured and aant by M*>r T*r***tt, atariaa Coxae,near lata*** Btaß, May tl


CHI ratr- Bet.*** to li***ry t>x, of -£»'J? ""HErspturcd by Capt J B B*af*w*,a*ar ikewy'BaU**B,M*W*»W*.-toB -Bekm*.eou**J*K eaplatred fly Cdf l #lB4tiB*B»B, asar tttwa*

, awtaatdJVlllx-tßtSaOfheid: liptnrsdby Oapt * B tt*aia*,a**r Dtetrrya

*%"B**iLs to Bobt Ciamy; t*aftar*dat Mead, wi.r.'g*, "Hay I

__. «m. , f-.,yttsaadotmt Mai*T <» riTTON.Bty*B-H*t

water ivtf \u25a0 ll'*tK"l "Il| saaotfully antritad tbai ltt*Ji l '*\u25a0_,?\u25a0' Jfar water -*ak«S tt ********T *^^ I**tffX*y» ***

toakßat* nam be ttappad.ra the ***_AEmgrnantiytotAtaXt toll eamtkem \u25a0fVaa*Sß*ly

BK*BBt*t ******** far tbe toexdommAEEEtmß a* ?Ba* ***?JtawrTln * maottli toga*aat U*,elta*e»sjlrtßßß*ta*rsßt **vweaey ofglßjfctje tttat BtfeV

*\na |^BM*lßßr»B*S>*t?'.IS atry PAstoma bataeadifaktag.sraTtasawaersj WAmA^llmmmßmmtjot «**^aaaßßißßarl*fnß*t*waatat twa ?w *aw***ta ***** atwawT tawn an IS* *

******awxfaea*Bwxß**aw***B af*>aaar*a BtaßxaxerSß* i\u25a0\u25a0 j.w**^^-~~--*.^r*^r** l *lTi' . | --t
