buying social morgan zhuo presentation at international conference ‘universities developing social...

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Buying Social Morgan Zhuo Presentation at International conference Universities developing social entrepreneurship through cross-sector collaboration. York St John University, 1-3 Sept 2015: Slide 2 Slide 3 Trainees Related Programming and Events Slide 4 The Challenge Slide 5 Public Sentiment Economics Ethics Lower quality at higher costs Fair trade, Environmentally Sustainable Slide 6 Competitive Advantage Slide 7 Responsibility INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS POLITICAL LEADERSHIP Slide 8 Table of Contents #BUYSOCIAL Case Study: Loaf Catering and Cafs Northern Ireland History and Trends Social Enterprise Individual Social Responsibility Individual Perception Community Social Responsibility & Public Sector Existing Policy Outcomes and your Trade Chain Conclusions Slide 9 Northern Ireland Slide 10 Unemployment The Troubles Highest Unemployment Rate in all of the UK 1 in 4 Youth are Unemployed Slide 11 Social Enterprise Space 12% Social Enterprises 3,821 Enhance communities Help people into employment Improve the environment Belfast 30% > Trade within Northern Ireland Slide 12 Reported a profit or surplus 68% 36% with less than 100,000 turnover Reported they want to expand 77% 2% with turnover over 10 million Slide 13 Individual Social Responsibility Slide 14 Individual Perception 76% Hospital Staff More willing to go to Loaf knowing its a Social Enterprise 30:3 Rule 30% Claim to be Ethical Ethical Markets are typically 3% or less of the market Great to see a local social enterprise delivering great opportunities to people who face barriers to work as well as providing brilliant quality products and service. Hope things go really well for you all! Brilliant ethos behind your company...there should be more of this! Reviews from customers Slide 15 Thinking Backwards Slide 16 Community Building #HumansOfLoaf I met the cutest pair of little humans the other day at the Loaf Caf and Bakery: sisters Katy and Rebecca (who also goes by Becky). They were a bundle of energy: filling in their colouring sheets, talking to each other, and interacting with their mother. They like to bake with their granddaddy. The other day they made biscuits...but they were rock hard. Hes not a great baker. We approached Frances in the Loaf Cafe and Bakery after we heard her raving about the sausage rolls she had just finished. Ive never tasted a sausage roll like that in my life; they were gorgeous. We spent a good bid of time talking about her life, and of course the scrumptiousness of the sausage rolls. At this point you could write a novel about them. She said shell be back again to say hi. I live on me own. Ive been divorced ever since I was 36. Sometimes it gets very lonely. Slide 17 Awareness A social enterprise, is a normal money-making business Providing goods and services to paying customers everyday. But instead of using profit merely to make itself richer, it uses profit to make a difference... Slide 18 The Grosvenor Road Community Garden 6 Days of Healthy Eats @ Loaf Caf and Bakery Day 6: Local Ingredients There ingredients were generously donated by The Conservation Volunteers at the Grosvenor Road Community Garden. Besides being freshly picked, they are also organically grown without any pesticides or herbicides. We'd like to thank the community for giving us this, and in return we'd like to give back as well. Liam will be cooking up a lovely seafood chowder today. Drop by! # buysocial # buylocal # giveback The Conservation Volunteers # buysocial # buylocal # giveback Popped by the Community Garden on Grosvenor Road where Loaf Caf and Bakery sources some of its local and organically grown ingredients. We also have volunteers there every Thursday helping out with the gardens. Some things just taste better when they come from close to home. :) # buysocial # buylocal # buysocial # buylocal Slide 19 File an Phobail 6 Days of File an Phobail @ Loaf Caf and Bakery Day 3: Powerful Pictures They say that a picture says a thousand words. We dropped by St. Mary's University College and were blown away by this 'Remembering Quilt' by Relatives for Justice. 6 Days of Flie an Phobail @ Loaf Caf and Bakery Day 2: Black and White The two sides of an issue are not always Black and White. Join Loaf at St. Mary's University College for a line-up of provoking debates and discussions. Enjoy Martin's lovely traybakes and a hot drink while you're there! # buysocial # buysocial Slide 20 Ulster Museum Photography Exhibit Just a sneak peek of the photo exhibit collaboration we have on with the Ulster Museum! Loaf Caf and Bakerys site has a lot of history behind it, something we would like to preserve. Have any old photos of the area or stories to contribute? Please contact us we would love to hear from you. The Dunville park was donated as a gift to the city by a wealthy family which was famous for their distillery which produced Dunville Irish whisky. When opened by the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, it was said that the provision of such a park in an industrial area was symbolic of a new era when employees would think not only of the housing and sanitation of their workers but of their recreation as well. Slide 21 Ulster Bank Thanks @Ulster Bank for supporting projects run by Loafs parent company NOW Project. It was a pleasure filming with you today. #buysocial Slide 22 Social Responsibility & Public Sector Slide 23 Buying-in to #BuySocial Lobbying Northern Irish decisions makers to support social enterprises Slide 24 Policy Drivers Sustainable Development Strategy (2010) 2 nd Guiding Principle Ensuring a strong, healthy, just and equal society...promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion, creating equal opportunity Equality Act (2010) The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. Programme for Government (2011- 2015) include Social Clauses in all public procurement contracts for supplies, services and construction Slide 25 Moving Forward Buy Social ToolkitBudget Cuts Social Value Act Unlike in the rest of the UK, the Social Value Act does not apply to Northern Ireland Slide 26 Controversy Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) For-profit businesses that have sustainability + diversity agendas. Social Enterprises They make profits but reinvest most of it back into the business or community. Slide 27 Case Study: The Bobbin Slide 28 Case Study: The Contract Cost Quality 40% 60% Slide 29 Case Study: LOAF Slide 30 Case Study: Future Improvements Measuring Value VisionIncentive #BUYSOCIAL Slide 31 Case Study: Future Improvements Slide 32 Outcomes Thinking Backwards Identify a Social Mission Link to Social Outcomes Apply to your Trade Chain Two Birds with One Stone! Slide 33 Conclusions