
Bus In this post abstract of the project Bus Reservation System (BRS) in C or C++ programming language . Along with the brief introduction to the project. Project brief:- In this project the bus reservation system & the other entire task on the bus system application is can done thought Menu based program. The other tasks are as following: – (Here all this things is can done only by administrator user) I. In this project we can add new bus-root (Here bus-root means that the where bus is starting and where bus is stop) II. We can modified existing bus-root III. We can delete bus-root IV. We can add bus-type (Here bus-type means that which type bus is going on journey. For example: -1.gold-line, 2.star-line, 3.blue-line, and local-line) V. We can modified existing bus-type VI. We can delete bus-type VII. We can change journey charges. (Here charges means that the how many rate apply for per kilometer) Objective of the project:- This project is password protected so prevent to illegal use. And only administrator users can changes in stored data The local users can registration without password and get ticket

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BusIn this post abstract of the project Bus Reservation System (BRS) in C or C++ programming language. Along with the brief introduction to the project.

Project brief:-

In this project the bus reservation system & the other entire task on the bus system application is can done thought Menu based program. The other tasks are as following: – (Here all this things is can done only by administrator user)

        I.            In this project we can add new bus-root

 (Here bus-root means that the where bus is starting and where bus is stop)  

     II.    We can modified existing bus-root 

   III.    We can delete  bus-root 

  IV.      We can add bus-type (Here bus-type means that which type bus is going on journey.

         For example: -1.gold-line, 2.star-line, 3.blue-line, and local-line)  

     V.       We can modified existing bus-type 

  VI.      We can delete bus-type 

VII.     We can change journey charges. (Here charges means that the how many rate apply for per


Objective of the project:-This project is password protected so prevent to illegal use.

And only administrator users can changes in stored data

The local users can registration without password and get ticket

 In this project the all possible features are include just like sitting arrangement is shown to user

for selecting which seat is want to reserve for journey and show all bus-root and can search bus-


Purpose:-Purpose of this project is the made bus-reservation easy and easily handle for bus-transport

cooperation system.

Front end &back end:-In this project only use front end (C & C++).

Advantages:-This project advantages is that the bus-system can handle easily.

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Registration is can done easily with advance features just like show all search bus-root and you

can select bus-type and no. of seats in shown in bus-sitting  it is same as real bus.

Future enhance:-In this project many future enhance just like if this project is done on data-base management then

it is very useful because of the all possible roots and all registration can stored in storage and if it

made on html then can online registration then we can made bus-system online.

RailProject Title: Online Railway reservation management System

Project Abstract and brief report: Application will allow users to view trains between two station, see seat availability, check fares and to book the ticket depending on availability. If you are doing it as a final year B. Tech. project then you can also include provision to choose your seat according to interest through an interactive user interface. Login module should allow only authenticated users to book the ticket, see booked ticket history and check status of booked tickets.

Other requirements for project: Analyse IRCTC website and find its flaws (I am sure you can find many if you are a regular student) try to include provisions that improve robustness. Make use of existing solutions related to distributed system that can allow the site to handle very large number of users at any instance.Source code implantation languages: For implementation any server side scripting language such as php, asp or jsp can be used. You should make use of your HTML, CSS, javascript knowledge to make the system more interactive and user friendly.

Keywords: irctc, online reservation, online railways, railway management project, Indian railways


Project Title: Employees management System

Project Abstract and brief report:You can also call this project as universal employees management system or an Employees information system. Project will allow admin to add new employees after proper authentication. Admin can also add new departments and posts. It can allocate employees to different departments at different posts. Database should store all personal details of employees such as date of birth full name etc. and his educational background, work experience, skill sets, current and past projects in different tables with proper relations

Source code implantation languages: Concentrate in proper ER Diagrams, use MySQL or

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Oracle for database functionality  System can be coded in visual basic, java, php or jsp depending on whether you want an offline application or an online one.

Simple Railway Reservation SystemFor journey of longer distances though we have airways most of the people use the railways, which is most convenient, affordable means of transport in India. So keeping this in view, the reservation of railways is a most important task and it must be faster and efficient as the demand (travellers) is very high. In order to meet this demand, manual reservation is completely ruled out and it requires an efficient program to implement the online reservation.

This program enables us to choose the train even there is no necessary to fill a form at the railway reservation counter, i.e. we can directly select from the choices provided for us with train numbers and their origin, departure time, destination & arrival time at that station and the class to travel in. If there is any concession we can also avail it and then program gives us the final output as train ticket with the amount to be paid. It is completely developed in C languace without using graphics. But through VDU basics we acheived the colours in it.

This simplifies the risks and makes things faster in the mode of railways!!!!