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Never ending Business quiz by Business GK


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Answers to previous quiz. Never ending quiz II

1. Google2. Loius Surraez biting accident at world cup football.3. Wi-Fi4. Out of the Box thinking.5. . All 3 companies were acquired by flipkart.6. X=Ajay Bhatt , Y= USB7. 7 UP8. Alan Turing ,Inventor of captcha, Benedict is featuring in his biopic called Imitation Game which shows how Alan Turing Cracked the Enigma machine used during WW II.9. Nintendo.10. Iphone Bendgate.11. X=Arundhati Bhattacharya, Y=SBI ,Z= Banking.12 X=Simon, Y=Smartphone13. Arnold schwarzenegger.14. Black Swan theory.15. Energizer 16 X= Levis Strauss , Y= Pants17. Pradhan mantri Jan Dhan Yojna18. X=Rupay ,Y= Visa, Z= mastercard.19. Band Aid.20. Intel21. Bluetooth.

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Winner of previous quiz is ISHAN WATTS

His score was 14/21

Well done ISHAN

Keep Quizzing.

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1. Like Send your answer to the inbox of the page You can also post the answer on as comments.3 .Person with maximum number of correct answers will be featured as the mastermind quizzer on website.4.All entries must come within 1 week of quiz being posted.5. No googling please. It hurts the quizzing sentiments.

Deadline -25 November 2014

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The earliest form of this device was called Automatic Continuous Clasping Device. How do we better Know it today?

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In 1999, Ashish Hemrajani was on a trip to South Africa ,there while sitting under a tree ,listening to a radio ,he heard a jingle promoting tickets for a rugby match ,He was then stuck by the idea of virtual ticketing business and started Bigtree entertainment owing to the tree under which he got the idea of the company. But how we better know Bigtree entertainment pvt ltd today.

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Olympia is a typewriter manufacturer company in Germany. The Company recently said that It Expects to sell more typewriters this year than at any time in the last 20 years. But what event/Person has caused people in Germany and Russia go back to the old typewriters .?


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What's common between these companies ?

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“You're just a silly tractor manufacturer, how could you possibly know anything about sports car .” These are the words that X said Y and led to change in the business focus of company owned by Y . Identify X and Y .  


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Who holds this patent.

If you can figure out the invention ,you will automatically figure out the patent holder.

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This concept/term was developed by US advertising executive Rosser Reeves in the 1940's to represent the key point of dramatic difference that makes a product salable even at a higher price than rival products. What Concept/terminology he gave to the world of marketing.

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Modi is quite fashionable, while Obama is very traditional and classic. He's being safe but a man in his position would want to be safe because there is so much criticism about everything he does. If he became too fashionable people would throw stones. Michelle is more fashionable.

Statement by which Iconic Fashion Designer

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Identify This Business Tycoon.

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Although the term “X” was first coined by the 4th King of Bhutan the concept has a much longer resonance in the Kingdom of Bhutan. The 1729 legal code, which dates from the unification of Bhutan, declared that “if the Government cannot create Y for its people, there is no purpose for the Government to exist.”1 In 1972, the 4th King declared X to be more important than GDP, and from this time onward, the country oriented its national policy and development plans towards X.

Just Give me X. I don't need Y Sitter If you have watched the movie LunchBox.

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Logo of which Campaign /Institution in India.

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X is a form of advertising which is used to promote banned products like cigarettes and alcohol, in the disguise of another product. This type of advertising uses a product of a fairly close category, as: club soda, mineral water in case of alcohol, or products of a completely different category, for example music CD's or playing cards to hammer the brand name into the heads of consumers. The banned product (alcohol or cigarettes) may not be projected directly to consumers but rather masked under another product under the same brand name, so that whenever there is mention of that brand, people start associating it with its main product (the alcohol or cigarette)

What is X ?

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In Japan, X has introduced over 200 different flavours of this chocolate Y since 2000, including ginger ale, soy sauce, creme brulee, green tea, and banana. The flavours are designed to appeal to younger buyers, and are often bought as good-luck gifts as the brand name echoes a Japanese phrase “roughly translating as “surely win.

Identify X and Y

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+ =The joint venture of this two company resulted in top used Android Application which you may also be using on a day to day basis. Which Application.

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What's so special in these shoes made by electrolux.?

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Significance of this listWith Scroorge being number 1 .

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Tweet by which Brand

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What's so special about this particular brand of Bottled drinking water ?

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Simply Connect

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Identify her

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For more such questions,trivia,happenings in the world of business.
