business planning guide (updated 11.2016) · pdf filenegotiable. what is your non-negotiable...

10 Hey Dreamer, I’M SARAH KING. I’m a business coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to make more income and impact through their online business. I know how overwhelming, exhausting, and discouraging it feels when you’re struggling to get momentum in your business. I've been there. It's the worst! Sometimes, business success seems unattainable. You wonder if it's even possible for you. But there's good news, Dreamer. You were designed to do big things and no matter where you are right now, the best is yet to come. Just one year ago, my husband and I were completely broke. When I started my business, I was pregnant, had a busy one-year-old running around, and my husband was in a 9-5 job where he was underpaid and underappreciated. For the longest time, my business plateaued at “hobby-status.” I didn’t know how I was going to make things work. What I did know, however, was that I was no longer available to wait on my dreams. I knew I was totally done watching other people do big things. I was done wishing for my business to take off. And so, I put everything on the line and dove all in. Less than a year later, I hit nearly a half-million in sales. (Still feels so surreal!) I’ve been able to bring my husband home from his 9-5 job (after a 30k month), filled a high-level group program (and hit a $200k MONTH), and then cut my workweek down to only 20 hours so I could spend more time with my two sweet daughters. But most importantly, I have been able to help hundreds of women start and grow businesses that change their lives. It’s my mission to get your business to the next level and help you create the simple, balanced, meaningful life of your dreams. I hope you enjoy this business-planning workbook! Wherever it is that you want to go, you can get there…and sooner than you think! 1

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Post on 29-Mar-2018




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H e y D r e a m e r ,  

I ’M SARAH KING. I’m a business coach for female entrepreneurs who are ready to make more income and impact through their online business. I know how overwhelming, exhausting, and discouraging it feels when you’re struggling to get momentum in your business. I've been there. It's the worst! Sometimes, business success seems unattainable. You wonder if it's even possible for you. But there's good news, Dreamer. You were designed to do big things and no matter where you are right now, the best is yet to come. Just one year ago, my husband and I were completely broke. When I started my business, I was pregnant, had a busy one-year-old running around, and my husband was in a 9-5 job where he was underpaid and underappreciated. For the longest time, my business plateaued at “hobby-status.” I didn’t know how I was going to make things work. What I did know, however, was that I was no longer available to wait on my dreams. I knew I was totally done watching other people do big things. I was done wishing for my business to take off. And so, I put everything on the line and dove all in. Less than a year later, I hit nearly a half-million in sales. (Still feels so surreal!) I’ve been able to bring my husband home from his 9-5 job (after a 30k month), filled a high-level group program (and hit a $200k MONTH), and then cut my workweek down to only 20 hours so I could spend more time with my two sweet daughters. But most importantly, I have been able to help hundreds of women start and grow businesses that change their lives.

It’s my mission to get your business to the next level and help you create the simple, balanced, meaningful life of your dreams. I hope you enjoy this business-planning workbook! Wherever it is that you want to go, you can get there…and sooner than you think! 1


Many entrepreneurs come up with complex business plans and map out years at a time. I, however, choose not to look more than 90 days ahead. And until I had significant momentum in my business, I actually used a MONTHLY business plan. Here’s why:

You don’t know what you’re capable of. By staying relatively present in your business planning, you allow yourself to expand in potential. You are giving yourself space to dream bigger, and you’re allowing yourself to become even MORE focused because you see that what you’re working for is RIGHT around the corner (not something in the vague distance).

I’m going to share with you my monthly business planning ritual. I do this every single month:

STEP #1: Fil l out my money map. Come up with a specific number of dollars that I want to make that month. Decide that it is non-negotiable.

What is your non-negotiable number this month?

Why is that your number? (It’s very important to assign every dollar a purpose before it comes to you)




STEP #2: Determine what I need to sell and how many need to be sold to hit that number this month.

This step brings that monthly number to life and helps you visualize where that money is going to come from.

For example: 3 one on one clients + 1 VIP intensive.

Note: You want your path to the money to be joyful, so set goals that excite and energize you! You have to desire the path to the money as much as you desire the money. Let me explain: At one point in my business, I had overbooked myself with 1-1 clients. I was serving nearly 15 at one time, and had set my intention to book 3 more. I struggled to close on discovery calls, however, because even though I wanted the financial benefits of 3 more clients, I truly didn't want more clients on my plate at the time. I was exhausted. It was at that point that I decided to run my first group program. I could market the group program with genuine and authentic excitement because I was eager to run a group program. I was passionate about the path to the money. The money follows when you're confident about the path.

How will you bring in that number this month?

Why does this excite you?




STEP #3: Create a two-columned task l ist.

One column contains everything that you can do to make it happen (Action). As a business coach, I help my clients determine what tasks need to be on their action list so they can hit their monthly non-negotiable goals. These action items often vary from person to person. The second column is everything outside of your power that can still contribute to you hitting your goal (Surrender). Here’s an example from my coaching business:

WHERE IS $ COMING FROM: 3 one on one clients + 1 VIP intensive

Sometimes, by looking at the surrender list, I can find other things to add to my action list. For example:

Δ Get referred by a client >> Take time to respond even more thoughtfully to client emails so they will advocate for me

Δ Follower forwards my newsletter to a friend >> Take time to write newsletters from a place of inspiration so it resonates more with my audience

Creating this list allows you to give yourself some grace. Not everything is in your control. This list reminds me that at a certain point, I have to let go and surrender. Clients will come to you when you are doing your part.

Throughout the month, stay focused on the action items that will help you hit your non-negotiable goal. If you find yourself wrapped up in a task that isn’t serving your greater mission for the month (even if it seems important) reconsider how you are spending your time.

Your turn! Write out your action and surrender l ist for the month:  

ACTION SURRENDERTweak sales page Get referred by a client

Send out emails to list every other day Be highlighted on someone else’s feed

Optimize Facebook ads A follower forwards one of my newsletters to a friend

Post in Facebook groups once a day

Email 10 people who have podcasts I would love to guest speak on




STEP #4: Once you define exactly how you will achieve your monthly number, create a system to hold a space for your clients.

I use a simple list on a sticky note. I put the sticky note on my computer, and every time someone chooses to work with me, I write their name on my list. This helps me celebrate each client. For example:

1st one-on-one client _______________________________

2nd one-on-one client _______________________________

3rd one-on-one client _______________________________

1st VIP intensive _______________________________

STEP #5: Declare your goals.

The more often you say them, the more real it becomes. Tell your friends, family, and entrepreneurial sisters. Announce it to your tribe and following. Treat your goals as facts.

I remember telling everyone, "This month is going to be my first 5-figure month" before I even had any clients! And it was.

I always said, "My husband is getting ready to quit his 9-5." And now he has!

To hit your goals, you need to operate as the woman who HAS hit those goals. Words create and shape our realities, so keep speaking about your goals!

In what ways will you declare your goals?



STEP #6: Track and celebrate everything.

Rather than focusing on what I don’t have, I choose to focus on what I do have and be grateful for it. I do this for my own mental health. It’s so easy to live in this place of, “Oh my gosh, I need more money. I need another client asap!!” But that is not a success mindset. By focusing on what I have, I am able to operate from a place of abundance, rather than desperation. It helps alleviate panic and overwhelm. Every month, I create a 3-column list, and track everything that is flowing my way.

Column 1: CASH

This is any money you make through your business, find on the ground (yes – I pick up pennies!) or get from selling old DVDs to a used bookstore.


Energetic income isn’t actually money. It is anything of monetary value that comes our way. (For example: someone treats you to lunch, you found some great coupons and used them at the grocery store, you get a complementary oil change when you go in to replace your brake pads, etc.) It’s so easy to let it go unrecognized, but I believe it is important to acknowledge. There is real power in gratitude.


This is any non-monetary gain towards your goals. (For example: booked 3 discovery calls, redid my sales page, received an email from someone interested in my business, etc.) This is also where you will note movements that come from your surrender. (For example: got a referral, got 24 new followers because someone tagged me in their post, etc.)

Your turn! Track any cash, energetic income, and positive movement throughout the month:




TWEAKING YOUR BUSINESS PLAN. If you follow this business planning process every month and aren’t seeing results, it could be an indication that:

• Your monthly number in Step 1 wasn’t actually non-negotiable Go back to Step 1 and think about that number. One month, I set the intention to pay back ALL of my debt (both credit cards, and student loans). When I fell short of that goal, I was disappointed, but I realized that my goal wasn’t actually non-negotiable. There was room for negotiation. I could pay back my loans over a six-month period, or a year without it really impacting me in a big way. I just had to release myself from any guilt surrounding my debt. So check in with yourself…are your non-negotiable goals really absolutely non-negotiable?

• You are focusing on the wrong action items in Step 3. Study what works and what doesn’t work, and then focus on what works! For example, are you really getting clients by obsessing over your logo? Are you really getting clients from your 3 Instagram posts/day? Try new and different action items until you find one that helps you get the momentum you desire.

• You left out a Step 3 action item because it was too hard, scary, etc. Generally, we choose the safest path, even if it prevents us from achieving our goals. For the longest time, I refused to hire a babysitter, because I didn’t want to spend the money until I was making money in my business. I also desperately wanted a business coach, but was terrified to hire one, because I would have to max out all my credit cards and borrow money to do so (and had no guarantee of return). It wasn’t until I did those scary, hard things, however, that I was able to move my business past “hobby-status.” What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail? DO THOSE THINGS.

• You did not finish or properly execute the listed action items in Step 3. Not finishing the task list may be due to poor time management or just overloading your action list for the month. Take inventory of how much time you can put into your business each month and make sure the action items are realistic to complete. Consider outsourcing certain tasks that are eating up your time and energy.

• You’re not excited about the path to the money I went on a mini-rant about this in Step 2. Basically, you want your path to the money to be joyful, so set goals that excite and energize you. If they don’t excite you, think about adjusting your path to the money.



Have you ever heard of the "Pot of Water" i l lustration? It's one of my favorites. Basically, it goes like this: Imagine that you're a pot of water on the stove, and success = boiling. Sometimes, it feels like boiling point will never ever come. This dream-building stuff is no joke. Ninety percent of entrepreneurs quit. It makes me wonder...How many entrepreneurs quit right before they begin to boil? I want to encourage you today to TURN UP THE HEAT and believe that you are about to boil. Hang on to your dream, because everything is beyond possible for you. This may sound crazy, but you already have clients!! And I’m not talking about any old clients…I’m talking about your DREAM clients. The ones that understand your value, are eager to work with you, and energize you when you speak with them. They may not know you exist yet. They may not know how badly they need what you have to offer. They may not be ready to make the investment today. BUT THEY ARE OUT THERE. And they are waiting for you to show up.

P.S. – Want to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs? Click here to join The Entrepreneur Storybook for inspiration and support as you build your business.