business in the future

Business in the Future presented by: *Isti Nuraisyah *Muhammad L. Hakim *Triana Gunawan Yeah we Can! !

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Page 1: Business in the future

Businessin the Future

presented by:

*Isti Nuraisyah*Muhammad L. Hakim*Triana Gunawan



Page 2: Business in the future


Facts:Students need to read quickly because they have to read a lot of readers usually understand reading material better than slow readers. Slow readers read one word at a timeFast readers read one phrase a time

Increasing Speed:Reading in



According to psyhologists, our individual money habits show our beliefs and values.



our individualmoneyhabitsshowour beliefsandvalues.

Experts in psychology

money is an important symbolof strength and influence.

believe that for many people,

Open page 48

Page 3: Business in the future

! Let’sInstruction:Read these sentences in phrases. If you find any obstacle, try to divide/ mark each sentence into phrases .

1. Imagine the typical work situations of the fairly recent past.2. The increasing use of robots will fewer jobs for blue-collar

workers.3. Today most men and over half of all women leave the house

each day to go to work.4. The computer networks will cause even more changes in

family life.5. Videocatalogues are computers with screen that show

pictures of products to buy.

Show yourZeal practice!!

Page 4: Business in the future

Part of Speech

*noun*verb*adjective*adverb, etc.

So what is “Part of Speech”?

Sometimes you can tell the part of speech from the suffix (the word ending). Here are some common suffixes, listed by the parts of speech that they usually indicate.

Nouns Adjectives

-er/-or -ive

-ist -able/ -ible

-sion/ -tion -(u)al

-(i)ty -ic(al)

-ance/ -ence -ful

-ure -ant/ -ent

-ment -ous

-ee -ar(y)

Page 5: Business in the future

Let’s play…

RULES:1. Concentrate2. Imagine we are playing tennis now (of course

you have to participate actively)3. I will attack you with questions and you block

it with answers4. do it many time, as much as possible5. practice it with your friend

until you can answer it

Let’s play…

(but this time you have to counter attack your friend by give them a question)

automaticallywithout thinking

automaticallywithout thinking
