business events news for mon 17 aug 2015 - dms, mackay, singapore, christmas venues and more

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  • 8/20/2019 Business Events News for Mon 17 Aug 2015 - DMS, Mackay, Singapore, Christmas venues and more


    business events news

    17th August 2015

    Editor: Jill

    1300 799 220

    business events news Page 1

    On the QT...THE ‘bit ofshoosh’ column(BEN  13 Aug)elicited anumber ofcommentsfrom our readers.

    CINZ’s ceo Sue Sullivan whoinstigated the ‘shoosh’ duringMEETINGS 2015 to silence thenoisy people who talked whenshe was speaking, said of herexperience, “I was talking to a

    colleague afterwards and saidnext time I’ll bring a sheep ormy dog whistle hung around myneck with my pearls or better stillput my ngers in my mouth towhistle up the crowd. They didn’tthink it a very becoming thingfor me to do. Clearly, they don’tknow me that well,” she joked.

    Weighing in to the issue, ICMSAustralasia md Bryan Hollidaysuggested his solution might beworth considering.

    “Many years ago when an

    audience was becoming tootalkative during an awardsceremony, I started playing thenational anthem…the MC quicklyregained control.”MEANWHILE many readers

    will be surprised to learn thattoday is my last as editor of BEN .

    It has been a wonderful ride andI am proud to have been at itsbirth and to have been part of thepublication’s growth.

    The time has come, however forme to move on to a new role.

    Bye bye BEN  and all the crew,it’s been wonderful working withyou all!  Jill 

    Today’s issue of BENBusiness Events News today

    has two pages of news and the

    latest BEN  Christmas Venue

    Guide on page three.

    DMS showcase to expandDESTINATIONMarkeng

    Services (DMS)

    today announced

    a major game

    changer to its

    annual Sydney

    and Melbourne workshop

    program that will see it for the

    rst me untethered from the

    ming of AIME.

    DMS managing director Marissa

    Fernandez said instead thepopular event will take place in

    March - and will expand to cover

    Auckland and Perth as well as

    Sydney and Melbourne.

    Fernandez told BEN  she believes

    the “more eecve” March

    period will improve opportunies

    for networking, sales meengs,

    trade educaon and relaonship

    building within each marketplace.

     “The new standalone four-city

    DMS Connect format will bring

    senior execuves from a widerange of well-accredited DMCs

    to meet a targeted audience of

    our business events and high-end

    leisure clients,”



    “This is an

    opportunity in

    which we can

    also thank our

    very loyal clients in New Zealand

    and Perth - we are literally living

    up to our moo of ‘connecng

    you to the world’ – except now

    we are bringing the world to our

    Australasian clients in their homemarkets”, she said.

    DMS Connect - the largest

    porolio of global DMCs will be

    held between 7-10 March 2016,

    with conrmaon of nal details

    expected next month.

    Christmas ideas?THERE are sll opportunies to

    parcipate in upcoming edions

    of the BEN  Christmas Venue

    Guide which showcases opons

    for the upcoming fesve season.

    See page three for today’s

    venue guide; enquiries for future

    placements to Magda Herdzik on

    1300 799 220.

    BEN business as usualBUSINESS Events News 

    founding editor Jill Varley ismoving on to a new role, but it’s

    business as usual for us here with

    the rest of the team connuing

    to produce BEN , now Australia’s

    favourite online MICE publicaon.

    We wish Jill all the best, and in

    the meanme keep sending all

    your news and updates to info@ cooperationMACKAY Tourism and the

    Mackay Entertainment &

    Convenon Centre say they

    received a combined sevenleads for new business and two

    potenal return conferences

    via their rst-me combined

    parcipaon at last month’s

    Convene Q trade show in Brisbane.

    A successful pre-show program

    saw more than 36 qualied

    visitors come to the stand, with

    a number of associaons and

    organisaons indicang they

    will be adding Mackay to their

    conference bidding rotaon.

    Key aracons includedMackay’s unique Beach Horse

    Races event, while the stand

    included produce tasngs from

    the Sarina Sugar Shed.

    A giveaway of a trip to the

    Mackay Airport Beach Horse

    Racing Fesval was won by Aimee

    Du Toit from Arinex, while Lisa

    Hilton, events manager from the

    Master Plumber’s Associaon of

    Queensland won a gi pack from

    the Sugar Shed.

    PSst...Auckland winsAUCKLAND has won the bid to

    host the PST 2016: Internaonal

    Conference on Privacy, Security

    and Trust.

    The three day conference

    will aract over 250 delegates,

    with the conference securedusing support from Tourism

    NZ’s Conference Assistance

    Programme bid fund.[email protected]://[email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 Business Events News for Mon 17 Aug 2015 - DMS, Mackay, Singapore, Christmas venues and more


    Business Events News is Australia’s newest online publicaon dedicated to

    the vibrant meengs, incenves, conferences and events sector.Sign up for a free subscripon at

    Postal address: PO Box 1010, Epping, NSW 1710 Australia

    Street address: 4/41 Rawson St, Epping NSW 2121 Australia 

    P: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760) F: 1300 799 221 (+61 2 8007 6769)

    Part of the Travel Daily group of publicaons.

    Publisher: Bruce Piper

    Editor: Jill Varley  [email protected] Adversing and Markeng: Sean Harrigan and Magda Herdzik [email protected]

    Business Manager: Jenny Piper [email protected]

    business events news

    Business Events News is a publicaon of Business Events News Pty Ltd ABN 80 153 775 449. All content is fully protected by copyright. Please obtain wrien permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been takenin preparaon of the newsleer no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. BEN  takes no responsibility for the opinions of i ts contributors/columnists. Informaon is published in good faith to smulate independentinvesgaon of the maers canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

    business events news17th August 2015

    business events news Page 2

    CHOCOLATE alert - theEmbassy of Ecuador is set toshowcase the country’s sweetestwares in an Australian “chocolatemaster class”.

    It’s part of an internationalExquisite Ecuador  roadshow,which has seen the SouthAmerican country also host eventsin Miami, Madrid and London.

    Ecuador will participate in the

    Fine Food Australia event atSydney Olympic Park next month.

    Just in case you were wonderingthe nation is the world’s topexporter of premium “Fino deArriba Cacao” cocoa beans andproducts including ne chocolate.

    But that’s not all - other majorexports include Ecuadoriancoee, prawns, hearts of palmand beautiful roses.

    The mission also aims to explorecommercial partnerships withAustralia and the Asia-Pacicregion - but who cares aboutthat stu? Those with the rightpriorities can check out the chocvia Xocolatl Brokers Australia

    crumbs!BEN ’s calendar details

    upcoming MICE events acrossthe globe.

    If you have an upcoming eventyou’d like us to feature, email

    [email protected]

    24-26 AUG

    IAPCO EDGE Auckland, PullmanAuckland Hotel; more info edge-auckland

    26 AUG

    Gold Coast Connect Melbourne,Crown Promenade Melbourne;details:

    31 AUG-3 SEP

    PCMA Global ProfessionalsConference; Melbourne;

    1-2 SEP

    The Event Show; Sydney; formore details email:[email protected]

    3-6 SEP

    Alice Stampede ‘15; AliceSprings; for more info go

    6-9 SEP

    Luxperience; AustralianTechnology Park, Sydney;

    9 SEP

    Show Me Wellington 2015; TSBBank Arena and ConventionCentre, Wellington; details

    10-11 SEP

    MICE Asia Pacific Exhibition2015; Suntec SingaporeConvention & Exhibition Centre,

    Singapore; more info at: 

    21-23 OCT

    ITB Asia; Marina Bay Sands,Singapore; details 

    18 NOV

    Pacific Area Incentives &Conferences Expo (PAICE);SKYCITY Auckland ConventionCentre; Auckland; more info


    Do you have

    the BEN  app?

    Singapore celebrates its 50thIF you could

    name an Asian

    country that has

    reinvented itself

    by embracing


    modernity yet

    has nurtured

    its own mul-

    cultural heritage

    roots, you’d be

    hard pressed not

    to say Singapore.

    Now, 50 yearsaer gaining


    this city-state

    (one of three

    with such a


    including Monaco

    and Vacan City), is celebrang

    its 50th birthday with VIP special

    events and packages some of

    which include: the opening of

    the Naonal Gallery Singapore in

    November, housing the world’slargest Southeast Asian art

    collecons; a “live like a local”

    Far East Heritage Food Trail

    which runs through to the end of

    December and allows travellers

    to uncover Singapore’s local

    avours and delicacies; as well

    as a So Singapore SG50 Sentosa

    Tourist Pack which includes six of

    Sentosa’s aracons.

    Last week the SingaporeTourism Board held an industry

    celebraon with execuve

    director John Gregory Conceicao,

    execuve director internaonal

    group planning & Oceania John

    Lionel Yeo, and STB’s area director

    Sharon Lam on hand to cut a

    celebratory Merlion cake (above). 

    Looking for a new way to engage clients and guests at your nextconference, product launch or training seminar? Think HOYTS CorporateSolutions! With tiered style seating, high-denition projectors and thelatest in surround sound, you candeliver everything at HOYTS – and in

    a more stimulating environment thantraditional venues. Call 1300 345 664to make your next function a HOYTS experience!Thanks to HOYTS Corporate Solutions you can win two tickets to seeany lm at your nearest HOYTS cinema. Valid until November 2015 youhave plenty of time to see a lm of your choice.

    To win, be the rst person to answer the question correctly. Send youranswers to [email protected] 

    What date is the movie Spectre  releasedin cinemas across Australia?

    Congratulations to Thursday’s winner, Jenny Teo from Australian Tours Management.

    Alila’s Solo debutTHE rst luxury hotel of

    internaonal standard in the cityof Surakarta in Indonesia’s central

    Java, the Alila Solo, is to open in


    A hub for meengs, special

    occasions and events, it will

    oer 15 city-centre spaces, two

    ballrooms that combined will

    create a 3,500 capacity Grand

    Ballroom which at 2100sqm is the

    largest in the city, together with

    an unmatched Execuve Lounge.[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://

  • 8/20/2019 Business Events News for Mon 17 Aug 2015 - DMS, Mackay, Singapore, Christmas venues and more


    business events news

    presentsLooking for a Christmas venue or sta celebration?

    Business Events News guide to 2015/16 Christmas venues is the place to showcase!To feature here email [email protected].

    Christmas Venue Guide

    Swanston Hotel Grand MercureMelbourne, VIC

    Located in the heart of the city and featuringoptions for any budget and number of guests,

    the Swanston Hotel Grand Mercure is the perfectplace for your Christmas function. With delicious

    grazing dishes, canapés and a range of impressiveevent spaces on oer, we will have you and your

    colleagues as merry as the festive season.

    Relax and let us take care of the details so you canjoin in the festivities!

    Aussie WorldPalmview, QLD

    Aussie World is the ultimate FUN destinationfor your next Christmas function. Whether it’s

    rewarding your team with an intimate dinner ora special function for your clients, Aussie Worldis sure to impress. With a wide range of unique

    spaces, quality food and extraordinary Christmastheming throughout our precinct, Aussie World

    is guaranteed to deliver a memorable andentertaining event. Contact our experiencedfunctions team today to arrange a site visit.

    Sharks Events CentreSouthport, QLD

    Whether you are looking to cater for 10 peopleor 1000, Sharks Events Centre has the facilities

    and professional sta to ensure a seamless event.In addition to a range of Christmas packages,

    including 2-course, 3-course, cocktail and buetoptions, Sharks Events Centre will host its annual

    Corporate Christmas Ball on December 5. All ofthe hard work has been done; decorations, food,entertainment… your colleagues only need turn


    Angsana Lang CoThua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam

    Host your next event at Angsana Lang Coin Central Vietnam and be blown away by its

    outstanding facilities, unrivalled beach frontage,thoughtfully curated packages and customisean event to suit your need and a creative and

    professional events team. From pre-arrival topost-meeting entertainment, dedicated event

    planners will manage every detail with eciencyand exibility to ensure a world class summit,

    conference, gala dinners or weddings. Formore information, contact +84 54 3695 800 or

    [email protected]