business english @ feu

BUSINESS ENGLISH @Feu NO.1 FEU star fashion Lifestyle Activity Imformation Magazine for Campus Activities &Co-operation In the future I want to be… Mouth- 2Mouth Feu SNAPSHOT Follow U GANGSTER: The witch Gossip REWARDS Let’s know our kind teachers

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The magazine it's information about Business English Major.


Page 1: Business English @ FEU


FEU star fashionLifestyleActivity

Imformation Magazine for Campus


In the future I want to be…



Follow U

GANGSTER:The witch


REWARDSLet’s know our kind teachers

Page 2: Business English @ FEU


“Editor Talk” Hello, everyone how about your

university life ? Someone think 4-5

years in university is easy. In university

have many activities and club to make

people learn about how to live in

society as well.

University have another people

from another place and to be unity

and try to learn. I believe the university

life that give you more than the

information from classroom and let’s

get fun from university, be fresh and

grab the best opportunity in university.

All of thing that make you the good

person in the future.


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01. Proud (Commencement day)

02. March Business English

03. Let’s know our kind teachers

04. Activities & co-operations

05. Rewards

06. Gangster : The witch

07. Mouth 2 Mouth

08. Follow U

09. In the future I want to be…

10. FEU Snapshot

11. Gossip

12. Fashion Update

13. Beauty Update

14. Blood Group, horoscope

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Proud(Commencement ceremony)

Commencement ceremony on 13rd

November 2014. You are our pride and

we are looking to seeing you go back

to the university. We congratulate

to the senior and hope all of you

successful in your life.

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MARCH:B.E.(Business English)






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Nitat Boonpisansatit (Aj. Tong)Education : Doctor’s degree of

D.A., Chulalongkorn University,


Master’s degree of M.A., Chiangmai

University, 2005.

Bachelor’s degree of B.A.,

Chiangmai University, 1999.

Character : Cheerfully, kind,

calm and expert !!!

Dechathorn Saenchai (Aj. Jay)Education : Master’s degree of

M.Ed, Chiangmai University, 2008.

Bachelor’s degree of B.A.,

Chiangmai Rajabhat University,


Character : Clean, polite,

beautiful smile and friendly !!

Let’s knowour teachers

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Htay Win (Aj. James)Education : Master’s degree of

M.S. state University of New York,


Bachelor’s degree of B.S.

(Zoology) Rangoon Arts & Science

University, 1972.

Character : Friendly, humor and

punctually !!!

Nattiya Bunwirat (Aj. Mim)Education : Master’s degree of

M.Ed, Chiangmai University, 2009.

Bachelor’s degree of B.A.,

Chiangmai Rajabhat University,


Character : Smart, friendly,

healthy and stronger !!!

Sitah Tayati (Aj. Sitah)Education : Master’s degree of

M.Ed, Chiangmai University, 2008.

Bachelor’s degree of B.A.,

Chiangmai Rajabhat University,


Character : Pretty, cheerfully,

polite and smart !!!

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Christmas’s day we have many

activities such as singing,

drawing and cooking etc.

activity &co-operations

The winner of star

competition in 2011

Cheerleader contest 2011

The winner of the tray with flowers in 2012

Welcoming freshmen ceremony 2012

Freshmen welcoming ceremony

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The 4th year to be a guide in

Temple of the Emerald Buddha.

Cheerleader contest 2011

The winner of cheerleader contest

and cheering team contest 2013

The 2nd runner up of singing and

dancing contest 2012

The winner of singing and

dancing contest 2013

Byenior party at

the Next Bar 2013

Asian day. Giving the knowledge

the countries in Asian.

The winner of

the tray with

flowers in 2014

The excellent of

cheerleader 2014


ceremony 2014

Welcoming freshmen ceremony 2012

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English Quiz Competition - The winner of the freshmen competition “Women’s Basket-ball”

- The 1st Runner up of Cheer-leader in the freshmen compe-tition in 2013

- The winner of the freshmen competition “Men’s Basketball”

Honorable mention: Chorus singing and Cheer leading contest 2011

- The 2nd runner up : Tray with flowers in 2008

- The winner of the Tray with flowers in 2014

- The winner of the tray with flowers in 2012

The winner of singing and dancing contest

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- Popular Vote of the best costume in byenior party

- The 2nd runner up of singing and dancing contest

- The award of excellent Choir & Cheerleader

The 1st runner up award freshmen competition:The Best Cheer leading at FEU

The award of excellent club

Honorable mention “English Club”

The winner of singing and dancing contest

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mouth 2 mouth

1 What is your techniques to make students understand in English?

3.What are you doing when you have free time?

2 What would you like to tell to student who want to study in B.E.?

4. Who is your idol?

I try to understand the learning style of student first and learned how they study quite well, what kind of teaching then understood and it depends on what kind of student on that time. I like to mix all the techniques together such as using power point, lecturing and other material.

I really want to relax, so the first I like to go to work out, listening song ,dancing and watching documentaries. These can help me when I’m teaching to tell some extra to my students and it can help my student enjoy it.

We have not just in English language, If you study in Business English we focus on business not just English. We focus the way that you use in business would. We give you specific a real of English. When you graduated from our department your skills quite different from another university and we will provide you the skills that you will use well English when you communicate with business world.

I have no idol but I like reading and watching documentaries. It’s very interesting about the well-known people. These can help me learn about there way life of life. That’s my inspiration in living and learning


Aj. Nattiya

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1. Could you tell me about your self ?

2. How do you separate between activities and study ?

5. What is your impress in this major?

4.Why you decided to study in Business English?

3. What is your techniques to get good grades?

My name is Khemnijchlak Suwichai . You can call me Piano.I’m study at FEU, Business English Major 3st

year. In my free time I love to Play the Guitar……….

In the first purpose of me is Tourism management Major, but I don’t know that when I’m finished in tourism management Major what I’ll be in the future and that time in my mind got a first dream is a flight attendance and I tell the senior about my dream and then she recommend me to study in Business English Major. For the first I’m afraid about English language, but when I’m studying I feel love it because English language is necessary for me in the future

my technique is before examination 1 week , We’ll review and conclusion 1 day/subject for try to understand in each subject , because my memories is not good, so I have to review it for along time. In the examination day, we are summarizing especially the main point and conclusion by ourselves before doing the test. I’ll tell the knowledge for my friends but the secret that help me is pray for God, because I’m Christian when I do something, I’ll beg the consciousness from the God.

I study hard every time when I have class. I always try to listen and lecture when teacher is teaching us. In the part of activities the senior will assign us after finished class after that we do activities together and when I go back home, it’s time to relax for me

I’m impressed in this major very much, because I learn many skills for example; listening, speaking, reading and writing and I get many experience from here. The activities here teach me many things. I meet good seniors, good friends and I never hopeless to choose study at Business English Major



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1. Tell me about your self?

2. What do you do after graduated?

5.Would you like to say something for the freshmen?

4. What is your impression of our major?

3. How do you think everyone call you that “The master of event”?

Hi, everyone my name is Nagunpong Hirunjirasin. I graduated from the Far Eastern University. My major is business English and my minor is tourism management.

I was extremely impressed by the instructor. The Department of English is difficult and tedious and it’s not easy to learn, this time in English, this is a kind, I’ll say it’s not puritanical to swimming to students. My friends and I are too lazy to learn English well although the heat was unbearable teacher completely, and I find a way to keep me and my friends understand the learning easier. This is what I was most impressed then.

The master of event ? Wow!!! I love this alias. Yes, I’m I love to do activities during study because I think studying at classroom not enough. I want to do activities with another people for making new relationship and new experiences . Moreover I like to improve problems when my team got it.

Now, I am a marketing at Hirunjirasin Group co.,ltd

Activities during study is important. You have to work in team and use your brain design new innovation for work or contest. Don’t be shy lose. Do you know when I lose I always said that “that darkness comes into our lives, however, we know that when tomorrow comes, all darkness will disappear. In the presence of daylight, we will gain hope and courage.” It was my encouragement.



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The witch gangster is very close friend because we study together for a long time. We know about the habit very well and we always do activities after study finished. When we be together we always make each other laugh and funny. Let’s know the Witch Gang.

GANGSTER:The witch

We can do everything like a witch.

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The witch of Dark magic

- Park always have his own imagination all time such as when The Frozen is popular he thought that he were an Elza and post like Elza spread the ice to friends.

PARK The witch of imagination

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PATTISIA the sleeping for beauty witch.

- Pattisia he like to sleep all the time .although teacher is teaching, he still sleep on the table. we think that sleeping is a cause make his brain is slow and he always make friends laugh when he is talking

- Viivienne she is a confident girl and she like to take the time for editing pictures witch her confidence she also lethal all the time like a viperous snake. She like to tease friends and make them fun.

VIIVIENNE the lethal witch

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The witch of light magic

AEW the calm witchBENNY the surround voice witch.

- Aew is very calm since we have known her, she never angry others. She good at selling so, we call that she is beautiful and very rich.

- Benny have a lound voice this is an unique of her she is excited when she saw everything sometimes it’s a little bit thing for friend but she still excited all time. She like to search the way to make her have a good personality such as cosmetics. Moreover she like shopping in Instagram and always bring her second hand clothes sell to friends.

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NUNGNING the oldest Nanny witch. KAOFANG the gossip witch

Nungning is beautiful and kind (she told me to write) and the witch of dark magic always tease her. She like a wet nurse of friends because when we stay with her we feel like we stay with the old relative. in her free time she like cooking but is not delicious.

May like eating everything. She often skip the class, if we meet her in the class we will be surprised. She has a lovely girlfriend and make others jealous her. She always tell that she will lose weight but she never do that.

Kaofang always like a child of the gang she know about the gossip story from others so, sometimes we call her “Google” she like to take care friends and crazy with Liverpool football team.

MAYPranthe eating witch.

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We follow Business English students after finished study.

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In the future I wantto be…

Name : mukShe want to be : an employee of Save the ChildrenOrganization

Name : ArmHe want to be : business owner

Name : taoHe want to be : business owner

Name : fangShe want to be : the owner of immovable property

Name : fangShe want to be : business owner

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Name : ArmHe want to be : business owner

Name: Sa Major: business ChineseFavorite Item: telephone

Name: Dulle Major: mass communicationFavorite Item: Perfume

Name: Toey Major: business ChineseFavorite Item: scarf

Name: Yean Major: Tourism


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Name: Kob Major: business EnglishFavorite Item: Bag

Name: Porpla Major: AccountingFavorite Item: Perfume

Name: Donut Major: business EnglishFavorite Item: Bag

Name: Ming Major: Business EnglishFavorite Item: Sun glasses


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Name: Jeng Major: Business EnglishFavorite Item: Accessories Name: Keng

Major: Business EnglishFavorite Item: wallet

Name: Beer Major: Business EnglishFavorite Item: Telephone Name: Vii

Major: Business EnglishFavorite Item: Watch


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When you think about the most beautiful lady boy in Business English major you have should think of “Paula” or Bombay Barbie. She always make friends laughing, she dress up in extremely dress like a sexy woman. We congratulate with Paella’s graduation in

Happy PaulaBachelor’s degree. In commencement day, she dress up like a man not woman because it’s a rule of the university. Oh! Amazing Paula!! Although she dress up like a man, she is still beautiful.

Mr. Pattisia’s housePattisia’s house 18+ is the famous make-up artist in Bachelor of Arts. He love to make up when we have activities of the university he can help us to be a pretty girl. His motto is Make up is a magic. Moreover, he changes his hair color every week because he want to be a chic stylish. Let’s see his hair color

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Cheerleader TeamAll of members of cheerleader team have a good performance because They passed many screening. Besides they are beautiful and handsome. When the university has the cheerleader competition Bachelors of Arts is the top of cheerleader that everyone who want to see talk about. If you want to have a lovely girlfriend or boyfriend you can apply to be a cheerleader hear.

The star of major Mr. Event

Our major always have many handsome and beautiful person. Therefore, we got 2 awards. This is the popular vote and the 2nd runner up. Everyone who is studying in Business English cheered up them on that day.

Mr. Event is an alias of P’Seven. He is the head of many activities. He is a creative person and do everything under his responsibility the best. This is a reason that our Business English major be the winner of competitions. We are proud of you and thank you for your kindness.

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fashion update

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Beaty trendin winter


Natural Makeup

Fall/ Winter 2014-2015 Makeup Trend

as the main accents of the natural effect. The inclination towards paler looks may also be found here, demonstrated as the looks by Dion Lee. Prabal Gurung and Edun also found a cool way of creating the natural makeup.

One of the classiest and the most ethereal alternatives we always observe among the fashion shows for any season is the inclination towards natural looks. The most specific thing about this type of makeup this season is that the natural effect has been reached with the most sophisticated and diverse makeup products ever, and the results are, indeed, impressive, coming with the absolutely natural and at the same time chic looks. Some great examples may be found with the collections of Alexander Wang, Victoria Beckham, Jason Wu, Vera Wang, Dolce & Gabbana, Jil Sander, Diane Von Furstenberg, Giambattista Valli, Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, and Lacoste. And what has been the most characteristic aspect of natural makeup has been preserved this time as well, putting the rosy lips and the peachy cheeks

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Blood group horoscope

Type A

Type O Type AB

Type BSpeaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, and very level-headed and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be. A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.

Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously. O Types are generally “loved by all.” But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV. They seem to appear level-headed and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.

People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are considerate of other people’s feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those “outside,” and another for people on the “inside.” They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well.

People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things. They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don’t really want to have much real contact with others.

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