business continuity plan - newham clinical … october 2013/… · 12 business continuity plan...

1 ITEM F9 NEWHAM CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN To be read in conjunction with: NHS Commissioning Board Emergency preparedness framework 2013 NHS CB Emergency preparedness framw= PLEASE DESTROY ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT Version number & date Summary of changes Ratified V 0.3 26.06.2013 Draft for review N/A

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To be read in conjunction with:

• NHS Commissioning Board Emergency preparedness framework 2013

NHS CB Emergency

preparedness framw=ework 2013.pdf


Version number & date

Summary of changes Ratified

V 0.3 26.06.2013 Draft for review N/A


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

1 Business Continuity Governance

Newham CCG Business Continuity plan (version xx) approved on:


Approved by: Newham CCG Board

Next review date <INSERT DATE>

To be reviewed: Quarterly

Document Author: Governance and Risk Manager

Accountable Person:

Chief Officer

All proposed changes/amendments to this plan must be forwarded to the Document Author: Governance and Risk Manager: [email protected]

1.1. Updates to the BCP

This plan will be reviewed by the Governance and Risk Manager on a quarterly basis and updated with any relevant changes from the last quarter, e.g. changes in CCG functions which have a material impact on business continuity arrangements, changes in staff/stakeholder contact details.

Each update version of this document will be attributed a unique sequential reference number, which will be denoted in the table on the front page.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013


1 Business Continuity Governance ............................................................................................. 2

1.1. Updates to the BCP .............................................................................................................. 2

2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5

3 Aims of the BCP ...................................................................................................................... 5

4 Incident identification ............................................................................................................... 5

5 Incident declaration and plan invocation .................................................................................. 5

6 Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 6

7 Incident Notification .................................................................................................................. 7

8 Actions to be carried out following the declaration of an internal incident ................................. 8

9 Media Management ............................................................................................................... 10

10 Financial Implications ......................................................................................................... 11

11 Business Impact Analysis ................................................................................................... 11

12 Business Continuity Plan Triggers / Activation .................................................................... 11

13 Supplementary Emergency Plans ...................................................................................... 12

14 Health and Safety ............................................................................................................... 12

15 Alternative Accommodation / Relocation Plan .................................................................... 13

16 Information recording ......................................................................................................... 14

17 Recovery ............................................................................................................................ 14

18 Alerting NHS England London ............................................................................................ 16

19 Contacting the CCG On-Call Director ................................................................................. 16

20 Contacting NHS England Communications Centre ............................................................. 16

21 On-call rota ......................................................................................................................... 16

22 Appendix A - Business Impact Analysis .............................................................................. 17

23 Appendix B - Newham CCG Key Functions and Priority Service Categorisation ................ 18

24 Appendix C – Categorisation of CCG Functions and Impact Analysis ................................ 19


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

25 Appendix D: Arrangements to support recovery of category A Functions ........................... 23

26 Appendix E – Newham CCG Business Continuity Decision / Log-Sheet ............................ 30

27 Appendix F: Major Incident Debrief Template ..................................................................... 31

28 Appendix G – Major Incident Debrief Actions Template ...................................................... 33

29 Appendix H - Newham CCG Core Staff .............................................................................. 34

30 Appendix I – Contact details for key partners ..................................................................... 35

31 Appendix J - Contact details for Newham CCG Practices ................................................... 37


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

2 Introduction

As Category 2 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) are required to have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place to manage the effects of any incident that might disrupt its normal business.

Following the reorganisation of the NHS under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, all current BCPs will need to be reviewed to take into account the changes and a re-evaluation of the criticality of functions and dependencies undertaken.

The BCP lays down the process to be followed in the event of an incident which impacts upon the delivery of CCG functions by adopting a generic approach to such incidents.

3 Aims of the BCP

The aims of the BCP are to ensure:

• That Newham CCG is able to cope with the effects of emergency situation, the effects of which result in disruption to the continuation of the CCG‟s normal day to day operations and critical service delivery, be that predicted or unforeseen.

• That such an event is handled in a manner that enables Newham CCG to continue with minimal disruption.

The focus of business continuity and recovery operations will ensure the:

• Provision of safe and secure working environments

• Minimisation of financial loss

• Efficient service delivery

4 Incident identification

An incident or set of circumstances which might present a risk to the continuity of a service might be identified by any member of staff. When an incident or set of circumstances which might present a risk to the continuity of a service is identified, it is important that the person identifying the incident knows what to do. In the initial stages, this will involve making sure that the right people have been informed (Appendixes H - J).

In the event of a minor incident, or one that can be dealt with using normal services and resources, local managers and staff will deal with it.

5 Incident declaration and plan invocation

During normal working hours, in the event of a Major or Catastrophic incident, or set of circumstances which might present a risk to the continuity of a Category A or B service (Appendix C), an incident can be declared and the plan invoked by the Director with responsibility for the service affected.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

Where more than one service is affected, any one of the responsible Directors can decide to declare an incident and invoke the plan, in order to mobilise an effective response across the organisation and ensure the involvement of partners where required.

6 Roles and Responsibilities

Key business continuity responsibilities for Newham CCG are as follows:

• Chief Officer: has overall accountability for the successful implementation of business continuity.

• Director of Delivery: has overall responsibility for the successful implementation of business continuity.

• Managers and Teams: responsible for successful implementation of business continuity within their area of responsibility.

• Individual employees: each individual member of staff is responsible for ensuring they are familiar with the Business Continuity Plan and their role within it.

The following officers of the CCG can declare an internal incident where business continuity is disrupted or at risk of disruption

Name Designation Team role Contact details

Steve Gilvin Chief Officer Business Continuity Leader

Office: 0203 688 2302

Mobile: 07904 335061

[email protected]

Scott Hamilton Director of Delivery

Business Continuity Deputy

Office: 0203 688 2395

Mobile: 07739 785967

[email protected]

Chad Whitton Chief Finance Officer

Business Continuity Deputy

Office: 0203 688 2328

Mobile: 07515 399302

[email protected]

Satbinder Sanghera Head of Governance & Engagement

Loggist Office: 0203 688 2388

Mobile: 07956 767060

[email protected]


7 Incident Notification

The responsibility for notifying key stakeholders (Appendix I) of the declaration of a Business continuity incident rests with the nominated Business Continuity Team leader.

The responsibility for notifying Newham CCG Staff rests with the Chief Officer and Senior Management staff (as designated in yellow in the diagram below) for their respective areas of responsibility:


8 Actions to be carried out following the declaration of an internal incident

Initial response coordination

Form a Business Continuity Team to manage the incident. This would normally be Directors and Senior Managers and will always include the Senior Director on call.

Nominate the Team Leader.

In the event of a major or catastrophic incident: Incident Control Room to be activated and Business Continuity team to operate from the incident control room. For Newham CCG this is the Chief Executive‟s Officer (Unit 10, 3rd Floor, Warehouse K, Western Gateway, Newham E16 1DR)

In the event that the CCG‟s main business premises at Warehouse K are inaccessible or uninhabitable as the result of a business continuity incident, incident control arrangements will transfer to the North East London Commissioning Support Unit‟s Head Offices at: Clifton House, 75-77 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU.

Under the terms of a reciprocal arrangement it has been agreed as follows:

Facilities provided by the CSU

o In the event of such a service disruption the CCG may make use of up to eight desks located in room 8 in the basement of Clifton House. The desks have networked PCs, access to a printer and telephones. Any other equipment required by the CCG would need to be provided and resourced by the CCG. (For example a dedicated fax line)

o The facilities may be used for up to two weeks, while the CCG recovers services.

Should the service disruption be more significant the CCG and CSU will discuss ongoing arrangements.

o The CCG should notify the CSU of any intention to make use of the facilities in

advance of arrival, including the names of any staff so that access cards can be programmed

Facilities provided by the CCG

o In the event of such a service disruption the CSU may make use of up to eight desks located in Unit 6 of Warehouse K. At least eight desks will have networked PCs, access to a printer and telephones. Any other equipment required by the CSU would need to be provided by the CSU.

o The facilities may be used for up to two weeks, while the CSU recovers services.

Should the service disruption be more significant the CSU and CCG will discuss on-going arrangements.

o The CSU should notify the CCG of any need/intention to make use of the facilities

in advance of arrival, including the names of any staff so that access cards can be programmed.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

Managing the incident

Ensure health & safety of staff is prioritised.

Start documenting information and actions.

Establish what the nature of the incident is and assess the impact on service functions. Categorise affected functions according to the categories detailed in Appendix B.

Liaise with key partners to determine and agree support arrangements, e.g. off-site working and ICT support.

Determine priorities and recovery time objectives

Establish recovery strategies

Take any actions to ensure category A functions continue unhindered and category B functions can be resumed within 3 working days (arrangements to support category A functions are detailed in Appendix D).

Communicate with key partners and stakeholders

Notify identified key stakeholders (Appendix I and J)

Ensure that staff are briefed about the incident and given clear instructions on whether they should relocate or go home, and when they are expected to return


Update NHS England London as required

Update staff and other key stakeholders with recovery plans and estimated recovery time objectives

Coordinate next steps

Ensure task(s) being carried out to facilitate recovery are regularly monitored

Once the main priorities have been dealt with, you might consider scaling down the Business Continuity Team, or hand over to another member of staff to deal with the medium and long term issues, or the day-to-day recovery of the incident.

If an incident is going to go on for more than 4–8 hours, establish a rota for staff within the team and regular hand over for the Business Continuity Manager role.

Team Leader to authorise “Stand Down”.


Ensure debrief meetings are held, logged information is retained and lessons learned are captured in a final report.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

9 Media Management

The following steps should be taken if managing requests from the media or regarding media interest in an on-going situation:

Out of hours, contact the Communications Team on 07932 028012 or by email: [email protected], if you receive a message to respond to a media enquiry

If you are contacted directly be the media, take the journalists full name, telephone number and the name of their public or programme

Decline to answer questions directly unless absolutely certain of the facts. Instead, write the questions down and say that you will get back to them shortly

Contact a member of the communications team before responding

Write down or type the response. Keep it short and to the point and leave out anything that is uncertain

Email the response back so that you have a record of what the journalist has received and then phone to confirm receipt and content, ensuring that a copy is sent to the Communications Office

Ask that it be attributed to a CCG spokesperson

Don‟t become drawn into a dialogue, which may lead you into answering new questions for which you are unprepared

Find out where and when the item is likely to appear

N.B. Do not give personal or confidential details about either patients or staff unless explicit consent has been given by the individual concerned or a CCG Director

There is access to advice and support from NHS CB. Contact the Director on call on 0844 822 2888 pager NHS 01.

Contact to the pan-London Communications lead is via the same number but using LON01.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

10 Financial Implications

The CCG has put a financial contingency in place to support possible unforeseen expenditure in the event of the business continuity plan being enacted in a live scenario. This is as follows:

Newham CCG has an annual allocation of £10,000 from a contingency fund of £30,000, for business continuity spending.

The anticipated financial implications of this business continuity plan are:

Potential for marginal increased spend in negotiated additional/ad-hoc short term support from NEL CSU around BC arrangements. For example:

arranging networking connections for alternate work sites

adding users to VPN remote access

the provision of estates support to re-locate business critical staff

11 Business Impact Analysis

Business impact analysis (BIA) is the process of identifying critical organisational business functions and determining the effect that a business disruption might have upon them, and how these vary over time. The aim of the business impact analysis is to ensure Newham CCG has identified those activities that support its key services in advance of an incident, so that robust business continuity plans can be put into place for those identified critical activities.

The Maximum Acceptable Downtime (MAD) (Appendix B) is the timeframe during which the recovery of systems, processes and activities must be achieved to prevent the risk of a significant impact arising if the downtime is exceeded i.e. what is the maximum down time which could be tolerated without incurring one or more of the consequences below.

For the purposes of business continuity, Newham CCG defines a „significant impact‟ as any situation that could give rise to one or more of the following situations:

• an unacceptable risk to the safety and/or welfare of staff

• a major breach of a legal or regulatory requirement

• a major breach of a contract, service level agreement or similar formal agreement

• the risk of significant financial impact, and/or a threat to the reputation of the CCG as a competent NHS organisation

For the purposes of business continuity, Appendix C provides a categorisation of Newham CCG‟s functions and impact analysis:

12 Business Continuity Plan Triggers / Activation

The escalation triggers for the notification and declaration of a business continuity related critical incident likely to result in activation of this Plan include:


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

Loss of access to building / facility / a workplace for more than the determined timeframe (MAD). This includes loss of the actual physical facility itself, as well as loss of access to the area surrounding the building, facility or workplace

Loss of amenities that support the building, facility or worksite, including power, water and gas, for longer than the determined MAD

Loss of inputs and outputs from supply chain partners and contractors.

Loss of ICT access or services for longer than the determined MAD

Loss of key staff

Surges in activity

Significant changes in the operating risk level necessitating a change in the operating environment.

The Business Continuity Plan will be activated by the on call officer when the major incident plan has been activated or is on standby, and there is an incident that has the potential to cause business disruption and affect critical activities.

13 Supplementary Emergency Plans

The following NHS / CCG Sector emergency plans may be partly or wholly implemented as a result of the activation of the Business Continuity Plan and the nature of the incident:

Cold weather plan

Heat wave Plan

Rare diseases Plan

Surge Plan

NHS CB London

Pressure Surge Management v1.pdf

14 Health and Safety

The circumstances of an interruption to services do not reduce the need for the highest level of commitment to health and safety requirements. As well as the general duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act there are regulations, which are relevant to major incident planning which require the CCG to:

• Assess risks to their employees while at work, and any risks to others which arise from the course of their undertaking.

• Identify the measures that need to be taken to control those risks.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

• Have adequate written arrangements for planning, organising, control, monitoring, and review of those measures.

The regulations specifically address procedures for dealing with serious and imminent danger and contact with external services, particularly medical care and rescue work. The CCG must be aware of the relevant health and safety legislation and that the HSE have wide powers to investigate accidents.

15 Alternative Accommodation / Relocation Plan

Following the declaration of a business interruption, it may be necessary to relocate staff if feasible and reception services may have to be reduced or suspended.

In the event that Newham CCG is required to find provision for alternative accommodation for core CCG staff who have been identified as critical to the performance of the CCG‟s day to day operating functions (appendix H) in the event of a critical incident or business interruption lasting more than three working days.

In the event that the CCG‟s main business premises at Warehouse K are inaccessible or uninhabitable as the result of a business continuity incident, incident control arrangements will transfer to the North East London Commissioning Support Unit‟s Head Offices at: Clifton House, 75-77 Worship Street, London EC2A 2DU.

Under the terms of a reciprocal arrangement it has been agreed as follows:

Facilities provided by the CSU

o In the event of such a service disruption the CCG may make use of up to eight desks located in room 8 in the basement of Clifton House. The desks have networked PCs, access to a printer and telephones. Any other equipment required by the CCG would need to be provided and resourced by the CCG. (For example a dedicated fax line)

o The facilities may be used for up to two weeks, while the CCG recovers services.

Should the service disruption be more significant the CCG and CSU will discuss ongoing arrangements.

o The CCG should notify the CSU of any intention to make use of the facilities in

advance of arrival, including the names of any staff so that access cards can be programmed

Facilities provided by the CCG

o In the event of such a service disruption the CSU may make use of up to eight desks located in Unit 6 of Warehouse K. At least eight desks will have networked PCs, access to a printer and telephones. Any other equipment required by the CSU would need to be provided by the CSU.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

o The facilities may be used for up to two weeks, while the CSU recovers services. Should the service disruption be more significant the CSU and CCG will discuss on-going arrangements.

o The CSU should notify the CCG of any need/intention to make use of the facilities

in advance of arrival, including the names of any staff so that access cards can be programmed.

Overnight staff care:

Some incidents (e.g. severe weather and fuel shortages) may require the CCG to provide overnight accommodation for staff. In such circumstances the CCG will utilise contingency funding as outlined in section 9.

16 Information recording

Clear recording of decisions taken will help avoid confusion and ensure consistency at a time of significant disruption. It is also important for the CCG to have an audit trail of its command and control judgments.

As a minimum, these will include:

• The nature of the decision.

• The reason for the decision.

• The date and time of the decision.

• Who has taken the decision / authority designation.

• The extent of consultation and advice from external stakeholders.

• Who has been notified of decisions made.

• Any review date set for revocation of the decision(s) where relevant.

A template Business Continuity decision/log sheet is set out in Appendix E.

17 Recovery

The basis of the recovery for this plan will vary depending on the nature of the incident and whether or not a part of the facility at the affected site/sites is/are useable and readily accessible, or whether a full off-site recovery is required. During the recovery period, the emphasis will be on getting services back to normal. However, this needs to be set against the situation.

Potential Impacts to Consider during the Recovery Phase

• Reduced availability of staff.

• Loss of skill / experience.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

• Uncertainty, fear and anxiety.

• Disruption to utilities / essential services.

• Disruption to internal / ICT services / communication systems.

• Management of finances.

• Reputation damage.

• Organisational fatigue.

• Economic downturn.


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

18 Alerting NHS England London

NHS England London must be notified whenever this plan is invoked:

Call 0844 822 2888

NHSØ1 (NHS England London Manager)

Pass on as much information as you can, including:

Type of incident

The current and projected impact of the incident

Your ability to cope – any additional support or resources required

Which other agencies/partners are involved in the incident

Any other information that you think is relevant

19 Contacting the CCG On-Call Director

Telephone: Call 0844 822 2888


NELCSU2 (CSU rota) If there is no response after 15 minutes repeat

... provide a short message on request, which must include: a contact name and telephone number

Pass on as much information as you can when contacted by the On-Call Director, including:

Type of incident

The current and projected impact of the incident

Your ability to cope – any additional support or resources required

Which other agencies/partners are involved in the incident

Any other information that you think is relevant

20 Contacting NHS England Communications Centre

In the event of a major incident, Communications are handled by the NHS England Communications Centre. They can be contacted on LON01

21 On-call rota

The Business Continuity Officers listed in section 5 will form a 24-7 on-call rota in accordance with the requirements of the WELC On-call Manual which is embedded below.

WELC CCG On-call Manual


22 Appendix A - Business Impact Analysis


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

23 Appendix B - Newham CCG Key Functions and Priority Service Categorisation

Rating Maximum Acceptable Downtime (MAD)


A (Critical Function) Immediate

(same working day)

There is an immediate threat to service delivery or staff.

An unacceptable risk will arise if this activity is not fully restored within 24 hours.

B (High Priority) Three working days The norm for service recovery – recovery within this timeframe will not jeopardise essential service delivery.

C (Medium Priority) Seven working days Activities that could scaled down or be suspended for a period of up to 7 working days if necessary

D (Low Priority) Seven plus days (service to be resumed as soon as is practical)

All other service areas that are required in order for the CCG to go about its usual business


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

24 Appendix C – Categorisation of CCG Functions and Impact Analysis

It is noted that a number of the category C functions as outlined below are primarily managed on a day-to-day basis through a contractual arrangement the North East London Commissioning Support Unit (NEL CSU). Therefore, in the event of business continuity disruption to CCG operations, the default for uninterrupted provision of these activities will be managed by NEL CSU. NEL CSU have separate business continuity arrangements in place to mitigate business continuity risks, as outlined here:

NEL CSU - Corporate


Category CCG Function Impact assessment Key staff/functions

A Meeting EPRR requirements as a category 2 responder in the event of a major or catastrophic incident

Loss of staff, premises or critical IT functions could hinder or prohibit the CCG‟s ability to carry out its statutory functions as a category 2 responder.

Senior Management on-call (staff on on-call rota)

B Governance: Supporting Newham CCG‟s decision making and governance process

Absence of key staff or loss of premises would prohibit meetings to be held and decisions taken

Core staff as identified in Appendix F

B Finance: Payment to providers I.T. failure prohibits payments to small and large providers and threatens the day to day operation of the CCG

CCG finance team (supported by CSU finance support functions and shared business services)


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

B Finance: Ensuring financial probity across the organisation

Loss of key staff or systems could impact upon the CCG‟s ability to adequately ensure financial probity in its systems and processes

CFO, CCG Finance Team, Head of Governance and Engagement, Board Lay Members for risk and remuneration

B Finance: Ensuring accuracy of monthly reporting to NHS England

Loss of key staff or systems could impact upon the CCG‟s ability to process data returns within required timescales

CFO, CCG Finance Team

C Finance: Budget setting No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

C Commissioning and Contracting: Commissioning emergency and urgent care

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

CCG Board members, clinical, cluster and programme board leads

(supported by CSU commissioning and contracting teams)

C Commissioning and Contracting: Commissioning healthcare services

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

CCG Board members, clinical, cluster and programme board leads

(supported by CSU commissioning and contracting teams)

C Commissioning and Contracting: Contract Monitoring

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Programme Board and Clinical Leads

(led by CSU contracts team and SPR/CQRM


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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C Commissioning and Contracting: Dealing with Quality issues/SUIs

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Deputy Director for Quality, Quality and Delivery Board

(supported by CSU Commissioning Team)

C Commissioning and Contracting: Service re-design and pathway development

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

CCG Board members, clinical, cluster and programme board leads.

C Commissioning and Contracting: Implementing patient/public engagement strategies

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Head of Governance and Engagement, PPE Manager,

C Patient/Public Engagement: Managing public relations and communications with stakeholders and media

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Head of Governance and Engagement

(supported by CSU comms team)

C Commissioning and Contracting: Collaborative commissioning with cluster CCGs / Local Authority

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Partnerships Programme Board lead

(supported by CSU commissioning and contracts team)

C Governance: (managing Committees and Programme Boards to support delivery of the

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Head of Governance and Engagement, Governance and Risk Manager


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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CCG operating plan and QIPP initiatives)

C Primary Care: Practice Support (cluster meetings and practice visits)

No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Localities lead and Practice Facilitator Team

D Make grants / loans to voluntary organisations No short term impact following disruption to service delivery

Newham CCG Board


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

25 Appendix D: Arrangements to support recovery of category A Functions

Newham CCG‟s only category A function has been identified as:

Delivery of Newham CCG‟s EPRR function as a category 2 responder

The main instances that could interfere with the CCGs ability to deliver these functions are:

Category A: EPRR function

Key contacts identified:

People required: NEL CSU staff on-call for surge incidents

WELC pod staff on call for non-surge incidents

Refer to WELC on-call rota

Premises required: Premises for WELC POD CCGs (for Newham CCG this would default to: Warehouse K)

NEL CSU Estates team: [email protected] (CSU Estates Manager) Tel: 020 3688 1233 NHS Property Services 24hr Helpdesk Tel: 0203 317 3388

ICT required: NEL CSU ICT support NEL CSU ICT:

IT On Call team Tel: 07825 423353 [email protected] (IT Support Helpdesk)


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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Tel: 020 3688 1234

Equipment required: Default systems for CCG: Virgin Media telephony and Blue Network IT domain


IT On Call team Tel: 07825 423353

Suppliers required: NEL CSU suppliers for surge incidents

PageOne and NEL CSU for non-surge incidents

Stakeholders required: NEL CSU

NHS England

Newham GP Practices

Acute Providers (Barts Health)

Community Health providers (East London Foundation Trust)

Refer to Appendix I and J


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

Event Impact Plan

Recovery Timescale

Loss of premises access (e.g. fire, flood, severe weather,

People required: Newham on-call staff unable to travel to Warehouse (or access incident control room)

Remote working via pager and NELC CSU VPN service (or airwatch enabled Ipads for CCG Board members and Senior Management Team).

NEL CSU Estates Team to provide support to re-locate staff critical to the delivery of EPRR support function to NEL CSU properties with compatible IT and network facilities


ICT required: NEL CSU

compatible ICT facilities i.e. access to Blue Network and VM telephony [CSU BCP to cover this eventuality]

NEL CSU ICT Team to provide support to allow offsite access to IT facilities which will enable NCCG to carry our = business as normal in terms of telephony


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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and network access

Utilities required: Pager (Pageone) for on-call director.

NEL CSU VPN service

Airwatch enabled ipads

Equipment required: N/A


Suppliers required: Temporary property loss or severe weather impacts on suppliers such that they are not operational, e.g. power outage at PageOne

Suppliers to provide assurance

Stakeholders required: Property loss or severe weather impacts on stakeholders such that they are not operational, e.g. power outage at NHS

Stakeholders to provide assurance


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013


Staff absence People required: Newham on-call staff absent

Agreement to be reached between WELC pod on-call staff that they will cover one another‟s absences

Premises required: N/A


ICT required: N/A [CSU BCP to cover this eventuality]


Utilities required: N/A


Equipment required: N/A N/A


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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Suppliers required: N/A


Stakeholders required: N/A


Surges in activity

IT and communications

Supply chain failure People required: N/A



Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

Premises required: N/A


ICT required: N/A [CSU BCP to cover this eventuality]


Utilities required: N/A


Equipment required: N/A [covered above]


Suppliers required: N/A

[covered above]



Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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26 Appendix E – Newham CCG Business Continuity Decision / Log-Sheet

Date & Time (24hr)

Decision Rationale and & options considered

Who made the decision and under what authority?

Consultation with stakeholders?

Who has been notified of decision?

Review date for revocation of the decision (if appropriate)


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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27 Appendix F: Major Incident Debrief Template

The following debrief process should be followed in the event of a Major (or significant impact) incident:

Debrief Template for Major (Significant Impact) Incidents


Time of call to standby:

Time of call to Major (significant impact incident):

Time of call to stand down:

Business Continuity Team members:

Description of Incident:

Established Cause(s):


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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Could the incident have been prevented? (If so, how?)

Issues arising from the incident:

Agreed follow up actions:


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

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28 Appendix G – Major Incident Debrief Actions Template

No. Recommendation Action Lead Agreed

Timescale for implementation


1(non-urgent) – 5 (urgent)




29 Appendix H - Newham CCG Core Staff

(For the purposes of ensuring business continuity for category A and B functions as set out in appendix B)

First Name Surname Job Title E-mail Telephone Number

Steve Gilvin Chief Officer [email protected] 0203 688 2302

Chad Whitton Chief Finance Officer [email protected] 0203 688 2328

Scott Hamilton Director of Delivery [email protected] 0203 688 2395

Jane Lindo Deputy Director of Delivery [email protected] 0203 688 2305

Chetan Vyas Head of Quality & Clinical Governance [email protected] 0203 688 2325

Robert Hudson Assistant Director – Finance [email protected] 0203 688 2326

Satbinder Sanghera Head of Governance and Engagement [email protected] 0203 688 2388

Reagender Kang Designated Nurse for Safeguarding [email protected] 0203 688 2346

Jane Mendes-Pereira Child Death Overview Panel Coordinator [email protected] 0203 688 2396

Sara Diamond PA to Designated Nurse/Administrator for Child Death Overview Panel [email protected] 0203 688 2345


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

30 Appendix I – Contact details for key partners

The following key partners will be notified in the event that an incident is declared which requires the implementation of Newham CCG‟s business continuity arrangements:

Organisation Name (position) Contact Details

NEL CSU Carl Edmonds (Acting Newham Borough Director)

[email protected] Tel: 0203 688 2355 PA: [email protected] Tel: 0203 688 2364

NEL CSU Nigel Marshall (Estates Manager)

[email protected] Tel: 020 3688 1233

NEL CSU Gregory Peacock (ICT Manager)

[email protected] Tel: 020 3688 1065 IT On Call team: Tel: 07825 423353

NEL CSU Savaia Stevenson (Senior Communications Manager)

[email protected] Tel: 020 3688 1096

NHS England Tom Luckraft (Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Manager)

[email protected] Tel: 0207 685 6444 Mobile: 07827 811899


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

London Borough of Newham Graeme Betts (Executive Director, Strategic Commissioning and Community)

[email protected] Tel: 0203 373 8337

London Borough of Newham Grainne Siggins (Director of Adult Social Care)

[email protected] Tel: 0203 373 8035

Barts Health Steve Ryan (Medical Director)

[email protected] Tel:

Barts Health Shera Chok (Director of Primary Care)

[email protected] Tel:

East London Foundation Trust Robert Dolan (Chief Executive)

[email protected] Tel: PA: [email protected] Tel:

East London Foundation Trust Kevin Cleary (Medical Director)

[email protected] Tel: PA: [email protected] Tel:

Newham CCG Practices

(Full details in Appendix J)


Draft Newham CCG Business Continuity Plan

V0.3 September 2013

31 Appendix J - Contact details for Newham CCG Practices

Updated Practice

Contact List_July2013.xlsx