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RAVEN: THE CHRONICLES OF CAIN Written by Mark Edward Cody Copyright 2008 Mark Edward Cody [email protected] y

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Page 1:…  · Web viewHe had never spoke one word to anyone. ... MARCUS is losing ground, but is still in pursuit


Written by Mark Edward CodyCopyright 2008

Mark Edward [email protected]:// y

Page 2:…  · Web viewHe had never spoke one word to anyone. ... MARCUS is losing ground, but is still in pursuit



CAIN:Before the stars were hung in the heavens… Before the Earth was molded from the formless void… Before the age of man… There was a war… This eternal battle has raged on through the eons between the forces of Darkness and the forces of Light… There is darkness within us all… We can embrace it, or we can rage against it… Most men live their lives, never realizing which side it is that they serve. They walk blindly upon this Earth without seeing that our actions and our inactions define our allegiance…In each generation, there are a chosen few who devote their lives to The Light… It is they who wield the sword of destiny!

- The Chronicles of Cain

PAN TO:EXT. THE FULL MOON OVER THE OCEAN - NIGHT TITLE: (appears across the screen in computer printout fashion)“Somewhere off the coast of Florida”

We see the shape of a small plane glide across the light of the full moon. The roar of its engine shatters the stillness over the waters of


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the Atlantic Ocean. We see the reflection of the plane and the moon on the water.

INT. PLANE COCKPIT - NIGHTA young man (MARCUS RAVEN) sits in the pilot’s seat. His father (PETER RAVEN) sits beside him. A satellite radio in the cockpit blares the news…

NEWS ANCHOR:The island of Haiti is slowly being dug out of the ruins as international aid workers continue to assist in the recovery efforts one month after the poverty stricken nation was hit by the worst earthquake in the island’s history…

Peter switches off the radio.

PETER RAVEN: Son, do you have any idea how proud I am of you? You saved a lot of lives these last few weeks. There are few men who would walk away from a lucrative medical practice to come to the aid of people who can offer no payment beyond their thanks.

MARCUS RAVEN:Well Dad, You always taught me that “I am my brother’s keeper”. That’s the way I have tried to live my life.Look at you. With what you know, You could do anything, and yet you have spent your life protecting others. I know


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you don’t get chump change for training our Nation’s finest in all that “Black ops” spy stuff, or whatever the hell it is you actually do… But you could make a killing in the private sector with your skills.No, I have a long way to go before I could ever hope to fill your shoes.

PETER RAVEN:I think you are going to do just fine filling these shoes, MARCUS. That is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. I’ve had to keep you in the dark about a lot of things over the years. Before the quake, I’d planned for us to take some vacation time together. Go somewhere remote where we could just talk, Clear some things up between us…

MARCUS RAVEN:But instead of taking a vacation, you use your first time off in years to help me patch up earthquake survivors and pass out M.R.E.s. That’s about par for course for you.

PETER RAVEN:Just glad I could help… But I had hoped we could take a little R and R together before heading home.

MARCUS RAVEN:Spend Christmas together? That hasn’t happened too many times over the years has it?


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You know it is ok to take some downtime on occasion, don’t you? I don’t think the world will descend into chaos if you take a few weeks off.

PETER RAVEN:Chaos… You know what tonight is? It is the Winter Solstice. In some mythologies, it is considered the apex of the battle between light and darkness. This is the longest of nights, but now, the light will begin to fight back the darkness. The days will grow longer and the nights will grow shorter.

MARCUS RAVEN:What tonight is… is three days before Christmas. So are we going to be able to spend it together or not?

PETER RAVEN:I hope so. They didn’t give me any details when I received the message that I was needed Stateside A.S.A.P.

MARCUS RAVEN:So “they” had to call you back because some matter of National Security just can’t wait… Right?

PETER RAVEN:I don’t know exactly what is going on.


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MARCUS RAVEN: (Laughing)And if you did know, you couldn’t tell me, because I don’t have a security clearance or a “need to know”. Bla… Bla… Bla…

PETER RAVEN:The Council of Elders wouldn’t recall me unless it was something that couldn’t wait. They understood the importance of what I have to reveal to you. They respect the tradition of passing the torch on the night of the Winter Solstice.

MARCUS RAVEN: What are you talking about Dad? Why would the Feds let you tell me anything just ‘cause it‘s a pagan holiday?

PETER RAVEN: I am going to explain everything, about my life, about your life.I have been hard on you. I robbed you of your childhood. When you should have just been being a normal kid, I had you studying dead languages and learning to field strip MP-5s.

MARCUS RAVEN:My childhood had its good points. What boy wouldn’t want to get a submachine gun for his tenth birthday?And you let me have some friends. LOGAN and me are still tight. You always


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said friendships are about quality, not quantity. Right?

PETER RAVEN:I let you associate with The MASON boy because of who his father was and because you needed a sparring partner stubborn enough not to get tired of letting you beat the hell out of him all the time.

MARCUS RAVEN:Good times! I wouldn’t trade my childhood for anyone else’s.

PETER RAVEN:But the life I lead cost you your mother…

MARCUS RAVEN:It wasn’t your fault. No one on earth could have done what you did to try to save her… To save me…The world is full of evil men and they hate people like you who try to make a difference. They are the one’s who killed Mom. Not you!

PETER RAVEN:But what I do put you both in harm’s way… Men like me should not let themselves care too much for someone.



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“Caring too much for others” is what defines men like you!

PETER RAVEN:You know what I mean. I should have known I couldn’t have a family without putting them in constant danger.


You prepared me for whatever life throws at me. I got combat training from the guy who teaches the world’s most elite forces.I think you prepared me a little better that the customary Tae Kwon Do classes at the YMCA and the occasional trip to the shooting range.

PETER RAVEN:MARCUS, nothing could prepare you for what life is going to throw at you! I know you were very young, but try to remember what happened the night your mother died.

MARCUS RAVEN:O.K. Your are starting to scare me now - and that ain’t easy to do. What’s going on?

PETER RAVEN:What I am about to tell you is going to change your life forever…


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EXT. OUTSIDE THE PLANEWe see an explosion. DRAMATIC MUSIC BEGINS TO PLAY**[Throughout the movie, appropriate music will play, sometimes pushing into the forefront to create a MIAMI VICE/MUSIC VIDEO feel.]Peter is interrupted midsentence by an explosion in the engine. Flame and smoke engulfs the aircraft as MARCUS fights the controls to keep the plane in the air.

PETER RAVEN: (To himself)

They have found us…

MARCUS RAVEN: We are going down!

(Speaking into radio.)Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is [AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION AND TYPE] N21066. Calling any station. We are going down!

The flames grow in intensity as the cockpit fills with smoke.

MARCUS RAVEN:She’s not going to hold together for a controlled landing!

Peter hands MARCUS a parachute.


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PETER RAVEN: We are going to have to bail!

MARCUS expertly straps himself into the chute as his father does likewise. MARCUS then attempts to open the hatch to no avail. He begins kicking it violently.

MARCUS RAVEN:It’s jammed!

Flames are dancing close to PETER now. MARCUS is still fighting with the hatch as PETER pushes him to the side. The plane is spiraling downward now as a wing is ripped off by the turbulence.PETER strikes the hatch with his bare fist. It begins to bend under what appears to be supernatural strength. As his fist hits the hatch again and again, the flames come closer to the two men. As PETER strikes the third time, his fist is engulfed in flames as if coated with burning aviation fuel. The hatch is violently knocked from the craft and its flaming shape disappears into the darkness.PETER shoves his son from the plane and then jumps clear himself.From below, we see the night illuminated by the doomed remains of the burning craft, the two men plunging into the darkness beneath it.As the pair fall clear of the crashing plane, MARCUS deploys his parachute, only to have it fail to fully open. MARCUS tugs in vain at the Para-cord trying to open the chute. PETER, who has yet to open his chute, dives in from above. He positions himself near his son’s tangled chute and quickly unfurls it.

MARCUS RAVEN: (Screaming into the howling wind)I’ll get it! I’ll get it! Open your shoot!


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MARCUS shoots up into the sky as his chute opens. His father is still plunging toward the ocean below.


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He sees his father’s chute fully open at a very low altitude. PETER hits the water hard and sinks into the black water.From MARCUS’ P.O.V. above, we see PETER surfacing as the orange life vest deploys. When just above the water, MARCUS tries to release his chute. The clasp hangs. Finally MARCUS plunges into the water near his father. Still from his P.O.V. we see the water engulf us as the chute sinks down directly over us.MARCUS is pulled to the surface by his vest but is tangled in the chute. He produces a knife from a leg holster and slices his way to freedom, he then frantically swims to PETER’S side.PETER is unconscious, but still alive. MARCUS swims behind him and clinging to him, takes his pulse.

MARCUS RAVEN:You made it! Oh god! You are still alive!

PAN OUT:We see the two men illuminated by moonlight, floating in the vast blackness of the ocean.

EXT. OCEAN CRASH SITE - - SEVERAL HOURS LATERWe see the blades of a coast Guard chopper from above as it descends toward the two crash survivors in the ocean below. The searchlight dances on the ripples caused by the backwash of the blades.


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(Over radio)Roger! We are over the emergency transponder‘s coordinates and have located two survivors!

EXT. OCEANWe see a diver plunge from the chopper into the water near the survivors. He straps the two men into a basket that is lowered, and the father and son are raised into the chopper.


EXT. OVER THE OCEAN - SUNRISEWe see the chopper silhouetted by the rising sun.

PAN TO:EXT. THE COASTLINE OF FLORIDA.The chopper roars over land towards a medical facility.

CUT TO:INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY – MINUTES LATERWe see an unconscious MARCUS on a gurney being wheeled towards the ER. His Father’s gurney is pushed through the double doors in front of him.

ORDERLY: (Fading)This one is drifting in and out of consciousness… They said the older guy


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was comatose when they pulled him out of the water. He’s still unresponsive.

FADE TO BLACK:TITLE: (appears across the screen in computer printout fashion)

20 Years Ago: The Raven Family Home

EXT. OUTSIDE THE RAVEN FAMILY HOME - NIGHTAs we PAN IN on the house, we see a well equipped SQUAD, hooded and dressed in black uniforms, descending on the house from multiple vantage points. ZOOM IN on WOLFGAR, who radios his men from their vehicle.

CUT TO:INT. A COMMAND AND CONTROL VEHICLEWOLFGAR sits in front of a bank of monitors. He watches the action as broadcast from the helmet cams of his men.

WOLFGAR:(Over radio)Dr. Abaddon wants us to take the subject alive if at all possible. A body or a blood sample are options if the situation demands it.

With the skilled precision of an elite force, the SQUAD stealthily enters the home.

INT. THE MASTER BEDROOMWe see PETER RAVEN and his wife LAURA, asleep in bed. PETER suddenly opens his eyes, sits straight up and reaches for a sword* that sits nearby. He wakes his wife.


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[*THE SWORD is the magical SWORD OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, but it will not display its magical quality at this time because the WATCHER WOLFGAR is too far away to activate it.]


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PETER RAVEN: (Whispers)They have found me! I am sorry, LAURA. I thought I had buried my past so deep that we were safe now. Get MARCUS. Go to the PANIC ROOM. Remember your training… You have been prepared for this…


PETER RAVEN:No time… They are already in the house… GO! And no matter what, remember I love you… Protect MARCUS… He is our future. If I don't make it, CAIN will find him… …Take over his training…

LAURA RAVEN:CAIN? You mean the legends are true?

PETER RAVEN:Who do you think trained me?

PETER smiles, kisses LAURA and disappears out the door. LAURA pulls a submachine gun from a bedside table and heads down the hall to MARCUS’ room.



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INT. MARCUS’ BEDROOM – MOMENTS LATERAs LAURA enters, the child is sitting up in bed, alert and wide-awake. He looks around with curiosity as if he senses danger. She places a finger across her lips, takes him by the hand and leads him to a fortified PANIC ROOM hidden behind a bookcase.

INT. PANIC ROOMThe door closes behind the mother and son as a bank of surveillance monitors flash on.On the screens we see the intruders closing in from their various positions. In a surreal, drop-frame view, we see the green tinted night surveillance cameras capture the ensuing conflict.The child MARCUS stares, transfixed at the monitors as the first three attackers engage PETER hand-to-hand.They demonstrate great skill in their attacks, but PETER seems to counter them without effort. With a combination of blade and hand techniques, He kills each man as if swatting annoying insects.

CUT TO:EXT. WOLFGAR’S POSITION OUTSIDE THE RAVEN HOMEWOLFGAR witnesses PETER’S display of prowess on his monitor. He grabs a sheathed sword and heads for the front door of the RAVEN HOME.

WOLFGAR: (Shouting over the radio.)We have a high probability subject! Use of deadly force is authorized! I repeat… Use of deadly force is authorized! Terminate with extreme prejudice!



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We now see the action LIVE, not over the monitors. Two men raise their weapons to fire. They are both at 45-degree vantage points from PETER… They are too close. Before they can fire, PETER ducks under the line of fire and grabs the muzzles of both weapons, one with his hand, the other with the pommel of his sword. Automatic fire from both guns sprays the walls. PETER steps between the men, does a 180 and pulls the men together via the weapon slings securing the weapons to their bodies. As he moves, he impales one man on his sword. He kills a third man by directing the gunfire into him. The other man pinned by his gun sling, smoothly draws a blade, cuts through the sling and escapes the hold. He slashes at PETER’S wrist with the blade, but PETER narrowly evades. The blade grazes the back of his hand.The blade man’s eyes widen as he looks at PETER’S blood dripping down the edge of his blade. He quickly disengages from the fray as three fresh combatants advance.

BLADEMAN:(Over radio.)I have a sample! Repeat… I have a blood sample!

PETER continues to battle the three assailants who have drawn swords from their backs. This wave of attackers seems much more skilled than the others. PETER exerts a great deal of effort defeating them.

CUT TO:INT./EXT. THE FRONT DOOR OF THE RAVEN HOMEThe man with the bloody blade makes for the exit, where WOLFGAR has positioned himself. WOLFGAR is about to draw his sword when the man approaches. WOLFGAR pushes the slightly drawn sword back into its scabbard. THE BLADEMAN hands the blade to WOLFGAR who places it in a specimen container.

WOLFGAR:(Over radio)We have what we need! Lets wrap this up!


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CUT TO:INT. PANIC ROOMWe see MARCUS and LAURA staring at the monitor. The boy’s eyes narrow as he studies WOLFGAR’S face.

CUT TO:INT. THE FOYER OF THE RAVEN HOME – SECONDS LATERThe surviving SQUAD members produce incendiary grenades and make for the door. WOLFGAR is already out the door. They throw the grenades in various directions. One throws a grenade directly at PETER. He does not live long enough to realize that this was a mistake. PETER does an airborne spinning kick and punts the grenade back into the midst of the retreating team members as they crowd the door. They only have time to look down in horror as the incendiary grenade engulfs them in flames.

EXT. A FLAME-ENGULFED RAVEN HOMEWOLFGAR, the sole survivor, looks over his shoulder at the burning house. He glances at the blood sample container, gets in his vehicle and drives away.

INT. A BURNING SMOKE-FILLED HOUSE – MOMENTS LATERPETER makes his way through the flames towards the PANIC ROOM.

INT. PANIC ROOM The structure of the fire-engulfed house has shifted as it burns. The room fills with smoke. The wall has partially collapsed, barring the door of the PANIC ROOM. LAURA tries franticly to get it open.Flames dance across the ceiling as the whole room seems ready to ignite.The young child MARCUS is in the arms of his terrified mother. A burning door blocks their escape.


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Huge fists tear through the burning door, their flesh burning, but not being consumed.


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ZOOM IN:We see the reflection of the burning fists in the wide, terrified eyes of the child MARCUS.

PAN OUT:(MARCUS’ P.O.V.)The boy sees the silhouette of a man, his father. The CAMERA ANGLE makes PETER seem to be a giant. The smoke billows around the silhouette, the face illuminated by the burning fists clenched at his sides.The rage on his face melts to a look of love as he sees that his family is alive.As the flames on his hands withers away, he takes the boy from LAURA. At that instant, the burning roof collapses on her. The child cries for his mother as PETER rescues MARCUS from the flames.


FADE TO:INT. PLANE COCKPIT (FLASHBACK) Burning fists tearing through the door fades to the similar scene hours before in the plane.


MARCUS suddenly awakes in the Hospital ER. He Sits straight up and cries out.


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ZOOM IN:We see a reflection of the burning fist in a CU of MARCUS’ eyes as when he was rescued as a child.

ZOOM OUT:Medical personnel are patching up MARCUS. He does not appear seriously injured. They get him to lie back down.

ER DOCTOR:Whoa! Easy… Easy…

CUT TO:INT. HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM.A very well dressed man (LOGAN MASON) waits for news about his friends. He fidgets in his chair as he glances at his Rolex. He glances up at the TV mounted on the wall. The TV is tuned to a news channel. The NEWS ANCHOR reads the headlines:


…And in other news, JUDAS ABADDON, the son of Nobel Prize winning geneticist Richard Abaddon, has been confirmed as the new Secretary General of The United Nations. ABADDON’S father received international recognition for his groundbreaking work on the Human Genome Project. The elder Abaddon drew


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criticism for some for his views on the eugenic applications of his work. The new Secretary General will take office this week. Earlier today, The Whitehouse Press Secretary voiced concerns that ABADDON may share some of his father’s beliefs concerning the application of new discoveries in the science of human genetics… The new SECRETARY GENERAL has also been criticized for his calls for sweeping new powers for the UN. Many critics argue that the proposed authority would undermine the national Sovereignty of member states.

ZOOM IN:ON TV, A UN press CONFERENCEWe see a huge, powerfully built man surrounded by reporters.

CUT TO:EXT. OUTSIDE THE UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, NY. – DAYBehind ABADDON, we see a stunningly beautiful young woman with long black hair (LILITH). THE CAMERA focuses first on ABADDON, then ZOOMS IN on LILITH. She glances over her dark glasses that conceal her unnaturally green eyes. She scans the crowd.We ZOOM OUT to JUDAS ABADDON. He is addressing the press.

JUDAS ABBADON:(In a British accent)

My father was a brilliant man. His aspirations for the human race simply caused him to go too far with the hypothetical applications for his work. Perhaps the desire to create stronger,


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smarter, faster human beings is overstepping the boundaries of science. But is it “playing God” to pursue technology that could potentially eliminate birth defects, cure cancer and other diseases? These are the kinds of goals I will seek to fulfill in my role as Secretary General of the UN!The United Nations must take on a greater role as an international authority if mankind is ever to bring peace and safety to this troubled world.


LOGAN MASON: (Under his breath)Yea, Right… Power-mad bastard!

LOGAN nervously stands as the ER DOCTOR enters the waiting room.

ER DOCTOR:MR. MASON? I understand that you are listed as the emergency contact for both of THE RAVEN’S?

LOGAN MASON:That's correct, DOC! How are they doing?


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ER DOCTOR:MARCUS is going to be fine. He has hypothermia, some minor abrasions and a mild concussion, but nothing life threatening. A few weeks and he should be good as new… His father however…


ER DOCTOR:How well do you know THE RAVEN’S MR. MASON?

LOGAN MASON:They are like family. MARCUS and I grew up together. PETER is like a father to me. God knows he spent more time with me than my own father!

ER DOCTOR:Here’s the thing, MR. MASON. PETER RAVEN should not be alive. He must have been doing over a hundred miles an hour when he hit the water. At that speed, it was like taking a swan dive off a ten story building into concrete… I have actually seen less substantial injuries from suicide cases that killed themselves in that manner. And they were pronounced Dead On Arrival.I have never heard of a human being sustaining this degree of trauma and surviving more than a few minutes.


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…Having said that… He has not got long. He’s one hell of a fighter to last as long as he has!

LOGAN MASON: You can’t possibly imagine!

ER DOCTOR:MARCUS is conscious. He is asking about his father. Perhaps it is best if he hears it from you. His father could pass at any moment.

LOGAN MASON:I’ll take care of it.

THE DOCTOR pats LOGAN on the shoulder and disappears down the hall. LOGAN takes a deep breath and walks towards the recovery room.

INT. MARCUS’ HOSPITAL ROOMLOGAN enters the room. MARCUS weakly sits up as he enters.

LOGAN MASON:Stay put, Buddy. You have had a rough night.

MARCUS RAVEN:Dad? How is my dad? They said he made it, but they have not told me anything else.


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LOGAN sits at his friend’s bedside. And puts his hand on his shoulder.

LOGAN MASON:I don’t think he is going to beat this one MARCUS. If it were anybody but him they would not have made it this long.

LOGAN forces a smile.They say you are going to be ok. You are just going to be on your back a few weeks. You are your Father’s son. You two are the toughest S.O.B.s I have ever seen.

MARCUS RAVEN:How long? How long do they say he has?

LOGAN MASON:They can’t believe he’s alive now. He can’t have very long.

MARCUS RAVEN:Is he conscious? Has he regained consciousness?

LOGAN MASON:No… I don’t think he is going to.

MARCUS begins to sit up, tearing away the IV and other medical apparatus attached to him.


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MARCUS RAVEN:I want to see him!

LOGAN MASON: Jesus Christ, MARCUS! You have a concussion. Stay still!(Yelling for help) Nurse! Nurse!

FADE TO:INT. A HOSPITAL HALLWAY – MOMENTS LATERMARCUS is in a wheelchair being wheeled into Intensive Care to see his father. LOGAN walks alongside the nurse who is pushing MARCUS.

NURSE:MR. RAVEN, I understand your desire to see your father, but you really should be in bed. As a Medical Doctor, you have to understand that!

MARCUS RAVEN:Just take me to him or I will walk there myself.

LOGAN MASON:You are wasting your time arguing with him, NURSE. You can’t stop this guy once he has set out to do something.



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MARCUS is wheeled to his father’s bedside. Fighting back tears, LOGAN looks down at PETER. MARCUS looks at his father in disbelief.

MARCUS RAVEN:When we were kids, I thought the old man was immortal.

LOGAN MASON:I know… I know… He could do some amazing things couldn’t he?

MARCUS RAVEN:I have seen him toss around half a dozen 300 lb men like ragdolls and never break a sweat.

LOGAN MASON:A hell of a martial artist…

MARCUS RAVEN:He was about to tell me something LOGAN, something big. His whole life has been shrouded in secrecy. But I really think that for some reason he was about to tell me everything about himself.

LOGAN MASON:He always said he was training you to take his place someday. Do you think he was about to ask you to join the Agency and take over as… as whatever it was that he did?


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MARCUS RAVEN:What Agency? We don’t even know for sure, do we? My father is about to die, and I don’t even really know who he is!I think what he wanted to tell me had to be more than that. Besides. He knows that I have no interest in working for the Federal Government.

MARCUS RAVEN: I am a Doctor. I heal people. I don’t train…

LOGAN MASON:Assassins?

MARCUS RAVEN:Soldiers, Spies, Elite Forces, whatever… A country has to have men like that to survive. I have no problem with that. Dad always said, “all that is necessary for evil men to prosper is for good men to do nothing.” But I am a healer, not a warrior.

LOGAN MASON:There are a lot of different kinds of warriors.

MARCUS RAVEN:But there is just one like PETER RAVEN.


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LOGAN MASON:No. I think there is one more.Look, I’ll give you a few minutes alone. I’ll get us some coffee. You look like you could use some.

MARCUS RAVEN:Thanks Buddy.

LOGAN exits and MARCUS focuses his attention to his dying father, taking his hand. He examines the hands, shocked.


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MARCUS RAVEN: (To himself)His hands were on fire… aviation fuel all over them. He should have third degree burns… Just like he should have had when he saved me when I was a kid. I thought I imagined it back then… But I know what I saw last night.What the hell?(To his father)First Mom, now you… Why Dad? What could have you told me that could make this all make sense? You taught me enough to know sabotage when I see it. Someone tried to kill us last night didn’t they? Was it the same people that were responsible for Mom’s death, or just one of the countless enemies you must have made over the years?

MARCUS looks at the heart monitor and other stats. PETER’S blood pressure and heart rate begins to fall.

MARCUS RAVEN:Dad, Don’t leave me yet. There is still so much I have to learn from you.

We hear the ping of the monitor indicating that PETER RAVEN’S heart begins to weaken.



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A very young MARCUS is dressed in Kendo armor, as is his father. They are dueling with shinai (bamboo swords).

YOUNG MARCUS RAVEN:I can't do it Daddy. It’s impossible!

The child MARCUS struggles to evade the sword attack. His father's practice-sword harmlessly, but unpleasantly, strikes the child's protective helmet.

PETER RAVEN:"The difference between the possible and the impossible is your will". Now defend again!

The boy steels his resolve as the huge man's sword speeds down at him. At the last instant, the child sidesteps and counter cuts at his father's wrist. PETER howls in mock pain and drops his weapon. Laughter rings through MARCUS' memory as the boy leaps onto his "defeated" father and playfully strikes him repeatedly on his helmet.

CUT TO:INT. A STUDY – SEVERAL YEARS LATERPiles of books surround a slightly older MARCUS; his father questions him on various topics, sometimes speaking foreign languages. The young MARCUS answers in turn.

PETER RAVEN: (Speaking Chinese)

SUBTITLEWhat does Sun Tzu teach us to be the key to victory?


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MARCUS RAVEN: (Speaking Chinese)

SUBTITLE: "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will always be victorious."

PETER RAVEN: (Speaking Ancient Greek)

SUBTITLE: What was the greatest military failure of Alexander The Great?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Speaking Ancient Greek)He lost sight of the mission objective, Sir.

PETER RAVEN: And what is a true warrior’s mission objective?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Speaking Ancient Greek)

SUBTITLE:A warrior is never driven by ambition, or the desire for power. His only objective is to protect the innocent from the Forces of Evil.


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PETER RAVEN:What is the only acceptable motivation for violence?


PETER RAVEN: (Speaking Arabic)So every terrorist that acts as a suicide bomber out of “love” for his cause, or his religion, or his country, is justified?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Speaking Arabic)No Sir, Those are acts of hate. Love is not something that is exclusive to a country or a cause. If your love does not extend to every human being, then it is something besides love.

PETER RAVEN:So when do we know when violence necessary?

MARCUS RAVEN:If we focus on what we love rather than what we hate… If we can do that, then we will know the right course of action.



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(Beaming with pride)That is very profound, Son. What philosophy book did you lean that from?

MARCUS RAVEN:I didn’t learn it from a book, Dad. I learned it from you!

FADE TO:INT. FIREARM TRAINING SITUATION ROOM – SEVERAL YEARS LATERA teenaged MARCUS kicks in the door to a mockup of a room and sprays automatic weapon fire with deadly accuracy into each silhouette target of enemy combatants. PETER enters the room and examines the targets noting that the “hostage” silhouettes are untouched.

PETER RAVEN:Excellent, Son! Tell me, how much collateral damage is acceptable in a firefight?

MARCUS RAVEN:None, Sir! It may sometimes be unavoidable, but it is never acceptable!

FADE TO:MONTAGE - A MUSEUM, AN OPERA, A ROCK CONCERT, A FOOTBALL GAME, A DOJO – OVER A PERIOD OF YEARSWe see MARCUS growing older, exploring various aspects of culture and learning, with his father as his guide. These images are intermitted with training sessions in the dojo learning various marital disciplines. In some of the training sequences PETER has different Martial Art MASTERS demonstrating their art. A young LOGAN MASON is in some of these scenes, often acting as MARCUS’ training partner.


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FADE TO:INT. ICUThe monitors indicate that PETER is dying. His heart monitor slows as we hear the audible BEEP…BEEP… fading.

FADE BETWEEN:MONTAGE - ICU and DOJOThere is no sound now except the fading heart monitor when on scene in the ICU and MARCUS’ accelerating heartbeat in the Dojo scene. We see a SLOW MOTION scene of medical personnel shoving their way past LOGAN, who is just entering the room…

ZOOM IN:Two coffees fall from his hands and spill on the floor. The CAMERA follows the cups down as we see the spill in slow motion.

MONTAGE CONTINUES - INT. A DOJOMARCUS throws every technique he knows at the bag. We hear his heart pounding faster and faster with exertion and rage…

MONTAGE CONTINUES - INT. ICUPETER’S heart has almost stopped. Complete disbelief washes over the faces of everyone on the room as PETER regains consciousness, Looks MARCUS in the eye as he takes his hand and places his signet ring on MARCUS’ finger. The sounds of the ICU rush back into the forefront. We then hear dead silence save for PETER’S dying words.

PETER RAVEN: (Weakly, with his dying breath)You are your brother’s Keeper.


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The monitor goes flat line… MARCUS feels his fathers hand slip from his own…

MONTAGE CONTINUES - INT. DOJO:MARCUS’ own heart beats at the peak of human limit. His fist smashes into the heavy bag. It is torn from the ceiling and crashes through a window…MARCUS falls to his knees, overcome with exhaustion and grief. He reaches into a pocket, withdraws a ring and slides it onto his finger. He stares at his Father’s signet ring that he now wears.


EXT. A MILITARY BASE IN IRAQTITLE: (appears across the screen in computer printout fashion)“TASK FORCE 121 H.Q. BAGDAD, IRAQ”We see military personnel and vehicles in a fervor of activity as TASK FORCE 121 MAJ. JAMES CONDOR enters a briefing Room. His Unit is already inside as is GENERAL LIBER (an Air Force Brigadier General).

INT. A BRIEFING ROOMCONDOR exchanges appropriate military etiquette with GENERAL LIBER and then takes a seat.

GENERAL LIBER:CONDOR, the mission you are about to undertake may very well be the most important operation of this war. The personnel in this room represent our military’s most elite. I have every


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confidence that the execution of this operation is in capable hands…The Second Gulf War began with the U.S. Invasion of Iraq In March of 2003.

CUT TO.EXT. IRAQ – 2003We see STOCK FOOTAGE of the US invasion of IRAQ.

GENERAL LIBER:(V.O)The invasion was prompted by highly classified intelligence that suggested that Saddam had acquired a Soviet made Suitcase Nuke.

CUT TO:EXT. A LARGE CITY IN EASTERN EUROPE – NIGHT – FEB 2003We See an Iraqi meeting with a Russian. They exchange briefcases. The IRAQI gets into a car and speeds away. He looks terrified. As soon as he leaves, the Russian walks towards his own vehicle. Before he can get to it he is attacked by demons and killed.

INT. A SEEDY HOTEL ROOMThe IRAQI enters the room. The Camera PANS to the bed where a prostitute lies bound and gagged.

GENERAL LIBER:(V.O)This information was not revealed to the public due to the fear of mass hysteria.


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The IRAQI walks over to the PROSTITUTE and cuts her throat. He captures the blood in a container and quickly begins writing in cuneiform on the case with the blood.


GEN. LIBER:After five years of searching to no avail, many of our intelligence analysts had come to believe that the weapon never existed. Others speculated that it had been smuggled into Syria in the days before the invasion.Last night a high-value POW being held at Guantanamo gave us our first lead in five years. The man had withstood intensive interrogation since his capture in ’04.


GENERAL LIBER:(Continues V.O. as the scene unfolds)

He had never spoke one word to anyone. Then last night at 0300 local time he rose from his bunk and started screaming at the top of his lungs that they had all been deceived by Shaitan.

We see demonic shadows on the cell walls. They begin swarming around the sleeping PRISONER. He is the same man who acquired the case from the Russian. Claw marks begin to appear on his body. We hear demonic whispers.


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GENERAL LIBER:(V.O.)He just snapped… Kept babbling about Saddam hiding the most lethal weapon in existence in a secret chamber beneath the Bagdad museum…

We see the PRISONER scream for the GUARD. We hear only LIBER’S V.O and demonic whispering. We see the terrified PRISONER frantically shouting at the guard. The GUARD seems initially indifferent, but upon seeing the man’s wounds and noting his terror, he tries to calm him then rushes off to get his superior.

GENERAL LIBER:(V.O.)He was terrified. Claimed demons were attacking him, demanding to know where Saddam hid the weapon.

The PRISONER begins to be thrown around the cell by an unseen attacker. More claw marks appear. The man begins painting on the cell wall with his own blood.

GENERAL LIBER:(V.O.)When the man’s guard went to get his superior, the prisoner apparently killed himself. They said he must have clawed at his own throat till he severed his carotid arteries.

We see the PRISONER torn to pieces by the demonic shadows. As he falls dead to the floor, the shadows fade into the walls and floor.


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GENERAL LIBER:(V.O.)Before he died, he painted this on his cell wall with his own blood.

CUT TO:INT. A BRIEFING ROOM – THE PRESENTThe GENERAL brings up a PowerPoint presentation on a projector. It shows a man lying in a pool of blood with his throat torn out. The severity of the wounds suggests that it is impossible that they were self-inflicted. We then see photos of a bloody mural of cuneiform writing. Written in large letters, in Ancient Greek, above the Sumerian text we see the word “Apollyon”.

DUPRE:Jesus! That was self-inflicted? It looks like he went 10 rounds with a Bengal Tiger!

LIBER clears his throat as he advances to the photo of the mural drawn in blood.

GENERAL LIBER: What you are looking for is a metal container about the size of a briefcase. Before he killed himself, the PRISONER indicated that it will be distinguished by the cuneiform writing on its exterior. Our experts who examined this photo tell us that the text is the first line of an ancient Sumerian incantation to ward off evil. The case will be covered on all sides with the complete incantation and it is likely to be written in human blood.


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MAJ.JAMES CONDORWhat is the Greek word above the cuneiform?

GENERAL LIBER: “Apollyon” According to the Book of Revelation, it is the name of the demon who unlocks The Bottomless Pit and unleashes Hell on earth.This is serious stuff people…The man who painted this had obviously lost his mind, but Intel from other sources corroborated some of his statements. Saddam was apparently as fascinated with the occult as Hitler was, so it would be right in line with his profile to store his ultimate weapon in this manner.CONDOR, I want you to get your team to the museum ASAP and do a thorough search of the sublevels. We want to keep this operation as low key as possible. There may be others looking for this thing and we want to avoid tipping our hand that we have a lead on it.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Sir, that Museum was looted in the first few days of the war. Is there any evidence that the weapon may have already been recovered?

GENERAL LIBER: Negative. The PRISONER indicated that there was a stone wall constructed in the


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basement that conceals the entrance to a hidden sublevel.

KAT VESPER:Sir, the legend of those missing Soviet briefcase nukes has been circulating for years. If they really exist, are they really small enough to fit into a suitcase, and what kind of nuclear yield are we talking about?

GENERAL LIBER:If you take into consideration that the Mk-54 Special Atomic Demolition Munition is the smallest nuclear weapon our own government acknowledges possessing, and it fits into a pack that one man can carry and it yields up to a kiloton… What do you think? You have done black ops long enough to know if we admit to having that- then it is antiquated technology.Best-case scenario – it is big as a refrigerator and only yields half a kiloton; we are still talking about a device that several men can put in a vehicle and drive close enough to the Capital to take out the whole area……It is unlikely that we are looking at best-case scenario here…

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:We will get the job done Sir.



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I have every confidence that you will. Godspeed! Dismissed!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:OK people lets move out! Time to earn your paychecks!

CUT TO:EXT. OVER BAGDAD – A SHORT TIME LATERWe see a transport Chopper roaring over the city en route to the museum.

CUT TO:INT. TRANSPORT HELOCOPTER The team is doing a last minute gear check, preparing weapons, etc.


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:The museum’s security has been turned over to Dark Sky International. It’s considered a secure area. But keep your heads up. There is no place in this whole damn country that is really safe, especially if we are getting close to Saddam’s WMD……And for god’s sake, don’t go hosing-down any 5000-year-old artifacts with machine gun fire if you can keep from it. We want to try to keep this operation as low profile as possible. We go in, we recover the case and we get out. No muss, no fuss. No angry museum staff.

DUPRE:Understood Sir! So those Dark Sky Mercenaries are going to keep us safe while we are there?

LAURA KWANYou are just pissed off ‘cause they get paid better than we do.

DUPRE:They ain’t even in the same league as us!

HARBINGER:I know some of those guys. Some of them were recruited from our predecessor TASK FORCE 20. They know their stuff…


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:OK enough with the chatter. The LZ is just ahead. Get ready to move out. The Security Detail has been notified that a Unit is coming to look for some Intel; But the Dark Sky agents have no idea what the real deal is. Stay alert, but try to be subtle about it. If some of those guys were TF 20 it won’t take much for them to realize that we aren’t a bunch of file clerks looking for Saddam’s coin collection.

CUT TO:EXT. LZ AT THE BAGDAD MUSEUMThe transport lands and the Unit deploys. A Dark Sky Agent dressed in Black approaches and greets CONDOR.

TYLER:MAJ. CONDOR? I am TYLER, head of security.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Yes Sir! You were briefed?

TYLER:We were told you were coming… Told to give you the run of the place. They said you are looking for something in the basement? This whole facility has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb, first by the military, then by the museum staff. I don’t think you are going to find any new Intel here, but knock yourself out!


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CUT TO:INT. BAGDAD MUSEUMTF121 enters the complex led by TYLER. They pass through various rooms, some have been restored to showcase ancient artifacts, some still showing signs of having been looted and vandalized.

LAURA KWAN:Jesus, Look at this stuff! Some of it is as old as civilization itself! This is where it all began… Writing, law, literature… We are standing at ground zero of the cradle of civilization.

CLIFF:Lets hope that’s the only ground zero we ever stand at!

CLIFF looks into a case at a clay tablet covered with Cuneiform. He reads the translation.


“The life you’re looking for you’ll never find. For when the gods made man, Death is what they reserved for him, saving life for themselves.”… It’s a quote from…

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:…Gilgamesh. It’s probably the first story ever recorded in writing. He was a Sumerian King looking for the Nettle of


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Immortality. He found it – only to have it stolen by a serpent.

CASSIE ADAMS:That sounds like the story from…

LAURA KWAN:…The Bible – The tree of Eternal Life. Man could have eaten from it, but got deceived by a serpent.

DUPRE:I thought he got deceived by a woman.

CLIFF:God knows we have all been there!

TYLER:This corridor leads to the basement.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Thanks, we’ll take it from here.

TYLER:I won’t bother asking what you are looking for. I was Military long enough to know when answers are not forthcoming.



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It sure as hell ain’t The Nettle of Immortality, we’re looking for!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(To TYLER)Oh, we may make a little noise… nothing to concern yourself over.

TYLER:Try to keep the damage to a minimum will you? Special Forces already blew up the wall safe in the Curator’s office looking for intelligence documents. A few dozen 2000-year-old texts were collateral damage. The archeologists around here are still bitching about loosing the better part of the oldest know copy of The Book of Enoch.


INT. BASEMENT/SAFEROOM – MOMENTS LATERTHE UNIT descends down into the basement. A safe door stands open. They enter the huge safe room and walk to the bare wall on the far side of the room.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:This is it. What we are looking for is on the other side of that wall if it exists.(To CASSIE)


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I want a hole right here. Just big enough to crawl through. No need to bring the whole building down ok?

CASSIE removes explosives from her pack.

CASSIE ADAMS:No problem, Sir.

CASSIE plants the explosive charge.

CASSIE ADAMS: Fire in the hole!

The explosives cut a hole in the wall revealing a hidden room.

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAY CLOSE TO THE BASEMENTTYLER is walking away as he hears the small explosion. He rolls his eyes with disgust.

TYLER:(To himself)I hope they don’t expect my people to clean up their mess!




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The UNIT cautiously enters. Their flashlights shine eerily through the lingering smoke from the blast. The chamber is filled with grotesque statues of ancient gods and demons. They stand as if to guard the focal point of the room, a gold table of Babylonian design with a griffin at either side. On the table lies the (oddly out of place) metal case covered in cuneiform script.


HARBINGER:That was easy enough!

CASSIE ADAMS:You do realize you just jinxed us don’t you?

HARBINGER:Hey, if you don’t like tempting the fates you shouldn’t be in BLACK OPS!

CONDOR examines the thick level of dust on the floor with his boot.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:From the looks of things, no one has been in here in a long time.

LAURA KWAN:If that thing is a Nuke, why didn’t Saddam use it? I can’t believe that nutcase would hesitate to play that hand, especially if it was all he had left.


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Who knows? Maybe it doesn’t work or he was never able to acquire the arming code from his commie buddies who made the thing.(To CASSIE) ADAMS, check this thing for booby traps will ya? I would just as soon not outdo SF in the whole historical insensitivity thing by melting the walls of the whole place, not to mention the whole grid around the city.

CASSIE ADAMS:I am on it Sir!

ADAMS skillfully examines the case for booby-traps.

It looks clean… Of course it could have a motion sensitive switch inside. No way to know except to pick the damn thing up, and see if you evaporate in a firestorm of nuclear hell.


Oh, Thank you so much for that charming imagery!

CASSIE ADAMS:Chill out. No reason to believe it is booby trapped anyway. People generally only rig things they expect to be found. I’d


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say whoever stuck this thing in here was reasonably sure it was secure.

ADAMS lifts the case then mockingly pats herself down.

See? No one got vaporized!

DUPRE:You instill such confidence!

CASSIE examines the writing on the case.

CASSIE:Ick! Suppose this is actually human blood?

KAT VESPER:Probably so, God knows Saddam had no problem shedding the stuff when it suit his purpose.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:OK let’s wrap this up and get this thing back to base.

CASSIE ADAMS:The sooner the better, it gives me the creeps just holding it. To think that much suffering, destructiveness and total disregard for the sanctity of human life could be put in such a small package.


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DOC:That’s what I always said about my ex-wife!


INT. BASEMENT/SAFEROOMAs the team exits, they hear the distant sound of machinegun fire. CONDOR raises a fist signaling the UNIT to halt.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Over radio.)TYLER, this is CONDOR. Do you copy?

TYLER:MAJOR? I have been trying to reach you!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Over radio.)The basement must be a dead zone. I can read you now. Report!

TYLER:We are taking heavy fire! I think every damn INSURGENT in a 50-mile radius must have been clued-in that you guys were here looking for something they all desperately want!


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I radioed your base camp for backup, but a UN transport was in the area. They are moving into position now.


CASSIE ADAMS:Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse!

Cassie hands over the case to SGT. LEXINGTON.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(Over radio.)What is your position?

TYLER: (Over radio.)Most of my TEAM is with me at the front entrance. So far we are keeping them out of the building. No one is getting in, but then we are not getting out either.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Over radio.)OK, hold your position. We are coming to you. What is the status of backup?



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(Over radio.)The BLUE BERETS are moving in now. Engaging the INSURGENTS.


INT. MUSEUM MAIN ENTRANCETF121 makes its way to the main entrance.


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KAT VESPER:How could they know we found it?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Dunno. A leak at Guantanamo, or H.Q. maybe?

CUT TO:EXT. A FORTIFIED POSITION OUTSIDE THE MUSEUM – MOMENTS LATERTF121 joins the DARK SKY SECURITY TEAM of numerous men who are firing at ENEMY COMBATANTS in the surrounding area.

THE UNIT moves into position under cover and along with DARK SKY, begins offering fire support for the UN TROOPS fighting their way through the INSURGENTS.

CLIFF:Is the whole bloody Jihad trying to get in here?

KAT VESPER:Looks like!

LAURA KWAN:How could they know what we’ve got? We don’t even know for sure.

One of the INSURGENTS rushes a forward position machinegun nest. As he is riddled with bullets, he lunges over the sandbags and sets off a bomb vest, taking out the nest. Several DARK SKY AGENTS are killed.


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: They may not know… But they do seem pretty enthusiastic about getting their hands on it, whatever it is.(Over radio.)This is MAJ. JAMES CONDOR of United States JOINT TASK FORCE 121 to UN COMMANDER. Do you copy?


MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(Over radio.)We are pinned down in the entrance. We are on mission of the highest priority. We have valuable Intel that must not fall in to hostile hands. Copy?

WOLFGAR:(Over radio.)Copy that. Hold your position. We are coming to you.

CUT TO:EXT. A DISTANT ROOFTOPAn enemy SNIPER takes aim. We see his P.O.V through the scope as he puts the crosshairs over the head of A TF 121 TEAM MEMBER.


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We see a flurry of activity as the BLUE BERETS fight their way through the INSURGENTS. Sniper fire claims the life of a TF121 TEAM MEMBER.



DOC rushes to the fallen TEAM MEMBER and drags him to cover. He then sees that the man is dead. CONDOR looks over grimly as DOC shakes his head. Eventually the INSURGENTS begin to pull back and the UN FORCE makes its way to the entrance.


ZOOM IN:On KWAN’S scope. We zoom through the scope to a close-up of her stone cold, unblinking eye. We hear her racing heartbeat suddenly drop to a slow, steady rate as if she were relaxing in Zen meditation. We ZOOM IN on her finger as she squeezes the trigger.

ZOOM OUT:The sounds of battle fade till we hear nothing but the report of KWAN’S rifle. We see the gun smoke hanging in air as KWAN fires this last shot of the firefight.



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KWAN’S bullet drops the INSURGENT SNIPER as his head emits a pink mist.


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CUT TO:EXT. A FORTIFIED POSITION OUTSIDE THE MUSEUMWE see KWAN still looking through her scope. We hear her heartbeat returning to normal.

ZOOM IN:As that sound fades to dead silence, THE CAMERA tracks the spent shell casing as it ejects from the rifle and falls in slow motion to the floor. The brass casing dances on the hard stone floor with a tinny ring then falls silent.

ZOOM OUT:We zoom out to KWAN”S face and see its stoic stillness betrayed by the faintest hint of a smile.As the smoke begins to clear, UN COMMANDER WOLFGAR approaches, flanked by BLUE BERETS.


SalutingMAJ. CONDOR I presume?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Returning the salute.

Yes, thanks for the help. It was beginning to look like we were going to have a bad day.

UN COMMANDER WOLFGAR walks past CONDOR to stand directly in front of SGT. LEXINGTON.


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WOLFGAR:The day isn’t over yet MAJOR!

WOLFGAR coldly raises his pistol and shoots SGT. LEXINGTON in the face, killing him instantly. He effortlessly catches the case in midair with cat-like reflexes.CONDOR screams in rage and empties a magazine from his M4 into WOLFGAR. He turns to face CONDOR, seemingly unfazed. WOLFGAR lifts CONDOR off the ground with a front kick, driving him into a display case.As he does, all hell breaks loose. Only a few more shots are fired before it goes to close-quarters hand-to hand combat between the UN force and TF 121 and DARK SKY. HARBINGER flays several BLUE BERETS with his blade.As the fray continues, WOLFGAR walks away with the Case. He produces a satellite phone.

WOLFGAR:(Over phone)Yes Sir, We have recovered the case. I will bring it to you myself!

As WOLFGAR walks toward a chopper, he casts a shadow behind him. It is not the shadow of a man, but rather that of a hideous bat-like demon.Meanwhile, the battle continues, although heavily outnumbered, TF121 takes out the ENEMY FORCE one by one. A hole is finally cut in the perimeter, and THE UNIT makes its way to their transport chopper. As they dust off, CONDOR opens a channel of communication with THE GENERAL at H.Q.



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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Over radio)GENERAL, This is CONDOR. We recovered the case, but lost it after taking heavy fire from INSURGENTS and UN FORCES. I repeat, we were attacked by UN FORCES, under the command of someone calling himself WOLFGAR. The case is in his possession. We are in pursuit, requesting air support.

GENERAL LIBER: (V.O)MAJ. CONDOR, I have just been contacted by the UN. They are telling us that their team was engaged in an operation to recover a WMD when they came under attack from your UNIT.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: That's bullshit Sir! I have several team members dead! WOLFGAR started the firefight when he shot SGT. LEXINGTON in cold blood and took the case!


GENERAL LIBER:Understood… But MAJOR, my superiors are ordering me to have you back off. This is about to become an international incident.


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(V.O) Sir, with respect, they murdered my people and took a nuc… They took the case!


GENERAL LIBER:(V.O.)I am sorry, CONDOR. I have my orders… And I will pass them on to you as soon as I am able to establish communications with you.…I just hope you don’t catch up with the UN chopper and shoot it out of the sky before I can relay you your orders to break off pursuit.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: I am sorry Sir. There must be some kind of interference. I can’t hear a thing you have said. I will try to reestablish communication after we recover the case. CONDOR out! (To the PILOT)Lets go get some payback!

CUT TO:EXT. THE SKIES OVER BAGHDADThe TF121 chopper pursues the UN chopper, which is far ahead. They fire at it, to no effect.


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CUT TO:EXT. THE BANKS OF THE EUPHRATES RIVER We see an INSURGENT take aim with a S.A.M. As the TF121 chopper nears the banks of the Euphrates it is brought down by the Surface to Air Missile. They are forced to land near the edge of the river. The group of INSURGENTS that fired the S.A.M. closes in on them. As TF121 retreats, a rumble is heard and the ground begins to shake.

HARBINGER:Oh. Hell… mortar fire?


CASSIE ADAMS:Earthquake!

DOC:This is going to be one of those days isn’t it?

The ground begins to shake more violently as TF121 approaches the river.

CUT TO:INT. THE GENERAL’S OFFICETHE GENERAL is sitting behind the desk holding what appears to be a very old book in his hands (A copy of The Chronicles of Cain). The


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CAMERA takes note of a silver KEEPER signet ring on his finger. The tremors from the quake shake the room.


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GENERAL LIBER: (To himself)“Earthquakes in diverse places”, One of the signs of the impending Apocalypse! It is beginning!


CUT TO:EXT. THE BANKS OF THE EUPHRATES RIVERDARK OPERA MUSIC PLAYSTF121 has made it to the shoreline but the ground is now shaking so violently they are barely able to stand. In the distance, we see INSURGENTS closing in. They fire ineffectively at the UNIT.





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EXT. AN OVERHEAD VIEW OF THE RIVERMUSIC CONTINUESAs the turbulence of the waters increases, we see a fissure begin to open and the water begins to rush into it. Within moments the river is bone dry.


CUT TO:EXT. THE BANKS OF THE EUPHRATES RIVERMUSIC FADESThe UNIT rises to its feet as the quake ends. Everyone looks on in awe.

DOC:(To CONDOR)Well if that ain’t something out of the book of Exodus! I guess we need to start calling you Major Moses!

LAURA KWAN:I think you are in the wrong end of the Book, DOC. What we are seeing here is out of Revelation!

(Quoting REV. 16:12)


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“And the sixth angel poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up…)


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DUPRE:What does it say happens next?

LAURA KWAN: Cliff Note version- a third of the human race dies.

DOC:So I take it this is not God saving us from “Pharaoh’s Army”?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:The Lord helps those who help themselves! Lets move out. Across the riverbed! They can’t be far behind us.

CUT TO:EXT. THE DRIED RIVERBEDTF121 begins the crossing.

DOC:“The Lord helps those who help themselves” - Is that in Exodus?

LAURA KWAN:No, I think that was Benjamin Franklin… But he was actually paraphrasing one of Aesop's fables.



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You don’t get out much do you Laura?

LAURA KWAN:Never had a book stick me with the dinner check, snore, or leave the toilet seat up!

DUPRE:You mean you actually sit down to use the toilet?

LAURA KWAN:Remind me again why I don’t kill you?

Tf121 makes its way across the dried bed of the Euphrates where it takes shelter in a structure on the opposite shore.

CUT TO:EXT. THE DRIED RIVERBED (A few hundred feet down stream of TF121’s crossing position.)A group of INSURGENTS are searching for TF121. A mud covered golden sarcophagus draws their attention. It is covered with engraved cuneiform inscriptions similar to the suitcase.The men gather around, amazed by the solid gold object. Abandoning their mission, blinded by greed to discover what greater treasures lie within, they begin breaking open the solid gold seal which is stamped with a mystic symbol. As they open the sarcophagus, an aftershock hits. As the ground trembles, four living shadows emerge from the object. The men begin to back away as the hellish beings take form. Four of the largest and most fierce looking men are entwined by the shadows that fade into their bodies. As they do so the men’s eyes turn black. Tears of blood run down their faces.


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The possessed men then turn on their comrades and kill them all with superhuman strength. As the four walk away we see their demonic shadows writhing behind them.

CUT TO:INT. A ROOFTOP – MOMENTS LATERTF121 has taken cover on the roof of the tallest building in the area.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Over radio)GENERAL, We lost them. We were brought down by a S.A.M. We have sustained no further casualties, but are in need of transport.

GENERAL LIBER: (Over radio)Understood. We are still picking up the pieces here from the quake damage, but I will have transport for you as soon as possible.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(Over radio)Affirmative. I think the earthquake shook up our pursuers. No sign of them. We will hold our location and await transport. CONDOR out.



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We see a group of people gathered around a flag-draped casket. MARCUS stands behind the Lectern, ready to deliver a eulogy for his father. LOGAN stands nearby. We see an attractive woman (KELLY ORLÉANS) standing in the rear. We see a shadowy figure (CAIN) watching from the tree line.

AMAZING GRACE BEGINS TO PLAY ON BAGPIPES.The music begins faintly and grows in volume as RAVEN delivers the eulogy.

MARCUS RAVEN:On the 23rd day of December in this year of our Lord, the immortal spirit of PETER RAVEN became more than his mortal body could contain. He shuffled off this mortal coil with all of its frailties, pains and woes. He exchanged this fleeting existence for life-immortal. I am sure that none will ever love me as he did. It is my most solemn prayer that I shall someday become the person that he thought I was, so that my life might honor his memory and his goodness. He dedicated his life to training those who are called to protect the weak, the innocent… He served this nation, training the most elite among our military and our Intelligence Services.

CUT TO:Ext. THE FLAGPOLE IN THE CEMETARYWe see the American flag flapping in the growing wind as the storm intensifies.



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PETER RAVEN was not a man of words, or of lofty doctrine. He was a man of action, a man of deeds. He was always there for me as he was for many others. Always willing to toil and labor endlessly in the aid of his fellow man.He saw things in black and white. For him, there were no shades of grey. He was a simple man with simple ideas of right and wrong. And yet he taught me more than the greatest minds of history about duty and honor. As a child, my father introduced me to all the great literary works of human civilization. None of those books, with all there eloquent words and carefully thought-out philosophy, better taught me that we are all our brother’s keepers, as PETER RAVEN did by the example of his life.

CUT TO:EXT. THE PARKING AREA OF THE GRAVEYARDA NEPHILIM exits his car and makes his way to the back of the funeral procession, where he stands and examines RAVEN carefully.

MARCUS RAVEN:(V.O)Truth, Justice, Honor, Self Sacrifice- PETER RAVEN taught me that these were not mere words, but rather a code by which to live. It is my prayer that I can live by the principles that my father would offer as his legacy to me.


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CUT TO:EXT. TREELINEWe see a close-up of CAIN’S face. A single tear running down his cheek betrays its stoic features.CAIN notices the NEPHILIM on the opposite side of the cemetery and begins to move towards him.


MARCUS RAVEN:The tears that I shed this day are not for PETER RAVEN. My tears are for myself and for this world, because it sees few such men as he.

CUT TO:INT. An OFFICE – FLASHBACK – LATE 19th CENTURYWe see PETER RAVEN writing in an ancient codex (The Chronicles of Cain), illuminated by lamplight.

MARCUS RAVEN:(V.O)History may not remember his name. He founded no empires, he led no great armies into battle and into victory, but in my heart he will always be the greatest hero who ever lived.

CUT TO:EXT. A TRENCH –W.W.I. –FLASHBACKWe see PETER RAVEN leading a group of men in a charge over the edge of the fortification towards enemy troops.


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MARCUS RAVEN: (V.O.)He was a hero in the truest sense of the word. He quietly and persistently did the right thing when it needed to be done, regardless of the cost to him self.


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CUT TO:EXT. W.W.II – FLASHBACKWe see PETER RAVEN rushing onto the field of battle where a Fighter plane has just gone down. He pulls the PILOT to safety seconds before the plane explodes.GERMAN SOLDIERS surround him as he gives first aid to the PILOT. PETER stands and kills them all with gunfire and hand-to-hand techniques.

MARCUS RAVEN:(V.O)He served his country - he served humanity all the days of his life. He fought all his life. His life was filled with many trials and tribulations, but never, not once in all the years in which God graced me with his company did I ever hear a word of bitterness. No regret, no doubt. Only duty!

CUT TO:EXT. SOUTHEAST ASIA – VIETNAM WAR ERA – FLASHBACKWe see PETER RAVEN wearing a sniper Ghillie Suit. He takes aim with his rifle and kills a North Vietnamese General who is passing by in the motorcade below PETER’S position.

MARCUS RAVEN:(V.O.)He never saw adversity, only opportunity. Whatever trial befell PETER RAVEN, he seemed possessed of tenfold the strength necessary to endure the hardship.


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CUT TO:EXT. A GRAVESIDE LECTERNMARCUS fights back tears as he concludes his eulogy.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Proudly with growing intensity and volume)

He fought till the very end. Death did not defeat him. For as long as one man stands upon this earth who takes it upon himself to become his brother’s Keeper, as long as one man still breaths who dares to wield the selfless, shielding sword that is Love for ones fellow man - then my father’s spirit shall NEVER die!

MUSIC ENDS - TAPS BEGIN TO PLAYMARCUS steps away from the lectern as LOGAN comes to his side to comfort him. We see the coffin lowered into the ground. A VFW HONOR GUARD fires a 21-gun salute. The CAMERA ZOOMS IN on one of the old men who make up the GUARD. He is the PILOT from WWII. We see a quick FLASHBACK of the PILOT’S face as a young man. As we FADE to the PRESENT, tears run down the old man’s face. MARCUS throws a handful of soil into the grave and walks away. As he does so, KELLY ORLÉANS calls out to him from the rear of the group of well-wishers who crowd MARCUS. We see CAIN in the distance, still moving towards the NEPHILIM.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Mr. RAVEN? Mr. RAVEN, could I have a word with you?

As MARCUS looks toward KELLY a large man (THE NEPHILIM) approaches and shakes MARCUS’ hand.


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NEPHILIM:That's one down… One to go!


The NEPHILIM slides MARCUS’ gold signet ring off his finger as he draws a gun and points it at MARCUS’ chest. From a straight-on view of the muzzle, we see the weapon discharge with a flash of fire.

ZOOM IN:The CAMERA zooms down the barrel of the gun. We see the bullet exit in SLOW MOTION.MARCUS strikes the man’s hand as he aims and he sidesteps out of the line of fire. The bullet blows a hole in his tie, which lingers behind his body.MARCUS knocks the weapon from the man’s hand with a spinning kick, and then throws a punch at the man’s face. The NEPHILIM grabs the fist in the palm of his own hand and summersaults over MARCUS in defiance of gravity. Stunned, MARCUS hesitates for an instant. When he turns he sees the man entering a car and driving away at high speed.Meanwhile the funeral-goers are scrambling for cover. We see KELLY draw her weapon, but there are too many people between her and the action. We see CAIN returning a Glock 17 Pistol to its holster. He walks away.MARCUS glances at his own car, blocked in-between two other vehicles. He turns to the hearse, jumps in, shoving the DRIVER out.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Quoting Dracula - Speaking Romanian, then English)

“Pentru că morţii umblă repede.”

…Lets hope “The dead travel fast”.


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EXT. A CROWDED STREET – MOMENTS LATERRAVEN spins out in pursuit of THE NEPHILIM who has already made it to the main road outside the cemetery.The two vehicles speed down the streets. The thief turns his car the wrong way down a One-Way Street. Vehicles swerve out of the way as MARCUS pursues.

CUT TO:EXT. THE SKY OVER THE ROAD A police helicopter patrols overhead.


PILOT:What the hell?

The PILOT has seen the chase and falls into pursuit of the pair. He will see everything that transpires.

CUT TO:EXT. A ONE-WAY STREETTHE NEPHILIM slams into an oncoming car and he is thrown through the windshield and over the other car. He lands with cat-like reflexes on his feet on the hood of the car behind the one with which he collided. The hood dents under his weight as he kneels and braces his weight on his clenched fist. The uninjured NEPHILIM throws an evil glance at the car’s driver who looks on in disbelief as THE NEPHILIM vaults over the car.MARCUS slams on brakes. The wrecked cars block the road, so he jumps out of the hearse and runs atop the parked cars in pursuit.


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CUT TO:EXT. A FIRE ESCAPE ON A TALL BUILDINGThe NEPHILIM climbs up a fire escape. MARCUS catches up and they fight on the fire escape.

CUT TO:EXT. A ROOFTOPThe NEPHILIM makes his way to the roof and climbs hand-over-hand across a downward sloping cable.MARCUS pulls off his belt in mid-stride and without slowing, loops it over the cable and slides across the cable, gaining ground on the thief.The NEPHILIM grabs a mountain bike leaning against the wall on the porch of an upper story apartment. He rides the bike across a rain gutter. As he comes to the end of the gutter, he flips off the front of the bike, holds onto the handles and lands on his feet on the lower level building porch handrail. He then remounts the bike and rides it to the end of the porch on the handrail.MARCUS is losing ground, but is still in pursuit. The NEPHILIM executes more gravity defying stunts on the bike.MARCUS sees a piece of rebar and throws it like a javelin into the spokes of the bike wheel. The NEPHILIM tumbles to the ground as MARCUS leaps on him. A ground fight ensues. As MARCUS pins the NEPHILIM in an inescapable hold, the man manages to draw knife and cut his own throat. MARCUS recovers the ring. The helicopter lands and the OFFICERS rush toward MARCUS, guns drawn.


EXT. THE OUTSKIRTS OF BAGDAD - DUSKWe see a transport chopper land. TF121 boards the craft and it quickly dusts off.


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CUT TO:EXT. OUTSIDE THE RAVEN FAMILY ESTATE (RAVENSWOOD) A police car pulls through the gates of a stately home. A sign over the gate reads “RAVENSWOOD”. The car pulls up to the front of the house. A disheveled MARCUS steps out of the Police car. He sticks a finger through the bullet hole in his tie as he ponders the nearness of the miss.We see another car pull up and a very attractive woman gets out (KELLY ORLÉANS), she flashes her I.D. at the OFFICERS as she walks MARCUS to his front door.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Special Agent KELLY ORLÉANS of Homeland Security. I will take it from here.

OFFICER:Are you sure you want us to cut this guy loose? We have a pile of wrecked cars and a corpse uptown.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Mr. RAVEN was acting on behalf of the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY on a matter of National Security. Thank you OFFICERS,(Sternly)I will take it from here!



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KELLY ORLÉANS: (Interrupting)Perhaps we should talk inside AGENT RAVEN?

MARCUS RAVEN:Yes, come in. (To the OFFICERS)Thanks for the ride guys. Sorry about the mess. It has been a bad week.

OFFICER: Our condolences for the loss of your father, AGENT RAVEN.

MARCUS and KELLY enter the house. The OFFICERS drive away.


MARCUS RAVEN:I guess I don’t have to tell you that I am no Homeland Security Agent. I have no affiliation with the government.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Yes I know. But I needed to get you out of there as quickly as possible. Telling the cops you worked for us was the best way to do it.


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MARCUS RAVEN:So you are to thank for my being spared the countless hours of police interrogation?

KELLY ORLÉANS:You stole a hearse, wrecked it, caused a 13-car pile-up and had a man kill himself while you were beating the crap out of him. You don’t think they just cut you some slack cause you buried your dad today, do you?

MARCUS wiggles a finger through the bullet hole in his tie.

MARCUS RAVEN:The guy did try to put a bullet in me!

KELLY ORLÉANS:Do you always take things into your own hands so aggressively?

MARCUS RAVEN:When the situation call for it.

KELLY looks at MARCUS with a very subtle hint of attraction.

KELLY ORLÉANS:So you think that the only justice there is in this world is the justice you make for yourself?


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MARCUS RAVEN:What I think is that we are all responsible for our own destiny. The world would not be in the shape its in if everyone did not always look to someone else to solve their problems and fight their battles for them.

KELLY ORLÉANS:So as Captain of your own destiny you decided to run down a petty thief for stealing a ring, causing massive property damage and endangering countless lives?

MARCUS RAVEN:He did try to kill me… Besides, it wasn’t just about Dad’s ring. I don’t think the crash was an accident. I think he was murdered… Just like my mother was. I think it may have been the same people. But then that is why you are here isn’t it? Did you work with him? Do you know what is going on?

KELLY ORLÉANS:No Mr. RAVEN I didn’t work with him. In fact, no one in the employ of the Federal Government knew him or worked with him.

MARCUS RAVEN:What the hell are you talking about?


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KELLY ORLÉANS:I heard your eulogy, Mr. RAVEN. It was very touching. Unfortunately none of it was true. There is no record of PETER RAVEN having ever worked with or for any civilian or military branch of The U.S. Government!

MARCUS RAVEN:That’s a lie!


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KELLY ORLÉANS:No Mr. RAVEN. Your entire life is a lie. I don’t know if you know any more about your father than we do, and I am sorry to have to spring this on you on the same day that you buried him, but we don’t have a lot of time. And as you may have noticed, someone is now trying to kill you.

MARCUS RAVEN:My father, PETER RAVEN - you are telling me he was never C.I.A… Homeland Security… Military?

KELLY ORLÉANS:He was practically a ghost. The records of his existence are almost nonexistent. He had a birth certificate, a driver’s license, Passport, Social Security number, all the necessities to function in society, but no record of employment, none of the details that a true identity generates.

MARCUS RAVEN:What about his wealth?

KELLY ORLÉANS:It appears that he was heir to a 100-year-old trust fund. We have no record of him ever being legally employed by anyone. A few months ago he wasn’t even a blip on our radar.



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So what happened?

KELLY ORLÉANS:Not long ago, our international surveillance network began running a new cutting-edge software. Covert international communications lit up like a Christmas tree with chatter. Your father’s name - and yours - has come up repeatedly. Some of these intercepted messages were also linked to a Top Secret Mission that is currently underway in Iraq.We are still putting the pieces together, but apparently some very powerful people have been looking for your father, and perhaps you, for a very long time.Once we were able to put a face with the name, our face recognition software identified your father in numerous surveillance videos that various government agencies have shot over the years. We have footage of him training DARK SKY operatives in the 1990’s as well as clips of him training various unknowns all the way back to the Vietnam war. Never a single sanctioned U.S. government agent in the lot of them!

MARCUS RAVEN:He had to be some kind of Black Ops. Something our own Government has carefully concealed any knowledge of.

KELLY ORLÉANS:I am sorry, RAVEN, but Security clearance doesn’t go any higher than


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mine. I have even accessed records of operatives who were previously only known to former Presidents.PETER RAVEN was a Free Agent operating independent of, and unknown to the United States Government.

MARCUS sits down on the sofa.

MARCUS RAVEN: A lie? His whole life, my whole life, a lie?

KELLY ORLÉANS:There is more. I tracked down the original paperwork for the substantial trust-fund that your father lived off of. It was supposedly opened by your great grandfather and eventually passed on to your father.Handwriting analysis and DNA evidence on the papers was an exact match to your father!

MARCUS RAVEN:So what are you saying? Dad was over 100 years old?

KELLY ORLÉANS:What I am saying is that he possessed forgery and computer skills that enabled him to create an account with the appearance of a much earlier creation date. Along with it came decades of


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interest paid on the 10 million dollar initial deposit. You are a very rich man MARCUS RAVEN!Oh, and one other thing. That is probably not your real name! You see PETER RAVEN died in 1940 at the age of 5 weeks old! There was a time when birth certificates and death certificates were not cross-referenced. It was relatively easy to assume the identity of a deceased child by merely presenting his birth certificate as your own. If basic stats like race, eye color and plausible age were a match, then no one would be the wiser.We have only recently computerized and cross-referenced all those old birth and death certificates. Had I not been researching every detail of your father’s life, the information would never have come up.

MARCUS RAVEN:So what are you telling me? My father was some kind of international terrorist?

KELLY ORLÉANS:There is no evidence that he ever worked against U.S interests but we don’t think he answered to anybody but himself. It seems he took the term “Vigilante” to a whole new, international level!

MARCUS RAVEN: So what do you want from me? You obviously know more about my father than I do.


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KELLY pulls out her laptop.

KELLY ORLÉANS:For starters, have you ever seen this man?

The laptop shows surveillance footage of CAIN in proximity of his father all over the world.

MARCUS RAVEN:No. I haven’t. Do you think he is one of the people who were trying to kill him?

KELLY ORLÉANS:At first we thought this man might have been stalking your father, trying to gather intelligence on him, perhaps learn his patterns before making the hit… Then several months ago, one of our agents filmed this…

She shows MARCUS a video of CAIN.

EXT. (VIDEO ON LAPTOP) A CAFÉ IN PARIS - DAYWe see the CAMERA ZOOM IN on PETER RAVEN sitting at a table having a cup of coffee while reading a newspaper.



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We see a SNIPER taking aim at PETER. CAIN approaches from behind and kills the SNIPER and his SPOTTER with lightening speed.

KELLY puts a DVD in the computer.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Yesterday I received a disk in the mail from an anonymous source. The disk contained this video. We have confirmed that it is from the security cameras from the parking garage of the building the SNIPER was killed in. Our people attempted to recover this footage the day of the assassination attempt, but it had been taken, we figured by our mystery man here. The time stamp indicates this was just after he took out the SNIPER and his SPOTTER.

KELLY runs the footage. INT. (ON LAPTOP VIDEO) A PARKING GARAGE We see CAIN as he is leaving. A group of men approach and attack empty hand. CAIN kills them in a display of almost super-human strength and skill. A 7-man team then surrounds him. They all are wielding swords. CAIN draws his own blade, dispatching PETER’S would-be assassins with apparent superhuman skill. He sheathes his sword and looks directly at the surveillance camera.

MARCUS RAVEN: My god. I have never seen a human being move like that… Not even my father. I don’t know how much you know about just how skilled dad was… What I am telling you is that there should not be a human being capable of that level of skill. Can you play it again in slow motion?


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KELLY replays the same footage in slow motion. MARCUS will narrate the action.

MARCUS RAVEN:Watch. You see the seven men surround him - swords drawn, proper spacing. They are all close enough to attack, but not so close as to be in one another’s way. Their blades are held in different postures. See? These guys have a high guard, these, middle, these low. They knew what they were doing and they knew how to fight as a team. Now watch our man. He draws his blade with his left hand. Stabs the guy to his rear. Holding the sword in a reverse grip he makes a vertical slash killing the three men to his left. The blade continues in the same arc to his right side where he flips it and switches hands. Now he cuts down the other three. Absolute precision. Total economy of motion!What does the time stamp say?

KELLY ORLÉANS:He killed all seven men in under a second!By the time our agents got to the building there were no bodies. There was no blood. No trace that this ever went down.

MARCUS RAVEN:So who do you think sent you the video?



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It was either the people who cleaned up this mess or the guy who made it. Given his apparent fondness for your dad, I would say it was our mystery man here.

ZOOM IN:On laptop, freeze-frame. We see an ominous CAIN, sword in hand, leering at the camera. The ZOOM tightens to a CU on his face to reveal luminescent blue eyes.

MARCUS RAVEN:He shouldn’t be too hard to pick out in a crowd. Not too many people running around with glow-in-the–dark eyes!

INT. RAVEN HOME - LATE AFTERNOONAs they look at the computer, a stun grenade is tossed through the window. MARCUS rolls the couch over it and shields KELLY by rolling over a table and flipping it as a shield. A six-man FIRE TEAM enters. A battle ensues (gun fight/ hand to hand). KELLY helps MARCUS fight. She wraps her coat around an opponent’s neck and twists it with a pool cue snapping an attacker’s neck.

TEAM LEADER:Get the ring!

The fight continues. The room is being trashed in the process. KELLY continues to make use of improvised weapons in the fight. Eventually all the attackers are killed.KELLY rolls over one of the dead with her foot and stares at the man’s face.


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MARCUS RAVEN:Do you recognize him?

KELLY ORLÉANS:Yes. He was my boss.


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MARCUS RAVEN:So then it is safe to assume you were not big drinking buddies?

KELLY ORLÉANS: Yes. We were… My god… What is your family involved in? If a double agent was embedded in Homeland Security to take you out…

MARCUS RAVEN:…Then you can’t trust anybody. There is no telling who else is involved.

KELLY ORLÉANS:They were after your ring again. Do you have any idea why?

MARCUS RAVEN:Yes. I do! Come with me. We need to move quickly. No telling how many more of these guys are out there.

INT. LIBRARYMARCUS AND KELLY make their way to the huge library within the house. It is filled with case after case of old books. Artwork is everywhere, including a life size statue of ST. Michael vanquishing Satan.MARCUS approaches the statue.



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When I was a child… Not long after we moved here, Dad brought me to this room, showed me this statue. He told me that someday it would unlock my destiny. I used to stare at this thing for hours, trying to figure out what dad meant.

KELLY ORLÉANS:It’s ST. Michael casting Lucifer out of heaven isn’t it?

MARCUS RAVEN:Yes, it’s based on a painting called “The Archangel Michael”, by Guido Reni. But it has one major difference with the painting on the Altar of St. Michael the Archangel in St. Peter's Basilica.This angel is wearing a ring!

PAN IN: On the statue’s hand, we see a mirror image duplicate of PETER’S ring.

KELLY ORLÉANS:It is exactly the same as your father’s ring!

MARCUS RAVEN:Not exactly the same. It is the inverse image.


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MARCUS clinches his fist and presses the ring into its inverse on the statue. As he does so, a bookcase nearby slides away to reveal a hidden room.

INT. A SECRET ROOMThe pair enters the room. The door closes behind them. They both look around, astonished by what they see. The room is a virtual museum containing ancient books, scrolls and artifacts. We also see display cases filled with weapons from the ancient to the very high-tech.In the center of the room we see a table upon which a book and a sword sits. The sword is sheathed. On the handle is a larger version of the insignia on the ring. The leather binding of the book has the same seal.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Your family has a lot of secrets doesn’t it?

MARCUS examines the book.

MARCUS RAVEN: The seal. It's the same.

KELLY ORLÉANS: The sword has it too.

MARCUS takes the sword and unsheathes it. As he does so it bursts into black flames. The flames dance across the surface of the blade as he waves the weapon in the air.



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My god!

MARCUS RAVEN:It must be generating some kind of a plasma field! But we don’t have the technology for a self-contained power source for something like this! This thing should need an extension cord plugged into a nuclear reactor to generate a field of this intensity!

KELLY ORLÉANS:It looks really old.

MARCUS sheaths the weapon, extinguishing the flames.

MARCUS RAVEN: Yes. It does, doesn’t it?

He now turns his attention to the book. Above the seal is a title written in an ancient text.

MARCUS RAVEN: I think this is written in Proto-Hebrew.




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Yes. The alphabet was developed sometime during the late 10th century BC. It replaced Assyrian Cuneiform as the primary writing system of the Assyrian empire.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Can you read it? – Your file says you are an expert on languages.


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MARCUS RAVEN:I think it says “The Chronicles of CAIN”.


MARCUS RAVEN:The only two “CAIN’S” I know of is the one from the Bible who killed his own brother, or the character from the “Kung Fu” TV series.

KELLY ORLÉANS:I think it is safe to assume it’s not about the latter.

MARCUS RAVEN:Yes. That's my guess too.

A panel on the wall slides back to reveal a security monitor. The screen flashes on to reveal another team entering the home.

MARCUS RAVEN:We have more company! I don’t think they can find this room, but I wouldn’t bet our lives on it.

He begins typing on the keyboard at the monitor.



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I am guessing Dad wouldn’t build a Safe-room without another exit.

A floor plan of the house pops up. MARCUS hits a key and a panel slides back revealing an exit.

MARCUS RAVEN:There’s our way out!

RAVEN takes the sword and the book. KELLY grabs two MP-5 SMGs off the wall along with an ammo and magazine pack. She chambers a round, slings the weapon and hands the other to RAVEN.

KELLY ORLÉANS:I am guessing you know how to use one of these?

MARCUS RAVEN:I think I can figure it out.

The pair disappears into the escape tunnel.


INT. ABADDON’S LAIR – UN HQ – GENEVA SWITZERLANDJUDAS ABBADON is seated at his desk as LILITH enters. A large UN flag is on the wall behind the desk.



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(Speaking with a sexy British accent)JUDAS, there are some men here to see you. They are waiting outside. They said you were expecting them.

JUDAS ABADDON:They are mistaken… I said I did not want to be disturbed. Have the security detail show them out.

LILITH: (Reluctantly)They killed the security detail!

ABBADON: (Excited)These men, there are four of them?


JUDAS ABADDON:Show them in!

LILITH exits then returns with the four men who were possessed by the demons from the Euphrates. They are now smartly dressed in black suits.



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ARMERS, AMAZARAK, AZAZYEL AND SAMYAZA, I presume? Released from your watery prison after countless ages.

SAMYAZA:We were drawn to you. Of all the remaining bloodline of The WATCHERS, your blood is most pure.

JUDAS ABADDON: Yes, Well I have my father’s genetic research to thank for that. THE KEEPERS have been quite successful in killing off most of our bloodline.

AZAZYEL:When last we walked this earth, the NEPHILIM were giants among men. I instructed the ancient men of renown in the all arts of war. What puny creatures you have now become!

JUDAS ABADDON:Yes, well I am thrilled to meet you too! Although I must confess I thought you would be taller!

AMAZARAK:Do not be mislead by these frail skins we wear. We are the princes of THE WATCHERS.



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Of all those who Michael cast out of heaven, we are the most powerful, save for the Light Bearer himself!

SAMYAZA:The Light so feared us; we were bound for eons in the depths of The River Euphrates, one of the four great rivers that circled the Garden of God!

JUDAS ABADDON:But now you are freed to fulfill your destiny to help me open the Bottomless Pit, to free the others?

SAMYAZA:You are our progeny. Little of our blood remains within your flesh, but I perceive the blackness of your soul. You are worthy to find the Key and use it to open the Pit!

AZAZYEL:We shall make this world our new heaven - And humanity’s hell!


EXT. OUTSIDE OF RAVENSWOOD- NIGHTWe see a trapdoor open in the ground and a motorcycle roars out into the night. On the motorcycle we see MARCUS and KELLY. THE CAMERA


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follows, erratically changing CAMERA ANGLES, as the motorcycle speeds down the streets of Tampa.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Where are we going?

MARCUS RAVEN:To get help from the one person I trust with my life. It's a risk going to a known associate, but I don’t think anyone but me would know where LOGAN is going to be. Besides, he is our best bet to get out of the country undetected.

CUT TO:EXT. A MARINA IN TAMPA BAY - A SHORT TIME LATERWe see a marina full of lavish yachts docked in their slips. MARCUS pulls the bike up to a huge yacht and the pair gets off and walks toward the gangplank.

MARCUS RAVEN:The Yacht is owned by one of LOGAN’S questionable phantom corporations. He has no direct ties to its ownership. He comes here when he wants to be alone.

The pair quietly boards the boat.

MARCUS RAVEN:Just the same, lets make sure he doesn’t have any unpleasant company.


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As they make their way onto the boat they see LOGAN sitting in a hot tub with two girls who look like supermodels (TRACI and TIFFANY). The girls are drinking Dom Peringion. LOGAN pours himself another glass from a 40 year-old bottle of Scotch. He is slightly drunk.MARCUS stealthily approaches the tub from behind, noting an MP-5 next to the bottles of booze. He puts his foot on the weapon just as LOGAN spins around to grab it.

MARCUS RAVEN:Chill out Buddy! It’s just me!

LOGAN MASON:Jesus Christ, MARCUS! You almost gave me a heart attack! Thank God you are ok.

MARCUS RAVEN:Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. I just know how jumpy you get when you drink, especially while soaking in boiling water.

LOGAN MASON:How did you know I would be here?

RAVEN looks over to the girls.

MARCUS RAVEN:I know how you grieve.



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Would you rather I get drunk alone?Anyway, hop in brother! There’s room for one more, err,

LOGAN Notices KELLY. …Two more.

KELLY approaches.

LOGAN MASON:Who is your lovely friend?

MARCUS RAVEN:This is SPECIAL AGENT KELLY ORLÉANS of The Department of Homeland Security.

LOGAN MASON: Homeland security? What is going down MARCUS? First PETER, then somebody tries to put a bullet in you at the funeral. They told me that you weren’t being charged with anything but that you were being held for questioning about the whole mess.

MARCUS RAVEN:KELLY here is to thank for cutting me loose from that deal.LOGAN, there was another attempted hit, this time at Ravenswood. One of the players turned out to be Homeland Security. There are apparently some very nasty people in high places, who don’t


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want me digging into the circumstances of Dad’s death. I think they may have also been looking for this.

MARCUS shows LOGAN the Book. Dad’s ring led me to it.

LOGAN MASON:The statue in the Library? You have speculated about that thing since we were kids. The ring was actually some kind of a key?

MARCUS RAVEN:To his safe-room. It was full of all kinds of artifacts and weapons. Probably as much firepower as you have stockpiled.


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LOGAN MASON: (Proudly)I really doubt that.

MARCUS looks once more at the girls, who seem too drunk to be paying any attention to them.

MARCUS RAVEN: Listen, hate to put you out, but we really need to get out of the country. Could you…?

LOGAN MASON:Oh, yes. Done. You don’t even need to ask.(Speaking to the girls)Sorry ladies, but duty calls. What say we take up where we left of in Monaco? I will call you when I get back.

CUT TO:EXT. LOGAN’S YACHT- A SHORT TIME LATERMARCUS and LOGAN are throwing off the moorings in preparation to leave port. KELLY has taken a high position. MP-5 in hand, she scans the area. LOGAN’S girlfriends are boarding a cab. LOGAN waves as the girls leave.

LOGAN MASON:So what’s the story with the FED? Did she work with PETER?


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MARCUS RAVEN:No… I will have to fill you in on that whole deal, but she’s cool. I don’t think she knows much more than I do. I know this - she can handle herself in a fight!

LOGAN MASON:You always were attracted to the little badass hellcats weren’t you?

MARCUS grins.

MARCUS RAVEN:There are some things about my Dad you should know…

FADE TO:EXT. TAMPA BAY - NIGHT- A BIT LATERThe Yacht silently skims across the moonlit water en route to the open sea. KELLY is at the wheel and MARCUS and LOGAN are on the forward deck leaning against rail watching the craft cut through the dark water.

LOGAN MASON:I still can’t believe he is gone, and now I have to get my head around the fact that we didn’t even know who he was? I am so sorry man. I know this has to be a lot to bear.You don’t have any leads as to who is gunning for you or who the guy is who was trying to protect your dad?


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LOGAN MASON:I watched KELLY’S video footage a dozen times and I still can’t believe the way the guy moved. I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I think he may actually be more skilled than PETER was!

MARCUS RAVEN:Their martial art skill is not all they shared in common. Neither of them seems to exist on any government database. KELLY says the Agency’s new face recognition software would find any hits if dad’s protector were in any video databases.

LOGAN MASON:You mean he has never flown on a commercial airline, or walked into a shopping mall, or even driven under a traffic camera?

MARCUS RAVEN:You think the government has access to all those video feeds?

LOGAN MASON:I know they do. They asked Katana International to design the software.


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MARCUS RAVEN:Your company designed the software?


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LOGAN MASON:Hell no! I told them to go read 1984 then stick the book up their Orwellian asses!

MARCUS RAVEN: (Playfully)It’s nice to know that as the CEO of one of the worlds largest arms companies, you still have some scruples.

LOGAN MASON:Well, somebody apparently designed the software for them. My R and D people perfected the basic facial recognition program last year. Even if the person were wearing a disguise it could identify them. There are hundreds of unique markers on each individual’s face; nose, eye and mouth placement, ear shape. Even plastic surgery usually does not remove all the markers. Unless our mystery man walks around with a bag over his head, he should show up somewhere.

MARCUS RAVEN:KELLY says they have no footage other than that collected when they were watching dad.

LOGAN MASON:You can bet that the government’s version of the software is cutting edge. If your dad’s protector is evading it, he must be one hell of an operative.


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That is painfully obvious from the video of him tearing through human beings like tissue paper…We just sailed out of the Bay into the open waters of the Gulf. I think we lost our friendly neighborhood death squad for now. So what’s the plan?

MARCUS RAVEN:If someone in Homeland Security has access to the surveillance network. We are going to reveal our location the first time we show our faces in public. Lets hope your dead boss is the only mole you had. There are not too many places left where there are no cameras.

LOGAN MASON:Oh, there are still a few. I have some contacts in Central America who can get us land or air transport to wherever we need to go. Is everyone up for a long cruise? This is a fast boat, but this is going to take a while. …I could radio for a seaplane. I think my network is pretty secure.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Your security measures are the best The Department has ever seen. We broke Russia’s secure communication network before we broke yours!


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LOGAN MASON:Damn! I should have taken that contract. At least then I could have programmed in some back doors to see if you were using it on me! I guess we are in for a long boat ride.

MARCUS RAVEN:The high sea is probably the best place to be for a while. Let the people trying to kill us sit around scratching their heads wondering where we are, while we put together a plan of action.

KELLY ORLÉANS:We don’t even know where to begin. We don’t know who is trying to kill you (kill us now I suppose). We don’t know who was trying to help your father…

MARCUS RAVEN:We do know they wanted this ring that lead us to the book and the sword.


MARCUS RAVEN:Yes, I forgot. You have not seen it.

MARCUS pulls the sword from a duffle bag.


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MARCUS RAVEN: We found this and an old codex in the focal point of the room, displayed as if they were the most important things there. We didn’t have a lot of time to look things over, but the codex and the sword are the only items I saw with the same symbol from the ring.Now don’t freak out when I draw this thing!

MARCUS draws the sword. Once more it bursts into black flames.

MARCUS RAVEN:Has your Research and Development Team at Katana International been working on anything like this?

LOGAN MASON:My god! The flames are black! And yet it doesn’t seem to be radiating any heat.

LOGAN takes the blade from MARCUS and slices an anchor in half as though it were butter.

MARCUS RAVEN:It seems to be generating plenty of heat on its surface!

LOGAN MASON:This can’t possibly exist! My people have done research on plasma cutters, but this is impossible! The flames are black!


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KELLY ORLÉANS:What is the significance of the flame color?

MARCUS RAVEN:Are you familiar with Planck's Law of Black-Body Radiation?


LOGAN MASON:Quit showing off for the pretty lady MARCUS,

(To KELLY) You know how a candle burns orange and a torch burns blue?

KELLY ORLÉANS:I have got you. Color is an indication of temperature. Blue is hotter than orange. So what is black?

LOGAN MASON:Black is impossible. It is in essence infinitely hot.



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There are implications of Planck’s Law and Quantum theory that suggest that if an object could be heated to an infinite temperature, then the wavelength of the resulting light of the flame, if you could call it, that, would be…

KELLY ORLÉANS:Black. In essence, the flames cast shadows instead of light.

LOGAN MASON:But as with a lot of aspects of Quantum Theory, like faster than light travel, there are a lot of absurdities that come up, Impossibilities to Physics as we understand it.It would take infinite force or energy to push an object faster than light because an object reaches infinite mass at that speed. Likewise, it would take infinite energy to heat an object to… the temperature of the flames of this sword!

MARCUS takes the sword from LOGAN and skillfully flails it around.

MARCUS RAVEN:This thing simply should not exist!

LOGAN MASON:It doesn’t seem to even have so much as AA batteries in the handle. What kind of power source is infinite and small enough to put in a sword handle?


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KELLY ORLÉANS:It has to be made of some metal of extraterrestrial origin, something that is radioactive.

LOGAN MASON:Damn! If you can get brain cancer from using a cell phone, what do you suppose using that thing will do to you over time?

MARCUS sheathes the blade then stares at his hand that had held the blade.

MARCUS RAVEN:God only knows! But if it were dangerous to the user, I don’t think Dad would leave it where he knew I would find it without some instructions.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Do you suppose the book…?

MARCUS RAVEN:It may have some answers… Proto-Hebrew is one of the many languages Dad made me study, but I am no speed-reader at it. Good thing I will have some time to study it before we get to where we are going.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Exactly where are we going?


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LOGAN MASON:Costa Rica - one of the few Banana Republics with a relatively low number of inhabitants who want to kill me.Maybe by the time we get there, that book will shed some light on what this is all about. I will take the first watch. You two look like you could use some rest.

MARCUS RAVEN:Thanks LOGAN. I will relieve you in 4 hours.

LOGAN goes to the bridge.

MARCUS and KELLY go below deck. MARCUS places the bag on the floor next to him, takes a seat at the table, and begins examining the book.

MARCUS RAVEN:I should have paid closer attention when Dad was trying to teach me all this stuff.

KELLY pours herself a glass of wine and sits opposite of him.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are the first guy I have met with a working knowledge of Proto-Hebrew. What did your dad teach you all that arcane stuff for anyway?


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MARCUS looks through the book.

MARCUS RAVEN:I think we are about to find out.

CUT TO:EXT. THE OPEN SEA - NIGHTThe yacht glides across the moonlit water, disappearing into the night.

Fade TO:

TITLE: (appears across the screen in computer printout fashion)“TF 121 HQ in Iraq”INT. GENERAL LIBER’S OFFICECONDOR is Being Debriefed By The General.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Damn BLUE BERETS! Is this the way the new Secretary General is gonna run things? If so we should not just cut off the U.N.s funding. We should cut off its head.

GENERAL LIBER:It would appear that the UN is no longer your granddad’s “Save the world through endless debate” country club. Listen MAJOR. I know you are mad as hell- so am I. But the politicians have already got


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a hold of this. There is very little we can do through normal military channels.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:There isn’t anything remotely “normal military” about TF121!

GENERAL LIBER: JAMES, there are things going on that I am not liberty to discuss with you. How long have we known each other?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:More years than I care to count sir.

GENERAL LIBER:Do you trust me?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:With my life, Sir… with my Team’s lives.

GENERAL LIBER:I am going to give you an order JAMES, and I want you to obey it with no further questions.

CONDOR smiles in anticipation of an unofficial mission assignment.



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Yes Sir!

GENERAL LIBER:I see that everyone on your team is long overdue for Leave Time.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (Nervously)Sir?

GENERAL LIBER:I want you all to take a month’s leave, effective immediately!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: (With growing anger- then snapping to attention with stoic military

resolve)You can’t expect us to just… Yes Sir! Understood, Sir!

The GENERAL returns his attention to the open old book on his desk. He casually slides an envelope across his desk to CONDOR without looking at him.

GENERAL LIBER:I have taken the liberty of putting together a vacation package for your entire team. There are plane tickets enclosed to your various destinations as well as tickets for a Team rendezvous next week in Egypt. Ever see the Great Pyramid Major?


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: No Sir! But I am looking forward to it Sir!

GENERAL LIBER: LIBER Glances up from his book.

Then your Team is relieved of duty for leave-time, effective immediately.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Thank You Sir. I am sure we will all have a very good time.

GENERAL LIBER:I am sure that you will… And CONDOR- don’t get caught!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR: No one is going to catch us doing anything other than having a good time and seeing the sights. See you soon Sir!

CONDOR exits with appropriate Military Etiquette.

GENERAL LIBER: (To Himself)… I wish I wasn’t so familiar with what TF121 calls “A good time”.


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CUT TO:MONTAGE - INT. A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT – SEVERAL DAYS LATERWe see TF121 members at various gates boarding planes to various locations. We see HARBINGER at the ticket counter.


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HARBINGER:(To airline employee)

I would like to upgrade this ticket to first class please.

CUT TO:INT. A COMMERCIAL PLANE CABINWe see LAURA KWAN (wearing civilian clothes) in her seat reading Joseph Campbell’s book Transformations of Myth Through Time.

CUT TO:INT. A DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL PLANE – FIRST CLASS CABINWe see HARBINGER (in uniform) flirting with a very pretty, very young waitress who is poring him an alcoholic drink.

HARBINGER: (To waitress- playfully)I don’t know which is more pleasurable, a single malt Scotch, a beautiful stewardess to serve it to me, or riding in a plane I am not going to have to jump out of!

STEWARDESS: Don’t rule that completely out. Have you seen this airline’s safety record?

HARBINGER takes a sip of his scotch.


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HARBINGER:God that’s good! I like my scotch like I like my women- sophisticated, intoxicating, and aged 21 years!

The STEWARDESS Smiles seductively at HARBINGER.

STEWARDESS: I just turned 21.

CUT TO:INT. A DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL PLANE CABINWe see KAT VESPER (wearing civilian clothes) reading the Book, Filipino Combat Systems, by Mark Edward Cody.In her other hand she is holding a tightly rolled magazine secured by a rubber band. She is spinning it between her fingers like a blade in a way that suggests that she could kill everyone on the plane with it.

CUT TO:INT. A DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL PLANE CABINCONDOR (in uniform) is getting served a meal by a stewardess.

STEWARDESS:Going home on leave?

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Yes Ma’am. Going to see my parents for a few days. It has been a while since I have been back to The States.


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As the stewardess walks away, CONDOR pulls out the envelope given to him by THE GENERAL and begins studying the contents.


INT. LOGAN’S YACHT – SEVERAL DAYS LATERMARCUS is still studying The Chronicles of Cain as KELLY enters the cabin.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Jesus. Do you ever sleep?

MARCUS RAVEN:Not very much… What time is it?

KELLY ORLÉANS:0400 hours. LOGAN just relieved me on deck.

MARCUS RAVEN:What is our E.T.A?

KELLY ORLÉANS:We should make landfall this morning. Any revelations from the Chronicles? You have not said much since you began translating that thing.


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MARCUS RAVEN:Sorry. This is isn’t exactly light reading, and I don’t just mean because of the language it is written in. I have read thousands of books in my life, but nothing… nothing like this!

KELLY ORLÉANS:So are you ready to share? Does it throw any light on what is going on?

MARCUS RAVEN:Yes. It explains a lot. I would not believe a word of it a few days ago.


MARCUS RAVEN:This is the only plausible explanation for what I now know about my father’s life. The only possible explanation for this…

He draws the sword. MARCUS stares into the black flames dancing across the blade.

KELLY ORLÉANS:What have we stumbled into?



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You may have stumbled. I think I was pushed! …The oldest battle in human existence - older, if you believe The Chronicle… Do you believe in Evil, KELLY?

KELLY ORLÉANS:Evil? I’ve seen women with explosive vests strapped to their chests martyr themselves for their Jihad with their babies in their arms. I’ve seen C.E.O.s grow rich dealing with governments that seek to destroy the way of life that afforded them their lavish lifestyles. I have seen greed and senseless slaughter… So if you are asking me if I believe that there is no limit for man’s capacity for screwing over his fellow man… Yes. Absolutely. I believe in evil.

MARCUS RAVEN:What if there is more to Evil than that? What if there are not just evil actions? What if there are Evil beings - things that make man’s cruelty look like a kid pouring gas on an ant-bed?


I used to fire bomb ant-beds when I was a kid! Dad taught me how to make Napalm out of gas and soap-powder!



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Why am I not surprised that you grew up to become an international arms dealer?RAVEN has finally made some sense of the book.

LOGAN MASON:Great! We are in site of land. Come up on deck and have a look. You can see my friend’s camp on the horizon.

The three go up to the deck and look toward the land as LOGAN navigates the yacht towards its destination.


LOGAN MASON:So what have you found out, MARCUS?

MARCUS RAVEN:The book is about the battle between Good and Evil. It’s about the man who brought murder into the world. CAIN was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve. He killed his younger brother in a fit of jealous rage. When God asked him as to the whereabouts of Able, CAIN replied, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

LOGAN MASON:All this is in The Book of Genesis. God said “and now art thou cursed from the


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earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand”. When CAIN complained that anyone who found him would kill him for his crime, God “set a mark upon CAIN, lest any finding him should kill him”.

MARCUS RAVEN:Right. It is recorded in the Book of Genesis that CAIN became a “Fugitive and a wanderer in the earth”. The Chronicle of CAIN takes up where The Bible leaves off. This Codex appears to be copied from numerous earlier texts. It is written in several ancient languages. The first part of the Codex is in Proto-Hebrew and appears to be a transcript of words originally written by CAIN himself.CAIN tells the story of how God cursed him. The “mark” that was “set upon him” was immortality. God made him eat the fruit of the Tree of eternal life that was in the Garden of Eden. He was cursed to roam the Earth until the end of time so that he could come to understand what it meant to “Be his brother’s keeper.”

KELLY ORLÉANS:This is all fascinating mythology, but does anything in the book…



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KELLY ORLÉANS: (Slightly irritated)…”Codex” shed any light on our current situation?

MARCUS RAVEN:Be patient, I am getting to it…CAIN tells of how he wandered alone as an outcast for a hundred years. He cursed God and all humanity in his loneliness. Then one day he came upon his brother SETH who was born to Adam and Eve after CAIN’S exile.

LOGAN MASON:(To KELLY)Human life spans were said to be much

longer before the Great Flood.

MARCUS opens the Codex and reads from it.

MARCUS RAVEN:SETH had fallen prey to a lion that was about to kill him. “I had watched my younger Brother from afar…

FLASHBACK:EXT. SOMEWHERE IN THE FERTILE CRESCENT - CIRCA 6000 B.C.We see the narrated events unfold.


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CAIN:(V.O.) “I hated him, even as I hated Able. They both had everything. They both had the favor of God. I had nothing, nothing but my emptiness and my immortality. I had resolved to watch the beast tear SETH limb-from-limb when suddenly I was struck with the realization that I could not walk in eternity with the weight of two brother’s blood bearing down on my soul. Without thought, without conscious decision to act, I felt myself leap upon the Ravenous creature and wrestle it off of my brother. The enraged beast turned fangs and claws to my undying flesh. Never had I known such pain, such agony! But in the countless centuries that were to follow, I would learn that this was as nothing. I would learn a secret of God- only we who walk in eternity can truly know pain!As the Lion grew weary of trying to kill that which cannot die, I felt a strength come upon me such as I had never felt. I fought back the pain and lashed out against the beast.My wounded brother looked me in the eye with the same terror with which he looked upon the great cat as I crushed the life from it. I was a stranger to him. I was a monster. He looked in disbelief as my fatal wounds sealed themselves. My own blood ran down my now uninjured flesh.As I called out his name, “SETH”- he turned and ran as if visited by a creature from the pit of hell. I was alone once more, alone with the dead lion.The lion was the second living creature I would deprive of its earthly existence, it


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was far from the last! The first life I took was that of my brother, the second - that of the thing that would harm my brother. On that day I discovered that though I can never die, I could be reborn. On that day I became my brother’s keeper. Death would surround me for all my days upon this earth. Sometimes I would be its adversary. Sometimes I would be its agent, but I would always be its constant companion. Like unrequited lovers, we would long for one another, but never embrace.


MARCUS RAVEN:On that day CAIN swore an oath before God to be His brother’s keeper throughout eternity. He would soon be called upon to live by his oath.Satan’s agents first began to establish a beachhead on the earth when the human population began to grow at an exponential rate. There was a chorus of fallen angels called THE WATCHERS who set out to contaminate the human bloodline…

LOGAN MASON:I remember you Dad reading us this story when we were kids. Genesis Chapter 6, “When men began to multiply on earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of heaven saw how beautiful the daughters of man were, so they took


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them for their wives. At that time the Nephilim appeared on earth (as well as later), after the sons of heaven had intercourse with the daughters of man, who bore them sons. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown. When the LORD saw how great was man's wickedness on earth, it repented The Lord that He had made man…”

KELLY ORLÉANS:I have two Masters Degrees. Why do you guys make me feel stupid?

LOGAN MASON:I grew up with MARCUS. I picked up a lot from him and PETER by osmosis.

MARCUS RAVEN:Genesis Chapter Six is the only clear reference to these WATCHERS and their demon-human hybrid progeny in the Christian Scriptures. Goliath and other giants are mentioned and it is implied that they were the spawn of these demons. There are non-canonized texts like the Book of Enoch that expound on the story. The Papyrus of Ani - The Egyptian Book of the Dead, speaks of “Watchers” and “Keepers”.



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MARCUS RAVEN:“I am my brother’s Keeper”. “THE KEEPERS” is what the followers of CAIN call themselves.

LOGAN MASON:My god! Your Dad’s last words to you were “You are your brother’s keeper!”So how did CAIN figure into this thing with THE WATCHERS and THE NEPHILIM?

MARCUS RAVEN:CAIN says that the four leaders of THE WATCHERS began to teach dark arts to their half human children. This part of the Chronicle corresponds to what I remember from reading in The Book of Enoch. SAMYAZA - the ringleader of the WATCHERS - gathered together their children to wage war on the true humans. AZAZYEL taught man of weapons and war. He instructed the NEPHILIM in every aspect of the art of violence. He called violence “the celebration of the frailty of the human body”.AMAZARAK and ARMERS taught the NEPHILIM about sorcery. They instructed them in the dark sentences that commanded The Darkness of the Bottomless pit.When the NEPHILIM began killing humans, CAIN fought against them to no avail. Then God sent the Archangel Michael, The warlord of Heaven, to


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instruct CAIN in the martial skills that the Angels of God used against the Fallen Ones in the war in Heaven. When CAIN completed his training, Michael gave him his own sword, the same sword that he used to drive Lucifer from heaven.

MARCUS draws the blade from its scabbard and it bursts into flames.


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MARCUS RAVEN:It was the sword of God’s vengeance, of His wrath. And it’s blade burned with the black fires of hell!

LOGAN MASON:My God! You don’t mean to tell me this sword is…

MARCUS RAVEN: (Interrupting)CAIN fought against the NEPHILIM for centuries. Some humans would fight with him, but their numbers were few. Man was too preoccupied living life to make life have meaning. In time, few full-blooded human beings remained. Then God intervened. Only nine true human beings remained. God warned Noah that He was going to destroy the world and the NEPHILIM in the Great Flood.

KELLY ORLÉANS:So Noah built the ark to save his family from the flood.

LOGAN MASON:Noah, his three sons, their wives… and CAIN?



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Right. CAIN stowed away on the Ark. By that time he had become just a legend and he wanted to keep it that way. The problem is, the wife of Noah’s son Ham had dormant NEPHILIM DNA. One of Ham’s offspring named Nimrod made a pact with THE WATCHERS. He tried to open the Bottomless pit that imprisoned the most powerful of the Lords of Hell. CAIN killed Nimrod before the Pit could be opened. The Chronicle suggests that civilization had developed technology that rivals our own. It appears that Nimrod was trying to isolate the NEPHILIM D.N.A to reestablish a true human/WATCHER hybrid.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Why didn’t the WATCHERS just… You know… Have more kids?

MARCUS RAVEN:After their first infraction, God rendered them incorporeal and bound the four ringleaders in the bottom of the Euphrates River.

LOGAN MASON: So the disembodied spirits that remained couldn’t get their mojo up?

MARCUS RAVEN:In essence… They could possess human beings, but had no physical form of their own. So with their help, Nimrod turned to science to try to work with all that


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remained of their physical essence, the watered down DNA that remained in their offspring.It seems that the experiments went terribly wrong. Mankind lost many of its natural abilities.

LOGAN MASON:He constructed the Tower of Babel as a Eugenics research center?

MARCUS RAVEN:Instead of isolating the demonic DNA, Nimrod accidently released a virus that mutated human beings. Prior to that time, communication was apparently partially telepathic in nature. Man lost the ability and had to rely more heavily on linguistic communication. Man’s genetic code began to break down. With each generation, physical and mental abilities diminished. Eventually man’s lifespan diminished from hundreds of years to a mere 60 or 70.

LOGAN MASON:That explains a lot as to what is wrong with the human race. Our DNA is like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy… Each time it is replicated, it gets a little bit more distorted. No wonder we are all so screwed up!

MARCUS RAVEN: (Continuing)


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Nimrod’s son escaped Babel with some of the research material. He was able to further strengthen the Watcher bloodline, but it never again approached the purity it manifested before the flood. There was the occasional aberration like the giant Goliath and some of the ancient Canaanites, but a stable bloodline was never produced. CAIN eventually caught up with Nimrod’s son, killed him and destroyed his research. That is the end of CAIN’S narrative. The story picks up written in Egyptian Hieroglyphs. The new narrator claims to be CAIN’S son. He says that his father was the creator of a secret society of guardians called “The Keepers”. CAIN taught him all that he knew, then disappeared into the shadows. Over a period of centuries, various writers add to the story. Each claims to be the leader of THE KEEPERS. Many spoke of CAIN as a myth, a symbol of their order. No suggestion that he really ever existed was recorded in the last thousand years.

KELLY ORLÉANS:How did PETER RAVEN come into possession of something like this codex? How was he tied up in all this?

MARCUS RAVEN: He wrote the last part of the story! He was the last Leader of THE KEEPERS. Whatever THE KEEPERS were, or what their origin was, under my father’s leadership they were a secret society of powerful, highly skilled individuals who


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did whatever was necessary to fight against Evil- whatever form it may take. Dad uncovered ancient texts that told of three archival crystals created by Methuselah, the historian of the Antediluvian world. Neither CAIN nor any of THE KEEPERS after him had known of these crystals. In addition to containing all the wisdom of the ancients, the crystals contained the information on the location of the Bottomless Pit and how to open it. When separated, the crystals would only reveal the location of their other two components. When assembled together, they would unlock their storehouse of knowledge.Noah took these crystals with him on the Ark. On his deathbed he passed them on to his son’s, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Their progeny carried the pieces of the crystal to the ends of the earth.Dad had uncovered information that one of the pieces was hidden at the Mesoamerican Ruins of Teotihuacan in Mexico.

LOGAN MASON:The Pyramid complex? That is a major tourist attraction. I doubt it is just lying around in plain sight.

MARCUS RAVEN:Its not, but I think I can find it using the information Dad wrote in the codex.

KELLY ORLÉANS:So we are buying into all this?


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LOGAN MASON:Occam’s Razor- "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." … no matter how absurd!

MARCUS RAVEN:I don’t know how much of this I believe. But I know Dad had this Hell-fire sword, the book, the ring, and some wicked skills that aren’t easily explained. This is the first thing that makes his life make sense to me. Someone killed him over this. That alone makes it worth pursuing in my book.

LOGAN points to The Chronicle.

LOGAN MASON: Maybe you should start writing this all down. After all that is your book now! It is pretty clear what PETER was trying to tell you in the moments before his death.

KELLY ORLÉANS:He was about to ask you to take his place as the leader of THE KEEPERS!

MARCUS RAVEN:One of the last things he said to me was “nothing could prepare you for what life is going to throw at you!”. I am beginning to understand what he meant.


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LOGAN MASON:So how many of these KEEPERS are there and how do you contact them?


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MARCUS RAVEN:The symbol on the book, on the ring, the symbol of the KEEPERS… Every member wears a ring like Dad’s. It is made of Silver and bears the Keeper crest.

KELLY ORLÉANS:(Looking at the ring on MARCUS’ finger)

But that ring is gold.

MARCUS RAVEN:The Leader of THE KEEPERS, the successor to the mythical CAIN wears a gold signet ring. The cabal is lead by one Grand Master and 12 Elders… Dad spoke of “the Elders” the night of the crash…Only the 12 know the identity of the Grand Master and of the other Elders. For secrecy, THE KEEPERS are divided into cells that have little or no knowledge of one another’s members or activities. That is how they have remained undiscovered for thousands of years.Dad died before he could tell me how to contact the Elders. It’s not the sort of information he would write down. Too much of a security breach. But they knew who he was. They must know who I am. We are on our own until they contact me.

KELLY ORLÉANS:And when they do contact you? Can these people be trusted? Do you know enough about this organization to be a part of it, to lead it?


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MARCUS RAVEN:Dad always taught me to trust nothing beyond the Hand of Providence and the logical use of coercive force, but yes- if this was his organization, you can bet your life that they are the good guys.

LOGAN MASON:There is a fishing charter boat just ahead! It is one of Nuñez’ fleet.

LOGAN begins to wave at the boat and it draws alongside the yacht.

LOGAN MASON: (Speaking Spanish to fishing boat captain)

¡Hola, mi amigo! ¿Ese campo de los pescados todavía pertenece a señor Don Nuñez?

SUBTITLED: [Hello, my friend! Does that Fish camp still belong to Mister Don Nuñez?]





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FADE TO:EXT. THE DOCKS OF THE FISH CAMP - DAYBREAKThe Three secure the yacht to the dock and make their way towards the camp office. The camp is bustling with activity as tourists board boat to head out for early morning fishing excursions.

CUT TO:INT. Office – MOMENTS LATERThey enter the office and see a man sitting behind the desk doing paperwork. As He looks up to see LOGAN, he smiles in pleasant surprise.

DON NUÑEZ: (In perfect English)LOGAN Mason! What a pleasant surprise! So you have finally taken me up on my long-standing offer to take some time off and relax in my beautiful resort? I have not seen you since…


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LOGAN MASON:Since Dad’s funeral. I know, Don. I am sorry I haven’t stayed in touch. Taking over the business has occupied most of my time in recent years. I am afraid I have to ask a big favor.

DON NUÑEZ:I owe your Father my life. When I was a Contra Leader, I, and many with me would have not survived our conflict with the Sandinistas had not your father supplied us with the weapons and equipment we needed to stay alive.Ask anything you need of me!

LOGAN MASON:Don, we need transportation. Off the radar transportation to…

MARCUS RAVEN: … The Teotihuacan pyramid complex in Central Mexico.

DON NUÑEZ:Done! I have a plane scheduled to pick up some guests in that vicinity. The flight leaves this afternoon. I will fly you there myself so we can do some catching up on the trip. Until then- Please allow you to show you the hospitality of my resort!


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FADE TO:INT. CABIN OF SMALL PLANE - AFTERNOONWe see RAVEN LOGAN and KELLY seated in the plane. DON NUÑEZ is in the pilot’s seat. They are flying over the Teotihuacán complex.

DON NUÑEZ:Below us you see Teotihuacán. It is believed that it was once the greatest city-state in the Americas. The city began to be settled over 500 years before the birth of Christ.

MARCUS RAVEN:That is the Pyramid of the Sun directly below us. It probably dates back to 100 B.C. This whole area was the center of civilization for this part of the world until its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared in about 700 A.D.

DON NUÑEZ: (To LOGAN)Your friend’s knowledge is impressive!

LOGAN MASON: Don’t get him started!

MARCUS RAVEN:“Teotihuacán” Means the birthplace of the gods”. Another translation is “ The


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place where men sought to become gods”.

KELLY ORLÉANS:That sounds rather reminiscent of The Tower of Babel, doesn’t it?What do you think we will find down there?

MARCUS RAVEN:Answers- I hope.

CUT TO:EXT. A SMALL AIRSTRIP IN MEXICO CITYWe see the plane land and the group exits.

LOGAN MASON:(To DON NUÑEZ)You are certain there are no surveillance cameras here?

DON NUÑEZ:They haven’t even had telephone lines for very long!

LOGAN MASON:I really appreciate this Don. I owe you one!


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DON NUÑEZ:It was nothing my friend! I only ask that you come again when you have more time. Your father was like a brother to me. He was a great man, a great believer in the cause of freedom for all men. Someday we must drink together… I will share with you the stories of the man I knew… The man I fear you may not have known as well as you should have. He spoke of you often, you know. He regretted that his work kept him distant from his son so often.

LOGAN MASON:I look forward to it… He may have not been the best father, but I know he was a man of great purpose.

DON NUÑEZ:I think it runs in your family. If you need anything else while you are here… I still have many contacts from my previous life…

DON hands LOGAN a folded piece of paper.…The name of a friend here in the area… Someone you can trust. He can get you wherever you need to go from here.

LOGAN shakes hands with Don.LOGAN MASON:

Understood… Thank you. Vaya con dios, mi amigo.


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Don Nuñez busies himself with refueling the plane as RAVEN and company enters the small airport.

CUT TO:INT. SMALL AIRPORT – MOMENTS LATERMARCUS approaches the ATTENDANT to inquire about renting a car.A group of rough looking characters drinking at the small airport bar watch curiously as he pays cash and receives keys from the attendant.We see them talking among themselves as MARCUS gives the keys to KELLY, then enters the restroom. The group follows him, intent upon robbing him.

INT. AIRPORT RESTROOM – MOMENTS LATER MARCUS has just finished washing and drying his hands as the robbers enter.

HEAD ROBBER: (In poor English)Hey, American! Why don’t you give us your valuables? …Your wallet, that gold ring…

MARCUS RAVEN:Oh, come on, guys! I don’t have time for this right now. And you can’t imagine the trouble I have been through in the last week to keep this ring!

An attacker takes a wild swing. MARCUS body-shifts and the man’s hand slams into the mirror. He howls in pain, swings with the other hand, only to have it hit the mirror as well.


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Another steps forward to attack. MARCUS is still drying his hands on the old style looped cloth towel. He does a Sickeran (jujutsu leg-to-leg leg-lock, breaking the man’s ankle.As another steps forward, MARCUS ax-kicks the towel dispenser off the wall, pulls it into the air with his foot, catches it with both hands and slams it into the attacker’s nose knocking him out cold.The remaining two thugs back away from the door and raise their hands in surrender. As MARCUS tries to exit, one lunges at him from behind. Without turning to look, MARCUS raises his heel into the man’s crotch and elbows the other man in the face.He casually glances back at the partially shattered mirror, flexes, smirks, and walks out.

MARCUS RAVEN: (As leaving)Told ya I didn’t have time for this! And guys? In the future- don’t screw with American tourists. Most of ‘em aren’t pacifists like me…

ROBBER:(Moaning in pain)You are a pacifist?

MARCUS RAVEN:Yea. I hate violence. I am just really good at it!

CUT TO:EXT. RENTAL CAR AREALOGAN and KELLY are already in the vehicle. KELLY is at the wheel.


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LOGAN MASON:What kept you?

MARCUS RAVEN:There was a crowd in the bathroom…

CUT TO:INT. ABADDON’S LAIRABADDON is seated at his desk. He has the “nuke” case open in front of him. He stares with fascination at the object inside (which we cannot see) as LILITH enters.

LILITH:Have you figured out how to use it?

JUDAS ABADDON:It is useless without the rest of the Key, but AMAZARAK has taken a team in pursuit of it. You are familiar with the legend of the Archival crystals of Methuselah?

LILITH:It is not a legend. The oldest of all the ancient mortals transcribed mankind’s knowledge on the three crystals. When joined together once more, they will reveal all that which we seek.

JUDAS ABADDON:What of THE KEEPERS? Did they know of this thing?


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Only a chosen few among the sons of Seth’s Holy bloodline knew of the things recorded on the archival crystals.…However, I fear that PETER RAVEN was getting close to discovering the secret- before I killed him.


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JUDAS ABADDON:You failed to kill the son.

LILITH:As you asked of me, I tried to make it look like an accident. To alert THE KEEPERS that we had discovered the identity of their leader would be drive them even deeper underground. It would cause them to question how it was that we came to uncover their greatest secret. If you wanted certainty, I could have simply found them and cut their heads off, but what would that have done to protect your agent in their organization?

JUDAS ABADDON:You are right, of course. We have found and killed their Grand Masters in the past. Only by killing the Grand Master and the 12 Elders can we truly sever the heads of that self-righteous hydra.

LILITH:None of that will matter once we release those bound in The Pit.

JUDAS ABADDON:Remember the failure of Nimrod. If we cannot acquire The Key before MARCUS RAVEN discovers who and what he is…



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I will find him and kill him, even as I killed Alexander before him!

JUDAS ABADDON:And how many years did it take you to kill “The Great One”? LILITH? What was it you called yourself then? Roxanne, wasn’t it?

LILITH:Better to control A Grand Master of the Keepers than to simply kill him and have another take his place. As the wife of Alexander I turned a guardian of freedom into a power-mad emperor.

ABBADON: (Mockingly)Yes, pity he discovered what you truly are. To think, one of histories greatest warriors- poisoned in his bed by his own wife. Killed by a mere woman…

LILITH: (With thinly veiled anger)Discovering what I am cost Alexander his life. Remembering what I am will preserve yours.

ABBADON: (Nervously)


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I know what you are…(Quickly changing the subject)

In any case, AMAZARAK may rob you of the pleasure of killing MARCUS RAVEN. He is retrieving the first crystal at Teotihuacán even as we speak. If the son is as clever as the father, he has no doubt followed his father’s entries in The Chronicles of CAIN to the Pyramid of the Sun. PETER RAVEN told the Elders, and thus our spy, of his belief that a crystal was hidden there.

LILITH:Teotihuacán? Of course! I knew the descendants of Shem must have brought a piece of the crystal there!

ABBADON:Perhaps you could have found it sooner… Had you not destroyed the entire Toltec civilization.

LILITH: (Pouting seductively and playfully)They pissed me off…

LILITH moves behind the desk and runs her hand across the unseen object in the case.

LILITH:…That’s never a good idea.


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JUDAS ABADDON:“Hell hath no fury…”


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LILITH (Smiling)

…Yes… It does!

CUT TO:EXT. TEOTIHUACÁN- THE AVENUE OF THE DEAD- EARLY EVENINGWe see RAVEN and company walking down the Avenue of the Dead with the Pyramid of the Moon at their backs. They approach the Pyramid of the Sun.

KELLY ORLÉANS: (Awestruck)I have seen pictures, but my god! I can’t believe this place. To think all this was made without the benefit of modern technology.

MARCUS RAVEN:The Chronicles cast some doubt on that.…But it is amazing what people can do when they work together towards a common goal- the great construction projects of the ancient world, and then there are the modern marvels like The Panama Canal, The Hoover Dam, New York City.

LOGAN MASON:People working together towards a common goal also gave us The Holocaust, Communism, countless wars


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and reality TV… Teamwork is not always a good thing!-So, You think this place was built with the aid of cranes and bulldozers?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Patting his sword)Dunno… But if they had one of these, I bet it sure worked better than a hammer and chisel for cutting these stones.

KELLY ORLÉANS:What does your father say in the Chronicles about the location of the crystal?

MARCUS RAVEN:It should be at the summit of the Pyramid of the Sun. The sword is the key to disclosing its hiding place.

LOGAN MASON: (Gazing at the many stairs before them)I don’t suppose the ancient technology available to the Toltecs included Escalators?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Laughing)‘Fraid not, Buddy. It’s just like one of those training exercises Dad used to make us do.


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LOGAN MASON:Not quite. PETER would make us do this wearing 85lb. Backpacks!

MARCUS RAVEN:Race you to the top!

FADE TO:EXT. SUMMIT OF PYRAMID OF THE SUNWe see LOGAN and MARCUS come over the last steps to the top. KELLY is already there, waiting for them.

KELLY ORLÉANS:What took you so long?

MARCUS RAVEN:If you will recall, I was in the hospital with a concussion last week. I am supposed to be confined to bed rest for another week or two.

KELLY ORLÉANS: (Looking at LOGAN)What’s his excuse?

LOGAN MASON:Somebody needed to be behind MARCUS to make sure he doesn’t overexert himself. He never was good at following doctor’s orders. Come to think of it, I


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don’t remember him ever seeing a doctor before last week.

MARCUS RAVEN:I saw Doctors in medical school.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Seriously though, you seem fully recovered. How is that possible?

MARCUS RAVEN:Dunno. Dad may have used this sword for a long time. Now I have it. Perhaps it is one of the side effects of whatever form of radiation this thing puts off. Those who wielded it in the past… some mention in the Chronicle that the blade changed them. No one ever elaborated.

LOGAN MASON:Maybe it accounts for how PETER was able to survive his injuries as long as he did. I am looking forward to having my people analyze that thing in the lab.

MARCUS RAVEN: (Jokingly)Great. I can just see it now. Every Katana International assault rifle will be equipped with a patented “hellfire bayonet”.



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Only the best for our troops! …Besides, have you priced the new Lamborghinis? We could make a fortune marketing those swords.

KELLY ORLÉANS:I have seen RAVEN’S bank account. He doesn’t need the money! He is richer than you are, MASON.

LOGAN MASON: (Surprised)He is?

MARCUS RAVEN: (Very surprised)I am?

LOGAN MASON:If you don’t get me killed, you owe me a new Lamborghini for dragging me into all of this!

MARCUS RAVEN: (Laughing)I will talk to my accountant.

They make their way to the center of the pyramid’s apex. RAVEN draws the blade and holds it in front of himself. On the stone we see a feint outline of the symbol of the Keepers begin to materialize.


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MARCUS RAVEN: (Pointing to the symbol)I think this is the place.


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KELLY ORLÉANS:It's the same symbol as on your ring!


RAVEN plunges the blade into the stone and twists the sword. The Black flame shoot out of the blade and dance across the top of the pyramid.

CUT TO:EXT. AN AERIAL VIEW OF THE PYRAMIDWe see the huge symbol of The Keepers outlined in purple-black flames. RAVEN, KELLY and LOGAN stand at the center of the symbol. As RAVEN withdraws the blade and holds it overhead, the flames eat away at the stone to reveal a staircase leading down into the structure.

ZOOM IN:On RAVEN’S hands holding the sword overheadFlames dance across the symbol on his ring and ripple and fade into his hands.

LOGAN MASON:I am beginning to believe that maybe that sword is of supernatural origin.

KELLY Walks through the translucent burning stone to the staircase below.


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KELLY ORLÉANS: Do you think?

RAVEN and LOGAN follow KELLY into the darkness below.LOGAN produces a Surefire Flashlight and illuminates the path.

LOGAN MASON:With all this advanced mystic technology, you’d think someone would have put in a few light fixtures.

MARCUS takes note of another KEEPER symbol on the wall. He places his hand on it and the stones begin to emanate an eerie glow. LOGAN puts away the flashlight.

LOGAN MASON: (Sarcastically)Never mind…

The walls are covered with Mesoamerican glyphs that depict the War in Heaven, the rise of THE NEPHILIM and The Archangel giving CAIN the flaming sword. Other glyphs depict The Flood, Babel and the NEPHILIM attempt to open The Pit. MARCUS takes note of the glyphs depicting the war in Heaven.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Quoting Rev.12: 7 &12)And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon prevailed not. And the


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great dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.…Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath.

LOGAN MASON:(Sardonically)So it is safe to assume that these glyphs

are not exactly assurances that everything is going to be peach-keen?

MARCUS looks at the glyph of The Archangel giving CAIN his sword. MARCUS holds his blade up next to the depiction. They are identical.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Corroboration from thousand-year-old pyramid drawings doesn’t hurt my ability to believe that maybe we should take The Chronicles of Cain seriously.

MARCUS RAVEN:The swords…

LOGAN MASON:They are exactly the same!

They continue to descend down into the complex.

KELLY ORLÉANS: What exactly are we looking for?


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MARCUS RAVEN:I don’t know. I am just making this up as I go along.

KELLY ORLÉANS: That is reassuring!

LOGAN MASON:Relax. He is just being obnoxious. He knows what he is doing.(Nervously - To MARCUS)…You do know what you are doing don’t


MARCUS RAVEN:Sure. I am following this corridor downward. All that The Chronicle revealed was the general location of this place. We are going to have to figure out the rest on our own. I figure the crystal is hidden somewhere within the pyramid complex.

LOGAN MASON:Shouldn’t we be worried about booby traps like poison darts coming from the walls and giant stones rolling down on us?

All three take note of something slither past them in the shadows.



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I kind of doubt it. I would be more worried about snakes.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Great. There is never an over-the –top booby-trap around when you need one, Just venomous reptiles.

MARCUS RAVEN:I wouldn’t worry too much about snakes either. They are usually more afraid of you than you are of them.

A snake strikes at MARCUS from the shadows. He catches it in midair, smashes its head against the wall and nonchalantly tosses it aside. Neither KELLY nor LOGAN sees the event.The passageway begins to open up into a large room filled with Toltec artifacts.At the alter at the back of the great room, we see an ornately carved gold disk set into the wall. In the circumference we see 11 holes. There is no hole in the 7 O’clock position. In a rack in front of the disk there are 12 golden rods with key-like ends. A word is written in Hebrew on each rod.

LOGAN MASON:Now we are getting somewhere. I am guessing this is the device that activates the horrible booby-traps?

MARCUS RAVEN:(Gravely)Yep! According to The Chronicle, if we do this wrong the room fills with rabid marmots.


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KELLY ORLÉANS: You are making that up!

MARCUS RAVEN:Of course I am… Marmots are not indigenous to Central America. This thing is probably just some kind of ancient safe equipped with a combination lock. I am guessing that the proper key has to be placed into each hole to access the crystal.

LOGAN MASON:There are 12 keys and only 11 holes.

MARCUS RAVEN:The holes on the disk are numbered in Hebrew – 1 through 11.

MARCUS examines the keys, calling out the mane written on each, placing them in order as he reads them.






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It is the names of the Antediluvian Patriarchs – The Holy bloodline of those born before the Great flood. We just have to place them in order in the keyholes.

MARCUS slides the first key into place.

Adam goes in keyhole number one.

KELLY ORLÉANS: But which one do you leave out? Noah’s son, Shem, because he died after the Flood?

LOGAN MASON:Noah died after the flood also.

MARCUS continues to slide keys into position.

MARCUS RAVEN:Enoch is the only man on the list who never died. “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him”.

MARCUS inserts the remaining keys and the disk opens at the center to reveal a compartment containing the crystal.



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And that is all there is to it. You just have to pay really close attention in Sunday school!

MARCUS removes the crystal and examines it closely. It radiates a holographic image of the earth, zooming out from their current position. The earth rotates, then zooms in on The Pyramid Complex at Giza Text appears above the image.

LOGAN MASON:Does this mean that the Toltecs invented GOOGLE EARTH?

It’s Egypt! The Pyramid Complex at Giza!

MARCUS RAVEN:I think the text is an ancient equivalent of longitude and latitude. The map shows the location of the second crystal to be somewhere in The Great pyramid at Giza. These coordinates may give us an exact location if I am translating them correctly. Write this down. N28 01.726 W081 48. 715

KELLY pulls out an iPhone and types in the data.


MARCUS RAVEN:Oh hell, you turned that thing on? It has GPS tracking! You just red flagged out exact location!


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The image projected by the crystal suddenly vanishes. RAVEN’S blade burns with fierce intensity. A voice calls out from the rear of the tunnel.

AMAZARAK:I would not worry about it RAVEN. We already had a good idea where to find you.(To one of his men)Radio ABADDON. Tell him the second crystal can be found at The Pyramid of Khufu.

The man nods and disappears up the corridor. AMAZARAK advances and draws a sword similar to that of RAVEN. It burns with a red-orange flame. RAVEN tosses the crystal to KELLY.

AMAZARAK:(To MARCUS)I am AMAZARAK, a prince of THE WATCHERS! Do you know what that means, KEEPER?

MARCUS RAVEN:It means I am going to have to send you to Hell, where you belong!

As the two cross swords, LOGAN opens fire on AMAZARAK’S men as he and KELLY Dive for cover. The men return fire.RAVEN and AMAZARAK begin to duel as LOGAN AND KELLY fight their way towards the exit.


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RAVEN slashes at a stone support column. The roof begins to collapse. As his friends kill the last of AMAZARAK’S men, they all make for the exit with AMAZARAK in pursuit. The falling stones slow him down.All rush upward to the top of the pyramid. As AMAZARAK clears the exit, RAVEN turns to face him.


Go! Find this thing’s henchman before he can transmit those coordinates!

AMAZARAK:Pathetic fool! Your kind is Damned. The Earth is ours now. The age of Man has come and gone. The age of the Dark Ones is come!

They cross swords once more.

MARCUS RAVEN:Not if I have anything to say about it!

CUT TO:EXT. AN AERIAL VIEW OF THE PYRAMIDWe see the still burning symbol of THE KEEPERS outlined in purple-black flames. At its center, RAVEN and AMAZARAK continue to fight. Neither combatant is able to best the other.



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ZOOM IN:On RAVEN as he tosses his blade up and catches it with his left hand. With his right hand he grabs a slung MP-5 SMG and empties a magazine into AMAZARAK.

MARCUS RAVEN:I am getting tired of this!

The bullets have no effect on the demon. AMAZARAK reaches down and picks up a snake that is slithering past. He says an incantation and throws the snake to the ground where it begins to burn with a supernatural flame. The creature begins to multiply. As it does so, each new serpent sprouts wings of fire and flies through the air at RAVEN.RAVEN cuts down the hell-beasts one-by-one.RAVEN fights off an attack by AMAZARAK, still wielding his sword in his left hand.As AMAZARAK intensifies his attack, RAVEN executes a disarm and cuts the demon in half. As the creature falls, we see RAVEN’S sword’s flames dim slightly.As the physical remains crumple to the ground, we see the writhing shadow of the spirit scream in rage and disappear into the ground.RAVEN picks up the sword of his defeated foe. He holds it and his own sword in a low guard position.

ZOOM OUT:We see RAVEN atop the pyramid with the flaming swords in hand.



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We see ABADDON and LILITH walking towards a chopper. Suddenly a shadow leaps from the ground and engulfs ABADDON. He falls to his knees, convulses, then smiles and rises to his feet.


ABADDON:The human vessel that AMAZARAK inhabited has been destroyed. He failed to kill The KEEPER, but no matter. The second crystal is in Egypt. Take ARMERS with you and retrieve it from its hiding place within the Great pyramid.


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LILITH:And what of the first crystal?

ABADDON:We shall have it soon enough.

LILITH:If THE KEEPER destroyed a body possessed of a WATCHER…

ABADDON:Then he wields an angelic sword.

LILITH:Could it be…?

ABADDON:The legend? The sword of an Archangel? I rather doubt it. All those who fought in the War in Heaven, servants of Light and of Darkness, all wielded such weapons… Blades such as these still remain upon the earth. Over the eons they have found their way into the hands of both NEPHILIM and KEEPER.

LILITH:… But if MARCUS RAVEN wields the sword of the archangel Michael…



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Then I shall take it from him and kill him with it!

They have made their way to the helicopter, ABADDON boards and the pilot prepares to take off.

JUDAS ABADDON:(Shouting over the noise of the rotor)To Egypt! The keys to the throne of the Earth await us!

The helicopter flies away. Lilith walks away from the landing pad.

LILITH:(To the departed ABADDON)You impetuous child! You have yet to live a single lifetime. You have no grasp upon whom it may be that you must face!

CUT TO:EXT. TEOTIHUACÁN- THE AVENUE OF THE DEAD- A FEW MINUTES LATERWe see RAVEN rejoin his friends on the AVENUE in front of the pyramid.

KELLY ORLÉANS: Are you all right? …AMAZERAK?



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It’s cool. The bad guy is toast.…The other guy?

LOGAN MASON:He got away. Sorry…

MARCUS RAVEN:No matter. We will just have to beat them to Egypt.

LOGAN MASON:If I know DON NUÑEZ, his contact should have no problem getting us there, but airport security is a little bit tighter in that part of the world. It may be difficult to land at an Egyptian airport undetected.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Smiling)I think I know how to get past that problem!

CUT TO:INT. A FOUR-STAR HOTEL BAR IN EGYPT – SEVERAL DAYS LATER -AFTERNOONWE See CONDOR sitting at the bar. KAT VESPER approaches wearing a provocative dress. She sits down next to him.

KAT VESPER:(Playfully)


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Buy a girl a drink?


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JAMES CONDOR:(Very quietly)No Ma’am. I have seen you drunk. I would rather singlehandedly invade Russia armed only with a baseball bat.

KAT VESPER:Where is your sense of adventure?

JAMES CONDOR:Stowed with the rest of my gear – next to the Uzi sub-machinegun.

KAT VESPER:(Whispering)The others are just checking in to the hotel. Have you made contact with GEN. LIBER’S agent yet?

The bartender approaches with drinks for KAT and CONDOR.

BARTENDER:Compliments of the gentleman at the end of the bar.

CONDOR looks to the end of the bar at the empty seat. A half-finished drink sits there.

JAMES CONDOR:What gentleman?


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BARTENDER:Oh, he must have left. He was there just one moment ago.


The BARTENDER walks away. CONDOR lifts the drink and flips over the coaster. Something is written on it.

ZOOM IN:ON THE COASTERWe see printed on it “Assemble your tour group. Feet of The Sphinx -0100 Hours.”

JAMES CONDOR:We just got our marching orders. Inform the others. Be in position at 0030 Hours –someplace with a visual of the rendezvous location. HARBINGER is with me. The rest of the team will wait for the all clear before approaching.

KAT VESPER:Yes Sir, I am on it.

KAT slams her drink and walks away.



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EXT. AT THE SPHINX – 0100 HoursCONDOR and HARBINGER approach together. CONDOR signals the team and we see TF121 rendezvous.

LAURA KWAN:(To CONDOR)Good to see you, Sir.

JAMES CONDOR:I hope everyone enjoyed their leave time. Sorry to cut it short, but duty calls.

LAURA KWAN:I thought we were to wait for the agent to make contact with you before assembling.

JAMES CONDOR:Our friend is the cautious type. He is not coming. He was in my room when I got back from the Hotel Bar.

CASSIE ADAMS:Did he provide any useful Intel, Sir?



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Boat-loads… THE GENERAL’S contact has proof that SEC. GEN. ABADDON is behind the theft of the weapon. He says this is no outdated Soviet backpack nuke. The weapon is a state of the art, one of a kind, honest-to-god doomsday device.The good news is that it the weapon itself may not have been in the case. The agent thinks it may only be part of the arming mechanism.

DOC:So what’s the mission?

JAMES CONDOR:We are to offer backup to three Homeland Security Agents who are in pursuit of the weapon; KELLY ORLÉANS, LOGAN MASON, and MARCUS RAVEN.

LAURA KWAN:LOGAN MASON, the international arms dealer, head of Katana International?

JAMES CONDOR:One and the same!

HARBINGER:His company makes most of our weapons and gear! He is a Homeland Security Agent?



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The guy isn’t exactly low profile. He was on the cover of G.Q. last year. What is he doing involved in a Field Operation?


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DUPRE:Hey VESPER, don’t you have MASON’S Picture from G.Q. taped up in your locker?

KAT VESPER:(Embarrassed)What can I say? Good looking, incredibly successful international arms dealers just do it for me!

JAMES CONDOR:Take note, these people have no idea we have been sent to help them. Don’t get shot before we can identify ourselves as friendly’s.

CUT TO:INT. A PLANE OVER EGYPT – MOMENTS LATER -NIGHTLOGAN MASON stands dressed in a jumpsuit in the open doorway of the plane. He nervously looks into the darkness below.

LOGAN MASON:(Shouting over the wind)H.A.L.O? You gotta be kidding me! You know how much I hate doing this!

MARCUS RAVEN:(Shouting over the wind)Come on! You gotta love this. …Just like when we were teenagers!


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KELLY ORLÉANS: (Shouting over the wind)

You did High Altitude – Low Opening jumps as teenagers?

MARCUS RAVEN:(Shouting over the wind) LOGAN is exaggerating. This is nothing close to a H.A.L.O. jump.

LOGAN MASON:(Shouting over the wind)It bloody well looks like a H.A.L.O. to me!

MARCUS smiles and gently kicks LOGAN out of the plane. We hear him screaming as he falls.

MARCUS RAVEN:Crybaby!(To KELLY)Ladies first!

KELLY smiles impishly, and fearlessly flings herself from the plane. MARCUS grins and follows her into the night.

CUT TO:EXT: THE PYRAMID COMPLEX AT THE GIZA PLATEAU – MOMENTS LATERWe see three black cutes open and descend to the ground. Once grounded, the three quickly gather and stow their chutes. They then


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rendezvous near the Great Pyramid. MARCUS notes a series of flashes of light from a short distance.

KELLY ORLÉANS:We’ve been spotted!

KELLY raises her weapon and starts to take aim at the source of the light, but RAVEN stops her.

MARCUS RAVEN:Wait. It is Morse code. “Friend”.

CONDOR approaches from the darkness with his hands in the air.

JAMES CONDOR:RAVEN, ORLÉANS, MASON? I am MAJOR JAMES CONDOR of the United States Taskforce 121. My team and I have been sent to assist you in your mission.

LOGAN MASON:You know who we are – that we were coming? How?

KELLY ORLÉANS: TF121? Aren't you guys supposed to be on a top secret mission in Iraq?



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We were, Ma’am. I am under the command of US Airforce GEN. GEORGE LIBER. Approximately two weeks ago my unit was ordered to go dark after UN forces, under the command of SEC. GEN. ABADDON, forcibly took a component of a recovered doomsday-weapon from us.


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LOGAN MASON:ABADDON? I knew that guy was bad news!

MARCUS RAVEN:The question remains, how did you know we were coming?

JAMES CONDOR:Our contact was informed of your impending arrival by one of his associates, a SR. NUÑEZ.Also, Agent RAVEN, my contact told me to ask you a question –“Are you your brother’s keeper?”



Yes… I suppose I am!

Everyone lowers their weapons as CONDOR makes a hand gesture and TF121 emerges from the shadows.



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Each team member nods to the others.I have been ordered to put myself under your command Agent RAVEN. What is the mission, Sir?

MARCUS RAVEN:You people really have no clue what is going on do you?


LOGAN MASON:Welcome to the club!

MARCUS RAVEN:I will fill you in as best I can, but I warn you, this is going to be hard to believe.

JAMES CONDOR:GEN. LIBER’S initial orders suggested as much.

RAVEN and his allies disappear into the darkness.



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DUPRE:I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t believe a word of it. Secret Societies, demons, ancient artifacts – the end of the frickin’ world!

CASSIE ADAMS:How do you explain The MAJOR emptying a mag. Into WOLFGAR and not even slowing him down?

DUPRE:Dunno. Some kind of advanced body armor maybe? There has to be a more reasonable explanation than him being some kind of supernatural being.

CASSIE ADAMS:Do you remember the Northeastern Blackout of August ’03, DUPRE?

DUPRE:Sure, It was the largest blackout in North American history.

CASSIE ADAMS:And did you believe any of the government’s half-assed explanations of what caused it?

DUPRE:Is there a reason I should not?


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CASSIE ADAMS:Yes. There is. You wonder why I am always going on about conspiracy theories? Before I joined TF121, I was part of the team that stopped……the thing that caused the blackout.It wasn’t human. I don’t think the man who helped us stop it was either.There are things out there that there are no rational explanations for. I can’t say any more about it.

DUPREE:So you believe that these KEEPERS and WATCHERS, NEPHILIM, whatever the hell you call them, have been running around fighting one another since the beginning of time?

CASSIE ADAMS:It's the closest thing to a rational explanation I have heard for some of the things I have seen.

The group makes its way deep into the descending chamber of the pyramid.

MARCUS RAVEN:If I remember my Egyptology, this passage will take us to the lowest point in the pyramid. Archeologists are baffled as to why the pyramid builders would go to the trouble to make a dead end


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passage extending beyond the subterranean chamber. I am betting it doesn’t really dead end.

They pass through the subterranean chamber and into the connecting passage. Instead of the dead end, we see translucent burning stones opening to a continuation of the passage.

MARCUS RAVEN:The coordinates we obtained indicate that what we are looking for should be just ahead…We are too late. They are already here!

DUPRE:(To MARCUS)Do I need to point out that the frickin wall is on fire? Do you people see stonework manifesting these particular properties on a regular basis?

LOGAN MASON:(To DUPRE)Stick around… I can almost guarantee things will get weirder.

DUPRE:Wonderful! Just wonderful.


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Everyone raises their weapons as they walk through the translucent burning wall. DUPREE cautiously passes his hand through the wall, and then reluctantly passes through. As they enter the passage CONDOR takes the point position. They descend into an undiscovered section of the Pyramid. The passage widens and the architecture takes on a smoother appearance, as though the stones in this section were quarried with laser cutters. KELLY examines the wall and runs her hand over its glass-like smoothness.


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KELLY ORLÉANS:Looks like the really skilled Egyptian architects worked on this section of the pyramid.

HARBINGER touches a wall as he illuminates it from the light on his weapon.

HARBINGER:That just ain’t natural!

LOGAN MASON:Speaking of unnatural – Anybody see a light switch?

RAVEN looks at LOGAN with mild irritation and hands him a flashlight. LOGAN scans the ceiling with the light, revealing a series of large gaps in the ceiling that open into a duct-work-like upper passage.RAVEN examines a hieroglyph carved into the wall. He translates the text.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Speaking Ancient Egyptian)

Nehem –k ma ennu en aru setau amenhi sepetu t’eba meru hesq amu chiet ausar enen sechiem –sen am-a enen hai – a er ketut – sen!

(Translating)“Deliver us from the slaughtering knives wielded by the cruel hands of The Watchers for they seek to destroy the servants of Light. Let them not prevail over me. Let me not fall by their blades!”


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This is from the Egyptian Book of the Dead!

Suddenly CARSON, who is bringing up the rear, is pulled into the darkness above. We hear his neck break, then blood showers down on the floor of the passage. Everyone advances several yards before his absence is noted.


KAT VESPER:He was bringing up the rear.

KWAN backtracks up the passage, shining her weapon light ahead of her. The light illuminates the bloody gore on the floor.

LAURA KWAN: CARSON has been taken out!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Are you sure? Is there a body?

LAURA KWAN:How much blood is there in the human body?

MARCUS RAVEN:On average, about 5.6 liters


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LAURA KWAN:Six quarts… I would guess this is about

six quarts!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Tighten up the ranks!

Everyone groups closer together and trains their weapons at the holes in the ceiling. We hear movement, then a demonic growl.

HARBINGER:There is something alive up there!

DUPRE:(Sardonically) Do ya think?

LOPEZ is snatched up through a vent in the ceiling. We hear screaming, bones breaking, then gurgling. The body drops into the passage. Everyone fires into the upper passage. We hear more movement and low growls.

DUPRE looks at the shredded remains of his team member.

DUPRE:(Panicked)Jesus Christ! What’s up there? What can do that to a human being?


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DUPRE ineffectually fires a 3-round-burst into the darkness above.

DUPRE:Watch this, you demonic S.O.B.

For just an instant, we see a pair of glowing eyes. We hear more growls and movement. Teams members shine their lights down the passage ahead. We see dust falling from the vents suggesting that the demon is moving on down the passage.We now see lights flashing down the main corridor.A NEPHILIM, charges. THE TEAM takes cover behind a massive column as CONDOR lays down fire. He empties a magazine into the NEPHILIM as it continues to advance while returning fire. CONDOR empties a second magazine from his weapon and the NEPHILIM falls just feet from their position.

MARCUS RAVEN:These things are not entirely human. They are WATCHER/Human hybrids. They are very difficult to kill.

The NEPHILIM tries to reach for his weapon. CONDOR fires several more rounds into it.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:No shit? - Any more useful advice?



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Yes. The NEPHILIM’S soul resides in his kneecaps. If you can’t kill one, then aim there!

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:You gotta be kidding me!


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MARCUS RAVEN:Yea. Of course I am. But do enough damage to the skeletal support structure and they won’t advance as quickly!

Another NEPHILIM charges down the passage. MARCUS places two carefully aimed shots into its kneecap and it falls to the ground.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Point taken!

The fallen NEPHILIM returns fire. CONDOR fires several rounds into its head, killing it.The team advances to cover behind the next column, then the next and the next.

INT. ENTRANCE TO THE GREAT HALLThe passage eventually opens up into a great hall filled with artifacts. The walls are covered with Hieroglyphs depicting scenes from the KEEPER/NEPHILIM conflict and from the doomsday prophecies. At the end of the great hall we see LILITH, and a SECURITY TEAM.As RAVEN’S group advances, a shadow-like demon leaps from the ceiling passage. It lands right next to KELLY. As it rises, it takes on the form of a man – ARMERS. He blocks their way. KELLY grabs the sword of AMAZARAK from RAVEN’S back and slashes a burning gash in ARMERS’ cheek. ARMRERS wipes away the blood as the wound heals.ARMERS grabs her sword hand and her throat and pins her to the wall, lifting her off the ground. He studies her carefully, staring deep into her eyes. He smiles.


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ARMERS:Well, aren’t you a surprise!

KELLY knees him in the groin then uses her elbow to snake around ARMERS’ arm. She ducks under it and behind him. She slashes at his head with the sword but he sidesteps.MARCUS now draws his sword and steps between them. TF121 moves into a support position and begins firing as ARMERS backs off.

CUT TO:INT. A GREAT HALL – SECONDS LATERLILITH stands before a combination device similar to the one in Mexico. We see Sumerian Cuneiform written on the combination mechanism. LILITH ponders the puzzle.

LILITH:The Sumerian kings list… Merely a bastardization of the list of Antediluvian Patriarchs!

She places key rods into position.I need only enter the sum-total of the symbolic length of their reign – 432,000 years, the length of a cosmic cycle… And…

The vault opens revealing the second crystal. LILITH smiles and takes the crystal.

LILITH:Child’s play!


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CUT TOINT. ENTRANCE TO THE GREAT HALLARMERS looks to see LILITH claim the prize. He then begins to revert to his demonic form. He throws MARCUS halfway into the great HALL then scatters TF121 in all directions in a furious attack.

LILITH’S security team of NEPHILIM advances on TF121 and all fight hand to hand. The combat draws them into the center of the GREAT HALL. RAVEN rises to his feet and raises his sword. He charges LILITH, who is advancing towards the exit with the crystal. He drives the blade through her chest.

CUT TO:REAR VIEW – LILITH’S BACKWe see the black burning flames of the sword protruding from LILITH’S back.

CUT TO:FRONT VIEW – CLOSEUP – LILITH’S FACELILITH smiles with a seductive, evil smile. She pushes herself further onto the blade till the handle touches her chest. Her face is now inches from that of RAVEN.

CUT TO:REAR VIEW – LILITH’S BACKWe see the blade flames die-out.




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The Archangel Michael’s sword? No matter. The fires of Hell are not ready to claim me quite yet!…as they have claimed your father –thanks to my bomb.

RAVEN pushes her off the sword and screams in rage. His sword reignites as LILITH draws her own sword. They clash in a firestorm of swordplay.KELLY is fighting two sword-wielding NEPHILIM with her own sword. As she fights, she seems to display more and more skill and strength. She eventually beheads one and cuts the other in half. VESPER notes KELLY’S Prowess as she kills her own opponent.

KAT VESPER:Damn! You go, girl!

KELLY acknowledges the compliment with a subtle grin.LOGAN is struggling hand-to hand with a NEPHILIM. VESPER’S opponent throws her to the ground. She lands behind LOGAN at his feet. LOGAN is in a clinch with his opponent who has drawn a blade. VESPER glances at the boot-knife on LOGAN’S ankle. She draws it, slides between his legs and comes up between him and the NEPHILIM, driving the blade straight up through the NEPHILIM’S jaw and into his brain. The NEPHILIM, who was about to cut LOGAN’S throat, dies instantly.She turns to face LOGAN. Their faces are inches apart. LOGAN smiles.

LOGAN:(Slightly embarrassed)

Ah… Thanks!



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Don’t mention it MR. MASON!LOGAN puts his hand on top of KAT’S head. She gasps as he pushes her straight down just in time to move her out of the way of an attack. He punches the attacking NEPHILIM in the nose.


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Please, call me “LOGAN”.

CUT TO:INT. THE MIDDLE OF THE GREAT HALL ARMERS now turns his attention to RAVEN. LILITH breaks off her attack as the WATCHER engages.


LILITH makes for the exit. KELLY blocks the way. We see a pair of glowing eyes in the doorway behind KELLY. For an instant we see the human form of AZAZYEL. His shape melts into its demonic form.LILITH smiles as darkness engulfs KELLY, pulling her backwards where both disappear into the darkness of the exit corridor. LILITH follows.RAVEN and his team do not see KELLY’S abduction.

PAN TO:INT. THE MIDDLE OF THE GREAT HALL ARMERS and RAVEN continue to fight with swords. ARMERS sees TF121 kill the last of the NEPHILIM. He heads for the exit. With superhuman speed, he runs down the exit corridor.

INT. EXIT CORRIDORHe begins to revert to a beast-like demonic form running first on all fours on the walls, then on the ceiling. RAVEN runs down the corridor in pursuit. His friends follow, but he is far in the lead.ARMERS disappears into the darkness.


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AS RAVEN rounds a corner, ARMERS suddenly appears in front of him. He swings his flaming sword straight down at RAVEN’S head.

PAN TO:CLOSE UPARMERS Blade is stopped inches away from RAVEN’S head by another blade. This blade burns with black flames.

PAN OUT:AN imposing figure dressed in a black leather trench coat drops from a shaft in the ceiling.

ZOOM IN:CU of CAIN’S face. His unnaturally blue eyes almost seem to glow in the darkness.



CAIN’S hands burn with supernatural black fire as he crosses his wrists in front of his chest. He pulls his fists to his sides then claps them front of his chest as though grasping a sword hilt. As he does so, a burning blade emanates from his hands and cuts ARMERS in half.LOGAN and TF121 approach just in time to see CAIN save RAVEN’S life.The demonic WACHER shadow goes screaming into the ground.



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ABADDON:…Furthermore, I can assure you that The United States’ charges that Peacekeepers initiated a confrontation with their forces, is completely unfounded.UN COMMANDER WOLFGAR was following my direct orders on a mission to recover a WMD in IRAQ when, without provocation, his team was fired upon by American forces.As expected, the so-called WMD was a complete hoax. I come before this international body today with proof that the United States of America perpetuated this hoax!

THE SHADOW of ARMERS leaps up into ABADDON. He swoons slightly. There is a concerned murmur in the hall. ABADDON quickly regains his composure and lifts a hand signifying he is all right.

When I have presented my evidence, I will call for a vote of condemnation and sanction against the U.S.

The hall is awash with the murmur of excitement.





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He is the GENERAL’S contact who sent us here!(To CAIN)You are CAIN?

Everyone looks at one another in disbelief.

CAIN:There is no time for questions. If you wish to save your friend, then come with me!

CAIN charges up the corridor. MARCUS, LOGAN and TF121 follow.

EXT. OUTSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMIDThey emerge from the pyramid just in time to see AZAZYEL and LILITH forcing KELLY into a Helicopter. RAVEN waves his sword furiously into the air.

MARCUS RAVEN:Damn it all!

CAIN:If we don’t stop them in time, there will be plenty of damnation to go around for everyone.

As the helicopter flies away we see the flames of RAVEN’S SWORD turn from black to purple. RAVEN looks at the sword in confusion.



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What the…? The flames…

CAIN:The Sword of The Archangel Michael only burns black in the presence of a WATCHER… …Or a NEPHILIM.

CUT TO:INT. THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL CHAMBER – A BIT LATERWe see ABBADON leaving the lectern as he receives thunderous applause. WOLFGAR approaches him as he leaves.

WOLFGAR:Sir, ARMERS’ vessel has been killed…


WOLFGAR:…But LILITH has retrieved both crystals.And Sir, there is more good news.

PAN OUT:The applause is all we hear now. We see WOLFGAR lean closer to ABADDON and tell him something that makes him smile widely.



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RAVEN continues to watch as the helicopter’s lights disappear into the night.


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RAVEN draws the sword for the first time in KELLY’S Presence. It burns with black flames.


RAVEN DRAWS the sword to show it to LOGAN with KELLY nearby. Again, the sword burns black.



CAIN puts his hand on RAVEN’S shoulder.

CAIN:She didn’t know.

CUT TO:INT. A SURVEILANCE CAMERA MONITOR VIEW - A HOLDING CELL – THE FOLLOWING DAY KELLY is frantically kicking the steel door to the cell. It is showing signs of denting, but it seems to be secure.


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CUT TO:INT. A LABORATORYA SCIENTIST is examining a blood sample under a microscope. LILITH enters.

SCIENTIST:This is remarkable. I have never seen DNA like this before.

LILITH:So then, it is as I suspected?

SCIENTIST:Without question!

LILITH:Have you shared the test results with anyone yet?



LILITH grabs the scientist by the neck and lifts him off the ground as she crushes his windpipe. She then drags the body out of the room.



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LILITH:I have the results of the DNA testing.


LILITH:She has the highest levels of WATCHER DNA that has been recorded in five thousand years!She is more WATCHER than human.Her blood is more pure than even yours, JUDAS.

JUDAS ABADDON:(Astonished and overjoyed)How is this possible? Has her genetic structure been altered?

LILITH:No. The tests are conclusive. The process your father and I used to create you would leave certain genetic markers. Both your father and mother possessed significant levels of Human DNA. By using PETER RAVEN’S blood, we were able to isolate the human DNA and replace much of it with WATCHER DNA.


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Her blood shows no signs of genetic replacement.She is a naturally occurring anomaly. Her abilities have been dormant until now. I suspect they would have naturally manifested when she reached a certain age. …But exposure to the Archangel’s blade – She is growing more powerful by the minute. She may already be stronger than you are!(Nervously)Perhaps you should get in there and make her understand who and what she is. I don’t think that holding cell will contain her for much longer.

ZOOM IN:MONITORKELLY hits the door with her fist. The small bulletproof glass window cracks.


INT. A VIEWING ROOMLILITH AND ABADDON looks at one another with concern.

LILITH:I think you should do it now, before she gets any more pissed off!



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INT. A HOLDING CELL – MOMENTS LATERKELLY, exhausted from her rage, is seated on the bunk. The door opens and a SIX-MAN TEAM enters two-by-two. Each pair cuts to opposite sides of the door and trains their weapons on KELLY. ABADDON follows the guards into the cell.

ABADDON:I apologize for our rude behavior, MISS ORLÉANS, but I must confess – your existence is something of a surprise.…But forgive my manners! Can I offer you something? Food, a beverage, the throne of the Earth perhaps?

KELLY ORLÉANS:What are you talking about, you sociopath?

JUDAS ABADDON:You honestly have no idea do you? I take it you have become aware of the age-old conflict between THE KEEPERS and THE NEPHILIM?My father and mother were the products of thousands of years of selective breeding – an attempt to weed out the inferior human DNA that weakens every NEPHILIM born after the Great Flood.He and his associate – you have already met LILITH- devised a method of altering the human genome to reassert the WATCHER DNA. I am the end result of that experiment.


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KELLY ORLÉANS:LILITH? You mean that bitch that brought me here? She must be in her early twenties… How could she…?

LILITH enters the room.


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JUDAS ABBADON:LILITH wears her age well. She is older than she looks – much older. I am the product of the experiment that she and my father, DR. Richard Abaddon devised. My genetic composition is half human, half WATCHER. I am the most pureblooded NEPHILIM to live since ancient times – or so I thought!You, KELLY – may I call you KELLY? – You are much more that half WATCHER. You in fact, have very little human DNA!

KELLY ORLÉANS:(Frightened and confused)You are insane! If you expect me to believe…

JUDAS ABADDON:I suppose you require proof.(To the guards)Hold her!

One guard advances ahead of the others. As he tries to grab KELLY, she performs a jujutsu technique on him and slams his head into the wall crushing his skull. He falls dead to the floor. She seems surprised by her own strength and speed.The rest of the guards rush her in unison and hold her to the wall, arms spread.LILITH draws a blade and advances.



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Sorry, Sweetie. This is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you!…But that’s OK. I am something of a masochist!

LILITH moves very close to KELLY. Their lips almost touch. LILITH slices a deep gash in KELLY’S outstretched arm. She screams in pain as the guards move away and train their guns on her once more.LILITH does not move. KELLY punches her in the mouth with such force that her head rocks to the side. We hear bones breaking. LILITH smiles as her head snaps back into place. A trickle of blood runs down her lip. She licks it off as the wound on her lip heals.

LILITH:Hmm. You are pretty strong for your age, but you still punch like a little girl!

KELLY looks at the deep gash in her own arm as it heals.

KELLY ORLÉANS:NO! No! It can’t be.

LILITH:Human beings are such fragile playthings. You on the other hand, You I could have fun with!

KELLY ORLÉANS:(Regaining her composure)Why don’t you hand me that knife and we can play!


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LILITH smiles and hands her the knife. The guards take a step back. ABADDON steps back into the doorway.


LILITH:(To ABADDON)Sod off will you love? Let us girls have a bit of fun!(TO KELLY)The more angry you become, the more your WATCHER DNA will begin to assert itself. It is your body’s natural fight-or-flight response.I‘m betting you choose “fight”.

ABADDON exits with the guards and closes the door. KELLY lunges at LILITH with the blade. They fight with great fervor for several minutes. Through a series of disarms, the blade comes into the possession of each combatant several times. Both are cut and both almost instantly heal. Finally KELLY obtains the knife and plunges it into LILITH’S heart. LILITH staggers back, then smiles, withdraws the knife and throws it to the floor. She and KELLY both collapse in exhaustion against opposite walls of the cell. The last of their wounds heal. Their cloths are torn and their hair disheveled. Soaked with perspiration and gasping for air, they look like two psychotic runway models who are having a very bad day.

KELLY ORLÉANS:(Gasping for air)What are you?


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LILITH:(Gasping for air)I am the first…


LILITH moves next to KELLY and collapses on the floor beside her.

LILITH:The first… The first free spirit, the first human rebel.…The first woman.I was formed, not from Adam’s rib as that sycophantic bitch Eve, but from the earth as Adam was.I was not a part of him. I was God’s last and greatest creation. I was Adam’s superior. I would not be his mate!I defied Adam and I defied God. I ate from the tree of eternal life!I was cast from the Garden to dwell with the things than inhabited the outer darkness.I have seen human history unfold. I have watched empires rise and fall. I have set up kings and emperors!…And I have brought them low –destroying civilizations…

(Whispering in KELLY’S ear)


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Help us. Help ME release the Ancient ones chained in the pit… Then we shall kill that fool ABBADON, and together we shall rule over the earth!

LILITH looks deep into KELLY’S eyes. KELLY returns the look, her own eyes filled with confusion and terror.

KELLY ORLÉANS:Why? Why should I help you? Why should I believe you would betray ABADDON for me?

LILITH:Every NEPHILIM is a descendant of a human and a WATCHER. I told ABADDON that you were a NEPHILIM. That is not exactly true. Your ancestor was not of the chorus of angels called WATCHERS.You are the last of a bloodline that I thought extinct long before The Great Flood.Your bloodline stems from the union of a fallen Archangel… named Lucifer……And a genetically perfect, immortal human being who was directly formed by the very Hand of God. You see, KELLY, in a manner of speaking, you are my daughter!

KELLY looks at LILITH in utter disbelief and terror.



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RAVEN, LOGAN, CAIN and TF121 are on the deck of the boat as it makes its way down the Nile towards the Mediterranean Sea. TF121 has taken up defensive positions around the perimeter of the boat. CAIN is at the wheel and RAVEN and LOGAN sit nearby.


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MARCUS RAVEN:(TO CAIN)You are sure ABADDON Can’t use the Homeland Security video surveillance to find us?

CAIN:We have to be very careful. Every NEPHILIM on the planet is looking for us, but we needn’t worry about the electronic surveillance grid. According to my sources, KELLY’S superior that you killed at Ravenswood was the only NEPHILIM agent able to infiltrate the agency at the clearance level necessary to access the worldwide video surveillance grid.Even if they have another agent who can access the grid, none of our faces will be found in the database.

LOGAN MASON:(TO CAIN)How is that possible? I was involved in the initial R and D. on that project. You would have to have backdoors in hundreds of networks around the world to make yourself invisible to the grid.

CAIN smiles.

CAIN:One of the advantages of immortality… Lets just say I gained ground-floor access to the computer sciences.


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MARCUS RAVEN:What do you mean?

CAIN:I had a hand in the creation of the modern computer sciences, as I did in the ancient ones.

LOGAN MASON:Ancient computer sciences? The transistor wasn’t even invented until 1948!

CAIN:Reinvented… I and other KEEPER agents have ingrained backdoors into every significant line of code that was ever written. I have full access to every computer network in the world.

LOGAN MASON:So what you are telling me is that it wasn’t Al Gore who invented the Internet?

CAIN smiles mischievously at LOGAN.

LOGAN MASON:When this is over we gotta talk!


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CAIN:(TO RAVEN)I have a seaplane in route to pick us up. There is something we have to take care of in Prague before we can hope to gain access to the UN Headquarters in Geneva.

MARCUS RAVEN:You are sure ABADDON will take KELLY there instead of New York?

CAIN:Yes. ABADDON began consolidating most of the UN’s resources at the Geneva HQ right after he was elected Secretary General. I suspect the American’s will be causing a bit of friction for the Headquarters in New York after ABADDON reveals his hand.

MARCUS RAVEN:KELLY really has no idea what she is?

CAIN:No. None, but I am sure ABADDON will tell her that she is a NEPHILIM.

MARCUS RAVEN:How long have you known?



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Since she was a child. I knew the woman who raised her - her grandmother. Over a decade ago I received a report of a skirmish between NEPHILIM in the French Quarter in New Orleans. The locals described it as a battle between “Bokors” Voodoo black magicians and a powerful Voodoo priestess named Joan ORLÉANS, KELLY’S grandmother.The “Bokors” were trying to take KELLY from her grandmother to raise as a NEPHILIM agent.

CUT TO:EXT. FLASHBACK TO KELLY’S CHILDHOOD - A BAYOU IN N.O. – NIGHTWe see the events unfold as CAIN narrates.

CAIN:You must understand, most NEPHILIM, like most humans, are by nature, evil. There are exceptions. There are those who fight against their nature to be servants of The Light. Joan ORLÉANS was such a person. She raised her granddaughter to become such a person.I sent KEEPERS to come to Joan’s aid. They were unneeded.

We see a blazing bond-fire silhouette an attractive woman who appears to be in her early 40’s (JOAN ORLÉANS). She is sword fighting with three huge NEPHILIM, one of who is a female with the physique of a bodybuilder. A small child (KELLY) watches from her second story bedroom window. JOAN kills the NEPHILIM one-by –one.

(V.O.)She killed three of the most powerful NEPHILIM living. She was powerful. More


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powerful than any NEPHILIM I had seen in four thousand years, and she was on our side.


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CUT TO:INT. FLASHBACK CONTINUES – YOUNG KELLY’S BEDROOM – AFTER FIGHT ENDSWe see the reflection of the fire burning in young KELLY’S eyes as she watches from the window as her grandmother effortlessly casts the bodies of the NEPHILIM into the fire. The ease with which she lifts the huge bodies displays superhuman strength.


CAIN:(V.O.)I have killed thousands, tens of thousands, both NEPHILIM and Human alike. I have never killed a single soul because of the blood that flowed through their veins. Human and NEPHILIM alike are born with the capacity for great evil – or great good. It is our nature to choose the evil over the good, but not all of us do so.The NEPHILIM - they are much closer to the darkness than we. But even they can choose.Most all of them have chosen the darkness and died by my blade, or by the blades of The KEEPERS of the innocent.But KELLY, like her grandmother, - her heart is pure.

FADE TO:INT. KELLY’S HOLDING CELL – THE PRESENTWe see the fire in the child’s eyes fade to the woman KELLY’S eyes. LILITH’S reflection fades in to replace the fire.


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CAIN:(V.O.)KEEPER agents guided her. Aided and directed her until she was led to a career as a Homeland Security Agent – a position where she would be a valuable asset in the war that is to come.


EXT. THE DECK OF A BOAT ON THE NILE RIVER - MORNINGWe see CAIN as he continues to narrate.

(TO LOGAN)LOGAN, Your father was one of us. Under the Direction of PETER RAVEN he established Katana International and Dark Sky International as KEEPER front organizations.

LOGAN looks at CAIN in disbelief.(Speaking loudly to the group)All of you. The KEEPERS have been watching you all for a very long time. There is not one who stands here today by chance. You are each captains of your own fate. The choices you have made and the causes you have chosen to serve have brought you to this place. But the knowledge and the skills that you possess, the opportunities that provided you with those skills…The KEEPERS had a hand in that.



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So, “pulling people’s strings” That is what you are saying you people do?

CAIN:No, Major. What we do is find those who are willing to fight and give them a fighting chance!

CASSIE ADAMS:(In the shock of sudden realization)The Blackout of ’03..?


LOGAN MASON:(TO CAIN)My father, you knew him?

CAIN:No LOGAN, I never had the honor. PETER recruited him after I selected him as the leader of the KEEPERS. But know this – the world shall never know the debt it owes men like your father. I have guided the KEEPERS since I created the society at the dawn of history, but I do not lead them. It is too much power for one man to wield. Every few hundred years I select and train a new Grand Master. They in turn recruit operatives and select and train their own successor.


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The KEEPERS were created to be the guardians of humanity, not their masters.

MARCUS RAVEN:Most of the KEEPERS are unaware that you are still alive?

CAIN:Most of them think I am a myth. It is best to keep it that way. Only a select few Grand Masters, like your father, have known me.I managed to keep the NEPHILIM unaware of my whereabouts for a very long time, but LILITH made ABADDON’S Father aware of my existence.


CAIN:You fought her within the pyramid. Like me, she is immortal.

LOGAN:Jesus, how many of you people are running around?

MARCUS RAVEN:All the ancient legends – how many more are true?


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CAIN:Mostly, just the unpleasant ones.


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MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:This weapon we are looking for – am I safe in assuming it is something considerably weirder and more dangerous than a nuclear weapon?

CAIN:It is the key to the bottomless pit. If ABBADON gets it he will quite literally unleash Hell on Earth.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(Grimly)Wonderful.You told me when we met that the case WOLFGAR took was an arming device?

CAIN:I had to choose my words carefully in accord with what I thought you were ready to believe, but the statement was accurate. The Key is in two pieces. No one knows exactly what it is, but the Archival Crystals of Methuselah will lead the way to the missing piece.

MARCUS RAVEN:Then we have to find it before ABADDON does!

A large seaplane appears on the horizon.


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CAIN:There’s our ride.

Three boats fall in behind them.

HARBINGER:We have company!

They close the distance and begin firing at THE TEAM. CAIN speeds up and takes evasive maneuvers. A boat pulls along side. One of its occupants takes aim at RAVEN. CAIN steps in between them and takes a full magazine of machinegun fire. The wounds almost instantly heal. CAIN tosses a grenade into the boat, destroying it.The remaining boats fall back out of grenade range. The firefight continues. A bullet hits the motor of one of the NEPHILIM boats, blowing it up. An occupant of the remaining boat produces a Vulcan Mini-gun and prepares to fire.

MAJ.JAMES CONDOR:They are bringing out the big guns! We can’t sustain a hit from that kind of firepower!


Take the wheel.

CAIN turns to face the pursuing boat. He crosses his fists and deploys his flaming fist swords. He leaps into the air spanning the huge distance between the boats with supernatural agility.



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Holy shit!

CAIN cuts the Mini-gun in half and kills the occupants of the boat.The TEAM’S boat slows. CAIN pulls alongside and hops in.

CAIN:I think we have outstayed our welcome here.

The plane lands near the boat. The boat pulls up next to it and the TEAM boards.The plane flies away.

CUT TO:EXT. PRAGUE – DAYWe see the group walking into a KEEPER safe-house.


CAIN:ABADDON’S lair will be the most secure fortification on the planet. Only a NEPHILIM or a WATCHER will stand a chance of getting in there.

MARCUS RAVEN:Then how do you purpose we get in? What is it that you have to do here?


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CAIN:Your father’s location was leaked to ABADDON by one of the 12 ELDERS. It was he who recalled PETER to the States and provided LILITH with the flight plan so she could rig an explosive device.I am sorry I did not find out in time to stop him, to save your father.But know this – he will face justice!He must be stopped before he can betray the Council to the NEPHILIM.He is our key into ABADDON’S lair.

CAIN opens a hidden compartment revealing a cache of weapons including angelic swords.

CAIN:You will find everything you need here, Clothes, supplies, ammunition, angelic swords.You will find the swords more effective than firearms against the NEPHILIM and WATCHERS.

HARBINGER draws two swords that burn with bright orange flames. He expertly flails them in the air.

HARBINGER:(With glee)This is the best day of my life.

MARCUS offers CAIN the sword of the Archangel.


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MARCUS RAVEN:Dad’s sword… Your sword – You don’t need it?


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CAIN:For thousands of years I wielded the sword of Divine vengeance. If you wield such a blade long enough, in time you become a part of it.

CAIN raises his fists and they burst into flames. He drops them and they flame off.

As did your father.

HARBINGER is still playing with the swords.

DUPRE:(To HARBINGER)Will you please put those things away before you burn someone’s eyebrows off.

HARBINGER sheathes the swords and everyone resupplies themselves with ammo and weapons from the cache.VESPER opens a closet door to reveal racks of clothing, mostly club wear.

KAT VESPER:Where exactly are we going?

CUT TO:INT. A PRAGUE NIGHTCLUB – LATER THAT NIGHTMUSIC BLARES as the team enters the club. Everyone is sharply dressed. The females are wearing alluring clothing. The CAMERA ANGLE dances around the team as if they were in a music video. We see a CLOSE-UP of each woman’s high-heels as they strut into the room. The CAMERA PANS UP VESPER’S leg to reveal the stainless steel Walther PPK/s in its thigh holster that is barely concealed by her short


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skirt. The camera CUTS TO CAIN’S billowing long coat. We see a CLOSE-UP of the women’s painted lips and eyes. CUT TO a glimpse of various weapons concealed beneath the men’s coats. CUT TO a CLOSE-UP on the steely gaze of CAIN. PAN OUT.The club is filled with beautiful people dancing, drinking and carousing. LAURA KWAN reaches into her oversized purse, past the Uzi pistol and grabs a lipstick. We see a CLOSE-UP of her reapplying it to her lips.The group walks side-by side, forming a tight “V” with CAIN in the center and RAVEN at his right side. Their attire makes them all look like typical high-class club goers. Their posturing and alertness makes them look like the elite team that they are. The people on the crowded dance-floor part like the Red Sea before them as they make their way towards an upstairs room.LOGAN glares at two BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMEN who are provocatively dancing together. They smile seductively at him.LOGAN steps out of rank with the others.

LOGAN MASON:(Shouting over the music)Good evening, Ladies!

Without turning to look and without breaking stride, MARCUS grabs LOGAN by the shoulder and pulls him back into rank.


LOGAN smiles meekly at THE GIRLS. They smile back, looking disappointed, and continue dancing.



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How many of these people are NEPHILIM?

CAIN:More than you would care to imagine.

LOGAN looks back over his shoulder at THE GIRLS. Their eyes glow in the darkness with demonic fire. LOGAN shudders and falls into step with the others.

CAIN:This club is a NEPHILIM safe house. They seek out their own. The blood of demons flows through many of those you see around us. Others are humans possessed by WATCHERS.A WATCHER can only possess those who are consumed by evil – or a willing host. And as you have seen, WATCHERS are considerably stronger than NEPHILIM – especially if they take one as their host.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:For the record – I don’t like this plan. I don’t like it at all.

KAT VESPER:It is the only way.

VESPER touches an ancient looking amulet that she wears around her neck.

(TO CAIN)You are sure this thing will work?


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CAIN:The amulet will force a WATCHER to enter your body and will prevent it from controlling you, provided your will is strong enough. The possession will be euphoric – the power unimaginable. If you falter in your resolve it will consume you.…But yes, I have every confidence you can resist the temptation.

MARCUS RAVEN:You are sure the traitor is here?… That a disembodied WATCHER is about to possess him?

CAIN:Yes. It is part of his reward for selling us out. Some humans crave the power that such possession brings. They consider the loss of will a small price to pay.The ritual will be performed at midnight.(TO VESPER)We only have a few moments after the possession in which to force the WATCHER into your body.

CAIN hands VESPER a dagger.Plunge this into the TRAITOR ELDER’S heart the moment we restrain him.

THE TEAM makes its way upstairs to a VIP room. Two large SECURITY GUARDS flank the entrance. They move forward to block the way.


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SECURITY GUARD:The VIP room is closed for a private party.

CAIN raises his hands and two flaming swords materialize from his fists. He beheads both guards.

CAIN:We have an invitation.

THE TEAM draws their weapons as CAIN kicks in the door.

MARCUS RAVEN:Midnight! It’s party time.

INT. THE VIP ROOMWe see a group of NEPHILIM surrounding the TRAITOR ELDER performing a ritual. A WATCHER shadow is entering his body. All turn to see THE TEAM entering. The NEPHILIM draw weapons as the TRAITOR ELDER convulses in possession.Guns blaze as THE TEAM enters. CAIN, RAVEN and HARBINGER cut a swath through the crowd with Angelic swords. They are met with resistance from sword wielding NEPHILIM.THE TRAITOR ELDER falls to the floor. After a moment he rises straight up in a supernatural manner without bending his legs. He smiles.

TRAITOR ELDER:(TO CAIN in a demonic voice)CAIN! This one knows many of THE KEEPER’S secrets! I now possess his knowledge. With it, we will destroy you all!


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CAIN vaults over a NEPHILIM who blocks his path, killing him in passing. He sweeps the legs from beneath the TRAITOR ELDER.

CAIN:“Pride cometh before a fall!”

A dramatic battle continues between THE TEAM and the NEPHILIM. Finally the bad guys are killed. The TRAITOR ELDER and CAIN battle. RAVEN comes to his aid. Together they hold him as VESPER plunges the dagger into his heart. He falls. The WATCHER shadow enters into VESPER through the amulet. She convulses.The WATCHER shadow writhes and screams in agony, trying to escape her body once it perceives the trap. VESPER thrashes about in a violent seizure. She begins to flail at her friends. Tears of blood run down her cheeks.

CAIN:Hold her down!

With much difficulty, RAVEN and CONDOR pin VESPER to the floor. The amulet glows. Finally the shadow weakens and fades into her. Her eyes glow then fade. She becomes still.


KAT VESPER:(Weakly)I… I am still here… I can feel it inside me. It is so dark, so angry, so evil! But the amulet is working. I am still in control.


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CONDOR notes sounds from down the corridor.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:We have more company coming. We need to get out of here now!

CAIN removes the KEEPER signet ring from the hand of the dead TRAITOR ELDER. Some of THE NEPHILIM from the main area of the club begin to spill into the room and attack.THE TEAM fights its way downstairs. VESPER now displays superhuman strength.


CUT TO:INT. THE MAIN AREA OF THE CLUBThe HUMAN CLUB-GOERS scream and scatter as the gunfire and blazing swords surround them. The DEMONIC CLUB-GOERS join in the attack. The music and the lights make the following scene look like a music video from hell.One of the GIRLS LOGAN flirted with earlier now tries to kill him. He throws her on the bar and impales her with his sword.

LOGAN MASON:Sorry, Love. You really aren't my type!


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The other hot DEMON GIRL (This one is a WATCHER possessed NEPHILIM) grabs LOGAN. The strobe lights of the club make her demonic shadow dance across the floor.


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LOGAN MASON:Look, Maybe another time. My friends are really ready to leave. Besides, I can’t dance.

THE WATCHER GIRL throws LOGAN. He slides down the bar bowling over bottles. Strobe lights dance as VESPER kills THE WATCHER GIRL in a knock-down-drag out fight.WE see in SLOW MOTION as bullets spray from CONDOR’S weapon. Shell casings hang momentarily in the air, then dance on the ground.HARBINGER produces two flaming daggers and kills numerous opponents.

MARCUS RAVEN:(To LOGAN)How many times have I warned you about that kind of girl?

RAVEN helps LOGAN to stand.All hell continues to break loose for some time. Finally THE TEAM fights its way to the exit.

CUT TO:EXT. THE CLUB PARKING LOT -NIGHTThey run to their get-away vehicle and speed off.TWO beautiful female WATCHERS jump into a sports car and pursue. They fire at THE TEAM’S vehicle with automatic weapons.EXT. THE STREETS OF PRAGUE - NIGHTThey pull along side and the passenger leaps onto the hood of the TEAM’S vehicle. She punches through the windshield and grabs HARBINGER, who is driving. He lets go of the wheel and circles her grasp with an elbow and does an arm bar, breaking her arm. It snaps


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back into place as the vehicle swerves and hits the chase-car. She grabs HARBINGER again. CAIN grabs her arm with a burning hand and burns it off. She slides off the side and clings to the vehicle with her remaining hand.The chase-car has a head-on collision with another car and goes though the windshield. She lands on her feet and continues to pursue on foot. As she closes the distance, HARBINGER slams on breaks. The WATCHER clinging to the car goes flying. The other WATCHER runs full-force into the vehicle and is knocked down. HARBINGER backs over her several times then speeds away.As they depart we see the run-down WATCHER stand up as her friend comes to her side. They watch the vehicle disappear into the night. The WATCHER with the severed arm regenerates a new one.

WATCHER GIRL:Lets go back to the Club. I need another drink.


MARCUS RAVEN:(To VESPER)You are sure you are ok?

KAT VESPER:I have told you all a hundred times. I am in total control. I am as good as a person can be while sharing their body with a monster from the pit of hell.


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Lets just get this over with so I can get this thing out of me.


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CAIN:ABADDON has removed all human personnel from his headquarters. Only NEPHILIM and the WATCHER possessed can get in there.VESPER, do you understand what it is you need to do?

VESPER:I have to access the security system mainframe on sublevel 6. I use the backdoor protocols you taught me to access the server and deactivate the security systems. Piece of cake!

VESPER’S eyes glow momentarily. She convulses. A single tear of blood runs down her cheek.

This thing is really pissed off!She wipes the tear away.

MARCUS RAVEN:We need to hurry. I don’t want that thing inside of her a second longer than is absolutely necessary.

VESPER moves towards the HQ entrance.

KAT VESPER:I am on it. And guys? If this thing gets out of control, don’t hesitate to put a bullet in my head.


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CAIN:(Coldly)I won’t.

VESPER walks up to the gate. The GUARDS begin to raise their weapons as they examine her. Her eyes glow. They lower their weapons. She enters the compound and disappears inside.

CUT TO:INT. UN HQ – A MAZE OF CORRIDORS VESPER makes her way toward Sublevel 6.

CUT TO:INT. AN ELEVATOR – MOMENTS LATERWe see VESPER enter the elevator and descend. As the doors open, we see one of the WATCHER GIRLS from the car chase. She looks up at KAT in recognition.


KAT VESPER:Oh, Hello again! Sorry about your car. It was a really nice ride!

VESPER front kicks the WATCHER GIRL, who goes flying into a wall on the other side of the room. She recovers and attacks. After fighting VESPER to a stand-still, the WATCHER GIRL smashes a fire-axe case and attacks with the axe. VESPER disarms her and beheads her with the axe.



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(Over radio.)VESPER? Report!


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KAT VESPER:(Over Radio)Almost there sir…

VESPER picks up the severed head of the WATCHER GIRL.(To herself)Never let it be said that a woman can’t get “a-head” in the military.

She tosses the head aside.

Several SECURITY GUARDS have seen the fight and rush in to attack. VESPER cuts through them with the axe. She drops the weapon and continues down the hall.

CUT TO:INT. UN HQ – A MAZE OF CORRIDORS – MOMETS LATERVESPER finds the computer mainframe room.

CUT TO:INT. COMPUTER MAINFRAME ROOMVESPER sees a security feed of KELLY’S cell. The Monitor notes the location. She deactivates security.

KAT VESPER:(Over radio.)It is done. ORLÉANS is being held on level 7.



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Copy that! We will meet you there.


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CUT TO:EXT. OUTSIDE UN HQ – A BACK ENTRANCE– MOMENTS LATERWe see the TEAM enter the compound. The gates and doors have been unlocked.

CUT TO:INT. KELLY’S CELLKELLY is lying on her bunk. She opens her eyes. They glow with supernatural fury. She stands and her body begins to glow. For just an instant, we see an almost imperceptible flash of burning wings.

CUT TO:A MICROSCOPIC VIEWWe see KELLY’S DNA mutating, exploding into an ominous form.

CUT TO:A CLOSE UP OF KELLY’S FACEWe see burning tears flow down her face like napalm.

PAN TO:THE FLOORThe burning tears burn holes in the carpet.

PAN TO:A CLOSE UP OF KELLY’S FACEShe smiles as a look of newfound strength washes over her features.



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INT. UN HQ – MOMENTS LATERThe TEAM enters. RAVEN dispatches a GUARD.

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAY – MOMENTS LATERVESPER rounds a corner and walks right into ABADDON. They fight. He smiles and yanks the amulet off her neck.We hear gunfire. ABBADON turns in the direction of the sound.

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAYThe TEAM is shooting it up with a SECURITY DETAIL.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR(Over radio.)VESPER, we just lost the element of surprise. VESPER? Do you copy?

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAYVESPER’S Eyes glow fiercely. She smiles at ABADDON.

KAT VESPER:(Over radio. In a demonic caricature of her own voice)Your friend is not in right now, MAJOR. Can I take a message?



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INT. OUTSIDE KELLY’S CELLWe see two GUARDS posted. KELLY walks through the closed door. Flames dance across her skin. The guards turn to face her. She thrusts her hands simultaneously into their chests and lifts them off the ground. She tosses them against opposite walls. They fall dead to the floor.We zoom in on her blood covered hands in which she holds their hearts. She throws the hearts to the ground and walks away.


KAT VESPER:(In a demonic caricature of her own voice)

RAVEN has come for the girl. CAIN is with him!

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAYWe see KELLY walk through a solid wall.

CUT TO:INT. A STAIRWELLTHE TEAM descends toward Sublevel 7

CUT TO:INT. A HALLWAYABADDON looks at the amulet then throws it to the ground.


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KAT VESPER:(Resuming a natural voice)Secure the girl. I will stop them.

ABADDON exits toward Sublevel 7 as the TEAM rounds the corner. VESPER opens fire on them. As she fires KELLY emerges from the wall, burning in a silhouette as she passes through. She grabs VESPER and pins her to the wall.

KAT VESPER(Whispering to KELLY in a demonic voice)A child of The Light Bearer?

KELLY AND VESPER fight. VESPER displays supernatural strength, but she is no match for KELLY. KELLY wrestles her to the ground and straddles her.KELLY looks at the amulet and it jumps into her hand. She thrusts it onto VESPER’S chest. VESPER grabs the amulet, gasps and begins to convulse. The WATCHER shadow writhes in agony, leaps out of her and disappears into the ground.THE TEAM approaches. CONDOR and CASSIE help VESPER stand up.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(To VESPER)KAT, are you with us?

CASSIE ADAMS:VESPER? Are you alone in there?



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I… I am OK. It is gone.

MARUS RAVEN:(To KELLY)Good to see you!

RAVEN looks at the scorched wall that she walked through.We came to rescue you, but it seems you would have probably made it out on your own.That is a neat trick.

(To CAIN)Can all NEPHILIM do that kind of thing?

CAIN:I have not seen such a power since before The Flood. Only the most powerful full-blooded NEPHILIM who were personally trained in magic by AMAZARAK and ARMERS could perform such feats.

KELLY ORLÉANSLILITH said I have very little human DNA.

CAIN:Your grandmother was powerful, but you…You must be a genetic aberration –almost pure WATCHER DNA.


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KELLY ORLÉANS:(Hesitantly)Yes. WATCHER… LILITH said I had the highest levels of WATCHER DNA she had ever seen, even before The Flood.

CAIN eyes KELLY with suspicion.

CASSIE ADAMS:Hate to cut the reunion short… but if they get that security grid back up, our chances of getting out of here alive are not going to be too good.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Copy that! It is time to get the hell out of Dodge!

LOGAN MASON:(To KELLY)So can you teach us that walking through walls trick? It would come in handy about now.

CAIN’S hands burst into flames.

CAIN:Getting through solid walls will not present a problem if the need arises.

CAIN makes for the exit. The others follow.


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EXT. OUTSIDE THE UN HQ – MOMENTS LATERTECHNO BATTLE-DIRGE MUSIC PLAYSWe see THE TEAM exiting the building. An explosion engulfs the entrance once they are clear. We see a SLOW-MOTION SHOT of THE TEAM walking away with the flames behind them.


CASSIE ADAMS:I had a few minutes and plenty of C-4. I figured “What the hell?”

DOC:(Under his breath)

The US taxpayers will probably have to pay to rebuild the damn place!

KAT VESPER:They have the location of the last crystal – England, Glastonbury Tor.




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While The WATCHER inhabited her body, she shared a portion of its consciousness.

KAT VESPER:Yes, It tried to hide it, but I guess – the amulet, when it forced it out of me, it let me see…

CAIN:We haven’t much time. We have to prevent them from getting to that last crystal.

CUT TO:EXT. AN AERIAL VIEW OF GLASTONBURY TOR – DAY We see the remains of the ancient maze and the ruins of the tower of the Church of ST. Michael.

ZOOM IN:EXT. THE TOWERThe camera pans in on the tower, circles it, then focuses on the path leading up to the tower. We see the TEAM approaching.

HARBINGER:What was this place?

MARCUS RAVEN:The labyrinth was believed to be carved out of the hill in ancient times. The tower is the remains of the Church of ST. Michael. The first church was built here in the 13th century. A massive earthquake destroyed it on September 11th 1275. It


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was rebuilt in the 1360s. The tower is all that remains, unless there is something beneath it.

CAIN:I am willing to bet that there is. This location has been significant to the KEEPERS since they buried one of their Grand Masters here in the 6th century.

LOGAN MASON:Get out of here! You mean… …King Arthur was a leader of the KEEPERS?Let me guess, so you must have been Merlin?

CAIN smiles as he remembers his son.

CAIN:Not at first. I only assumed that identity after I faked the death of the first persona the people of that time knew me by – Uther Pendragon.

Everyone looks at CAIN in astonishment. MARCUS looks at his sword.

MARCUS RAVEN:Does that mean - this sword?

CAIN:Yes. It has been called by many names. Arthur called it…


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MARCUS RAVEN:Who else? You walk in eternity. Who else have you known? Who else have you trained? How many of your children have wielded the sword of destiny?

CAIN:I have had the honor of standing by many champions of freedom: King Arthur, Alexander The Great, Joan of Arc, General George Washington, all were leaders of THE KEEPERS.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:You knew Washington?

CAIN:George was one of my most adept pupils, and one of the most humble men I have ever known. I hadn’t had so much difficulty getting someone to wield power since Cincinnatus in the days of the old Roman republic.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:Washington has always been a great hero of mine. Who were you in his day?


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CAIN:I called myself “Baron Friedrich Von Stuben” back then. I actually new George much longer than the history books record.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:My God! You trained the Continental Army! You were Washington’s Chief of Staff! If we prevent the end of the world, I would like to talk to you someday about him. I wish I could have known him.

CAIN:(Warmly)I would like that, MAJOR. He would have liked you. The two of you are a lot alike.

CONDOR smiles reverently. CAIN looks at CONDOR as if seeing a reflection of Washington within him.THE TEAM enters the tower.

CUT TO:INT. THE TOWER OF ST. MICHAELSRAVEN finds the entrance to the sublevel by using his sword to illuminate the keyhole and open it.

MARCUS RAVEN:This is it.



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We are too late. They have already been here.


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KELLY ORLÉANS(Interrupting)I can feel it.

CUT TO:INT. A CORRIDORThe camera looks up from the darkness of the passageway. We see the team silhouetted against the light of the entrance as they descend. As they go deeper, the passage begins to appear to be of more modern construction. They approach a huge metal door that automatically opens. Bright lights flash on.

CUT TO:INT. THE HALL OF ARCHIVESTHE TEAM enters a very futuristic looking hall filled with sophisticated equipment. Something that appears to be a fanciful computer stands against the back wall. A device on the computer houses the three glowing archival crystals.TF121 fans out, weapons ready. They examine the room. Each team member calls out after clearing his or her area.

TF121:(Calling out, one after the other)Clear!



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It looks like ORLÉANS was right. I think they have come and gone. Why did they leave the crystals here?

CAIN:Once activated, they cannot be withdrawn. The ancient computer system has been reactivated.

CAIN begins interacting with the device’s controls, which appear holographically in front of him.

Even after countless millennia, it seems completely functional. It seems to be interfacing with the World Wide Web. It is adding every bit of human knowledge accumulated since it was last activated!

LOGAN MASON:You mean to tell me that this thing possesses the sum of human knowledge?

CAIN:No. It contains much more! The artificial intelligence is processing the data and extrapolating upon it. …But security protocols have been initiated. We are locked out of the system. Only one piece of data is accessible.

MARCUS RAVEN:ABADDON…? What data did he leave accessible?



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I am not certain it is ABADDON’S doing. I think it may be part of the startup protocol. It is giving us the location of the Tower of Babel – In Iraq! If ABADDON beats us there with the Key, not only can he open the pit, he can gain total control over this computer and the data it contains!

DUPRE:That is very bad isn’t it?

CAIN:End of the world bad…

DUPRE:I guess it could be worse. If this damn thing ran on WINDOWS it would already be screwing things up on its own!

CAIN:Don’t look at me. I use a MAC. The WATCHERS are responsible for the WINDOWS OS.

CUT TO:INT. GEN. LIBER’S OFFICEWe see THE GENERAL pick up the ringing phone.

GENERAL LIBER:Yes? Yes. Patch him through… Yes Sir? Yes Sir. Understood Sir!


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CUT TO:INT. A REC HALL ON A MILITARY BASEThe CAMERA ZOOMS IN on the TV as MILITARY PERSONAL quickly leave the room. The room is now empty. The REPORTER on the TV announces the news.

TV REPORTER:Tensions continue to mount in the wake of sweeping UN sanctions against the United States. Earlier today the President announced the Formal US withdrawal of membership from the International organization after uncovering a plot led by UN SECRETARY GENERAL ABBADON to collude with international terrorists in the acquisition of a top secret weapons system that Pentagon Sources say would grant absolute power to its wielder. There have been numerous reports of commencement of hostilities in various locations throughout the world. The President is expected to speak momentarily.

CUT TO:EXT. ANCIENT RUINS IN IRAQ – THE TOWER OF BABELWe see UN forces and members of Al-Qaeda, surrounding the entrance to the ruins. A group of TERRORISTS in a truck approach the location.

CUT TO:EXT. THE SKY ABOVE IRAQWe see PREDETOR drones drop out of the clouds. One breaks off and swoops down into position behind the truck.


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CUT TO:INT. TRUCK CABWe see a close up of the drone in the rear view mirror as the frightened DRIVER notices the plane.


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DRIVER:If you are on the field of battle and a stray bullet strikes you and kills you, it is the will of Allah!

Still looking into the mirror, we see the drone fire a rocket. It falls in behind the truck, which makes a sharp turn to evade. The rocket adjusts course and continues to close in.

If while traversing the desert you step on a land mine and are blown to bits, it is the will of Allah!

The truck swerves wildly trying to evade the incoming rocket.If a plane swoops from the heavens and fires a rocket that chases you down the street and kills you, it is……The Americans!

ZOOM OUT:EXT. THE AIRSPACE OVER THE ROADThe camera zooms from the rearview mirror to a position behind the rocket as it slams into the truck, destroying it.

CUT TO:EXT. THE SKY ABOVE IRAQ We see other drones engaging targets and destroying them.

CUT TO:EXT. A HELOPAD – MOMENTS LATERWe see GEN. LIBER quickly approaching a helicopter that waits, rotor spinning.


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GENERAL LIBER:(Shouting into the radio)That’s right! Create an opening for TF121. Get them in there then back off! They are on a top priority mission under the direct authority of the President!

CUT TO:EXT. LZ OUTSIDE OF THE TOWER OF BABEL – A BIT LATERWe see a Helicopter swoop in. THE TEAM deploys and fights their way into the entrance of the ruins amid heavy resistance.An ENEMY COMBATANT rushes CAIN. CAIN kills him with a single palm heel strike to the nose.

CAIN:These soldiers, they are all human.

An ENEMY COMBATANT attacks LOGAN with a machete. LOGAN parries (cutting the machete in half) and kills him with his own blade.

LOGAN MASON:Yea, but they are still a pain in the ass!

Each team member continues to fight the opponents that stand in their way. KELLY lifts an ENEMY above her head and tosses him through the air into a cluster of his comrades, bowling them over.

CAIN:This is too easy! These people are cannon fodder. ABADDON must have his


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real forces concentrated in the catacombs below.

A bullet passes through LOGAN’S Sleeve, nearly missing him.

LOGAN:Easy? You call this easy?

CUT TO:INT. A DOORWAY OF BURNING TRANSLUCENT STONETHE TEAM enters the tunnel. No one pursues. It is pitch black. Several team members flip on the lights on their M4s. The entrance closes behind them. DUPRE looks over his shoulder.

DUPRE:That’s great!

LOGAN slaps DUPRE on the shoulder.

LOGAN MASON:Well, at least we don’t have to worry about being followed!

A flashlight illuminates two figures in the passage below. It is AZAZYEL and SAMYAZA in human form. They begin to change into demonic form as they disappear into the shadows.

CAIN:AZAZYEL. SAMYAZA. Lords of the WATCHERS. Blades! Only angelic blades will stand a chance against them!


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We hear demonic growling in the darkness.

DUPRE:(Nervously)Explain to me again what these things are?

CAIN:They are two of the most powerful demons of hell, and in possession of a human they can manipulate that body at a cellular level – into a visage of what they once were when they had physical form of their own!

DUPRE:(Fearfully)I should have listened to my mother. She wanted me to be a CPA!

RAVEN draws his sword. As he does so, both demons leap from the shadows at him. He buries the blade in AZAZYEL’S shoulder, but SAMYAZA seizes his hand as snatches the sword. RAVEN is thrown into the wall. SAMYAZA howls triumphantly and disappears down the hall with superhuman speed.

MARCUS RAVEN:The Sword! He took the sword!



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The Sword of the Archangel, of course! How could I have been so blind?

AZAZYEL leaps at CAIN, who deploys his fire swords. The two men dual.KELLYS’S Eyes begin to glow. Her whole body begins to shimmer. AZAZYEL pins CAIN to the wall, RAVEN and several others rush the demon and try to pull him down. AZAZEEL sends them flying. He smiles and pulls back his fist to strike CAIN when KELLY suddenly moves across the room with supernatural speed, grabs his arm and tears it off. She then lifts him overhead and drops him on her bent knee, breaking his back. The shadow begins to depart the dead host when KELLY screams in rage and raises her hands like the talons of a beast. Electricity dances from her fingertips. We see an almost undiscernibly shimmer of fiery wings form around her arms. The shadow writhes in agony then evaporates in a firestorm of fury.

CASSIE ADAMS:What just happened?

CAIN:Not only did she destroy its physical form, she cast its spiritual essence into the PIT.


CAIN:Not even another WATCHER could do that. She is something else entirely. The only thing I know of with that kind of power is an Archangel!(To KELLY)


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What are you?


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KELLY ORLÉANSOne of the good guys… That is all that matters right now.

CAIN:Of course, you are right. We have to stop SAMYAZA before he can get that blade to ABADDON.


CAIN:Yes, It is the other half of the key!

As THE TEAM rushes downward, we see numerous NEPHILIM moving in the shadows. They move into position to block the way. WOLFGAR steps out of the darkness.

WOLFGAR:I am afraid your journey ends here.(To RAVEN)Well look at you! Little MARCUS RAVEN, all grown up.

CUT TO:INT. SAFE ROOM IN THE RAVEN HOME – FLASHBACK TO NIGHT OF THE FIREWe see the child MARCUS looking at the monitor. On it we see WOLFGAR.



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INT. SAFE ROOM IN THE RAVEN HOME – FLASHBACK TO NIGHT OF THE FIREWe see the burning roof collapse on RAVEN’S mother as PETER carries the child to safety. MARCUS reaches out toward the burning room. We hear the mother’s screams.

CUT TO:INT. BABEL PASSAGEWAY – THE PRESENTA look of rage washes over RAVEN’S face. His hands burst into flames. LOGAN raises a flaming sword. With a burning hand RAVEN swats the blade aside. He advances on WOLFGAR.

MARCUS RAVEN:No. He is mine!

All the NEPHILIM begin to close in. Combatants pair up. THE TEAM is greatly outnumbered. RAVEN and WOLFGAR face off as fighting begins amongst the others.

WOLFGAR:Now, now, RAVEN. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord”



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Yes, lucky for me, I am the current duly appointed Left Hand of God - the instrument of His vengeance!

RAVEN lifts WOLFGAR off the ground with a flaming uppercut to the jaw. He falls to the ground then rises and counterattacks.Bloody combat ensues for a few minutes. THE TEAM is holding its own, but CAIN and KELLY are cutting a swath of death through the enemy. RAVEN is beating WOLFGAR to a pulp. As his associates finish off the last of the enemy, MARCUS gets WOLFGAR in a headlock.

WOLFGAR:I will see you in hell, RAVEN!

MARCUS RAVEN:No, You won’t.

MARCUS breaks WOLFGAR’S Neck. The team rushes down the corridor into a huge throne room. The remaining NEPHILIM pursue the TEAM.

INT. THE THRONEROOM OF NIMRODWe see a lavish room with walls of pure gold. All the wealth and splendor of the ancient world is on display here. A throne sits on an elevated platform. On it sits ABADDON. LILITH is at his right hand and SAMYAZA at his left. On the floor beneath the throne we see the solid gold seal to the Bottomless Pit. NEPHILIM surround the TEAM.

ABADDON:Ah, MARCUS RAVEN and friends! So good of you to join us…


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He opens the case holding the artifact and removes an ornate sword pommel. He slides it onto The Archangel’s sword. It fuses into the weapon in a brilliant flash. The flames go out and we see mystic inscriptions on the blade.

I must thank you for bringing me the KEY. CAIN! To think – how many countless centuries you and your brood were the guardians of The Key, never knowing what it was you possessed.

ABADDON stands and looks at SAMYAZA who returns the smile as if they share a private joke. SAMYAZA writhes and his shadow leaps out of its human vessel and into ABADDON.The TERRORIST who was the former vessel steps back, awash in fear. Without looking, ABADDON beheads the man.

I now share this mortal coil with the spirits of three Lords of the Pit: ARMERS, AMAZARAK, SAMYAZA, now I am every bit as strong as…

KELLY leaps an impossible distance across the great hall and swings at ABADDON. He catches the blow and tosses her all the way back to the entrance.

The child of a fallen Archangel…He looks accusingly at LILITH.

…And an immortal!(To LILITH)Do you think me a fool? You must learn your place woman! If you seek power, you will only receive it at my pleasure!

A flash of rage goes across LILITH’S face as she glares at ABBADON.


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RAVEN looks at KELLY in shock, then charges forward. ABADDON raises his arms and electricity dances between his palms. The stones of the floor begin to fall away in the expanse between the throne and the entranceway. Lava bubbles up over the collapsed floor. RAVEN jumps from stone to stone just before they fall into the lava pit. At last he reaches ABADDON.A mote of lava now separates RAVEN from his friends. ABADDON swings the sword at RAVEN. He sidesteps. A flurry of strikes ensues. RAVEN dodges them all.THE NEPHILIM spill into the room and attack the TEAM.CAIN charges forward to vault over the moat but ABADDON flings a web of electricity at him that pins him to the wall.

ABADDON:(To RAVEN)Your father taught you well!

RAVEN lifts ABADDON off the ground with a kick. LILITH moves in to attack. Suddenly KELLY stands between them. MARCUS turns to engage LILITH. KELLY raises her palm to RAVEN in a gesture to stop.

KELLY ORLÉANS:This is a family squabble RAVEN. I need to deal with this myself!

LILITH strikes KELLY in the head breaking her neck in a reversal of the scene from the holding cell. KELLY’S head pops back into place. KELLY Smiles.

KELLY ORLÉANS:I never got the chance to thank you for the “designer” genes! Can I show you something from Great Granddad’s side of the family?


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KELLY raises her arms, bird-like. Flaming wings materialize. She swats LILITH to the ground with her wing.LILITH stands and hurls lightning bolds at KELLY. KELLY stops the attack with an outstretched hand.

LILITH:I have never got along very well with men. Your Great Grandfather was no exception. He is the biggest prick of them all!


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KELLY ORLÉANS:Yes, Kinda figured that. But technically its “Great-grandfather” couple thousand times removed.

LILITH:Semantics. Family traits like his don’t get watered down through the generations.Surely you must possess some of his ambition. Help me. Help me take the sword from ABADDON. Whoever opens the Pit will command all the Host of Hell!Together we can defeat him. We can rule this world together.

KELLY ORLÉANS:No thanks. I don’t work well with people who have issues.And you really have some issues!






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LOGAN flings a sheathed sword across the moat. RAVEN catches it in midair and unsheathes it just in time to block a blow to his head. A sword fight ensues. RAVEN is trying to keep his foe away from the Seal. He makes a horizontal sweep with his blade. ABADDON leaps and rolls over it. He lands on the Seal and thrusts the blade into the keyhole. He twists the lock and the Seal animates and begins to open. As the gates of Hell begin to yawn, EVIL SPIRITS begin to stream out and disappear into the walls.


CUT TO:INT. THE THRONEROOM ENTRANCEWAYCAIN deploys his flaming swords and cuts through his supernatural bonds.

CUT TO:INT. THE GATES OF HELLThe seal is almost gone now. The hell gate is almost fully open. RAVEN flings his sword at ABBADON. It pierces his heart. ABBADON pulls it out and casts it into the pit. He is unharmed. RAVEN charges. ABADDON seems to be growing stronger by the second. He is bathed in hell-fire. He grabs RAVEN from behind and begins to crush him.


ZOOM OUT:RAVEN looks at his friends standing by helpless as the world ends. He sees KELLY, still doing battle with LILITH.



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You really should have helped me. Now that ABADDON had opened the PIT, we face and eternity of Hell on earth with a bloody man in charge. That was never my intent!

LILITH lifts KELLY overhead and tosses her all the way across the moat. She slams against the far wall. LILITH turns and looks at RAVEN.

(To herself)Men just can’t do anything without help from a woman.(To RAVEN)Read the seal you fool!

RAVEN is still trying to escape the hold. He looks down at the inscription and smiles. LILITH leaps across the moat and disappears into the shadows of the exit.


RAVEN:(Reading the inscription in an ancient language)(To Himself)Yes. I knew that. It is the first thing Dad ever taught me!

RAVEN redirects ABADDON’S sword as he bends forward to hip throw him. In so doing he drives the blade through his own chest and into ABBADON. The sword reignites and black flames engulf ABADDON. We see the flames leap out of RAVEN’S CHEST as both men fall backward


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into the pit. As ABADDON claws at the mouth of the pit, RAVEN twists the blade and screams in pain. ABADDON plunges into hell and the pit seals behind him. RAVEN lays dying atop the seal. CAIN stands above him and withdraws the blade from his chest. KELLY approaches. She looks at the moat and stretches out her arms, which become flaming wings once more. Her eyes glow and the stones rise up from the lava. Ice forms on the stones and melts into steam. THE TEAM kills the last of THE NEPHILIM and rushes across to join the Dying MARCUS RAVEN. RAVEN looks up at his friends.

MARCUS RAVEN:(Weakly)We did it. We stopped it.

LOGAN MASON:(Tearfully)You did it, Buddy.


(Sadly)The Seal, what does it say?

RAVEN:“Only self-sacrifice can hold back the host of Hell”



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(To CAIN)He’s dying! There has to be something we can do.

CAIN:Yes. There is a way, but at terrible price. But I think MARCUS RAVEN can bear the burden of it.

CAIN produces a container and opens it. He places the piece of fruit contained within in RAVEN’S mouth. RAVEN weakly swallows, then opens his eyes. His wounds instantly heal. He stands. His eyes turn bright blue.


CAIN:The last piece of the Fruit from the Tree of Eternal Life on this earth… The Archangel Michael told me to give it to the one who could bear the everlasting burden of being his Brother’s KEEPER.

RAVEN:It is not a burden. It is a privilege and an honor. But why, why me?

CAIN:Because in six thousand years, you are the first man I have found who can bear the responsibility.


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…And because you are my grandson!My DNA gave your father great strength and long life. He served as his brother’s KEEPER for over two hundred years. It was a heavy burden, one you must now bear till The End of Days.

CAIN smiles at RAVEN and hands him the sword of St. Michael. Look after this will you? There is still much to be done. Many powerful spirits escaped the pit. They will have to be dealt with.(To LOGAN)The new Grand Master of the KEEPERS has an opening in his council of ELDERS.

He slides the ring he took from the traitor Elder onto LOGAN’S finger.I know of no one better to fill the position.(To TF121)All of you, It is time to embrace the fullness of what it means to be your brother’s KEEPER. Untold knowledge has been unlocked by the Archival Crystals. The information must be protected. It must be used wisely. Many dark forces will seek to take the Archives from you.

KELLY ORLÉANS:(To CAIN)And what of you?



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Some things are best left the stuff of legend. It is time for me to return to the shadows, but I will never be far. I will be watching.

CAIN moves up the corridor. Just before he disappears, he crosses his flaming swords in salute.

CUT TO:TITLE: TAMPA FLORIDA -6 MONTHS LATERINT. LOGAN MASON’S OFFICE – DAYWe see LOGAN talking on the phone sitting behind his desk. On the wall is a huge collection of weapons.

LOGAN MASON:(On the phone)CONDOR? MASON here. I just heard from RAVEN. He and KELLY have tracked a WATCHER to Darfur. It has possessed a local warlord and is consolidating its forces – including a number of NEPHILIM. They just decimated a large village. MARCUS has set up a triage for the survivors. He needs backup ASAP. The enemy forces are closing in on them.

CUT TO:EXT. AN AIRFIELDCONDOR walks towards a jet as he talks on the phone.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:(Over radio)


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TF121 is deploying. Can RAVEN and ORLÉANS hold their own until we arrive? Our ETA is 1500 hours Zulu time.


LOGAN MASON:(On the phone)Oh, I think they can manage. Oh, And CONDOR, Tell VESPER to give me a call when you get back.

LOGAN hangs up the phone and exits the room.


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CUT TO:EXT. KATANA INTERNATIONAL’S PARKING LOT LOGAN walks up to his new Lamborghini. He looks at it lovingly, gets in and speeds off. The phone rings.

LOGAN MASON:(On the phone)TRACI? Hey, Yes… Yes. Monaco was a blast. Glad you and TIFFANY enjoyed it. You are doing a fashion show in Paris? No. Sorry, I can’t make it. I may have to have to make a business trip to Africa, and I am actually kinda serious about someone now. Yea… She’s a real killer beauty!

CUT TO:INT: A MILITARY TRANSPORT JETWe see TF121 along with a new group of members geared up and strapped in as the plane takes off. We see CONDOR chamber a round into a Glock 17 pistol and then holster the weapon. As he does so THE CAMERA notes the KEEPER ring on his finger.

KAT VESPER:It is good to have you with us Sir, but I can’t believe you turned down the promotion.

MAJ. JAMES CONDOR:…Can’t see myself behind a desk, besides “COL. CONDOR” sounds like a comic book character.


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CUT TO:EXT. The MORNING SKY – DAYBREAKWe see the jet disappear into the rising sun.


So what’s the story with you and MASON?

KAT VESPER:(V.O)I think he may be a KEEPER.

CUT TO:INT. AN AIRPORT GATE IN AFRICAWe see passengers unloading from an arriving flight. LILITH gets off the plane and smiles. She takes off her dark glasses as the camera ZOOMS IN on her sparkling unnaturally green eyes.

LILITH:Time to bring a little more Darkness to the Dark Continent!

ZOOM OUT:Off in the distance, amid the bustle of the crowd, we see a man making his way towards LILITH. It is CAIN. As he draws closer to LILITH, a huge man dressed in white with long black hair blocks CAIN’S way. When he sees the man, CAIN stops dead in his tracks. His eyes widen.



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THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL:Hello CAIN. It has been a long time…We need to talk.

MICHAELS imposing angelic wings materialize for just an instant then they fade away.

CUT TO:TITLE: “DARFUR REFUGEE CAMP”EXT. A VILLAGE IN DARFURWe see a village in ruins. Vehicles carrying troops converge on it. A medical facility is set up in the church in the center of the village. Enemy SOLDIERS converge on the church. They kick in the door and rush in.

CUT TO:INT. CHURCH MEDICAL FACILITYAs THE SOLDIERS enter we see MARCUS RAVEN standing over a bed treating a wounded child. His back is to the door. KELLY stands on the opposite side of the bed. THE SOLDIERS begin to shout commands at RAVEN in Arabic. RAVEN and KELLY seem oblivious to their presence.A SOLDIER grabs RAVEN by the shoulder and moves to stick a gun in his face.KELLY suddenly looks up and spreads her arms. They burst into flaming wings. RAVEN turns to face his attacker. He looks up and smiles. He raises a fist, which bursts into flames. He punches the attacker in the face and FIRE ENGULFS THE SCREEN. THE FILM seems to burn out from the center leaving a black background.



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