buried piping

8/13/2019 Buried Piping http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/buried-piping 1/26 What Lies Beneath A Comprehensive Look at the Inspection of Buried Plant Piping Brant Shields

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What Lies Beneath

A Comprehensive Look at the

Inspection of Buried Plant Piping

Brant Shields

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Technical Manager 

Over 20 years in the inspection and NDE field.

Currently hold API 510 Inspection of Pressure essels and API

!5" Inspection of A#ove $round %tora&e 'an(s

$uided )ltrasonics *evel I +advanced, and C%-IP *evel II.

Certified *evel II in )ltrasonics Penetrant testin& /a&netic

Particle testin& and isual inspection.

I also copleted trainin& in Direct Assessent of #uried &as and

liuid pipelines 3 assessent and $- assessent of cased

road crossin&s.

I have ana&ed nuerous pro4ects involvin& ECDAICDA on

natural &as as 6ell as liuid pipelines.

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Buried Plant Piping Inspection


  )tili7in& direct assessent

ethodolo&y to inspect

#uried process pipin& to

a8ii7e results and costeffectiveness.

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Buried Plant Piping!"#stacles

9  :ound in ost all facilities

9  /ost non; pi&&a#le

9  %hort len&ths

9  Coplicated


9  *iited access

9  In soe cases; liited


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9 Developed fornatural gastransmission


9 Used for theinspection of non-piggable pipelines

9 Uses complimentarytechnologies toperform inspections

Direct Assessment- History

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Five Steps of Direct


9 Pre-Assessment (Gather Information on the


9 Indirect Examination (Gather Data on System)

9 Direct Examination (Excavation of Priority Areas)

9 Remediation (Repair or Replacement)

9 Post-Assessment (Effectiveness of Remediation)

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Inspection of Buried Piping

9 'here are any different

considerations to #e &iven 6hen

inspectin& #uried pipin&. %oe


9 1. Pipin& location si7e and


9 2. Accessi#ility of #uried portion

9 ". Any value of cathodic


9 =. Potential for corrosion

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$istorical %ata

9 evie6in& past history canprovide a 6ealth ofinforation. 'his inspectionpractice is already used #ythe a4ority of en&ineer andinspection personnel.

9 >ears of service

9 Past corrosion pro#les

9 %iilar service

9 Chan&es in service

9 Pipin& specifications

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Buried Piping! %amage Mechanisms

9 3uried pipin& typically involvesore plannin& and liited accessto perfor siilar a#ove &radeinspections. %everal conditionsarise 6hen perforin& inspectionson #uried pipin&; only the solutions&et ore difficult.

9 %oe daa&e echaniss

9 ErosionCorrosion

9 InternalE8ternal

9 Coatin& dis#ondent

9 Inherent ill defects

9 Insta#ility

9 'hird Party Daa&e

9 %oil to Air Interface

9 Environental crac(in&

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&evie' of Techni(ues

9 3y utili7in& soe ethods fro DA in con4unction6ith advanced NDE ethods users can identifyhi&h conseuence areas. /ethods to #e revie6ed<

9CIPS )Close Interval Potential %urvey,

9 %C*G (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)

9 AC*G (Alternating Current Voltage Gradient)

9 GW +$uided -ave )ltrasonics,

9 A+T (Automated Ultrasonics)

9 AC,M (Alternating Field Current Measurement)

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9 /ost cases; this is

already perfored if

the pipin& in uestion

has CP9 /easure the pipe to

soil potential

9 Current is interrupted

to provide Btrue


9  Assessent e8tends

for the entire len&th of

the pipin&

Close Interval Potential Surve-


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9 Measres volta!e

!radient on "ried


9 Measres the crrent

attenation todetermine coatin!

#ality and inte!rity

9 Difference is spplied

crrent  D$%G ses plsed

D$ crrent

  A$%G ses isolated

A$ crrent

%irect and Alternating Current *oltage


)%C*G / AC*G.

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9 &ing of transducers)collar0tool. is placed

on the pipe

9Pressured 'ith air )23

to 43 psi.

9 Instrument and laptop


9 Waves sent do'n the

pipe #i!directionall-

9 &esults are anal-1ed 

Guided Waves! General Information

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Guided Wave +ltrasonics

9  5uantitative method

9  A#ove0Belo' grade

9  Limited #- somepiping configurations

9  %istance limited #-


9  Can locate areas ofpro#a#le concern

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GW Applications

9 Soil to air interface

9 Buried piping 'ith someaccessi#ilit-

9 %ike0containment penetrations

9 Sleeved road crossings

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A+T General Information

9 Technolog- driven to ensure complete


9 6liminate human error 

9 +ses semi or completel- automated raster t-pe

or encoded scanning s-stems

9 Man- s-stems include A!scan7 B!scan and C!

scan displa-s )%!scan also availa#le.

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Automated +ltrasonics

9 5ualitative results

9 Scanned image in colormap or gridded format

9 $igh temperatures can #e


9 Limited configurations

9 Piping has to #e fairl-clean

9 All pipeline coatings haveto #e removed

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A+T Applications

9 An- piping 89 and greater )t-picall-.

9 Guided Wave verification points

9 Pipeline surve-s for detailedinspection

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AC,M General Information

9 +ses an alternating current field 'hich flo's

on the surface of the pipe #eing inspected

9 %istur#ances in the current field locate cracks

9 +sed as a replacement for conventional Magnetic

Particle and Li(uid Penetrate testing

9 Standard pro#es can operate through non!

conductive coatings up to 3mm thick

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Alternating Current ,ield


9 Capa#le of detectingand si1ing cracks in

most metals

9 +ses B: and B1components to(uantif- and si1ecracks

9 Can provide accuratedata for engineeringcalculations

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AC,M Applications

9 Locating environmental

cracking )SCC.

9 Si1ing cracking defects

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The “Miracle Tool

9%iply does not


FFAll ethods and technolo&ies should #e used

to coplient other inspections.

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!eys to a Successful


9 Ipleentation of the correct inspectiontechniue

9 Pro;active use of ne6 technolo&ies

9 Gno6 the liitations of the techniue

9 In ost cases the euipent is only as &oodas the technician.

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Thank ;ou #

9 HuestionsCoents