bulletin may 25th


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St. Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16th Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334 www.stphi l ipneripdx.org

Parish Office 503.231.4955 | Fax 503.736.1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists’

committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we,

the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to

promote unity for all God’s creation through worship, education, and service

toward the common good.

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 25th

, 2014


RIGATONI PRICES Frozen Rigatoni will be sold after the Saturday evening

Mass May 24th and Sunday Morning Mass May 25th in Carvlin Hall. Prices for Rigatoni are $15 for three

dozen. There will be a limit of 4 packages per family. Thank you!

FUN FACTS- DID YOU KNOW? The Vatican's largest export is postage stamps!

CATHOLIC TRIVIA: What is the term for the change of bread and wine into

the Body and Blood of Christ during the Mass? Transubstantiation.

'Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my

flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.'

- St. John, 6:54,55


GRADUATIONS! In June we celebrate graduations from the 8th grade to High School for four of our young people:

Meghan Gorman & Malakai Salu: All Saints will have

their graduation on June 11, 6:30 in the church. Isaac Cannon --Jennifer Lillie’s son: St.Mary

Magdalene will have his graduation on June 10, 7pm in the church. Felix Wasongolo: Holy Cross will have his

graduation on June 10, 7pm in the school hall.

We are happy for them and we thank all of our parishioners who have helped support their efforts!

POPE FRANCIS “To protect creation, to protect every man and every

woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope; it is to let a shaft of

light break through the heavy clouds; it is to bring the warmth of hope!” (3/19/13)

BREAKFAST LADIES MAY 2014 Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Page 2: Bulletin May 25th

Next Sunday’s Scripture Readings: The Ascension of the Lord

June 1st, 2014

Reading 1, Acts, 1:1-11

Responsorial Psalm, 47:2—3, 6-7, 8-9 (6) Reading 2, Ephesians 1:17-23

Gospel, Matthew 28:16-20

Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday, May 25, 2014


Sunday, May 25: 9:30amMass †Ngo Vau Du Church

10:30amMass Deaf Community Mass Chapel Monday, May 26: 8:00am Mass †For the deceased Chapel

Tuesday, May 27: 8:00am Mass For the sick Chapel

Wednesday, May 28: 8:00am Mass For the poor Chapel Thursday, May 29: 8:00am Mass †Jo Spada (B) Church

Friday, May 30: 12:10pmMass †Dick Nass (B) Church Saturday, May 31: 8:00am Mass Theresa Donna Oh Chapel

4:00pm Mass †Bob Huber Church Sunday, June 1: 9:30am Mass †Ngo Vau Du Church

10:30amMass Deaf Community Mass Chapel

Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.

Church cleaning for May 26th through June 1st: Marie Tedesco and Joanne Dindia

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am – Noon on Mondays 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday Office: 503.231.4955


Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center Business Manager Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 118, [email protected] Jeanne McPherson, x 103, [email protected]

Associate Pastor Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x114, [email protected] Rose Wolfe, x101, [email protected]

Director of Adult Faith Formation Maintenance and Grounds Barbara Harrison, x107, [email protected] Edward Danila, [email protected]

Receptionist/Bulletin Editor Angelica Liharik, x102, [email protected]

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is Tuesday at Noon prior to the Sunday Mass.

SIDEWALK REPAIR Assisted by a Safety Grant from the Archdiocese's Annual Catholic Appeal funds, we continue sidewalk repairs on Hickory Street.


Paulist Seminarians Frances Caruso

Page 3: Bulletin May 25th

Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday, May 25, 2014 Greetings!

Many of us are checking our ‘bucket lists’ to see what are the ‘important things’ we want to do---or see---before we can no longer physically or mentally enjoy them. Imagine for some people that writing that list is really easy. Not so for me. Just as I scratch one item off----more ‘things’ seem to come along. That could be a sign that I plan to live a long life! Since Fabric Debot is having a big ‘spring’ sale I decided to re-organize my bucket list. Or maybe it is the Holy Spirit making ‘suggestions’ again. When I read the following news release---I went back to the list and made sure I included some ‘big spiritual’ opportunities also. “About 60 retired or active duty U.S. military personnel packed their uniforms, flags, wheelchairs, canes and the inevitable emotional baggage of their daily struggles to take part in a pilgrimage to Lourdes. While many of these men and women, who had been injured in some way in the line of duty, went to seek peace and healing from this sacred place, some said they also found enormous and unexpected blessings from the people they encountered on their journey. The soldiers, together with family members or caregivers, took part in a "Warriors to Lourdes" pilgrimage, sponsored by the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services and the Knights of Columbus. The Knights covered the costs for the wounded personnel for the weeklong encounter of prayer, healing and friendship. For many of them, the May 13-19 visit to Lourdes -- where Mary appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 -- was their first pilgrimage ever. Kirsten Sippel-Klug, a physical therapist at the U.S. Army Health Clinic in Stuttgart, Germany, went on the pilgrimage as a volunteer to serve soldiers needing assistance. At first her idea was just to help others on their spiritual journey; she did not think much about her own. She said she saw going to Lourdes as a service, a way to honor her very Catholic grandmother, and as a way to get a "jumpstart back to an active religious faith" after fighting stage 3 breast cancer. She said the language and cultural barriers at her local German parish have kept her from truly feeling a part of the faith community. “(Catholic News Service) I don’t think I will be going to Lourdes----but I could get to the Grotto. Or I could take a pilgrimage to visit someone I haven’t seen in a long time. Or maybe I could sit in my backyard and let God do the talking for a change! Deo Gratias--------Barbara M. Harrison

SHARING OUR FAITH CAPTIAL CAMPAIGN It has been suggested by the Archdiocese to remind parishioners who made pledges to the Sharing Our Faith,

Shaping our Future Capital Campaign to continue with their pledge promises and the parish wants parishioners to be reminded that St. Philip receives a portion of your pledges which has provided the parish with needed assistance

for their general operating budget. Included with the letter updating the parishes on the campaign, was a check made payable to the parish for $1,179.00 which was based on your generous donations. Thank you to all of you

who are fulfilling your pledge promises.

DIVISION/CLINTON FAIR UPDATES This year's Street Fair will be on Saturday, July 26. The Pastoral Council began hosting a children's concert two years ago and it has become an important annual event. We offer a free concert & church tours. We sell hot dogs,

Polish sausage, chips, soda, juice, & water. We were fortunate to have much of the major event costs donated, but

as with many things, donor's ability to continue has changed. We are looking for donations to help us cover the cost of the musician's as well as food and other expenses. If you can assist us with contributions, just drop

donations in an envelope in the collection marked Street Fair or mail it to the office. As always we also need volunteers to help plan and on the day of the event! Questions? Attend the meeting on Sunday, June 8 after the

9:30am Mass or e-mail Rose [email protected].

STEWARDSHIP CORNER Disciples as Stewards: All disciples as followers of Jesus and as members of the Church are called to discipleship and stewardship. Mature disciples make a conscious decision to follow Jesus, no matter the cost. And Christian

disciples experience conversions – life shaping changes of mind and heart, committing themselves to the Lord. Christian stewards respond in a particular way to be a disciple. Stewardship has the power to shape and mold our

understanding of our lives and the ways in which we live. Jesus’ disciples and Christian stewards recognize God as

the origin of life, giver of freedom and sources of all things. We are grateful for the gifts we have received and are eager to use them to show love for God and for one another. We look to the life of Jesus for guidance in living as

Christian stewards.