bulletin - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee...

fMMMMMMMRBBrilinMwn, wii rm ym iihi m mi imiiiiMiiiii frws JBfHJJ aM Cnp biiAiufnff .... finu in The oldest and best. j v. ..if, ..v - r Advertise to proflC Reliable and rowsy. Evening" Bulletin f Consult the patc6ns6i Uniformly leads. Tim The Evening Uullctl Evening Bulletin docs - Vol. V. No. 810. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, 3TEBRUAIIY 17, 1898. PttlOB 5 OlJNTS. !C iK H ' it- - V '1 , ' i A T I j i it w- - "l , y . ti Vi s ;t .' T r H' Pure, Rich Blood is tho noil in which roots life, health, strength, happiness. Tho soil of tho blood enn bo drained or impoverished llko any other soil, and can bo fertil- ized and nourished in a similar way. Yon can get back tho old spring and enap. You can enjoy labor by day and sleep by night. You can cat your food with tho Hearty Appetite of health, if you only supply tho blood with its lacking nutriment; vitalizo it, or if you like, fertilizo it. A largo number of so called tonic remedies tiro disguised stimulants. -- Aycr's Sarsaparilla Is not a stimu- lant but a nourishment. It feed3 tho blood nnd so enriches it, ns well as purifies it. That is why physi- cians recommend AYESTS arsaparilla UswAn of Imitation.. The name Ajcr'e Sarnpurlllft I. prominent on tha wrapper anil dlown In tha plan of each bottle. AVER'S FILLS FOR INDIGESTION. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd Solo Aicents for the Repnbllo of Hawaii. H.LGEAR, G.D.QEAR, 911 Sansome St., S. F. 310 Klny St., U I. GEAR & GEAR L.A."WYER.S. r5ai Francisco and jjoaolulu HavlnR offices lu Sn Francisco aud Honolulu we are prepared toalteui) promptly to all mttera entrusted to us In either of alil places. GIAWAMAX Mercantile Agency 210 King street. Difficult Collections a Specialt) D. GEAR, LA.WYER. Corner of King uii'l Hethel Btreetp, Soco'id Floor. William A. Henshall, Attorney at Law r 1 113 H.vihnmnnu Str&ot Tele. 603. CHARLES F. PETERSON, A.ttornoy at Law and !N"otarv Public. Kaaiiumanu Btreot. W. S. EDI3ST&S, Counsellor at Law. Corunr Bnthol anil King Streets, Honolulu, H. f. a., cwall; d. d. s., DENTIST. Vew love's Dnilding, Fort Street. TELEPHONE AM. (HLBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IIILO, HAWAII BIENNIAL FINANCE REPORT Synopsis of Minister Damon's.' Recom- mendations to the Legislature. Comparative Review of (be Finances of the Republic Since Us Organization Tbe LoAn Fund. In his roport to tho Legislature, copies of which woro nvulo public yesterday afternoon, Minister Da mon soys that it has beon so ar- ranged thut a comparative review of tho yoars in which tho Republic Imh bueu established cau be mnre with n viow of facilitating tbe study of tho financial condition by the Legislature. Tho present system of keeping nccounts can bo materially im proved by adopting the sugges tions coutainpd in tho report of Mes-r- s. T. 0. Porto, G. R. Carter and AV, A. Bowcn to the last Leg- - isiHiure. Tlie receipts for 189G and 1807 amounted to S1,161,148.G7, nnd the receipts foi the previous biennial period amount, d. to 83.500,789.04 allowing nn in reaso ot SuGd,-35- 9 G3 Tho oxpoudituies for 180G and 1897. amounted to S3 823,575 61. autl thi expenditures for tho pie vious biennial peri .d umonnto) t 83,0(52880.00 showing an ato of 8105,088.85. The revenues of tho Republic nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third of tht total receipts. TAXES. The total taxes collected during 1895 wqro 8592,09192; durum 18'JG were 8098,813 85 and during ioii were sou.Yuays. Thin shows a (rain in 189G over 1895 of $00,8(50.13, nnd again iu 1897 over 1895 of S 107,01 2.UG The total taxes paid by coipor-a- ti ns iu 1895 wero 8133,020.38; iu 1890 wero 8207,370 03, and iu 1897 whw S222.1G0.77. Th.s shows a Kain iu 1890 ov-- r 1895 of 25, and a pain in 1897 over 1895 of 889,440 39 From this it will nppnar that of tho totul iucreiise ot taxes ovor 1895; viz: S107.012.0G, tho cor- porations have contributed to wauls thit gtin 889,410.39, or about 54 per cent. Uudnr this head the Minister says that the equ ilizing of ass9ss mouts as b 'tween corporation demaudd earuot attention. An eurupst rpcotnraendation is n'so mxde for the remission of p ill taxes as being ii bunion on the poorer class of taxpayers. CUSTOMS liUUEMJ. Following in rel'ttivo iraport-anc- o is to Customs Bureau, which show mu incronso of rev nue over the preceding period of 8293,472 40; the toUI lovonue for 1894 189.)b-iu- g 81,071,910 41 aud the total for 1890-189- 7, 81,305,388.87. The countneo modt affected by this increase arotho United State-- . and Groat Britain. Tho vnluo of imports from tho United HtateB shows an increaso of 83,393,020; nun urreac uriiain ropreBonts an increaso of 8084.979; other coun- tries showing slight increases. The percontact of imports from the United Slates wits seventy-sev- en and sixty four per cent.; from Great 13r- i- Money-bac- k dealing is or ganized honesty safety If you prefer it. Your money back if you don't like Schilling's Best bak ing powder and tea. , A Sthilllnp & Company ' ddii I inmiiu 1101 tA ,.uts.r.;.,w.i : r v j . , . an t. n and twelvon.-hundredt- hs per cout.: the rotnairtinK twelve aiid twonty-fo- ur ontvliumlrcdtliB P'T cont. being divided fairly equally botwee'n Germany, China, Japan aud the Colonies. Since tho now law went into effect increasing tho duties on sake, thn importations of that wine have practically ceased. As so Inrge a portiou of our population is accustomed to the ubo of this wiue tho Minister recommends that tho duty bo mado to conform to tho Unitod Spates tariff, viz.: 00 cents per callon. Tho importation of California wines for 1894 and 1895 was 202, 195 gallons and for 1890 and 1897 was 334,232 gallons Tho importation of sake for 1894 and 1895 was 229,725 gallons and for tho year 1896 and six months of 1897 was 384,125 gallons. Tho exports show a very grati- fying increase of S13,922,072 tor this period. This incfease is unturnlly in our pro-ten- t principal products, suirar and rije, though coffeo is now becoming more of a factor in our exports, lu viow of tho .growing importance of this latter industry, a commission of men interested in its promotion and the securing of foreign mar- kets for its sale is advued, this commission to havo 8500 placed at its disposal for procuring uat on needed and securing reti.ient agents in foreign mar- kets. The transportation of so largo an amount of export- - and imports has t equ i red an increased tonnage, which the Unit-- d States 1 ads with 04 vessels, Great Britain 60, Hawaii 22, Jtqnn 13 and all others 9. The total number of ships .ntering in tho previous period was 058 and in tho present 813. A revised system of registration of vesbols under the Hawaiian flag is sug- gested, and an iucroaou appro- -, priatir.n f..r customs inspectors and guatds is said to bo necessary from the great iucrease in bue," mss. INTERNAL ItEVENUE. Under tho head of intornal rev- enues nre clnastd the receipts from tho Interior office, the land rovtnues; tho maikot; water works; registry of deeds; San Francisco consulate feet; roven'ue stampn; Giies, penalties and costs; and (Jovernmont realiz ttions. Tho total of rents rocoived from land leases both from tho Interior Department aud Land Office in 1897 was 8128,002 04, and in 1897, S142.127.50. The land sales wero in 1890, S30.432 2G, and in 1897, $97,900.20. As an investment Mr. Damon say that nothinc pays the Gov- ernment b 'tt-- r dividonds for the sum iuvot-t'- than tho Honolulu Market. This has inuroasod from 1891, S0.309 to 88,575 in 1897, not to mention tho improved appear- ance of tho buildiug and sur- roundings. Tho water works show an in- crease from 810,925 in 1894 to 802.414 iu 1897. The Rocistry of D ods Buroau shows nn increase from 88,800 in 1891 to 813,388 iu 1897. Rsvouuo stamps show an in- crease from 823,051 in 1894 to 841,501.50 iu 1897, duo to ft.rge laud sales, now incorporations aud more vigilant inspection of the stamping of labor contracts. These figures aro irrespective of Customs revenue stamps, other wise accounted for. Fines, penalties and costs show mi inoroaso from. 858,993 in 1894 to SG1,514 iu 1897. Government realizations show an increase from $8,441 in 1894 to 831,818 in 1897. EXPENDITURES. For tho year 1894, tho total ex- penditure under tho head of Cur rent Account of all kinds v,as Sl,053,77a; in 1895, 82,009,114; dutiug which year tho insurreo tion and cholera epidemic oo cutred; in 1890, $1,904,190; in 1897, $1,924,384. Though the total expenditures have run so equally for the last throe years, there have been Continued on Second Pago. LEGISLATURE IN SESSION Several Ministerial Bills Already Intro- duced In Both Houses. Representatives Indulge Id Utile Breezes Com- mittees of the House Judge Wilcox Fleeted Interpreter. THIS HIJNATi:. President "SVildor called tho Souato to ordor at 10 a. m. and Chaplain Pearson opened tho proceedincs with prayer. Tho minutes of yesterday's meeting were road and approved. On uioti .m Senators Wntorhouse and Lymau wereappoiuted a com mittee to notify tho President that tho Senate was organized for buei uo?s. Copies of tho partial roport of tho Chief Justico wore dietribubd Minister Damon prosentod tho President's mess ige, togethor with copies thoroof nnd the roport of the Minister of Foreigii Affairs for tho bionninl period. Under eusponciou of tho rules Minister Damon introduced the following bills: Souate Bill No. 1 An Act to appropriate money for tho ex ponsos of tho sossion. Senate Bill No. 2 An Act to appropriate additional money for tho purpose of building school housod throughout tho Republic. Senate Bill No. 3 Au Act mak ing appropriations for the pay- ment of claims, unpaid bills and salaries duo prior to December 31, 1897. Souate Bill No. 4 An Act mak ing special appropriations for the departmental use of tho Govern- ment during tho two years which will oncl with tho 31et day of De- cember in tho year 1899. Senate Bill No. 5 -- An Act to jsnuoud Act 73 of tho Laws of the Provisional Government approved tho 20th day of April. 1894. enti- tled "An Act making special ap- propriations for salaries aud pay rolls during the two years which will end with the 31st day of March, A. D. 189G. On motion Ssnato Bills No. 1 and 2 wero referred to tho Com jnitteo on Priutiug and Seuate Bills 3, 4 and 5 wero laid on tho table to await the Hawaiian ver sion. Senator Holstein introduced a resolution that conios nf the Lnun of 1890 as well as tho Civil and Peual Codes as rovisod be fur-nisb- each member of tho Sen ate Carried. On motion tho Committoo 911 Printing were authorized to om ploy a typewriter and translator At 10:10, on motion of Senator WaterhousPjtho Senate adjourned. TIIH IIOU.HE. Represouttttivo Loobenstcin rapped for ordor at 10 o'clock almrp. Committee on Credentials re- ported papers of S K. Kaeo in due form. Chairman Loebenstein excused Mr. Kaeo unlil other business had been disposed of. Attornoy General Smith raised the point that the ncoeptauco of members was most important and should precede nil other matters. Royal rok the food pure, wbolctome and dcUcUua. POWDER Absolutely Puro ovM. ukim powmh es.. Nfw vtxnc. Chief JusticeJudd was summoned and administered tho oath to Mr. Kaeo. Mr. Kaai nominated Mr. Kaulu-ko- u for Spakor. Ho was unani- mously elected. ' Ou taking tho chair Mr. Kaulu kou said ho felt tho positio J to be ono of groat responsibility. Groat desiro was that tho business of tho Houso should bo conducted for tho liobt iutorcsts of overy person losiding in tho country. Tho work of tho House will bo a monument of notno kind. Mr. Kaulukou closod by asking for tho assistance of tho Houso in conducting tlo business For Vice Spoakor S. W. Kaai was nominated and unanimously oloctod. On motion of Mr. Aclii, James N. K. Keola was unanimously chosen pormanout secretary. Un motion of Mr. liaai, Rev. J. Waiamau was elected chap lain. Mr. Kaai wus appointed a com mit 00 of ono to notify Rev. "Wui-uma- u ot his election. J. D. Tucker was unanimously olecto I permanent sergeant-at-ar- ms and messenger. Messrs. Robortson, Pogue nnd Isonberg wero appointed a com mittoe to uotify tho Actinc Presi dent that tho Houso was ready for business. Finally, on motion of Mr. Ro- bertson it was voted the sou60 of tho Houso that section 14 of the Rulos does not apply to tho Speaker. Secretary Keola aud Sorguant nt-ar- Tuoker wore then sworn in. For the Ministers tho Alt rue Genornl presented copies in Erg lish and Hawaiian of tho messago, reports of Foreign Affairs, lute rior, Attornoy-Geuoiu- l, Board of Health an! prelimimry of Fi nance departments. Mr. Richards moved tlia' conios of tho Penal air! Civil Codes bo di tr bnto l to membors of the Home. Tho Attorney-Gener- al stn'od the codes would soon bo ready for dis tribution. Mr. Achi moved an amt'omeut to Mr. Richards' motion lo in elude "any boqks roquired." Mr. Richards' motion ptovailed. Mr. Achi offered a resolution making the hours of busiiios in the Houso from 10 to 12 a m and 1 to 4 p m. this whs opposed bv Mr. Robert-ou- , whrt thought a mooting Lour for eacu'riiiy mere'y was sufficient to declare iu Remarks worp made by M'-ssr- Achi, Kaai, Loebenstein and others. Mr. Achi mado tho point thai Mr. Robortsou's motion was out of ordor. Sustained by the chair. Mr Loebenst'in cnutendoil ttiat Mr. Acln's ros,olution waB not on proper paper and was thnrfore out of order. Overruled. Mr. Looboustoin then contended that the resolution would havo to go over to next session. Mr. Koborttou appealed from the decision of tho cnair relative to hisamendmont. Sustained by a vote of 10 to 3. Amended reso- lution thon passed. Tho following commi tees wer announced: 1. Foreign Relations A. G M. Uobertson, A. T. Atkinsonw V. F. Pogue. 2. Judiciary A. G. M. Robert son, "V. C. Achi, S. K. Kneo. 2. Finance V. F. Pogue, A. V. Gear, J. D. Paris. 4. Public Lands and Internal Improvements A. G. M. Robert-so- u, L. L McCondless.S. W. Kaai. 5 Commerce, Agriculture aud Manufactures S.G.Wildor, P. Ii. Iseuberg, 13. E Richards. G. Public Health aud Educa tion A. V. Gear, A. T. A'kinBon, D. H. Kahaulolio. 7. Military P. 11. Isenberg, A. V. Gear, S. W. Kriai. 8. Enrollment, Revision and Printing E. E. Richards, J. D. Paris, S. K. Kaeo. 9. Accounts L. L. McCand-lose- , 8. G. Wilder, D. Ii. Knbu. ulelio. 10. Rules D. H. Kalmiilelio, A. V. Gear, W. 0. Achi. Those Joint Oommi'tecs wero appointed: 1. Forrign A. T. At kinson, A. G. M. Robortson, W. F. Pogue. 2. Judiciary A., G. M. Rbert-so- n, W O, Achi, S. K. Khoo. 3. Finnncp AV. F. Pogue, A. Ar. Gear, J."D.Paris. dAPublioLa'uds and Internal IniDrovofoeuis A B. Loebenstein, L. LMcCaudless, AV. 0 Achi. 5. Public Health and L lucstin A. V. Gear, A. T. Atkiusou, D. H. Kahaulolio. G. Rules D H. Kahnulelio, S. AV K-iai- , J.D.Paiis. 7. Pafsed Bill-- . E. E. Rich- ards, S. G. Wilder and !. R. Attorney- - General Smith avo notico of his intouti in to intro- duce several bills. An A- -t to amend nn Act of tho last ses-io- n to reorganize the judiciary and nn Act relating to of sen- tence in cerinin critniiiul cises wore preeouted nud pnssed nr6t reading. Judgo AV L. Wilcox was ap- pointed permanent interpreter of tho House. Tho Attotnoy-Gen-or- al HUguested that the District Magls'rato could hardly bo spar ed. Mr. Loebenstein insisted, howovt r, that there was a 8ub magistrate nud tho House could not well do without Mr. Wilcox. Adjourned to 10 a. in. tomor- row. In tliw Piity Vnull. The funeral of Chnr'oi W. Doy yesterday afternoon was masonic. At tho Temple Mrs. Woodward sans, by request of tho family, " Nearer My God to The 0," a fav- orite hymu of deceased Wruy Taylor officiated at the oigan. In tho Temple the cai-k- u cover-o- d with cnlla lilies. The icmaius were-deposite- iu the P.it vault to await the return of Dr. Day from thi a'at"B. Xm It I Tho au a ex to the B II s.vitch-- b ard iu the tel jihouo oflko was plsced this morning. It was prac- tically manufactured by Captain J. W. Pratt, with the ansislauca of Superintendent Cn-sid- aud Chas. S. Crane. Tho addition enables tie company 10 iniiko all connec- tions at ouco. A new modorn switchbotrd wll airiva Irom Chicago iu about six weeks. Grrat Ntorm nt Wnlalnr. The greatest rainstorm of years prevailed at Wnlalao between tho hours of 1 and 5 this morning. Ston6 fences were washed away and a tremendous freshet swept down the valleys aud guloh-s- . In many places tl.o roiida were seri- ously damaged. Th 1 storm was njcompanied by lightniug and thunder. lllcyclo Itncre Arr OfT. On account of the heavy rain of tho past 21 hours tho race pro- gram arranged for Cycloincro park this evening has been post- poned until the ovouing of Satur- day, February 2G. Domingo Parker, a Portuguese sailor, was urreBted today ou a charge of do-erti- from tho ship 1) amond Hond. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; CREAM BAKING POWDER A Pare drape Cream of Tartar Powdee. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARD. t vs L M m w t ,1 11 A- a A.1 ":i vm li

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Page 1: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third

fMMMMMMMRBBrilinMwn, wii rm ym iihi m mi imiiiiMiiiii frwsJBfHJJ aM

Cnp biiAiufnff.... finu in The oldest and best.j v. ..if, ..v -

r Advertise to proflC Reliable and rowsy.Evening" BulletinfConsult the patc6ns6i Uniformly leads. Tim

The Evening Uullctl Evening Bulletin docs-

Vol. V. No. 810. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, 3TEBRUAIIY 17, 1898. PttlOB 5 OlJNTS.


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Vis ;t



r H'

Pure, RichBlood

is tho noil in which roots life, health,strength, happiness. Tho soil of thoblood enn bo drained or impoverishedllko any other soil, and can bo fertil-ized and nourished in a similar way.Yon can get back tho old spring andenap. You can enjoy labor by dayand sleep by night. You can catyour food with tho


of health, if you only supply thoblood with its lacking nutriment;vitalizo it, or if you like, fertilizo it.A largo number of so called tonicremedies tiro disguised stimulants.--Aycr's Sarsaparilla Is not a stimu-lant but a nourishment. It feed3tho blood nnd so enriches it, ns wellas purifies it. That is why physi-cians recommend


UswAn of Imitation.. The name Ajcr'eSarnpurlllft I. prominent on tha wrapperanil dlown In tha plan of each bottle.


Hollister Drug Co., LtdSolo Aicents for the Repnbllo of Hawaii.


911 Sansome St., S. F. 310 Klny St., U I.


r5ai Francisco and jjoaolulu

HavlnR offices lu Sn Francisco audHonolulu we are prepared toalteui)promptly to all mttera entrusted tous In either of alil places.


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialt)



Corner of King uii'l Hethel Btreetp,Soco'id Floor.

William A. Henshall,

Attorney at Lawr


113 H.vihnmnnu Str&ot Tele. 603.


A.ttornoy at Law and!N"otarv Public.

Kaaiiumanu Btreot.


Counsellor at Law.

Corunr Bnthol anil King Streets,Honolulu, H. f.

a., cwall; d. d. s.,

DENTIST.Vew love's Dnilding, Fort Street.





Synopsis of Minister Damon's.' Recom-

mendations to the Legislature.

Comparative Review of (be Finances of the

Republic Since Us Organization

Tbe LoAn Fund.

In his roport to tho Legislature,copies of which woro nvulo publicyesterday afternoon, Minister Damon soys that it has beon so ar-

ranged thut a comparative reviewof tho yoars in which tho RepublicImh bueu established cau be mnrewith n viow of facilitating tbestudy of tho financial condition bythe Legislature.

Tho present system of keepingnccounts can bo materially improved by adopting the suggestions coutainpd in tho report ofMes-r- s. T. 0. Porto, G. R. Carterand AV, A. Bowcn to the last Leg- -isiHiure.

Tlie receipts for 189G and 1807amounted to S1,161,148.G7, nnd thereceipts foi the previous biennialperiod amount, d. to 83.500,789.04

allowing nn in reaso ot SuGd,-35- 9


Tho oxpoudituies for 180G and1897. amounted to S3 823,575 61.autl thi expenditures for tho pievious biennial peri .d umonnto) t83,0(52880.00 showing an ato

of 8105,088.85.The revenues of tho Republic

nr. practically diwded uudorth ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom?revouuti nnd internal revenueGich bearing about ono third oftht total receipts.


The total taxes collected during1895 wqro 8592,09192; durum18'JG were 8098,813 85 and duringioii were sou.Yuays. Thinshows a (rain in 189G over 1895 of$00,8(50.13, nnd again iu 1897 over1895 of S 107,01 2.UG

The total taxes paid by coipor-a- ti

ns iu 1895 wero 8133,020.38;iu 1890 wero 8207,370 03, and iu1897 whw S222.1G0.77. Th.s showsa Kain iu 1890 ov-- r 1895 of

25, and a pain in 1897 over1895 of 889,440 39

From this it will nppnar that oftho totul iucreiise ot taxes ovor1895; viz: S107.012.0G, tho cor-porations have contributed towauls thit gtin 889,410.39, orabout 54 per cent.

Uudnr this head the Ministersays that the equ ilizing of ass9ssmouts as b 'tween corporationdemaudd earuot attention. Aneurupst rpcotnraendation is n'somxde for the remission of p illtaxes as being ii bunion on thepoorer class of taxpayers.


Following in rel'ttivo iraport-anc-ois to Customs Bureau,

which show mu incronso ofrev nue over the preceding periodof 8293,472 40; the toUI lovonuefor 1894 189.)b-iu- g 81,071,910 41aud the total for 1890-189- 7,

81,305,388.87.The countneo modt affected by

this increase arotho United State-- .

and Groat Britain. Tho vnluo ofimports from tho United HtateBshows an increaso of 83,393,020;nun urreac uriiain ropreBonts anincreaso of 8084.979; other coun-tries showing slight increases.

The percontact of imports fromthe United Slates wits seventy-sev- en

and sixty fourper cent.; from Great 13r- i-

Money-bac- k dealing is organized honesty safety If youprefer it.

Your money back if youdon't like Schilling's Best baking powder and tea. ,

A Sthilllnp & Company 'ddii I inmiiu 1101

tA ,.uts.r.;.,w.i : r vj . , .

an t. n and twelvon.-hundredt- hs

per cout.: the rotnairtinK twelveaiid twonty-fo- ur ontvliumlrcdtliBP'T cont. being divided fairlyequally botwee'n Germany, China,Japan aud the Colonies.

Since tho now law went intoeffect increasing tho duties onsake, thn importations of that winehave practically ceased. As soInrge a portiou of our populationis accustomed to the ubo of thiswiue tho Minister recommendsthat tho duty bo mado to conformto tho Unitod Spates tariff, viz.: 00cents per callon.

Tho importation of Californiawines for 1894 and 1895 was 202,195 gallons and for 1890 and 1897was 334,232 gallons

Tho importation of sake for 1894and 1895 was 229,725 gallons andfor tho year 1896 and six monthsof 1897 was 384,125 gallons.

Tho exports show a very grati-fying increase of S13,922,072 torthis period. This incfease isunturnlly in our pro-ten- t principalproducts, suirar and rije, thoughcoffeo is now becoming more of afactor in our exports, lu viow oftho .growing importance of thislatter industry, a commission ofmen interested in its promotionand the securing of foreign mar-kets for its sale is advued, thiscommission to havo 8500 placedat its disposal for procuring uat

on needed and securingreti.ient agents in foreign mar-kets.

The transportation of so largoan amount of export- - and importshas t equ i red an increased tonnage,which the Unit-- d States 1 adswith 04 vessels, Great Britain 60,Hawaii 22, Jtqnn 13 and all others9. The total number of ships.ntering in tho previousperiod was 058 and in thopresent 813. A revisedsystem of registration of vesbolsunder the Hawaiian flag is sug-gested, and an iucroaou appro- -,

priatir.n f..r customs inspectorsand guatds is said to bo necessaryfrom the great iucrease in bue,"mss.


Under tho head of intornal rev-enues nre clnastd the receiptsfrom tho Interior office, the landrovtnues; tho maikot; waterworks; registry of deeds; SanFrancisco consulate feet; roven'uestampn; Giies, penalties and costs;and (Jovernmont realiz ttions.

Tho total of rents rocoived fromland leases both from tho InteriorDepartment aud Land Office in1897 was 8128,002 04, and in 1897,S142.127.50. The land sales weroin 1890, S30.432 2G, and in 1897,$97,900.20.

As an investment Mr. Damonsay that nothinc pays the Gov-ernment b 'tt-- r dividonds for thesum iuvot-t'- than tho HonoluluMarket. This has inuroasod from1891, S0.309 to 88,575 in 1897, notto mention tho improved appear-ance of tho buildiug and sur-roundings.

Tho water works show an in-

crease from 810,925 in 1894 to802.414 iu 1897.

The Rocistry of D ods Buroaushows nn increase from 88,800 in1891 to 813,388 iu 1897.

Rsvouuo stamps show an in-

crease from 823,051 in 1894 to841,501.50 iu 1897, duo to ft.rgelaud sales, now incorporationsaud more vigilant inspection ofthe stamping of labor contracts.These figures aro irrespective ofCustoms revenue stamps, otherwise accounted for.

Fines, penalties and costs showmi inoroaso from. 858,993 in 1894to SG1,514 iu 1897.

Government realizations showan increase from $8,441 in 1894 to831,818 in 1897.


For tho year 1894, tho total ex-

penditure under tho head of Current Account of all kinds v,asSl,053,77a; in 1895, 82,009,114;dutiug which year tho insurreotion and cholera epidemic oocutred; in 1890, $1,904,190; in1897, $1,924,384.

Though the total expenditureshave run so equally for the lastthroe years, there have been

Continued on Second Pago.


Several Ministerial Bills Already Intro-

duced In Both Houses.

Representatives Indulge Id Utile Breezes Com-

mittees of the House Judge Wilcox

Fleeted Interpreter.


President "SVildor called thoSouato to ordor at 10 a. m. andChaplain Pearson opened thoproceedincs with prayer.

Tho minutes of yesterday'smeeting were road and approved.

On uioti .m Senators Wntorhouseand Lymau wereappoiuted a committee to notify tho President thattho Senate was organized for bueiuo?s.

Copies of tho partial roport oftho Chief Justico wore dietribubd

Minister Damon prosentod thoPresident's mess ige, togethor withcopies thoroof nnd the roport ofthe Minister of Foreigii Affairsfor tho bionninl period.

Under eusponciou of tho rulesMinister Damon introduced thefollowing bills:

Souate Bill No. 1 An Act toappropriate money for tho exponsos of tho sossion.

Senate Bill No. 2 An Act toappropriate additional money fortho purpose of building schoolhousod throughout tho Republic.

Senate Bill No. 3 Au Act making appropriations for the pay-ment of claims, unpaid bills andsalaries duo prior to December31, 1897.

Souate Bill No. 4 An Act making special appropriations for thedepartmental use of tho Govern-ment during tho two years whichwill oncl with tho 31et day of De-

cember in tho year 1899.Senate Bill No. 5 -- An Act to

jsnuoud Act 73 of tho Laws of theProvisional Government approvedtho 20th day of April. 1894. enti-tled "An Act making special ap-propriations for salaries aud payrolls during the two years whichwill end with the 31st day ofMarch, A. D. 189G.

On motion Ssnato Bills No. 1and 2 wero referred to tho Comjnitteo on Priutiug and SeuateBills 3, 4 and 5 wero laid on thotable to await the Hawaiian version.

Senator Holstein introduced aresolution that conios nf the Lnunof 1890 as well as tho Civil andPeual Codes as rovisod be fur-nisb-

each member of tho Senate Carried.

On motion tho Committoo 911Printing were authorized to omploy a typewriter and translator

At 10:10, on motion of SenatorWaterhousPjtho Senate adjourned.


Represouttttivo Loobenstcinrapped for ordor at 10 o'clockalmrp.

Committee on Credentials re-ported papers of S K. Kaeo indue form.

Chairman Loebenstein excusedMr. Kaeo unlil other business hadbeen disposed of.

Attornoy General Smith raisedthe point that the ncoeptauco ofmembers was most important andshould precede nil other matters.

Royal rok the food pure,wbolctome and dcUcUua.

POWDERAbsolutely Puro

ovM. ukim powmh es.. Nfw vtxnc.

Chief JusticeJudd was summonedand administered tho oath to Mr.Kaeo.

Mr. Kaai nominated Mr. Kaulu-ko- u

for Spakor. Ho was unani-mously elected. '

Ou taking tho chair Mr. Kaulukou said ho felt tho positio J to beono of groat responsibility. Groatdesiro was that tho business of thoHouso should bo conducted fortho liobt iutorcsts of overy personlosiding in tho country. Thowork of tho House will bo amonument of notno kind. Mr.Kaulukou closod by asking fortho assistance of tho Houso inconducting tlo business

For Vice Spoakor S. W. Kaaiwas nominated and unanimouslyoloctod.

On motion of Mr. Aclii, JamesN. K. Keola was unanimouslychosen pormanout secretary.

Un motion of Mr. liaai, Rev.J. Waiamau was elected chaplain.

Mr. Kaai wus appointed a commit 00 of ono to notify Rev. "Wui-uma- u

ot his election.J. D. Tucker was unanimously

olecto I permanent sergeant-at-ar- ms

and messenger.Messrs. Robortson, Pogue nnd

Isonberg wero appointed a committoe to uotify tho Actinc President that tho Houso was readyfor business.

Finally, on motion of Mr. Ro-bertson it was voted the sou60 oftho Houso that section 14 of theRulos does not apply to thoSpeaker.

Secretary Keola aud Sorguantnt-ar- Tuoker wore then swornin.

For the Ministers tho Alt rueGenornl presented copies in Erglish and Hawaiian of tho messago,reports of Foreign Affairs, luterior, Attornoy-Geuoiu- l, Board ofHealth an! prelimimry of Finance departments.

Mr. Richards moved tlia'conios of tho Penal air!Civil Codes bo di tr bnto l

to membors of the Home.Tho Attorney-Gener- al stn'od thecodes would soon bo ready for distribution.

Mr. Achi moved an amt'omeutto Mr. Richards' motion lo inelude "any boqks roquired."

Mr. Richards' motion ptovailed.Mr. Achi offered a resolution

making the hours of busiiios inthe Houso from 10 to 12 a m and1 to 4 p m. this whs opposed bvMr. Robert-ou- , whrt thought amooting Lour for eacu'riiiy mere'ywas sufficient to declare iu

Remarks worp made by M'-ssr-

Achi, Kaai, Loebenstein andothers.

Mr. Achi mado tho point thaiMr. Robortsou's motion was outof ordor. Sustained by the chair.

Mr Loebenst'in cnutendoil ttiatMr. Acln's ros,olution waB not onproper paper and was thnrforeout of order. Overruled. Mr.Looboustoin then contended thatthe resolution would havo to goover to next session.

Mr. Koborttou appealed fromthe decision of tho cnair relativeto hisamendmont. Sustained bya vote of 10 to 3. Amended reso-lution thon passed.

Tho following commi tees werannounced:

1. Foreign Relations A. G M.Uobertson, A. T. Atkinsonw V. F.Pogue.

2. Judiciary A. G. M. Robertson, "V. C. Achi, S. K. Kneo.

2. Finance V. F. Pogue, A. V.Gear, J. D. Paris.

4. Public Lands and InternalImprovements A. G. M. Robert-so- u,

L. L McCondless.S. W. Kaai.5 Commerce, Agriculture aud

Manufactures S.G.Wildor, P. Ii.Iseuberg, 13. E Richards.

G. Public Health aud Education A. V. Gear, A. T. A'kinBon,D. H. Kahaulolio.

7. Military P. 11. Isenberg, A.V. Gear, S. W. Kriai.

8. Enrollment, Revision andPrinting E. E. Richards, J. D.Paris, S. K. Kaeo.

9. Accounts L. L. McCand-lose- ,

8. G. Wilder, D. Ii. Knbu.ulelio.

10. Rules D. H. Kalmiilelio,A. V. Gear, W. 0. Achi.

Those Joint Oommi'tecs weroappointed:

1. Forrign A. T. Atkinson, A. G. M. Robortson, W. F.Pogue.

2. Judiciary A.,G. M. Rbert-so- n,

W O, Achi, S. K. Khoo.3. Finnncp AV. F. Pogue, A. Ar.

Gear, J."D.Paris.dAPublioLa'uds and Internal

IniDrovofoeuis A B. Loebenstein,L. LMcCaudless, AV. 0 Achi.

5. Public Health and L lucstinA. V. Gear, A. T. Atkiusou, D.

H. Kahaulolio.G. Rules D H. Kahnulelio, S.

AV K-iai- , J.D.Paiis.7. Pafsed Bill-- . E. E. Rich-

ards, S. G. Wilder and !. R.

Attorney- - General Smith avonotico of his intouti in to intro-duce several bills. An A- -t toamend nn Act of tho last ses-io- n

to reorganize the judiciary and nnAct relating to of sen-tence in cerinin critniiiul ciseswore preeouted nud pnssed nr6treading.

Judgo AV L. Wilcox was ap-pointed permanent interpreter oftho House. Tho Attotnoy-Gen-or- al

HUguested that the DistrictMagls'rato could hardly bo spared. Mr. Loebenstein insisted,howovt r, that there was a 8ubmagistrate nud tho House couldnot well do without Mr. Wilcox.

Adjourned to 10 a. in. tomor-row.

In tliw Piity Vnull.The funeral of Chnr'oi W. Doy

yesterday afternoon was masonic.At tho Temple Mrs. Woodwardsans, by request of tho family," Nearer My God to The 0," a fav-

orite hymu of deceased WruyTaylor officiated at the oigan. Intho Temple the cai-k- u cover-o- d

with cnlla lilies. The icmaiuswere-deposite- iu the P.it vault toawait the return of Dr. Day fromthi a'at"B.

Xm It I

Tho au a ex to the B II s.vitch-- b

ard iu the tel jihouo oflko wasplsced this morning. It was prac-tically manufactured by CaptainJ. W. Pratt, with the ansislauca ofSuperintendent Cn-sid- aud Chas.S. Crane. Tho addition enablestie company 10 iniiko all connec-tions at ouco. A new modornswitchbotrd wll airiva IromChicago iu about six weeks.

Grrat Ntorm nt Wnlalnr.The greatest rainstorm of years

prevailed at Wnlalao between thohours of 1 and 5 this morning.Ston6 fences were washed awayand a tremendous freshet sweptdown the valleys aud guloh-s- . Inmany places tl.o roiida were seri-ously damaged. Th 1 storm wasnjcompanied by lightniug andthunder.

lllcyclo Itncre Arr OfT.

On account of the heavy rainof tho past 21 hours tho race pro-gram arranged for Cycloincropark this evening has been post-poned until the ovouing of Satur-day, February 2G.

Domingo Parker, a Portuguesesailor, was urreBted today ou acharge of do-erti- from tho ship1) amond Hond.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.DR;



A Pare drape Cream of Tartar Powdee.







t ,1


A- aA.1



Page 2: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third

'V! 'W,V!,WWW W?msr''m ., wfrnjwy im. w& f'WPqil'fMf "






A.T-..- .

f t

a it

a ,




Handsome Finish

We Have Limited Number

$60.00Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co

Ehlors T3uilcini, Fort St. Repairing a Specialty.

The "Best Girl" Agea 0

i'i --

,! -



-- 7 .

c i :


-- i



.2'U I



r "







is tlto time when si young fellow wants to look hisbest himself, and it in vory necessary that ho shouldhe properly lifted in his footgear, as well as inother nrtieles of his apparel.

When in Doubtas to just what is thogivo us ji call and wo

a la I



A. E. MURPHY & CO.a 205 Hotel St., Arlington Block.

Just Received Ex



,Hay, Bran, Barley,"Surprise Oats, Wheat,Middlings and Cracked Corn.

Port Costa and3


Telephone 121.



proper thing in this lino,will tit you.

"Mauna Ala."


Starr Flours.

Queen Street.

H. I,

We have also received a fresh supply of

-- t i

California Feed Company0 a

It PavsD


It pays to talk about tho Leather that goesinto tho Uppers, tho Soles, tho Heels, thoLinings and all tho details of tho Shoo. Woknow something about theso matters and wowill talk them over with you so that you willunderstand what you aro buying.

I The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

,&ASimi of tho Bice Shoe. Fort Street.




Continued from First Page.

maforinl differences in difforontbureaus; ns for instance,' iu iihBurenu of Water Workn, iu 18!M,tho expenditure wos $23,051, andiu 1897, $207 000.

Distinct progress Lae-ljee- madoin the economical management oftho Troamiry by the gradual roduction of iuterrst on nil loansand ndvuncoB, ehowingtbat thoughtho bondoil debt of tho Govommeut has vorv materiallv increased, and tho Postal Savings Bunkla (iointr n much lamer businessthan evor, tho total amount paidin interest by yours, beginningwith 1801, has boen 8211,571:$251,020; 8230,-159- ; S2W.492, for thoyears 1891,1895,1890 and 1897. Thismoy tie bettor explained by thefact that in the year 1891 tho totalinterest-bearin- g indebtedness ofthe Government whs 83,585,101..and at tho end of 1897 tho totalinterest-bearin- g indebtedness oftho Government was 84,488,881,showing au incronso of 8903,720.And the nclual increase of interestpaid by tho Govern raont, as be-tween 1891 and 1897, was $31,921.Could the dobt have been refund-ed in 1890, as was contemplatedat tho time by iho Government,the interest actually pnid in 1897would Lav6 been less than thutpaid in 1891.

In. viow of tho doraand for andcontinued importation of emailcoins, tho Minister again rccommends that tho Legislature authorizo him to have coined from thosilver 25 cent pieces $20,000 iudimes and 810,000 in nickels.

Tho old silvor certificates to thoamount of S202,C00 have booncolled in and now cues issued. Asfar as is known only $49,500 oftho old issuo remains to be calledfor.


After recommending that moreof tho expenditure dow classedunder the Loan Fund bo pocsedto current account, Minister Daraon eoyn tho payment of interestis becoming moro and more n se-

rious question. As a partial romedy au Act has been proparod anrapproved by tho Executivo andwill be submitted to the Legislnture, with tho ch nr idr a that thotimo may ariso when ourbonds can bo placed in a foreimimarket, but at present this cannot bo recommended. It is toprepare for tho future tho Act hasboon drawn. Under this Act alltho outstanding indebtedness willbe consolidated under one hondissuo. Thoso bonds will bo offer-ed to bondholders in tho Republie first nt a rate of discount somewhat in ndvanco of that whichmight bo obtained abroad but thesaving of commissions and ex-penses of placing tho loau willcompensate tho iiovernment forthe difforonce. If tho bonds nronot takon horo, it is tho Minister'sintention to call for public tondorsto float tho same.

During the period brought to noloso the outstanding bonds,triasury nobs and Postal SavingsBank amounts duo depositors, hasincreased from $3,811,004.49 to$4,488 881.62, showing on increaseof $677,817.13. This representstho total increase, irrespective oftho cash on hand at tho beginningor tho end of iho period.

Among tho dopositsof tho Postal Savings Bank aro sorao oightthousand and moro accounts ofChinese laborers brought herounder the Act regulating Chineseimmigration. Theso doposits areso foreign to tliooriginal intentionof tho Postal Savings BankAct, and aro accumulatingso rapidly that tho continuanco of tho system should im-migration bo resumed is a sourceof approhension, and tho attouHon of tho Legislature will bospecially called to it.

Of the proceeds of land salesby tho Commissioners of PublicLandi, $34,700 has been appliedto the ledoraption of bonds underthe Loan Act of 1870 ami 1882.Tho sum of $;I2,130.76 remains onhand until tho wishes of tho Le-gislature in regard to rofuudiugaro known.

The Anvliqr.

P. F. Ryan still continues inchargo of tho Anchor and is ablyassisted by "William Carlylo. Attho Anohor, Seattle beer ondraught can alwoys bo had aswell os tho best brands of whiskies, etc., inoluding John Downr'sScotch Avhisky. A full stock ofother liquors, wines, etc., is kepton hand also,









isiv., aij awjair aiisath suwiLEWIS & CO.

Double Tel. No. 240,LEWIS & CO.









David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Street.


12 Chinese Granite Ditching Postal $each.

1 Surrey In fine order; price $200.Ilonso and Lot. 75x165 ft., on No. 71

fonog street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-roo- eto.




Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. Tel 30S.

To My Patrons and the Public.

Having recovered from my re'cent illness, I am again preparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith audriumbiug work as heretofore.Thanking you for post favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tho samo.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.I- - Tel. 844.

Real Estate Transactions

Subscribers are Ininiuhed with from I'mto bix lints ier week, giving an acearatirecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, roleases, powers ol attorney, etc., etc, whicLare placed on record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

J. S. WALKER,Oenbiui. Aoent Fon Hawaiian Islands

Royal Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marino and General Assurano

Company.Ban Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wllholmaof Madgoburg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Koom 13 Bpreckcls Block, Honolulu, 11. 1

J.A.FARLA,200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom $10 to f 18.

tST Money returned If you aro notant Mini. All work guaranteed.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

On'at Merchant street, Honolulu i

The Evening Bulletin, 75 els, permonth.


Pleasantly Located LotsOn King St., near Waikiki Road

: WITH .

Double-walle- d, Well-buil- t

Modern Cottages.K" Artesian Water with Title of Property. For cash

J 1 I



hi iiniiBpwiiiwT-i-

'CSS' 0S

or on the instalment plan.



ImmIPIIIi " ' "i i..-k- r UrBJMM.'r E?g? 'vSEl

ts--- Sx

tg. r-- jr-- -.-.-




OmiNG Room


. i s' (3

f0" J9,?ohM. j

V ciaj T--- PARLOR





Bed Room.

i i R

5hr clpse


Bed Room.

a SpecialtyCKLEI1RATKD

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,210 King Street.


'Sir Morrel Mackenzie" Pipes.( 3STon.-3Sriootirie- .)

Which wo koop in largo vurioty. Wo also koop in stock, thoFINEST HItANDS of

Havana and Manila Cigars,

Pipe, Cigarette and Chewing Tobaccos

?,n "f? r5?lTi"K rpsl "lock ly ovory steamer. Wo aro tho oldostItollnblo Tohacconlsbi in Honolulu.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Tort & Merchant Strcots.

u i ,f ttv'i- - 'vAflAM.iitd'i.x, i.l 'u!' k& to M - M--' J&sZmi&LktL . . JL Ai. xLJ3m zsa:.

Page 3: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third



A Leasehold For Sue.

At a very low figure, 1500 acres ofland In tho District of North Konn;158 are subleased to responsible par-

ties at a good rental; 290 aorcii nroplanted w'lh (ofTec, In good condition,from 12J ' 4J yiars old; 50 acres aro In

Id oilcc, Mid all of tho remaining1,100 acres aro sultablo for the plant-ing of coffee.

Tho party purchasing will only holiable for tho taxes on Improvementson tho property, no rental to bo paid.

This Is a splendid chanco for a partywith the necessary capital to makoan Investment that Is suro to bring alarge return on tho money Invested,as you havo In this tract all climatesand clovatlons sultablo for all kindsof coffee. ,

For furthor particulars, apply to

Geo. McDougall & Sons;

Kallua, North Kona, Hawaii.P. O. Box 3.

Cuds Aimieckels.


708-l- m

Wm. wm.



fan Agent Tins Nevada. Bank ofBan Francisco.


Ban "Francisco The Nevada Bank of Ban

Francisco.London Tho Union Bank of London, Ltd.Nw York American Exchange National

Bank.n,, inn Mnrnlmntit National Bank.Paris Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Berlin Drcedner Bank.Honokono and YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Bhanchal Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank of New

Victoria and Vancouver Bank of BritishNorth America.

Transact a Reneral Baiting and Eicnange Business

nenolsts Uccelved. Loans raadeon Approved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of ExchanRO bought

nd sold.

Collections Promptly Accounted For.

The . . . -

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekanwlla Bts.

lias a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.



Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, $118,708.25.

Money Loaned on Approved Seourlty.A Snvinga Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series of Stook now orn.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Beorotary.Chamber of Commerce Booms,Office hours. 12:30 1 s30 P.M. 373-t- f

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail- -... .... ; i :i:able in all tne principm mucaof tho world.



No. 45 Queen Btreet.

Exoert Appraisement of RealEstate and Furniture.


O. In



IBath Tubs, Kitchen utensils,Tinwaro, Lamps, Etc.


Ho. 324 Nuuanu Btreet. 715-o-

Good Baking Powdercannot be sold for 25 cents or 30 cents a pound.Cream of tartar ic expensive and cream of tartar isnecessary to good baking powder.

"Cheap" baking powder either contains alum(which is bad for the insides) or is badly made (doesnot do the work) or is weak.

Really cheap baking powder cannot be sold forthese prices; but the cheapest of all is Schilling's Best

your money back if you don t like it at yourgrocer's.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yen 7,500,000UoserveFund Yen 6,464,500



Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,San Francisco, Shnnghal,

Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex.ohange Business

Agency Yokohama Spetle Bank

New Republic Bunting. HI King Si, Honolulu.

S. SKIOELT,(Japanese) '

Sign Painter & Paper Hanger

133 Nuuann Avenue, Honolulu,H.I.

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - &$ Gold & Sil

ker, JKH versmith.

No. 417 Nnuanu street, next to Love'sBakery.

tST Cueai-es- t in Town .45

SING CHAN CO109 Kiug St., near Maunakea,

Telephone 945. P. O. BOX 222.

Tinware, Glassware,China ware, Hardware,

rftoves and House Furnlsblug Articlesof all kind.

We are prepared to do

First-cla- ss Plnmtjing and Tiusmithing

742 3m


STORE.Dry floods, English, American

and Chinese.

Dre83 Making a Specialty.Low Prices to suit the times.

fjy Come In and see our New Stock andStore.

Wing Hing LoyNuuanu near Hotel street, opposite W. W.

Abana.TELEPHONE 157.

t3f This Arm was formerly known as"Shun Loy," Fort Btreet.

Yee SingLargeWioketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulllngj polishing and assortingcoffee, we are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parohment.


Coffee !Apply to


The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Btreet.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, where TrainedNurses, MaBaaoe, "Swedish Merriment,"Baths, Electricity and Physical Trainingnay be obtained.

DR. 0. L. GARVIN,Telephone 639. In Oharge,


Wilders Steamship Co's

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Fres. B. B. HOSE, Beo.

Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupfc.

Stmr. "KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLahaina, Maalaea Bay and Makena thesame day; Maliukotin, Kawaihao and Lau- -

Bahoohoe the following day, arriving alsame evening.




.Feb 25

..Mar 8,Mar 18,Mar 29

We(l'lay...Feb 23Suturdny.;...Mar5Wcd'sday. Mar 10Saturday....Mar 20

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockr. u., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mann-kon- a

and Kawolhae same day; Makena,Maalaea Bay and Lahaina the followingday) arrlviug at Honolulu the afternoon!of l'nosday and Fridays.

Will call at Fohoikl. Pnna;IWNo Freight will be received aitet

0 a, m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. (MUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6ptoucning at lianuiuL tlnna. HamoaKipahulu, Maul. Itoturning arrives


atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nun, Eaupo, on second trirof each month.

VNo Freight will be received afte)4 p. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right Umake chances in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice anit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the 'Landings tcreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afteIt has boon landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengenunloss placed in the caro of Pursers.

PasBonRora are requested to purohasiticketi t eforo embarking. Those failing tido so will e subject to an additionaloharge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


JisEfi- - S six !Z w S 5 D rrea m V 11 &

t: PISW Z1 ok1 Ad w

Tie !iSF1!lsliii:nf-.- t 55 IS tSi i "b 3 3 O 1

t gui 2 z

:ir HI-- 5 ;?

5; S S5 S. w -i ........niiiHMt'"""""""!1a

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai & Co.

214 Nuuanu Street.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Richards Bts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.' rST Carriages. Burreys and Ilacka at all

hours. TELEPHONE 490.


Believed that They are Eligible for

American Citizenship.

The Position Assumed by State Department

Officials In the Controversy Over


Washington, February G. Inviow of tho question that has boonraised as to tho correctness of theconclusion reached by tho officialsof tho Stato Department who haveboon engaged in tho negotiationswith the Japanese Government asto tho status of Japanese in Ha-

waii after annexation is completed,further inquiry was made today toascertain tho ground fur tho stnto-rao- ut

that tho Japanese, unlessthoro was legislation to tho con-

trary by Congress, would be entitled to tho privileges of naturalization, if they so desire, and arootherwise able to meet the requiromonts of the law. Tho officialsnaturally aro reluctant to (Ubciubpublicly a question of this kind,which might bo hypotheticalin ndvauco of the dispositionof tho pending annexationtreaty, and, moreover, are not dis--fOBod

to bo put in tho position ofdown legnl principles, but

in substunco their contention isthat under tho laws as thuy existtoday, Japano'O in tho UnitedStates aro ontitlod to naturalization.

Thoy freely admit that in sotnoinstances tho United Statos Courtshavo taken tho ground that suchapplications cannot be entertained,uotably in tho liostou case decided Juno 27, 1894, known as"In ro Sait,o,"but they also assertthat the practiso of the courts hasnot been by any mennB uniformin this matter, and there are verymany cases where Japnneso havebeen admitted to tho rights ofnaturalization without tho slight-est objection on the part of thoCourt. It is not denied that thoUtato Donnrtment itself has notbeen consistont in its troatmoiit ot tlie question, asis mado plain by reforonco lo thoexi-iliu- g regulations fortbo govornment of tho diplomatic sorvice,in which is to be fouud a directionto United States officers abroad torofuHO to recognizo the claims ofJapaueso to naturalized citizens'rights. Howover, tho regulationwas founded upon tho old statute,Section 21G9, which wob couchedin torms so vaguo as to give riao tothe vurying construction placedupon it by tho courts, aud tholatent viow of tho departmont is,as stated, that tho Japaueso mayapply for naturalization.

This statute seems to limitnaturalization to whito personsand persons of African descentIt was plainly a pioco of patch-work as history rovoals, and an exact application of the tort of lau-gue-

toit would not,it is hold,provotho real purpose of its authors.But asido fiora that, tho broadqucHtion has been raisedthat the Japanese nro notto bo regarded as outsido of thewhito races, they not being Mon-

golian in the true othuologicalsense It is prolmbl.v suffic ontfor tho purposo of this explana-tion of tho department's "positionto cito those cooaidera'ious asmatters that might readily accountfor the failure of the courts toreach unanimity in tho construc-tion of this law. Thero has notbeen, up to this timo, it fc said,any expression of opinion on thopart of the court of last resort,tlio United Btatos bupromc uourt,and mntil such opinion shall havobeen called for the question can-not bo regarded an settled.

When tho opinion is rendered,of coureo, tho Department of Statowill bo bound by it, and mean-whi- lo

it has no desire to posons ausurpor of tho rights of tho judi-cial branoh of tlio Govornmeut.As for tho conditions that willariso undor tho now treaty withJapan, that goes into effect in181)9, tho department holds, that itconfers upon the Japanosp, thorights of favorod nations in allmatters. Wbilo thero does notas yot exist any naturalizationtreaty between Japau and thoUnited States this cannot bo rogarded as a bar to naturalization,for thoro aro no suoh treaties oxistiDg with a number of countries,tho oitizms of whioh aro admittedto United States oitizenship oncomplianco wi'h tho law.

The Remington Typewriter,


Diploma of Honor



Jr3Thi8i3 tlio Highest PossiiiEe Aavak'd, ranking'abovo a Gold Medal. . B

H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd.;Dealers.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Fassongor Steamors

Leave This Fort as Horoundor.

Prom San Francisco:AUSTRALIA Feb. 21MARIPOSA March 2AUSTRALIA March 19

of Liuo Will Arrive at

For San Franoisco:


March lBMOANA Zf.


In connection with sailing of tho abovo steamers, tho Agents'aro preparod to issuo, to intending paBBengors, coupon throughntickets by any railroad San Francisco, to all points in the nUnitod States, and fromEuropean ports.



furthor particulars apply

. ,. .

0- -

This and




fromNow York by any lino to all)

For to

"Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General AgentB Oceanic S. S. Co.



vys&mtt&yjmtfl'ZMmiW tanas 2J

A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Livor Complaint, Diseases of tho Kidnoyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith, & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotol Streets.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Have the 'Best.

Just Oreiied Uptnvoice of






OlULLlJflJqS; Besj TescoNsrsTiNO av

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.dive them trial. Money bok yon don't like tUera. Also, Just reooived

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hums, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beof,Choico Humboldt Potatoes, Etc.,, Etc., Etc

Chas Husiace,212 King streot, next to tho Arlington.



groceries, Provisions and Teed.Hew Goods BeoeWed by Every Paoket trom tlie EmUjtu HUtea and Europe)


AU Ordera faithfully attended to and Qooda DelWered to anyart of the Oity FllEK,






'i-- 1






xulkv Obdmbk 8ouorxn, 8AtiaMC3-- oiii.ttEAST 00BHEB FOBT AND KINO STBKKTH




a tf





-- l .


Page 4: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third


Evening Bulletin.A.V. ai:AK...l,tilllHhcr and ProprietorDanmki. Loo ak t. .EditorC. A. l'lrrKiisoN Mntmger

THURSDAY, EE13. 17, 1898.

The acquisition of SpeakorReed is very important to thocause of annexation. It menus

that, in the event of the failure of

the treaty, a bill or joint resolu

tion will bo put through bnth

houses flying Evon before moba contingency, howiyijii, Mr.

Reed's chnniio of base must Lave

a string intluuce upon the pros-

pects of tho treaty itself. Sena-

tors will sto that tlu consummatiou is iuevitn'ili1, and doubtfulones will liknv nrfirto have itbrought a'wut, Hih:o it has to

come, through ratification of thotreaty by tho Semite.

Spaiu, tho latest nows has it,

loftily rejects tlie offer of mediation in Oulmn nlTir by theUuitedStates. It is stated that PremierSHgnsta replied to MiuUtor AVood

ford in ''vigorous terms." A siguiGcAut fact noted is ihtt Miuistor

Woodford's dispatch on tho mat

tor was eont over tho head of the

Secrotary of Stato to ProvidentSIcKinloy. Precedents for thisrefer to critical international situntioue,so that tho Miuis'or'scoursoexcites concern. Among differentopinions from official circles atWnshinnton, is one suggestion theposhibility that President McKin-lo- y

will be forced to take decisivoaction for ending the misery of


It would appear that the ques-

tion of Americau naturalizationof Jupnneso iB a reality and stand-

ing to bo sottled within tho nexttwo years. If it had been trump-ed lit) to hurt tho annexationscheme, it ib strange to soo it dis-

cussed in a epo.'ial dispatch to theSan Francisco Chronicle a paperthat has beon strong for annexa-

tion all along. This dispatch is

repriuted in this iesuo. Accord-

ing to it officials of the Stato de-

partment, while avorBO to

giving a positive opinionwhero tho Judiciary mayhave the final determination of

tho question, socm to believe that,under tho treaty to como intoeffect next year, Japanese rfsidents of the Uuitod States cannotbe di barred from naturalizationon tho ground of race. If Japa-

nese may become American citi-

zens, however, tho frauohise can

bo protected again Bt a laro pro-

portion of those in Hawaii bymoans of educational and perhapsother testa.

Cnrrluirr Iluruulna.

If you are thinking of buyinganything in tho way of a carriage,WHgon or harness be suro to callin at Sohutnan's Carriage &

Harness Repository, Fort street.Ho guarantees to sell ou whatyou want-fo- r loss money thanvon can a-- t it elsewhere. Everyarticle kept in stock is a bargainin itself at tho prico asked Nowgoods orrivo every week.

Tiilk About the Fire.

Tho jury appointed to determino the origin of the tolpphonooffice tire was in session all of

yesterday afternoon. A numberof employes of tho company werequont'oned. Mr. Ciissidy gavo ashis opinion that tho fire wncaused by tho contact of a wirewith an electric ground lino Thojury will meot again at the callof Coiouer Hitchcock.

Clirlntlnu Worker.The regular weekly mooting of

the Christian Workors will boheld tomorrow aftoruoon at 3:30o'clook, at tho Y.M.O. A. hall. MrsColeman will speak with roforonceto "Settlement Work" aud F. W.Damon with reference to "FreeReading Rooms." All are cordial-ly invited to bo present.

Portraits enlargod from smallphotos to lifeeizo. King Bros.,110 Hotol street.



Moth Jiutftei urn Itrnrlnir Jury Cum or

the 1'elirunry Term.

Judgo Stanloy and a mixed juryworo engaged today in tho trial ofan action in ejectment in which 0.W. Booth is plaintiff and G. "W

Bnckley aud tho Ung Wo SungCo. arc defoudauts. Castle andWeaver for plaiutiff; Kinney &Bullou for defendants.

In Judgo Perry's dopartmontthe caso of L da Silva Caiquilbovs. Kalauiku is on trial. It is anaction on acoveuantiu a warrantydoed. Correa for plaintiff; Magoonaud Silliroun for defendant.

Judgo Perry is acting as presiding Judge in chnmbtrs this woek

At 1:30 p m Judge Stanley, thelawyers, stenographer, interpreterand jurymon in tho Booth Beckley suit were taken out in hacksto Moiliili to viow tho premises indisputo.

In tho cneo of H. N. Mist vs. S.M. W. Kiwolo, an nctiou in ejectmout, tho pluintiff asks leavo tofilo an amended complaint. J. AMngonn aud R. D. Silliman fortho plaintiff.

Sheriff Carter of Kauni makesreturn of horvico of summons andcopy of complaint in the partitionsuit of Edward Joseph Morganvs. "Wahino Kaiu.

Deputy - Marshal Hitchcockmakes a Biniilar return of serviceof papors in tho suit of ManuelNunes and Domingus Nunes vs.Maria Texoira, bill to sot aside adeed.

In tho criminal case of tho Republic of Hawaii vs Kauakahi,commitment for an assault withintent to commit rape, AttorneyGonernl Smith has filed a certificute declining to present an indictment against defendant forsaid crime for the reason tintfacts coming to light siuco thohearing of tho District Counstrongly tend to prove the defendant's innocence

Argument was had beforo JudgeStanley yostorday afternoon as totho sufficiolicy of the plea in barinterposed by defendants in thecaso of Henry Smith vs HamakuaMill Company and took the matterunder advisement. L A Dicke.vfor plajutilt; Cecil Brown for dofendant.

In tho matter of the estate ofC. Akana, deceased, William F.Wilson filos a petition for allowance of accounts and discharge.The account shows total receiptsof SS871.30; disbursemeuta$7090.57; balance on handS1780.73. William A. Houshi.llis attorney for tho administrator.

In the case of Clinton J. Hutohin3 vs. Wildor's SteamshipCompany, judgment has been en-tered for plaintiff of fivo hundreddollars damages, and 58 50 costs.


I'olloiveil Their Advice.

"I broke out with groat blotcheson my face, aud friends told memy blood was out of order audthat I ought to tako a bottle ofHood's Sarsaparilla. I followedtheir advice and from that time tothis I have not had any eruptionson my face. I know Hood's is agood medicine." Mrs. A. E. Rad-ke-

St. Louis, Michigan.Hood's Pills euro nausea, sick

headache, indigestion, biliousness.All druggists, sua

Caie of Illooil Poisoning.

Officer Jackson of the bicyclopatrol, police, is suffering from avory bad case of blood poisoning.A minute boil on tho right log waspicked with a knife. Tho limbswelled and had to bo openod.Jaokson is now under tho constantcaro of a surgeon.

i m i

Telegram From Mr. Ilnteh.Tho Cabinet received a dispatch

from Minister Hatch yostordayconfirming tho report that Speak-er Roed is now favorablo to an-nexation. This stand of thoSpeaker has greatly encouragedthe annexationists in tho Senate.

Tbe Anchor.

P. F. Ryan still continues inchargo of tho Anchor and is ablyassisted by 'William Carlylo. Attho Anchor, Seattle beer ondraught can always bo had nswoll as tho best brands of wbiskies, oto., inoluding John Dowar'sScotch whisky. A full stook ofother liquors, wines, etc., is kopton hand also.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 154 Fort street,from 81.00 per week up.

A FAMOUS ST0KY.' General Fnmcls Mnrlon of South Cnrolltm win otio of tho herot--s of romiinco olihu American Itoolutlon. About no onof t Ixi ninny conspicuous clmraeicra vlwtook part In that ictlo drama lint) luorooistory titnl of sons boon written. Yet luiviw lur from belliK of a romntitlo turnhlniholf, for liowas ono of tho plnlncrt ntiilmost practical of men. Out such a flghtur'Fully in much of truth ns of poetry vntlicro lu thin bit from wlmt was onco theMar (tix'lauiallon of patriotic southerntchoollxiya:

Our bniul Is few, but truo nml tried.Our lender frnnk nml Ixilil.

Tim Drlllxh nolctlrr tremblesTtlirn IiItuum'M nan.o Id told.

This wan literally it fact. Mnrlon wr.--th-

terror of tho wbolo Hrltlsli army A.rno tlmu tho very mention of his nauuput n force or L'flO or !)D0 hohllers to routMarion hlnirelf htul on this occasion nutmora than a down iai.ii. "

In Human - tile, S. C, lives tho nemvsmirvhttiR relntho of General Mnrlon, n

Mrs. I'rank FlshburnoIn her pimmm ion are many of tbo personalarticles and other reminders of tld famousKcncr.il. Aiiionif thum Is n largo oil paintInir of Mnrlon In tho net of illnltiR theBritish ofilcer on sweet potatoes, niut sweetpotntoes alone, under tho shade of themammoth oak. This hoar monarch oftho Carolina forests Is still standing nt nspot about nine miles from Summon llleand just in tho rear of Inglcsldo, nn oldcolonial homo belonging to tho Parkerfnmlly,n!so distinguished In Revolutionaryannals. It Is In n fair state of preserva-tion, desptto tho rnvnges made upon it bytho relic hunter. A Chicago Record writereaw it but a short tlmo ago.

After tho defeat of tho American nnnynnd tho death of Do Knlb, Marlon turnedupon tho enemy with tho desperation of nwounded tiger. No ono dreamed that hocould win. Tho odds wero desperate.How was It possible to bring victory outof such utter demoralization? Out It wasdone, ns history shows.

It was during ono of Marlon's bivouacsIn tho swamps of tho Santeo that tho inci-dent of tho potato dinner occurred. Howas awaiting a Hag of truco from tho Brit-ish at Georgetown, so ns to muko arrange-ments with reference to tho exchange ofprisoners. Tho bearer of tho flag was ayoung British ofllccr of noto. Ho ciimo totho eonferenco with tho renowned leader,his mind filled with tho lilost vlvldjy col-

ored pictures as to his nppcaranconml sur-roundings. What, then, wns his astonish-ment on being conducted Into tho present oof n small, swarthy, thin faced man, notonly clad In homespun, but ragged homo-spu- n

at that. And Instead of tho mag-nificent army ho had expected to soo therewas comparatively tint n handful of rag-ged, barefooted, sun tanned men and boys

many of them only IS nnd 10 years oldAt tho closo of tho conference tho olllcer

aroio to depart."Oh, no," said Marlon hospitably. "Bo

not leavo until you hao had dinner. Weare about to dine. Will you not tshnro ourdinner with us?"

Tho olllcer looked around, but saw nopreparation for a meal. Whero could thedinner bor

"Sit down, sir, " Wild tho gennrnl againcourteously and mndo room for him ontho stuno extended bough of tho tree wherebo sat. Then to a negro boy who stoodnear ho said:

"Como, Tom, glvo us our dinner."Tho loy raked from tho ashes near by n

half dozen sweet potatoes rousted withtheir Jackets on. Ho pinched them to see

partly by blowing on them with his brentlrnnd partly by willing them on thu sleeve,of his bhirt, ho placed them upon n largopiece of Uirk aud set them between thegeneral and his guest.

Tho young olllcer stared In astonishinent. Could this really bo tho dinner oftho groat Marlon?

"Como, sir," said tho general pleasantly, noting with homo amusement theamazed expression upon tho face of hlr.guest, "fall to. You do not bccm to b(

hungry."Recovering his manners, tho young

ofilcer helped himself to ono of thu pot atoes, but made a very toor attempt ut eattug.

"I fear such as this doesn't tempt youtappetite," said Marlon again, "but It U

tho bust wo have."Suddenly, to tho general's astonlh

ment, tho young ofllccr broke Into laughtcr.

"Why, what amuscB you, sir?""I was thinking, general, how our men

would look If they had to sit down to sucha dinner as this!"

"It Is a first rato dinner, Indeed," saidtho general, hungrily devouring hU i otato.

"But surely, general, you usually havebetter than this?"

"Xo,"sald Marion decidedly, "this Isabout tho best. Generally wo have worse. '

"But i ou get good pay?""Pay, sir? I'ay, dlil you say? Well

sir, that Is something wo don't get nt all. '"No pay, and such a faro ns thlsl Then

In heaven's name, blr, for what uro youfighting?"

"For what aro wo fighting?" repeatedMnrlon, his eyes on flro. " VVhy, sir, forthat dearer than Ufo Itself for llbcrtyl"

Tho conversation between tho youngofllccr and Colonel Watson, tho Britishcommander at Georgetown, on tho returnof tho former from Marlon's camp, has ofton been quoted.

"Why," tusked Colonel Watson, "do youtook so serious?"

"I havo cause, sir.""What I Una General Marlon refused to

treat?""No, sir.""Well, ha old Washington defeated

Clinton, nnd broken up our army?""Not that either.""What, thun?""Well, sir, It Is that I have seen an

American general and officers, withoutPay and almost without clothes, living on

vToots aud drinking water, nnd all for llbcrtyl What chancu havo wo against suchmen?"

Yes, what chanco did tlmo show themto havo? Of such stuff wero modo theheroes of that strugglo which won 'for ustho goodly heritage wo enjoy today I

General Marlon was born tho sanio yearns Washington, 1733, His birthplace wasWlnyaw, near Georgetown, S. C. Hisgrandfather was a Huguenot; bis motheralso was of French extraction. Ho diedFob. 27, 1705, and Is burled at Bcllo IsloIn his native stato. Exchange

Evening Bulletin 7Se .per month.

fimely Jopie$

February n, iSgS.

We want to have a talk withyou this week on the subject of

STOVES.Owing to the natural dull

times, added to the big com-

petition that is now going onin STOVES, we have cut ourprices, and are prepared tobe in the fight.

The "Pansy"

is the first one we will men-tion. You know this stoveIt does not need much men-

tion. It is the best in themarket for the price. We haveit in three sizes and it burnseither wood or coal.

The "New Rocket Stoye"

is something new here, andwe have it in two sizes. Ithas a deep end ash hearth,which is a strong support forpots, etc. It has also an ex-

tension pocket for wood, bywhich your wood can bethoroughly dried just beforeusing. It will pay you to takea look at this stove.

The "Biue Flame Oil Stoves"

we have in stock at alltimes. They are very handyfor getting up a meal quickly.They give out no odor, andare perfectly safe.

TPIKHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Sprockets' Bonk.


Sealed Tenders.

Will bo recolvod at tho Oillco of theMlnUtor of tho Interior until SATUH-DA-

February 10, 1898, at 12 o'clocknoon, for Publishing, Printing nnd Ilind-In- g

tho Session Laws of 1808, ns follows:1. Publishing luNovnpapor,i:ngliih,

ono tlmo nt per 1000 "cms" octavo inca-sur- o,

double column.2. Printing and lllndlng C00 Copies

of tho above las, lugllxh, In tho saiuostylo ns tho Session Laws of 1800. Atso much por pago Including covers.

3. Printing nnd lllnding 250 Copiesof tho nbovo laws, Hawaiian, in thosamo btylo ns tlio Session uuvsot jhu.At so much por pago Including covors.

All bids must bo ondorsod "TondorforPrinting Laws," and must bo mado inconformity with tho nbovo itoms as d.

Tho Miuistor of thtlntorlor ilocs notbind hlmsolf to necopt tho lowost or anybid.

J. A. KINO,Minister of tho Intorlor.

Interior Ofllco, Fob. 17, 1803. 840--



Bicycle.-:-Race- s


Oyclomere Park.Thursday, Feb. 17, 1898

Attraotive Program!Exciting Events !

Oonoral Admission, 25o.; Admissionand Grand Stand, 50c Poxes for partiesof six or ulno. Gates opon 7 p. m. Scatson salo at Wall, Nichols Co. 838 3t

For Sale.House with two bedrooms, parlor,

dining-roo- bathroom with patentW. O. and bath tub, pantry, kitchenand stables, on Vineyard street, suita-ble for business mun; 5 minutes walkfrom towi.

For further particulars, npply to707-- tf A.V. GEAlt & CO.


There S52223S23EG

Pull ut) your noble tiuiiunl nlthe limo honored henrlqnnrterrf for.uorao and carnngo outlining, curner of King nud Fort htroels.TIipd step in nnd spr the first

of nbsolulely tho nto-- i

no 1 Inrge-n- t stock of hntnesslinrihvaro nnd trimtninits, nudriding nnd di iving nccossoriee overbrought to Honolulu. Ptrknpyou noticed llmt tbp Btoiimor Austrnlin wns ti little lowi r down intho wHtor thun usual. Woll.ninong otbor thing?, Bho broughtto tho



Companygoods in tho lines luro men tinned,to wit:

Indies' Driving Whips, a largo nnsort-inon- t;

Select Assortment of Trimmings for fine-niiid- o

harness;IiViitlier, direct from tho tannery, mich

iih Iiiih noVer beforo been Imortcd toHonolulu; ,

Homo Itoots of nil descriptions, Hoods,.Sheets, Salt Sacks, lllanket Pins, Hob-bles, In fnet everything jiortuliilni; tomoo truck ontllls for the glorious 17thof Mnrvh, do you inlndT

Ciitrio Trace Clmltis, llnines nnd Collars,etc., for our plantation friends.

An inspection of theso goods isresppctfully invited by nil wtmtinganything in theso linos. Thoni enough to occupy your nttontion unt'l tho noxt Auatrnlia nrrives, whon we shnll havo more tosny nbout the completion of tbisRoiiBon's ninguificput iraportntionWe wish you to mnke your own

of hnrdwnro nnd trimtilings for tho hnruess you ordeimndo.

kProprietors Manufacturing Hnr-nes- s



Dandruff KillerWill convince you that it Is alt

that wo claim It to bo.

Warranted to Cure!FOR SALK ONLY 1JY

Paoheco & Pernandes,Arlington ISlock, Hotel Street.


Saturday Evening, Feb. 19th,

"Will be presented tho Two Come-dies:.


"THE FALSE NOTE."By Arantouru for the KHohnnn Art

League, assisted by tho Y. M.C. A. Orchestra.

Tickets : $1,00, 75c. and 50c.

Will bo on salo nt Wall, Nichols Co.on Monday, Feb. 833 5t


Office and Infirmary, - 863 King St.


OS"" Modoru and Humano Treatmout.

.MKaMwtMsummtmmmkmmmmama. JjiA.j$idJkijem4Miiui jkJA JMB&-,- , ..!d

wwiilHHMNfliiBfciM' :,JddJ:..i vf







Wo now offer their Brandsof Flours as follows:



C. & C,






Golden Rule Bazaar

The "Wooing of MnlkntoonComraoduB, by Lew "Wallace.

Life nnd Lettois of Harriot;Bcocher Stowo, edited by AunioFit'lda.

Hnuin By the nutbor of QuoVndis.

Tho Idonl Lifo By HenryDrummond.

Tbe Great Stone offeardis ByP. R. Stockton.

Dnriel-'-B- y D. R. Blnckmoro.The Coming People Bv Ohas.

P. Dole.Rubaiyat of Doc Sifors By

Jan. Wbitcoaib Riley.Tho Scholar and tho Stato By

Henry O. Potter.Tho King's Highway By Amo-li- n

E. Bnrr.Tho Skipper's Wooing By

W. W.Jacob.Sacred Songs No. 1 By Ira D.

Sankey. Jaa. McGranahan & Goo.O. Stebbins.

Now Stationery, Offico Sappliea,Etc.

316 Fort Street.





International Art Publishing" Company.

B, No Comlo Vulgarltlos.

Thos. G. Thrum;Stationer, Etc., Etc.

Brewer's Block Fort Street,

"' 'it , N








Page 5: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third

,!., Tho only arrests mndo last night





KkflsJt ikuufslitil



Uompany As grnnti ball willtake placo noxt Saturday evoniug.

Tho Commissioners o Edncn-tio- nnro holding a caucus this

afternoon. '

It is expected that tho Aorangiwill nrrivo Saturday on hor wayto Vnucouve'r.

' Tbo rainfall of last night regis-tered 2.90 iuchos by FrankBrown's gauge.

Midweek sorvices in tho citychurches wore .spoi'ed last nightby tho alio .vers.

The downpour of last nightcontinued without a broak lornearly four hours.

Ilepresoutatvoa Paris and Kaonare absent from the House. Tlieywill be in on l'naay.

Minister I'nmon has prpa'odnuothur bill providing for th i rofunding of tbo public debt.

OlBotr Guermro this morningarrested Ah Obiu, u Colebtialyouth, on a charge of tnnnoy.

Fi nines mado at short noticofor all kinds of pictures ordiplomas. King Bros., 110 Hotelstreet.

On account of the bad weatherthere whs no meotinK of tht members of Coutral Union church lastOYouing.

Baseball enthusiasts will findtho largest and best assortment ofbasoball goods at ioareon & HobronB, 31'2Fort btroet.

The correct Italian method fortho mandoliu is being taught by,Mr. Olins. R. Frazier. Studio inY. M 0. A. building

Call and Bee tho "bwoll" bicyclecops at the Pacitio Cycle & Manufacturing Co. Theno caps urpcheap and came in all colors.

P. C. Jones will address thoeducational classes of tho Y M 0A at 7:30 this evening Mombordof tho Association are invited.

A rumor that a child of a PauoaValley resident has diphtheria isentirely erroneous. There aro nocases of tho diseaso in this city.

Both tho Rio do Janeiro fromSan FranciHeo and the Warrimoofrom Vancouvor will fall due onSaturday with late mail and news.

Tho Amateur Orchestra willhold a roheareal in tho OperaHouse at 7:30 thin evening ofmusic to bo used Saturday night.

David A. Campbell has beenawarded a contract to put his ltnpervious paint on tno noors or mebuildings at tno new Uauu plan-tation.

In the polico court this morningall cases woro continued until thisafternoon, as Judge "Wilcox was inattondanco on tho Legislature asInterpreter.

Brigadier General Greene hasprovided immense and handsomeblotters for tho pencils of thopress elavos in tho House of Re-presentatives.

For lowest prices, best qualitios, polite attention and promptdolivery, try the Now GroceryStore, J. Hutchings, G27 Fort'street. Tel. 358.

Tomorrow evoning the last dressrehearsal takes placo for tho playson Saturday ovening. mere ibsure to be acrammod houso,as only a few seats are left.

Abyssinia's sooial codo providesfor a fair chance to young marriedcouples by forbidding the bride'smother to visit her daughter ayear after tho marriage.

Tho Hooulu and Hoola LahniSooioty will hold their annualmeeting at the Kapiolani Materni-ty Home on Saturday at 10 o'clocka. m. A full attendance is

At Camarinos' California FruitMarket, corner of King and Ala-k- ea

streets, you can always findovory kind of nuts, fruits, vegeta-bles, game, etc,, that can bo hadTol. 378.

"Why not get a kodak and takopictures of old Honolulu beforeall the ancient land marts are

i none. You can do it with a. camera that costs only $4 at Ho--

bron Drug Co.

Kmatrar Pianos.Bweetestin tone,

Jas. W. lJorgstrom, solo agent, cnBh

or installments. Warorooms atG. West's, Masonio Temple. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-In- n-

and ronairinc. W Tolo- -

phono 347.




Royal Arch Masous will eeonotice of meeting this evening.

Miss H. R. Lowis, stenographerand typewriter, has a card in thispaper.

For a nice clean shave drop inat tbo "Elito Barber Shop," Kingstroet, near Alakoa.

The Siren, published by MrVauderveor on tho flagship Baltiinore, blows again.

J. S Emerson tho surveyor andMiss Annette Lamb were marriedat 2:30 p in today at St. Andrew'sCathedral.

Tho Minister of the Intoriorinvites tenders for publishing thoSession Lin we in a newspaper andprinting and binding thorn inboon form.

NlbOhumes' Homo, oorner Hotelind Nunauu streets, lodging .byby, woek or month. Tonus: 26.unl 60 cents per night. $1, and

1 fi TlftY-- WfiAlT


At tho Ewa plantation tbo workof grinding cano coased yosterdsyon account of tho heavy rains.Ono hundred and forty-pn- o tonsof sugar was turned out yesterday.

In spito of the dampness andthe special program of tho noonhour, tho bnd fulfillod its concertougagemeut on the grounds ofthe Judiciary buildiug yesterdayafternoon.

By the return Australia thenowly oponed Criterion BarberShop will have numbored shavingoups to rent by the month, andwill be for tho solo and exclusiveubo of thu patron.

W. Horaco Wright, at thoCricket Club's meeting, offored onbehalf of tho Waverlfy Club thouse of its hall for tho cricketerh'next smoker. In accopting theoflVr Dr. Murray promised ovoryassistance of tho cricketers at thoWaverloy's house warming.


The Insurance Comnunlci Were LlulileIn Any Case.

The insurance companies twodays ago adjustod tho loss by Saturday morning's fire, to tho catis-facti- on

of the Mutual TelephoneCompany. An erroneous state-

ment in this connection has beenpublished. Whether it was thecurrent of an eloctric wiro or astroke of lightning which firedthe building, does not matter eomuch as far as tho liability of thecompanies is concerned, for firoonsued aud the insurers woroliable.

The firo inquest is a police meaeuro under tho statute for thatpurpose, ut course it is or. agreat deal of interest to the insurors to havo tho cuuso of a fireascertained, thoroforo on this oocasion they woro represented attho inquest. Tho agents of thecompanies carrying tho insuranceare H. Loao and J. M. D.woett,but as tbojo Keallemon are interested in the telophonp companythy requostod Mr. Berg to uctfor them.


now to Treat It Water and Friction thoUett Cure.

There is nothing so fatal to a wom-

an's beauty as a skin diseasa, no matterhow admirable her form or bow classictho lines of her faoo and head. Indeed,we might go farther and say that withperfect form and foatares a woman maybo a paragon of all tho domostio vir-tues, and despita theso gifts and gracesho has never been ablo to command

the love wo all cravo and havo an hon-est right to yoora for if her face ismarred by an uncightly skin.

The hideous cases of skin diseasewhich havo been the despair of womenand cirls havo in tho course, of a fowmonths of proper demising aud frictionyiolded and given way to beautiful sat-in- y

complexions, frco from every blem-

ish. Nosimplo washing or bathing willdo this, although such ablntions bo per-formed six times a day. There is uopurification of thcsTdn and uo euro fordiseases resulting from obstructed poresexcopt soap, wator and friction. En-

larged pores and many of the simpleskin diseases ueod no other treatment.

Those who cauuot afford to employa massonso or to tako a course of lessonsthemsolves must remember that thoword "masso" is tho keynote of thesystem. Tho great difficulty is in get-

ting just tho right pressure on tho faceand throat. The kneading should bodeop cnongb to mako tho blood oironlatofreely, never sharp or quick enough tohurt It is of tho utmost importancethat tbo face should bo quite oloan whenmossago is given, otherwise you kneadtho dust or face powder into tho poresof tho skin.

Window poles and fittings.King Bros., 110 Hotel Btreot.

Just What You Want!A Souvenir of Honolulu and the

Hawaiian Islands!

49 ItQtiutlful Vhoto-drnvure- s,

1 Map uf tho IrIuiuI Group.From Latest Photos by Tho Davoy Photo

Co., Ltd, Honolulu, andJ. J. Williams, Honolulu.

Artistically gotten ui slzo UxTln.SUIT covor, handsomely cmttossod, and

tied with silk cord. Tho mostbeautiful of Sou v cnl r Albums

jot produced.Among tho selection of views, wo

mako special mention of tho follow Inn:Harbor, Honolulu, (now) Photo by

Williams.Punchbowl, from Tantalus, (now)

Photo by Davoy.Diamond Head, from Punchbowl, (now)

I'llOlO uv IMVOV.Nmianu Pall, (now) Photo by Davoy.Kaplolaui Park, (now) Photo by D.ioy.Princess Kalulanl Photo by Williams.Prosldont Dolo Photo by Williams.

'lho prlco Is within tho reach of everyono.

ONLY ?1.00

Prlco iost paid In heavy nmnUliionvolopo to any part of tho world, 81.10.

Country orders gien prompt atten-tion.






Tools mmairmt





Pacitio Hardware Co., Limited,

Fort Strdot.





which aro Justly colobratod andneed no social montlon. Wo re-

ceived two of thorn by tho lastfetcumor, and sold them tit onco.Wo oJcpcct to reeoho u fow inoroby tho noxt boat.

$$ Wo liavo Ono orTwo of theso Machines FORKENT.

Frank Godfrey's "Hand Book"



810 It


Morclmnt Stroet.

Chapter, No.




Tlioro will be aneguUr. Conoca-tlo- n

of tho abovoCluipter hold at Ma-sonio Tomplo THIS(Thursday)

Fob. 17, 1808,at 7:30 o'clock.sojourning Compa-nions aro cordiallyInvited to attond.W. G. ASHLEY,



Stenographer and Typewriter,

May bo found In tho Campboll Illovk,W. O. Irwin fc Co.'a.

Omeo From 0 n. m. to 5 p. in.

The Evening Bulletin,




Easy!' v

Why moko tho littlo ones cryand compel them to take a medi-ci-no

which ia distasteful to them,when you can accomplish, tho do-air- ed

end without it?


Tho finest preparation ovor introduced in tho oil lino, the tnntoploneant, doso 6mall nnd oots likoa charm.

Nature's Own Cathartic.

Don't bo talked into, tryingBomothing that is claimed to bo asgood, Ihoro is but ono first-clas- s

tHHtoless castor oil nnd that isCUMMIN'S.

Children Relish It.

The prico is low, a bottlo con-taining many doses at 25 cents.You cannot afford to be without it

Hollister Drug Go.



' -- . f .


New Goodsjust AimiviiD pnn s. s. "Australia" foii

N S. . SACHS,520 Fort Street,

SPRING NOVELTIES'ov Designs 1 Now Materials 1


BSTTIioho Goods mIH'Imj opened In n fow


Ribbons and Laces!

Ribbons and Laces 1



i mm.j,

Grand Stock of RIBBONS of All Widths and Colors.

An Immense Variety of LACES lith Insertions to Match.

TWMWEM I4iHIMsFort Street.


AGENTS' ...: ,1 H


Ynu'll Rfi nnminn Down Town ""m

TOMORROWPlaco nnd Loqk Our ' ? J

CorsetsWo thorn in all varieties, including

Summer, Winter,Bicycle, Nursing,

Corset Waists.. Wo havo thorn all styles, anil prices that are

holow anything ovor hoard hero before.


rwumP. D. and Prima Donna Corsets

MEN, and especially thinking otKLONDIKE, covering,


of im

IN .Mm

days. "'SSt Cj&

ijjui hum




in atof




n i



& 111

-- - ,

, w 1

roLt mnb of ', '-- i

l. Royal Arc& . ,





.Tor thoso whotho or who need a warm havea now



j.t Jew

riff SBmi

- ki 3Rm

, Cardigan Jackets i;' ,- iWWmW

Wltich aro woll worth inspection. $ ,

ft i?m .Wart '&No 1Q street VS" .fc. . ,r. . 'HEmm

,;ua ,' jgk jtofeoi Vlltii?ntiilf itiM

Page 6: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third

HP 6

I lew Goods !

H Pur "Australia," Feb. 1.

m New Organdies:Kr Imperial,

H&- - i St. Gorniuine,B Superfine,

1M& Fruncaisc,Hgl' Ozarinc,

If Valence,W& Toile do Altmtiu.


R.: I

If J


New Prints, Ribbons

Liico Ourtains,Lap llobes,Etc., Etc.

EI11T&1SKing Street, Von Holt Block.




Suit ClubThe OLD ONE IS CLOSED niul the





Tha Hotel St. Tailors,Wuvcrlry Iliitldlwr.

Telephone 611.

Home Decorating!

Gold Paint:AVhleh Is n substitute for goldleaf, and will LAST.

Enamel :

For Imparting a liunl nut! glassysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain finish on tubs.Ilower pots, etc. Not nlloctedby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, basket, etc.

JGSTFull directions for use. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.


A Lot of Extra Large Mules


Driving Horses

Tficy May be Seen at Rice's Stable,School Street.

tST Communications In regard tothe same may bo left at the Ofllco ofH. Waterhouse & C.

"W. KC. SEaiCE.TB2-- tf



Ofllce: 208 Merchant street, Camp-.bo-ll

Block, rear of J. O. Carter's ofllco..P.O. Box 830.



Queen Street.

Agate Wareof all kinds includingPlates, Sauce Pans, Unking Pans, Tea Kettles,and in fact everythingneeded in the way ofKitchen Ware.

Crockery Warefrom the ordinary kindsup to the finest kinds ofChamber Sets and Fancy"Wnro.

Glass Wareincluding Tumblers,Pitchors, Table Sets,etc., and also a fine lino ofOUT GLASS WAKE.

Shelf Hardwarewhich comprises every-thing in the way of JJuttsand Hinges, Locks', Nails,etc.

Ready Mixed

Paintsfor Insido and OutsideWork, and which can boapplied by anyone.


Queen Street.

wmm mm go,


j. J. Walleu - AIanaqeii.



Wavr Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


fletiiopoiS"6Bat do.

Telephone 45.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokal, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agenoy.

Having been entrusted from busi-ness men nil over th Islands for the)M8t years, I am preptml to mskeVbstracts of Titles or Deed In it most

thorough, acauralo and foiuiilfta mxniter, and to negotiate sale or leases oflands beloDKlnsr to tho-- e who are ie- -

siding at the Settlement on shnrt.notlce. K"J.3m

Election of Officers.At tlio Aununl Mooting of tbo I'lvclflo

Gunitn and Fortlli.or ConiMiiy hold tillsday, tlio following Ofllcors woro olectodto sorvo during tho prosont year, viz.:

Ooorgo N. Wilcox I'rcsldontJ. P. IlackfuldEd. Subr TrousurorII. A. Jwnborg. .....SocrotaryT.May Auditor

II. A. ISBNIIEHCI,Secretary.

Honolulu, Jan. 20, 1898. 821 3w

Hilo Electric Light Co,, Ltd.

Tenders for Fifty (50) Shares of theCapital Stock of the above Coninnnvaro called for ut a minimum of $125.00per snare.

Applications will close SATUIt-DA-

February 11). 1893. Tlio highest or any tender not necessarily ac-cepted. Particular will bo furnishedon application.

L. TUBNEK,Secretary.

Hilo, Jan. 20, 18S13. 823-t- f




FortiQcatlons Bill Passed with Halt the

Amount of Last Year.

Steel Ralls for Russia Substitute Immigration

Bill --Double Murder Confessed

Relief for Klondlkers.

Bolow is more uows brought bytbo Wilder sUumer Mnui up to

February 7:

Six firomon wero killod iu I3os-ti- n

by n falliug roof.Tlio Luetuert caso is going to

the jury in Oliicngo.Tlio Oarnogto compnuy of Pitts

bury, Pn., has secured largo Huhsinn contracts for 6 tool rail".

Tbo stoimor (?oorgf W. Elderhiw finilod from Portland with thprelief oxptdition for tuo 1'ukou.

Prank I3elow tins confespod injail nt Suisun, Out., the murderof tho two JDixnns, his brother andsistpr.

Jospph P. Smith, dirpo.torof the.bureau of Amoncau ivepublics,diod in Florida of heart failurefro'ii

Coutul Fowler nt Ouefoo re-

ports that Americtu goods nrodriving out those of Gnjat Britntnand Oerinnuy in Uuinti.

Tho German etontnship KaiserWilheliu II. anil tho Frenchst nmHhip Brotiicno both ranaground wbilr leaving Now York.

The House of Representativeshas passed the fortification- - andcoat-- t defenses bill currying 84,

oguinst S'J,517.141 lastyenr.

8u"t has boon brought at Cleve-land to prevent tin TippecanoeClub from expelling four momborswho took pirt in tlioopposition to At ark Ilunna'selection to the U.S. Seuato.

It presontativo Corliss of Michigan has iutro.luced nn immi-gration restriction bill ns a sub-stitute for the Lodce bill. Itmakes chaincter instrml of educa-tion the test. It oxiMiiptH immigrants from Cnuadin provincescontiguous to tho United StatPS.

A petition iB bjing ciiculat'dat Sksguay nud Dyea forUU0 United St.ttv troops lor thoseparts. Po'itiono.s allege tin

of tho mea-ur- o from Ihoab-enc- e of local iil uovernmontin Ala-k- n, and nn inilux of 250-.-000 pooplo to tho gild fields ex- -p ct-u- .

Libel suits of tho Minneapolis Trut-- t Company ngaius'the ftlonueapolis Times. VE. Hnskell i's mauncer andJoliii Blanchard its editir endin favor of tho defendantsAfter a two months' trial the jury,beiiiK out 24 hours, returned avoidiut of not guilty as to Hnskell.This disposes of all the cases.

Froo Mas ins will conduct Washlncton Day celebration nt thecapital. President MoKinloy, whois n Junson, will deliver tho principal addfo-ts- . Georgo Washington presided at tlio lajiug of thocornor etouo of the Capitol in1793, not only us Presidont of thoUnited States, but also as PastMaster of Alexandria Lodge of.Masons,

A shortngo of S859 was foundin the United States treasury ntWashington, after n count of cashlasting five months. Twoutv- -oijl)t oxpert cpunlers and n. forceof laborors and voriQers wero em-ployed, and 8797,000.000 has beencounted. The shortage was in avault containing 103,G53,000standard dollnrs. Tho count hadto lio made on account of the ap-pointment iu July of Ellis II.Roberts in plnco of D. N.' Morganas United Statos tronsuror.

Meahanion' Homo, nnrnnr TTntnl

and Nuuanu streets, lodging byuay, wook or month. Torras: .25and 60 conts por night. $1, and

1.25 nor week.Evorv family that can nffnril lo

havo anv beer at nil can afford tonavo ivnimor. it is tlio healthiost boer in Senttle and tho healthiost la alwlvB the beHt. Tele. 7fi3.Critorion Saloon.

Singers lend tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. Highest awards nt tho World's Columbian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regulnrity of motion,Paso ot motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, onso oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. B. Borgorben, agent,1GJ Bothol streot.

This, our codo, you may road nt sight,A story tow in mncK nnu wuuo.No glass required to nld tho viow,Fabrics right nnd colors true.

COLORS,All colors como from tho sun.Wo havo all colors undor tho sun.

CLOTHS.Madras, Oxford, Uotnay, Mndras.IJvory wcavo that Is produced bytho loom.

ISTOTE THIS:Wo havo dono no oxporlmontlngnttho oxpoiiHo of tlio CuNtomor.

All our Ooods aro first class, and classllnst In stylo and quality:

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : WaVWley BlOCt

gfuts for Dr. Delmel's Lluen-Me- sh

Uuderwenr. Send for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Turkeys ! Turkeys !


Alive, Dressed or Roasted.


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


bid leal MarHNuuanu Street.

Lcavo Your Orders Early.

Telephone 104.-

Art PortraitsChesnoy W. Ewlng, a leading por-trait painter of San Francisco, isnow iu Honolulu and connected withour studio. His work hero Is already

On Exhibitionand ml in I red by all who sco It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfcsizo to miniatures. A spe-cialty Is made of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Oct your

Sweetheart's Pictureon your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by tholatest science, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours tho

Best Place.At tho old stand In Fort street.

j. j. williams.:mtt:r,:r,-a-.y'- s

Carriage Shop21 nnd 23 King Street.

Horse ShoeingAND

General fobbingBQu Only First-clas- s "Work turned


T. B. MURRAY.Telephone 572.


A.RCHITECT223 Merchant St., Honolulu,

Between Fort aud Alnkca,

TfiiiEPitoNi: : : : 734

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterVloroknnt Stroot, Honolulu, H. 1.

Over Hawaiian Nowa Company'sjook atoro. mv IB.

17, 18!8.

m, LUG k CO


AND- -

Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiateds

Real EstateAND- -

Insurance AgentsRents collected. Complete charge

of Property for absentees.SSTFinauclal Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency of"M I



Bargains in Real Male


Sea View,


Prospect Street,



King ,St. rar ffaiMM Roafl

TWO ACRESof Important proporty In central part ofcity limits.

Dcslrablo rosldonco proporty, nlco cot- -tagos nnd well Improved grounds, Kingstruct, Young street, Punahou and SouthSlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Go.

210 Kling Street.Club Stables,

Limited.FORT 8TREET,

Telophone 477 o


Breaking HorsesA SPECIALTY.

Finest Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers always on




Stand: Cor. Union and Hotol 8ts.

John Xtfott,Importers and Dealers in

5ee and Iron Ranges,


121 & 123 King Buet

J. S. Walker, 1

Ileal - Estate - Broker.



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sulo and Lcaee on'

Liberul Terms.


1.2 Houses aud Lots on Nnunnn streets,between Viueynrd and Bobool Btreets.

2. 1 Largo Lot on Nnunnu street, be.tween Vineyard and School streets.3. Large Lot, MnklkiBtieit, fenced. 228feet ftonUge.

i."ot.on ?fnnn 8treet bftwoen Alapaland Knplolanl Btrcets 140 feet frontage.

5. Lot c-- Luualllo street between Alapaland Iiaokfeld streets

6. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.7. The Unlldhig known asThomas'Blook.

2 stories and embracing 6 (rented) storeson loused ground.8. Rico Lund at Waikane, Koolau.0. Lot on cornor of Houlu and Keoan.mokn street-- , between residence of W. A

Bowen and lot of W. M. Oiffard, havlniifrontage on Ileulu street 260 feot.winlikifoad? and 7 w,,h Uou,,e' KaUa.

1 1. Half Acre Lot In Hilo Town.


1. 3 Cottages at Old Walkiki. s2. 8toro and Dwelling, comer Wyllla

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy.3. Lot corner Merchant and Richards


Projjerties Managed, Collec-tio- '.of Rents, Loans Nego-

tiated and Advances made onRo tl Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.1". O Box. 331). Tel. 331,

Certificate of the Minister of the Inter-

ior in re Bank of Hawaii, Limited.

I, JAMES A.KING, Minister of theInterior of tho Hcpubllu ofherebv nKTri,'v i,..f 1.. ":."."""...111 the rcnulreinents" of Section


1i1,,l.7 X'rn''I tbo Session Laws 01884, sumo being an ' Art to pro- -Ido for thci Incorporation of HankingConipanles,''! havo examined Into the

S?,"','t,0l of "'o "BANK OF HA-WAIIformod unili.p

LIMITI5IVuntil ut a ....corporally

1 .... .

the City of Honolulu and I nm satis- -.i... uiui, iiukiiii corporation liasrul- -

lv cnnmltoil will. .1... .. 1..1

quired by said Act, to bo compiledwith before coninionclng the businesso :Tnawa.,Idn,ilW0,fe

hereby authorized to commence bust- -

IN WTTVTiVSS! Wtn,'nr.nn,, r ....-.- .... iuiiwiur 1 naveheriMintn nlnni.,1 ..... i,...i .'....Seal this 23rd day of December, A.D.,

fRItrilPlH T A TMm701-21- Minister nf tlm l.if,.rlJ.,

Sugar Bags For Sale

100,000 Calcutta Sugar Bags, Size36x22, Weight 16 Ounces,

Especially ndapted for consignmentsto New York.

flY" Tllll.II. lln.K. V .

ready for immediate- delivery.

J. G-- . ROTHWELL,bOl lin Wnrehouso, Queen Street.

For Sale.TTniiso wftli tvr lwwiH

dining-roo- bathroom with, patentW. C. and bath tub, pantry, ldtcheaid stables,

....on Vinoyard street, sulta.

u.u "iionicaa mun o minutes walkFor further particulars, apply to

tf A. V. OldAlt & CO.

For SaleTwo Houses containing 9 and 1

-- ml 500 TeSinnn'': Sand balance In mortgage. Apply to707-t- f

' sinter;' 1

For Rent.ITflMGJh Dnnlntiili... t""".'""'"S iu"r rooms, withk Chen, pantry and storeroom. Pre-i- n8ca 011 Lllilia street oppositeWill. Immediate

terms apply to W. C. iirk"'Kaahumanu street, er CVMerchant stru... urLi,.,u..,,i



rlf 'i



B8--u -


Page 7: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third




W. G. Irwin & Co.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sngar Refinery Oo. o( Ban

FranoisooBaldwin Looomotivo Works of Phila-

delphia, l'eun.. DBA.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Cnno Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N.Ohlandt & Go's Chemi12V)rtlllzers.Alox Cross & Sons, hluU grade fertll

izers for Oane and Coffee.Beods Steam Pipe Covering


Offer for Salerarafflno Falat Go's P & B Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Llnscod'olls, rawand boiled.

Indurine, (a cold water paint) In whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.


AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and ManagerClans Bproekols, - - - nt

W. M. Gifliird, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAMD

Commission Agents.aoenib or THH




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FOR. ...ii .....! ftnnm.i ntniwuua AKiituiiuiw wuf""!) n TT

Sunt Company, Walhee Suear Company. MaketSugar Company, Haleakala kanch Company,

Ranch. - Planter1 Line San FranciscoPacketi, Chas. Brewer & Co.'. Line of BostonPackets Boston Board of UnderwritersAgents Philadelphia Board of Underwriter.

list or orriGKBSt

P 0 Jones, President; Gttorge H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary; Col. W F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H Watorhouse, A W Carter, Direotors.

W. C . ACHI & CO,,

Brokers & Dealers

REALJSTATEX5T We will Buy or Sell Bool Estate In

all ports ot tuo group.f3T Wo will Soil Properties on Beason-sjw- o


OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on PA

LAMA ROAD near fertilizingPlant

cthese lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

-- sirable Acre TraotB near the city and3r Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WARENG & CO.,Doolers in Lota and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near KingTHLnrnoNB 607. P. O. Box 821.



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


1 T.HMknii i4 ffnnl

and Building Materials of nilkinds.

Queen Btroot, Honolulu,

ttJust Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAY1S' PAINKILLER stood the testugainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho home. .

It is not a now fanglc remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is porloctly harmless, youneed have no fear of hecuminghabitually inclined to its use.

Jbor Colic. Cramps, Dysentery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it boneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho 'system unknown?

it has many rivals but noequal.

ttf The new 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof the 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Agents for the Islands.



The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .




225 Queen street, Honolulu, H. 1

H. WAY CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

IVlAnhnnnr 22 P.O. Box 470


Hay and Feed Stuffsof nil kinds on hand, and nowstocks arriving by oory vcs-so-

Wo liaoJust rocolvcd a supplyof

Whole Wheat Flour.Corner Fort cf Queen Sts.

A GOOD THING4.--- U S--- C

Ohia, Algeroba and Fine Firewooc

Out and Split (ready for the Stove).Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part olthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.


Contractor and Builder.

Offices and Stores fitted np andEstimates Riven on


tar Office and Shop; No. 610 Fort street,adjoining W. W. WrlRht's Csrrlajje Shop.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOS HOTBb STREETS,

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Cream.

Our Establishment is the Finest Iiesortin the City. Call and see us, Open till 11

o'clock r. v.

Wo liavo recoivod now andlarge additions to onr stock of

Ikin anticipation of your require-ments for tbo Holidays. Justto hand i

Pommery See


also a small and select stock of

Still and Sparkling Hock & Moselle,

European Fine Ports and Sherries,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

W, C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited.

Tel 4G. Merchant Street.

New Plan For 1898


$275 m $275"We have prepared soveral cot

tagp and bouse plans and specifi-cations to furnish material andlabor complote, within any part ofthese Islands, or to furnish materials out in sizo and marked sothat owner has only to put 'thopieces together in their respectiveplaces. All finishing material andhardwaro will bo crated or boxedfor Island shipment.

Wo are also prepared to farnifih n, hntiRO with n int. KOrinO fnofin foe simple, for from S275 up,situated in tuo most residentialpart of the city.

Please call at our office for pricesand terms on each set of plans.

fiber k Building Co.

LliMITEZ).Office on King street, in Leleo,


Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OK HAND.


1". XCxoioso. DPropPer Day 9 2.00

The Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this Oit)


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street

Carriage Builderand nEPArnEtt.

BlaohniinginAll Its Branches.

W. W. WltldilT, Proprietor.(Suooessor to O. West)

CoDsoliJateu Soda Water Co., LiEsplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., HonoluluT


Hawaiian Soda Works,Factory: Sunny South.

Patent Safety Bottles; Screw Stoppers

telephone 682.FAMILIES SUPPLIED.







Emperor William Helps the Royal

Family to Palaces.

Spanish Cabinet Disgusted with Cuban Min-

istry Klcndlkers Leave England-It- ems

from Many Lands.

Those foreign items aro up toFebruary 7, coming hy tho Btoam- -or Maui yostordny:

A revolution haB broken out inCosta Rica.

Arthur Tennyson, brother ofLord Tennyson, is critically ill.

Liberals in Germany are oppos-ed to tho retaliatory measuresagainst American fruit.

A party of 300 pooplo bound forthe KloDcliko has sailed with mp-plie- s

in tho steamer Tartar fromSouthampton.

Italy is gelling out of pationcowith Colombia for payment oftho nward made by PresidentCleveland iu the Ccruti affair.

It is rumoied that the Nigorcoant protcctornto ttoops, whilodestroying towns, woro over-whelmed and massocred by na-tives.

The new parliament buildingsat Victoria, B. 0., were to be opoued on Monday. Thoy cost noarlya million dollars and are the fiumtbuildings on the Pacific Coast.

Lord Salisbury is still v reticenton affairs in the Far East, and thoBritish public is anxious. Addi-tional assurances have been giventhat tho Government has notbacked down.

Germany and Austria opposePrince Goorgo of Greece for gov-ernor of Crete. Great Britain isbeliovod to have made a compro-mise with Russia in giving sup-port to the Prince.

The Spanish Cabinet is reported to ue disgusted with tho UubanMinistry under tho autonomousplan, for devoting itself solely toits own affairs aud ignoring thoinsurgents in tlie no Id.

Professor D'Aroy Thompson'sreport on tho sealing conferenceconclusions in published in Lou-don. It favors pelagic sealing andattributes the deaths among thoseals to the parasite uncinaria.

The Prupsian Cabinet has ap-proved Emperor William's planto roraove the university, libraryand scientific institutions fromBerlin to Charlottunburg. Hisobject is to use tho buildings forresidences ot members of thoroyal family. Tho schemo isbouud to arouso popular opposition.

Tho Duko and Duchess of Fifoworo to open a new town hall atHackney. Members of tho townvo try kicked against a vote of200 pounds to ontertain tho royalcoupio. newspaper cutuugs re-porting the dispute woro eout tothe Duko and Duchess, whereup-on they wrote a loiter declining tooffioirtte at tho ceremony. Whenthe lettor was read at a vestrymoetincr a areat row took nlnce.Somo members complained thatroyalty had beou insulted. Thechairman resigned and tho majori-ty, amid tho liveliest scenes, sang"God Save tho Queon." Tho Dukoof Fife is a son-in-la- w of thePrinco of Wales.


Editoh Evenino Bulletin:I wish to stato that HarryEvans, tho harbor police, did notarrest two deserters from Rus-sian Frank's place yesterday asthe morning .Advorlisor stated.I do not harbor any deserters; norhas any ever boen arrestod frommy place. I would adviso theAdvertiser to bo a little morecareful in tho future in regard tothe location wboro thoy claim de-sert- ors

aro kept. I have beon inbusiness in Honolulu 15 years,and havo always tried to keep asordorly a 1 ouse as possiblo.

Fbank Luoweako.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 1154 Fort street,from $1.00 per week up.

Orders solicited for specialraonu or dinner cards, dono inwater colors or oils. King Bros.,Hotel streot.

Lois, cut flowers and floral pieces,furnished on Bhort notice and de-livered. Mrs. A. L. King, at Wo-

man's Exchange. Telephone 659.House Tolopliono 30d.


x:lv:l:e3t:e.:e3sHardware and Commission Merchants.' A

Plows and Agricultural Grivphito ami Graphite 'HImplements; Paint; j

Plantation Supplies; "Garland" Stoves ami , 9

Lubricating Oils; Ranees: v ' J 3

Carpenter's, Machinist's Blue Plamo Oil Stoves; v' '$

and Blacksmith's Tools; 'Gasoline Stoves;

Arms anil Ammunition; Agate and Tin Ware;'4

Parmer's Boilers; Lamps; t

vWiley & Russell's Screw "Automatic" and "New ." !

Plutcs; Victoria" SewingW

Taps and Dies, Drills; chines. H

Paints, Oils, Varnishes; Etc., Etc.,- - Etc. j



Hardware and Commission Merchants.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Liraited.

--Importers and

General Merchandise--AND-

Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & .CO,, Ltd.201 to




Dealers in--

-- c8n. tC


215 Fort Street.

D.,: : :

The City Eurniture StoreAnother lo of thoee

Artistic Reed Chairs,v Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just received inllme rorlheHolldaya at the CITY FURNITURE STORE,Love Bulldlog, 634 and 636 Fort Street. .

gJtT Call and Inspect them before it Is too late.

H.'l-I- . "WILLIAMS, Manager.Office 840 : TELEPHONES : : Residence 849.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.


Tho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING .Establishment on tho Islands. Every-thin- g

Now and of tho Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Speoialty ! No Bungling! No Failures!NOTE: Mr. Ed. "Williams is a Graduato of Clark's School of

Perfect Embalming, by which process the body retains its naturalappoaranco for years.

er Office and Parlors: 514 and 51G Fort St., near Hotel.Tolophone 179. Residence and Night Telephone 815.



' w

Page 8: Bulletin - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · nr. practically diwded uudor th ee heade: ducct tHXOJ, custom? revouuti nnd internal revenue Gich bearing about ono third



A $',.f




Success ! Success !


Great ShoeAnd what Is more gratifying to the people Is IU eoiitliuuuiceuso that every-on- o

can take advantage of the bargains ollored.

Ono of tlicie davi we will have a larger store, finely fitted, and stockedwith a larger and more complete lino of Shoes than were over offered lit.Honolulu. New and up to date In every particular. Everything will bo ofthe highest onler, except the prices of tlio Shoes, those we will keep, as woImvo (darted them at the lowest.

"Wo can afl'ord to. We buy more Shoes than any other concern on theI'aelllc Coast. We have ten stores.

WW CAN, WE WILLrfoll Shoes at prices which will nttract you and will secure your patronage..Tay our store a visit and Inspect prices.

FAIRCHILD'S HONOLULU SHOE HOUSE.3-- J. MonniY & J. 3. Lynch, Maununrs, 420 and 42UJ Fort street,

Corner of Holol street.

Marine G-los-s u fineor stateroom work.

Enamel Paints in many shades, for decorating uny-thin- g;

also for bath tubs.'Aluminum Lacquer for making the bright parts

-- of your bicycle look now.$Sr Our stock on all these lines is complete and wo

"have about everything needed in the paint line, including'si largo stock of Brushes.

E. . O. HALL & SON,

Sfflw, Pliaetoas,

Business Biiies,


1 MtlJ1. yy nff "

r ;mite


This Week the Plans

--or Tin:

fey Judd Ouildlng

bo open for lusjioetlon atour ollleo,

Tia Location Is the Very In the

7f want clean olllco witheyury nioduiu convunlunco, of easy

.ayiiiSs, whoro e.in ost.ihlish your-l- fpermanently, c.ill anil make your

neloetlnu boforo It Is too lato.'1 ho building vt ll ho only three stories

jilnve mound floor thus only limitednumber of aro offered.

Hawaiian Safe Deposit and In-

vestment Company,

CARTER, Manager.

fn rear 0 Hunk of Hawaii, Ltd.


Bargain Sale

The saying is, "Don't mon-key withtlio band wngon ex-

cept, you can play 11 horn."However, this was not tliotale we were going to relate.

AVo want to cull your at-

tention to other things, suchas:

Hall's Cottage Paintswhich we lmvo in thirtydiHerent shades.

Navy Floor and DeckPaints in nine shades.

finishing whito paint for cahin

N7 Xr - f r


Ml Ar

Fort Street,Ono D3of nliovo Club Stable.

Telephone 205.

F iWaii&n FertilizingCOM PA.VY

Ih prepared to furiilwh

Nitrato of Soda, Mono Moul, raw orlls.olvod;l''lorlda and Klllot Island

G'uaun, Sulplmto of Ammonia, Murlntoand Sulphato of I'otaHli anil ICalnlto, Co-n- d

I.I 1110 Stono nndManuros. In qiianti-tlo- s

to suit.

A. F COOKS, Manager


By fUat m'hw" from the Coisf,

THE REGULAR THINGAt my ntore, where the

BEST CUSTOM WORKla done repairing and nw workboth. j'Plna, rings, bracelet, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404i Fort St.

Single and Double Harness,Whips, Lap Robes, Rugs,

Sun Shades, Lamps, Etc., Etc.

tfc3r Thcso Goods aro bought direct from tho manu-facturers, and aro at bed rock prices.

. JJPSk- - PimmxnjPJMlKL! ixSmr 1 III




Best City.

you a light,




ujy Yi



Terrible PainsIn tho Stomach -- Droarfful Hoacf-noh- os

Face .and Nocfc CovorocTWith Bolls-Cu- rod by Hood's

Is Now CJoar." I was covered with bolla all ovtr my faoo

and nock. I had dreadful hcadachea andpalna In my stomach. I took mdlelncs,but waa not much bencfltod, and I pro-cured alz bottles of Ilood'a Baraaparllla.After taklne tho first Knltln TonnM .Improvement. When I had taken a fewmoro bottles tho bolls had oh gone, myakin was clear, my appetite returned, andmy health was entirely restored- - I amthankful I ever found auch a blood puri-fier aa Hood'a Sarsaparllla. I paid out ngood deal of money for useless medicinesboforc taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." W. F.Bkckwith, Ilurlock, Maryland.

If you decldo to try Ilood'a Sarsaparlllado not be induced to buy any other.

U 4- -I '4 Sarsa--B IVSvJU O parlllaIs the llcst In fact tho Ono True Wooer I'url-"e- r.

lie sflro to Ret Hood's. I'rlco $t, six for J5.nro t,1B onlJf p"" (otaKo

llOOa S PHIS with Hood's Sarsaimriltu


Diamond Hoad SiRtinl Stntlon, Kcb17, 1 p 111 Wentlicr clear, windllHt H. Urlgt W a Irwin houndIn.


' - ffi2 --ib miDay. .. 'i r 2. 4 E.H

I 'p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m.Monday 14 11 JW mil, 3.8 0.20


Tuesday 15 11.40 4.2.V 7.31a.m. p.m.

Wednesday- - .. Ill 0.27 1.2 RAV 8.11TluirHduy 17 1.10 l.GS O.W 8.40

i a.m. p.m.I'rlduy 18 2.7 2.42 0.10, 7.57

Saturday 10 2.48 3.21

Sunday 20 3.21 4.4 10.0 0.45

The Standard tlmewhlstloKomidHnt12h. din. 0s. (mlilnlKht), areenwlchtime, which Is Hi. 3()ni. p. m. oflla-wall- nn

Standard time.


Steamers duo and to mill tomorrowand for the next nix days are as fol-lows:



Warrlmoo Victoria PVI 18Aoransl-Sydii- ey Kuli 18Mauua Lou Kona Feb 18ltlo tie Janeiro San Fraiu'lseo..Feh 10Mokolll-Molo- kai Feb 10Cluinlliic Mnui Feb 20W O HalL Kauai Feb 20Kiiutii-III- Io Feb 22Australia San FraneNco Feb 24


Steam Kits. Koit Bails.Warrlmoo Sydney Feb 18Aw-iing- l Vle'torla Feb 18ltlo do Jiiueiro Japan., Feb 10MoUolll Molokal Feb 21Claudine Maul Feb 22WG Hall-Kn- ual Feb 22Mauua Lou Kona Feb 22


Stmr Mlkahala, Thompson, 14 lirafrom Kolou.

Stmr Jnmes Makee, Tullett, 13 hrfrom Nawlllwlll.

Stmr Keauliou, Thonipson, 18 brafrom Honolulu.

Stmr Walaleale, Parker, 14 hrs fromKaliuku.

Am brlBtne W O Irwin, Williams,22 dys from San Francisco.

Schr Kaulkeaoull, 30 brs from Ku-k:liu- i.



Stmr James Makee, Tullett, forKapaa,

Stmr Mlkahala, Thompson, forNn-wlllwil- l.

Piclurfs mako oseollont wn -dmg pro-- o its. Kiiiu Bros., 110iiotel Btret. .

Does your wife love vou ? Shndoefl. .That's uooil; and so isRainior Beir. L ivod n.'t only byyour wife, but by vorvbndy'olse'swife. 1V1 'plu'mo 783 for sup)lynt on co.

City OnrrinKO Co., J. 8. And-rad- e,

manngor. If you want abuck with good bora nud euroful driver ring up Tolepbono 113,eoruer of Fort rind Merohnutstreets. Hack nt nil hours.

Your photos will soon be spoil-ed if exposed without gldhs overtbera. King Urns, biivrt struck nVflrv nent anil itivnoncivn tvnv nfdoing up pli'to-- whih is givinggiuui buiiHiHuuon. i iv ooteistreet;

The Oliver Typewriter is pro-nounced by exports, tlio best ma-chine in Hie world. It hue manyvaluuble features, whicli. 'have tobe seen in ordor to bo appreciated.The Olirer can bo Been at thooflion of A V Gear, No. 210K"'irj stropi

17, 1898.' ' ", sWTTTJraaHHiHSli


Itpgulnr meotiug Onbu Lodge,K of l 7SJU.

Meotmg llobckab Lodge, 10 0F. 7:30.

Rubearsal Auiatour Orchestra,Opera houw), 7:30.

Addrpsa by P O Jones inMO A, 7:30.

Drill of Company A, N G H,7:30.

Meetinc Honolulu OhnptGT,Masons, 7:30!


jrlgantlne W.G.. Irwin Towed Into Port

from San Francisco.

Ship S. P. Hitchcock Leaking CD. Bryant In

Trouble Steamer Jarae? Hakce from

Kapaa Walaleale Arrlies.

The Iwalani is loading sugar atJiukuiuaelo today.

A big scbool of sharks woro dis-poning around the IVLuini Alaout in tbo stream this morning.

Sugar on Kauai: Kilauoa 5700bags, Kapaa G000 bags, Hauama-uluCOO- O

bas, Lihuo 2400 b'ags,Kekaha GOOO bags.

The steamor Keaubou from Houoktta p'isaed the O' D Bryantabout 15 miles south of Kokotltail this morning about 10o'clock. Sho w'.m in a doud calm.

Tho Bhio S P Hitchcock hasprung a leak on tho starboardside just abaft tho forn rigging.She will betaken ulongsklu oue otthe docks, hove down, recnulkedand recopperod.

Tho brigautiuo W G Irwin wastowed into port about 2 o'clockthis afioruoon by tho steamerWaialonle, 22 days from tinuPraucisco with a goneral cargoconsigned to "W G liwin & Co.

.The sohoonor Transit, barken-tin- e

Irmgard nnd bark AldenUes9e wore loading for Honolulunt the dnpirturo of tho Mnui. 1'lu'ship Iroquois was to sail in abouta ueok in hallat-- t to load sugar atthis port for Now York.

The bteamer Jnmo. Makee.which arrived from Nawiliwihibis morning, reports tho Kuuaint Mak:iweli discharging fruighlnud the stoiraer V G Hall atKolna. linm squnlh along theKauai cnat auil across channel.

Tho U 8 Flagship Olympia hasjust returned to Yokohama fromShanghai. It is reported therothat the 01 v in pin raty l)u reolaeenby the Baltimore on the AsiaticStation and the Olympia orderrdto San Fraucinco. ThoOlyrapiuVt re year' scr.ico will expirom-x- t October, and all in Honoluluremember hor passing throughheridtuing tho eholerrt oridomicin 1805 ourouto to Japan.

A New Wllilrr Ktmraer.

The steamer Maui, 9 days and 2

hours from San Frnncisco, ducket!at Likelike ivharf yostorday aftor-noo- n

at 1 o'clock. Captain liod-ge- rs

reports a rough trip all theway until yesterday, when it growmilder. Th Maui is a sistor-steam- or

to the Uelene nnl similarin every rospost, save a covereddeck which tho Hrlono has not.No pormauont appoiutmonts to theMaui have been made yet, exceptthat of chief engineer, which posi-tion will be rilled by E V Everett.Tho Maui will run to Hamakuaports, tak;ng the old Likeliko'sroute.

Tho C. 1). Urjrunt III Plllklu.Tho bark 0 D Bryant sailed for

San Francisco at halt-pa-st fouro'clock yesterday aftornoon with afull load of sugar. Tho tug Eleuboing on the marine railway, tlmsteamer Lehna attompted to towtho Bryant out. When nearly atthe kbt buoy in tlm channel d

tho seawall, a equall fromthe west proved too stroug for thoLehua and the C D Bryant waforced on the sand on tho Wnikikisido of the channel. With theiiHsistaiioi of a second lino attach-ed to the buoy and heaved withthe winch, tho bark wasfinally extricated from her peri-lous position and, uo injury baving been sustained, she sailed


IA88KNaElt8 AltfclVED.

From Honokaa, per stmr Koauhou G W Foster.

From Nawiliwili, per stmrJnmes Makeo Hon G N Wilcox,Mr Thiolon, Mm Kaiu, Masteriimu.

i h. ;!


Per James Makee 2550 bagssugar, O Brewer &. Co, 200 bugsrice, JU U Hall & (Jo.

Per Koauhou 4608 bags sugarF A Souaefcr & Co, 18 bags coffeeJ T Waterhouse.

Per Mikahaln2G91 bags sugarH Hackfeld & Co, 1000 bags suaarF A Schaefer fe Co, 909 bags sugarCastlo .t Cooko.

Per Knnik.'aonli 2200 bogssugar li JJavios fe Uo.


San Pranoiseo Arrived Fob 4.schr Mildred 22 days from Ka-htil- ni,

Feb 5, schr J M Colmnn17 dayH from Hilor Feb 0, brigtJohn D Sprockels, 19 days fromHonolulu. Sailed Fob 5, bkAlbert and bktn Arohor for IIonolulu, bktn Sharpshooter forivaiiului.

Nowcatttlo, N S W Sailed Feb3, bktn Jane L Stanford for Honolulu.

Guayaquil To sail Fob 5, bkCharles 13. Konney for Hilo.

Port Gamblo Sailed Fob 5,schr Albert Mover for Honolulu.


Oitrlch rlainea and Iloiu A Green Vul-v-

Hat.Fur, which wna exceedingly fnshlonnhlo

Inst year, wilt 1 vquidly no thin winter.Fur borders nnd Incrustations and applica-tions of fur will bo much Boon on wintersostumes, and nnturnl no called headsand animals will nlso enjoy great favor


VKLVET IIAT.Theso nrtlflclnl nnturnl heads nro viciouslooking enough, with their sharp teeth,npen mouths nnd stnrlng eyes, hut theynro accepted ns tho mode, nnd will servo tofnnten hod Ices nnd wraps.

Feather trimmings nro n?iiln coming totho fore, hotU for gowns and aiUllnery.Mnny of tho new winter hats have liordcrsof very line, small ostrich tips, nml thistrimming, although not duruhlo for hardservice, is usually vory becoming, givingn softer look to tlm fentures of tho wearerthan does tho ordlnnry hnnl, straight edgoof tho hat or bonnet.

Ostrich illumes nro Immensely used andnro grouKil in nil hortsof ways and In theutmost profusion for millinery purpose,to ny nothing of tho extent to which the;enter Into evening wraps and neck

Feather lions nro short, hut nro growingmoro clnlwrnto, being often composed of nmixture, of down nnd ostrich plumes orcurled coij fenthers and dividing Into kovcrnl smaller tails nt tho ends, forming nsort of tassel. Black, clear gray, drub andwhlto nro tho f:uorllo colors, brightertones being seldom Been except for eveningwear.

Fur is mmlo into outer garments of vnrlous sorts, ono now model being of furand velvet combined, tho fur forming ahlouso nnd collar w hi lo the basque andsleeves nro of vchtt. Of comvu M:ort pilefurs only nro suitable for this sort of wrap,tlio long nllo varieties liclng too clumsvand too suggestivo of Koblnsou Crusoe'sgoatskin at tiro.

Tho illustration given today shows a hatof emerald velvet, elaborately drnx-- nndpuffed. It is lifted on tho left sido undcian Immense bow of emerald U'lvet, conststlng of many loops, which pais througha largo pasto buckle. Tho wrap wornwith this hat has tho fashlonnhb tall, liarlug collar, edged with bine; ostrich plunirtrimming. Junic ciioixkt.

Qllluco Cakea.From a German school of cookery

comes a recipe for "quitten hrod,"oriiuiueo cakes, which Rounds very tempting to u lover ot tins golden lined trnitif autumn. Doil the quinces whole.without peeling them, till quite softI hen peel and cove them, Work thtpulp through a eonrso clrvo Allow ti

.Kinnd of fcupar to u pound of lrulijiotbtLU tlio sugar with a Imlu tateimid boll n until liends torm; then putu tno lrutt anil boil this, with cntaut stirring, to a still, hiuooth jinn

.dako littlo trays of white paper, tillthem half an inch thick with thu truitind put them to dry in n eoi.l orn nt.pread thu mass, out thin on i laten mm,vlun bomuwhat dried bet l l.iiu to gelcold. Cut thu fruit into n;i) Mwillshapes. Those dried on pajtraioromoved by dipping tho paper into eohlwuter.

Houses cannot bo built withoutwalls and homes cannot be madocomfortable without pictures tocover tho bare places on (ho walls.If you havo tho walls,' wo have thepiotufe.s to covor thorn. Yourstruly, King Bros., 110 Hotelslreot.

Oiaa Coffee Lands

OTor Bale.

NO. 1.Sold.

NO. 2.Sold.

NO. 3.

A Hum OflVe n.tni'li of 118 4ic'flensebolii. an ucrvs eleuneii and underulilvallon planted with 1 vettr oldeoffew tret-8- .

NO. 4.

Exeolleut I uiguln in a (Joftee Plan-Utl- ou

of 100 H.ires. Vvo sliuple. TOiithh plunlid In iio(r--M tres from 2 toouVt;1,l;1,i.F1'H,- ,- uhuuua

NO. 5.A 60 acre CofR,e Rmch In fee sm.ol- -. failing nn the Voloano Road. 16ajres In oofTee. 9 mnutlia a'dvauced.

NO. C.

i.roperty 4 acre are .lHi,r.. w, 4vvur old coffee im-- ,,ud laer- - wlt'i........ i ' . "Ie "lV'"-- r II ,,inri.mui, aor-- ail, l i,Uit freHofu- -churifo for the purclias-- r.

NO. 7.286 nure of uuluipnived nofT-- hi A

Just buck of tho .solroad leadliiK to he Hml.ot

NO. 8.

Mouiiialn View H..M a, Prtula."',' ',.?2 '".;"' '" " 3'1 ore plant.

o.ir-ntr.- -e 4 ii.ifith- - old. 3JVHCrs..l2f..4yMirnhlcnir,v..

Che half way huus for tlio Volcano.

NO. 9.

o .'HTe(X P1?,1!114""'! "' 54 aorei onlyHi 20aer-- s planted iooollee A Iiousj and Improvementsu prop! rty.

Apply to .

A. V. GEAR& CO.,

210 King Street, Honolulu.

By the "Australia"a li.vnni-- : link or .r

Stair Carpets, SmyrnaHugs,

Silk Portieres, Juto Por-tiore- s,

Lace Curtains, TapestrrPortiores,

Table Covers and Drft-poric- s,

Silk Laces, Ulondo Luces,Thread Laces,Chantilli Laces, etc,Percales, Lawns,India Linens, Organdies,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

J. J. EQAN,Fort Streot.

Sale of Coffee Land Leases, i

Uiidorlnstruetloiw from thoTriihtetL.0 11. I lllsliop IMato. Jiiiuos Vjdiff ,

gau will oiler for Halo nt 1'uhllo AMLeases for a term of Twoiitv-on- d

Years of A'aluahlo TraetH of Coiroo f.ft

Fruit Ijind, situato In tho SiibdlvlKlol.A;'of Kool 1 and 2, South Kona, Hawaii.

Sale to tako plaeo on Wi:i).Vi;SDAY,.March 2.1, 180S, nt twelvo o'eloek nooaat Morgan's Auction Itooms, Quoo isiroet, Honolulu. 4

Maps nnd form of Loasos may lio seoat tho 1. 1 Illshop litato Ollleo, Mqr-eha- nt

streot, Honolulu', nnd with Mr. ,

.1. I). Paris, Xapoopoo, Kona, Hawaii.Honolulu, Fob. 8, 1803. 833-t- d


All persons having claims agnlnstQueen Dowager Kaplolanl of a Woiie-tur- y

nature or otherwise up to andFeb. 10, 1803. nro hereby re-

quested to present the same at theollleo of the undersigned nt Hernia-kal-

comer Quoon and Punchbowlstreets, without delnv.(Signed.)PAY.1 II K A WANAXA lCd,T '

JONAH KAIiANIANAOLIO.Honolulu, Feb. 11, 1893. 833-2- w