buletin statistik perdagangan luar negeri ekspor menurut komoditi hs januari 2015

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  • Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Foreign Trade Statistical Bulletin EKSPOR /EXPORTS Menurut Harmonized System Januari 2015 ISSN : 2252-8563 No. Publikasi / Publication Number : 06110.1510 Katalog BPS / BPS Catalogue: 8202019 Ukuran Buku / Book Size : 21 cm x 29 cm Jumlah Halaman / Total Pages : 100 Halaman / Pages Naskah / Manuscript : Subdirektorat Statistik Ekspor Export Statistics Subdirectorate Penyunting / Editor : Rini Kusumastuti Untung Sumardi Penyusun / Author : Aris Saryono Suheri Gambar Kulit / Cover Design : Subdirektorat Publikasi dan Kompilasi Statistik Subdirectorate Of Publication and Compilation Statistics Diterbitkan oleh / Published by : Badan Pusat Statistik - Indonesia / Statistics Indonesia Dicetak oleh / Printed by : CV Marshadito Intan Prima Boleh dikutip dengan menyebut sumbernya May be cited with reference to the source






  • iii


    Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Ekspor yang diterbitkan secara bulanan

    memuat data ekspor menurut 21 kelompok penggolongan barang, 2 dijit HS

    (Harmonized System), HS 10 dijit, Negara Tujuan Ekspor, Provinsi dan Pelabuhan Muat

    yang dirinci menurut Berat Bersih dan Nilai FOB dari bulan Januari 2015 dan


    Buletin ini juga menyajikan ulasan singkat tentang perbandingan, pertumbuhan dan

    peranan serta data pokok yang cukup menonjol atau yang mengalami perubahan yang

    signifikan. Diharapkan dengan adanya informasi semacam ini, para pengguna data ekspor

    dapat melihat dan mengikuti perkembangan ekspor secara garis besar.

    Kepada para pengguna data, saran dan kritik yang bersifat konstruktif demi

    penyempurnaan publikasi ini, sangat diharapkan. Dengan demikian usaha BPS untuk

    meningkatkan pelayanan dan pemasyarakatan statistik (khususnya data Statistik Ekspor)

    dapat dilaksanakan secara baik dan berkesinambungan.

    Jakarta, Mei 2015









  • iv


    Halaman / Page

    Kata Pengantar / Preface................................................................................... iii

    Isi / Content...................................................................................................... iv

    Ringkasan / Highlight....................................................................................... v xi

    Tabel /


    1. Ekspor Indonesia Menurut 21 Golongan Barang

    Export of Indonesia by 21 Commodity Group...............


    Tabel /


    2. Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Kode HS 2 dijit

    Export of Indonesia by 2 digits of HS Code..................

    2 - 3

    Tabel /


    3. Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Komoditi (Kode HS 10 dijit)

    Export of Indonesia by Commodity (10 digits of HS


    4 - 82

    Tabel /


    4. Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Negara Tujuan

    Export of Indonesia by Country of Destination.............

    83 - 85

    Tabel /


    5. Ekspor Indonesia Menurut Provinsi dan Pelabuhan Muat

    Export of Indonesia by Province and Port of Loading...

    86 - 89






  • E2015 m


    terdiri da

    minyak d

    hasil eksp


    tahun 20

    juta, kar


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    Ekspor Indon

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  • vi

    Pada Grafik 1 ditampilkan

    perbandingan nilai ekspor periode Januari

    2014 dan 2015. Sedangkan trend

    perkembangannya dari bulan Januari 2014

    sampai dengan Januari 2015 disajikan pada

    Grafik 2. Nilai ekspor kelompok migas pada

    Januari 2014 senilai US$2.501,7 juta yang

    terdiri dari minyak mentah, hasil minyak

    dan gas masing-masing senilai US$523,1

    juta, US$273,6 juta dan US$1.705,0 juta.

    Sedangkan pada Januari 2015 untuk

    kelompok migas secara keseluruhan

    memberikan sumbangan nilai ekspor sebesar

    US$1.959,0 juta atau mengalami penurunan

    sebesar US$542,7 juta dibandingkan dengan

    periode yang sama tahun 2014 dengan

    rincian minyak mentah US$481,8 juta, hasil

    minyak US$211,7 juta dan gas US$1.265,4


    Nilai ekspor untuk kelompok

    nonmigas yang terdiri dari hasil pertanian,

    industri serta hasil tambang dan lainnya

    pada bulan Januari 2014 masing-masing

    US$401,8 juta, US$ 9.513,3 juta, dan US$

    2.055,6 juta. Sementara itu pada periode

    Januari 2015 masing-masing mencapai

    US$438,3 juta, US$9.121,5 juta, dan

    US$1.726,1 juta.

























    Grafik2:PerkembanganNilaiEksporIndonesia(FOB)Januari2014 Januari2015









  • vii

    Nilai ekspor Indonesia Januari 2015

    mencapai US$13,24 miliar atau turun

    sebesar 9,41 persen dibanding ekspor

    Desember 2014. Sementara bila dibanding

    Januari 2014 ekspor turun sebesar 8,48


    Ekspor nonmigas Januari 2015

    mencapai US$11,29 miliar atau turun

    sebesar 8,00 persen dibanding ekspor

    nonmigas Desember 2014, dan turun 5,72

    persen dibanding ekspor nonmigas Januari


    Dipandang dari negara tujuan ekspor

    utama (Tabel A) ekspor ke Jepang Januari

    2015 mencapai angka terbesar yaitu

    US$1,75 miliar, disusul Amerika Serikat

    US$1,50 miliar dan Tiongkok US$1,25

    miliar, dengan kontribusi ketiganya

    mencapai 37,41 persen. Sedangkan negara

    tujuan ekspor yang mengalami peningkatan

    terbesar dibanding ekspor Januari 2014

    adalah India, disusul Amerika Serikat dan

    terbesar ketiga Taiwan. Sementara ekspor ke

    Uni Eropa (27 negara) sebesar US$1,19

    miliar, dan menunjukan penurunan ekspor

    dibandingkan dengan nilai ekspor pada

    periode yang sama tahun 2014.

    Dari Tabel A juga terlihat bahwa

    negara tujuan ekpor yang mengalami

    penurunan nilai ekspor terbanyak yaitu

    ekspor ke Tiongkok dengan persentase

    penurunan 33,12 persen, Singapura dengan

    persentase 29,63 persen dan Australia

    dengan persentase 59,70 persen.

    Pada Tabel B ekspor golongan

    barang HS 2 dijit utama terlihat bahwa nilai

    ekspor sebagian mengalami penurunan dan

    sebagiannya mengalami peningkatan.

    Penurunan ekspor golongan barang HS 2

    dijit utama Januari 2015 terbesar terjadi

    pada bahan bakar mineral sebesar US$782,4

    juta dimana bahan bakar mineral merupakan

    komoditi ekspor pertama terbesar periode

    Januari 2015 dan periode Januari 2014.

    Sedangkan peningkatan terbesar terjadi pada

    perhiasan dan permata sebesar US$414,3

    juta yang merupakan komoditi terbesar ke-3

    untuk ekspor Januari 2015 dan ke-7 untuk

    Januari 2014.

    Menurut sektor, ekspor hasil industri

    Januari 2015 turun sebesar 4,12 persen

    dibanding ekspor hasil industri periode yang

    sama tahun 2014, demikian juga ekspor

    hasil tambang dan lainnya turun 16,03

    persen sedangkan ekspor hasil pertanian

    naik 9,10 persen.

    Berdasarkan Tabel C total ekspor

    Indonesia menurut provinsi pelabuhan muat,

    ekspor Indonesia terbesar pada periode

    Januari 2015 berasal dari DKI Jakarta

    dengan nilai US$3,82 miliar (28,85 persen),

    diikuti Jawa Timur sebesar US$1,78 miliar






  • viii

    (13,42 persen) dan Kalimantan Timur

    sebesar U$1,67 miliar (12,61 persen).



    NilaiFOB(JutaUS$) Perubahan

    Januari Januari JanJan JanJanJan'15thdJan'14

    2014 2015 2014 2015 (JutaUS$)

    ASEAN 3.280,6 2.923,4 3.280,6 2.923,4 357,11 Singapura 1.601,2 1.126,7 1.601,2 1.126,7 474,52 Malaysia 729,2 754,2 729,2 754,2 25,03 Thailand 433,2 459,2 433,2 459,2 26,0

    ASEANLainnya 517,0 583,3 517,0 583,3 66,3

    UNIEROPA 1.467,0 1.187,5 1.467,0 1.187,5 279,64 Germany,Fed.Rep.of 235,9 212,9 235,9 212,9 23,05 France 86,4 75,3 86,4 75,3 11,16 UnitedKingdom 137,8 125,8 137,8 125,8 12,0

    UniEropaLainnya 1.006,9 773,5 1.006,9 773,5 233,5

    NEGARAUTAMALAINNYA 7.698,5 6.893,0 7.698,5 6.893,0 805,57 China 1.874,5 1.253,7 1.874,5 1.253,7 620,98 Japan 1.938,9 1.752,2 1.938,9 1.752,2 186,79 UnitedStates 1.329,0 1.455,0 1.329,0 1.455,0 126,010 India 702,4 903,8 702,4 903,8 201,411 Australia 565,6 227,9 565,6 227,9 337,612 Korea,RepublicOf 832,0 758,5 832,0 758,5 73,513 Taiwan 456,1 542,0 456,1 542,0 85,9

    Total13NegaraTujuanUtama 10.922,2 9.647,1 10.922,2 9.647,1 1.275,0Lainnya 3.550,1 3.597,8 3.550,1 3.597,8 47,6TotalEksporIndonesia 14.472,3 13.244,9 14.472,3 13.244,9 1.227,4






  • ix

    Pada Tabel 1 disajikan ekspor

    menurut 21 golongan barang HS. Disini

    terlihat bahwa perolehan devisa terbesar

    pada bulan Januari 2015 dari kelompok

    golongan barang V (Produk mineral) dengan

    nilai US$4.570,4 juta atau sekitar 31,58

    persen dari total ekspor, kelompok HS III

    (Lemak, Minyak, Malam Nabati/Hewani)

    dengan nilai US$1.438,1 juta atau sekitar

    9,94 persen, serta kelompok HS XVI

    (Mesin, Perl. Listrik Dan Elektronik) senilai

    US$1.400,4 juta atau sekitar 9,68 persen.

    Dibandingkan periode yang sama

    tahun sebelumnya, produk mineral

    mengalami penurunan 12,66 persen; begitu

    pula dengan lemak, minyak, malam

    nabati/hewani mengalami penurunan 25,97

    persen; sedangkan mesin, perlengkapan

    listrik dan elektronik mengalami

    peningkatan sebesar 8,96 persen.

    Pada Tabel 2 disajikan ekspor

    menurut HS 2 dijit. Nilai ekspor yang

    mengalami pertumbuhan terbesar untuk

    bulan Januari 2015 dibandingkan dengan

    nilai ekspor Januari 2014 antara lain HS 10

    (cereals) yang memiliki tingkat

    pertumbuhan 847,19 persen dengan nilai

    ekspor US$1,8 juta; kemudian HS 78 (lead

    and articles thereof) dengan tingkat

    pertumbuhan 423,60 persen dan nilai ekspor

    US$1,7 juta; disusul HS 51 (wool, fine or

    coarse animal hair, horse hair yarn) dengan

    besar tingkat pertumbuhan mencapai 389,71

    persen dan memiliki nilai ekspor mencapai

    US$0,2 juta. Selanjutnya HS 25 (salts;

    sulphur, earths and stone) dengan tingkat

    pertumbuhannya sebesar 120,64 persen dan

    nilai ekspor mencapai US$2,3 juta. serta HS

    71 (natural and cultured pearls) dengan

    tingkat pertumbuhan mencapai 116,97

    persen dengan nilai ekspor mencapai

    US$768,5 juta.

    Adapun jenis barang yang

    mengalami penurunan antara lain HS 79

    (zinc and articles thereof) yang mengalami

    penurunan ekspor 59,14 persen dengan nilai

    ekspor US$0,6 juta; diikuti HS 37

    (photographic and cinematographic goods)

    dimana mengalami penurunan ekspor 69,62

    persen dengan nilai ekspor sebesar US$0,1

    juta. Selanjutnya HS 31 (fertilizers) dengan

    penurunan ekspor 80,18 persen dengan nilai

    ekspor US$10,4 juta, kemudian HS 89

    (ships, boat, and floating structures)

    mengalami penurunan 91,43 persen dengan

    nilai ekspor sebesar US$8,4 juta dan HS 93

    (arms and ammunition) yang mengalami

    penurunan mencapai 99,85 persen dengan

    total nilai ekspor mencapai US$100.






  • x










    1 Bahanbakarmineral(27) 4.264,8 3.482,4 4.264,8 3.482,4 782,4

    2 Lemak&minyakhewan/nabati(15) 1.438,1 1.549,5 1.438,1 1.549,5 111,4

    3 Perhiasandanpermata(71) 354,2 768,5 354,2 768,5 414,3

    4 Mesin/peralatanlistrik(85) 801,2 717,7 801,2 717,7 83,5

    5 KaretdanBarangdarikaret(40) 702,6 458,6 702,6 458,6 243,9

    6 KendaraandanBagiannya(87) 389,7 437,8 389,7 437,8 48,1

    7 Mesinmesin/PesawatMekanik(84) 600,3 428,5 600,3 428,5 171,8

    8 Alaskaki(64) 336,2 395,3 336,2 395,3 59,2

    9 Pakaianjadibukanrajutan(62) 362,9 326,1 362,9 326,1 36,7

    10 Kayudanbarangdarikayu(44) 316,0 322,9 316,0 322,9 6,9

    Total10GolonganBarang 9.565,9 8.887,4 9.565,9 8.887,4 678,5

    Lainnya 4.906,4 4.357,5 4.906,4 4.357,5 548,9

    TotalEksporIndonesia 14.472,3 13.244,9 14.472,3 13.244,9 1.227,4






  • xi








    RIAU 1.257,6 DUMAI 1.010,4

    JAMBI 85,1 JAMBI 46,3



    LAMPUNG 273,1 PANJANG 169,3







    JAWATIMUR 1.777,6 TANJUNGPERAK 1.139,7


    BALI 17,7 NGURAHRAI(U) 17,2














    MALUKU 1,5 AMBON 0,9



    PAPUA 148,2 AMAMAPARE 133,0

    TotalEksporIndonesia 13.244,9 TotalPelabuhanUtama 9.103,4






  • xii






  • Januari 2015


    Golongan Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    Section Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current month Cum. Jan. to date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    I Binatang Hidup; Produk Hewani 66 041 233 66 041 233 251 899 677 251 899 677Live Animals; Animal Product

    II Produk Nabati 265 621 986 265 621 986 276 800 337 276 800 337Vegetable Products

    III Lemak, Minyak, Malam Nabati/hewani 2 211 555 991 2 211 555 991 1 549 491 031 1 549 491 031Fats, Oils, Waxes Of Animal/Vegetable

    IV Olahan Makanan, minuman, Minuman Keras, Tem 598 880 736 598 880 736 490 664 197 490 664 197Prepared Foodstuffs,Beverages,Spirits And Tobacco

    V Produk Mineral 37 383 688 105 37 383 688 105 3 694 552 972 3 694 552 972Mineral Products

    VI Produk Industri Kimia atau Produk Industri Terka 659 918 615 659 918 615 681 134 163 681 134 163Products of Chemical or Allied Industries

    VII Plastik, Karet, dan Barang-barang Daripadanya 346 197 258 346 197 258 646 802 232 646 802 232Plastics, Rubber And Articles There of

    VIII Kulit, Kulit Samak dan Barang Daripadanya 1 790 915 1 790 915 36 511 510 36 511 510Raw Hides, Skins, Leather And Articles There of

    IX Kayu dan Barang dari Kayu, Barang Anyaman, dl 512 684 583 512 684 583 329 011 233 329 011 233Wood And Its Articles, Wickerwork, etc

    X Pulp, Kertas dan Barang Daripadanya 637 677 414 637 677 414 436 176 337 436 176 337Pulp, Paper And Articles There of

    XI Tekstil dan Barang Tekstil 188 372 605 188 372 605 1 008 420 499 1 008 420 499Textiles & Textile Articles

    XII Alas Kaki, Payung, Bunga Tiruan, dll 21 206 061 21 206 061 426 678 817 426 678 817Footwear, Umbrellas, Artificial Flowers, etc

    XIII Barang dari Batu, Semen, Mika, Keramik, Kaca, d 119 384 320 119 384 320 70 008 224 70 008 224Articles of Stone, Cement, Mica, Ceramic, Glass, etc

    XIV Mutiara, Batu Mulia/Semi Mulia, Logam Mulia/Sem 243 017 243 017 768 500 740 768 500 740

    Pearls, Precious/semi-precious Stones, Precious/semi-precious Metal, etcXV Logam Tidak Mulia dan Barang Daripadanya 227 753 592 227 753 592 653 862 213 653 862 213

    Base Metals And Articles There ofXVI Mesin dan Perlengkapan Elektris, serta Aksesoris 87 504 742 87 504 742 1 146 259 508 1 146 259 508

    Machinery, Electrical Equipments and Accessories of Such ArticlesXVII Kendaraan, Pesawat Terbang, Kapal dll 54 633 212 54 633 212 464 087 288 464 087 288

    Vechiles, Aircraft, Vessels, etcXVIII Alat Optis, Fotografi, Musik, Jam dll 6 108 735 6 108 735 97 613 504 97 613 504

    Optical, Photographic, Musical Instruments, Watches, etcXIX Senjata dan Amunisi; Bagian dan Aksesorisnya 10 10 100 100

    Arms And Amunition; Parts & AccesesoriesXX Bermacam-macam Barang Hasil Pabrik 53 789 081 53 789 081 216 038 756 216 038 756

    Miscellaneous Manufactures Articles.XXI Karya Seni, Barang Kolektor dan Barang Antik 142 845 142 845 363 603 363 603

    Works Of Art, Collectors, Pieces and Antiques

    Total Ekspor 43 443 195 056 43 443 195 056 13 244 876 941 13 244 876 941

    Tabel 1 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut 21 Golongan Barang

    Export of Indonesia by 21 Commodity Group

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )







  • Januari 2015


    H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    01 Live animals 2 852 895 2 852 895 5 885 857 5 885 857

    02 Meat and edible meat offal 372 972 372 972 1 791 912 1 791 912

    03 Fish and crustaceans 58 155 219 58 155 219 227 095 608 227 095 608

    04 Dairy products, bird's eggs, natural honey 3 339 917 3 339 917 14 960 346 14 960 346

    05 Products of animal origin 1 320 230 1 320 230 2 165 954 2 165 954

    06 Live trees and other plants 1 830 766 1 830 766 3 921 151 3 921 151

    07 Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers 11 037 567 11 037 567 5 853 626 5 853 626

    08 Edible fruits and nuts 94 824 826 94 824 826 66 007 204 66 007 204

    09 Coffee, tea, mate, and spices 49 370 532 49 370 532 159 284 041 159 284 041

    10 Cereals 6 776 336 6 776 336 1 813 055 1 813 055

    11 Products of the milling industry; malt, starches 10 949 845 10 949 845 5 509 372 5 509 372

    12 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; grains,seed, and fruits 59 757 478 59 757 478 22 162 776 22 162 776

    13 Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps and extracts 3 144 023 3 144 023 7 370 660 7 370 660

    14 Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products 27 930 613 27 930 613 4 878 452 4 878 452

    15 Animal or vegetable oils/fats and their cleavage products 2 211 555 991 2 211 555 991 1 549 491 031 1 549 491 031

    16 Preparations of meat/fish/crustaceans/mollucs or other aquatic inverte 11 724 517 11 724 517 78 184 945 78 184 945

    17 Sugar and sugar confectionery 15 479 931 15 479 931 14 940 546 14 940 546

    18 Cocoa and cocoa preparations 26 547 618 26 547 618 97 458 550 97 458 550

    19 Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products 24 637 490 24 637 490 54 769 420 54 769 420

    20 Preparations of vegetables, fruits, nuts or other part of plants 18 065 057 18 065 057 21 778 922 21 778 922

    21 Miscellaneous edible preparations 24 546 302 24 546 302 72 803 579 72 803 579

    22 Beverages, spirit, and vinegar 18 707 773 18 707 773 13 557 214 13 557 214

    23 Residues and waste from the food industries 449 369 180 449 369 180 52 683 232 52 683 232

    24 Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes 9 802 868 9 802 868 84 487 789 84 487 789

    25 Salts; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cemen 1 068 343 224 1 068 343 224 11 060 358 11 060 358

    26 Ores, slag, and ash 289 686 740 289 686 740 201 140 534 201 140 534

    27 Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation 36 025 658 141 36 025 658 141 3 482 352 080 3 482 352 080

    28 Inorganic chemicals 77 757 423 77 757 423 36 302 291 36 302 291

    29 Organic chemicals 188 954 191 188 954 191 179 376 336 179 376 336

    30 Pharmaceutical products 2 754 473 2 754 473 44 618 737 44 618 737

    31 Fertilizers 31 711 354 31 711 354 10 404 914 10 404 914

    32 Tanning or dyeing extracts 10 357 434 10 357 434 35 488 726 35 488 726

    33 Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparatio 8 630 025 8 630 025 59 524 571 59 524 571

    34 Soap, organic surfasce-active agents, washing, and lubricating prepa 67 343 725 67 343 725 70 134 573 70 134 573

    35 Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes 1 651 489 1 651 489 4 096 092 4 096 092

    36 Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; certain combustible prepa 848 657 848 657 1 316 925 1 316 925

    37 Photographic and cinematographic goods 23 638 23 638 131 517 131 517

    38 Miscellaneous chemical products 269 886 206 269 886 206 239 739 481 239 739 481

    39 Plastics and articles thereof 106 334 184 106 334 184 188 168 556 188 168 556

    40 Rubber and articles thereof 239 863 074 239 863 074 458 633 676 458 633 676

    41 Raw hides, skins, and leather 493 202 493 202 11 546 780 11 546 780

    42 Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods and similar co 1 285 522 1 285 522 24 852 477 24 852 477

    43 Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof 12 191 12 191 112 253 112 253

    44 Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 510 968 426 510 968 426 322 885 436 322 885 436

    45 Cork and articles of cork 17 508 17 508 10 954 10 954

    46 Manufactured of straw or other plaiting materials; basketware and wic 1 698 649 1 698 649 6 114 843 6 114 843

    47 Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered paper/ 301 516 596 301 516 596 148 166 942 148 166 942

    48 Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp or of paper/paperboard 335 347 109 335 347 109 285 730 707 285 730 707

    49 Printed books, newspapers, pictures, and other products of printing in 813 709 813 709 2 278 688 2 278 688

    50 Silk 17 017 17 017 167 161 167 161

    51 Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horse hair yarn, woven fabrics of pa 23 428 23 428 178 107 178 107

    Tabel 2 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut kode HS 2 digit

    Exsport of Indonesia by 2 Digits of HS Code

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )







  • Januari 2015


    H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 2 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut kode HS 2 digit

    Exsport of Indonesia by 2 Digits of HS Code

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    52 Cotton 19 769 998 19 769 998 63 453 659 63 453 659

    53 Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarns and woven fabrics of pape 1 430 802 1 430 802 486 503 486 503

    54 Man-made filaments 30 658 797 30 658 797 96 187 394 96 187 394

    55 Man-made staple fibres 86 606 593 86 606 593 191 254 073 191 254 073

    56 Wadding, felt, and non-wovens 2 674 033 2 674 033 12 653 585 12 653 585

    57 Carpets and other textile floor coverings 1 803 370 1 803 370 5 511 494 5 511 494

    58 Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestrips; embro 439 507 439 507 10 633 666 10 633 666

    59 Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics 2 009 981 2 009 981 9 241 111 9 241 111

    60 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 1 738 913 1 738 913 9 339 701 9 339 701

    61 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted 19 408 447 19 408 447 260 646 483 260 646 483

    62 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted 15 871 870 15 871 870 326 147 639 326 147 639

    63 Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile a 5 919 849 5 919 849 22 519 923 22 519 923

    64 Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 19 878 631 19 878 631 395 328 174 395 328 174

    65 Headgear and parts thereof 282 408 282 408 2 527 401 2 527 401

    66 Umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding crops and parts 27 868 27 868 202 539 202 539

    67 Prepared feathers and articles; artificial flowers; articles of human 1 017 154 1 017 154 28 620 703 28 620 703

    68 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar material 43 898 211 43 898 211 11 065 446 11 065 446

    69 Ceramic products 24 260 389 24 260 389 28 136 090 28 136 090

    70 Glass and glassware 51 225 720 51 225 720 30 806 688 30 806 688

    71 Natural and cultured pearls, precious/semi precious stones, and preci 243 017 243 017 768 500 740 768 500 740

    72 Iron and steel 123 572 061 123 572 061 74 398 993 74 398 993

    73 Articles of iro and steel 43 982 502 43 982 502 139 626 140 139 626 140

    74 Cooper and articles thereof 29 324 249 29 324 249 179 858 710 179 858 710

    75 Nickel and articles thereof 7 069 564 7 069 564 70 731 039 70 731 039

    76 Aluminium and articles thereof 12 421 681 12 421 681 38 207 802 38 207 802

    78 Lead and articles thereof 788 293 788 293 1 669 823 1 669 823

    79 Zinc and articles thereof 366 834 366 834 559 337 559 337

    80 Tin and articles thereof 6 655 058 6 655 058 129 812 903 129 812 903

    81 Other base metal; cermets; and articles thereof 45 011 45 011 1 257 213 1 257 213

    82 Tools, implements, cutlery, spoon and forks, of base metal and parts 609 475 609 475 5 769 859 5 769 859

    83 Miscellaneous articles of base metal 2 918 864 2 918 864 11 970 394 11 970 394

    84 Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; part 44 939 027 44 939 027 428 523 834 428 523 834

    85 Electrical machinery and equipments; sound recorders/reproducers, v 42 565 715 42 565 715 717 735 674 717 735 674

    86 Railway and tramway locomotive, mechanical traffic, and all kinds 355 161 355 161 1 298 263 1 298 263

    87 Vehicles other than railway/tramway, and parts and accessories there 53 123 776 53 123 776 437 795 568 437 795 568

    88 Aircraft and its components 36 675 36 675 16 593 588 16 593 588

    89 Ships, boat, and floating structures 1 106 703 1 106 703 8 364 326 8 364 326

    90 Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, medica 1 730 664 1 730 664 49 701 195 49 701 195

    91 Clocks and watches and parts thereof 12 594 12 594 522 713 522 713

    92 Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles 4 365 477 4 365 477 47 389 596 47 389 596

    93 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof 10 10 100 100

    94 Furnitures, bedding, mattress supports, cushions and stuffed furnishin 44 608 645 44 608 645 152 447 808 152 447 808

    95 Toys, games and sports requisiters; parts and accessories thereof 2 671 791 2 671 791 35 151 999 35 151 999

    96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 6 508 645 6 508 645 28 438 949 28 438 949

    97 Works of arts, collectors' piece and antiques 142 845 142 845 363 603 363 603

    98 Vehicles in ckd and their components 10 897 10 897 35 543 35 543

    Total Ekspor 43 443 195 056 43 443 195 056 13 244 876 941 13 244 876 941







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    0103920000 Live swine, other than breeding animals, weighing 50 kg or more 2 815 525 2 815 525 5 582 963 5 582 9630106140000 Live rabbits and hares, mammals 36 36 156 1560106190000 Other live mammals 557 557 7 545 7 5450106200000 Live reptiles (including snakes and turtles) 36 479 36 479 281 284 281 2840106320000 Live psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets,macaws and cockatoos) 28 28 7 500 7 5000106390000 Other live birds 264 264 4 195 4 1950106490000 Other live insects 5 5 1 980 1 9800106900000 Other live animals 1 1 234 2340206900000 Edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, frozen 2 700 2 700 4 320 4 3200208409000 Meat&edible meat offal of seals,sea lions&walruses, fresh, chilled or froz 200 200 1 700 1 7000208500000 Meat&edible meat offal of reptile (incl.snake&turtles),fresh,chilld/frozen 27 579 27 579 37 951 37 9510208901000 Frogs' legs fresh, chilled or frozen 193 162 193 162 1 273 506 1 273 5060208909000 Meat & edible meat offal of other animal fresh, chilled or frozen 68 450 68 450 409 183 409 1830210200000 Meat of bovine animals, saltd, in brine, dried or smoked 60 60 1 440 1 4400210930000 Meat&edible,incl.flour & meal,of reptil inc.snake&turtle,salt,in brine,dry/sm 80 821 80 821 63 812 63 8120301111000 Live freshwater ornamental fish, fry 4 348 4 348 492 312 492 3120301119100 Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) 50 50 2 694 2 6940301119200 Golden fish (Carassius auratus) 20 20 45 450301119300 Siamese fighting fish (Beta splendens) 148 148 3 087 3 0870301119400 Oscars (Astonotus ocellatus) 4 4 78 780301119510 Red arowanes 1 396 1 396 241 491 241 4910301119590 Arowanes, than not red 26 974 26 974 162 479 162 4790301119910 Botia (Botia macracantha) 2 905 2 905 71 427 71 4270301119920 Discus (Symphisodon discus) 4 182 4 182 19 656 19 6560301119990 Other freshwater ornamental fish, live 39 408 39 408 562 697 562 6970301199000 Live marine ornamental fish, other than fry 68 295 68 295 524 767 524 7670301920000 Live eels (Anguilla spp.) 722 176 722 176 1 553 512 1 553 5120301939000 Live carp, other than breeding 2 091 2 091 13 992 13 9920301991100 Live fry milkfish or lapu-lapu, breeding 2 511 2 511 64 386 64 3860301991900 Live fry milkfish or lapu-lapu, other than breeding 357 861 357 861 248 413 248 4130301992900 Other live fry fish, for other than breeding 471 471 160 1600301993910 Live kerapu (Cromilepte altiveli; Epinephelus heniochus;Epinephelus Me 265 274 265 274 2 257 559 2 257 5590301993990 Other live marine fish 1 384 1 384 3 636 3 6360301994090 Other freshwater fish 7 482 7 482 33 380 33 3800302190000 Oth salmonidae fish, excluding fillet, liver and roes, fresh or chilled 2 240 550 2 240 550 5 594 749 5 594 7490302320000 Yellowfin tunas,excl.fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled 158 916 158 916 758 212 758 2120302340000 Bigeye tunas, excl.fillets,liver & roes fresh or chilled 100 551 100 551 554 440 554 4400302390000 Oth tunas, excl.fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled 492 817 492 817 2 352 418 2 352 4180302420000 Anchovies excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 37 200 37 200 280 004 280 0040302440000 Mackerel, excl. fillets livers & roes, fresh or chilled 57 608 57 608 111 919 111 9190302590000 Other marine fish excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 95 487 95 487 190 984 190 9840302721000 Yellowtail catfish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 4 090 4 090 4 550 4 5500302729090 Other catfish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 160 160 320 3200302739000 Carp, other than mrigal, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 80 80 80 800302810000 Dogfish & oth sharks, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 2 790 2 790 1 953 1 9530302820000 Rays and skates, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 89 979 89 979 99 899 99 8990302891710 Silver pomfrets excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 27 260 27 260 96 652 96 6520302891720 Black pomfrets excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 14 725 14 725 36 455 36 4550302891800 Mangrove red snappers, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 32 144 32 144 75 557 75 5570302891910 Kerapu, excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 179 158 179 158 361 086 361 0860302891930 Mackerel excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 98 411 98 411 145 226 145 2260302891990 Other marine fish excl.fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled 1 147 173 1 147 173 1 824 681 1 824 6810302892600 Indian threadfins and silver grunts, excl.fillets,livers&roes,fresh/chilled 104 335 104 335 203 252 203 2520302892900 Other fish of not marine fish, excl. fillets, livers&roes, fresh or chilled 454 560 454 560 405 551 405 5510302900000 Livers and roes of fish, excld fillets fresh or chilled 384 384 5 475 5 4750303110000 Sockeye salmon, excl.fillets, livers & roes, frozen 1 700 1 700 1 250 1 2500303190000 Other salmonidae, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 566 091 566 091 291 986 291 9860303240000 Catfish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 52 196 52 196 107 054 107 0540303260000 Eels, excl.fillets, livers & roes, frozen 316 106 316 106 319 815 319 8150303330000 Sole, excl.fillets, livers & roes,frozen 27 520 27 520 19 264 19 2640303390000 Oth flat fish, excl.fillets, livers & roes, frozen 394 503 394 503 486 299 486 2990303410000 Albacore/longfinned tunas,excl.fillet, livers and roes, frozen 306 303 306 303 549 876 549 8760303420000 Yellowfin tunas, excl.fillet, liver & roes, frozen 1 133 928 1 133 928 2 322 010 2 322 010

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    0303430000 Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, excl. fillets, livers and roes, frozen 2 893 544 2 893 544 3 850 760 3 850 7600303490000 Oth tunas, excl.fillets,livers & roes, frozen 578 224 578 224 854 777 854 7770303530000 Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sparts excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 2 166 2 166 1 083 1 0830303540010 Mackerel, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 49 275 49 275 85 834 85 8340303550000 Jack and horse mackarel, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 196 000 196 000 269 500 269 5000303570000 Swordfish (xiphias gladius), excl.fillets,livers and roes,frozen 144 224 144 224 528 900 528 9000303690000 Other marine fish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 416 235 416 235 450 295 450 2950303810000 Dogfish and other sharks, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 273 273 153 1530303891300 Bluntnose lizardifish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 4 000 4 000 3 400 3 4000303891400 Savalai hairtails, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 991 474 991 474 1 321 885 1 321 8850303891600 Torpedo scads,spotted sicklefish&great barracuda,excl fillet,liver&roes,fr 13 458 13 458 9 348 9 3480303891710 Silver pomfrets, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 77 607 77 607 154 840 154 8400303891720 Black pomfrets, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 88 167 88 167 80 069 80 0690303891800 Mangrove red snappers, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 261 178 261 178 1 233 276 1 233 2760303891910 Kerapu(cromilepte altivelis,epinephelus) excl.fillets,livers and roes,frozen 27 585 27 585 94 291 94 2910303891920 Marlin, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 8 516 8 516 20 046 20 0460303891930 Mackarel excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 1 525 425 1 525 425 1 912 836 1 912 8360303891990 Other marine fish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 2 240 267 2 240 267 2 433 336 2 433 3360303892400 Snakeskin gourami, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 13 000 13 000 9 485 9 4850303892600 Indian threadfins, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 17 000 17 000 34 990 34 9900303892900 Other fish, not marine fish, excl.fillets, livers and roes, frozen 7 024 217 7 024 217 5 494 674 5 494 6740303902000 Roes of fish, frozen 1 842 1 842 2 205 2 2050304310000 Tilapias fillets (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled 32 206 32 206 250 630 250 6300304320090 Other catfish fillets (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled 400 000 400 000 517 000 517 0000304390000 Carp, eels and snakeheads fillets (whether/not minced), fresh or chilled 43 590 43 590 311 098 311 0980304420000 Trout fillets, fresh or chilled 17 665 17 665 187 324 187 3240304450000 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) fillets, fresh or chilled 47 882 47 882 24 800 24 8000304490000 Fillets of other fish, fresh or chilled 150 835 150 835 795 607 795 6070304590000 Other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled 30 30 90 900304610000 Tilapias fillets, frozen 1 052 303 1 052 303 7 209 631 7 209 6310304620090 Other catfish fillets, frozen 520 520 4 160 4 1600304690000 Carp, eels, and snakeheads fillets, frozen 42 839 42 839 139 275 139 2750304790000 Other fish fillets of family bregmacerotidae, etc., frozen 1 260 1 260 3 150 3 1500304810090 Frozen fillets of Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon, not red salmon 109 857 109 857 1 188 061 1 188 0610304840000 Frozen fillets of swordfish 43 656 43 656 476 536 476 5360304870000 Frozen fillets of tunas, skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 1 491 895 1 491 895 9 465 067 9 465 0670304890000 Frozen fillets of other fish 762 645 762 645 3 040 626 3 040 6260304910000 Swordfish (xiphias gladius) meat (whether or not minced), frozen 37 827 37 827 238 359 238 3590304990010 Meat of tuna loin and skipjack, (whether or not minced), frozen 558 452 558 452 4 045 276 4 045 2760304990090 Meat of other fish, (whether or not minced), frozen 3 387 044 3 387 044 9 841 402 9 841 4020305100000 Flours, meals, and pellats of fish, fit for human consumption 74 400 74 400 19 565 19 5650305209000 Livers&roes of fish, oth than freshwater fish, dried, smoked, salted/in brin 752 118 752 118 1 723 786 1 723 7860305310000 Fillets of tilapia,catfish,carp,nile perch&snakehead,dried,salted,not smok 7 049 7 049 31 965 31 9650305399000 Fish fillets, dried,salted,but not smoked 32 745 32 745 91 832 91 8320305410000 Pacific salmon, smoked, incl.fillets, other than edible fish offal 50 50 1 10305440010 Eels, smoked, incl.fillets, other than edible fish offal 446 446 83 393 83 3930305490000 Other fish, smoked, incl.fillets, other than edible fish offal 124 196 124 196 600 462 600 4620305592000 Marine fish, dried, other than edible fish offal, salted/unsalted, not smoke 45 701 45 701 97 166 97 1660305599000 Fish,not marine fish,dried,oth thn edble fish offal,saltd/unsaltd,not smokd 395 271 395 271 1 758 630 1 758 6300305630000 Anchovies, salted but not dried/smoked & in brine, other than edible fish 56 785 56 785 481 378 481 3780305691090 Other marine fish, salted but not dry/smokd&in brine,not edible fish offal 154 128 154 128 154 641 154 6410305699000 Fish,not marine fish,salted,not dry/smokd&in brine,not edible fish offal 40 918 40 918 404 446 404 4460305710000 Shark fins, fit for human consumption 16 113 16 113 265 256 265 2560305721000 Fish maws, fit for human consumption 18 132 18 132 140 121 140 1210305729000 Fish head and tails, fit for human consumption 5 032 5 032 53 041 53 0410305790090 Other edible fish offal, fit for human consumption 101 303 101 303 71 459 71 4590306110000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish, frozen, fit for human consumption 2 612 2 612 42 579 42 5790306120000 Lobsters, frozen, fit for human consumption 8 272 8 272 44 153 44 1530306141000 Soft shell crabs, frozen, fit for human consumption 149 719 149 719 1 579 368 1 579 3680306149000 Other crabs, frozen, fit for human consumption 90 022 90 022 697 173 697 1730306160000 Cold water shrimps and prawns, frozzen, fit for human consumption 279 555 279 555 2 929 064 2 929 0640306171010 Giant tiger prawns with head, frozen, fit for human consumption 219 422 219 422 2 350 145 2 350 1450306171020 Giant tiger prawns headless, frozen, fit for human consumption 521 005 521 005 7 677 319 7 677 319







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    0306171090 Other giant tiger prawns, frozen, fit for human consumption 1 501 752 1 501 752 18 556 167 18 556 1670306172010 Whiteleg shrimps with head, frozen, fit for human consumption 10 232 10 232 101 193 101 1930306172020 Whiteleg shrimps headless with tail, frozen, fit for human consumption 2 730 494 2 730 494 24 685 019 24 685 0190306172030 Whiteleg shrimps headless without tail, frozen, fit for human consumptio 1 407 669 1 407 669 11 765 338 11 765 3380306172090 Other whiteleg shrimps, frozen, fit for human consumption 3 063 546 3 063 546 35 747 304 35 747 3040306179000 Other shrimps and prawns, frozzen, fit for human consumption 590 457 590 457 4 772 966 4 772 9660306190000 Other crustac,incl flours,meals&pellets of crustac,fit for human consump 224 808 224 808 2 285 249 2 285 2490306211000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish, breeder 29 29 3 840 3 8400306212000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish, oth.than breeder, live 4 448 4 448 56 485 56 4850306213000 Rock lobsters and other sea crawfish, fresh or chilled, not frozen 300 300 504 5040306221000 Lobsters (homarus spp), breeder 313 313 7 815 7 8150306222000 Lobsters (homarus spp),oth than breeder ,live 173 400 173 400 2 352 646 2 352 6460306229100 Lobsters (homarus spp), in airtight containers, dried 1 560 1 560 390 3900306241000 Crabs, live 653 642 653 642 3 254 048 3 254 0480306242000 Crabs, fresh or chilled 1 135 1 135 5 656 5 6560306249910 Crabs, dried, boiled, in airtight container, not frozen 80 766 80 766 2 047 452 2 047 4520306262000 Cold-water shrimps and prawns,other than breeder, live 3 196 3 196 14 742 14 7420306263000 Cold-water shrimps and prawns, fresh or chilled 229 138 229 138 725 576 725 5760306264900 Cold-water shrimps and prawns, dried in oth than airtight containers 8 710 8 710 41 531 41 5310306271200 Whiteleg shrimps, breeder 15 507 15 507 31 014 31 0140306271900 Other shrimps and prawns, breeder 360 360 20 936 20 9360306272200 Whiteleg shrimps,other than breeder, live 18 18 16 596 16 5960306272900 Other shrimps and prawns, other than breeder, live 3 693 3 693 35 880 35 8800306273900 Other shrimps and prawns, fresh or chilled, not frozen 46 714 46 714 39 961 39 9610306274900 Other shrimps and prawns, dried, in oth than airtight containers, not froze 26 802 26 802 110 994 110 9940306291000 Other crustaceans, live 85 85 315 3150307111000 Oysters, live 355 355 3 170 3 1700307211000 Scallops, live 20 345 20 345 24 750 24 7500307212000 Scallops, fresh or chilled 134 598 134 598 208 156 208 1560307291000 Scallops, frozen 56 293 56 293 78 146 78 1460307391000 Mussels, frozen 116 116 317 3170307412000 Cuttle fish and squid, fresh or chilled 63 671 63 671 61 744 61 7440307491000 Cuttle fish and squid, frozen 6 679 113 6 679 113 9 839 558 9 839 5580307492000 Cuttlefish and squid, dried, salted or in brine 200 200 600 6000307591000 Octopus, frozen 1 507 223 1 507 223 6 080 224 6 080 2240307601000 Snails, other than sea snails, live 150 139 150 139 285 133 285 1330307602000 Snails, other than sea snails, fresh, chilled or frozen 62 514 62 514 147 762 147 7620307791000 Clams, cockles and ark shells; frozen 27 075 27 075 47 052 47 0520307911000 Oth molluscs;incl flours, meals&pellets, for human consumption, live 773 773 2 666 2 6660307912000 Oth molluscs;incl flours, meals&pellets, for human consumption, fresh/ch 12 12 270 2700307991000 Oth molluscs;incl flours, meals&pellets, for human consumption, frozen 9 007 9 007 9 907 9 9070307992000 Oth molluscs;for human consumption;not live,fresh/chilled;dried, salted, 1 030 1 030 30 900 30 9000307999000 Oth molluscs, for human consumption; oth than frozen & dried 96 083 96 083 964 875 964 8750308191000 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothurloldea), frozen 11 260 11 260 11 274 11 2740308192000 Sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicus, Holothurloldea), dried, salted/brine 74 046 74 046 316 799 316 7990308211000 Sea urchins (strongylo/paracentrotus, loxechins albs, echichins esculnts 90 90 520 5200308301000 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), live 2 152 2 152 10 203 10 2030308302000 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), fresh or chilled 24 150 24 150 21 700 21 7000308304000 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.), dried, salted or in brine 906 617 906 617 693 209 693 2090308901000 Oth aquatic invertebrates oth than crustaceans and molluscs, live 48 792 48 792 182 121 182 1210308903000 Oth aquatic invertebrates oth than crustaceans and molluscs, frozen 1 008 1 008 504 5040308909000 Flours, meals, pellets oth than crustaceans&molluscs 6 901 6 901 56 625 56 6250401101000 Milk&cream of a fat 1,5%,in solid form, not added sugar/sweet, containr wei 597 444 597 444 2 092 665 2 092 6650402299000 Milk&cream fat >1,5%,in solid form, added sugar/sweet, containr weight? 3 699 3 699 15 221 15 2210402990000 Other milk&cream, containing added sugar/other sweetening 394 820 394 820 595 493 595 493







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    0403102000 Yoghurt in liquid form,whether/not condensed,contain flavour/not 65 772 65 772 54 810 54 8100403109000 Yoghurt in not liquid form, contain fruits,nuts, cocoa, flavour/not 26 841 26 841 27 898 27 8980403909000 Curdled milk&cream,kephir&oth fermented/ acidified milk&cream 762 749 762 749 964 516 964 5160404100000 Whey&modified whey, whether/not concentrated/added sugar/sweet 94 680 94 680 194 193 194 1930404900000 Products consist natural milk;whether/ not added sugar/sweet, n.e.s/inclu 9 642 9 642 7 668 7 6680405100000 Butter 6 033 6 033 37 446 37 4460405901000 Anhydrous butterfat 30 400 30 400 121 600 121 6000406101000 Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, including whey cheese 3 067 3 067 15 708 15 7080406102000 Curd 800 800 2 976 2 9760406209000 Grated/powdered cheese,of all kinds, in packages of a gross weight _ 20 2 010 2 010 4 190 4 1900406300000 Processed cheese,not grated or powdered 26 520 26 520 93 446 93 4460406900000 Other cheese 11 530 11 530 47 436 47 4360407902000 Ducks' eggs, preserved or cooked 4 000 4 000 4 750 4 7500409000000 Natural honey 64 750 64 750 177 505 177 5050410001000 Birds' nests, edible 67 628 67 628 9 143 364 9 143 3640410009000 Other edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or include 371 371 58 580 58 5800501000000 Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured; waste of hum 171 171 11 765 11 7650505101000 Duck feathers and down, of a kind used for stuffing 49 624 49 624 55 161 55 1610505901000 Duck feathers and down, used other than for stuffing 131 815 131 815 310 846 310 8460506100000 Ossein and bones treated with acid 6 330 6 330 69 030 69 0300507909000 Whalebone and whalebone hair, unworked/ simply prepared & waste the 8 735 8 735 23 585 23 5850508001000 Coral&similar material,unworked/simply prepared but not otherwise work 85 343 85 343 416 016 416 0160508002000 Shells of molluscs, crustaceans/ echinoderms,unworked/simply prepared 76 825 76 825 56 663 56 6630508009000 Cuttle-bone,unworked/simply prepared not cut to shape,powder&waste t 750 549 750 549 397 207 397 2070511910010 Dead animals of fish/crustaceans,mollusc /oth aquatic inverteb,not huma 40 000 40 000 22 698 22 6980511910020 Roes 2 2 6 60511910030 Artemia egg (brine shrimp egg) 6 400 6 400 590 880 590 8800511910040 Fish skin 146 864 146 864 110 023 110 0230511910090 Oth product of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or oth.aquatic invertabrates 16 260 16 260 100 277 100 2770511993000 Natural sponges 1 312 1 312 1 797 1 7970601100000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns & rhizomes, dormant 58 293 58 293 115 701 115 7010601209000 Bulbs,tubers,tuberous roots, corms, crowns & rhizomes, in growth/in flow 410 295 410 295 247 268 247 2680602109000 Unrooted cutting and slips of oth plants 88 741 88 741 320 327 320 3270602901000 Rooted orchid cuttings and slips 3 630 3 630 31 266 31 2660602907000 Leatherleaf ferns 19 275 19 275 13 266 13 2660602909000 Other live plants (incl their roots), cuttings&slips; mushroom spawn 12 962 12 962 52 772 52 7720603110000 Roses, fresh flowers of a kind suitable for bouquets/ornamental purpose 5 140 5 140 41 087 41 0870603140000 Chrysanthemums, fresh flowers of a kind suitable for bouquets/ornamen 4 713 4 713 62 261 62 2610603150000 Lilies (Lilium spp.), fresh flowers of a kind suitable for bouquets/ornamen 2 485 2 485 465 220 465 2200603190000 Other fresh flowers of a kind suitable for bouquets/ornamental purpose 184 044 184 044 1 937 433 1 937 4330603900000 Cut flowers&flower cuds for bouquets/ ornamental,dried,dyed,bleached,i 168 243 168 243 213 330 213 3300604201000 Mosses and lichens, of a kind suitable for bouquets/ornamental, fresh 100 100 1 275 1 2750604209000 Foliage,branches&oth parts of plants, grasses,for bouquets/ornamental, 247 183 247 183 267 004 267 0040604909000 Foliage,branches&oth part plant,grasses, for bouquets/ornamental,oth th 625 662 625 662 152 941 152 9410701900000 Potatoes, other than seed , fresh or chilled 715 090 715 090 523 744 523 7440702000000 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 12 813 12 813 20 154 20 1540703101900 Onions,oth.than bulbs for propagation, fresh or chilled 602 602 1 048 1 0480703102900 Shallots,oth than bulbs for propagation, fresh/chilled 962 962 1 752 1 7520703209000 Garlic,oth than bulbs for propagation, fresh/chilled 960 960 480 4800704901100 Cabbages, round (drumhead), fresh or chilled 2 001 397 2 001 397 340 623 340 6230704901900 Cabbages, oth than round (drumhead), fresh or chilled 192 571 192 571 42 840 42 8400704909000 Kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled 8 520 8 520 14 182 14 1820705110000 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce), fresh or chilled 23 23 41 410705190000 Other lettuce, fresh or chilled 118 154 118 154 72 194 72 1940706101000 Carrots, fresh or chilled 26 26 71 710706102000 Turnips, fresh or chilled 22 873 22 873 12 920 12 9200707000000 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh/chilled 14 066 14 066 4 411 4 4110708201000 French beans, shelled/unshelled, fresh/ chilled 250 129 250 129 247 805 247 8050708202000 Long beans, shelled/unshelled, fresh/ chilled 4 712 4 712 2 041 2 0410708209000 Oth beans, shelled/unshelled, fresh/ chilled 8 000 8 000 14 390 14 3900708900000 Other leguminous vegetables, shelled/ unshelled, fresh or chilled 93 154 93 154 79 932 79 9320709200000 Asparagus, fresh or chilled 14 14 153 1530709300000 Aubergines (egg-plants),fresh/chilled 105 383 105 383 117 175 117 175







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    0709400000 Celery oth than celeriac,fresh/chilled 65 65 50 500709510000 Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled 274 004 274 004 425 519 425 5190709601000 Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum), fresh or chilled 7 902 7 902 5 965 5 9650709609000 Oth fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, fresh or chille 18 113 18 113 35 527 35 5270709930000 Pumpkins,aquash&gourds (Cucurbita spp.), fresh or chilled 88 231 88 231 28 450 28 4500709990000 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled 69 541 69 541 51 532 51 5320710210000 Peas (Pisum sativum), shelled/unshelled, uncooked or steamed/boiled, f 103 103 3 048 3 0480710290000 Other leguminous vegetables, shelled/ unshelled, uncooked/steamed/bo 234 410 234 410 427 772 427 7720710400000 Sweet corn, uncooked/steamed/boiled, frozen 101 844 101 844 129 981 129 9810710800000 Other vegetables,uncooked/steamed/ boiled, frozen 185 520 185 520 369 306 369 3060710900000 Mixtures of vegetables,uncooked/steamed/ boiled, frozen 2 387 2 387 803 8030711519000 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, preserved in oth preservative solution 6 884 6 884 35 177 35 1770711901000 Sweet corn, provisionally preserved 3 340 3 340 753 7530711902000 Chillies (fruits of genus Capsicum), provisionally preserved 4 782 4 782 4 833 4 8330711909000 Other vegetables,provisionally preserved oth than by sulphur dioxide gas 37 720 37 720 33 622 33 6220712320000 Wood ears (Auricularia spp),dried,whole, broken/powder, but not further 250 250 2 000 2 0000712901000 Garlic,dried,whole,cut,sliced,broken/ in powder,but not further prepared 2 2 4 40712909000 Oth vegetables/mix of vegetables,dried, whole,broken/powd,but not furth 80 781 80 781 131 131 131 1310713319000 Beans (Vigna mungo hepper/Vigna radiata wilczek),dried,shelled,oth tha 1 299 017 1 299 017 1 126 941 1 126 9410713339000 Kidney beans,incl white pea beans,dried, shelled, oth than for sowing 1 750 1 750 310 3100714101100 Manioc (cassava),dried chips, sliced or in form of pellets 4 458 265 4 458 265 1 047 770 1 047 7700714101900 Manioc (cassava),oth than dried chips, sliced or in form of pellets 156 156 328 3280714109100 Manioc (cassava), oth than sliced/in form of pellets, frozen 43 982 43 982 29 468 29 4680714201000 Sweet potatoes, frozen 195 547 195 547 294 158 294 1580714209000 Sweet potatoes, not frozen 372 615 372 615 156 943 156 9430714909900 Arrowroot,salep,Jerusalem artichokes, root w/ high starch/inulin, not froz 907 907 16 279 16 2790801110000 Coconuts, desiccated, dried 5 251 350 5 251 350 10 108 404 10 108 4040801120000 Coconuts, in the inner shell (endocarp), fresh 43 050 410 43 050 410 7 312 162 7 312 1620801190000 Coconuts,oth than desiccated&in the iner shell, fresh/dried, whether/not 1 410 815 1 410 815 263 936 263 9360801210000 Brazil nuts, in shell, fresh or dried 16 16 72 720801310000 Cashew nuts, in shell, fresh or dried 11 649 379 11 649 379 14 990 774 14 990 7740801320000 Cashew nuts, shelled, fresh or dried 1 467 600 1 467 600 3 221 792 3 221 7920802800000 Areca nuts, whether/not shelled/peeled, fresh or dried 26 396 190 26 396 190 27 260 993 27 260 9930802900000 Other nuts, whether/not shelled/peeled, fresh or dried 84 990 84 990 131 614 131 6140803100000 Plantains, fresh or dried 1 667 426 1 667 426 970 966 970 9660804300000 Pineapples, fresh or dried 160 160 269 2690804400000 Avocados, fresh or dried 3 570 3 570 2 370 2 3700804501000 Guavas, fresh or dried 4 929 4 929 2 876 2 8760804502000 Mangoes, fresh or dried 37 715 37 715 58 821 58 8210804503000 Mangosteens, fresh or dried 3 061 048 3 061 048 896 985 896 9850805101000 Oranges, fresh 200 200 520 5200805200000 Mandarin,clementines,wilkings&similar citrus hybrids, fresh/dried 1 770 1 770 550 5500805400000 Grapefruit, including pomelos, fresh or dried 40 40 120 1200805500000 Lemons and limes, fresh or dried 22 864 22 864 10 220 10 2200807110000 Watermelons, fresh 188 902 188 902 120 613 120 6130807209000 Other papaws (papayas), fresh 318 318 805 8050808100000 Apples, fresh 60 60 60 600810100000 Strawberries, fresh 384 384 4 808 4 8080810600000 Durians, fresh 8 8 81 810810903000 Rambutan, fresh 82 427 82 427 73 173 73 1730810905000 Jackfruits (cempedak and nangka), fresh 180 180 324 3240810906000 Tamarinds, fresh 112 450 112 450 183 047 183 0470810909100 Salacca (snake fruit), fresh 134 235 134 235 210 536 210 5360810909200 Dragon fruit, fresh 12 311 12 311 26 781 26 7810810909300 Sapodilla (ciku fruit), fresh 12 12 32 320810909900 Other fruit, fresh 24 341 24 341 26 406 26 4060811100000 Strawberries, uncooked/steamed/boiled, frozen, whether/not added suga 1 754 1 754 12 188 12 1880811200000 Raspberries,blackberries,mulberries, loganberries,currants,gooseberries 1 492 1 492 22 258 22 2580811900000 Other fruit&nuts,uncooked/steamed/boiled ,frozen, whether/not added su 59 896 59 896 47 868 47 8680812909000 Oth fruit&nuts,provisionally preserved, not for immediate consumption 25 044 25 044 5 265 5 2650813402000 Tamarinds, dried 67 210 67 210 31 820 31 8200813409000 Other fruit,oth than heading 08.01 to 08.06, dried 3 330 3 330 7 695 7 6950901111000 Arabica WIB/robusta OIB, not roasted, not decaffeinated 33 671 983 33 671 983 96 437 161 96 437 161







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    0901211000 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated, unground 908 908 20 365 20 3650901212000 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated, ground 249 156 249 156 880 277 880 2770901901000 Coffee husks and skins 300 300 165 1650902101000 Green tea leaves (not fermented), in packings _ 3 kg 232 641 232 641 460 822 460 8220902109000 Green tea, oth than leaves, (not fermented), in packing _ 3 kg 521 598 521 598 2 101 719 2 101 7190902201000 Green tea leaves (not fermented), in packing > 3 kg 3 756 3 756 8 731 8 7310902209000 Green tea, oth than leaves (not fermented), in packing > 3 kg 66 975 66 975 165 727 165 7270902301000 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea, leaves, in packing _ 3 kg 12 556 12 556 30 480 30 4800902309000 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea,oth than leaves, in packing 137 251 137 251 213 619 213 6190902401000 Black tea (fermented) & partly fermented tea, leaves, in packing > 3 kg, 1 281 059 1 281 059 2 268 551 2 268 5510902409000 Black tea (fermented) & partly permented tea, oth than leaves, in packing 3 355 607 3 355 607 5 842 765 5 842 7650903000000 Mate 12 383 12 383 25 217 25 2170904111000 White pepper, neither crushed nor ground 1 378 673 1 378 673 18 617 631 18 617 6310904112000 Black pepper, neither crushed nor ground 716 387 716 387 5 793 663 5 793 6630904119000 Other pepper, neither crushed nor ground 130 615 130 615 628 166 628 1660904121000 White pepper, crushed or ground 87 782 87 782 1 135 134 1 135 1340904122000 Black pepper, crushed or ground 59 363 59 363 644 980 644 9800904129000 Other pepper, crushed or ground 30 30 179 1790905100000 Vanilla, neither crushed nor ground 12 044 12 044 487 066 487 0660905200000 Vanilla, crushed or ground 300 300 17 918 17 9180906110000 Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum blume), neither crushed nor groun 1 500 108 1 500 108 3 223 861 3 223 8610906200000 Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers, crushed or ground 2 718 066 2 718 066 4 898 530 4 898 5300907100000 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves & stems), neither crushed nor ground 932 603 932 603 4 694 978 4 694 9780907200000 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves & stems), crushed or ground 11 030 11 030 70 104 70 1040908110000 Nutmeg, neither crushed nor ground 833 744 833 744 5 691 338 5 691 3380908120000 Nutmeg, crushed or ground 119 461 119 461 1 367 192 1 367 1920908210000 Mace, neither crushed nor ground 132 109 132 109 1 367 679 1 367 6790908220000 Mace, crushed or ground 50 622 50 622 670 276 670 2760908310000 Cardamoms, neither crushed nor ground 363 275 363 275 655 445 655 4450909210000 Seeds of coriander, neither crushed nor ground 710 710 2 736 2 7360909220000 Seeds of coriander, crushed or ground 41 41 162 1620909320000 Seeds of cumin, crushed or ground 350 350 450 4500909611000 Seeds of anise, neither crushed nor ground 1 500 1 500 6 144 6 1440909629000 Seeds of fennel or juniper berries, crushed or ground 1 656 1 656 1 656 1 6560910110000 Ginger, neither crushed nor ground 174 209 174 209 131 178 131 1780910120000 Ginger, crushed or ground 1 424 1 424 3 574 3 5740910200000 Saffron 34 977 34 977 22 100 22 1000910300000 Turmeric (curcuma) 442 647 442 647 487 998 487 9980910911000 Curry 15 15 119 1190910919000 Mixtures of spices, other than curry 55 032 55 032 36 146 36 1460910991000 Thyme; bay leaves 88 88 409 4090910999000 Other spices 65 498 65 498 171 630 171 6301005901000 Popcorn, oth than seed 7 025 7 025 9 289 9 2891005909000 Oth maize (corn), oth than seeds 6 755 561 6 755 561 1 784 694 1 784 6941006303000 Glutinous rice, semi-milled or wholly milled, whether/not polished/glazed 13 750 13 750 19 072 19 0721101001010 Wheat flour fortified 5 893 719 5 893 719 2 806 150 2 806 1501101001090 Wheat flour not fortified 2 700 2 700 1 220 1 2201102200000 Maize(corn) flour 23 500 23 500 29 375 29 3751102901000 Rice flour 3 494 3 494 15 889 15 8891102909000 Oth cereal flours, oth than wheat/meslin /maize/rice/rye flour 3 441 3 441 4 395 4 3951103199000 Groats & meals of oth cereals, oth than meslin & rice 14 190 14 190 42 180 42 1801104191000 Cereal grains of maize(corn), rolled or flaked grains 236 455 236 455 52 004 52 0041104299000 Cereal grains of oth cereals, hulled, peraled, sliced/kibbled 140 140 392 3921104300000 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked/ ground 600 000 600 000 175 800 175 8001105100000 Flour, meal & powder of potatoes 10 180 10 180 9 285 9 2851106100000 Flour,meal & powder of dried leguminous vegetbls of head 07.13 13 500 13 500 26 865 26 8651106201000 Flour,meal & powder of manioc/cassava 306 050 306 050 90 130 90 1301106209000 Flour,meal & powder of roots/tuber head 07.14, oth than manioc(cassava 20 000 20 000 12 000 12 0001106300000 Flour,meal & powder of edible fruits and nuts of prod.chap.8 138 670 138 670 526 266 526 2661107100000 Malt,not roasted 11 11 5 51108110000 Wheat starch 20 000 20 000 16 380 16 3801108120000 Maize(corn) starch 1 100 005 1 100 005 507 835 507 8351108130000 Potato starch 20 000 20 000 23 926 23 926







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    1108140000 Manioc(cassava) starch 1 051 200 1 051 200 667 592 667 5921108191000 Sago starch 1 011 500 1 011 500 422 637 422 6371108199000 Other starches (oth than wheat,maize, potato, manioc & sago) 481 090 481 090 79 046 79 0461201900000 Soya beans, oth than seed, whether or not broken 138 380 138 380 24 980 24 9801202300000 Seed of ground-nuts, whether/not shelled/broken 250 250 25 251202410000 Oth than seed of ground-nut,not roasted/ othwise cooked,in shell 129 088 129 088 193 131 193 1311203000000 Copra 3 043 966 3 043 966 1 685 270 1 685 2701206000000 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken 72 72 480 4801207102000 Palm nuts & kernels, whether/not broken not suitable for sowing 4 071 690 4 071 690 1 970 737 1 970 7371207290000 Cotton seeds, oth than seed, whether/ or not broken 1 588 1 588 7 940 7 9401207999000 Other oil seeds & oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken 38 767 030 38 767 030 2 799 369 2 799 3691208100000 Flours and meals of soya beans 7 538 7 538 7 238 7 2381209292000 Other beet seed, of a kind used for sowing 1 013 1 013 13 240 13 2401209299000 Other seed of forage plants, of a kind used for sowing 5 235 5 235 19 581 19 5811209300000 Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers 112 112 40 629 40 6291209919000 Other vegetable seeds, other than onion seeds, of a kind used for sowin 74 841 74 841 440 176 440 1761209999000 Other seed, fruit, and spores, of a kind used for sowing 10 029 10 029 12 004 12 0041211901400 Other plants, in cut,crushed or powdered form, used for pharmacy, fresh 108 733 108 733 101 250 101 2501211901900 Other plants & parts of plants, in other forms, for pharmacy 17 000 17 000 402 555 402 5551211909100 Pyrethrum, in cut,crushed/powdered form, fresh/dried 154 445 154 445 169 362 169 3621211909400 Sandalwood, fresh/dried 100 100 500 5001211909500 Agarwood (gaharu) chips, fresh/dried 336 822 336 822 715 685 715 6851211909800 Oth plants&parts of plants, not for pharmacy, in cut,crushed/powdered fo 11 720 11 720 15 752 15 7521211909900 Oth plants&parts of plants, not for pharmacy, not cut,crushed/powdered 273 287 273 287 397 152 397 1521212211000 Eucheuma spp,fresh,chilled,frozen,dried, for human consumption 7 789 939 7 789 939 8 827 238 8 827 2381212212000 Gracilaria lichenoides,fresh,chilled, frozen,dried, for human consumption 2 980 380 2 980 380 2 748 415 2 748 4151212219000 Other seaweed & algae, fresh, chilled, frozen,dried, for human consump 1 466 841 1 466 841 1 021 747 1 021 7471212291100 Seaweeds & oth algae,fresh,chilled/dried of a kind used in pharmacy 27 073 27 073 12 728 12 7281212291900 Seaweeds & oth algae,fresh,chilled/dried used in dyeing,tanning,perfum 45 270 45 270 38 520 38 5201212920000 Locust bean(carob),fresh,chilled,frozen/ dried, whether/not ground 25 25 41 411212990000 Other vegetable product, for human consumption, n.e.s or included 240 197 240 197 489 788 489 7881213000000 Cereal straw &husks,unprepared,whether/ not chopped,ground,pressed/ 54 380 54 380 7 070 7 0701214900000 Other forage products,whether/not in for of pellets,oth than lucerne (alfal 434 434 173 1731301901000 Gum benjamin 158 025 158 025 399 490 399 4901301902000 Gum damar 1 650 282 1 650 282 1 234 700 1 234 7001301903000 Cannabis resin 717 540 717 540 938 956 938 9561301909000 Other natural gum and resin 35 005 35 005 631 914 631 9141302199000 Other vegetable saps and extracts 74 727 74 727 263 941 263 9411302310000 Agar-agar 67 045 67 045 744 429 744 4291302320000 Mucilages&thickeners, whether/not modif, derived from locust beans/gua 250 250 1 737 1 7371302391010 Carageenan in powder form 130 925 130 925 812 533 812 5331302391090 Carageenan not in powder form 296 224 296 224 2 287 858 2 287 8581302399000 Oth mucilages & thickeners, whether/not modified,derived from vegetabl 14 000 14 000 55 102 55 1021401100000 Bamboos used primarily for plaiting, cleaned, bleached/dyed 153 958 153 958 141 855 141 8551401900000 Oth vegetable material used for plaiting ,oth than bamboos&rattan,clean 2 374 2 374 11 198 11 1981404902010 Barks of a used primarily in tanning 37 140 37 140 3 467 3 4671404902090 Oth vegetable products of a kind used in tanning/dyeing, oth than barks 90 000 90 000 11 070 11 0701404903000 Kapok 318 477 318 477 388 210 388 2101404909000 Oth vegetable prodcts not used primarily in tanning/dyeing, nes 27 328 664 27 328 664 4 322 652 4 322 6521504109000 Oth than solid fracts of fish-liver oils whet/not refined,not chemically mod 25 740 25 740 320 202 320 2021506000000 Oth animal fats&oils&their fractions wht /not refined, not chemically mod 1 465 1 465 21 235 21 2351511100000 Crude palm oil 499 798 510 499 798 510 313 157 915 313 157 9151511901900 Unsolid fractions of unrefined palm oil, not chemically modified 72 759 960 72 759 960 48 935 496 48 935 4961511909190 Solid fractions of refined palm oil, packing of a net weight>20kg 220 829 015 220 829 015 143 660 542 143 660 5421511909200 Unsolid fractions of refined palm oil, packing net weight_20kg 90 858 748 90 858 748 74 293 061 74 293 0611511909900 Unsolid fractions of refined palm oil, packing net weight>20kg 1 006 100 837 1 006 100 837 667 198 570 667 198 5701512291000 Fractions of unrefined cotton seed oil 36 000 36 000 40 420 40 4201513110000 Crude oil of coconut (copra) 41 910 091 41 910 091 46 328 657 46 328 6571513191000 Fractions of unrefined coconut oil, not chemically modified 30 746 30 746 91 513 91 5131513199000 Fractions of refined coconut oil, not chemically modified 22 491 211 22 491 211 26 880 855 26 880 8551513211000 Crude oil of palm kernel 66 697 943 66 697 943 61 440 947 61 440 9471513291300 Unsolid fractions of unrefined palm kernel oil (palm kernel olein) 1 999 815 1 999 815 1 565 855 1 565 8551513299100 Solid fractions of refined palm kernel oil 6 940 126 6 940 126 7 963 801 7 963 801







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    1513299400 Palm kernel olein, refined, bleached & deodorized (RBD) 7 981 262 7 981 262 7 127 121 7 127 1211513299500 Palm kernel oil, RBD 77 480 612 77 480 612 72 823 470 72 823 4701515909900 Fractions of refined other fixed vegetable oils, oth fixed vegetable fa 152 818 152 818 178 913 178 9131516201400 Re-esterified fats & oils of coconut and its fraction 145 403 145 403 199 177 199 1771516201500 Re-esterified fats & oils of palm kernel & its fraction,crude 174 760 174 760 685 664 685 6641516202130 Hydrogenated fats in flakes of palm stearin 800 300 800 300 679 749 679 7491516202170 Hydrogenated fats in flakes of coconuts 5 305 5 305 6 730 6 7301516205200 Palm stearin, w/ iodine value _ 48, RBD 3 593 000 3 593 000 6 269 427 6 269 4271516209300 Other fat & oils of olives and their fractions 360 360 8 467 8 4671516209600 Refined, bleached and deodorised (RBD) palm kernel stearin only 472 776 472 776 559 485 559 4851516209700 Hydrogenated & RBD palm kernel stearin or olein 4 481 292 4 481 292 5 354 355 5 354 3551516209800 Oth fat & oils of ground-nuts, palm oil or coconuts and their fractions 205 000 205 000 678 073 678 0731516209900 Oth vegetable fats and oils and their fractions 444 380 444 380 483 270 483 2701517100000 Margarine,excl. liquid margarine 5 576 678 5 576 678 4 572 645 4 572 6451517901000 Imitation ghee 235 960 235 960 215 728 215 7281517902000 Liquid margarine 4 080 4 080 28 126 28 1261517904300 Shortening 34 660 671 34 660 671 25 949 891 25 949 8911517905000 Solid mixtures or prep of vegetable fats or oils or of their fractions 11 766 145 11 766 145 13 388 834 13 388 8341517906400 Liquid mixtures or prep of oth palm oil predominates,packng net weight _ 1 477 200 1 477 200 1 835 689 1 835 6891517906800 Liquid mixtures or prep of illipe nut oil predominates 651 930 651 930 2 167 527 2 167 5271517906900 Liquid mixtures or prep of oth vegetable fats/oil predominates 414 340 414 340 562 880 562 8801517909000 Oth edible mixtures or prep of animal or vegetable fats or oils 8 253 512 8 253 512 7 131 548 7 131 5481518001900 Oth vegetbl fat&oils&their fract,boiled, dehydrate,sulphurise,blown,polym 65 590 65 590 54 515 54 5151518003700 Inedible mixtures/preparations of cotton seeds fats/oils/of differ fats/oil fr 50 50 1 014 1 0141518003900 Inedible mixtures/preparations of other vegetable fats/oils/of differ oil frac 3 426 400 3 426 400 2 117 469 2 117 4691520001000 Crude glycerol 15 767 641 15 767 641 2 765 432 2 765 4321520009000 Glycerol waters & glycerol lyes 198 470 198 470 102 908 102 9081521100000 Vegetable waxes(oth.than triglycerides) whether or not refined or colored 1 570 750 1 570 750 1 314 247 1 314 2471521901000 Beeswax & oth insect waxes,whether/ not refined or colored 581 581 2 905 2 9051522009000 Residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substan or animal/vegetab 1 068 518 1 068 518 326 703 326 7031601009000 Sausags&smilar prdct of meat,meat offal/ blood, not in airtight containr 975 975 1 037 1 0371602329000 Oth prepared/preserved meat, offal/blood of fowls of species gallus dom 30 30 30 301602909000 Oth prepared/preserved meat, offal/blood of any animal 49 49 37 371604119000 Salmon, whole/in pieces, not in minced, not in airtight containers 60 60 25 251604131100 Sardines, whole/in pieces,not in minced, in airtight containers 1 790 456 1 790 456 4 115 475 4 115 4751604141100 Tunas,whole/in pieces, not in minced, in airtight container 5 286 183 5 286 183 21 408 803 21 408 8031604151000 Mackerel, whole/in pieces,not in minced, in airtight containers 38 833 38 833 98 864 98 8641604193000 Oth fish,whole/in pieces, not in minced, in airtight containers 70 70 55 551604199000 Oth fish,whole/in pieces, not in minced, not in airtight containers 2 271 2 271 16 017 16 0171604201900 Sharks fins, ready for immediate consumption,not in airtight containers 100 100 8 976 8 9761604209310 Fish & shrimp ball, frozen, boiled or steamed 20 700 20 700 74 970 74 9701604209900 Other prepared/preserved fish, not in airtight containers 6 269 6 269 46 436 46 4361604320000 Caviar subtitutes prepared from fish egg 10 000 10 000 259 969 259 9691605101000 Crabs,prepared,in airtight containers 272 787 272 787 5 627 642 5 627 6421605109000 Crabs,prepared,not in airtight container 891 884 891 884 17 915 492 17 915 4921605211000 Shrimps paste,not in airtight containers 859 847 859 847 5 338 034 5 338 0341605219010 Fish paste, not in airtight containers 86 000 86 000 210 978 210 9781605219020 Shrimp breaded,not in airtight container 363 537 363 537 2 725 954 2 725 9541605219090 Other prepared shrimps&prawns, not in airtight containers 980 025 980 025 9 925 459 9 925 4591605291000 Shrimps paste, in airtight containers 704 470 704 470 8 322 326 8 322 3261605299020 Shrimp breaded, in airtight containers 17 733 17 733 411 959 411 9591605299090 Other prepared shrimps&prawn,in airtight containers 56 560 56 560 682 123 682 1231605400000 Oth crustaceans, prepared/preserved 6 612 6 612 85 687 85 6871605520000 Scallops,incld queen scallops, prepared/ preserved 21 21 1 540 1 5401605540000 Cuttle fish & squid, prepared/preserved 69 673 69 673 211 413 211 4131605550000 Octopus, prepared/preserved 8 8 8 81605560000 Clams, cockles & arkshells, prepared/ preserved 135 982 135 982 440 712 440 7121605570000 Abalone, prepared/preserved 322 322 1 190 1 1901605580000 Snails,oth than sea snails,prepared/ preserved 30 202 30 202 135 884 135 8841605590000 Oth molluscs, prepared/preserved 9 200 9 200 5 690 5 6901605610000 Sea cucumbers, prepared/preserved 3 858 3 858 64 280 64 2801605630000 Jellyfish, prepared/preserved 79 800 79 800 47 880 47 8801701991900 Refined sugar, oth thanwhite 156 710 156 710 275 492 275 492







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    1701999000 Chemically pure sucrose, in solid form 784 000 784 000 157 516 157 5161702190000 Lactose & lactose syrup,lactose

  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    1905902000 Other unsweetened biscuits 10 579 10 579 19 033 19 0331905903000 Cakes 31 079 31 079 147 555 147 5551905904000 Pastries 104 355 104 355 143 105 143 1051905907000 Communion wafers, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products 1 383 1 383 3 455 3 4551905908000 Other crisp savoury food products 262 821 262 821 375 670 375 6701905909000 Other baker wares 635 163 635 163 1 443 001 1 443 0012001100000 Cucumbers and gherkins,prepared or pre served by vinegar or acetic ac 570 570 10 106 10 1062001909000 Oth vegetable,fruit,nuts,edible part of plant prep/presv by vinegar/acetic 87 885 87 885 94 314 94 3142002909000 Other tomatoes, prepared/preserved otherwise than by vinegar/acetic ac 86 86 885 8852003100000 Mushrooms of the genus agaricus, not prep/presrved by vinegar/acetic a 516 846 516 846 954 315 954 3152003909000 Oth mushrooms, not prepared/preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 300 300 17 912 17 9122004100000 Potatoes, frozen, not preprd/preserved by vinegar or acetic acid 15 336 15 336 71 645 71 6452004909000 Oth vegetables &mixtures of vegetables, frozn,prep/presrv by vinegar/ac 2 616 2 616 6 540 6 5402005510000 Beans,shelled, not frozen, not prepared or preserved by vinegar or aceti 150 150 37 372005591000 Oth bean in airtightcontainr,not frozn not prep/presrv by vinegar/aceticac 14 480 14 480 15 419 15 4192005599000 Oth bean not in airtightcontnr,notfrozn not prep/presrv by vinegar/acetica 654 654 1 062 1 0622005991000 Oth vegetabl&mixtr of vegt in airtight containr,not frozn,not prep by vin/a 20 704 20 704 89 583 89 5832005999000 Oth vgtbl&mixtr of vegt not in airtght containr,not frozn,not prep by vin/ac 149 571 149 571 233 042 233 0422006000000 Vegetables,fruit,nuts,fruit-peel & oth parts of plants,preserved by sugar 26 144 26 144 25 708 25 7082007100000 Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit/ nut, homogenised preparations 142 984 142 984 343 218 343 2182007999000 Fruit pastes of mango, pineapples or strawberries 36 301 36 301 109 980 109 9802008111000 Roasted ground nuts, othwise prepared / preserved 161 267 161 267 410 034 410 0342008112000 Peanut butter, othwise prepared / preserved 2 196 2 196 9 287 9 2872008119000 Oth ground nuts, othwise prepared / preserved 77 382 77 382 275 656 275 6562008191000 Cashew, incl. mixtures,othwise prepared or preserved 5 128 5 128 30 924 30 9242008199000 Other nuts and seeds, othwise prepared or preserved 83 010 83 010 248 450 248 4502008200000 Pineapples, othwise prepared/preserved 14 055 561 14 055 561 14 766 336 14 766 3362008971000 Mixture of stem,root&oth edible partof plant not incl fruit/nut,otw prep/pre 18 030 18 030 18 225 18 2252008972000 Mxtre oth of stem,root&oth edible part ofplant notincl fruit/nut,otw prep/pr 28 833 28 833 37 405 37 4052008993000 Stem,root&oth.edible part of plant not inc friuts or nuts, otw prep/preserv 129 129 1 800 1 8002008999000 Othwise prepared or preserved, not added sugar/sweetening matter or s 598 306 598 306 689 564 689 5642009190000 Other orange juice 29 858 29 858 23 701 23 7012009290000 Other grapefruit juice 2 228 2 228 7 600 7 6002009390000 Other juice of any other single citrus fruit 1 1 15 152009410000 Pineapple juice, of a brix value not exceeding 20 16 800 16 800 8 106 8 1062009490000 Other pineapple juice 1 791 221 1 791 221 3 079 654 3 079 6542009690000 Other grape juice 4 4 1 12009790000 Other apple juice 12 356 12 356 28 517 28 5172009819000 Cranberry juice not for infant use 597 597 4 179 4 1792009899900 Oth juice of any oth single fruit / vegetables not for infant use 120 805 120 805 96 400 96 4002009901000 Mixtures of juices for instant use 72 72 250 2502009909000 Mixtures of juices not for instant use 46 646 46 646 69 052 69 0522101111000 Instant coffee 11 086 908 11 086 908 36 436 127 36 436 1272101119000 Extracts, essences and concentrates oth than coffee 29 710 29 710 264 489 264 4892101129000 Prep w/ basis extrct,esenc/conctrts/ w/ basis coffee,oth thn mxtr in pasta 175 785 175 785 444 835 444 8352101201000 Tea preprtn consisting of a mixture of tea, milk powder and sugar 29 639 29 639 61 370 61 3702101209000 Oth extract,essence,concentrate, of tea or mate & prep. milk powder and 17 658 17 658 53 097 53 0972102200000 Inactive yeasts; oth single-cell micro organisms, dead 10 10 1 12102300000 Prepared baking powders 519 519 1 934 1 9342103100000 Soya sauce 475 570 475 570 696 570 696 5702103200000 Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces 70 928 70 928 63 812 63 8122103901000 Chilli sauce 487 966 487 966 784 432 784 4322103903000 Fish sauce 8 060 8 060 19 689 19 6892103904000 Oth mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, including belachan 148 048 148 048 297 485 297 4852103909000 Oth sauces and preparations therefor; mustard flour & meal & prepared 1 101 509 1 101 509 5 715 919 5 715 9192104109900 Soups and broths & preparation therfor not cont meat notfor infant use 3 479 3 479 8 176 8 1762104201900 Homogenised composite food prepartion, containing meat not for infant u 94 803 94 803 569 760 569 7602104209100 Homogenised composite food prepartion, not containing meat for infant u 598 598 2 922 2 9222104209900 Homogenised composite food prepartion, not containing meat not for infa 3 382 3 382 66 750 66 7502105000000 Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa 357 053 357 053 1 354 364 1 354 3642106100000 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances 57 917 57 917 28 344 28 3442106901000 Dried bean curd and bean curd sticks 4 050 4 050 7 829 7 8292106902000 Flavoured or colored syrups 15 208 15 208 19 244 19 244







  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    2106903000 Non-dairy creamer 1 768 643 1 768 643 3 339 757 3 339 7572106905100 Non-alcoholic prep of raw material for the manufact of composite concen 64 083 64 083 72 545 72 5452106905200 Non-alcoholic composite concentrts for simple dilution w/ water to mk be 1 612 052 1 612 052 9 571 451 9 571 4512106905300 Ginseng based products 2 693 2 693 8 077 8 0772106905900 Other non-alcoholic preparations use for making / manufacturing bevera 46 569 46 569 172 912 172 9122106906100 Alcoholic preparations of raw material for the manufacture in liquid 10 100 10 100 73 097 73 0972106906700 Oth alcoholic preparations of kind used for the manufacture not in liquid 13 651 13 651 212 800 212 8002106906900 Oth alcoholic preparations of kind used for the manufacture of beverage 2 774 2 774 2 252 2 2522106907000 Food supplements 104 379 104 379 845 323 845 3232106908000 Fortificant premixes 284 755 284 755 660 790 660 7902106909100 Oth mixtures of chemicals/oth substances of a kind used for food proces 12 205 12 205 29 157 29 1572106909200 Ginseng based preparations 71 71 3 337 3 3372106909300 Foods preparations for lactase deficient infants 2 230 2 230 2 670 2 6702106909400 Other food preparations for infant use 80 80 112 1122106909500 Seri kaya 40 40 40 402106909600 Other medical foods 260 260 432 4322106909800 Other flavouring preparations 3 270 3 270 10 173 10 1732106909910 Tempeh 10 039 10 039 32 062 32 0622106909990 Other food preparations not elsewhere specified or included 6 439 608 6 439 608 10 869 443 10 869 4432201100010 Mineral waters 3 708 943 3 708 943 591 002 591 0022201100020 Aerated waters 450 450 691 6912201909010 Demineralized waters 33 879 33 879 3 890 3 8902201909090 Other waters not containing added sugar or oth sweetening matter nor fl 2 272 2 272 8 158 8 1582202101000 Sparkling mineral waters and aerated waters, flavoured 427 443 427 443 238 433 238 4332202109000 Other waters, containing added sugar/ oth sweetening or flavoured 2 935 606 2 935 606 2 506 059 2 506 0592202901000 Flavoured uht milk drinks 113 764 113 764 200 351 200 3512202902000 Soya milk drinks 3 742 3 742 2 040 2 0402202903000 Oth non-aerated beverage ready for immediate consumption without dilu 1 640 135 1 640 135 973 170 973 1702202909000 Oth non-alcoholic beverages, excluding fruit or vegetable juices 77 453 77 453 112 023 112 0232203001000 Beer made from malt, Stout and porter 76 512 76 512 101 184 101 1842203009000 Other beer made from malt,including ale 783 137 783 137 657 420 657 4202204100000 Sparkling wine 37 925 37 925 812 725 812 7252206009900 Other fermented beverages,including 34 611 34 611 16 423 16 4232207100000 Undenatured ethylalcohol of alcoholic 8 737 072 8 737 072 7 236 586 7 236 5862207201900 Oth denatured ethyl alcohol, including 51 200 51 200 59 248 59 2482207209000 Other ethyl alcohol and other spirits 22 880 22 880 33 272 33 2722208300000 Whiskies 1 1 3 32209000000 Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid 20 748 20 748 4 536 4 5362301201000 Flours,meal&pellet,of fish w/ a protein content weight

  • Januari 2015January

    Kode H S Uraian golongan barang Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif

    H S Code Group description Current month Cum. Jan. to date Current monthCum. Jan. to

    date(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Tabel 3 : Ekspor Indonesia menurut Komoditi ( Kode HS 10 digit )Export of Indonesia by Commodity ( 10 digit of HS Code )

    Berat bersih / Net weight (Kg) Nilai / Value F.O.B. ( U S $ )

    2401301000 Tobacco stems 241 960 241 960 95 337 95 3372401309000 Other tobacco refuse 324 267 324 267 652 847 652 8472402100000 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco 192 173 192 173 4 410 814 4 410 8142402201000 Beedies 286 286