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    Building Models inADAMS/View

    About This Guide 3

    About Parts 5

    Creating Parts 17

    Modifying Parts 79

    About Constraining Your Model 125

    Working with Joints 139

    Applying Motion 177

    Applying Forces to Your Model 195

    Working with Contacts 271

    Storing and Accessing Data 315

    Using System Elements to Add Equations 365

    Editing Modeling Objects 391

    Positioning and Rotating Objects 439

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    2 Building Models in ADAMS/View


    U.S. Government Restricted Rights: If the Software and Documentation are provided in connection with a

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    All other product names are trademarks of their respective companies.

    Part number: 110VIEWBM-01

  • 8/14/2019 BuildingModles.pdf


    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About This Guide


    About This Guide

    Welcome to ADAMS/View

    ADAMS/Viewis a powerful modeling and simulating environment that lets youbuild, simulate, and refine models of mechanical systems.

    This guide explains how build models in ADAMS/View. It assumes you know the

    basics of using ADAMS/View. For an introduction to ADAMS/View, see the guide,

    Getting Started Using ADAMS/View.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About This Guide


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    1About Parts


    Parts define the objects in your model that can have mass and

    inertia properties and can move. All forces and constraints that

    you define in your model act on these parts during a simulation.

    This chapter explains how to create and modify parts. It

    contains the following sections:

    Overview of ADAMS/View Parts, 6

    Before You Begin Creating Parts, 9

    About Rigid Bodies, 10

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Overview of ADAMS/View Parts

    ADAMS/View provides a complete library of parts that you can create. The following

    sections explains more about ADAMS/View parts.

    Types of Parts, 6

    About the Ground Part, 7

    Local Coordinate Systems, 7

    Degrees of Freedom for Parts, 8

    Part Naming Conventions, 8

    Types of PartsADAMS/View provides you with three different types of parts that you can create:

    Rigid Bodies- Parts in your model that have mass and inertia properties.

    They cannot deform.

    Flexible Bodies- Parts that have mass and inertia properties and can bend

    when forces are applied to them. Basic ADAMS/View provides you with

    the ability to create discrete flexible links. For more functionality, you can

    purchase ADAMS/Flex. For information on purchasing ADAMS/Flex, see

    your MDI sales representative, and for information on using ADAMS/Flex,

    refer to the guide, Using ADAMS/Flex.

    Point Masses- Parts that have only mass. They have no extent and,

    therefore, no inertia properties.

    In addition, ADAMS/View provides a ground part that is already created for you.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    About the Ground Part

    The ground part is the only part in your model that must remain stationary at all times.

    ADAMS/View creates the ground part automatically when you create a model. The

    ground part does not have mass properties or initial velocities and does not add

    degrees of freedom into your model. (For more on degrees of freedom, see Constraints

    and Degrees of Freedomon page 128.)

    The ground part acts as the global coordinate system that defines the global origin

    (0,0,0) and axes about which you create your model. You cannot specify its position.

    You can add geometry to the ground part.

    In addition, by default, the ground part also acts as the inertial reference frame with

    respect to which all of the part velocities and accelerations are calculated. You can

    also select another part as the inertial reference frame. You can select another part

    through the Command Navigator.

    Note that although the ground part is the only part in your model that must remain

    stationary at all times, you can move the geometry and constraints attached to the

    ground part. Since geometry and constraints are tied to markers, you can use the Select

    List Manager to select all the markers on ground and then translate and rotate the

    ground entities with the rest of your model. For information on selecting objects, see

    Selecting and Deselecting Objectson page 392,and for information on movingobjects, see Positioning and Rotating Objectson page 439.

    Local Coordinate Systems

    As you create parts, ADAMS/View assigns a coordinate system to each part, known

    as its local coordinate system. A parts local coordinate system moves with the part

    and its original position defaults to that of the global coordinate system.The local coordinate system is a convenient way to define the position and location of

    objects. ADAMS/View also returns simulation results, such as the position of a part,

    as the displacement of a parts local coordinate system with respect to the global

    coordinate system. It returns object results, however, as the displacement of a parts

    center of mass relative to the global coordinate system.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Degrees of Freedom for Parts

    Each rigid body that you create can move within all degrees of freedom; a point mass

    can move within three translational degrees of freedom. You can constrain the

    movement of parts by:

    Adding them to the ground part, which means they are fixed to the ground

    and cannot move in any direction. Each time you create geometry,ADAMS/View gives you the option to add it to ground, create a new part,

    or add it to an existing part.

    Adding constraints, such as joints, to define how the parts are attached and

    how they move relative to each other. For more on adding constraints and

    limiting the movement of parts, see Working with Jointson page 139.

    Part Naming Conventions

    As you create parts, ADAMS/View automatically generates names for them based on

    their type and the number of objects of that type in your model. For example, when

    you create a point mass, ADAMS/View names it POINT_MASS_1. For all rigid

    bodies, except points and coordinate system markers, ADAMS/View uses the name

    PARTregardless of the type of geometry. For example, if you create a box,

    ADAMS/View names it PART_1. When you create a second box, ADAMS/Viewnames it PART_2, and so on. You can rename your parts. For more information, see

    Renaming Objectson page 425.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    About Rigid Bodies

    The most common type of part in your model is a rigid body. Rigid bodies are parts

    that cannot deform. They are physical objects in which the distance between any two

    points within the body remains constant. The rigid body can move relative to other

    parts and can be used as a reference frame to measure another parts velocity or

    acceleration. ADAMS/View provides a library of geometry that you can use to create

    rigid bodies.

    In ADAMS/View, you create rigid bodies by drawing the geometric objects that

    represent them. A part can be made up of many different geometric objects.

    ADAMS/View calculates the mass and inertia of the rigid body based on its solid

    geometry and its material type, which is steel by default. You can modify the default

    properties for the part and change how ADAMS/View calculates the mass and inertia

    of a solid rigid body. For more information, see Modifying Partson page 79.

    The next sections explain more about creating rigid bodies:

    Ways to Create Rigid Bodies, 11

    Building Parameterization into Your Model as You Create Parts, 11

    Types of Rigid Body Geometry, 13

    Accessing the Geometric Modeling Tools, 14

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Ways to Create Rigid Bodies

    Each time you create geometry, you can select to do one of the following:

    Create a new partcontaining the geometry.

    Add the geometryto an existing part.

    Add the geometry to ground.You add geometry to ground if the

    geometry does not move or influence the simulation of your model. For

    example, if you are simulating a car driving around a race track, the

    geometry that defines the race track can be added to ground. (You can also

    fix parts temporarily to ground using a fixed joint. For more information,

    see Working with Simple Idealized Jointson page 141.)

    In addition, you specify the location of the geometry in space. You can select to define

    the location of the geometry:

    Graphically, by picking locations on the screen or by selecting an object

    on the screen that is at the desired location.

    Precisely, by entering coordinate locations.

    For more tips on techniques for placing objects, see Techniques for Creating and

    Placing Objectson page 191of the guide,Learning ADAMS/View Basics.

    Building Parameterization into Your Model as You Create Parts

    As you create rigid bodies in your model, you can define them so that the location or

    orientation of one object affects the location or orientation of another body. This is

    called parameterizing your model.

    Parameterizing your model simplifies changes to your model because it helps youautomatically size, relocate, and orient objects. For example, if you parameterize the

    geometry of two links to the location of a point, when you move the point, the link

    geometry changes accordingly, as shown in Figure 1.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Figure 1. Example of Parameterizing Locations

    The ways in which you can build parameterization into your model while creating

    rigid bodies include the following:

    Attach objects to pointsso that when you change the location of the

    points, the body locations and orientations update accordingly.

    As you create a point, ADAMS/View gives you the option to attach other

    nearby objects to the point. The sections in this chapter that explain how to

    create points also explain how to attach objects to them.

    Define design variablesto represent values of your rigid body geometry,such as the length or width of a link. You can create design variables for

    any values you specify for a rigid body. Design variables are needed when

    you run tests on your model, such as design studies. For more information

    on design variables, see Using Design Variableson page 27of the guide,

    Refining Model Designs in ADAMS/View.

    Create expressionsthat calculate the values of your rigid bodies, such as

    the length or width of a box. You can specify expressions for any values

    you specify for a rigid body geometry. For more information on creating

    expressions, see the guide, Using the ADAMS/View Function Builder.

    You can also parameterize your model after you build it. For more information on

    parameterization, see Automating Design Changes Using Parameterizationon

    page 13of the guide,Refining Model Designs in ADAMS/View.

    Dragging POINT_1 upward ... Reshapes the links, accordingly



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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Types of Rigid Body Geometry

    There are two types of geometry that you can use to create rigid bodies.

    Construction geometry- These are primitive objects that have no mass.

    They include points and markers as well as wire geometry, such as lines,

    arcs, and splines. You can use construction geometry to define other

    geometry. For example, you use points to define locations about which you

    orient other objects.

    Solid geometry- ADAMS/View comes with a set of predefined solid

    geometry, including boxes, cylinders, and links. You can also create solid

    geometry from construction geometry by extruding it.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    Accessing the Geometric Modeling Tools

    You can create rigid body geometry using the tools on the Geometric Modeling

    palette or the Geometric Modelingtool stack on the Main toolbox. The palette and tool

    stack contain the same tools so you can choose whichever one you are most

    comfortable using. The Geometric Modeling palette and tool stack are shown below.

    For more on tool stacks and palettes, see the section, Using Toolboxes and Toolbars

    on page 47 of the guide,Learning ADAMS/View Basics.

    Figure 2. Geometric Modeling Palette and Tool Stack

    Geometric Modeling paletteGeometric Modeling toolstack on Main toolbox


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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


    As you create geometry, ADAMS/View provides settings that you can control when

    drawing the geometry. It provides the settings in a container at the bottom of the

    palette or Main toolbox. The settings change depending on the type of geometry that

    you are creating. For example, Figure 2shows the length, width, and depth values

    associated with creating link geometry.

    You can use the settings to control how you want ADAMS/View to draw the

    geometry. For example, when you create a link, ADAMS/View lets you specify itswidth, length, and height before drawing. Then, as you create the link, these

    dimensions are set regardless of how you move the mouse. You can also define design

    variables or expressions for these setting values.

    To display the Geometric Modeling palette:

    From theBuild

    menu, selectBodies/Geometry


    To display the contents of the Geometric Modeling tool stack:

    From the Main toolbox, right-click the Geometric Modelingtool stack. By

    default, the Linktool appears at the top of the tool stack.

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    Building Models in ADAMS/View

    About Parts


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    2Creating Parts


    In this chapter, youll learn how to create the different types of

    parts. It contains the sections:

    Creating Construction Geometry, 18

    Creating Solid Geometry, 31

    Creating Complex Geometry, 49

    Merging Geometry, 62

    Working with Flexible Links, 63

    Working with Point Masses, 73

    Creating a Spline from a Trace, 75

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Creating Construction Geometry

    You can create several types of construction geometry. You draw construction

    geometry normal to the screen or the working grid, if you turned it on.

    The next sections explain how to create construction geometry.

    Defining Points, 18

    Defining Coordinate System Markers, 21

    Creating Lines and Polylines, 23

    Creating Arcs and Circles, 25

    Creating Splines, 28

    Defining Points

    Points define locations in three-dimensional space upon which you can build your

    model. They allow you to build parameterization between objects, as well as position

    objects. For example, you can attach a link to points so that each time you move the

    points, the links geometry changes accordingly (For an example, see Figure 1). You

    can also use points to define the location where modeling objects connect, such as thepoint where a joint connects two parts. Points do not define an orientation, only a


    As you create a point, you define whether ADAMS/View should add it to ground or

    to another part. In addition, you specify whether other parts near the same location

    should be attached (parameterized) to the point. If you attach other bodies to the point,

    then the location of those bodies is tied to the location of that point. As you change

    the location of the point, the location of all attached bodies change accordingly.

    Note: You should not attach a parts center of mass marker to a point, however. If

    you attach a center of mass marker, ADAMS/View removes the

    parameterization whenever it recomputes the center of a part, unless you

    defined mass properties for the part.

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    For more information on attaching points, see Building Parameterization into Your

    Model as You Create Partson page 11. For more information on parameterizing your

    model, see the guide, Refining Model Designs in ADAMS/View.

    ADAMS/View assigns the point a default name. The default name is POINTfollowed

    by a number representing the point (for example, POINT_1, POINT_2, and so on.).

    After creating the point, you can modify its name and set its location using the Table

    Editor. For more information on editing objects using the Table Editor, see Editing

    Objects Using the Table Editoron page 401.

    To quickly access the Table Editor:

    1 From the Geometric Modeling tool stack, select the Pointtool .

    2 From the settings container, select Point Table.

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To create a point:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Pointtool .

    2 In the settings container, specify the following:

    Whether you want the point added to ground or to another part in your

    model. Whether you want to attach nearby objects to the point. For information on

    attaching objects, see Building Parameterization into Your Model as You

    Create Partson page 11.

    3 If you selected to add the point to another part in your model, select the part.

    4 Place the cursor where you want the point to be located and click the mouse


    Tips: If you want to place the point at the location of another object, right-click near

    the object. ADAMS/View displays a list of objects near the cursor. Select the

    object at whose location you want to place the point. ADAMS/View creates the

    point at that location.

    If you want to specify precise coordinates, right-click away from the object. Adialog box for entering the location of the point appears. For information on

    using the dialog box, see Entering Precise Location Coordinateson page 194

    of the guide,Learning ADAMS/View Basics.

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Defining Coordinate System Markers

    You can create a marker defining a local coordinate system on any part in your model

    or ground. The marker has a location (the origin of the coordinate system) and an

    orientation. ADAMS/View automatically creates markers at the center of mass of all

    solid geometry and at anchor points on geometry that define the location of the object

    in space. For example, a link has three markers: two at its endpoints and one at its

    center of mass. ADAMS/View also creates markers automatically for you when youconstrain objects, such as add a joint between parts.

    ADAMS/View displays markers as triads. Figure 3shows how markers appear for

    boxes and links.

    Figure 3. Marker Screen Icons

    You create markers by specifying their location and orientation. You can align theorientation of the marker with the global coordinate system, the current view

    coordinate system, or a coordinate system that you define. When you define a

    coordinate system, you specify one or two of its axes and ADAMS/View calculates

    the other axes accordingly.

    ADAMS/View assigns the marker a default name. The default name is MARKER

    followed by a number representing the marker (for example, MARKER_1,MARKER_2, and so on).

    Note: You can parameterize the locations and orientations of other objects to that of

    markers. For example, you can align the location of a part to be the same as a

    marker regardless of how the marker moves. Unlike points, whose

    parameterization is automatic, you must set up relationship of markers to

    other objects. For more information on establishing parameteric relationships,see the guide, Refining Model Designs in ADAMS/View.








    z xy

    z x

    Marker Icony



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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To create a marker:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Marker tool .

    2 In the settings container, specify the following:

    Whether you want the marker added to ground or to another part in your

    model. How you want to orient the marker. From the Orientationoption menu, select

    an orientation method.

    3 If you selected to add the marker to a part, select the part to which you want to

    add the marker.

    4 Place the cursor where you want the marker to be located and click.

    5 If you selected to orient the marker to anything other than the global or view

    coordinate system, select the directions along which you want to align the

    markers axes. Do this for each axis that you selected to specify.

    ADAMS/View draws the marker aligning its axes as specified.

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Creating Lines and Polylines

    You can create both single- and multi-line segments (polylines). In addition, you can

    create open or closed polylines (polygons). Figure 4shows examples of lines,

    polylines, and closed polylines that you can create in ADAMS/View.

    Figure 4. Examples of Lines and Polylines

    Before drawing lines or polylines, you can specify the length of the line or lines to be

    created so you can quickly create perfectly sized lines and polylines. When creating a

    single line, you can also specify the angle of the line. The angle you specify is relative

    to the x-axis of the global coordinate system or the working grid, if it is turned on.

    When you create line geometry, you can select to create a new part consisting of the

    line geometry or add the line geometry to an existing part. If you create a new part, it

    has no mass since it is composed of only wire geometry. You can extrude the lines

    into solid geometry that has mass. For more information, see Creating Complex

    Geometryon page 49.

    ADAMS/View places hotpoints at the endpoint of each line segment after you draw

    the objects. The hotpoints let you reshape the lines. If you create a closed polyline,

    ADAMS/View maintains it as a closed polyline regardless of how you move the

    hotpoints. For more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see UsingHotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    You can also use the line or polyline modify dialog box to more accurately place the

    points that make up the line or polyline. You can also read in location points from a

    file. For more information, see Using Dialog Boxes to Precisely Modify Geometryon

    page 81, and Editing Locations Using the Location Tableon page 102.

    Line Open polyline Closed polyline(polygon)

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To draw a single line:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Polylinetool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Set the type of line to be drawn to One Line.

    If desired, set the length and angle of the line.

    3 Position the cursor where you want the line to begin and click.

    4 Move the cursor in the direction you want to draw the line.

    5 When the line is the desired length and orientation, click again to end the line.

    To draw an open or closed polyline:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Polylinetool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Set the type of line to be drawn to Polyline.

    If desired, set the length of the line segments.

    Select whether you want a closed polyline (polygon) by selecting Closed.

    3 Position the cursor where you want the polyline to begin and click.

    4 To create the first line segment, drag the cursor and click to select its


    5 To add line segments to the polyline, continue dragging the cursor and


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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    6 To stop drawing and create the open or closed polyline, right-click. If youselected to create a closed polyline, ADAMS/View automatically draws a line

    segment between the last and first points to close the polyline. Note that

    clicking the right mouse button does not create another point.

    Tip: While creating the polyline, you can remove the last line segment that you

    created by clicking its endpoint. You can continue removing line segments in

    the reverse order that you created them.

    Creating Arcs and Circles

    You can create arcs and circles centered about a location. You begin drawing an arc

    by specifying its starting and ending angles. You then indicate its center location and

    set its radius and the orientation of its x axis. You can also specify the arc s radius

    before you draw it. ADAMS/View draws the angle starting from the x-axis that youspecify and moving counterclockwise (right-hand rule).

    Figure 5shows the elements of an arc that you specify as you create the arc. This

    example shows a 60-degree angle with a starting angle of 15 degrees and an ending

    angle of 75 degrees.

    Figure 5. Elements of an Arc

    Center location











    B ildi M d l U i ADAMS/Vi26

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Before you create arc geometry, you can select to create a new part consisting of thearc geometry or add the arc geometry to an existing part or ground. If you create a new

    part, it has no mass since it is composed of only wire geometry. You can extrude a

    circle into solid geometry that has mass. For more information, see Creating Complex

    Geometryon page 49.

    To draw an arc:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Arctool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground. By default, ADAMS/View

    creates a new part. If desired, set the radius of the arc.

    Specify the starting and ending angles of the arc. The default is to create a

    90-degree arc from a starting angle of 0 degrees.

    3 Click where you want the center of the arc and then drag the mouse to define

    the radius of the arc and the orientation of the x-axis. ADAMS/View displays

    a line on the screen to indicate the x-axis. If you specified the radius of the arc

    in the settings container, ADAMS/View maintains that radius regardless of

    how you drag the mouse.

    4 When the radius is the desired size, click.

    B ilding Models Using ADAMS/Vie 27

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To draw a circle:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Arctool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part or add the geometry to an

    existing part. By default, ADAMS/View creates a new part.

    If desired, set the radius of the circle.

    Select Circle.

    3 Click where you want the center of the circle and then drag the mouse to

    define the radius of the circle. If you specified the radius of the circle in the

    settings container, ADAMS/View maintains that radius regardless of how you

    drag the mouse.

    4 When the radius is the desired size, click.

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View28

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Creating Splines

    A spline is a smooth curve that a set of location coordinates define. You create splines

    by defining the locations of the coordinates that define the curve or by selecting an

    existing geometric curve and specifying the number of points to be used to define the

    spline. ADAMS/View produces a smooth curve through the points. You can also

    close the spline or leave it open. A closed spline must be composed of at least eight

    points; an open spline must be composed of at least four points. Examples of closedand open splines are shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6. Examples of Splines

    When you create spline geometry, you can select to create a new part consisting of the

    spline geometry or add the spline geometry to an existing part or ground. If you create

    a new part, it has no mass since it is composed of only wire geometry. You can extrude

    a closed spline into solid geometry that has mass. For more information, see Creating

    Complex Geometryon page 49.

    ADAMS/View places hotpoints at locations on the spline as you draw it. The

    hotpoints let you reshape the splines. For more information on modifying geometry

    using hotpoints, see Modifying Rigid Body Geometryon page 80.

    You can also modify the spline by editing the point locations directly or by changing

    the curve and matrix data elements that ADAMS/View creates to support the spline.

    In addition, you can change the number of segments that ADAMS/View creates

    through the spline. For more information on modifying splines, see Using Dialog

    Boxes to Precisely Modify Geometryon page 81.

    Note: You can also create a spline in the following ways:

    Creating a Spline from a Trace, 75

    Creating Data Element Splines, 332

    Closed spline Open spline


    z x


    z x

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View 29

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To create a spline by selecting points on the screen:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Splinetool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Select whether you want the spline to be closed or open.

    3 Place the cursor where you want to begin drawing the spline and click.

    4 Click the locations where you want the spline to pass through. You must

    specify at least eight locations for a closed spline and four locations for an

    open spline.

    Tip: If you make a mistake, click the last location you defined. You can

    continue removing locations by clicking on each location in the reverse

    order that you defined them.

    5 To stop drawing the spline, right-click.

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View30

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    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    To create a spline by selecting an existing curve:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Splinetool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Select whether you want the spline to be closed or open.

    Select to create a spline by selecting a curve.

    In the # Pointstext box, set how many points you want used to define the

    curve or clear the selection of Spread Pointsand let ADAMS/View calculate

    the number of points needed.

    3 Select the curve.

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    g g

    Creating Parts

    Creating Solid GeometrySolid geometries are three-dimensional objects. You can create solid geometry from

    ADAMS/View library of solids or extrude closed wire geometry into a solid. In

    addition, you can combine solid geometry into more complex geometry or modify the

    geometry by adding features, such as fillets or chamfers.

    The following sections explain how to create solids from ADAMS/View library of

    solids. For information on creating more complex geometry, see Creating Complex

    Geometryon page 49.

    Creating a Box, 32

    Creating Two-Dimensional Plane, 34

    Creating a Cylinder, 35

    Creating a Sphere, 36

    Creating a Frustum, 37

    Creating a Torus, 38

    Creating a Link, 40

    Creating a Plate, 41

    Creating an Extrusion, 43

    Creating a Revolution, 47

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    Creating Parts

    Creating a Box

    A box is a three-dimensional solid block. You draw the boxs length and width in the

    plane of the screen or the working grid, if it is turned on. ADAMS/View creates a solid

    box with a depth that is twice that of the shortest dimension of the box

    (d = 2 * min(l,h)). You can also specify the length, height, or depth of the box before

    you draw it.

    The box dimensions are in screen coordinates with the height up, length to the left,and depth out of the screen or grid. Figure 7below shows the dimensions of a box.

    Figure 7. Example of a Box

    One hotpoint appears after you draw the box. It lets you modify the length, height, and

    depth of the box. For more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see

    Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.



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    Creating Parts

    To create a box:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Boxtool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    If desired, set any of length, height, or depth dimensions of the box.

    3 Place the cursor where you want a corner of the box and click and hold down

    the left mouse button.

    4 Drag the mouse to define the size of the box. If you specified any of the

    length, height, or depth dimensions of the box in the settings container,

    ADAMS/View maintains those dimensions regardless of how you drag themouse.

    5 Release the mouse button when the box is the desired size.

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    Creating Parts

    Creating Two-Dimensional Plane

    A plane is a two-dimensional box. You can draw a planes length and width in the

    plane of the screen or the working grid, if it is turned on. You will find planes most

    useful when you are creating contact forces between objects, as explained in Working

    with Contact Forceson page 290.

    Figure 8. Example of a Plane

    When you create a plane, you can select to create a new part consisting of the planegeometry or add the plane geometry to an existing part or ground. If you create a new

    part, it has no mass since it is composed of only wire geometry.

    One hotpoint appears after you draw the plane. It lets you modify the length and height

    of the plane. For more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see Using

    Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    To create a plane:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Plane tool .

    2 In the settings container, specify whether you want to create a new part

    composed of the geometry or add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    3 Place the cursor where you want a corner of the box and click and hold down

    the left mouse button.

    4 Drag the mouse to define the size of the box.

    5 Release the mouse button when the box is the desired size.

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    Creating Parts

    Creating a Cylinder

    A cylinder is a solid with a circular base. You draw the cylinders center line and

    ADAMS/View creates the cylinder with a radius 25% of the length of the center line.

    Before you draw a cylinder, you can also specify its length and radius. ADAMS/View

    draws the center line of the cylinder in the plane of the screen or the working grid, if

    you have it turned on.

    Figure 9. Example of a Cylinder

    Two hotpoints appear after you draw a cylinder. One lets you modify the length of the

    cylinder and one lets you set its radius. For more information on modifying geometry

    using hotpoints, see Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    To create a cylinder:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Cylindertool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground. By default, ADAMS/Viewcreates a new part.

    If desired, set the length or radius dimensions of the cylinder in the settings


    3 Click where you want to begin drawing the cylinder.

    4 Drag the mouse to size the cylinder. If you specified any of the length and

    radius dimensions of the cylinder in the settings container, ADAMS/View

    maintains those dimensions regardless of how you drag the mouse.

    5 When the cylinder is the desired size, click.




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    Creating Parts

    Creating a SphereA sphere is a solid ellipsoid whose three radii are of equal length. You draw the sphere

    by indicating its center point and the radius for the three radii. Before you draw the

    sphere, you can also specify the radius value for the three radii. The following figure

    shows an example of a sphere and its three radii.

    Figure 10. Example of a Sphere

    After you draw the sphere, three hotpoints appear on it that let you reshape the radii

    of the sphere. For example, you can elongate the sphere into an ellipsoidal shape. For

    more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see Using Dialog Boxes to

    Precisely Modify Geometryon page 81.

    To create a sphere:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Spheretool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry oradd the geometry to an existing part or ground. By default, ADAMS/View

    creates a new part.

    If desired, set the radius of the sphere.

    3 Click where you want the center of the sphere.

    4 Drag the mouse to size the sphere. If you specified a radius dimension for the

    sphere in the settings container, ADAMS/View maintains that dimensionregardless of how you drag the mouse.

    5 When the sphere is the desired size, click.


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    Creating Parts

    Creating a FrustumA frustum is a cone, the top of which has been cut off. You create a frustum by

    drawing its length. ADAMS/View makes the bottom radius 12.5% of the length and

    makes the top radius of the frustum 50% of the radius of the base radius. Before

    drawing, you can also specify its length and the radii of its bottom and top.

    Figure 11. Example of a Frustum

    Three hotpoints appear on a frustrum after you draw it. One controls the length of the

    frustum, one controls its top radius, and the other controls the bottom radius. For more

    information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see Using Hotpoints to

    Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    To create a frustum:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Frustumtool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry oradd the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    If desired, set the length or radii of the frustum.

    3 Click where you want to begin drawing the frustum.

    4 Drag the mouse to size the frustum. If you specified the length or radii of the

    frustum in the settings container, ADAMS/View maintains those dimensionsregardless of how you drag the mouse.

    5 When the frustum is the desired size, click.






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    Creating Parts

    Creating a Torus

    A torus is a solid circular ring. You draw the ring from the center outward. By default,

    ADAMS/View makes the radius of outer ring (minor radius) 25% of the inner ring

    (major radius). You can also specify the minor and major radii before you draw.

    Figure 12. Example of a Torus

    Two hotpoints appear on a torus after you draw it. One controls the centerline of the

    toruscircular shape and the other controls the radius of the circular cross section. For

    more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints, see Using Hotpoints toGraphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    Minor radius

    Center point

    Major radius

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    To create a torus:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Torustool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground. By default, ADAMS/View

    creates a new part.

    If desired, set the inner and outer radii of the torus.

    3 Place the cursor where you want the center of the torus and click.

    4 Drag the mouse to define the radius of the torus. If you specified the radii of

    the torus in the settings container, ADAMS/View maintains those dimensions

    regardless of how you drag the mouse.

    5 When the torus is the desired size, click.

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    Creating a PlateA plate is an extruded polygon solid with rounded corners. You create a plate by

    indicating the location of its corners. You must select at least three locations. The first

    location you select acts as an anchor point defining the position and orientation of the

    plate in space. ADAMS/View creates coordinate system markers at each location. The

    marker at the anchor point is called the reference marker.

    After you indicate the locations, ADAMS/View creates a polygon with the specifiednumber of sides and extrudes it. By default, ADAMS/View creates the plate with a

    depth that is 1 and has corners with radii of 1 in current length units. Before drawing,

    you can also specify the thickness and radius of the corners of the plate.

    Figure 14. Example of a Plate

    After you draw a plate, a hotpoint appears at the reference marker. It lets you change

    the depth of the plate. For more information on modifying geometry using hotpoints,

    see Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    You can also use the Geometry Modify Plate dialog box to change the markers used

    to define the plate, the thickness of the plate, and the radius of the corners of the plate.

    For more information, see Modifying Rigid Body Geometryon page 80.





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    Note: The reference marker of the plate determines the plate orientation and definesthe plane of the plate to its x and y axes. ADAMS/View defines the x and y

    axes of the reference marker using the working grid, if it is turned on, or the

    view screen. ADAMS/View defines the plate vertices as the component of

    distance from the reference marker to the vertex marker as defined along the

    reference markers y-axis. Therefore, if you choose a plate vertex marker that

    is out-of-plane from the xy plane of the reference marker, the vertex marker

    is not the actual plate vertex.

    To create a plate:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Platetool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    If desired, set the thickness or radius of the corners of the plate.

    3 Place the cursor where you want the first corner of the plate and click the

    mouse button.

    4 Click at each corner of the plate. You must specify at least three locations.

    5 Continue selecting locations or right-click to close the plate.

    Note: If the distance between any two adjacent points is less than two times the

    radius of the corner, ADAMS/View cannot create the plate.

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    Creating an ExtrusionAn extrusion is a three-dimensional object defined by its profile and depth. To create

    an extrusion, you draw a polyline that defines the extrusions profile. ADAMS/View

    extrudes the profile centered along the z-axis of the screen or working grid, if it is

    turned on. You can also specify the direction along the z-axis that ADAMS/View

    extrudes the profile.

    Figure 15. Example of an Extrusion

    Before you draw an extrusion, you can specify the following:

    Whether you want a closed or open profile. If you close the profile,

    ADAMS/View creates a solid shape. If you leave the profile open,

    ADAMS/View creates a skin that has no mass properties.

    Depth of the extrusion (referred to as its length).

    Direction you want the profile to be extruded relative to the global

    coordinate system or working grid if you have it turned on. You can set the

    direction to one of the following:

    Forward- Extrude the profile along the +z-axis.

    About Center- Extrude the profile half the depth in both the +z and -zdirections.

    Backward- Extrude the profile along the -z-axis.

    Figure 16on page 44 shows the three different directions in which you canextrude a profile.

    Note: You can also select Along Path, which lets you use the Extrusiontool toextrude wire geometry, such as a polyline. For more information, see

    Creating Complex Geometry.


    Drawing this profile ... Creates this extrusion

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    Figure 16. Example of Extrusion Directions

    After you draw the extrusion, hotpoints appear at every vertex in the profile and at the

    point directly opposite from where you began drawing the profile. Use the vertex

    hotpoints to modify the profile of the extrusion and the opposite hotpoint to control

    the depth of the extrusion. For more information on modifying geometry using

    hotpoints, see Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    You can also use the extrusion modify dialog box to more accurately place the points

    that make up the profile. You can also read in location points from a file. For more

    information, see Using Dialog Boxes to Precisely Modify Geometryon page 81, and

    Editing Locations Using the Location Tableon page 102.

    Note: You can only select to extrude a profile whose extrusion would have the

    following properties:

    Same dimensions. For example, you cannot extrude a profile that would

    have mixed dimensions. See Figure 17on page 45 for an example of an

    object with mixed dimensions.

    Edge or face shared by only one face.

    No intersecting lines.

    Edge of working grid rotatedabout the y axis


    About Center


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    Objects with these properties are called manifold. If the object extruded didnot have these properties, it would be non-manifold. Some examples of non-

    manifold objects are shown in Figures 17and 18. The figures show the dots of

    the profile that would create the extrusion.

    If the result of an extrusion is an object that is non-manifold, you receive the

    following error message when you try to create the extrusion:

    ! ERROR: Creation of the feature failed! ERROR: The body created is non manifold.

    Remake the profile so that it does not result in a non-manifold extrusion.

    Figure 17. Example of Object with Mixed Dimensions

    Figure 18. Objects with Shared Edges And Faces

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    To create an extrusion:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Extrusiontool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the geometry or

    add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Specify whether or not you want to create a closed extrusion.

    If desired, set the length of the extrusion.

    Specify the direction you want the profile to be extruded from the current

    working grid. See the beginning of this section on page 43for an

    explanation of the different options.

    3 Place the cursor where you want to begin drawing the profile of the extrusion

    and click.

    4 Click at each vertex in the profile; then right-click to finish drawing the


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    Creating a RevolutionA revolution is solid geometry created by revolving a profile. You specify the profile

    and the axis about which ADAMS/View revolves the profile. You cannot use existing

    construction geometry as the profile. ADAMS/View revolves the profile around the

    axis in a counterclockwise direction (right-hand rule).

    Figure 19. Example of a Revolution

    You can create an open or closed revolution. If you create a closed revolution,

    ADAMS/View closes the profile by drawing a line segment between the profiles first

    and last points and creates a solid revolution from this profile. If you leave the

    revolution open, ADAMS/View creates a skin that has no mass properties.

    After you draw a revolution, hotpoints appear at the vertexes of the profile. They let

    you resize and reshape the revolution. For more information on modifying geometry

    using hotpoints, see Using Hotpoints to Graphically Modify Geometryon page 80.

    You can also use the revolution modify dialog box to more accurately place the

    vertexes of the profile and read in location points from a file. For more information,see Using Dialog Boxes to Precisely Modify Geometryon page 81, and Editing

    Locations Using the Location Tableon page 102.

    Profile Linedefiningaxis

    Drawing this profile ... Creates this revolution


    of revolution

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    To create a revolution:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Revolutiontool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    Specify whether you want to create a new part or add the geometry to an

    existing part or ground.

    Specify whether or not you want to create a closed extrusion.

    3 Click at two points that define the axis about which ADAMS/View revolves

    the profile.

    4 Click at the location of each vertex in the profile; then right-click to finish

    drawing the profile.

    Note: Be sure to draw the profile so that it does not intersect the line youdrew defining the axis of revolution.

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    Creating Complex GeometryADAMS/View provides you with many ways in which you can take simple geometry

    and create complex geometry from it. You can create solid geometry that has mass

    from wire geometry or create complex, open geometry that has no mass. The

    following sections explain how to create complex, solid geometry.

    Chaining Wire Construction Geometry, 49

    Extruding Construction Geometry, 50

    Combining Geometry, 52

    Chaining Wire Construction Geometry

    You can link together wire construction geometry to create a complex profile, which

    you can then extrude. The geometry to be chained together must touch at one endpointand cannot be closed geometry. ADAMS/View adds the final chained geometry to the

    part that owns the first geometry that you selected.

    Note: If you want to use the chained geometry with a pin-in-slot or curve-to-curve

    constraint, you must turn the geometry into a spline, as explained in Creating

    Splineson page 28.

    To chain wire geometry together:

    1 If necessary, create the wire geometry as explained in Creating Construction

    Geometryon page 18.

    2 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Chaintool .

    3 Click each piece of the wire geometry to be chained. The Dynamic Model

    Navigator highlights those objects in your model that can be chained as you

    move the cursor around the main window.

    4 After selecting the geometry to be chained, right-click to create the chained


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    Extruding Construction GeometryYou can add thickness to wire geometry by extruding it to create three-dimensional

    geometry. You can extrude lines, polylines, polygons, and wire geometry that you

    have chained together. You cannot extrude points. If the geometry you extrude is

    closed, ADAMS/View creates solid geometry that has mass. ADAMS/View centers

    the extruded geometry about the z-axis of the view screen or working grid, if it is

    turned on.

    When you extrude geometry, you select the geometry that you want to extrude, called

    the profile geometry, and then you select the wire geometry that defines the path along

    which you want to extrude the profile. The following shows a polygon extruded along

    the path of a line.

    Figure 20. Example of Extruding Construction Geometry

    The geometry you extrude can be a new part or belong to another part, which you

    specify when you extrude the geometry.

    Refer also to the note on creating extrusions on page 44.

    creates this partExtruding this geometry ...

    Path along whichit is to be extruded

    Profile tobe extruded

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    To extrude wire geometry:

    1 If necessary, create the wire geometry as explained in Creating Construction

    Geometryon page 18.

    2 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Extrudetool .

    3 In the settings container, specify the following. You can ignore all other


    Specify whether you want to create a new part composed of the extruded

    geometry or add the geometry to an existing part or ground.

    Select Along Path.

    4 Select the wire geometry to be extruded.

    5 Select the wire geometry defining the path along which you want to extrudethe geometry.

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    Combining GeometryOnce you have created individual parts of solid geometry, you can combine them into

    one part to create complex, solid geometry, referred to as constructive, solid geometry

    or CSG. ADAMS/View creates the solid geometry using Boolean operations, such as

    union and intersection. The next sections explain how to combine geometry:

    Creating One Part from the Union of Two Solids, 53

    Creating One Part from the Intersection of Two Solids, 54

    Cutting a Solid from Another Solid, 55

    Splitting a Solid, 56

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    Creating One Part from the Union of Two SolidsADAMS/View lets you create complex geometry by joining two intersecting solids.

    ADAMS/View merges the second part you select into the first part resulting in a

    single part. The union has a mass computed from the volume of the new solid. Any

    overlapping volume is only counted once.

    Figure 21. Example of the Union of Solids

    To create a part from the union of two solids:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Uniontool .

    2 Select the solid geometry to be combined. As you move the cursor, the

    Dynamic Model Navigator highlights those objects that can be combined. The

    second part you select is combined into the first part.

    Combining these solids ... creates one part

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    Creating One Part from the Intersection of Two SolidsADAMS/View lets you intersect the geometry belonging to two solids to create a

    single part made up of only the intersecting geometries. ADAMS/View merges the

    second part that you select with the geometry of the first part that you select and forms

    one rigid body from the two geometries.

    Figure 22. Example of the Intersection of Solids

    To create a part from the intersection of two overlapping solids:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Intersecttool .

    2 Select the solid geometry to be combined. As you move the cursor, the

    Dynamic Model Navigator highlights those objects that can be combined. The

    second part you select is combined into the first part.

    Intersecting these solids ... creates this part

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    Cutting a Solid from Another SolidADAMS/View lets you remove the volume where one solid intersects another solid

    to create a new solid. ADAMS/View subtracts the geometry of the second part that

    you select from the geometry of the first part. The remaining geometry belongs to the

    second part that you selected.

    Figure 23. Example of Cutting a Solid

    You cannot cut the geometry so that the remaining geometry is split into two solids.

    For example, you cannot cut a block from the center of a cylinder so that two cylinders

    remain after the cut as shown below.Figure 24. Example of Cutting a Solid into Two Solids

    If a part completely envelopes another part, you cannot cut that part from the

    enveloped part because no geometry would result. For example, if a box completely

    envelopes a sphere, you cannot cut the box from the sphere and leave a zero mass part.

    Cutting common volume ... creates this geometry

    Common volumeto be removed

    Result of this split would be two solids

    Box to becut fromcylinder

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    Figure 25. Example of Cutting a Solid into a Zero-Mass Part

    To create a part from the difference of two solids:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Cuttool .

    2 Select the solid geometry to be cut. As you move the cursor, the DynamicModel Navigator highlights those objects that can be cut. The second part you

    select is cut from the first part.

    Splitting a Solid

    After youve created a complex solid, often referred to as a CSG, using the Boolean

    operations explained in the previous sections, you can split the complex solid backinto its primitive solids. ADAMS/View creates a part for each solid resulting from the

    split operation.

    To split a complex solid:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Splittool .

    2 Select the solid geometry to be split. The Dynamic Model Navigator

    highlights those objects in your model that can be split.

    Result of this split would be a solid with zero mass

    Box to becut fromsphere

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    Figure 27shows a variable fillet. The end radius is three times larger than the startradius.

    Figure 27. Variable Radius Fillet Edge

    Note: You will get different results when you chamfer or fillet one edge at a timethan when you chamfer or fillet all edges at once. Also, you may not be able

    to chamfer or fillet an edge if an adjoining edge has already been chamfered

    or filleted. It depends on the complexity of the filleting or chamfering.

    To create a chamfered or fillet edge:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select either of the followingtools:

    To create a chamfered edge or corner, select the Chamfer tool .

    To create a fillet edge or corner, select the Fillet tool .

    2 In the settings container, do one of the following:

    If desired, for chamfers, specify the width of the bevel.

    If desired, for fillets, specify the radius. To create a variable fillet, also select

    End Radiusand enter the end radius. ADAMS/View uses the value you enter

    for radius as the starting radius of the variable fillet.

    3 Select the edges or vertices to be chamfered or filleted. The edges and vertices

    must be on the same rigid body.4 Right-click.



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    Adding Holes and Bosses to ObjectsYou can create circular holes in solid objects and create circular protrusions or bosses

    on the face of solid objects. Examples of a hole and boss on a link are shown below.

    Figure 28. Examples of Holes and Bosses

    As you create a hole, you can specify its radius and depth. As you create a boss, you

    can specify its radius and height.

    To create a hole or boss:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select either of the following


    To create a hole, select the Hole tool .

    To create a knob, select the Boss tool .

    2 In the settings container, do one of the following:

    If desired, for holes, specify the radius and depth of the hole.

    Note: You cannot specify the radius and depth of a hole so that it splits

    the current geometry into two separate geometries.

    If desired, for bosses, specify the radius and height.

    3 Select the face of the body on which you want to create the hole or boss.

    4 Click the location where you want to center the hole or boss.

    Tip: To create a hole or boss at a specific location, create a temporary marker atthe desired location for the hole or boss, and select it in Step 4.

    Link with hole Link with boss

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    Hollowing Out a SolidYou can hollow out one or more faces of a solid object to create a shell. As you hollow

    an object, you can specify the thickness of the remaining shell and the faces to be

    hollowed. You can also specify that ADAMS/View add material to the outside of the

    object. In this case, ADAMS/View uses the original object as a mold. ADAMS/View

    adds material of the specified thickness to the original object and then takes the

    original object away leaving a shell.

    The following shows two hollowed boxes. One box was hollowed from the inside; the

    other box was hollowed by adding material to the outside.

    Figure 29. Examples of Hollowed Boxes

    The resulting dimensions of the boxes are shown Figure 30.Box hollowed from inside Box with material added to outside

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    Figure 30. Hollowed Box Dimensions

    Note: You can hollow any object that has a face. You cannot hollow spheres,

    revolutions, or wire construction geometry.

    To hollow an object:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Hollow tool .

    2 In the settings container, do the following:

    If desired, specify the thickness of the remaining shell after you hollow the


    If you want to add the shell to the outside of the object, clear the check box


    3 Select the solid body that you want to hollow.

    4 Select the faces of the body that you want to hollow. The Dynamic Model

    Navigator highlights those faces in your body that can be selected.

    5 Click the right mouse button to hollow the selected faces.

    Original boxdimensions

    Box hollowedfrom inside

    Box hollowedwith material

    t = thicknessh = height

    w = width

    added to outside


    h h


    h - 2t

    l - 2t

    w + 2t


    h + 2t h


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    Merging GeometryADAMS/View lets you merge two non-intersecting rigid body geometry into one

    without performing any Boolean operations on the geometry. The geometry can

    contain any type of geometry, solid, wire, or complex. The geometry can also belong

    to the same part. If the geometry belongs to the different parts, ADAMS/View merges

    the parts into one.

    Since ADAMS/View does not perform any Boolean operations on the mergedgeometries, overlapping volumes produce double-density mass in the part and change

    the results of the mass property calculations. Therefore, you should use this operation

    only for non-intersecting rigid bodies that the Uniontool cannot combine.

    ADAMS/View merges the second geometry that you select into the first geometry

    you select.

    To merge two rigid body geometry:

    1 From the Geometric Modelingtool stack or palette, select the Mergetool .

    2 Select the geometry to be merged. The Dynamic Model Navigator highlights

    those objects in your model that can be merged as you move the cursor around

    the modeling window. The second geometry that you select is combined intothe first.

    ADAMS/View combines the selected geometry and deletes the second.

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    Working with Flexible LinksA discrete flexible link consists of two or more rigid bodies connected by beam force

    elements. You indicate the following and ADAMS/View creates the appropriate

    parts, geometry, forces, and constraints at the endpoints:

    Endpoints of the link

    Number of parts and the material type

    Properties of the beam

    Types of endpoint attachments (flexible, rigid, or free)

    Figure 31shows a flexible link composed of rigid bodies whose cross-section

    geometry is rectangular.

    Figure 31. Discrete Flexible Link

    For more information on beam force elements, see Adding a Massless Beamon

    page 244.Also note the caution about the asymmetry of beams explained in thatsection.

    The following sections explain more about discrete flexible links and how you create

    and modify them.

    Types of Flexible Link Geometry, 64

    Positioning Flexible Links, 65

    Creating a Flexible Link, 67

    Modifying Flexible Links, 73

    Part A

    Part B

    Fixed attachment





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    Types of Flexible Link GeometryTo make it convenient to create discrete flexible links, ADAMS/View provides a set

    of geometry you can select for the cross-section of the link. If the pre-defined

    geometry does not meet your needs, you can also define your own cross-section based

    on area and inertia properties that you enter. If you enter area and inertia properties

    yourself, ADAMS/View creates short angular geometry to represent the link.

    The pre-defined cross-section geometry that you can select includes: Solid rectangular

    Solid circular

    Hollow rectangular

    Hollow circular


    ADAMS/View uses the cross-section geometry to calculate the following:

    Area and area moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) for the beams.

    Mass, mass moments of inertia (Ixx, Iyy, Izz), and center-of-mass markers

    for the rigid bodies.

    Note that ADAMS/View does not directly use the geometry to account for stress on

    the beam. Therefore, any stress values are based on the area and area moments.

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

    Creating Parts


    Positioning Flexible Links

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    Positioning Flexible Links

    You use two or three markers to define the locations and orientation of a discrete

    flexible link: Markers 1 and 2 and an orientation marker, which is required for only

    certain types of cross-section geometry.

    Figure 32shows how Marker 1, Marker 2, and the orientation marker are used to

    position the part geometry and the beam forces.

    Figure 32. Orientation Marker Used to Orient Non-Axisymmetric Cross-Sections

    As you can see from the figure, Markers 1 and 2 define the total length of the flexible

    link and the x (longitudinal) direction of the associated beam forces. ADAMS/Viewcreates new markers on top of Markers 1 and 2, as well as at the centers-of-mass of

    the geometry associated with the discrete flexible link. For the resulting beams, the

    vector from Marker 1 to Marker 2 defines the x-axis while the vector from Marker 1

    to the orientation marker defines the xz-plane. The global axes are not relevant to the

    orientation of the beam forces unless you erroneously specify three co-linear markers.


    If you input: The result is:

    Number of segments: 2

    Section: Solid rectangular

    Base: 50 (along yJ)

    Height: 10 (along zJ)

    Ends: free-freeMarkers as shown below:

    Marker 1

    Marker 2











    J Marker

    I Marker

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

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    Table 1 shows how the number of beams that get created for your flexible link

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    Table 1shows how the number of beams that get created for your flexible link

    depends on the number of segments and the types of endpoint attachments.

    For links with axisymmetric cross-sections, such as solid and hollow circular sections,the orientation of the cross section is not critical and so ADAMS/View does not

    require the use of an orientation marker.

    Table 1. Relationship Between Beams, Segments, and

    Endpoint-Attachment Types

    Types of endpoint attachments: Number of beams created:

    Free-Free Number of segments 1

    Rigid-Rigid Number of segments 1

    Free-Rigid or


    Number of segments 1

    Flexible-Free orFree- Flexible Number of segments

    Flexible-Rigid or Rigid-Flexible Number of segments

    Flexible-Flexible Number of segments +1

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    3 Define the length of the link and its flexibility at its ends as explained in

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    3 Define the length of the link and its flexibility at its ends as explained in

    Table 3.

    Table 3. Length and Flexibility Options

    To specify: Do the following:

    Ends of the link Enter the markers that define the endpoints of the link in

    the Marker 1and Marker 2text boxes. Marker 1defines thestart of the link and Marker 2defines the end of the link.

    Marker 1and Marker 2are also used to calculate the

    orientation of the link. See Positioning Flexible Linkson

    page 65for more information.

    Flexibility at the

    ends of the link

    Select how to define the ends of the link from the

    Attachmentoption menus. You can select the followingfor each end of the link:

    free- The end is unconnected.

    rigid- A fixed joint is created between the parent of

    Marker 1 and the first part of the discrete flexible link

    or between the parent of Marker 2 and the last part of

    the discrete flexible link. flexible- The link has discrete flexibility all the way to

    the endpoint. To create this flexibility, ADAMS/View

    creates an additional beam force between the first or

    last segment of the link and the parent part of Marker

    1 or Marker 2. The length of the beam is one half of

    the segment length.

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    4 Select and define the geometry of the link or specify the area and area

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    g y p y

    moments of inertia of the flexible link as explained in Table 4and select OK.

    Table 4. Flexible Link Cross-Section Geometry Options

    To create: Specify the following: Example:



    Orient Marker- The marker that

    defines the orientation (z-axis) oflink. See Positioning Flexible Links

    on page 65 for information on

    setting the orientation of the


    Base- The width of the rectangle

    (dimension in local y direction). Height- The height of the rectangle

    (dimension in local z direction).

    Solid circle Diameter- Diameter of the circular




    Orient Marker- The marker that

    defines the orientation (z-axis) of

    the link. See Positioning Flexible

    Linkson page 65for information on

    setting the orientation of the


    Base- The outer width of the

    rectangular shell.

    Height- The height of the outer

    rectangular shell.

    Thickness- Uniform width of the

    wall of the rectangular shell.








    Thickness z


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    Table 4. Flexible Link Cross-Section Geometry Options (continued)

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    Diameter- Outer diameter of the

    circular shell.

    Thickness- Width of the wall of the

    circular shell.

    I-beam Orient Marker- The marker that

    defines the orientation of the link.

    See Positioning Flexible Linkson

    page 65for information on setting

    the orientation of the geometry.

    Base- Enter the width of the I-


    Height- Enter the height of I-beam.

    Flange- Enter the width of the

    flange of the I-beam.

    Web- Enter the width of the web of

    the beam.

    To create: Specify the following: Example:








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    Table 4. Flexible Link Cross-Section Geometry Options (continued)

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    Your own





    Orient Marker- The marker that

    defines the orientation (z-axis) of

    the link. For information on setting

    the orientation of the link, see

    Positioning Flexible Linkson

    page 65.

    X Section Area- Specify the uniform

    area of the beam cross section. The

    centroidal axis must be orthogonal

    to this cross section.

    Link Mass- Enter the total mass ofall the link segments combined.

    Note: The example of an elliptical

    cross-section is only one

    example of many cross-

    sections that you can create

    using the Properties option.

    To create: Specify the following: Example:

    Area = ab


    Ixx= 1/4ab(a2+ b2)

    Iyy= 1/4ab3

    Izz = 1/4a3b




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    Table 4. Flexible Link Cross-Section Geometry Options (continued)

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    Link Segment Inertias- Specify the

    area moments of inertia for the link.

    Ixx- Enter the torsional

    constant, also referred to as

    torsional shape factor or

    torsional stiffness coefficient.

    It is expressed as unit length to

    the fourth power. For a solid

    circular section, Ixxis identical

    to the polar moment of inertia


    /2). For thin-walledsections, open sections, and

    noncircular sections, consult a


    Iyy, Izz- Enter the area

    moments of inertia about the

    neutral axes of the beam-cross

    sectional areas (y-y and z-z).

    These are sometimes referred

    to as thesecond moments of

    area about a given axis. They

    are expressed as unit length to

    the fourth power. For a solid

    circular section, Iyy=Izz=

    (r4/4). For thin-walledsections, open sections, and

    noncircular sections, consult a


    To create: Specify the following: Example:

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    Modifying Flexible Links

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    Once you create a link, you must modify each object separately, such as each beam

    and rigid body. Therefore, you might find it easier to delete the beam and create it

    again instead of modifying each object individually.

    If you find that link does not bend enough, investigate your cross-section and material

    properties and possibly increase the number of segments in the link.

    Working with Point Masses

    Point masses are points that have mass but no inertia properties or angular velocities.

    They are computationally more efficient when rotational effects are not important.

    For example, you could use point masses to represent the concentrated masses in a net.

    You could then represent the ropes between the masses as forces or springs. Figure 33shows a model of a net with point masses.

    Figure 33. Point Mass Net Example

    Building Models Using ADAMS/View

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    To create or modify a point mass:

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    1 From the Buildmenu, point to Point Mass, and then select either Newor Modify.

    2 If you selected Modify, the Database Navigator appears. Select a point mass

    to modify. For more information on the Database Navigator, see Navigating

    Through a Modeling Databaseon page 147of the guide,Learning

    ADAMS/View Basics.

    The Create or Modify Point Mass dialog box appears. Both dialog boxes

    contain the same options.

    3 If you are creating a point mass, enter a name for the point mass.

    4 Set the mass of the point mass in the dialog box and adjust its location as

    desired. By default, ADAMS/View places the point mass in the center of the

    main window with a mass of 1 in current units.

    5 Select the Comments tool on the dialog box and enter any comments you

    want associated with the point mass. For more information on entering

    comments, see Adding Comments to Objectson page 183 of the guide,

    Learning ADAMS/View Basics.

    6 Select OK.

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    Creating a Spline from a Trace

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    Traces follow the motion of a point or part (circle or cylinder) as it moves relative to

    a second part. From these traces, ADAMS/View can create two- or three-dimensional

    splines depending on the geometry of the parts that you select to be traced. Traces can

    be helpful when you know the movement that a part should follow and, from this, you

    want to determine the geometry of the part.

    The following sections tell you more about creating spline geometry from traces: Example of Creating Spline Geometry, 75

    Types of Spline Geometry Created from Trace, 76

    Creating Spline Geometry, 77

    Example of Creating Spline GeometryFor example, if you want to create a surface on a cam that makes a follower part move

    in a particular way relative to each other, you can create the necessary surface

    geometry by following the movement of the two parts with a trace that ADAMS/View

    turns into spline geometry.

    You start creating the spline geometry by first making the follower and cam move the

    way you want them to relative to each other. You place a motion on the cam joint thatrotates the cam once per second. Next, you place a motion on the follower joint that

    moves it up and down once each second.

    After simulating the motion, you then request ADAMS/View to trace the motion of

    the follower circle relative to the cam circle and create spline geometry based on that

    geometry. Figure 34shows the cam and follower geometry and the trace that

    ADAMS/View creates.

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    Figure 34. Follower and Cam with Trac