building response to tunnelling-induced ground subsidence: some … · 2013. 6. 19. · type and...

Building response to tunnelling-induced ground subsidence: some case histories from tiie Jubilee Line Extension Graham Robert Taylor A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the Diploma of Imperial College London April 2005

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  • Building response to tunnelling-induced ground subsidence: some case histories from tiie

    Jubilee Line Extension

    Graham Robert Taylor

    A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the Diploma of Imperial College London

    April 2005

  • Abstract

    Abstract Tunnelling-induced ground subsidence, particularly at station locations and

    complex junctions can distort and damage overlying buildings and infrastructure. The

    mechanisms, which control this soil-structure interaction problem, are not well

    understood. The imposition of ground treatment processes further complicates matters.

    There are few published case histories of building response to serve as precedent for

    future works. The integration of construction activities with building response is

    fundamental to furthering the understanding of this complex problem.

    The construction of the JLE in London provided an opportunity to monitor in

    detail, the response of structures to tunnelling-induced ground subsidence. The

    objective of this thesis was to compile comprehensive case histories for a number of

    buildings above London Bridge underground station on the JLE to further the

    understanding of the mechanisms involved. This has been achieved by collating all

    available archival data for each building and then assimilating the corresponding

    time-line, relating the response of the building to the various tunnelling and ground

    treatment phases. Particular emphasis was given to the initiation and propagation of

    cracks, the three-dimensional building response and the horizontal strains generated by

    the passage of the subsidence trough through the building footprint. The results of

    these studies are several fully-documented, analysed and interpreted case histories,

    which illustrate the response of a number of buildings of varying age, nature, foundation

    type and configuration to complex large-scale, underground construction and associated

    ground treatment processes.

    Surface settlement development above London Bridge underground station is

    largely as expected given the construction sequencing and application of protective

    measures, as is its distribution. However, the influence of geological features on the

    settlement recorded is highlighted. The recorded settlements during underground

    construction vary up to about 75 mm in magnitude.

    Most of the case history buildings generally respond in a relatively rigid manner

    overall to the sub-surface works. Two do, however, exhibit relatively flexible behaviour

    overall; a relatively more rigid response is displayed by both structures prior to the

    cessation of compensation grouting ground treatment operations in the vicinity. In all


  • Abstract

    cases an abrupt increase in vertical displacement is recorded on the cessation of

    compensation grouting. The in-plane horizontal strains estimated are generally less

    than 500 microstrain, the value of limiting tensile strain delineating the 'negligible' and

    'slight'damage categories (Burland, 1995); the strains following the cessation of

    compensation grouting operations are little different to those measured before. The

    actual damage recorded, between categories 0 and 2, was generally superficial in

    nature and confined largely to the finishes. The buildings were considered structurally

    sound throughout underground construction. Deformation generally resulted from the

    resumption of movement along pre-existing features; the pre-existing condition of the

    building fabric has a significant influence on subsequent building behaviour. In some

    cases the severity of the damage sustained in the interim was greater than at the end of

    construction. The influence of relative stiffness in crack initiation and subsequent

    propagation is also highlighted; a concentration of cracking is observed around the

    stiffer structural elements. In addition, the phenomenon of twist has been quantified for

    several of the case history buildings at London Bridge; no damage has been directly

    attributed to this aspect.

    The behaviour of the case history buildings and the effects of the ground

    treatment in the long term are also verified; movements in the three years following the

    end of construction, equivalent to an average annual rate of settlement of between 2

    and 3 mm, are observed throughout the site. These observations are consistent with

    those reported for Waterloo Station on the JLE (Harris, 2002).


  • Acknowledgements

    Acknowledgements I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, and my sister, who have been a

    constant source of inspiration and support throughout my life.

    I would also like to thank Professor John Burland for giving me the opportunity to become involved in this research project. Without his guidance, encouragement and assistance throughout, the thesis would not have been produced in its current form.

    The research presented in this thesis was funded by EPSRC and LUL, and was part of a collaborative programme between Imperial College and Cambridge University. LUL, GCG and CIRIA were industrial collaborators in the research programme. The funding and collaboration of all parties is gratefully acknowledged. Grateful thanks are also due to the members of the Research Programme Progress Group, including Professor John Burland, Professor Robert Mair, Dr Jamie Standing, Dr Kenichi Soga, Niki Franzius, Paul Dimmock, Dimitrios Selemetas, Jarungwit Wongsaroj, David Harris and Mike Black.

    Staff on the JLEP and at LUL, too numerous to mention, contributed to the research presented in this thesis and all their efforts are gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due to Ray Gardiner, Alan Drake and Ivan Chudleigh at LUL, David Harris of GCG, Mike Black of CLRL and Fin Jardine (formerly of CIRIA) for their help in compiling the various data. Thanks are also due to Kieran Dineen (formerly of Geotechnical Observations) and his staff, for their help in carrying out the long term monitoring at London Bridge. The help and advice of Mr James Sutherland during building inspections is also gratefully acknowledged. Data was also supplied by Robert Allen (formerly of the CTW JV) and Gerwyn Price of CMCS.

    All the members (past and present) of the academic staff in the Soils Mechanics Section have contributed to my work through their teaching, suggestions at colloquia or in subsequent discussions. I would like to thank them for their support. In this regard, special thanks are due to Jamie Standing, who was always available to discuss any problems that I might have encountered in my work.

    Without the support of the technical and administrative staff, the research produced by the Section would be lacking. On this project, grateful thanks are due to Steve Ackerley for his help with IT, and to Graham Keefe for providing some ad-hoc field equipment. Thanks also to Sue (and Charlotte) for always having smiley faces.

    It has been a great privilege to have been a member of the Soil Mechanics Research Group at Imperial College. The nature of research is such that the support of friends and colleagues is integral to its success. During my membership of the group, I have made many new friends and colleagues. I wish everyone all the best in their chosen careers.


  • Table of Contents

    Table of Contents Abstract 3

    Acknowledgements 5

    Table of contents 7

    List of tables 17

    List of figures 19

    List of plates 41

    List of symbols and abbreviations 43

    Chapter 1 Introduction 47

    1.1 Introduction 47

    1.2 Background 47

    1.3 Previous investigations 48

    1.4 Aims of research 49

    1.5 Layout of thesis 50

    Chapter 2 Ground response to soft ground tunnelling 53

    2.1 Introduction 53

    2.2 The tunnelling process 54

    2.2.1 Open-face shield tunnelling 54

    2.2.2 Sprayed Concrete Lining 57

    2.2.3 Hand Excavation 58

    2.2.4 Pilot tunnels 59

    2.3 Ground movements due to tunnelling and their prediction.. 60

    2.3.1 The surface settlement trough 60

    2.3.2 Trough width parameter 61

    2.3.3 Longitudinal surface settlement profile 61

    2.3.4 Horizontal movements 62

    2.3.5 Sub-surface movements 62

    2.3.6 Multiple tunnels 64

    2.3.7 Shafts 64

    2.3.8 Long term behaviour 65

    Chapter 3 Soil-structure interaction 69

    3.1 Introduction 69

    3.2 Definitions: foundation movements 70

    3.3 Historical background 70


  • Table of Contents

    3.4 Building deformation 71

    3.5 Influence of building stiffness 75

    3.6 Numerical modelling 77

    3.7 Piled foundations 77

    3.8 Three-dimensional behaviour 77

    3.9 Damage classification 79

    3.10 Assessment of risk 81

    3.10.1 Potential damage assessment 81

    Protective measures 85

    4.1 Introduction 85

    4.2 The tunnel design process 85

    4.3 In-tunnel measures 86

    4.4 Ground treatment 88

    4.4.1 Permeation grouting 88 TAMs 89

    4.4.2 Compensation grouting 91 Grout mix 95 Exclusion zone 95 Grout/ground response efficiency factor 96 The design of compensation grouting facilities.96

    4.5 Ground improvement 97

    4.6 Structural strengthening 98

    The Jubilee Line Extension Project 99

    5.1 Introduction 99

    5.2 Geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology 100

    5.2.1 The geological succession 100

    5.2.2 The London Clay Formation 101

    5.2.3 The units of the London Clay Formation 101

    5.2.4 Scour hollows 103

    5.2.5 Hydrogeology 104

    5.3 London Bridge 105

    5.3.1 Ground conditions 105

    5.3.2 Groundwater conditions 106

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

  • Table of Contents

    Chapter 6 The underground works 109

    6.1 London Bridge 109

    6.2 Tunnelling 111

    6.2.1 Running/station tunnels 113

    6.2.2 Station concourse tunnel 115

    6.2.3 Western escalator shaft 117

    6.2.4 Interlocking Machine Room tunnel 118

    6.2.5 Western ventilation tunnel and shaft 119

    6.2.6 Western emergency escape shaft 121

    6.2.7 Station cross-passages 121

    6.2.8 JLE/Northern Line interchange passage 122

    6.2.9 Eastern escalator shaft 124

    6.2.10 Eastern ventilation tunnel and shaft 127

    6.2.11 Station tunnel cable adit 129

    6.2.12 Temporary works grouting shaft 130

    6.2.13 Eastern emergency escape shaft 130

    6.2.14 Temporary works grouting adit 131

    6.3 Ground treatment 132

    6.3.1 Permeation grouting 132 Western escalator shaft 133 Western ventilation shaft 133 Western emergency escape shaft... 134 Eastern escalator shaft 134 Station tunnel cable adit 135 Temporary works grouting shaft 136 Eastern emergency escape shaft.... 136

    6.3.2 Compensation grouting 136

    6.4 Northern Line Works 139

    6.4.1 Borough High Street southern escalator shaft 140

    6.4.2 Ground treatment 141

    Chapter? Instrumentation and monitoring 143

    7.1 Introduction 143

    7.2 Error and uncertainty 144

    7.3 Surface instrumentation 144

    7.3.1 Precision levelling 144 Equipment 145


  • Table of Contents Procedure 149 Measurement accuracy 149 Data reduction 151 Precision level monitoring point locations


    7.3.2 Facade monitoring 153 Equipment 154 Procedure 155 Uncertainty and sources of error 155 Analysis of measurements 157

    7.3.3 Crack monitoring 158 Equipment and procedure 159 Accuracy and potential errors 161 Analysis of readings 161

    7.3.4 Electrolevel beams 165 Principles of electrolevel devices 166 Equipment and procedure 167 Processing measurements 167

    Chapter 8 London Bridge 173

    8.1 Introduction 173

    8.2 Background 173

    8.2.1 St Thomas's Hospital 174

    8.2.2 The Industrial Revolution and the Railway Age 177 The Surface Railways 177 The Underground 179

    8.2.3 World War II 180

    8.2.4 Post-war 181

    8.3 Case History Buildings 181

    8.3.1 London Bridge Post Office 181

    8.3.2 Alam House 183

    8.3.3 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 183 Building Description 183 Building Condition 186

    8.3.4 Collegiate House 187

    8.3.5 Mary Sheridan House 190

    8.3.6 Telephone House 192


  • Table of Contents

    8.3.7 The BT Building 194

    8.3.8 Fielden House 195

    8.4 Potential Damage Assessnnent 196

    8.5 Protective Measures 199

    8.5.1 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 199

    8.5.2 The BT Building 199

    8.5.3 Fielden House 199

    Chapter 9 Overall surface settlement response 201

    9.1 Introduction 201

    9.2 Surface settlement database 202

    9.3 Construction sequence 204

    9.4 Surface settlement behaviour 205

    9.4.1 Longitudinal response 206 Section A-A 207 Section B-B 210 Section C-C 213

    9.4.2 Transverse response 216 Section D-D 216 Section E-E 219 Section F-F 223 Section G-G 227 Section H-H 230

    9.5 Summary 233

    Chapter 10 London Bridge Street 237

    10.1 Introduction 237

    10.2 Telephone House 239

    10.2.1 Observed behaviour 242 Time-settlement response 242 Longitudinal facade profiles 246 Distortion 250 Total station monitoring 252 Vertical displacements 253 In-plane horizontal movements 253 In-plane horizontal strains 254 Out-of-plane horizontal movements. 256 Cross wall behaviour 258

    - 1 1 -

  • Table of Contents Twist 260

    10.2.2 Dannage recorded 262 Junction with London Bridge Street arches 262 Eastern end of Telephone House 264

    10.2.3 Summary 265

    10.3 The BT Building 268

    10.3.1 Observed behaviour 270 Time-settlement response 270 Longitudinal facade profiles 271 Distortion 273 Total station surveying 275 Vertical displacements 276 In-plane horizontal movements 276 Construction joint behaviour 276 In-plane horizontal strains 278 Out-of-plane horizontal movements. 279 Transverse behaviour 281 Compensation grouting 282 Twist 282

    10.3.2 Damage recorded 284

    10.3.3 Summary 284

    10.4 Fielden House 286

    10.4.1 Observed behaviour 288 Time-settlement response 288 Longitudinal facade profiles 291 Distortion 293 Total station monitoring 295 Vertical displacements 296 In-plane horizontal movements 296 In-plane horizontal strains 296 Out-of-plane horizontal movements.. 297 Transverse behaviour 298 Compensation grouting 300 Twist 301

    10.4.2 Damage recorded 302 Junction with London Bridge Street arches 302

    - 1 2 -

  • Table of Contents Eastern stairwell 304

    10.4.3 Summary 305

    10.5 London Bridge Post Office 306

    10.5.1 Observed behaviour 309 Time-settlement response 309 Longitudinal facade profiles 313 Distortion 315 Cross wall behaviour 316 Compensation grouting 318 Twist 319

    10.5.2 Damage recorded 320

    10.5.3 Summary 321

    10.6 Conclusions 322

    Chapter 11 St Thomas Street 325

    11.1 Introduction 325

    11.2 Alam House 327

    11.2.1 Observed behaviour 330 Time-settlement response 330 Longitudinal facade profiles 331 Distortion 333 Cross wall profiles 334 Twist 335

    11.2.2 Damage recorded 336

    11.2.3 Summary 336

    11.3 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 337

    11.3.1 Observed behaviour 340 Time-settlement response 342 Bell tower 342 Chapel 344 Distortion 345 Bell tower 345 Chapel 348 Behaviour in real-time 350

    11.3.2 Damage recorded 352 Bell tower 354 Chapel 356


  • Table of Contents

    11.3.3 Summary 360

    11.4 Collegiate House 363

    11.4.1 Observed behaviour 365 Time-settlement response 365 Longitudinal facade profiles 368 Distortion 370 Behaviour in real-time 371

    11.4.2 Damage recorded 372

    11.4.3 Summary 376

    11.5 Mary Sheridan House 377

    11.5.1 Observed behaviour 380 Time-settlement response 380 Longitudinal facade profiles 383 Distortion 384 Electrolevel beams 384

    11.5.2 Damage recorded 387

    11.5.3 Summary 389

    11.6 Conclusions 391

    Chapter 12 Conclusions and recommendations 395

    12.1 Introduction 395

    12.2 Aim of research 396

    12.3 Compilation of Case Histories 396

    12.4 Overall surface settlement response 397

    12.5 Building behaviour 399

    12.6 Protective measures 404

    12.7 Long term movements 406

    12.8 Instrumentation 408

    12.9 Potential damage assessment 409

    12.10 Recommendations 411

    12.10.1 Future research 411

    12.10.2Future practice 412

    References 415


  • Table of Contents


    A - Ground Investigation 429

    B - JLEP C104 As-built drawings 431

    C - Geological Reports 435

    D - Pre-construction Structural Surveys 437

    E - Pre-construction Schedules of Defects 439

    F - Structure Settlement Reports 441

    G - The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 443

    Volume 2

    Tables, figures and plates for chapters


  • List of Tables

    List of Tables 1.1 Case history buildings 445

    2.1 Open-face shield tunnelling: construction sequence (after Fujita, 1989) 447

    3.1 Definitions of foundation movement (after Burland and Wroth, 1975) 449

    3.2 Allowable total settlements of foundations (after Lake et al., 1992) 450

    3.3 Summary of limiting deformations (after I.Struct.E., 1978) 451

    3.4 Relationship between limiting tensile strain and damage category 452

    3.5 Classification of visible damage to walls with particular reference to ease

    of repair of plaster and brickwork or masonry (after Burland et al., 1977) 453

    6.1 Station tunnel enlargements: stoppages 455

    6.2 Station cross passages: sequence of excavation 456

    7.1 Monitoring of case history buildings at London Bridge 457

    7.2 Uncertainty in geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring: terms and

    definitions 458

    7.3 Types of error 459

    8.1 Building geometry 461

    8.2 Damage assessment 462

    12.1 London Bridge: general summary 463

    12.2 London Bridge: summary of settlements and slopes 464

    12.3 London Bridge: summary of deformation parameters 465


  • List of Figures

    List of Figures 1.1 The City and South London Railway (also showing extensions made after

    incorporation into the Underground group) 467

    2.1 Typical mechanised open-face tunnelling shield (after Mair, 2001) 469 2.2 Definition of volume loss (after Standing and Burland, 2005) 469 2.3 Sources of ground loss (after Attewell et al., 1986) 470 2.4(a) The SCL method: Type 1 excavation sequence (after ICE, 1996) 471 2.4(b) The SCL method: Type 2 excavation sequence (after ICE, 1996) 472 2.4(c) The SCL method: Type 3 excavation sequence (after ICE, 1996) 473 2.4(d) The SCL method: Type 4 excavation sequence (after ICE, 1996) 473 2.5(a) Influence of pilot tunnel in reducing ground movements for a hand-excavated

    tunnel in stiff clay without a shield (a) sources of ground movement in the absence of a pilot tunnel (after Mair, 1993) 474

    2.5(b) Influence of pilot tunnel in reducing ground movements for a hand-excavated tunnel in stiff clay without a shield (b) effect of pilot tunnel in restricting ground movements (after Mair, 1993) 474

    2.6 The surface settlement trough (after Attewell et al., 1986) 475 2.7 Idealised transverse surface settlement profile with normal distribution

    (from Lake et al., 1992) 475 2.8 Idealised longitudinal surface settlement profile with cumulative normal

    distribution form (from Lake et al., 1992) 476 2.9 Transverse surface displacements and strains shortly after tunnelling

    (from Lake et al., 1992) 476 2.10 Variation of sub-surface settlement trough width parameter with depth for

    tunnels in clay (after Mair et al., 1993) 477 2.11 Twin tunnels: superposition of individual settlement profiles

    (after Addenbrooke, 1996) 478 2.12 Settlement profiles above twin tunnels on the Washington D.C. Metro

    (after Cording and Hansmire, 1976) 478 2.13 Settlement induced by shaft sinking (after New and Bowers, 1994) 479 2.14 Horizontal movement induced by shaft sinking

    (after New and Bowers, 1994) 479

    3.1 Two-dimensional components of deformation (after Geddes, 1984) 481 3.2 Definitions of ground and foundation movement

    (after Burland and Wroth, 1975) 481 3.3 Cracking of simple beam in bending and shear (from Addenbrooke, 1996)482 3.4 Relationship between A/(LG) and L/H for rectangular beams deflecting due

    to combined bending and shear (after Burland and Wroth, 1975) 482 3.5 Cracking of model brick walls in sagging and hogging

    (after Burland and Wroth, 1975) 483 3.6 Damage in relation to angular distortion and horizontal extension strain

    (from Boscardin and Cording, 1989) 484 3.7(a) Influence of horizontal strain on (A/L)/e for (a) bending strain governing

    (after Burland, 1995) 484 3.7(b) Influence of horizontal strain on (A/L)/e for (b) diagonal strains governing

    (after Burland, 1995) 484 3.7(c) Influence of horizontal strain on (A/L)/e for (c) combination of (a) and (b)

    (after Burland, 1995) 484


  • List of Figures

    3.8 Damage category in relation to deflection ratio and horizontal tensile strain for hogging mode of deformation with L/H=1 (from Burland, 1995) 485

    3.9 Relationship between (3^a/(A/L) and H/L for beams with both central point loads and uniformly distributed loads, with the neutral axis at the lower edge (after Burland et al., 2004) 485

    3.10 Damage category in relation to estimated cumulative crack widths (after Boone, 1996) 486

    3.11 Comparison of observed and greenfield site settlements for the Mansion House (after Frischmann et al., 1994) 486

    3.12 Modification factors for deflection ratio in hogging and sagging (after Potts and Addenbrooke, 1996) 487

    3.13(a) Definition of twist (a) torsion of a single rod (from Franzius, 2004) 487 3.13(b) Definition of twist (b) the angle of twist per unit length

    (from Franzius, 2004) 487 3.14 Idealised twist of a building footprint (after Franzius, 2004) 488

    4.1 Face support: spiles (after Harris, 2001) 489 4.2 Barrel vaulting and excavation in parts (after Harris, 2001) 489 4.3 Principle of permeation grouting (after CIRIA, 2000) 490 4.4 Tube a manchette (TAM): typical details (after CIRIA, 2000) 490 4.5 TAM installation and operation (after Jardine, 2001) 491 4.6 Hydrofracture injection record (after Raabe and Esters, 1990) 492 4.7 Principle of compensation grouting (after Harris, 2001) 492 4.8 Grouting techniques (after Harris, 2001) 493 4.9 Grouting pressures; settlement compensation (after CIRIA, 2000) 494 4.10 Compensation grouting: example of grout exclusion zone 495 4.11 Ground improvement: pipe arch (after Harris, 2001) 496 4.12 Ground improvement: cut-off or curtain wall (after Harris, 2001) 496

    5.1 The Jubilee Line Extension: plan alignment and geological profile 497 5.2 Geological map of the London Basin (from Simpson et al., 1989) 498 5.3 Sub-divisions within the London Clay Formation (from Hight et al., 2003) 499 5.4 Locations of suspected faults and scour hollows at London Bridge 500 5.5 Possible scour feature at London Bridge (based on Mott, Hay & Anderson)501 5.6 London Bridge: exploratory hole location plan 502 5.7 Piezometric profiles at Waterloo: effect of drainage to tunnel ( after

    Hight etal., 1993) 503

    6.1 London Bridge: complex transport interchange 505 6.2(a) JLE London Bridge Station: general layout of station complex 506 6.2(b) JLE London Bridge Station: general layout of station tunnels 507 6.3 JLE London Bridge Station: schematic view of station complex 508 6.4 SCL: Type 4 cross-sectional detail (after ICE, 1996) 509 6.5 SCL: Type 3 excavation sequence (after ICE, 1996) 509 6.6 Station tunnels: invert detail 510 6.7 Running/Station Tunnels: transition zones 510 6.8(a) Station Tunnels: pilot tunnel progress 511 6.8(b) Station Tunnels: pilot tunnel incremental excavation progress 511 6.9(a) Station Tunnels: progress of enlargement works 512 6.9(b) Station Tunnels: enlargement works incremental excavation progress 512 6.10(a) Concourse Tunnel: plan and section 513 6.10(b) Concourse Tunnel: cross sections at junctions with escalator shafts 513 6.11(a) Concourse Tunnel: pilot tunnel progress 514

    - 2 0 -

  • List of Figures

    6.11 (b) Concourse Tunnel: pilot tunnel incremental excavation progress 514 6.12(a) Concourse Tunnel: progress of enlargement works 515 6.12(b) Concourse Tunnel: enlargement works incremental excavation progress 515 6.13 Western Escalator Shaft 516 6.14 Interlocking Machine Room Tunnel 517 6.15 Western Ventilation Tunnel: plan and sections 518 6.16(a) Western Ventilation Shaft: plan 519 6.16(b) Western Ventilation Shaft: section 520 6.17(a) Western Emergency Escape Shaft: plans 521 6.17(b) Western Emergency Escape Shaft: sections 522 6.18(a) JLE/NL Interchange Passage: plan 523 6.18(b) JLE/NL Interchange Passage: section 524 6.19 JLE/NL Interchange Passage: construction sequence #1 525 6.20 JLE/NL Interchange Passage: construction sequence #2 526 6.21 JLE/NL Interchange Passage: overbridge pilot headings 527 6.22(a) JLE/NL Interchange Passage: typical breakout details 528 6.22(b) JLE/NL Interchange Passage: typical support details for hand excavation

    works 528 6.23(a) Eastern Escalator: Lower Inclined Shaft - plan 529 6.23(b) Eastern Escalator: Lower Inclined Shaft - section 530 6.24 Eastern Escalator: Intermediate Horizontal Concourse 531 6.25 Eastern Escalator: Upper Inclined Shaft - plan and section 532 6.26(a) Eastern Escalator: (proposed) construction sequence #1 533 6.26(b) Eastern Escalator: (proposed) construction sequence #2 534 6.27(a) Eastern Escalator: breakout from the Long Subway Tunnel - plan 535 6.27(b) Eastern Escalator: breakout from the Long Subway Tunnel - Section B-B 536 6.27(c) Eastern Escalator: breakout from the Long Subway Tunnel - Section A-A 537 6.28 Eastern Ventilation Shaft: plan and sections 538 6.29(a) Eastern Ventilation Tunnel: plan 539 6.29(b) Eastern Ventilation Tunnel: developed section 540 6.30 Station Tunnel Cable Adit 541 6.31 Temporary Works Grouting Shaft 541 6.32(a) Eastern Emergency Escape Shaft: plan 542 6.32(b) Eastern Emergency Escape Shaft: sections 543 6.33 Temporary Works Grouting Adit 544 6.34 Permeation Grouting Treatment Areas 545 6.35 Compensation Grouting Treatment Areas 546 6.36(a) Compensation Grouting TAMs: the C-Series 547 6.36(b) Compensation Grouting TAMs: the E-Series 548 6.36(c) Compensation Grouting TAMs: the Phase I T-Series 549 6.36(d) Compensation Grouting TAMs: the Phase II T-Series 550 6.36(e) Compensation Grouting TAMs: the V-Series 551 6.37 Compensation Grouting: typical sections 553 6.38 Compensation Grouting: grout exclusion zone 555 6.39 Northern Line Borough High Street escalator shaft 555

    7.1 BRE monitoring sockets and levelling plugs 557 7.2 Typical JLEP monitoring socket and levelling plug 557 7.3 Precision level monitoring point locations 558 7.4 Deflection ratio variation 559 7.5(a) Total station theodolite (a) schematic diagram 560 7.5(b) Total station theodolite (b) collimation errors 560

    - 2 1 -

  • List of Figures

    7.6 Total station distance measurements: the influence of temperature and relative humidity 560

    7.7(a) Avongard tell-tale: conventional version 561 7.7(b) Avongard tell-tale: hinged version 561 7.8(a) Reference disc layouts: (a) two discs 562 7.8(b) Reference disc layouts: (b) three discs 562 7.8(c) Reference disc layouts: (c) four discs 562 7.8(d) Reference disc layouts: (d) multiple discs 562 7.9 In-plane relative rigid body displacements 562 7.10 Relationships between displacement components and gauge length

    variations: three discs, rigid body relative translation 563 7.11(a) Relationships between displacement components and gauge length

    variations; four discs (a) rigid-body translation, UgVg 564 7.11 (b) Relationships between displacement components and gauge length

    variations: four discs (b) rigid-body rotation, cp 564 7.12 Diagram showing the assumptions made in deriving the expressions for

    the vectors of displacement 565 7.13(a) Relative error in gauge length variation as a function of (a) magnitude 566 7.13(b) Relative error in gauge length variation as a function of (b) direction of

    relative displacement 566 7.14 Metal disc arrangements recommended by the BRE (1989) 567 7.15 Metal disc arrangements recommended by the CIRIA LINK Research Team

    567 7.16 The electrolevel: basic operating principle 568 7.17 The electrolevel beam: typical details 569 7.18(a) Electrolevel strings: positions of electrolevels 570 7.18(b) Electrolevel strings: calculation model 570 7.19 Electrolevel strings: components of displacement 571 7.20 Example of electrolevel beam validation 573 7.21 Variation of relative vertical displacement 573 7.22 Gross anomalies between electrolevel data and precision levelling

    measurements 575

    8.1 Southwark: London Bridge 577 8.2 Map of Southwark dated 1530 578 8.3 Plan of St Thomas's Hospital in 1800 579 8.4 Extract from John Rocque map of 1747 580 8.5 Plan of St Thomas's Hospital in about 1853 581 8.6 Schematic of railway development at London Bridge 582 8.7 Extract from Ordnance Survey map of 1872 583 8.8 Extract from Ordnance Survey map of 1894 584 8.9 Extract from Ordnance Survey map of 1916 585 8.10 Extract from Ordnance Survey map of 1952 586 8.11 Section through the centre-line of the Long Subway tunnel 587 8.12 General Arrangement: existing and proposed tunnels of the Northern Line

    beneath Borough High Street 588 8.13(a) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borough High Street/London Bridge

    Street junction: plan of upper level tunnels 589 8.13(b) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borough High Street/London Bridge

    Street junction: plan of lower level tunnels 590 8.13(c) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borough High Street/London Bridge

    Street junction: Section A-A 591

    - 2 2 -

  • List of Figures

    8.13(d) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borougin Higli Street/London Bridge Street junction: Sections B-B and C-C 592

    8.13(e) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borougli High Street/London Bridge Street junction: plan of the eastern end of the Long Subway tunnel 593

    8.13(f) Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borough High Street/London Bridge Street junction: Sections A-A and B-B through the Long Subway tunnel 594

    8.14 Existing sub-surface infrastructure at Borough High Street/London Bridge Street junction: WW II air-raid shelter access tunnel 595

    8.15 Location plan of case history buildings 596 8.16 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 597 8.17(a) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House and Collegiate House: plan of

    the basements 598 8.17(b) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House and Collegiate House: ground

    floor plans 599 8.17(c) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: plan of the first floor 600 8.18 Collegiate House 600 8.19 Mary Sheridan House 601 8.20 Fielden House 601 8.21 (a) The BT Building: plan of structural protective measures 602 8.21 (b) The BT Building: structural protective measures - Section C-C 603 8.21 (c) The BT Building: structural protective measures - Sections A-A and B-B 604 8.22 Fielden House: structural protective measures 605

    9.1 Locations of section lines 607 9.2 Section A-A: precision level monitoring point locations 608 9.3 Section B-B: precision level monitoring point locations 609 9.4 Section C-C: precision level monitoring point locations 610 9.5 Section D-D: precision level monitoring point locations 611 9.6 Section E-E: precision level monitoring point locations 612 9.7 Section F-F: precision level monitoring point locations 613 9.8 Section G-G: precision level monitoring point locations 614 9.9 Section H-H: precision level monitoring point locations 615 9.10 JLE London Bridge underground station: construction/monitoring sequence

    616 9.11 (a) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 617 9.11 (b) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 617 9.11 (c) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 618 9.11 (d) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 618 9.11 (e) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 619 9.11(f) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    619 9.11 (g) Section A-A time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 620 9.12(a) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 621 9.12(b) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 621 9.12(c) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 622 9.12(d) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 622 9.12(e) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 623 9.12(f) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    623 9.12(g) Section B-B time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 624 9.13(a) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 625 9.13(b) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 625 9.13(c) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 626


  • List of Figures

    9.13(d) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 626 9.13(e) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 627 9.13(f) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    627 9.13(g) Section C-C time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 628 9.14(a) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 629 9.14(b) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 629 9.14(c) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 630 9.14(d) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 630 9.14(e) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 631 9.14(f) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    631 9.14(g) Section D-D time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 632 9.15(a) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 633 9.15(b) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 633 9.15(c) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 634 9.15(d) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 634 9.15(e) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 635 9.15(f) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    635 9.15(g) Section E-E time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 636 9.16(a) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 637 9.16(b) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 637 9.16(c) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 638 9.16(d) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 638 9.16(e) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 639 9.16(f) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    639 9.16(g) Section F-F time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 640 9.17(a) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 641 9.17(b) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 641 9.17(c) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 642 9.17(d) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 642 9.17(e) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 643 9.17(f) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    643 9.17(g) Section G-G time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 644 9.18(a) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 24 May 1994 to 24 May 1995 645 9.18(b) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 4 May 1995 to 21 December 1995 645 9.18(c) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 19 October 1995 to 29 March 1996 646 9.18(d) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 23 January 1996 to 17 June 1996 646 9.18(e) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 1 June 1996 to 28 October 1996 647 9.18(f) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 13 September 1996 to 4 January 1997

    647 9.18(g) Section H-H time-settlement profiles: 1 December 1996 to 11 June 1997 648 9.19 Section A-A: longitudinal profiles during Period 11 649 9.20 Section A-A: longitudinal profiles during Period 13 649 9.21 Section A-A: longitudinal profiles during Period 15 650 9.22 Section B-B: longitudinal profiles during Period 11 650 9.23 Section B-B: longitudinal profiles during Period 13 651 9.24 Section B-B: longitudinal profiles during Period 15 651 9.25 Section C-C: longitudinal profiles during Period 11 652 9.26 Section C-C: longitudinal profiles during Period 15 652


  • List of Figures

    9.27 Section D-D: transverse profiles during Periods 6, 7 & 8 653 9.28 Section D-D: transverse profiles during Periods 11, 12 & 13 653 9.29 Section D-D: transverse profiles during Period 19 654 9.30 Section E-E: transverse profiles during Periods 5, 6, 7 & 8 654 9.31 Section E-E: transverse profiles during Period 13 655 9.32 Section E-E: transverse profiles during Period 15 655 9.33 Section E-E: transverse profiles during Period 19 656 9.34 Section F-F: transverse profiles during Period 8 656 9.35 Section F-F: transverse profiles during Periods 13 & 14 657 9.36 Section F-F: transverse profiles during Periods 15 & 16 657 9.37 Section F-F: transverse profiles during Period 19 658 9.38 Section G-G: transverse profiles during Periods 12 & 13 658 9.39 Section G-G: transverse profiles during Periods 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 659 9.40 Section G-G: transverse profiles during Periods 19 & 20 659 9.41 Section H-H: transverse profiles during Period 4 660 9.42 Section H-H: transverse profiles during Period 11 660 9.43 Section H-H: transverse profiles during Period 19 661 9.44 Grout intensity contour plot - Period 4 663 9.45 Grout intensity contour plot - Periods 5 to 8 665 9.46 Grout intensity contour plot - Period 11 667 9.47 Grout intensity contour plot - Period 13 669 9.48 Grout intensity contour plot - Period 15 671 9.49 Grout intensity contour plot - Period 19 673

    10.1.1 London Bridge: building location plan 675

    10.2.1 Telephone House: the underground works 676 10.2.2 Telephone House: compensation grouting TAM layout. 676 10.2.3 Telephone House: grout injection with time 677 10.2.4 Telephone House: building timeline during underground construction 678 10.2.5 Telephone House: overall grout intensity contour plot 679 10.2.6 Telephone House instrumentation: precision level monitoring point location

    plan 679 10.2.7 Telephone House instrumentation: elevation showing locations of total

    station retro-reflective targets 680 10.2.8 Telephone House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 680 10.2.9 Telephone House instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan 681 10.2.10 Telephone House: time-settlement profiles 682 10.2.11 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade

    (a) Period 6 683 10.2.11 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade

    (b) Period 7 683 10.2.11 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade

    (c) Period 8 683 10.2.11 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade

    (d) Period 10 683 10.2.11 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade

    (e) Period 11 683 10.2.12 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade

    (a) Period 5 684 10.2.12 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade

    (b) Period 7 684


  • List of Figures

    10.2.12 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade (c) Period 8 684

    10.2.12 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade (d) Period 10 684

    10.2.12 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade (e) Period 11 684

    10.2.13 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade in Period 5 (a) 685

    10.2.13 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade in Period 5 (b) 685

    10.2.13 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade in Period 5 (c) 685

    10.2.13 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade in Period 5 (d) 685

    10.2.13 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing, front facade in Period 5 (e) 685

    10.2.14 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade in Period 5 (a) 686

    10.2.14 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade in Period 5 (b) 686

    10.2.14 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade in Period 5 (c) 686

    10.2.14 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade In Period 5 (d) 686

    10.2.14 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing, rear facade in Period 5 (e) 686

    10.2.15 Telephone House: grout intensity contour plot for Period 5 687 10.2.16(a) Telephone House front facade: variation of slope with time 687 10.2.16(b) Telephone House front facade: variation of slope with time (west) 688 10.2.16(c) Telephone House front facade: variation of slope with time (east) 688 10.2.17(a) Telephone House front facade: variation of deflection ratio with time

    (west) 689 10.2.17(b) Telephone House front facade: variation of deflection ratio with time

    (east) 689 10.2.18 Telephone House front facade: variation of deflection ratio over entire

    length of front facade with time 690 10.2.19(a) Telephone House: total station surveying - vertical displacements 690 10.2.19(b) Telephone House: total station surveying - variation of vertical displacements

    with height 691 10.2.19(c) Telephone House: total station surveying - variation of vertical displacements

    along top row of targets 691 10.2.19(d) Telephone House: total station surveying - variation of vertical displacements

    along bottom row of targets 692 10.2.20(a) Telephone House: variation in incremental in-plane horizontal strain

    with time 693 10.2.20(b) Telephone House: variation in cumulative in-plane horizontal strain

    with time 694 10.2.21 Telephone House: in-plane horizontal strains developed during enlargement

    of eastbound station pilot tunnel 695 10.2.22 Telephone House: out-of-plane horizontal movements in Period 5

    (a) Section AA 696 10.2.22 Telephone House: out-of-plane horizontal movements in Period 5

    (b) Section BB 696

    - 2 6 -

  • List of Figures

    10.2.22 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Period 5 (c) Section CC 696

    10.2.22 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Period 5 (d) Section DD 696

    10.2.22 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Period 5 (e) Section EE 696

    10.2.23 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Periods 6 to 12 (a) Section AA 697

    10.2.23 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Periods 6 to 12 (b) Section BB 697

    10.2.23 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Periods 6 to 12 (c) Section CC 697

    10.2.23 Telephone House; out-of-plane horizontal movements in Periods 6 to 12 (d) Section DD 697

    10.2.23 Telephone House: out-of-plane horizontal movements in Periods 6 to 12 (e) Section EE 697

    10.2.24 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Periods 4 & 5 (a) A-Series 698

    10.2.24 Telephone House; relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Periods 4 & 5 (b) E-Series 698

    10.2.24 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Periods 4 & 5 (c) F-Series 698

    10.2.24 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Periods 4 & 5 (d) C-Series 698

    10.2.25 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 7 (a) A-Series 699

    10.2.25 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 7 (b) E-Series 699

    10.2.25 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 7 (c) F-Series 699

    10.2.25 Telephone House; relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 7 (d) C-Series 699

    10.2.26 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 8 (a) A-Series 700

    10.2.26 Telephone House; relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 8 (b) E-Series 700

    10.2.26 Telephone House: relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 8 (c) F-Series 700

    10.2.26 Telephone House; relative vertical displacements profiles from electrolevel beams - Period 8 (d) C-Series 700

    10.2.27 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (a) 1 March 1996 701

    10.2.27 Telephone House facade settlement profiles; front and rear in Period 7 (b) 3 May 1996 701

    10.2.27 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (c) 3 June 1996 701

    10.2.27 Telephone House facade settlement profiles; front and rear in Period 7 (d) 13 June 1996 701

    10.2.28 Telephone House facade settlement profiles; front and rear in Period 7 (a) 18 June 1996 702

    10.2.28 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (b) 18 July 1996 702


  • List of Figures

    10.2.28 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (c) 25 August 1996 702

    10.2.28 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (d) 14 September 1996 702

    10.2.29 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (a) 14 September 1996 703

    10.2.29 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (b) 28 October 1996 703

    10.2.29 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (c) 11 November 1996 703

    10.2.29 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (d) 29 November 1996 703

    10.2.30 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (a) 29 November 1996 704

    10.2.30 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (b) 21 January 1997 704

    10.2.30 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (c) 11 February 1997 704

    10.2.30 Telephone House facade settlement profiles: front and rear in Period 7 (d) 22 March 1997 704

    10.2.31 Telephone House: areas of damage 705 10.2.32 Telephone House: cracking at the interface between the building and the

    arches of London Bridge Street 705 10.2.33 Telephone House: crack movement versus time for Crack THC1 706 10.2.34 Telephone House: crack behaviour along the interface with the London

    Bridge Street arches 706 10.2.35(a) Telephone House: cracks on third floor 707 10.2.35(b) Telephone House: cracks on second floor 707 10.2.36 Telephone House: variation of movement with time, Crack THC6 708 10.2.37 Telephone House: cracking in the sub-basement 708

    10.3.1 The BT Building: the underground works 709 10.3.2 The BT Building: compensation grouting TAM layout 709 10.3.3 The BT Building: grout injection with time 710 10.3.4 The BT Building: building timeline during underground construction 711 10.3.5 The BT Building: grout intensity contour plot 712 10.3.6 The BT Building instrumentation: precision level monitoring point location

    plan 712 10.3.7 The BT Building instrumentation: total station retro-reflective target

    location plan 713 10.3.8 The BT Building instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 713 10.3.9 The BT Building instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan 714 10.3.10 The BT Building: time-settlement profiles 715 10.3.11 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (a) Period 4 - Station Tunnel Enlargements 716 10.3.11 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (b) Period 7 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 1 716 10.3.11 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (c) Period 9 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 3 716 10.3.11 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (d) Period 10 - Station Concourse/Eastern Escalator Shaft Transition 716 10.3.11 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (e) Period 11 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 5 716

    - 2 8 -

  • List of Figures

    10.3.12 The BT Building facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing rear facade (a) Period 4 - Station Tunnel Enlargements 717

    10.3.12 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade (b) Period 7 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 1 717

    10.3.12 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade (c) Period 9 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 3 717

    10.3.12 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade (d) Period 10 - Station Concourse/Eastern Escalator Shaft Transition 717

    10.3.12 The BT Building facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade (e) Period 11 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 5 717

    10.3.13(a) The BT Building variation of slope with time along front facade 718 10.3.13(b) The BT Building variation of slope with time along front facade:

    spans 1332-1333 and 1333-1334 718 10.3.13(c) The BT Building variation of slope with time along front facade:

    spans 1331 -1332 and 1334-1335 719 10.3.14(a) The BT Building variation of slope with time along rear facade:

    both spans 719 10.3.14(b) The BT Building variation of slope with time along rear facade:

    span 1787-1788 720 10.3.14(c) The BT Building variation of slope with time along rear facade:

    span 1789-1790 720 10.3.15 The BT Building: variation in deflection ratio with time along the front

    facade 721 10.3.16 The BT Building total station surveying in-plane horizontal movements at

    construction joints (a) Telephone House 722 10.3.16 The BT Building total station surveying in-plane horizontal movements at

    construction joints (b) The BT Building (West) 722 10.3.16 The BT Building total station surveying in-plane horizontal movements at

    construction joints (c) The BT Building (East) 722 10.3.16 The BT Building total station surveying in-plane horizontal movements at

    construction joints (d) Fielden House 722 10.3.17(a) The BT Building: incremental in-plane horizontal strains 723 10.3.17(b) The BT Building: cumulative in-plane horizontal strains 724 10.3.18 The BT Building: in-plane horizontal strains developed in response to east-

    and westbound station tunnel enlargements 725 10.3.19 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (a) Section AA 726 10.3.19 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (b) Section BB 726 10.3.19 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (c) Section CC 726 10.3.19 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (d) Section DD 726 10.3.20 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (a) Section AA 727 10.3.20 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (b) Section BB 727 10.3.20 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (c) Section CC 727 10.3.20 The BT Building: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (d) Section DD 727 10.3.21 The BT Building relative vertical displacement profiles: D-Series

    electrolevel beam string (a) Period 4 - Station Tunnel Enlargements 728


  • List of Figures

    10.3.21 The BT Building relative vertical displacement profiles: D-Series electrolevel beam string (b) Period 7 - Eastern Escalator Shaft - Stage 1 728

    10.3.22 The BT Building: variation of twist with time 728 10.3.23 The BT Building: areas of damage 729 10.3.24 The BT Building: cracking in internal basement flank walls 729

    10.4.1 Fielden House: the underground works 731 10.4.2 Fielden House: compensation grouting TAM layout 731 10.4.3 Fielden House: grout injection with time 732 10.4.4 Fielden House: building timeline during underground construction 733 10.4.5 Fielden House: grout intensity contour plot 734 10.4.6 Fielden House instrumentation: precision level monitoring point location

    plan 734 10.4.7 Fielden House instrumentation: total station retro-reflective target location

    plan 735 10.4.8 Fielden House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 735 10.4.9 Fielden House instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan 736 10.4.10 Fielden House: time-settlement profiles 737 10.4.11 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (a) Period 4 - Westbound Station Tunnel Enlargement 738 10.4.11 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (b) Period 9 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 1 738 10.4.11 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (c) Period 10 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 2 738 10.4.11 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (d) Period 11 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 3 738 10.4.11 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing front facade

    (e) Period 12 - Eastern Ventilation Shaft - Lower Section 738 10.4.12 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade

    (a) Period 4 - Westbound Station Tunnel Enlargement 739 10.4.12 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade

    (b) Period 9 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 1 739 10.4.12 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade

    (c) Period 10 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 2 739 10.4.12 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade

    (d) Period 11 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 3 739 10.4.12 Fielden House facade settlement profiles: southwest-facing rear facade

    (e) Period 12 - Eastern Ventilation Shaft - Lower Section 739 10.4.13(a) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1336-1339, 1337-1339

    and 1338-1339 740 10.4.13(b) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1336-1339

    and 1336-1337 741 10.4.13(c) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1336-1339

    and 1337-1338 742 10.4.13(d) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1336-1339

    and 1336-1338 743 10.4.13(e) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1793-1794, 1794-1795

    and 1336-1339 744 10.4.13(f) Fielden House time-slope behaviour: spans 1336-1339, 1791-1792

    and 1791-1214 745 10.4.14 Fielden House: variation of deflection ratio with time for

    spans 1793-1794-1795 746 10.4.15(a) Fielden House: incremental in-plane horizontal strains 747


  • List of Figures

    10.4.15(b) Fielden House: cumulative in-plane horizontal strains 748 10.4.16 Fielden House: in-plane horizontal strains developed in response to

    westbound station tunnel enlargement 749 10.4.17(a) Fielden House: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (a) Section AA 750 10.4.17(b) Fielden House: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (b) Section BB 750 10.4.17(c) Fielden House: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (c) Section CC 750 10.4.17(d) Fielden House: total station surveying out-of-plane horizontal

    movements (d) Section DD 750 10.4.18 Fielden House electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacements

    (a) Period 4 - Westbound Station Tunnel Enlargement A-Series Electrolevel Beam String 751

    10.4.18 Fielden House electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacements (b) Period 4 - Westbound Station Tunnel Enlargement

    E-Series Electrolevel Beam String 751 10.4.18 Fielden House electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacements

    (c) Period 9 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 1 A-Series Electrolevel Beam String 751

    10.4.18 Fielden House electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacements (d) Period 9 - Eastern Ventilation Tunnel - Stage 1

    E-Series Electrolevel Beam String 751 10.4.19 Fielden House: areas of damage 752 10.4.20 Fielden House: cracking in internal masonry wall of the sub-basement 752 10.4.21 Fielden House: variation of crack width with time for cracks FHC1 and

    FHC2 753 10.4.22(a) Fielden House: cracking in the floor of the sub-basement 754 10.4.22(b) Fielden House: cracking in the ceiling of the sub-basement 754 10.4.23 Fielden House: cracking at the junction between the structure and brickwork

    arches of London Bridge Street 755 10.4.24 Fielden House: behaviour of cracks FHC3, FHC4 and FHC5 over time 756

    10.5.1 LBPO: the underground works 757 10.5.2(a) LBPO compensation grouting TAM layout: the C- and Phase I T-Series 757 10.5.2(b) LBPO compensation grouting TAM layout: the V-Series 758 10.5.2(c) LBPO compensation grouting TAM layout: the Phase II T-Series 758 10.5.3 LBPO: grout injection with time 759 10.5.4 LBPO: building timeline during underground construction 760 10.5.5 LBPO: overall grout intensity contour plot 761 10.5.6 LBPO instrumentation: precision level monitoring point location plan 761 10.5.7 LBPO instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 762 10.5.8 LBPO instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan 763 10.5.9 LBPO: time-settlement profiles 764 10.5.10 LBPO: settlements developed in response to the excavation of the JLE/NL

    interchange passage and western escalator shaft 765 10.5.11 LBPO: time-settlement curves 765 10.5.12 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing facade

    (a) Period 4 - Eastbound Station Tunnel Pilot 766 10.5.12 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing facade

    (b) Period 6 - Eastbound Station Tunnel Enlargement 766 10.5.12 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast-facing facade

    (c) Period 8 - Station Concourse Pilot and Western Ventilation Tunnels 766


  • List of Figures

    10.5.12 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast-facing facade (d) Period 9 - Station Concourse Tunnel Enlargement 766

    10.5.12 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast-facing facade (e) Period 11 - JLE/NL Interchange Passage 766

    10.5.13 LBPO facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing facade (a) Period 4 - Eastbound Station Tunnel Pilot 767

    10.5.13 LBPO facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing facade (b) Period 6 - Eastbound Station Tunnel Enlargement 767

    10.5.13 LBPO facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing facade (c) Period 8 - Station Concourse Pilot and Western Ventilation Tunnels 767

    10.5.13 LBPO facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing facade (d) Period 9 - Station Concourse Tunnel Enlargement 767

    10.5.13 LBPO facade settlement profiles; southwest-facing facade (e) Period 11 - JLE/NL Interchange Passage 767

    10.5.14 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast- and southwest-facing facades (a) Period 13A - JLE Western Escalator Shaft, JLE/NL Interchange Passage and NL Southern Escalator Shaft 768

    10.5.14 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast- and southwest-facing facades (b) Period 13A - JLE Western Escalator Shaft, JLE/NL Interchange Passage and NL Southern Escalator Shaft 768

    10.5.14 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast- and southwest-facing facades (c) Period 13B - JLE Western Escalator Shaft, JLE/NL Interchange Passage and NL Southern Escalator Shaft 768

    10.5.14 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast- and southwest-facing facades (d) Period 13B - JLE Western Escalator Shaft, JLE/NL Interchange Passage and NL Southern Escalator Shaft 768

    10.5.15(a)LBPO; variation in longitudinal slope with time 769 10.5.15(b)LBPO: variation in transverse slope with time 769 10.5.16 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 6 (a) C-Series 770 10.5.16 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 6 (b) D-Series 770 10.5.16 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 6 (c) E-Series 770 10.5.16 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 6 (d) A-Series 770 10.5.17 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 8 (a) C-Series 771 10.5.17 LBPO electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 8 (b) D-Series 771 10.5.17 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 8 (c) E-Series 771 10.5.17 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 8 (d) A-Series 771 10.5.18 LBPO electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 9 (a) C-Series 772 10.5.18 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 9 (b) D-Series 772 10.5.18 LBPO electrolevel beam strings; relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 9 (c) E-Series 772 10.5.18 LBPO electrolevel beam strings: relative vertical displacement profiles in

    Period 9 (d) A-Series 772


  • List of Figures

    10.5.19 LBPO facade settlement profiles; northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 6 (a) 5 September 1995 773

    10.5.19 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 6 (b) 27 November 1995 773

    10.5.19 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 6 (c) 15 January 1996 773

    10.5.20 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 8 (a) 24 March 1996 774

    10.5.20 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 8 (b) 3/4 May 1996 774

    10.5.20 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 8 (c) 18 May 1996 774

    10.5.20 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 8 (d) 24 June 1996 774

    10.5.21 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 9 (a) 11 June 1996 775

    10.5.21 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 9 (b) 15 July 1996 775

    10.5.21 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 9 (c) 14 August 1996 775

    10.5.21 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 9 (d) 13 September 1996 775

    10.5.22 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 11 (a) 4 November 1996 776

    10.5.22 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 11 (b) 11 November 1996 776

    10.5.22 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 11 (c) 21 November 1996 776

    10.5.22 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 11 (d) 9 December 1996 776

    10.5.23 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 13 (a) 23 January 1997 777

    10.5.23 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 13 (b) 18 February 1997 777

    10.5.23 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 13 (c) 11 March 1997 777

    10.5.23 LBPO facade settlement profiles: northeast- and southwest-facing facades in Period 13 (d) 28 April 1997 777

    10.5.24 LBPO: areas of damage 778

    11.1.1 St Thomas Street: building location plan 779

    11.2.1 Alam House: the underground works 780 11.2.2 Alam House: compensation grouting TAM layout 780 11.2.3 Alam House: grout injection with time 781 11.2.4 Alam House: building timeline during underground construction 782 11.2.5 Alam House: overall grout intensity contour plot 783 11.2.6 Alam House instrumentation: precision level monitoring point location plan783 11.2.7 Alam House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 784 11.2.8 Alam House: time-settlement profiles 785 11.2.9 Alam House southwest-facing facade settlement profiles

    (a) Period 7 - Station Tunnel Enlargements & IMR Tunnel 786


  • List of Figures

    11.2.9 Alam House southwest-facing facade settlement profiles (b) Period 8 - Quiet 786

    11.2.9 Alam House southwest-facing facade settlement profiles (c) Period 11 - Station Concourse Tunnel Enlargement 786

    11.2.9 Alam House southwest-facing facade settlement profiles (d) Period 12 - Quiet 786

    11.2.9 Alam House southwest-facing facade settlement profiles (e) Period 13 - Western Escalator Shaft 786

    11.2.10(a) Alam House: variation of slope with time in longitudinal plane 787 11.2.10(b) Alam House: variation of slope with time in transverse plane 787 11.2.10(c) Alam House: variation of slope with time for both longitudinal and

    transverse planes 788 11.2.11 Alam House: variation of deflection ratio with time 788 11.2.12 Alam House: relative vertical displacement profiles for D-Series

    electrolevel beam string (a) Period 7 - Station Tunnel Enlargements 789

    11.2.12 Alam House: relative vertical displacement profiles for D-Series electrolevel beam string (b) Period 8 - Quiet 789

    11.2.12 Alam House: relative vertical displacement profiles for D-Series electrolevel beam string (c) Period 11 - Station Concourse Tunnel Enlargement 789

    11.2.12 Alam House: relative vertical displacement profiles for D-Series electrolevel beam string (d) Period 12 - Quiet 789

    11.2.13 Alam House: assumed relative vertical displacement profiles for eastern gable-end wall (a) Period 7 - Station Tunnel Enlargements 790

    11.2.13 Alam House: assumed relative vertical displacement profiles for eastern gable-end wall (b) Period 8 - Quiet 790

    11.2.13 Alam House: assumed relative vertical displacement profiles for eastern gable-end wall (c) Period 11 - Station Concourse Tunnel Enlargement 790

    11.2.13 Alam House: assumed relative vertical displacement profiles for eastern gable-end wall (d) Period 12 - Quiet 790

    11.3.1 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: the underground works 791 11.3.2(a)The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: compensation grouting TAM

    layout - the V-Series 791 11.3.2(b)The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: compensation grouting TAM

    layout - the Phase I T-Series 792 11.3.2(c)The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: compensation grouting TAM

    layout - the Phase II T-Series 792 11.3.3 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: grout injection with time 793 11.3.4 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: building timeline during

    underground construction 794 11.3.5 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: overall grout intensity contour

    plot 795 11.3.6 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: precision level

    monitoring point location plan 795


  • List of Figures

    11.3.7(a) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan - basement 796

    11.3.7(b) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan - ground floor 797

    11.3.8 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: tie-rod locations around the bell tower 798

    11.3.9 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: locations of 'pseudo' plumblines on bell tower 799

    11.3.10(a) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan - basement 800

    11.3.10(b) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan - ground floor 801

    11.3.10(c) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: crack monitoring location plan - first floor 802

    11.3.11 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House instrumentation: tensioned wire transducers location plan 803

    11.3.12 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation with time of the in-plane horizontal strains and temperatures measured for the tie-rods on the northeast-facing elevation of the bell tower 804

    11.3.13 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: time-settlement profiles for the bell tower 805

    11.3.14 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: time-settlement profiles for the chapel 806

    11.3.15 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in North-South relative in-plane horizontal movement plotted against variation in East-West relative in-plane horizontal movement for 'pseudo' plumblines on bell tower 807

    11.3.16 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative in-plane horizontal movement with time for 'pseudo' plumblines on southwest-facing elevation of tower 808

    11.3.17 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative in-plane horizontal movement with time for 'pseudo' plumbline on southeast-facing elevation of tower 809

    11.3.18 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative in-plane horizontal movements during construction of the concourse tunnel 810

    11.3.19 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: grout intensity contour plot during formation of the concourse tunnel 811

    11.3.20 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation of tilt with time for southwest-facing elevation of bell tower - 'pseudo' plumblines and precision levelling 812

    11.3.21 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in slope with time for front facade of chapel 813

    11.3.22 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in slope with time for front facade of chapel during formation of concourse tunnel 814

    11.3.23 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: grout intensity contour plot during enlargement of concourse pilot tunnel 815

    11.3.24 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative movement of tensioned wire transducers with time across chapel hall 816

    11.3.25 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative movement of tensioned wire transducers with time longitudinally in chapel hall 817

    11.3.26 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in relative movement of tensioned wire transducers during enlargement of concourse pilot tunnel 818


  • List of Figures

    11.3.27 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House; relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (a) B-Series (1-8) - Station Tunnel Pilots 819

    11.3.27 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (b) B-Series (9-18) - Station Tunnel Pilots 819

    11.3.27 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (c) A-Series (4-8) - Station Tunnel Pilots 819

    11.3.27 The Southwark Cathedra! Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (d) A-Series (10-14) - Station Tunnel Pilots 819

    11.3.28 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (a) E-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 820

    11.3.28 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (b) E-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 820

    11.3.28 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (c) D-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 820

    11.3.28 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: relative vertical displacements from electrolevel beam strings (d) D-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 820

    11.3.29 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: areas of damage 821 11.3.30 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for bell tower cracks, nos. CHBT7 & CHBT12 822 11.3.31 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for bell tower cracks, nos. CHBT1 & CHBT3 823 11.3.32 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for chapel cracks, nos. CHCh2 & CHCh3 824 11.3.33 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for chapel cracks, nos. CHChI & CHCh12 825 11.3.34 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for crypt cracks, nos. CHCptI, CHCpt14, CHCpt17 & CHCpt19 826 11.3.35 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: variation in crack width with

    time for chapel cracks, nos. CHCh4 & CHCh7 827

    11.4.1 Collegiate House: the underground works 829 11.4.2(a) Collegiate House: compensation grouting TAM layout (a) V-Series 829 11.4.2(b) Collegiate House: compensation grouting TAM layout

    (b) Phase II T-Series 830 11.4.3 Collegiate House: grout injection with time 831 11.4.4 Collegiate House: building timeline during underground construction 832 11.4.5 Collegiate House: overall grout intensity contour plot 833 11.4.6 Collegiate House instrumentation: precision level monitoring point

    location plan 833 11.4.7 Collegiate House: time-settlement profiles 834 11.4.8(a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing

    front facade (a) Station Tunnel Pilots 835 11.4.8(b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing

    front facade (b) Enlargements to Station Tunnel Pilots 835


  • List of Figures

    11.4.8(c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade (c) Concourse Tunnel Pilot 835

    11.4.8(d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade (d) Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 835

    11.4.8(e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade (e) Pilot Headings for JLE/NL Interchange Passage 835

    11.4.9(a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - station tunnel pilots (a) 836

    11.4.9(b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - station tunnel pilots (b) 836

    11.4.9(c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - station tunnel pilots (c) 836

    11.4.9(d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - station tunnel pilots (d) 836

    11.4.9(e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - station tunnel pilots (e) 836

    11.4.10(a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargements to station tunnel pilots (a) 837

    11.4.10(b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargements to station tunnel pilots (b) 837

    11.4.10(c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargements to station tunnel pilots (c) 837

    11.4.10(d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargements to station tunnel pilots (d) 837

    11.4.10(e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargements to station tunnel pilots (e) 837

    11.4.11 (a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - concourse pilot tunnel (a) 838

    11.4.11 (b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - concourse pilot tunnel (b) 838

    11.4.11 (c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - concourse pilot tunnel (c) 838

    11.4.11 (d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - concourse pilot tunnel (d) 838

    11.4.11 (e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - concourse pilot tunnel (e) 838

    11.4.12(a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargement to concourse pilot tunnel (a) 839

    11.4.12(b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargement to concourse pilot tunnel (b) 839

    11.4.12(c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargement to concourse pilot tunnel (c) 839

    11.4.12(d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargement to concourse pilot tunnel (d) 839

    11.4.12(e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - enlargement to concourse pilot tunnel (e) 839

    11.4.13(a) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - pilot headings for JLE/NL interchange passage (a) 840

    11.4.13(b) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - pilot headings for JLE/NL interchange passage (b) 840

    11.4.13(c) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - pilot headings for JLE/NL interchange passage (c) 840


  • List of Figures

    11.4.13(d) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles; collective southwest-facing front facade - pilot headings for JLE/NL interchange passage (d) 840

    11.4.13(e) Collegiate House facade settlement profiles: collective southwest-facing front facade - pilot headings for JLE/NL interchange passage (e) 840

    11.4.14 Collegiate House: variation of slope with time - front facade 841 11.4.15 Collegiate House: variation of slope with time - rear facade 842 11.4.16 Collegiate House: collective southwest-facing front facade - variation

    of deflection ratio with time 843 11.4.17 Collegiate House: areas of damage 844 11.4.18 Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for cracks

    in the crypt 845 11.4.19(a) Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for ground

    floor cracks, nos. CollH2, CollH3, CollH4 & C0IIH6 846 11.4.19(b) Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for ground

    floor cracks, nos. CollH5, C0IIH8 & C0IIHIO 847 11.4.20 Collegiate House: extract from pre-construction defect survey 848 11.4.21 Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for ground

    floor cracks, nos. CollH3, CollH7, CollH9 & C0IIH11 849 11.4.22 Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for ground

    floor cracks, nos. C0IIHI, C0IIHI a & C0IIH6 850 11.4.23 Collegiate House: variation in relative crack width with time for cracks

    on second floor 851

    11.5.1 Mary Sheridan House: the underground works 853 11.5.2 Mary Sheridan House: compensation grouting TAM layout 853 11.5.3 Mary Sheridan House: grout injection with time 854 11.5.4 Mary Sheridan House: building timeline during underground construction 855 11.5.5 Mary Sheridan House: overall grout intensity contour plot 856 11.5.6 Mary Sheridan House instrumentation: precision level monitoring point

    location plan 856 11.5.7 Mary Sheridan House instrumentation: electrolevel beam layout plan 857 11.5.8 Mary Sheridan House instrumentation: crack monitoring point location

    plan 858 11.5.9 Mary Sheridan House: time-settlement profiles - Block 'A' 859 11.5.10Mary Sheridan House: time-settlement profiles - Block 'B' 860 11.5.11 Mary Sheridan House: variation of slope with time - Block 'A' 861 11.5.12Mary Sheridan House: variation of slope with time - Block 'B' 862 11.5.13(a) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from M- and B-Series

    electrolevel strings (a) M-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 863 11.5.13(b) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from M- and B-Series

    electrolevel strings (b) M-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 863 11.5.13(c) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from M- and B-Series

    electrolevel strings (c) B-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 863 11.5.13(d) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from M- and B-Series

    electrolevel strings (d) B-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 863

    11.5.14(a) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from A- and C-Series electrolevel strings (a) A-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 864

    11.5.14(b) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from A- and C-Series electrolevel strings (b) A-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 864

    11.5.14(c) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from A- and C-Series electrolevel strings (c) C-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 864


  • List of Figures

    11.5.14(d) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from A- and C-Series electrolevel strings (d) C-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 864

    11.5.15(a) Mary Sheridan House; relative vertical displacements from D- and l-Series electrolevel strings (a) D-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 865

    11.5.15(b) Mary Sheridan House; relative vertical displacements from D- and l-Series electrolevel strings (b) D-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 865

    11.5.15(c) Mary Sheridan House; relative vertical displacements from D- and l-Series electrolevel strings (c) l-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 865

    11.5.15(d) Mary Sheridan House; relative vertical displacements from D- and l-Series electrolevel strings (d) l-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 865

    11.5.16(a) Mary Sheridan House; relative vertical displacements from H- and E-Series electrolevel strings (a) H-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 866

    11.5.16(b) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from H- and E-Series electrolevel strings (b) H-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot

    866 11.5.16(c) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from H- and E-Series

    electrolevel strings (c) E-Series - Concourse Tunnel Pilot 866 • 11.5.16(d) Mary Sheridan House: relative vertical displacements from H- and E-Series

    electrolevel strings (d) E-Series - Enlargement to Concourse Tunnel Pilot 866

    11.5.17 Mary Sheridan House: areas of damage 867 11.5.18 Mary Sheridan House: variation in relative crack width for cracks,

    nos. MSH1, MSH15, MSH16& MSH18 868 11.5.19 Mary Sheridan House; variation in relative crack width for cracks,

    nos. MSH5, MSH9, MSH10 & MSH20 869 11.5.20 Mary Sheridan House: variation in relative crack width for cracks,

    nos. MSH23, MSH24 & MSH27 870

    12.1 London Bridge: case history buildings 871 12.2 London Bridge: absolute settlements as of June 2000 872 12.3 London Bridge: post-construction, long-term settlements to June 2000 873


  • List of Plates

    List of Plates I .1 London Bridge: case history buildings 875

    8.1 LBPO: northern elevation 877 8.2 Alam House; front elevation 877 8.3(a) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House 879 8.3(b) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: front elevation 879 8.3(c) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: 'nib'of LBPO 881 8.3(d) The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: pre-existing cracking 881 8.4 Collegiate House: front elevation 883 8.5(a) Mary Sheridan House; front elevation of Blocks 'A' and 'B' 883 8.5(b) Mary Sheridan House: Block 'B' and single storey annex 885 8.6 Telephone House: front elevation 885 8.7 The BT Building; front elevation 887 8.8 Fielden House: front elevation 887

    10.2.1 Telephone House; London Bridge Street pavement vaults 889 10.2.2 Telephone House: typical crack at interface, THC No.1 889 10.2.3 Telephone House: sub-vertical crack at interface, THC No.2 891 10.2.4 Telephone House: pre-existing cracking along arch of pavement vault 891 10.2.5 Telephone House: close-up of cracking along arch of pavement vault 893 10.2.6 Telephone House: sub-vertical crack beneath pavement light, THC No.2 893 10.2.7 Telephone House: crack at pavement lights/vault junction, THC No.2 895 10.2.8 Telephone House: configuration of recess between Telephone House and

    the BT Building 895 10.2.9 Telephone House: cracking in northern wall of recess, THC Nos. 4-9 897 10.2.10 Telephone House: cracking in southern wall of recess, THC Nos. 4-9 897 10.2.11 Telephone House: close-up of cracking in recess, THC No. 6 899

    I I . 1 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House Chapel: historic movement at junction with LBPO. 901

    11.2 Crack monitoring in the bell tower: current and historic, CHBT1 & CHBT3 901 11.3 The Old Operating Theatre Museum: continuation of full-height crack at junction

    between the bell tower and chapel 903 11.4 Close-up of crack in Plate 11.3 903 11.5 Damage to the ceiling of The Old Operating Theatre Museum 905 11.6 The Southwark Cathedral Chapter House: view of junction with bell tower in

    southwest corner 907 11.7 Cracking at junction between chapel and bell tower: CHChI, CHCh2 & CHCh3

    907 11.8 Junction between bell tower and chapel at high level: cracking, crack monitoring

    and protection to cornice 909 11.9 Detailed view of cracking at junction between bell tower and chapel; CHChI,

    CHCh2 & CHCh3 909 11.10 Cracking in crypt of chapel at junction with bell tower: CHCptI 911 11.11 Cracking in celling of barrel-vaulted crypt; CHCptI 4 911 11.12 Close-up view of cracking in crypt at junction with the bell tower: CHCptI 913 11.13 Cracking in ceiling of northern vault of crypt adjacent to junction with the Porters

    Lodge vau