building performance by mohd sabri


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3.0 ISSUE 44









Building Performance

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Buildings performance is an interdisciplinary field primarily devoted to Facilities

Management. Building performance also is a practice of coordinating the physical

workplace with people and work of the organization integrating the principles of many

business administration, architecture and behavioral and engineering science. Building

performance is the item that related to the process of determines the extent to which

the facilities support or adapted to changing needs of occupants either internal or


In the process to manage the building which handle by Facility Manager are

increasingly diverse range in user’s requirements, building performance can be apply to

ensuring it smoothly perform and respond precisely. Building Performance is important

to provide best quality of working environment in social and managerial environment

and physical setting for work.

The better performance will create improvement in organization regarding

commitment amongst members (occupants, and stakeholders), effective

communication, generate better image for company, succeed in changing, and rising of

productivity of product or services that provided by organization

There are five broad aspects to be considered in delivering building

performance by Facility Manager. The aspects are performance in physical functioning,

the technological environment, spatial provision and adaptability, personal

microenvironment and qualitative factors. These five aspects will determine either the

building performance is successful deliver or not.

Once there is successful deliver, the stakeholder or building users will get the

benefits from it either in physical or mental benefits and others benefit that create in

the positive side. In this case, there is issues that Facility Manager need to take as

important part, the issues is about environmentally friendly. Without referred to

environment issues, the managing the building will be effected by related problems by

it. The overview of Building Performance was illustrated as figure in the next page.

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Definition : The Practice of coordinating the physical workplace with people and work of the organization integrating the principles of business administration, architecture and behavioral and engineering science

Need to be Considered1. Physical functioning2. The technological environment3. Spatial provision and adaptability4. The personal microenvironment5. Qualitative factors



Stakeholder Benefits

Environmental Friendly

Physical Benefits

Mental Benefits

Intelligent Building

Green Building

Maintain commitment among employees

Effective communication among employees and operating units

Project positive responsive image

Enable change

Improve productivity


Respond appropriately



Influential etc

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Figure 1: Overview of Building Performance

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There has been a great deal of talk lately about how the changes and demands

of today’s workplace are affecting occupants’ lives. Adapting to these changes and

demands—as well as to company growth goals—requires employees to work smarter

and improve their work practices to be more effective and productive. Employees or

occupants are striving for improved quality and effectiveness both in their work and

their personal lives. When employees achieve these goals, their employers benefit as

well. Apart of occupant issue the flexible workplace also useful for building support

which is the main idea for providing the services or product.

In this information age, work teams form and reform to meet organizational

needs, technological innovations, and changing business relationships. Buildings and

interior spaces need to be flexible to anticipate and support to changing nature of work.

Within the past few years, designers have sought to create new generations of “flexible”

building and workplace environment within building that have infrastructures and

structures that fully support change while sustaining new technologies and multi-

capable individuals and teams.

The changing nature of work means greater mobility for workers, a multiplicity

of workspaces within and external to buildings, greater use of geographically dispersed

groups, increased dependence on social networks—and greater pressure to provide for

all of these needs and behaviors in a leaner and more agile way. Workplaces have

responded with many new options, including more teaming and informal interaction

spaces, more supports for virtual individual and group work, more attention to

integrating learning into everyday work experience, greater flexibility in work locations,

and more focus on fitting the workplace to the work rather than vice versa. Many

workplaces are also incorporating spaces that encourage relaxed engagement with

colleagues to reduce stress and promote a sense of community.

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Flexibility is used by many occupants for wide variety of work and personal

reasons as below:

To have uninterrupted time to complete certain tasks and to accommodate

urgent work requests

To be available to colleagues and clients in other time zones

To address life interests and needs put aside during periods of heavy


To avoid long commutes

To care for children or sick family members

To exercise, engage in hobbies and community activities

To transition from full-time work to retirement

To pursue additional education or certifications


Flexibility is a powerful—and often underutilized—tool for becoming an

employer of choice and increasing work productivity and effectiveness. Offering

flexibility allows companies to recruit the best talent and retain experienced and

valuable occupants. It also helps to boost occupant satisfaction, engagement, and

morale. A flexible work environment can be the difference between employees that feel

energized, committed, and ready to go to bat for us and those that feel burned out,

unsupported, and ready to walk out the door at the first chance they get. In addition,

flexibility simplifies work processes and focuses on output. In so doing, it encourages

occupants and work groups to work more creatively and effectively. Flexibility shines the

spotlight on leadership capabilities such as crystallizing and communicating priorities,

setting the stage for thoughtfully executing plans, encouraging teamwork and

coordination, and harnessing occupant talents to drive results.


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1. Provide flexibility for delivering power, voice, and data.

2. Provide distributed, vertical cores, satellite closets, and generous horizontal plenum

spaces with re-locatable, user-based services to ensure technical, spatial, and

environmental quality in the rapidly changing electronic office.

3. Provide systems that are controllable and adjustable by the users without

burdensome reliance on outside contractors.

4. Incorporate sustainable design principles, which can help achieve flexible spaces.


In one sense, Total Quality Workplace is about increasing the effectiveness and

sustainability of the organization. There is research shown that those who made Total

quality a top priority improved their fiscal strength (sustainable profits). The meaning of

Total Quality workplace is:

Quality – The customer defines quality… usually that the product or service is delivered

in timely way, at a reasonable price, that meets or exceeds expectations.

Total -- Simply means that everybody involved in providing the product or service also

works to improve its quality in every aspect. These are the principals of inclusion and


Workplace – a place, such as office or factory where peoples employed.


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It should not be so hard to get work done, and it should not be so hard to find and

build upon that work once it is done. To make the works are perfectly done, social

environment in organization is about how the occupant of the building making their

cultural in workplace. Communication is about how the occupant of the building can

share, giving, or inform to other occupants about the works things. Communication can

be amongst internal occupant or external occupant. So the social environment needs

tools as network to help the organization achieve their mission and vision in their

business. This is a new era of real-time collaboration, of community-based networks of

great minds that meet to share and experience the power of collective knowledge. The

benefits of better communication for occupant are:

Enable teams to work effectively together

Instantly identify the experts and resources that can connect the dots

Capture and build on the work of your organization continuously

Deploy an enterprise-ready, scalable, governed, and secure solution

In the other environment, which is managerial environment there are important

issue that helping the building to perform as a good organization. Managerial or

management, basically under management department of organization but the good

environment is all occupant applied the management in their work nicely and at the

same time helping to reach the goal. The scope of managerial can be dividing into

internal, external, cultural and ethics or social responsibility. Which is mean if all these

types can be perfectly manage the environment of managerial will produce better

quality. The management party need to familiar with leadership concept, coaching and

etc item that related.


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Physical setting for work is a tool to helping an organization. Physical is about

the basic requirements for organization to deliver the work, especially for internal

occupants of building. Internal occupants need the basic things to perform their scope

of job to produce the output either products or services. Workplace can be so favorite

place for occupants if the building itself can perform as a building that helping them to

perform their works. Basically the building was designed based on client requirements,

and the requirement must be related to business that will held in the building. If the

workplace was designed fulfill the scope of work that related to business, then the

occupant will not stress and the running cost will reduce without doing the renovation

of building area to fulfill the workplace’s requirement, which mean it is flexible. For

example offices area, pantries, services area or main area for the business (shopping

mall) etc.


a) Maintain Commitment among employees

Quality Workplace can maintain the commitment among employees through

two ways either via mentally or physically. As mentally, the employees in the building

can separate their outside problems and inside the problems once there are ways for

them to settle it. Flexible in workplace can help them to solve and at the same time they

will reduce the stress and can focus during works plus the workplace area helping them

to deliver the tasks. The commitment comes naturally without force from superior of

the organization. As physically, commitment will comes depend on organization cultural.

Workplace is a place for them to deliver their jobs plus the workplace making them

increase their performance. For example the basic stuffs for office work are provided;

this will maintain or increase their commitment to their organization.


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b) Effective Communication Among employees and operating units

Communication is an important thing in organization. If the communication is

poor then the communication failed will take place. For effective communication the

quality workplace also helping the interaction between employees and operating units

there are tools or channel can be use. The quality workplace consists of better

communication tools, such as telephones or other new technologies. For effective

communication channels play their roles. Quality workplace provides better

communication channels and gives effective communication among the occupants.

c) Project positive responsible image

Quality workplace will help organization for positive image. This image can be

interpreted by outside occupants, clients, or other parties. The image came from quality

of work from the organization. The organization will get best compliment from other

and at the same time they will be trusted and open opportunity for new projects and

can raise profit for organization. The positive image will be inspired by other

organization as role model.

d) Enable Change

Quality Workplace also used to make any change for organization. Change for

workplace cultural and change to become profitable organization. The quality workplace

gives opportunity for organizations to create their own ways or to guide for positively. For

example, the banking workplace can be change to other services such as insurance

services, financial adviser or other services related, which mean multitasking. The flow of

working spaces also can be change, which means the location of officer tables, the flow

direction to other department was make it easy for occupant to walk etc. which mean

comfortable for them.


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e) Improve Productivity

Quality workplace can also improve productivity. Productivity not also comes from

capable occupants but also from system that use for the organization. By using 5S (seiri,

seiton, seiso, seikutse, shitsuke) method and carried out gradually and systematically the

organization can improve productivity. The meaning for these Japanese words is:

Seiri/ Sort : Clear out unused or rarely used items from the work areas.

Seiton/Straighten: Create a place for everything and everything in its place

Seiso /Shine: Keep things clean no dirt or trash in the work place. Regularly look

for and remove things that could interfere with quality, timely work.

Seikutse /Standardize: Develop systems and procedures to maintain

productivity and quality work.

Shitsuke /Sustain: Use regularly management audits to maintain a stabilized


Impact of 5S implementation reduce inventory, efficient on workplace usage,

reduce time for searching spare part, improve working condition, reduce accident,

increase discipline, follow procedure and better relationship among employee.

Apart of that, by empowered teams in organization also can contribute to

improve productivity by three assumptions:

1. Those closest to the work know best how to perform and improve their jobs.

2. Most employees want to feel that they "own" their jobs and are making meaningful

contributions to the effectiveness of their organizations.

3. Teams provide possibilities for empowerment that are not available to individual


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In the recent survey by Gensler, the prominent corporate architecture firm, half

of all employees say they would work an extra hour per day if they had a better

workplace. So now we can see how many companies still maintain dark, cramped, ugly,

or poorly designed offices. It’s can be the problems within the employees because they

not comfortable with the workplace. Even the beauty and nice workplace must spend

the high cost but it can improve the productivity of the employees, besides that the

employees can give more responsible to their work with the comfortable office


The good designed office is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to

retain workers and make them more productive. The bad office designed can make low

of the concentration to the work. Gervais Tompkin, a vise president in Gensler’s San

Francisco office, says the best way to find out if your office is dysfunctional is to conduct

a formal study. There are three key methods for gathering information are shadowing

employees on their paths through the office, visiting conference rooms and desk areas

every half ad hour to determine how they are being used and asking the employees to

track their own movements and report back on how they spend their time.

There are $3, 870 per person (open office design) and $6, 447 per person

(closed office design) to outfit an empty building, according to the International Facilities

Management Association.

Based on the GE Commercial Finance case study, 2006 it showed to us that the

poor use of office workplace was actually hindering the company’s relationship with

customer. The customers feel that the employees work so slowly because of the poor

workplace in the organization. The major problem in this case study is about the

physical location of key employees. Loan approval required 22 different handoffs and

two miles of walking, which meant the loan approval can take time for months.

Franchise-lending operations were spread across two buildings, with different teams

which are legal, sales and closing situated on different floors. Garavel says because of

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this kind of problem they have been to organize the work by department and also

decided to organize the business differently. They employees just work in single-

function departments, GE created new, cross-functional teams so the workers no longer

had to walk or send documents back and forth between departments. After the

physically reassigning employees, loan processing time dropped to less than a month

and required only several handoffs. Changing of the design in office workplace can

improve the productivity of the employees. The work done also can be fast, so the

customer always can trust us to settle their problems. The customer also can realize our

organization can do the works properly.

Some of the organization had moved their work from individual work to team

based. This team based work can give us more idea during do the works. Sometimes we

have to decrease the number of group member because difficult in workplace. The

limited workplace is the main of the problem to hem work together. Based on the study,

Group Health defined three design goals for this situation. First, the office needed more

conference space. The conference spaces can make the easiest work for the employees

because they can always together in the conference space to do their work from

starting to finish. This is also can make the effective communication among employees

and operating units. The communication within the employees can be easy to

understand because they face to face and discuss the problems of work on time.

Secondly, cubicle size could shrink somewhat since workers were increasingly spending

time outside of them. Finally, mobile workers like Biggs needed “touch-down” space

where they could check their e-mail and make phone calls when visiting different

divisions of the company.

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10.1 A Clean, Well-Lighted Workplace

The workplaces that always use the natural lighting can save energy

efficiency. This situation can be improving the human behavior to think how

natural lighting can affect our energy efficiency. Now, many of building build the

workplace area to use the natural lighting. Besides that, the solar energy also

can help to save efficiency energy in our country.

The clean air and water also are freedom from distracting noises and

smells. So, the workplace is comfortable to the employees done their work. The

noises and bad smells can disturb the employees and also customer on the

workplace. This situation can decrease the effective communication within the

employees and customer. Sometimes, the customers feel not confident to the

organization capability and maybe they decide not even come again. This can be

big problem to the organization, if customer decrease the profit and income

company also got problem.

The case study was took from Google Office, the workplace in this

building so clean and well lighted because of that there have a good

performance in their job. The employees in the workplace feel comfortable and

more interested to do their job in the long time working period.

Figure 2.0 - Google Office Zurich, Switzerland

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10.2 Corner Office for Executives

The designed corner office for executives is the designed that giving the

bosses all the views and natural light, put executive office at the centre of each

floor and seat rank and file workers. Those who spend more time at their desks

it provide open spaces by the windows. The executives can more comfortable

with the natural air within the time work. The corner offices designed for

executive can make the work retention and improve the work productivity.

Google office has used the designed in the corner office design. It can

improve save our energy because it more use the naturally daylight. Besides

that, the corner office design can make the employees more relaxing because

most of the corner office has built using the glazing wall. So the employees can

view the natural environment from the office area.

Figure 2.1- Corner Office in Google Office, Zurich Switzerland

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10.3 Random Seating and Collaboration Areas

There are some of organizations interested to design random seating

and collaboration areas. This designed enclosed mini conference rooms inside.

When collaborative areas are scattered between clusters of cubes, the noise

prevents cube-dwellers from getting work done. Instead, allocate small spaces

with doors, sometimes called “iso pods” for informal meetings. Workers can

quickly huddle without having to leave their immediate area and reserve a

conference room. This situation can achieve the goal to spontaneous

collaboration of the designed.

Random seating in the Google Office most practically used, so it can

help the employees improve their communication among the employees

because they can seat or doing their job anywhere they want in the office area.

Sometimes the random seating and collaboration area can make the employees

easy to do their work either in individual or group.

Figure 2.2- Random and Relaxing Seating Area in Google Office, Zurich

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10.4 Traditional and Uniform Size Offices

Based on the traditional workplace there are most of the designed have

uniform size offices because on that time they design the workplace just refer to

their budget not considerate the comfortable of the employees. Traditional

design sometimes, almost not valid for today. It is because today, many of

organization realize that not al workers need the same size office. The job

function within the employees maybe different so, the size office also can

different because the needed of the room so different. This is especially true of

those who spend a lot of time at other sites. Make the offices smaller to allow

room for “touch-down” or “hotel” workspaces for visitors from other offices.

This is to have a mobile workforce. This designed also can be maintain the

commitment among employees because the employees got their own size office

to they do work more comfortable.

In the Google Office the entire employees can used the workplace in

good way. Most of the building design is in the modern design, it is because

Google have to make sure their workplace can give more comfortable to their

employees. Sometimes, the modern way can make employees excited to

performance their good job because many facilities they can used in the


10.5 Open Desk spaces with Minimal Dividers

The designed open spaces with minimal dividers have lower cubes walls.

Traditional cubes are too isolating, but the “open desk” system that grew

popular in the dot-com boom. This designed was separating workers with only

the tiniest partitions because to prove to be too noisy. The companies can

simply lower cube walls from six feet to four, affording just enough privacy and

plenty of visibility. This type of workplace can make easily communication

within the employees during do their work. Sometime, they also want to ask

each other about the work they are doing.

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10.5 Open Desk spaces with Minimal Dividers (Cont’d)

Google Office have used the open desk spaces, it is because it can help

the employees to communication among the employees so effectively. Besides

that, it can make sure the information in the workplace can flow to all the

employees because it can improve the productivity of the job performance.

Figure 2.3- Employees Workplace in Google Office, Zurich

10.6 Intelligent Design

The designed of building is important to all occupants in the building.

Based on the case study of Google Office, the building was designed by 300

engineers. The Google Office workplace includes a slide, a games room, a “chill-

out” aquarium, plenty off free food and others. The designed of its new

European engineering headquarters in Zurich Switzerland, which is meeting

“pods” in the style of Swiss chalets and igloos, fireman poles to allow easy

access between floors and a slide to ensure that people can get to the cafeteria

as quickly as possible.

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10.6 Intelligent Design (Cont’d)

Many of the sub section in the office building will improve the job

function of the employees. The modern design that shown in the Google Office

make the spirit of the employees come to the office to done their work.

Figure 2.4- Intelligent Meeting Room Designed in Google Office, Zurich

Figure 2.5- Creative Meeting Room in Google Office, Zurich

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10.7 Access All Areas

Nelson Mattas, vice president of engineering said that they are the best

served by both a creative work environment and a flat, open working structure.

The lava lamps, free food and games are all part of the Google culture. The

function of al these thing is informal and a structure that isn’t dictated from top.

The unconventional design of the office represents what Google hopes is a free

flow of information through all parts of the company.

Figure 2.6- Google Office Lobby in Zurich, Switzerland

10.8 Area for Users

Based in the Google Office workplace, the designed of the office more

different than the another building. Engineers work in small teams of three or

four, which is reflected at the Zurich HQ with small offices, each of which comes

with the requisite “bean bag” meeting room.

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10.8 Area for Users (Cont’d)

The white boards are everywhere in the Google Office. If anyone allows

ideas, can be written down wherever they thought up. This can give many new

ideas by the employees in the office. The employees also can change idea by

each other. Other areas include games room, a library in the style of an English

country house and an aquarium space. Many types of room that required in this

office should help the employees to improve their productivity of work. Some of

the rooms are suitable for the employees to improve the effective

communication among employees, such as area of meeting room and library.

In the principal of Google Office they always put users first. The Principe

of this organization is becoming more challenged as the company becomes ever

more powerful.

Figure 2.7- Discussion Room in the Google Office, Zurich Switzerland

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10.8 Area for Users (Cont’d)

Figure 2.8- Library in the Google Office

10.9 Glass Office Designed

The designed of glass office give more benefits to employees, clients

and also the environment. It is because by using the glass office designed we

can save our energy efficiency by using the natural daylight.

Google Office for example, the Wilkinson’s group designed an ingenious

system of tented glass offices that allows daylight to stream through the

window-side offices and into the center of the floor while preserving acoustic

integrity. The designed of white canopies are made of an acrylic-coated

polyester, quilted together with polyester-fiber fill. The white canopies help

reflected light into the rest of the office and are topped by a neat unobtrusive

unit that contains lighting, air-conditioning, sprinkles and an air diffuser. At

interval panels of glass are glazed in color combos that identify each office

neighborhood. The employees get the opportunity to work in the modern

workplace, so they always excited to do their work everyday. The employees

feel more comfort during the office hour and make their high commitment on

their job.

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10.9 Glass Office Designed (Cont’d)

Figure 2.9- Glass Office Designed in Google Office, Zurich Switzerland

Figure 2.10-Subsection Workplace Designed in Google Office, Zurich Switzerland

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Technological Environment means the development in the field of technology

which affects business by new inventions of productions and other improvements in

techniques to perform the business work. "

To be stable in business, organizations have to stay current, purchasing the

appropriate server, database, media, router and other technologies that sustain their

work. They must leverage these evolving information technologies to match the

specifications of their stakeholders. The technologies also important to the organization

to maintain their progress of the business always are planning.

The building systems should able in whole building including air-conditioning,

lighting, security and fire alarm. This element can have the optimize performance.

Assuring flexibility to accommodate the dynamic nature of telecommunications systems

start first and foremost with properly designed pathways and spaces.

Now days, the market will be strong for high performing buildings by having:

Power supply systems that provide flexible service, reliable, clean power and

can adjust power delivery to building occupation patterns.

Wire management systems that enable quick and low-cost reconfiguration

Integration of wireless products as they become commercially viable

Distributed computing environments that have reliable cooling compatible with

human comfort.

11.1 Mobile Supports (Phones, labtops, PDAs, wireless)

The mobile supports give more changing to organization structure and

relationship. This element of technology has been supported and enable by

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transformations in information and communications technology, especially the

internet and mobile computing and communication devices. The relationship


11.1 Mobile Supports (Phones, labtops, PDAs, wireless) (Cont’d)

development and networking can easy to produce when use the mobile

supports. The examples of mobile support are phones, laptops, PDAs and

wireless. By using the mobile supports the process of sharing information,

fulfilling promises, willingness to be influenced, and listening are more easily

and efficiency. It is because communication within people by mobile supports

can make during the long time and can be followed from time to time.

Instant Messaging, Desktop Team Software, Email and Voice Mail

Technology gives us more benefits especially to done the work more

easily and fast. The instant messaging and desktop team software can be

providing to employees. Besides that, this technology should be providing to all

different departments in the organization because the information flow from

one department to another department can make in short time. The email and

voice mail helps the employees to get the information more effective and fast

because most of the people familiar doing that thing.

11.2 Video Conferencing

The use of video conferencing is the most popular medium to sharing

information between employees in the organization. Besides that, the video

conferencing also greater use of work done by groups and sometimes it can be

global conferencing. We can see the face that was join the video conference in

the desktop. The video conferencing also can help those people want to get the

information immediately because they just have to connect wireless and

internet then start to video conferencing. During the video conference the

people can show whatever information they. The advantages of this technology,

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people don’t have to attend the discussion because they can share and get more

input about their work from the video


11.2 Video Conferencing (Cont’d)

conferencing. The quality of information can be trust, so it can be the effective

communications among the employees.

The case study from University of Virginia, US has use the video

conferencing in the organization. The video conferencing is using in

interviewing, programming and staff meetings. This is the one of way that

improves the productivity of staff in the University because they don’t have to

move to interview and meeting. So they have more time to spend time more

focusing on their work.

Figure 2.11-Example of Video Conferencing in Organization

11.3 Wireless and Internet

The technological solutions respond to the changing nature of work.

Wireless and internet is the most important element to support the changing

nature of work. It is because if the organizations not provide service wireless

and internet the information flow are so limited. The problems to this type of

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organization are they difficult to have the good communication between

another organization and the process sharing


11.3 Wireless and Internet (Cont’d)

information by employees also decrease. The wireless and internet can help the

employees to get the new ideas and thinking strategic to improve productivity

of work and product.

Police Department in Turkey is using wireless as their medium to

provide security to both resident and tourism. The city-wide wireless video

surveillance network is connecting over 70 video surveillance cameras

wirelessly. Besides that, it also cans proximal wireless “Tsunami” around the

city. It is can connected to the 37 base stations for security of the “Tsunami”

events. Even the installing to this wireless system have high cost but it is the one

system that can improve the communication people in the city and also the

police department. The police department can get the information fast by using

this wireless.

Figure 2.12-Proxim Wireless Network in Turkey City,

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11.4 BUS Network

BUS configuration, each node is connected sequentially along the

network backbone. A node is any device connected to the network, such as a

computer, printer, or scanner. Backbone is the term used to describe the main

cables to which the network segments are connected. Resistors are placed at

each end of the network to ensure that the signal is terminated when it reaches

the end. When one node sends information to another node through the

network, the information travels along the backbone until it reaches the desired

receiving node. This system can help the organization to share their information

to the employees from the other departments. So, it can make sure the

communication effectiveness in the organization.

Figure 2.13- BUS Network

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11.5 STAR Network

Star configuration, each node is connected to a central hub via network

segments. When one node sends information to another node, the information

passes through the hub. The hub does not filter or route the information in

anyway; it simply serves as a connector between network segments.

Figure 2.14- STAR Network

11.6 Design Accessible, Modifiable Vertical Power, and Telecom Cores

This element is to provide modular power panels with appropriate open

riser space. Besides that, the design of accessible, modifiable vertical power and

telecom cores is to consider emerging technologies to provide secure, high-

speed access to the desktop for data, voice, security and environmental


11.7 Wireless Bluetooth Headset

A wireless Bluetooth headset, coupled with Cisco-developed software,

enables workers to use their laptops to send and receive phone calls while they

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are working in a difference spaces in the connected workplace. The tools were

enabling workers to quickly locate each other in different areas of the building.


Figure 2.15- Wireless Bluetooth Headset Use in the Workplace in Jabra Corporation, US

Based on the case study of Jabra Corporation, US. This company use wireless bluetooth

headset for their employees. It is to make sure the safety at work and noise protection in the

organization. Besides that, it can improve the productivity and the efficiency in the job


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There are spatial requirements for occupant’s activities and equipment that

have to make sure the good building performance. The requirements are the

organization should consult planning guides and specialist on programmed activities. All

of the document should regulatory requirements, such as building code, accessibility

laws and etc. Explore the possible necessity of making spaces flexibility to accommodate

changes in business practices, work activities and technologies. Besides that, the

organization should be consider operations and building maintenance because to avoid

the high cost of repair.

The adaptability is one of the important parts to provide the good functional of

building. There is some of adaptability of building that can affect the operations of the

building, which:


Political Influences

Cost and Time Considerations


Design Life

Design Process

12.1 Parking Spaces

The parking spaces are constructed in combination with most buildings

to facilitate the coming and going of the buildings’ users. Parking spaces is

providing to locate the vehicles of the building occupants. The parking spaces

included indoor and outdoor area. There are many modes of parking spaces

such as parallel parking, perpendicular parking, angle parking or echelon parking

and other parking methods. The modes of parking depend on the building

design. If the buildings have a limited space, so the parallel parking and

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perpendicular parking can be practice. Parallel parking is the most common

mode of street side parking for cars. It may also be able to be used in parking


12.1 Parking Spaces (Cont’d)

lots and parking structure, but usually only to supplement parking spaces that

use other modes.

The parking spaces were facilities that important in a functioning

building. The parking spaces that have planned designed and make suitable

arrangements able to show the positive responsible image to the organization.

When the designed process of the parking spaces there are some important

thing we should be considerate. The size, height and turning radius are based on

the current automobile. Even though, the past and future trends of automobile

size and statistical quantity must be taken into account, these are called parking

geometries. The good natural ventilation also is the one important element in

parking design. It is to make sure the occupants or employees in the building

feel comfortable during park their car on the area. The zoning issues require the

number of spaces for parked automobiles because avoid crowded situation in

the parking spaces.

Figure 2.16- Underground parking garage at the University of Minnesota.

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Figure 2.17-Top floor of a multi-floor parking deck at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Figure 2.18-Bombala's (perpendicular) back-in parking style.

Figure 2.19- Cars parked on the sidewalk in Moscow

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12.2 Cafeteria

The designed of the cafeteria will affect the organization because most

of people in the organization can go to the cafeteria to take their breakfast,

lunch and etc. Employees also can have the informal communication during

they eat. The informal communication usually happen during they take their

breakfast or lunch and maybe during they looking around.

Cafeteria in the Google Office have fulfill with the entertainment

element provided for the employees and client. The element can make the

employees more relaxing.

Figure 2.20- Cafeteria with Entertainment Area of Google Office in Zurich, Switzerland.

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12.2 Cafeteria (Cont’d)

Figure 2.21- Cafeteria Area of Google Office in Zurich, Switzerland.

12.3 Toilet Space

Toilet is one of the importance spaces in the building. The organization

should always keep the toilet clean to provide the comfortable situation to the

employees. The ventilation and access are two most important issues to

consider in the toilet designed. Besides that the floor and the lighting of the

toilets also should be considerate. The quality of toilet able to make employees

always uses the toilet.

In the Google Office, examples of the perfect toilet that can make the

uses feel so comfortable. The ladies toilet in the Google Office is one of

comfortable and innovative toilet. The toilet fully covers of greeting wallpaper,

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candles, mirror and romantics lighting. The relaxing designed of this toilet can

give the opportunity to the uses generate ideas and thinking more effective.


12.3 Toilet Space (Cont’d)

Figure 2.22- Ladies Toilet in Google Office in Zurich , Switzerland

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The definition of microenvironment is factors or elements in an organization’s

immediate area of operations that affect its performance and decision making freedom.

These factors include competitors, customers, distribution channels, suppliers and

general public.

There are six major microenvironment forces which is cultural, demographic,

economic, natural, political and technological. The natural environment is the most

importance aspect to make sure good building performance. The natural environment

involves all the natural resources, such as raw materials or energy sources. The

technological environment consists of those forces that affect the technology and which

can create new products, new markets and new marketing opportunities.

13.1 Lighting

The lighting is the important element in the building because if there is

no lighting the building cannot be functioning. The good practice is to use the

natural lighting in the designed. Maximize use of daylighting and any related

control device to reduce the energy efficiency. Besides that, the design also

should be considering emergency back-up lighting systems such as generator,

battery and etc for critical function areas. Besides that, should have the

emerging lighting technologies such as low voltage lighting systems, fiber optics

and light emitting diodes (LEDs) that provide quality lighting with greater

reliability. The problems of lighting can be affecting the progress of work.

Case study from Philip Merrill Environmental Centre in Annapolis,

Maryland have design their building with the low energy efficiency of lighting. It

is because the employees and the entire occupant in the building can enjoy

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access to daylight and views from all areas of the building. So this building also

has used the most of natural daylight.


13.1 Lighting (Cont’d)

Figure 2.23- Philip Merrill Environmental Centre in Annapolis, Maryland

13.2 Air-conditioning

Employees should reduce the use of air-conditioning because it can

make the high coat of electricity. Maximize use of natural air by operable

windows and natural ventilation. The natural air, gives the employees more

oxygen from outdoor different by using the air-conditioning that just share

oxygen from the other people. The natural air can make the employees more

confident to do their work because they always feel relaxing.

Besides that, the organization can provide systems that minimize

reliance on building management or maintenance personnel. The networked

computerized building system sensors to monitor and control the air system,

such as for security, fire suppression and smoke alarm. The other system is

building automatic systems that are remotely accessible by facilities managers

to determine problem locations and monitor environmental conditions without

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disturbing workers. The systems that provide to the building are most important

for flexible workplace.


5.2 Air-conditioning (Cont’d)

The air-conditioning in the workplaces area can be control by the

management team. Emerson Global Data Centre has provided the control

system of air-conditioning to save the use of air-conditioning every day. To

enhance the efficiency of the HVAC systems, a Computational Fluid Dynamics

(CFD) model was run to simulate space loads within the data center. Air devices

then were located to ensure optimal system performance and a high

performance environment for the equipment.

Figure 2.24- Subsection of Control System in Emerson Global data Centre.

13.3 Security and Safety

The security and safety element is the most main thing that

organization should concentrate, but now this element still not take very serious

in the organization management. It is because people not already realize the

risk by ignoring this element in long period of time.

The ways that we can use of the organization to security and safety

element are provide identification or verification systems, such as card key,

fingerprints and eye scan to access or control IT, data, space and property in the

organization building. Provide hardwired smoke alarms with back-up battery

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power. Then, provide the low power usage emergency lights and LED

illuminators with rechargeable battery (back-up gel


13.3 Security and Safety (Cont’s)

cell). The last is providing security systems with back-up capability for

emergency signals and communication. This security should be provide in the

organizational building because to make sure the communication within the

employees still have even in the emergency situation.

Emerson Global Data Centre in USA has use the secure and safety in

their building. In the building the glass used on the front of the building is rated

to withstand hurricane-force winds. Three separate fire protection systems also

were incorporated to provide protection in the event of an emergency,

including a pre-action dry pipe, a traditional wet system and a clean chemical

system. Besides that, the security also important to provide the security for all

the data sources in the building. It is showing the commitment of the workers.

13.4 Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Facilities should be constructed with an appreciation of the importance

of providing high-quality, interior environments for all users. The facilitate

quality IEQ through good design, construction, operating and maintenance

practices. The good IEQ can be provide the healthy, comfortable workplace and

the employees are invariably more satisfied and productive.

The advantages of IEQ include providing thermal comfort with a

maximum degree of personal control over temperature and airflow. It is also to

supply adequate levels of ventilation and outside air to ensure indoor air

quality. Besides that, prevent airborne bacteria, mold and other fungi through

heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC) system designs that are effective at

controlling indoor humidity, and building envelope design that prevents the

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intrusion of moisture. The employees can feel more productive if the workplace

always in the conducive area. It is because the IEQ


13.4 Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) (Cont’d)

improvements to an existing building can occur at any point during the use of a

building. So if the organization can still maintain the quality of IEQ, the

employees also can maintain their work performance.

The Emerson Global Data Centre in USA also provides the IEQ in this

building. It is to make sure the occupants in the building always feel health and

comfortable during do their job. Most part of the workplace in this building

have link with the natural environment. Around of this building have many trees

to provide good air for the occupants.

Figure 2.25- Sustainable Building of Emerson Global Data Centre in USA

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14.1 Transportation Function in Organization

The organizations that have the best practices in transportation should

be managed by excellent people that well planned organization structure.

Transportation is one of pillars of Supply Chain Management in small

organizations or large organizations. An effective supply chain strategy can be a

key differentiator for a company. To be effective, it must be align with customer

delivery requirements, production capabilities and profitable pricing level.

Companies with multi type of transportation required centralized

control and oversight. This will ensure that all of the transportation has the

strategy guides. The top transportation executive should have a formal

education in logistics and transportation, at least at the undergraduate level if

not Master’s degree level. Some of the companies have been mention the

management of the transportation department such as traffic manager,

transportation supervisor and etc. It is because transportation is the most

important issues to maintain the planning in organization. Effective

transportation organizations are learning organizations. If there is no

transportation, the employees cannot present their good product to the

customer and the product not able to deliver early by using transportation. So,

the transportation in a reality is very helpful in an organization and able to

improve the quality of works.

(Goodwill, september 2010)

14.2 IT Services Management

IT service management is a discipline for managing information

technology (IT) systems, centered on the customer’s perspective. The IT services

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cannot just focus on technology in the internal organization, but now the

organization have to consider the quality of the services they provide and focus

on the relationship between employees and customer.


14.3 Strong Management Team

The team management in an organization should be strategic and

effective. To maintain an effective management team is keys to success of any

business or organization. The strong of management team not just only consider

needs to make sure your organization functions well, but also needs of the unit

your hire will be responsible for managing. The good management in the

organization can make the employees more confident to do their work.

(Jack Junier, Nov 2007)

14.4 Quality Framework

The quality framework provides the structure and tools for disability

providers to deliver high quality services in an organization. There are eight

critical dimensions or categories of quality that can serve as a framework for

strategic analysis which is performance, features, reliability, conformance,

durability, serviceability, aesthetics and perceived quality.

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1.0 Objective

The objective to be achieve in the organization is : a) Satisfactionb) Comfortc) To increase productivityd) Improved speed and accuracy the task performede) Feel safe in building they occupy

2.0 Features

The features in the environmental can be dividing into three (3) categories, is:-a) Environmental b) Economicc) Health and Community

2.1 Environmental

Enhancement and protection of ecosystem

Improvement of air and water quality

Reduction of solid waste by using building materials

Conservation of natural resources

2.2 Economic

Reduction of operating and energy cost

Enhancement of asset value and profits

Improvement of employee productivity and satisfaction

Optimization of life-cycle economic performance

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2.0 Features (Cont’d)

2.3 Health and Community

Improvement of indoor air thermal, and acoustic environments

Enhancement of comfort and health for employee, tenants, students and customers

Minimization strain on local infrastructure by using less energy, water, and reducing solid waste

Improvement of overall quality of life employee, tenants, students and customers.

3.0 Issues

3.1 Costs

Typically building cost includes the cost of design, materials, construction, and

permitting and approval costs. Green building must also include these costs in

the budget process, and if green building elements are incorporated early on,

green buildings can be built within the same cost range as non-green buildings.

Green buildings differ from conventional buildings, however in that many of the

financial benefits will be realized over the long-term life of the building.

Measuring the cost of green building is more complex than simply measuring

the costs of materials and construction for a green building versus the costs of

materials for a conventionally built building.

3.2 Long-term energy and operations / maintenance cost

These issues to consider whether savings in operations and maintenance costs,

and energy use outweigh or compensate for any initial increased costs of green

building. The main argument of these issues is that if green buildings cost more

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in materials to build, this difference will be recouped due to the savings in

infrastructure, maintenance and energy use over to five years of a building’s


3.0 Issues (Cont’d)

3.3 Lower cost to society due to environmental benefits

These issues to consider whether societal benefits of green building can be

quantified, and if so, whether those benefits are worthy of encouraging through

legislation or other policy or economic measures.

For example, because green buildings utilize materials that include recycled

materials as well as materials that will be less harmful to the environment, the

‘costs’ of these materials is lower due to reduction in disposal costs and lower

costs of remediation actions.

3.4 Health and productivity benefits due to green building

For many business, the costs of salaries and benefits far exceed the cost energy.

Several issues explore whether green building can significantly increase worker

productivity and improve worker health, as well as improve worker recruitment

and retention, thus lowering labor costs for employers. This benefit would not

accrue to the builder, but would accrue to the business owner or corporation

that might be considering whether to build green.

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4.0 Case Study

4.1 Tower of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)

Tower of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)

The new office tower headquarters for Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) in Rhode Island

was designed to meet national goals for efficiency and sustainability, while encouraging

good health and morale for its workforce, reports Providence Journal.

Blue Cross officials told the Providence Journal that their building promotes a healthy

economy and a healthy environment and that it will save $25 million over 23 years.

The $90-million, ($125 million including furnishings and “soft” costs such as fees and

engineering) 13-story green building is expected to recover the additional costs in a

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relatively short time by saving on electricity, paper, natural gas and water, reports the


4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.1 Tower of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) (Cont’d)

Green features include a green roof, special compost and recycling stations, and big

tanks on the top floor to collect 6,000 gallons of storm water and supply it to the air

conditioning system, which reduces runoff of pollution and the use of potable water,

reports Providence Journal.

To save water, toilets have buttons that provide a choice in how much water is flushed,

and all furnishings are recycled or recyclable. The building also has plenty of light from

nine-foot windows with low sills for “daylight harvesting.”

James E. Purcell, Blue Cross president and chief executive officer told the Providence

Journal the green features cost about $1 million extra but the company will recoup the

money quickly. Energy savings alone will be more than $160,000 annually, reports the


The Blue Cross building is the latest in a stream of “green” buildings completed recently

in Rhode Island, reports Providence Journal, aimed to meet the U.S. Green Building

Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building standard.

Other examples cited in the article include the recent opening of a new $60-million

headquarters for FM Global in Johnston, a $14-million library at the University of Rhode

Island’s Bay Campus, and a $59-million biotechnology center at URI’s Kingston campus.

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4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.2 Office Building

Businesses today are seeking to remain Eco-friendly like never before. Getting rid of the

old ideas and adapting those that are newer and fresher, ensures that they are able to

get a green office that is reasonable and functional. With all the various initiatives and

benefits of a greener office, why not join in and create a more Eco-friendly office? After

all, the world that is set today will be in motion for the generations to follow, which

does include any children or grandchildren you may have along the way. Helping to

create a better world for the future includes getting in the trend of green operation,

which can be done through these 10 ways to a truly green office.

Recycled supplies. This is very important in getting a greener office, as the supplies you

use each day can be great and they are all obtained through plants such as trees and

other materials that can destroy the environment as well. When you use recycled office

supplies, you are helping to conserve the resources of today, while preventing pollution.

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Recycle. When you are getting ready for trash day, make note to observe recycling as it

is one of the most effective ways you can really achieve a green office. Sorting trash and

4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.2 Office Building (Cont’d)

recyclables isn’t difficult in the office, especially if you are utilizing appropriate

containers to discard various items based on recyclability.

CFL or LED lights. When it comes to your office’s lights, you would be surprised just how

much energy is generated to power them non-stop throughout the day. If you switch

your lights to CFL or LED lights, however, you can save up to 85% on energy costs from

the bulbs alone. These are both great examples of energy efficient replacements for

older technologies.

Lighting motion sensors. Why should the lights be on when you aren’t in the room?

With lighting motion sensors, they don’t have to be, as they only light up when there is

movement detected within the room. Once you leave the room, the lights will turn back

off, allowing the office to only utilize the energy that it really needs for adequate


Turn everything off when not in use. If you aren’t using something, there is no reason

why it should be on. In fact, you should be trying your best to keep anything that isn’t in

use turned off to save as much energy as possible.

Use laptops instead of desktops. The great convenience and benefit of a laptop is you

are using only a very small percentage of the energy you would use with desktop

computers. A desktop generally is plugged in and running all day from electrical current,

while the laptop utilizes battery power.

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4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.3 G-tower Building

Now leasing, GTower on Jalan Tun Razak in Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) is the first

Malaysian building to receive an international green certification.

Singapore’s Building & Construction Authority has given it provisional status as a Green

Mark Gold rated building. The building is a 30-story twin tower owned by Goldis Berhad

(Goldis) and was built at an estimated cost of RM470 million ($134 million). It is a mixed-

use development containing a 180-room 5-star hotel, 100,000 ft2 of general office space,

another ~400,000 ft2 spread amongst 112 CEO duplex suites and numerous meeting

rooms. Additionally, there is a private club, lobby bar/café, rooftop bar, other food &

beverage outlets and a wellness floor with gym, yoga, spa and pool facilities.

The building is designed to maximize energy and water efficiency. According to Colin Ng,

Head of Corporate Investment at Goldis, energy efficient building systems will cut

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carbon dioxide emissions by at least 60% (Source: The Green Channel). The IT

infrastructure alone is expected to produce 30% energy savings. They installed 3Com’s

4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.3 G-tower Building (cont’d)

Intelligent Building Solutions (3CiBS) products which combine state of the art hardware

and software that optimize network capacity while reducing power consumption and

carbon emissions.

After construction began, Goldis brought on a consultant to implement green features.

This Architecture Malaysia article provides more details. Five areas were addressed with

a multitude of technologies and installations:

Energy Efficiency – double glazed windows; efficient chiller plant system for cooling;

efficient lighting system with sensors and controls to minimize usage; efficient

elevators/escalators; extensive use of green roofing, landscaping and green walls

Water Efficiency – efficient fittings (faucets, toilets, showers, etc.) connecting to building

management system to monitor leakage, etc.; rain water harvesting for irrigation of all

the greenery; collection of condensate for water tanks

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Site & Project Management – direct link to LRT station (mass transit train); monitoring

and reduction of construction waste; extensive use of recycled building materials

4.0 Case Study (Cont’d)

4.3 G-tower Building (cont’d)

Indoor Environmental Quality & Environmental Protection – dynamic ventilation

through building management system; monitoring and detection of carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide and refrigerant chemicals; low VOC paint and wallpaper

Energy, Water and Waste Innovations – heat recovery system; eco-cool outdoor air

coolers; eco friendly pool sanitation; auto-tube cleaning system for chiller; anti-

corrosion coating for air handling units; organic fish pond (to provide fish for restaurants

in building); recycling center; bridge bar made of all recycled materials

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1.0 Case Study: Nortel Network, Canada

Architecture is said to have helped reinvent the company, reworked how they work, cut

costs, and boosted productivity.

Employees and customers who visit the building can see tangible evidence of Nortel’s

state-of-the-art technology and working.

There is a centrally located cyber-shop displaying the latest products. ”Homebase is a

house within the building demonstrating home office solutions.

Nortel Network was invested about $50 million to their new building, but it is estimated

to have saved the company $100 million over from their new building.

Nortel and its executives see the facility as a brilliant vehicle for changing

the company, promoting its values and products, attracting new recruits, and keeping

staff happy. All this and significant cost savings is a winning package for communication

and collegiality.

Hypercommunication during the planning process informed people of

the ideas behind the new workplaces, and several hundred participated in focus groups

to invent the details. Many managers were coaxed out of their offices into the open

plan. Alternate officing packages of hoteling and homework were made available, with a

business center in the HQ.

In this building, business units can readily arrange, then rearrange their layouts to

meet work demands, as long as they obey the planning rules that govern the building

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zones. And each unit has its own "town hall" of meeting rooms, and a distinctive color


1.0 Case Study: Nortel Network, Canada (Cont’d)

The implication on improvisation to an organization can be categories to several

level of achievement. Different level needs a different specification to suite the

environment that will give the total effect and impact due to achievement of highest


The level that included in this case study is:

1. Organization Level

2. Public Level

3. Individual Level

4. Department Level

2.0 Organization Level

2.1 Overall performance of the organization

Executive management and the organization's owners, shareholders

and stakeholders see satisfactory results, due to high productivity and

quality of work, high turnover of personnel and receptive unions.

2.2 Reduce energy consumption

e.g.: electricity, water and ventilation

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Use as low as the energy spending of the building to support the government

regulation towards the better future.

2.3 Cost reduction

When the energy consumption is minimize, the cost to operate the

building will also reduce. Thus can give benefit to the organization, for example

the company can provide more facilities in the building and this will increase the

productivity of the workers.

3.0 Public Level

3.1 Give the corporate and professional image to the organization.

The expectation and trust from customer is important thus it is essential

to show customer that the organization is well established.

Nortel Networks have provided the virtual-reality headsets that

can be donned for an interactive ride through the company’s intranet. The

“City” has many landmarks designed to make the place so attractive that

people don’t want to leave it

4.0 Individual Level

4.1 Encourage the Stress Reduction and Leisure

The design in the Nortel Network's building also provide names likes

Main Street and Memory Lane and highlights services from the travel shop,

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Internet café, restaurant and sandwich outlets, a vast chess board, plazas,

artwork, conference area, gym, and a general store.

4.0 Individual Level (Cont’d)

4.1 Encourage the Stress Reduction and Leisure (Cont’d)

In other word, the management can provide the cafeterias in the

incorporating spaces that will encourage relaxed engagement with colleagues to

reduce stress and promote a sense of communities.

Companies increasingly believe that staff accepts a job in the first

place partly on the basis of the design of the physical environment. Nortel had

seen a rise in job applications since the building opened. The aim was to

stimulate the senses in the course of day's work as people move away from

their workstation into the urban facilities.

5.0 Department Level

5.1 Incorporated and efficient communication

The Nortel Network’s aim was to stimulate the senses in the course of a

day’s work as people move away from their workstations into the urban

facilities. People appreciate that communications and interaction are far easier

here than in most offices.

Employees can use the office networking systems or connectivity. (e.g.:

intercom and internet services)

Provide more brainstorming room and meeting room.

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Provide individual telephone and perhaps the video conferencing facilities so

that can minimize staff members and reduce business travel and expenses.

Thus can increase communication in organization and teamwork between

employees and they can do their work efficiently and effectively.


1) Flexible Workplace Environment, 2009 [online]. Available at <> [Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

2) Workplace Innovation-Productivity and Quality Workplace, 2005 [online]. Available at <>[Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

3) How Cisco Achieved Environmental Sustainability in the Connected Workplace, 2007 [online]. Available at<> [Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

4) Google Office Design in Zurich [online]. Available < >[Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

5) Google Workplace Design, 2005 [online]. Available at<> [Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

6) Behind The Glass Curtain,2006 [online]. Available at<> [Accessed 14 Feb 2010]

7) Measuring Performance of Sustainable Buildings, 2010 [online]. Available at<>[Accessed 16 Feb 2010]

8) CBPCA An Association for Contractors and Building Performance Professionals,2002 [online] Available at <> [Accessed 16 Feb 2010]

9) Making Workplaces Work Better, 2010 [online] Available at <>l [Accessed 16 Feb 2010]

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10) Videoconferencing,2005 [online]. Available at <> [Accessed 16 Feb 2010]


11) Jabra, 2011 [online]. Available at <> [Accessed 20 Feb 2010]

12) Garvin, David .A,1987. Competing on the Eight Dimensions of Quality, Harvard Business Review.

13) Amina Hameed, 2009. Impact Office Design on Employee’s Productivity Department of Management Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan.

14) :11 FEB 5.40AM

15) 11 feb 4.45pm

16) 11 feb 5.20pm

17) 11 feb 5.30pm

18) 13 feb 4pm

19) 13 Feb 7.15pm

20) 13 Feb 7.15pm

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21) 13 Feb 7.28pm

22) 14 Feb 4.20am


23) 16 Feb 5.15am

24) 16 Feb 5.10am

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