building coalition capacity - icadd capacity workshop.pdf · coalition capacity building ... higher...

Coalition Capacity Building National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute Building May 14, 2014 Coalition Capacity National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute Why Coalitions? Why the Strategic Prevention Framework? National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute Alcohol Use Alcohol Marijuana Marijuana Use Tobacco Tobacco Use Coalitions Work! Alcohol Use R2= 0.9611 R2= 0.9635 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Percent using Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC) Source: Office of National Drug Control Strategies (2009) MarijuanaUse R2= 0.99 R2= 0.8987 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Percent using Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC) R2= 0.8258 R2= 0.9281 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Year Percent using Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC) 1

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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute


May 14, 2014

Coalition Capacity

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Why Coalitions?

Why the Strategic Prevention Framework?

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Alcohol Use

Alcohol MarijuanaMarijuana Use

TobaccoTobacco Use

Coalitions Work!

Alcohol Use

R2 = 0.9611

R2 = 0.9635








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008




t u



Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC)

Source: Office of National Drug Control Strategies (2009)

Marijuana Use

R2 = 0.99

R2 = 0.8987








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008




t u



Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC)

R2 = 0.8258

R2 = 0.9281









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008




t u



Mean DFC Mean YRBS Poly. (Mean YRBS) Poly. (Mean DFC)


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Role of a Coalition in Achieving Community-level Change

Impact a Defined Community

Engage All Sectors of the Community

Address conditions & settings in the community

Promote Comprehensive Strategies

Achieve Positive Outcomes

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Capacity Building: Form Follows Function

Membership Organization Leadership

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Coalition Capacity Building coalition capacity involves:

• Membership

• Organization

• Leadership


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Coalition Capacity—MembershipTargeted Recruitment and


Id if d i i • Identify and engage existing coalitions & initiatives

• Recruit members to achieve specific tasks (work) to be accomplished by the coalition.

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Find out what other coalitions and initiatives address ATOD, health, safety family and youth issues:

Engage Existing Coalitions & Initiatives


• What other efforts address substance abuse and related issues?

• What other organizations have similar goals, vision, mission, objectives and/or strategies?

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Determine what sectors are needed.DFC requires 12 sectors:Youth Youth Serving Organizations

Identify Community Sectors

- Youth - Youth Serving Organizations - Parent - Religious / Fraternal Orgs.- Business - Civic / Volunteer Groups - Media - Healthcare Professionals- Schools - Law Enforcement- Government - Others involved in ATOD


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Sector Representatives: Provide the “sector perspective” in discussions

Engaging Sector Representatives

Engage other sector leaders (e.g. heads of organizations, informal leaders)

Serve as peer leaders /spokesperson to other organizations in the sector

Recruit others in the sector to engage in coalition efforts

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

1. Prioritize individuals and organizations to be recruited.

Target Individuals & Organizations to “Do the Work!”

2. For each potential member, identify

– How they can contribute?

– Identify their WIFM – How they will benefit from joining?

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

When preparing to ask an individual to join the coalition:

• Prepare talking points

Id tif “i fl ” t g ith

Recruiting New Members

• Identify an “influencer” to go with you

• If possible - ask their boss first

• Clarify expectations & provide options for their involvement

• Describe the WIFM

• Anticipate their objections


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

To keep people involved in the coalition:

• Clarify their role (e.g., Job Description, Memorandum of

Retaining Coalition Members

Understanding (MOU) ?)

• Engage them immediately & appropriately (e.g., Sub-committee, Work Group, Key Leader Group)

• Share the coalition’s goals and successes

• Ensure their WIFM is fulfilled

• Celebrate and acknowledge their contributions

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Organizing for SuccessOrganization



By - Laws

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)



National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Organizational structure helps to define:

• Roles for coalition leaders and members

Organizational Structure

Roles for coalition leaders and members

• Relationships among coalition members and staff

• Responsibilities and duration of work groups

• Reporting channels

• Meeting content and frequency

• Legal and fiscal lines of authority


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Coalition Capacity Building

ABC Partnership for Prevention

Fiscal Agent

Steering Committee


ABC Community

CoalitionLaw enforcement, health and human services, education, faith-based

organizations, government, businesses, media, civic/community organizations, parents, youth

Peer Work Group

Availability Work Group

DataWork Group

Parent Work Group

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Content Organizational Operational (Day to Day)

Vi i /Mi i St ffi M ti

Decision Making & Responsibilities

• Vision/Mission• Strategic Planning• Logic Models• Prioritization of

strategies• Schedule / Timelines• Implementation of

specific initiatives• Member recruiting

• Staffing• Budget / Fiscal Mgt.• Office location• Board elections• Member recruiting• Leadership recruitment

& development• Coalition Structure

• Meetings• Correspondence• Coordination among

workgroups• Grant reporting• Logistics / Supplies• Website / social media

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

• Planning and timelines help to clarify:

Scheduling and timing of efforts

Planning and Timelines

• Scheduling and timing of efforts

• Distribution of the work

• Allocation of resources

• Prioritization of efforts

• Accountability


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Clarify the roles and responsibilities for:• Chair / Co-Chair /Steering Committee• Coalition Members

Roles and Responsibilities

• Coalition Members• Work Groups/Sub-committees• Fiscal Agent• Youth Leaders • Coalition Staff

By-Laws describe how the coalition operates to do the work.

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Enhancing Leadership

Youth Leadership - considerations:

L d hi t iti t b l d i gf l • Leadership opportunities must be real and meaningful

• Assess time and transportation requirements for youth involvement

• Ensure sufficient staff support

• Be prepared to act on the youth input

• Provide appropriate recognition

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Coalition Staff RoleCoalition Staff SHOULD:

• Involve members in everything they do

• Match members skills to tasks

• Receive little or no credit for their hard work

Coalition Staff SHOULD NOT:

• Do it themselves because “it needs to get done”

• View members as “advisors” not “doers”

• Become the coalition “expert”


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Coalition Capacity Building

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Capacity Building Summary• Clarify the “Work” to be Done

• Targeted Recruiting of Coalition Members

• Building A Strong Team

• Clear Organization & Roles

Use the Coalition Capacity Worksheet to inform your discussion

National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute

Next Steps


National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute


Dave Shaveldshave@earthlink net 307 399 [email protected] 307-399-1259

CADCA – Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

Help & Technical Assistance – Contact: Dr. Bill Geary1-800-54CADCA [email protected]


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Community Initiatives Worksheet Describe existing initiatives or coalitions that address health, community development, youth or family related issues.

Initiative Vision/Mission Goals/Projects Funding Source(s)

Key Partner Individuals/ Organizations

Coalition Member?


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Community Sector Worksheet For each community sector listed below a) identify organizations or individuals who are currently ACTIVE members of your coalition, and b) where there is no active membership, identify potential organizations or individuals that could represent the sector. Note: An individual or organization should only be listed one time.

Sector Active Member (Organization/Individual)

Potential Organization/Individuals

Businesses *

Child Care Providers

Civic / Volunteer Groups *

Courts & Probation

Cultural Groups & Organizations

Elementary & Secondary Education *

Government *

Healthcare Professionals *

Higher Education

Human & Social Service Providers

Law Enforcement *

Media *

Parents *

Religious & Fraternal Organizations *

Senior Citizens

Youth *

Youth Serving Organizations *

Others involved in ATOD *

DFC Required Sectors


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SAMPLE – Sector Representative Job Description Sector Representative Job Description Sector Representatives play a significant leadership role within the Coalition. Sector Representatives will promote their Sector perspectives in efforts to develop and implement strategies to accomplish the vision and mission of the Coalition.. Specific Responsibilities:

Represent their Sector at Coalition meetings Serve as a Sector Representative on appropriate work groups Meet with and engage Sector Leaders throughout the community Participate as a Sector Representative of the Coalition (or identify others) at community events Provide training and outreach to other members of the Sector in the community Assist in Coalition efforts to develop communication tools targeting the Sector Identify and recruit others from the Sector to participate in Coalition planning and implementation efforts Participate in the identification and selection of a replacement Sector Representative

Time Commitment:

One- to three-year position Eight to Twelve Coalition meetings per year (1 ½ to 2 hours per meeting) and task force/action team meetings as needed

Personal Qualities:

Commitment to improving the health of Steele County residents Knowledge of the County area and its people Broad perspective in identifying and planning programs Enthusiasm Resourcefulness

Serving as a member of the coalition will provide you with the opportunities to:

Broaden your knowledge Become a leader within your Sector Gain new experiences and skills Increase communication skills Work with other community professionals


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Coalition Resources Worksheet For each skill listed below: 1) Determine whether the skills/resources are needed by the coalition at this point in time, 2) Identify an organization or individual that may have the skill/resource or currently provides the skill/resource, and 3) identify who can contact the organization or individual.


= Needed at this


Organization/Individual Contact?

Skills Accounting

Child Care


Computer / Technology

Data Collection / Analysis


Event Planning

Filing / Office Work

Grant Writing

Graphic Design




Public Policy / Laws

Public Speaking

Strategic Planning

Training / Education

Web Design

Resources $ - Cash, In-Kind

Meeting Space

AV Equipment

Access to Volunteers


Computer Equipment



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Member Recruitment Worksheet List each of the organizations/individuals to be recruited for the coalition. Specifically indicate how they will be involved in the coalition, what benefits can accrue to them and their organization, and who will contact the individual/organization.

Organization Individual (If known)

Desired Involvement (Role/Skills/Resources) WIFM

To be contacted by: 1) Coalition Member 2) Other Influential person


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Script for invite to strategic planning event We want approx. 40 people

Coalition will have 15 [about] in attendance, including us three; We need 25 key people not just warm bodies

Inviting you to an important community event

SKCPP is hosting a community-wide substance abuse prevention strategic planning event on 9/26 from

4:00 to 8:00 PM at Peace Dale Library in the Peace Dale room on the lower level

Event will be professionally facilitated

Although, this event is open to the public we are seeking to get 40 people to attend, and due to your

position/influence/status in the community we would very much like you to participant in this very

important planning event for the SK community

SKCPP is in the second year of the Drug Free Communities grant, which brings almost $100,000 into the

community in over a five year period

Because of this federal funding, we are required to complete a community strategic plan in the prevention

of substance abuse/misuse/illegal use

Our goal in this four-hour window is to create the foundation of a three-year plan identifying prevention

strategies for SK, building on SK existing strengths and addressing the challenges

This is an opportunity for SKCPP coalition [the experts in SK] and key community people to create this

plan together

Prior to the event we will be either emailing you or sending information to help prepare the participants

Food will be served

Can we count on you to attend?

If declined ask: is there someone you can send to represent you? [We will not always use this question

because we do not want individuals without authority]

Developed by: South Kingstown Partnership for Prevention, Wakefield, RI


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Coalition Membership Worksheet Complete a form for each member of the coalition. Update the worksheet on an annual basis.

Name: Contact Information (Address, Phone, Email): Title / Role: Organization Name / MOU? Organization Contact Information (Address, Phone, Email, Website): Skills/Resources/Connections: Reasons for getting/staying involved in the coalition: Current involvement with the coalition: History of involvement with the coalition: Involvement in other community-based organizations and efforts: Other comments:


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Decision Making & Responsibilities

Strategic Organizational Operational

Vision/Mission Strategic Planning Logic Models Prioritization of strategies Schedule / Timelines Implementation of specific

initiatives Member recruiting


Staffing Budget / Fiscal Mgt. Office location Board elections Member recruiting Leadership recruitment &

development Coalition Structure Other:

Meetings Correspondence Coordination among

workgroups Grant reporting Logistics / Supplies Website / social media



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Sample Job Descriptions Coalition Chair (Volunteer) The Chair of the Steering Committee of the Coalition is a member of the Steering Committee that is selected by the consensus of the Coalition Steering Committee during a scheduled meeting. The term of service of the Steering Committee Chairperson is for one year.

General Duties:

Develops and approves Coalition and steering committee agendas Directs periodic reviews and updating of the Strategic Plan

Presides over steering committee meetings

Participates in the recruitment of new Coalition and steering committee members

Develops and maintains positive community relations with Coalition members, community prevention and

treatment services providers, member communities, the Governor’s Office and other local, state and federal


Represents the Coalition before the media

Coordinates Coalition support for local, state, or federal grants

Coalition Vice Chair (Volunteer) The Vice Chair of the Steering Committee of the Coalition is a member of the Steering Committee that is selected by the consensus of the Coalition Steering Committee during a scheduled meeting. The term of service of the Steering Committee Vice Chair is for one year. It is intended that after one year of service that the Vice Chair will then serve for an additional year as the Chair of the Coalition Steering Committee.

General Duties: Presides over meetings of the Coalition and committee when the Chair is absent

Participates in the recruitment of new Coalition and steering committee members

Develops and maintains positive community relations with Coalition members, community prevention and

treatment services providers, member communities, the Governor’s Office and other local, state and federal


May represent the Coalition before the media


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Steering Committee Member Steering Committee: The Steering Committee directs the coalition’s work by prioritizing the substance abuse issues and community conditions the coalition will address and determining the strategies the coalition will use. Roles/Commitment:

Provide leadership and direction to the coalition

Attend a minimum of eight Steering Committee meetings including two strategic planning retreats per year, for a one year term

Attend ABC coalition meetings regularly (at least 75%)

Serve on at least two sub-committees or ad-hoc committees dedicated to special projects over the course of the two year term

Inform others about ABC’s mission and initiatives

Be informed about ABC’s mission, policies and procedures, bylaws, and strategic and action plans

Follow ABC policies, including those on advocacy, media communications, conflict of interest, confidentiality and others as they arise.

Suggest possible nominees who can make significant contributions to the work of ABC (Steering Committee will discuss nominations biannually).

Keep up-to-date on developments in the prevention field.

Assist ABC in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization's annual financial statements and proposed budgets

Assist with preparing and facilitating ABC meetings as needed

Time Commitment

Approximately three to six hours a month Attends coalition meetings, subcommittee meetings as requested/needed, and major coalition events At least a one year commitment


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Coalition Member Job Description Coalition Member Job Description Members of the Coalition will develop and implement plans to accomplish the mission of the Coalition. This team will identify, promote, and coordinate community-based programs that encourage healthy lifestyles for all County Residents. Specific Responsibilities:

Attend Coalition meetings. Serve as a member of a task force and/or action team Participate in the identification, selection, and promotion of innovative healthy lifestyle activities Help assess community needs and identify existing resources Develop plans of action to carry out the mission Strive to coordinate programs and resources to maximize impact Develop a mechanism for evaluating and monitoring the strategies

Time Commitment:

One- to three-year position Eight to Twelve Coalition meetings per year (1 ½ to 2 hours per meeting) and task force/action team meetings as needed

Personal Qualities:

Commitment to improving the health of Steele County residents Knowledge of the Steele County area and its people Broad perspective in identifying and planning programs Enthusiasm Resourcefulness

Serving as a member of the coalition will provide you with the opportunities to:

Broaden your knowledge Gain new experiences and skills Increase communication skills Work with other community professionals


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Rx Drug Abuse Work Group Job Description Coalition Member Job Description The Rx Drug Abuse Work Group operates as an “ad hoc” work group of the ABC Coalition. Members of the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group will work together to develop and implement comprehensive plans to address the Rx Drug Abuse problem in ABC County. The Rx Drug Abuse Work Group is composed of 5 – 10 individuals from the community interested in addressing the Rx Drug Abuse issue. Specific sectors will be recruited to the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group including: youth, parents, law enforcement, health care providers, education, treatment providers, government, faith community, recovery community, and others. Time Commitment Members of the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group are asked to work together from April – September, 2012. The Rx Drug Abuse Work Group will schedule meetings on an “as needed” basis depending on the specific tasks to be accomplished. It is anticipated that the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group will meet at least once per month, or six times over the six month period. Specific Responsibilities Attend Rx Drug Abuse Work Group meetings. Participate in the planning process including assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation of prevention

strategies. If appropriate, represent their organization and sector in the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group’s activities. As appropriate, provide specific resources to support the Rx Drug Abuse Work Group’s efforts. Engage and recruit community members to participate in the Work Group’s efforts Personal Qualities Commitment to improving the health of ABC County residents Knowledge of the ABC County area and its people Broad perspective in identifying and planning programs Enthusiasm and resourcefulness Serving as a member of the coalition will provide you with the opportunities to: Broaden your knowledge of Rx Drug Abuse prevention strategies Gain new experiences and skills Increase communication skills while conducting outreach with coalition & community members Network with “like-minded” individuals in the community Participate in creating a “safe and healthy” community in ABC County For more information, please contact:


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Sample MOU between Coalition and Grantee/Legal Applicant (From ONDCP DFC RFA)

This agreement between [Grantee/Legal Applicant] and [Coalition] shall be from [Date] until terminated by mutual agreement: RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COALITION:

a. Set policy for and oversee its own programs including goals and objectives in alignment with the DFC Support Program’s Terms and Conditions.

b. Select and direct staff and volunteers, set goals and objectives for contract employees, and negotiate and approve contracts.

c. Create, approve, and follow its budget in compliance with DFC requirements. d. Provide copies of all required documentation to the grantee/legal applicant as requested. e. Reimburse grantee/legal applicant for any indirect or direct expenses incurred by the coalition with prior

approval of the grantee/legal applicant. f. Be solely responsible for liabilities arising out of its program and its interaction with program participants.


a. Provide the coalition staff with office space. b. Compile financial reports on a mutually agreed upon schedule and provide to coalition. c. Provide accounting services to prepare and distribute payroll, pay invoices, prepare and submit the appropriate

forms for employment, wages and payroll taxes on behalf of the coalition. d. Negotiate and/or bid and approve contracts. e. Maintain all records pertaining to costs and expenses to reflect costs of labor, materials, equipment, supplies,

services, and other costs and expenses when reimbursement is claimed or payment is made. f. Obtain Workman's Compensation Insurance and liability coverage for the coalition’s employees.

[Grantee/Legal Applicant] and [Coalition] mutually agree to abide by all applicable federal and state anti-discrimination statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures. This agreement shall be subject to all applicable provisions of state and federal law and regulations related to the delivery and funding of social service. ____________________________ ___________________________ Coalition Representative’s Name Grantee Representative’s Name ________________________________ ____________________________ Coalition Representative’s Signature Grantee Representative’s Signature ________________________ __/__/__ ____________________ __/__/__ Title Date Title Date


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Coalition Coordinator DESCRIPTION The ABC Coalition is a grassroots coalition serving ABC County to implement community-level, evidence-based, environmental strategies. The ABC is in need of a Coalition Coordinator to provide staff support and guidance to the coalition, expand the coalition’s membership, build current member’s expertise, increase awareness of the coalition’s presence in the community, and ensure compliance with appropriate funding requirements. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Build the coalition’s capacity by working with coalition members to: Ensure effective outreach is done in the community to recruit new members and community partners Conduct orientation with new members, and coordinate and/or conduct training for coalition members Collect and analyze local data to identify local problems Select and implement of evidence-based, environmental strategies Develop and implement of evaluation tools Develop a sustainability plan

Establish the coalition’s presence in the community through public relations efforts including: Development and distribution of ABC Coalition’s public relations materials: e-newsletters, brochures, flyers,

newspaper articles, Facebook, an annual report, and the coalition’s website Representation of the ABC Coalition at local community events and meetings Presentations in the community, as needed and assigned Provide staff support to the ABC Coalition: Attend all coalition meetings Maintain all coalition records including: member database and mailing list, meeting announcements, meeting sign-

in sheets, meeting minutes, monthly meeting calendar Complete and distribute a monthly one-page summary of all coalition meetings Provide a written and verbal monthly progress report to the Steering Committee ABILITIES Ability to produce written materials that are articulate, accurate, and appropriate for a specific target audience Ability to work collaboratively and professionally with parents, youth, school personnel, local government, school

or community leaders, etc. Ability to speak comfortably and clearly to small and large groups of diverse ages and backgrounds Ability to work independently while multi-tasking and meeting deadlines Proficiency in Microsoft Outlook, Office, Excel, Powerpoint, and Publisher (or a similar design program) Bi-lingual, Spanish speaking preferred EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in health education, or a related field Master’s in Health Education, Public Health, or Social Work preferred

EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: A minimum of 3 years community organizing, coalition building and / or ATOD prevention related experience Knowledge of alcohol and other drug pharmacology, ATOD prevention and coalition building practices Graphic design, web design, or other art mediums preferred This position is 30 hours/week, with health benefits. Position requires a flexible work schedule including evening hours and, occasionally, weekends. A car is required. Please send cover letter and resume to:


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ABC Coalition - By-laws Article I – Name Article II – Vision & Mission Article III – Membership

A. Membership Responsibilities B. Active/Inactive Membership C. Voting

Article IV –Executive Committee

A. Overall Responsibilities B. Chair C. Vice Chair D. Secretary E. Members at Large F: Staff

Article V – Committees

A. Executive Committees B. Standing Committees C. Ad Hoc Committees

Article VI – Meetings Article VII - Financial Administration

A. Fiscal Agent B. Staff C. Contributions D. Liability

Article VIII - Decision-making processes Article IX - Conflict of Interest Article X – Amendments Article XI – Non Discrimination


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Defining Youth Roles Within the Coalition

Use the following worksheet to define opportunities for youth involvement within your coalition. Once the role is identified be sure to outline the skills youth will need to succeed within that role, the resources the coalition has to support youth in the role and systems or groups within the community where you can recruit youth to fill that role.

Opportunities for Youth Involvement

Strategy/ Task

Youth Role

Skills and Support Needed

Who to Recruit

Youth on Adult-led Boards or Committees

Youth-led boards and committees with adult support

Youth as decision makers.

Youth as planners.

Youth as resources.

Youth service projects.

Youth as speakers/ communicators Youth as serving as trainers

Youth serving as grant makers

Youth serving as facilitators.


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Coalition Capacity Building Checklist Coalition:

Yes! Sort of No! ???? Criteria General Content Knowledge Coalition leaders/members/staff are familiar with the SPF & related topics. Coalition leaders/members/staff have reviewed CADCA’s Capacity Primer. Coalition leaders/members/staff have been trained in capacity building.

Building Coalition Membership The coalition identifies other community efforts to address ATOD & health. The coalition regularly assesses skills and resources needed. New members are pro-actively recruited, oriented and trained On-going efforts are made to engage and retain coalition members.

Organizing the Coalitions The roles of coalition members, committees and work groups are defined. Members agree on the expectations for active membership The coalition uses tools as appropriate: - Organization Chart - Job Descriptions - By-laws - Meeting protocols - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Decision making procedures - Conflict resolution processes Meetings held regularly with agenda & minutes distributed before & after. E-mail lists, on-line groups, blogs keep information flowing The coalition conducts regular “listening” sessions with the community Responsibility for fiscal accounting, 501(c)(3) status, insurance etc. is clear

Enhancing Coalition Leadership Coalition leaders have been identified Coalition leaders are clear about their roles and responsibilities Coalition leaders actively fill their roles and responsibilities Training and recognition are provided to coalition leaders (and others) Champions have been identified and are used effectively

Fostering Cultural Competence Coalition members/staff are representative of the target populations.

Published materials and curricula are reviewed by and are relevant to the target populations.

The coalition takes into account the language, culture and socio-economics of the target populations in all its activities and publications.

The coalition has developed a culturally appropriate outreach plan Coalition members/staff have been trained to be culturally competent.

Planning for Capacity Building Sufficient time and resources have been set aside for the planning effort. Specific individuals have been identified to lead the planning effort.