building back better rural housing reconstruction training strategy

Building Back Better Rural Housing Reconstruction Training

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Page 1: Building Back Better Rural Housing Reconstruction Training strategy

Building Back Better

Rural Housing Reconstruction

Training strategy

Page 2: Building Back Better Rural Housing Reconstruction Training strategy

The following organisations participated in the elaboration of the training strategy

Aga Khan Planning and Building Service Pakistan Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) Agency for Technical Cooperation and Al Faleh Al- Mustafa Welfare Astafada Aurat Association Australian Aid Authority (ERRA) BDN AJK-PAP CARE International Caritas Catholic Relief Services (CRS) CCRR CHF International CWS Development (ACTED) Eagle Welfare Association Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Emergency Architects Food for the Hungry (FH) Gaash Welfare Society German Agro Action (GAA) GOAL GTZ HASHAAR Higher Education Commission (HEC) HOPE Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) IHRO Institute of Architects Pakistan (IAP) International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) International Organisation for Migration (IOM) ISCOS Islamic Relief Ittehad Welfare Society JAAG JAC-ER Jammu Kashmir Development Foundation JKWA (Panjkot) Karavan Pakistan Kashmir Education Foundation

Kashmir NGO Forum KFW Medair Mercy Corps Municipal Coorporation of the Government of AJK Muslim Hands International National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK) National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) National Society for Eathquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) NWO ODC OXFAM PAI Pakistan Engineering Council Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) Peace Welfare Society Bheri Provincial and District Governments of NWFP RedR IHE Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) Samaritan's Purse Sarhad Rural Support Programme (SRSP) Save the Children (UK) Save the Children (USA) Shabbir Trust Shelter for Life Strengthening Participatory Organisation Pakistan (SPO) Sungi Swiss Development Coorporation (SDC) The Citizens Foundation Trust for Voluntary Organisations (TVO) UN-HABITAT UNICEF United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Office for Coordinating Humanitarian Assistance (UNOCHA) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) University of Engineering & Technology (NWFP) World Bank World-wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

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GoalHouses rebuilt using

earthquake resistant techniques

EQ resistant building techniquesneed to be transmitted to builders

Earthquake resistant

Need to introduce EQ resistant elements in traditional building techniques using common materials

Use of familiar methods andeasy accessible materials

Owners need to understand EQ resistant techniques

Owner driven

Reconstruction principles in relation to training

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Main challenges Responses

Avoiding gaps and overlaps

• Coordination structure from Union Council, to Tehsil, to District, to Province

• Coordinator positions at District and Provincial levels

400,000 houses to berebuilt over a largeterritory with difficultgeography

• Decentralized systembased on provincial and districts authorities

• Use of partner organisations

• Community based approach

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Main challenges Responses

Time shortage• rebuilding rush inMarch to June• rebuilding slow inmonsoons and winter

• Training of Trainers started beginning of March

• Initial training focusing on basic techniques• More sophisticated trainingduring monsoon season

Construction styles varyacross affected area

• Training emphasize EQ resistant principles which must be adapted to local contexts

Need for an immediate/interim training plan

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Target groups Type of training• Masons, artisans, self- builders, unskilled labor

Enhance skill through• Hands on technical training• Detailed skill specific training

• Owners with specific modules forwomen

• EQ resistant check list

• Local Councilors, Elders, Imams, School Headmasters,etc.

• Government policies and procedures• EQ awareness raising

• CommunityBased Organisations

• Awareness, policies, compliance,assistance to vulnerable groups, etc.

• New workforce Training from scratch• Hands on technical training• Detailed skill specific training

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Training coordination - Interim




Union CouncilPartner organisations (PO)

VillageMobile Teams and Community Housing

Reconstruction Committee (CHRC)

• CHRC support mobile teams in implementing training strategy


ERRA Provincial Housing Coordinator

ERRA District Housing Coordinator

Housing Reconstruction Centers (HRC)

• PO submit their training programme to District Coordinator

• HRC support PO in preparing their training programme

• Weekly coordination meeting

• District Housing Coordinatorprepare district Training Programme

• Provincial Housing Coordinatorprepare provincial Training Programme

• ERRA consolidate federal trainingProgramme for ERRA Board

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Training coordination (Proposed final mechanism)


Province/stateSteering Committee (SC)Reconstruction Agency (RA)

DistrictAdvisory Committee (DRAC)District Reconstruction Unit (DRU)Housing Reconstruction Centers (HRC)

Union CouncilPartner organisations (PO)

VillageCommunity Housing Reconstruction Committee (CHRC)

• DRU approve POs training programmes

• CHRC support mobile teams in implementing training strategy

• PO submit their training programme to DRU

• HRC support PO in preparing their training programme

• DRU consolidate POs training programme and prepare district training programme for approval by DRAC

• RA consolidate DRUs trainingprogramme and prepare provincial/state training programmefor approval by SC

• ERRA consolidate federal trainingProgramme for ERRA Board

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Preparation of common curriculaTraining of Training Coordinators

Cascade of training

Federal and Provincial/State

Districts Housing Reconstruction Centers

Union Councils Partner Organisations

Villages Mobile Training Teams

Training of Master Trainers of Partner Organisations

Training of Mobile Teams

Training of artisans, self-builders,contractors, communities, etc.

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Cascade of training (estimated numbers)

Partner Organisations

Mobile Training Teams

4,000 villages

Training of 20 Training Coordinators

Training of at least 150 Master Trainers of Partner organisations

Training of 650Mobile Training Teams

One mobile training team handle an average of 6 villages

One master trains 5Mobile training teams

2 Training Coordinators per Housing Reconstruction Center

Housing Reconstruction Centers

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Role of Housing Reconstruction

Centers (HRC)

• Training of Master Trainers

• Technical reference and public awareness

• Coordination of trainingimplementation

• Training quality control of training delivered by Master trainers

At least 8 Housing Reconstruction










• Reporting on training monitoring to District Housing Coordinator

• Capacity-building oflocal authorities

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Role of District Reconstruction Unit

(DRU) in training

• Planning annual training programme

• POs coordination by DistrictHousing Coordinator

• Consolidation of monitoring results reported by Partner Organisations









• Monthly reporting on trainingmonitoring to DistrictSteering Committee (DRAC)

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ChallengeHow to bring earthquake resistant building techniques and knowledge

to the village level

ChallengeHow to bring earthquake resistant building techniques and knowledge

to the village level

Mobile training teams

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Composition of mobile training team

• 2 trainers (of different trades)

• 1 male social mobiliser

• 1 female social mobiliser (where needed)

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Responsibilities of Mobile training teams

• Build capacity of “Community Housing Reconstruction Committees”

• Conduct training

• Encourage compliance

• Provide on the spot advise on construction

• Communicate Government policies

• Identify issues linked with EQ resistant construction

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Roles of Community Based Organisations

Housing Reconstruction Committees

• Assist mobile teams in organising training sessions

• Promote EQ resistant building techniques

• Inform about housing reconstruction policies

• Organise collective building material procurement, material quality control and logistics

• Contribute to compliance through advising home owners

• Lead housing reconstruction planning activities

• Contribute to data on the community

• Support community based land dispute resolution

• Assist vulnerable families

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Union Council=

basic unit for trainingby

Partner Organisations (PO)

• No more than one PO per Union Council

• One PO can cover more than one Union Council





Union CouncilUnion Council


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Role of Partner Organisations in training

• Establish field office at appropriate level

Mobile Team2

Mobile Team


• Plan mobile teamtraining programme

• Certify trainees

• Train Mobile Teams

• Train artisans

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• Monitor training adequacy

Role of Partner Organisations in training

• Establish field office at appropriate level

• Plan mobile teamtraining programme

• Train Mobile Teams

• Train artisans

• Certify trainees

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Training monitoring and evaluationInterim mechanism

Union CouncilPartner organisations (PO)

VillageCommunity Housing Reconstruction Committee (CHRC)

• Mobile Training Teams report to PO on delivery of training at village level

• POs monitor quality of training delivered by the mobile teams

• POs report to HRC

• HRC monitor quality of training delivered by POs

• HRC report to District coordinator on implementation of training

• ERRA consolidate federal report ontraining programme implementation

• District Coordinator report to the Province

• Provincial Coordinator report to ERRA

• ERRA monitor quality of training delivered by HRC




ERRA Board

ERRA Provincial Housing Coordinator

ERRA District Housing Coordinator

Housing Reconstruction Centers (HRC)

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Training monitoring and evaluation(proposed final mechanism)


Province/stateSteering Committee (SC)Reconstruction Agency (RA)

DistrictAdvisory Committee (DRAC)District Reconstruction Unit (DRU)Housing Reconstruction Centers (HRC)

Union CouncilPartner organisations (PO)

VillageCommunity Housing Reconstruction Committee (CHRC)

• Mobile Teams report to PO on delivery of training at village level

• HRC report to DRU on implementation of training

• DRU report to RA

• ERRA consolidate federal report of training programme implementation

• HRCTraining Coordinators monitor quality of training delivered by POs

• PO report to HRC• POs monitor quality of training delivered by the mobile teams

• RA report to ERRA

• ERRA monitor quality of training delivered by HRC

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Training time frame

2006 2007 2008

Reconstruction training

Refresher training and monitoring

Maintenance & Handover

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1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Mapping of Partner Organisations/NGOs1.1 Submission of Expression of Interest by POs1.2 Review and Selection by Govt/ERRA1.3 Agreements signed and Mobilisation by POs1.4 Preparation of GIS/Database for Info Mgmt

2 Rural Housing "Operational Manual"2.1 Draft prepared2.2 Consultation with Partner Organisations2.3 Manual revised and approved by ERRA

3 Training Material Prepared3.1 Draft material prepared3.2 Field tested in first Training of Trainers (ToT)3.3 Material revised and Finalized

4 EQ Resistant Housing Training4.1 Housing Reconstruction Centres established4.2 Training of Training Coordinators (ISB)4.3 Training of PO Master Trainers (District/Tehsil)4.4 Training of Mobile Teams4.5 Training in Villages

5 Public Awareness Campaign5.1 "Build Back Better" Media Strategy Prepared5.2 Design of Key Messages5.3 Broader Media Campaign initiated

AprilDescriptionSr February March

Training detailed work-plan

Training in villages

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Generic Implementation Plan

1. Orientation

2. Planning and Preparation

3. Reconstruction Training

4. Refresher Training & Monitoring

5. Maintenance and Hand-over

Overview of “Phases and Steps”

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Phase I: Orientation


Activities Est Time Required Expected Output(s) Supporting Tools


1 Coordination Meetings at District, tehsil and UC levels

Local authorities support secured (a) PPT and/or handouts (b) targets & work plan

2 Initial Community Orientation: elders and religious leaders and Village Committee rep

Common understanding of project objective

(a) letter from Government?; (b) project overview cartoon

3 Village gathering to explain programme, confirm agreement and establish “Community Housing Reconstruction Committee” (CHRC)

Agreement for PO/NGO support and commitment to implement according to project principles and rules

(a) Community Agreement and (b) project overview & FAQ (illustration/cartoon format)

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B. PLANNING & PREPARATION Est Time Required Expected Output(s) Supporting Tools

4 Training and orientation for CHRC: overview of training; assignment of tasks re: damage assessment, land, mapping, profile

[Optional: review of community develop plan]

(a) Preliminary beneficiary list (b) Village Map & Profile (c) Identification of potential

land/property disputes (d) List of skilled labourers

(a) Project overview & FAQ (b) Map & Profile forms (c) Land/Property dispute form (d) Skilled Labourers Form

5 Review of Information Collected with CHRC (a) Clustering of households

(b) Damage assessment plan (c) List of skilled labourers (d) List of most vulnerable

(a) Village map (b) Village profile

6 Conduct Detailed Damage Assessment (a) Detailed damage assessment

(b) Wall & roof systems typology (c) Beneficiary list with photos

(a) Damage assessment form; (b) Village map (c) Beneficiary list

7 Village gathering to present findings and confirm results of discussions with the CHRC and brief on housing reconstruction policies

Awareness of damage assessment, beneficiary numbers & names, skilled labor

(a) Damage assessment form; (b) Village map (c) Beneficiary list

7a Opening of Bank Accounts Understanding of procedures Sample application form

7b Resolution of Planning Issues (relocation of houses/settlement, settlement re-planning, land and property disputes, etc.)

Resolution of Disputes or referral to appropriate Government body

Grievances identified & processed

Dispute resolution references and forms

Phase II: Planning & Preparation


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C. RECONSTRUCTION TRAINING Est Time Required Expected Output(s) Supporting Tools

8 Training of Community Housing Reconstruction Committee (CHRC)

(a) Materials procurement plan based on clusters;

(b) Cluster work plan (c) Skilled labourers list

(a) Housing Policies and Procedures

(b) Generic cluster work plan

9a Training of Master Skilled Labourers from each cluster

Ability to demonstrate and communicate key EQ resistant construction techniques for different wall & roof systems

(a) EQ Resistant Construction guidelines & training notes (b) Cluster work plan (c) Typical house work plan

9b Training of Master Self-Builders from each cluster

Understanding of process & good practice for reconstruction

(a) Cluster work plan (b) Typical house work plan (c) Self-builder checklist (d) Housing policies

9c Training of Women’s Lead Trainers from each cluster

Basic understanding of process & good practice for reconstruction Basic hygiene awareness

(a) Cluster work plan (b) Self-builder checklist (c) Health & Hygiene poster

10 Construction of Demonstration House & Latrine for vulnerable family

Demonstration house to serve as model for future

11 Payment of First Installment PO Certification of Training Certification form + Trainees list

Phase III: Reconstruction Training


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D. REFRESHER TRAINING & MONITORING Est Time Required Expected Output(s) Supporting Tools

12 Refresher Training of Community Housing Reconstruction Committee (CHRC) and Social Audit of progress through village meeting

(a) Strengthened understanding of process and identification of problem areas in process and/or training;

(b) Assessment of progress (c) Areas for improvement in

training identified

(a) Training materials as required

(b) Social Audit and Monitoring tools

13a Refresher Training for Skilled Labourers from each cluster (including, but not limited to Master Skilled Labourers)

(a) strengthened understanding of techniques; (b) assessment of understanding (c) areas for improvement in training identified

(a) Training materials as required

(b) Monitoring tools

13b Refresher Training for Self-Builders from each cluster (including, but not limited to Master Self-Builders)

(a) strengthened understanding of techniques; (b) assessment of understanding (c) areas for improvement in training identified

(a) Training materials as required

(b) Monitoring tools

13c Refresher Training for Women (including, but not limited to Women’s Lead Trainers)

(a) strengthened understanding of techniques; (b) assessment of understanding (c) areas for improvement in training identified

(a) Training materials as required

(b) Monitoring tools

14 Certification and Payment of subsequent installments (ongoing)

Certification of EQ compliant reconstruction linked to payments

Certification forms

15 Introduction of Additional Training Modules as appropriate (ongoing)

Strengthened community capacity in relevant areas

Training materials as required

Phase IV: Refresher Training


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Phase V: Maintenance and HandoverDRAFT

D. MAINTENANCE & HANDOVER Est Time Required Expected Output(s) Supporting Tools

16 Maintenance Guidelines Training Understanding of maintenance

required for shelter and latrine Maintenance plan

17 Social Audit and Village Gathering to celebrate at 85% completion

Training Certificate Distribution Certificates

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Estimated cost of training activities per year and per Union Council range from Rs. 2.5 million to Rs. 7 millions

Resources/capacity that should preferably exist for interested Partner Organisations (PO)

• On the ground presence• Proven management capacity• 1 year minimum commitment

Expressions of interest from Partner Organisations collected so far:

• Commitments with some funding from more than 15 organisations

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Thank you