building applications with arcgis runtime sdk for android - esri

Building Applications with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android—Part II Will Crick Dan O’Neill

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Building Applications with ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android—Part II

Will Crick Dan O’Neill

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• Intro • Connected editing summary • Offline capabilities

- Local features - Geometry Engine

• Platform integration • Accessing content from ArcGIS Online/Portal • Best practice

- Layer performance - UI thread - Device support

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Who are we all?

• Who are you? • Who are we?

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ArcGIS 10 — A Complete System

Easier More Powerful and Everywhere




• Discover • Create • Manage • Visualize • Analyze • Collaborate




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Runtime SDKs

Native ArcGIS Runtime SDKs

iOS Android Windows Phone

Windows Mobile

Windows Linux

Runtime SDK • Objective C

Runtime SDK • Java

Runtime SDK • Silverlight

Runtime SDK • .NET

Runtime SDK • WPF, Java

Runtime SDK • Java

Core Runtime

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Runtime Architecture

Windows Mobile

Windows Phone

Remote Server

Geocoding Mapping

GP Editing

Runtime Core

Tile Package




Messaging Advanced Symbology

Server Sync Offline Routing

Spatial analysis Offline Geocoding

Native platform

capabilities iOS Android

WPF Java Local Server

Geocoding Mapping

GP Editing

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SDK Release Status

• ArcGIS for Android SDK - 1.0 – current (12/11) – 1800 unique installs - 1.1 to be released next week

- Multiple maps - Advanced symbology/message processing - ArcGIS Online/Portal & webmap loading - Group layer - Improved secure service framework - Supports ADT r17

- 1.x/2.0 summer

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Connected editing

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• AttributeEditor & GeometryEditor samples in SDK • Uses Feature Service

- Same model as other webapis - applyEdits()

• AttributeEditor sample

- check field data types - Data entry - Validation

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Geometry Editing Sample

• Uses a “sketch” graphics layer - Uses MapOnTouchListener

- Implements tap and drag events

• Track local edit history yourself • Uses local GeometryEngine

- No server call

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FeatureLayer.applyEdits() method

• Aynchronous method - CallbackListener / AsynTask - Callback tells success for each feature

• applyEdits(adds, deletes, updates, callback)

• Attribute updates - Graphic - only changed attributes & ID

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Offline capabilities

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What can you do offline today?

In memory feature layers

Query attributes offline

Store features in ArcGIS db

Base maps Geometry operations Message Processing

Advanced symbology

Sync offline data with server

Routing Geocoding

See the futures section at the end for news on this stuff!

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Adding base maps

• As seen in part I • Local tiled layers

- compact caches – from 10.0 server - NOT 10.1 TPKs [yet]

- Fat32 4GB file size limit

baseMapLayer = new ArcGISLocalTiledLayer(”file:///mnt/sdcard/<CacheName>/Layers", false);

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Offline features

A • Use in memory “feature collection” Feature Layer

- Feature set [array of features] - Layer definition [json from a feature service]

• Change features using: - addGraphic() / removeGraphic() methods - applyEdits() method [new in 1.1 for feature collection!]

• Write features to/from disk in json [new in 1.1!] B • Graphics layers

- Add/remove graphics C

• Advanced Symbology - Process messages

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Offline features code examples

<!—strings.xml--> <string name="config.windturbine.layer.definition"> {\"currentVersion\":10.01,\"id\":0,\"name\":\"Wind Turbine\”… </string>

featureLayer.addGraphics(graphics); //or Graphic[] graphics = new Graphic[ g ]; featureLayer.applyEdits( //adds graphics, //updates, //deletes);

//Java class turbinesFeatureLayer = new ArcGISFeatureLayer(R.string. config.windturbine.layer.definition, FeatureSet, null);

Create the layer…

(Demo app is different, creates layer then loads json features, then adds features) Add/edit features…

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• Jackson JsonParser • Serialize to disk

- FeatureSet.toJson(); - String - JsonGenerator.writeRawValue();

• Read from disk - Passed to activity in a bundle - FeatureSet.fromJson(jsonParser, hasSpatialRef);

File jsonFile = bladeRunnerApp.getJSONFile(BladeRunnerApplication.teamAreasName); JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory(); JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createJsonParser(jsonFile); FeatureSet featureSet = FeatureSet.fromJson(jsonParser, true);

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Will Crick

Blade Runner demo

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Message Processing

• Add features to the map via a message - Radio/UDP/wifi - Different actions, add/update/delete - Different message types - Requires an initialized group layer

• Support for advanced symbology - Based on symbol packages (dictionary .dat files) - 2525c Military symbology (new in 1.1) - Build your own custom dictionary (future release)

- Needs desktop support

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Message Processor Workflow

• MessageProcessor processes a message from an external resource

• DictionaryType enum dictates message format • DictionaryType is backed by a resource bundle

- Dictionary data file - Message file types

• MessageProcessor bound to a Group Layer - Used to display, update, and remove MultilayerSymbol

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Message Processing Code example

MapView map = (MapView)findViewById(; final GroupLayer groupLayer = new GroupLayer(); map.addLayer(groupLayer); try { MessageProcessor processor = new MessageProcessor(DictionaryType.Mil2525C, groupLayer); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

Create a MessageProcessor Object

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Message Processing Code example

// Message creation Message lmessage = new Message(); UUID luuid = UUID.randomUUID(); lmessage.setID(luuid.toString()); lmessage.setProperty("_Type", "position_report"); lmessage.setProperty("_Action", "update"); String controlpoints = x1 + "," + y1; lmessage.setProperty("_Control_Points", controlpoints); lmessage.setProperty("sic", "SFGPUCRRL--E---"); lmessage.setProperty("_WKID", "3857"); lmessage.setProperty("UniqueDesignation", "2020"); // process message and add point processor.processMessage(lmessage);

Create a Message object Process it!

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Update Graphics

• Get GraphicLayer from GroupLayer • Get Graphic from GraphicsLayer • Get Geometry from Graphic • Set Property with update • Process messsage

Message message = processor.createMessageFrom(gr); String controlPoints = (String)message.getProperty( MessageHelper.MESSAGE_2525C_CONTROL_POINTS_PROPERTY_NAME); if (targetcontrolpt !=null) { message.setProperty( MessageHelper.MESSAGE_2525C_CONTROL_POINTS_PROPERTY_NAME, targetcontrolpt.getX() + "," + targetcontrolpt.getY()); } message.setProperty("_Action", "update"); processor.processMessage(message);

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Dan O’Neill

Message processing demo

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Platform integration Will Crick

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Using the GPS

• Wraps Android Location Service • Adds useful functions

- Symbol - Accuracy [changed at 1.1] - Auto pan

LocationService ls = map.getLocationService(); ls.setSymbol(symbol); ls.setAccuracyCircleOn(true); ls.setBearing(false);

(Demo app uses simulated location to make things easier!)

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Compass sensor integration

• Use SensorManager to get access to sensors • Create Sensor object ( TYPE_ORIENTATION /

getOrientation() ) • Register SensorEventListener with SensorManager

public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { sensorValues = event.values; map.setRotationAngle(sensorValues[0]); }

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Bluetooth devices

• Laser range finder to add a point using an offset

• Get BlueToothDevice from BlueToothAdapter(String address)

• Create a custom service (BlueToothSerialService) - reads bytes from a socket - send bytes in a message to MapViewActivity Handler

- Converts to string buffer - Reads LSR sentence

- Uses local method/ (maths) to create point from offset - PointFromOffset will be in future version of SDK

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Blade Runner app code

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ArcGIS Portal (new in 1.1)

Dan O’Neill

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Portal API basics

• Organization - Part of portal created for specific entity - Configurable site - Invite and manage users

• Groups and Users - Collaboration with other portal users - Exchange content related to activities/projects

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Accessing a Portal

• Portal Class - Entry point - Instantiate with credential or as guest - 2 cases

- 1. Organization account - 2. Portal

- If credential provided automatically connects to Organization account

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• Create a Portal • Get the feature group query list with portalinfo • Loop through the list of queries and retrieve each

group • For each group get the title and thumbnail • Update the View with the results

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Portal connection

//set up portal portalUrl = ""; credentials = new UserCredentials(); credentials.setUserAccount("mobile_org", ""); //create a new instance of portal Portal.newInstance(portalUrl, credentials, new PortalListener<Portal>() { @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } @Override public void onCallback(Portal portal) { ... });

Create the portal with credentials and Portal URL

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Search Portal

PortalQueryParams queryParams = new PortalQueryParams(); queryParams.setQueryForItemsInGroup(groupId); // You can also create your custom PortalQueryParams object PortalQueryParams queryParamS = new PortalQueryParams(); // Once you have the query parameter string, // you can make the query on the portal. portal.findItems(queryParams, portalListener);

• Construct query string - PortalQueryParams methods return query strings - findItemsWithQueryParams queries items and groups

• Find list of items in a group

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Dan O’Neill

ArcGIS Portal demo

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Best Practice

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ArcGIS for Android Layer performance • Try to minimize traffic

- Requests are expensive - Processing of results cost

• ArcGISFeatureLayer - types - Snapshot / feature collection - On Demand - Selection

• TileLayer (ArcGIS, Bing) - Static - Also have dynamic access

• Dynamic map service layer - Image only

• ArcGISLocalTiledLayer - No network requests!

Combine together

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The importance of the UI Thread

• Work with Views on the UI Thread • Async methods are common

- Run in other threads

• Options - AsyncTask

- Handler() – bound to creation thread - Processed in a queue - messages & runnables

- View.runOnUiThread(new runnable(){…})

- ExecutorService

- Threads

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OS support

• 2.2 25%!

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Device & OS support

• Single app deployment - UI = fragments/different views

• Compatibility libraries - Fragments 1.6+ - Action Bar 3.0+

• Some devices don’t have features - cameras/gps

• Deployment - Manifest settings are really important

• Localisation means global…

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The future

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Future releases

• Playing iOS catchup J - Open Streetmap layer - NAServer task - Wrap around - Navigation modes

• 10.1 server support - Editor tracking - Replica service

- Also local data storage and a sync api - Related tables!!!

• Online features - Wms/wmts/kml - Csv by ref

• Runtime…………..

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Summary info

• Where to get more info - Resource centre -

android/sdk - Blog - - Forum -

Android - Last resort [email protected]

• Where to get code - We will post demo app to arcgis online android group shortly -

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• All yours….

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