building a positive atmosphere


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If you want a close-knit home, you need to create a home with a positive, encouraging atmosphere


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In previous months wehave discussed negativeand destructive com-

munication traits. Once those have been identiWed andremoved from a marriage and family environment, it'simportant to replace them with something positive.A positive atmosphere is one of the foundations of ahealthy family.

Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter into His gates with thanks-giving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful toHim, and bless His name."Tis scripture reveals that the secret to entering God'spresence is praise and thanksgiving. God's heart opensto the positive person. Since we are made in His image,our hearts also open to those who are positive in theirapproach to us. (On the other hand, we tend to closeourselves off to those who are negative.)Within the family, we need to be each others' cheer-leaders. Husbands need to root for their wives. Wivesneed to root for their husbands. Parents need to rootfor their kids. In fact, the parent should be more posi-tive about his or her child than anyone that child willbe around.

All of us—husbands, wives, parents, children—tendto gravitate toward those who affirm us. If you want aclose-knit home, you need to create a home with a pos-itive, encouraging atmosphere.In a positive home, the husband can't wait to get homebecause that is where he is affirmed and honored. Hefeels special.In a positive home, the wife can't wait to see her hus-band because she knows he is going to build her up andspeak loving things to her.

In a positive home, kids can't wait to return from school

because they love to be with their parents. Teir momand dad constantly are speaking loving and positivethings to them.Conversely, a home of poisoned words and negativeaZitudes turns into a home where family members can-not relate to one another, nor do they enjoy spendingtime with one another.A negative home causes kids to turn to their friends forcommunication, rather than their parents.A negative home causes a wife to spend more time withher friends or family than with her husband.A negative home causes a husband to embrace hiswork, his activities, or his friends rather than embracehis wife or children.Te result is an emotionally barren home Wlled withclosed, distant people. Tis is the fruit of a negativespirit.

How do we build a positive atmosphere in the home?Psalm 118:24 says, "Tis is the day the LORD hasmade; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Praise is our de-cision. Tere is always something to be thankful for inlife, and praise Wnds it.

Every single day we have a choice. We can choose topraise God. We can choose to speak loving and en-couraging words to our family. We can choose to re-mind our spouses, our children, and ourselves what isright with our families. When we praise the goodthings, we build an atmosphere of light and joy.I've heard it said many times that it takes seven positivecomments to make up for every one negative com-ment.

What is the positive-to-negative ratio say about thecondition of your home? And what do you need tostart doing to balance it out?

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Building a PositiveAtmosphere

Jimmy Evans

If you want a close-knit home, you need to create ahome with a positive, encouraging atmosphere

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Henry AyensuFranklin Kwaku Kyei

Pas. Abraham ObadareDr. Myles E. Munroe

Joyce MeyerDr. Ralph F. Wilson

Jimmy EvansDr. William D. Watley

Dr. Kelafo Collie M.D. Elsie Osae-Kwapong

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The name Adonai is translated Lord in the Bible. Adonmeans, “steward administrator, master, or Lord.” The ad-dition of ai to adon intensifies or elevates its meaning,changing it to mean “the ultimate Lord, the Supreme Lord,or Lord of all.” The vision of Adonai Magazine goes be-yond denominational, traditional, ethnic and cultural bar-riers that are sometimes imposed and have interfered withthe Lord’s vision for an international kingdom building.

Bishop Joseph Alexander is the pioneering leaderand the Presiding Bishop of New Covenant Chris-tian Ministries Worldwide with headquarters in NewYork.He is also the Chancellor of New CovenantEducational Systems covering New CovenantChristian Schools and the Ambassador College ofMinistries and Theological Seminary, Bronx, NewYork.The hard work, dedication, and Christocratic atti-tude of Bishop Alexander towards kingdom busi-ness have given him favor from God. These are thereasons why the Council of International Charis-matic Bishops has chosen to elevate and officiallyinstall him to the office of Archbishop.

What a great joy it is to be honored by the Lord!We personally invite you to join us to celebratewhat God has done. For this is the LORD's doingand it is marvelous in our eyes.The New Covenant Global Family

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Franklin K. Kyei

We did not envisage that the little seedcalled Adonai Magazine that was plantedin a small studio in the Bronx, New York,

in October 2008 will grow to become such a hugetree, to bless an uncountable number of people andchurches. We never, in our wildest dreams, visual-ized what is being attested to about the magazine bymany in the house of God today; and even in thesecular world: which is - a widely circulated and readmonthly Christian Magazine that is informative, ed-ucative, and sound in content; an online T.V Net-work that serves a similar purpose, soothes the soulwith heavenly music twenty four hours a day, andstreams to life teachings and preaching fromrenowned Ministers of the Word. We still remem-ber how a fellow believer boldly stuck her neck outand gave us less than six months to survive. Fiveyears into that “prophecy” and we are still kickingand climbing higher on the Ladder of divine success.This is the doing of the Lord of the Lord, and it ismarvelous in our eyes.

It is exactly five years ago when we launched AdonaiMagazine. The road to this point has not been easy.It has had its share of ups and downs, but the Lordhas always been our present help in trouble.

We have never faced a trial that the Lord did not seeus through. We have never encountered a monetarysituation in which the Faithful and True Lord turnedHis back on us. We have never faced a dark crowdwhich was thick enough to overwhelm God’s divinepresence and light around us.

He began with us when were printing 5,000 copies,and He has seen us through to more than 30,000copies a month. He put a dream in our spirits abouttelecasting Christian programs, and today we havean online TV program running. He gave a dream to

start a radio ministry, and today we have the AdonaiRadio Ministry that broadcasts Christian music allday long. He gave us a vision to market gospel prod-ucts, and today He has worked it into being with anonline marketing unit where people can go and pur-chase gospel products. This is the doing of the Lord,and it is marvelous in our eyes.

We cannot but say thank you to God for all He hasdone through us and with us. None of us in theAdonai Team has anything to boast about apartfrom what the Lord had placed in us, to be used forHis glory and to bring honor to His name. Wewould like to join with Apostle Paul to say that “Weare never sufficient of ourselves as to be able to doanything by ourselves. Our sufficiency is of God;who has made us able stewards of His gifts” –2Corinthians 3:5-6.

To you our readers, partners, and stakeholders, wewant to say thank you for your loyal patronage andunflinching support. You are the reason for our ex-istence, for the Lord called us to serve Him by serv-ing you. And so on this occasion of our fourthanniversary, we would like to call on you to join us tosay a BIG THANK YOU to the FAITHFUL ANDTRUE LORD who has given us this wonderful storyto tell. Whatever song we have to sing on this occa-sion finds its life and meaning in Him alone; and wetrust that His faithfulness and truthfulness will con-tinue to see us through the years ahead till we seeHim face to face.

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The biblical account recorded by MaZhewstates, “From that time on Jesus began topreach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven

is near’” (MaZ 4:17).

Tese are the Wrst recorded words of Jesus. Tephrase “that time” refers to the arrest of John theBaptist, a prophet whose mission was to announcethe arrival of the King. Now the King Himself wason the scene, and He was announcing the arrival ofthe Kingdom. Tis was the only message Jesus

preached. Ifyou search allfour of theNew Testa-ment Gospelsof MaZhew,

Mark, Luke, and John, you will Wnd that Jesus alwaystalked about the Kingdom. Everything He said anddid related to the Kingdom and its arrival on earth.

Jesus said, “Repent” (which means to change yourmind or adopt a new way of thinking), “for the king-dom of heaven is near” (which means, in effect, thatit has arrived). In other words, Jesus was saying,“Change your way of thinking! Te Kingdom ofHeaven is here! I brought it with me!” When Jesusbrought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, Hebrought also the promise of restoring to mankindthe dominion over the earth that Adam and Eve had

lost in Eden. He brought back our rulership.Before we could be fully restored to our

Kingdom, however, the maZer of our rebellionagainst God had to be dealt with. Tis rebellion iswhat the Bible calls sin, and it is universal in humannature, a legacy of Adam and Eve’s treason in Edenso long ago. Jesus’ death on the cross paid the pricefor our rebellion so that we could be restored to aright standing with God, our King, and be reinstalledin our original and rightful place as rulers of theearthly domain.

Te “gospel” message—the “good news”—is morethan the Cross. Te Cross is the doorway that getsus back into the Kingdom. Te Cross of Christ,therefore, is all about Kingdom restoration. It isabout restoration of power and authority. It is aboutregaining rulership, not religion.

Our Father, the King of heaven, has given us theKingdom. It is ours. Jesus Himself brought the King-dom to us. It was His main purpose in coming toearth in human Xesh. We receive the Kingdomthrough His death. Te moment we turn from ourrebellion against God and place our trust in Christto salvage us from the consequences of that rebel-lion, we become naturalized citizens of the Kingdomof Heaven, with all the rights, beneWts, and privilegesthat come with citizenship.

The Kingdom is Here

Dr. Myles MunroeFor Books or Teachings by Dr. Myles Munroe on CD, audio or video tapes, call or visit us at:Bahamas Faith Ministries International. The Diplomat Center, Carmichael Road. P.O.Box N-9583, Nassau, Bahamas Tel: (242) 341 – 6444. Fax: (242) 361 2260

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The Cross is thedoorway thatgets us back intothe Kingdom.

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Pastor Abraham Obadare is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, NewYork City •Our TV programs show: Queens: QPTV 34 on Wednesdays at10:30pm & Fridays at 5:30pm, Brooklyn: BCAT 56 at 12am on Sunday Long Island: CABLEVISION 20 on Saturday 7:30am Tel: 718 658 8981.

Pas. Abraham Obadare

The word “different” in the dictionary is de-Wned as, 1. “not alike in character or quality…; 2. not identical; separate or distinct …;

… 4. not ordinary; unusual.”

Now when we read 1 Peter 2:9 with the under-standing of the word “different,” we get a sense thatthe bible is saying we are not like others who live indisobedience by rejecting the Savior as the founda-tion of hope (vs. 8). Tis is why the verse starts withthe word, ‘but.”

1 Peter 2:9says, “But yeare a chosengeneration, aroyal priest-hood, an holy

nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forththe praises of him who hath called you out of dark-ness into his marvellous light:”

How did I become different?By receiving God’s mercy (vs. 10) - buying me backwith the blood of Jesus (vs. 24). See Acts 20:28 &Titus 2:14

Once He bought me back, God now sees me as Hischosen, holy priest with special distinctions.

Since I am different, I do not play on the same Weldas the people in verse1 who walk in malice, guile,hypocrisies, envy and evil speaking. Apostle Peter

says in verse 3 that if I have tasted the grace of Godwhich makes vs. 9 quoted above to be true, then Icannot participate in verse 1 (malice, all deceit,hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking.) He also saysif indeed I am different, I would desire the pure wordof God, not the dilute ones (vs. 2).

Because I am different, Jesus says I have to: Ensure that my righteousness exceeds that of general bible readers or philosophers - Mat. 5:20.Maintain inward purity – Mat. 5: 27-28Hold my marriage sacred – Mat. 5:31—32Stay away from swearing – Mat. 5:33-37Stay away from seeking revenge but go a secondmile – Mat. 5:38-42Extend my love beyond only those who love me –Mat. 5:43-48

How can I live a life of a peculiar / different person?By receiving and increasing in the power of the HolySpirit (Ezek. 47:1-12)Tis will help me with 1 Pet. 2:11-12 which pre-scribes that I abstain from lust and ensure that mygood works bring glory to the name of God in mylife.

Why did God make me different?In order to show forth the honor / virtue/ that leadto the praise of God in all that I do (Vs.9).

May you begin to see yourself as a different personin order to bring praise to the name of the Lord.

I Am Different

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Therefore, if anyoneis in Christ, he is anew creation; theold has gone, thenew has come!

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Joyce MeyerFor more on this topic, order Joyce’s four-CD series Change Your Words, Change Your Life. You can alsocontact us to receive our free magazine, Enjoying Everyday Life, by calling (800) 727-9673 or

Please note: The views and opinions expressed throughout this publication and/or website are those of therespective authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

Extremely religious, legalistic people have a criti-cism or judgment about everyone and every-thing. Tey just have a way of bringing people

down with what they say. But as a follower of Christ,you can have joy overXowing that pours out onto oth-ers. God wants to use YOU to make other people happy!And the happier you make others, the happier you willbe because you reap what you sow.

First Peter 3:10 says, “For let him who wants to enjoylife and see good days [good-whether apparent or not]keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from guile(treachery, deceit).”

What have youbeen sayingtoday? Haveyou beens p e a k i n gwords thathelp you enjoylife?

Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, com-plaining, faultWnding, and a negative, judgmental aZi-tude. With God’s help, we can choose words that will onlybe a blessing to ourselves and others.

David oYen prayed that God would help him with hismouth. Psalm 19:14 says, “Let the words of my mouthand the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Yoursight, O Lord, my [Wrm, impenetrable] Rock and myRedeemer.”

Today, I want to encourage you to get into the habit ofspeaking words of praise and thanksgiving-especiallyin times of adversity.

What Do You Say After You Pray?When we’re having a problem, we shouldn’t ignore it.But it doesn’t do us any good to relive it by talkingabout it repeatedly. Instead, we should pray and saysomething that will enhance our prayers. And when others complain to you, talk about the goodthings. Turn the conversation around. Help set a pos-itive atmosphere.

Jesus said there will be tribulation…and then He said,“Cheer up!”

I’ve found that when I see and feel it the least, God isoYen doing the most! And then it seems like He sud-denly brings things to pass. So say something positive.Set yourself up to believe God is working. Maybe you work at a company where there are a fewproblems that aggravate you on a regular basis. Talk-ing about them won’t change anything, but prayingcould. Remember, God is in control of your circum-stances. He will take care of you if you do what you’resupposed to do.

Te next time you have a trial, be determined to getthrough it without saying anything negative. Pray andthen say something in agreement with what youprayed. If we really believe God’s working, then we willsee results.

Our Leaders Need Encouragement Too First Tessalonians 5:12-13 (MSG) tells us to speakpositive words about our leaders. It says, “And now,friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who workso hard for you, who have been given the responsibil-ity of urging and guiding you along in your obedience.Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!”Have you ever made a point to exhort a public officialwho was doing their job right? What about your boss

How to Instantly Increase Your Joy

Be faithful duringyour tests, rightwhere you are, andGod will promote youin due time

cont. on pg. 18

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How to Instantly Increase Your Joycontd. from pg. 14or your spiritual leaders?

When you’re in a leadership role, you can never pleaseall of the people all of the time. Tere’s also a lot of re-sponsibility that goes along with it that others may notrealize. Instead of being critical of people in authority over youand envious of their position, be happy you’re not re-sponsible for everything they have to do. Instead of pil-ing on complaints, thank them for what they do.Overwhelm them with encouragement and apprecia-tion!

We need to energize the leaders in our life so they don’tquit and give up.

You Can Bring Joy to Others EasilyEven the simplest words can make an amazing differ-ence in someone’s day, words like please, thank you,forgive me, I’m sorry, I was wrong. Just think how muchnegative energy and strife could be avoided if we used

those words regularly. A whole day could be saved!When someone makes a mistake, say what you wouldwant them say to you. “It’s no problem. Don’t worryabout it. I make mistakes too.” How much beZer is thatthan having to remind them of their mistakes?

Proverbs 15:23 says a man has joy in making an apt an-swer, and a word spoken at the right moment-howgood it is! It’s very inexpensive to give a compliment. So form ahabit of adding value to everybody you touch in yourlife.

God’s words are full of life and power. And you canmake others feel beZer by bringing His Word to otherpeople in your life. Look your loved ones in the eye and say, “I appreciateyou”-especially if you’ve been taking them for granted.Remember, you reap what you sow, and you can in-stantly increase your joy in life if you decide to changeyour words.

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BIBLE GAMESParables of Jesus Christ Word Search Game

Two Debtors - Good Samaritan - Rich Fool - Lost Son - Fig Tree - Unjust Steward -Tares - Hid Treasure - Pearl - Drag Net - Two Sons - Ten Virgins - Talents - Sower

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Te name of the Lord is a strong tower: the right-eous run into it, and are safe - Proverbs 18:10So he said to me, “Tis is the word of the Lord toZerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by mySpirit,’ says the Lord Almighty - Zechariah 4:6

I shed tears of Joy as I write this piece, because Yes!Tis is the word of the Lord to the Adonai MediaMinistry: "It is neither by might nor by power, but itis by my Spirit that you have been able to achieve 5years of continuous publication.” We thank God foreverything we have been through. It has not beeneasy for us (the team), but the Lord strengthens useveryday of our lives.

I no longer think about the past, but rather the good-ness and impact the magazine has created in ourcommunities. We give God all the Glory. We couldnot have done all these without the support of Min-istries and Businesses that advertize in the magazine,as well as the constructive comments we receivefrom you all from time to time. I would like to sayon behalf of the entire Adonai Team that: We ap-

preciate you! Our doors are still open for more ofyour positive critiques.

To you fans of my page (Adonai Kids), I appreciateyou all for the support, love and encouragement yougive everyday; especially those of you who showyour love through the website, and emails. I pray thatthe Lord order your steps as you obey Him.And to our readers we say thank you for your con-

sistent patronage.

To all our distributors in the various states, I cannottell you how delighted I am to offer you my deepestappreciation for all the things you so tirelessly do forAdonai Magazine. What make Adonai Magazine’scirculation even more exciting for me are the per-sonal testimonies you share with us. I say God richlybless you for your endeavors.

On a personal note, I would like to recognize andappreciate some of the team players: Brother KyeiAmoako – Ohio, Brother Dennis Amoako - NewJersey, and Brother Richard - New York; for yourhard work and faithfulness. God richly bless you.

As I end my note and on behalf of the Adonai Team,I once again say thank you and God richly bless youall.

If you want to be a part of this great commission andoutreach to the thousands of souls out there, I wantyou to know that you are welcome to advertise yourministry with us at or call us on347 449 5892, as we take you globally.

Happy 5th Anniversary

Elsie Osae-KwapongEmail: [email protected]

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