‘build first plan later’: the voice of diy approaches in today’s design

Ravihansa Rajapakse Margot Brereton Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Ravihansa Rajapakse

Margot Brereton

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Signum – sign

A noun or a verb?




Simonsen, J. & Robertson, T. 2012, Routledge international handbook of participatory design, Routledge, New York.

Bauhaus* – 1919

Power with the designers

Technology's role in problem solving

Nordic Design – 1950’s

• Democracy

• Participation

* Droste, Magdalena. Bauhaus, 1919-1933. Taschen, 2002.

UTOPIA – Nordic Participatory Design Project (1980s)*

• Design-by-playing

• Design-by-doing

Digital Bauhaus

• Interaction design – HCI

• User Centred Design

* Bodker, Susanne, et al. "A UTOPIAN experience: On design of powerful computer-based tools for skilled graphic workers."

Computers and democracy—A Scandinavian challenge (1987): 251-278.

* Sundblad, Y., KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC) & Människa-datorinteraktion, M.2. 2010,

"UTOPIA - Participatory Design from Scandinavia to the World", , pp. 176.

“People who will be affected by the design ought to be included in the design”

Taking a Stand – 1970’s

• The Iron and Metal Project*

Design and Intervention (In the lab)


Ethnography (In the wild)

• Design WITH rather than Design FOR

• PD Conference since 1990

* Nygaard, Kristen, and Olav Terje Bergo. "The trade unions-New users of research." Personnel Review 4.2 (1975): 5-10.

2.5 Million Years


Microcontroller Kits

3D Printers

Laser Cutters


Never too Old

Rogers, Yvonne, et al. "Never too old: engaging retired people inventing the future with MaKey MaKey."

Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, 2014.

Gold Coast Techspace

• http://gctechspace.org/

Brisbane Hackerspace

• http://hsbne.org/



Formal Interviews


Ravihansa Rajapakse

• PhD Candidate, QUT

• School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Margot Brereton

• Professor Eng. & Interaction Design

• Discipline head - HCI


Super Mario


Want to change key-mappings?

• https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/makey-


- Silver, J., Rosenbaum, E., & Shaw, D. (2012). Makey Makey: improvising tangible and nature-based user interfaces.

In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (pp. 367–370).







• Suneetha a single lady aged 27, encountered a tragic road accident couple of months ago. She has lost her ability to move hands and now uses a wheelchair to move. She still can use her fingers, though she cannot apply much pressure. She also can move her feet and head as before.

• Suneetha is a music lover who used a hi-fi setup to listen to music. But, now she cannot use it properly with weak finger movements.

• She likes to draw as well. She likes to paint on paper and also sometimes use software programs to draw artistic graphics. These activities are now somewhat difficult for her.

• She enjoys a chess game or two with his younger brother. But, she cannot moving the chess pieces is not so easy.

• Suneetha is a prolific reader. After the accident she could not freely use physical books as before. She says that this is a big blow as reading, for her, is not only enjoyable but also educational.

• Although she is not a regular computer user, she uses it for email, skyping with his elder sister in Australia and drawing as mentioned before. She says that using keyboard is very difficult as she fails to hit a key precisely.