b.s. hay 1973, - nasa...cv h ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient...

, / William Grier Sewall B.S. Hay 1973, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A Thesis The submitted to i Faculty of 3 I The School of Engineering and Applied Science of the Preorge Washington University in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science August 1982 1 I https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19820024508 2020-07-28T02:40:19+00:00Z

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Page 1: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



William Grier Sewall

B.S. Hay 1973, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

A Thesis


submitted to i





The School of Engineering and Applied Science

of the Preorge Washington University in

partial satisfaction of the requirements

for the degree of Master of Science

August 1982



https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19820024508 2020-07-28T02:40:19+00:00Z

Page 2: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



' I W O - D ~ I O W TRA13So#IC WIND Tueams


W i l l i a m G . Sewall


A t ransonic s i m i l a r i t y r u l e which accounts f o r t h e e f f e c t s of

attached s i d e s a l l boundary l a y e r s is presented and evaluated by COQ-

p r i s o n with t h e characteristics of a i r f o i l s t e s t e d i n a twodlmenslonal

t ransonic tunnel with d i f €erect s idewal l boundary-layer thlckaesses.

The r u l e appears v a l i d provided t h e s idewal l boundary layer both remains

attached i n the v i c i n i t y of the model and occupies a small enough

f r a c t i o n of t he tunnel width t o preserve s u f f i c i e n t two-dlmeosionality

i n t h e tunnel.

Page 3: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

AummumGmEurs The author w b k s to recognlze aad thmL the follmdmg IadlvSduals

f o r their umttibut&ons to this research e f f o r t : Dr. Rlcbard W. BaruweU

for the or*- suggestitm of the project and for his helpful

emc-t; ~oai L. ~fperbart for asshtlmce vitb the -layer

dam &ti=, 8 a e 8 t f o n of the lAIlllff of mff$c$dly tbi- t k

s idewal l boundary l ayer , and &dance in the operation of the Langley

6- by 19-Incb Trarmon*c 'hamel; Boyce Lavender and his group of

technicians f o r conscious e f f o r t s fm c a r e f u l l y coaducthg the vrlmen;

Jean Foster of Laac and Sue Davp of SDC for software management e f f o r t s ;

Chr i s t ine Barnet t f o r her typing servkes; Dr. Douglas Dwoyer for

serv ing as t h e thesis advisor; Bla i r G l o s s f o r bis valuable guidance

in using t h e p l o t t i n g rout ines ; and Betty Mil lard f o r her he lp In

f i g u r e preparat ion.



Page 4: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


pess AB!mAcT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

A - i m S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T W O F - . . ....................... I V

L I S T O F F I G U U E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vi LIST OF smLs . ......................... x


1. IrnrnCTIoN ......................... 1


Faci l i ty a d T e s t Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

M o d e l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Arti f ic ia l Thickening of the S idewal l Boundary Layer . . . . 6

3. ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Primary Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Approximate Mach Number Increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4. EXPERIMEN'fALRESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Equivalent Freestream Mach Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

MACA 0012 and SC-27 Airfoil Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

NLR-1 Airfoi l T e s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Summary of Airfoi l Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5. CONCLUDINC REMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

. I 4



Page 5: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

Temperature Distribution in the Boundary Layer . . . . . . . . . 30

Displacement Thickness and Momentum Thickness Calculations . . 31

A P P W I X B - TBB BBLATIONSBIP OF THE VEMCITlt GRADIENT THE S W E FACTOR GRADIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

F I G U R E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Page 6: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

V i


Figure P.P. 1. Photograph of the Larrgley 6- by l9-Inch ¶'ransonic Tumel

showing a top view of t h e test s e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2. Photograph of t y p i c a l models instrumented f o r pressure tests. 19.24-ca d e l i n foreground and 10.1- d e l i n backround . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3. Photograph of the t h r e e a r t i f i c i a l boundary-layer thickening conf igura t ions showlag t h e p l a t e s with pins that are 3.80 cm and 2.94 c m long. and a p l a t e without p i n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4. Experimental apparatus used i n the Langley 6- by 19-Inch Transonic Tunnel to investigate t h e e f f e c t s of t h e s idewal l boundary-layer displacement th ickness on two-dimensional t e s t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5 . Sketch of t h e rake-tube probes used to survey t h e s idewal l boundary l a y e r s i n t h e Langley 6- by 19-Inch Transonic Tunnel. A l l dimensions are i n cm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

(a) Top and f r o n t view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 (b) Side view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6. Nondimensional v e l o c i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n i n a r t i f i c i a l l y thickened s idewall boundary layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

7. %dimensional v e l o c i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n f o r law of t h e wake c o r r e l a t i o n of a r t i f i c i a l l y thickened s idewall boundary layers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

8. The v a r i a t i o n of t h e measured boundary-layer displacement thickness near t h e model s t a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

9. Sketch of a i r f o i l model and tunnel s idewal l s with t h e coordinate systeza used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


10. Var ia t ion of equivalent f reestream Mach number wi th measured freestream Mach number for t h e t h r e e oideatell boundary-lave: displacement thicknesses . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Page 7: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



p.ga 11.





Var ia t ion of shock wave loca t ion wi th freestream Mach nwnbex f o r t he NACA 0012 a i r f o i l t e s t e d wi th three s idewal l boundary-layer displacement thicknesses . -le of a t t a c k is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Shock wave loca t ion vs. m e a s u r e d f rees t ream Mach number . (b) Shuck wave loca t ion vs. equivalent f rees t ream

Mach m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Var ia t ion of sec t ion d rag c o e f f i c i e n t with f rees t ream Hech number f o r t he NACA 0012 a i r f o i l t e s t e d wi th th ree s i d e u a l l boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle af a t t a c k is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Sect ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs. measured freestream

Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Adjusted sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs . equiva len t

freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varia t ion of normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t with freestream Mach number f o r the NACA 0012 a i r f o i l t e s t ed with th ree s idewal l boundary-layer displacement thicknesses . Angle of a t t a c k is 1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Varia t ion of s ec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t with freestream Mach number fo r the NACA 0012 a i r f o i l t e s t ed with th ree s idewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses . Angle of a t t a c k is 1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Sect ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f reestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Varia t ion of normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t with freestream Mach number f o r t h e SC-27 a i r f o i l t e s t ed with thrc s idewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses . Angle of a t t a c k is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t vs. measured freestream

Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Adjusted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t vs. equivalent

f reestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
















Page 8: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


16. Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Hach number for the SC-27 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. is 1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angle of attack

v i i i



1 ! !

(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17. Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-I airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angle of attack

(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach nmber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18. Chordwise local Mach number distribution on the NLR-1 airfoil. Angle of attack is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

x (3) M, = 0.85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) E, = 0.86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -

19. Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number €or the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack I s -1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Normal-force cooff icient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent Nach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20. Chordwise local Mach number distribution on the NLR-1 airfoil. Angle of attack is -1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . .

21. Variation of normal-force Coefficient with freestream Mach number for NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidevall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-Eorce coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .








62 63







freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Page 9: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer






. l



2 4 .

2 5 .


Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the mR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 2.0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Nach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Section drag coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted section drag coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is -1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Section drag coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted section drag coefficient vs. equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . frzestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of at tack is 1.0 degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Section drag coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted section drag coefficient vs. equivalent ? ? x h number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f reestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Varitlticn of sect i on drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLP-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 2.0 degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) section drag Coefficient vs. measured freestream

(b) Adjusted section drag coefficient v s . equivalent Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . freestream Mach number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









7 4







Page 10: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer




The u n i t s used f o r t h e physical q u a n t i t i e s i n t h i s paper are given

i n t he In t e rna t iona l System of Units. The measurements and c a l c u l a t i o n s

were made i n U.S. Customary Units .

b tunnel width, 15.72 c m

cP ?’local - P=

&. s ta t ic pressure c o e f f i c i e n t ,

C a i r f o i l chord, 15.72 CIC

sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t , C Cd‘

poin t drag c o e f f i c i e n t ,

C Wake


‘d *

C n sec t ion normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t . c Lh upper ‘P c c Ax

lower ‘P c - surf ace sui f ac e



‘n P





adjus ted sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t

ad jus ted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t

s p e c i f i c heat a t constant pressure

s p e c i f i c heat a t constant volume

boundary-layer shape f a c t o r ,

- (LJ’ - 1

(2) - 1


displacement thickness 3 momentum thickness

transformed shape fac:or, ;c - : ) d e


Page 11: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer








A 03




p t , m




e f f e c t i v e length of a f l a t p l a t e having the same b0unda.y layer as a wind-tunnel s idewall

l o c a l Mach number

measured freestream Mach number

equivalent freestream Mach number

d i f f e rence between the equivalent f reestream Mach wmber and =

the measured freestream Mach number, M, - M, exponent f o r power l a w used i n boundary-layer v e l o c i t y

d i s t r i b u t ion

f a c t o r used i n the series approximations for the boundary- layer displacem. \t thickness and momentum thickness ,

0.1793 M:

2 1 + 0.1793 Me

t o t a l pressure measured on t r ave r s ing survey probe and used i n the Cd ca l cu la t ion , kPa

freestream s tagnat ion pressure or t o t a l p re s su re , kPa

s t a t i c pressure measured on tunnel sideraall near t r ave r s ing ?

survey probe and used i n the C d ca l cu la t ion , kPa

freestream s t a t i c pressure, kPa

freestream dynamic pre3sure, Wa

universa l gas constant

recovery f a c t o r used i n t h e temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n equation

l o c a l s t a t i c temperature, OK

s tagnat ion temperature, OK

€or t he b a n d a r y layer, 0.8963

maximum thickness-to-chord r a t i o

longi tudina l component of ve loc i ty

f reestream ve loc i ty

Page 12: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


U longi tudina l component of pe r ,u rba t ion ve loc i ty ,

vertical component of per turba t ion v e l o c i t y

u - IJ - Uap


spanwise component of per tu rba t ion v e l o c i t y t r

l ong i tud ina l axis, p o s i t i v e i n t h e downstream d i r e c t i o n

ver t ical axis



spanwise axis z

f a c t o r i n governing equat ions conta in ing s idewal l boundary- s

l aye r parameters, b

A i v a r i a b l e used i n t h e f i r s t -o rde r approximation of t h e s idewai l 26* 1

boundary-layer e f f e c t s , ~ ( 2 + - d) 6


s idewal l boundary-layer thickness , c m

s idewall boundary-layer displacement thickness , c m l6 (1 - ") dz Peue

0 sidewall boundary-layer momentum thickness , c m

E(l - e-dz 'e",

P local s t a t i c dens i ty

w a l l shear stress TW

Suhscr i p t s:

e condi t ion a t the edge of the boundary lay t r

1 i d e n t i f i e s t h e f i r s t flow f i e l d used i n t h e s i m i l a r i t y r u l e

2 i d e n t i f i e s t he second flow f i e l d t h a t is similar t o the first flow f i e l d used i n the. s i m i l a r i t y r u l e

Page 13: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

x i i i

Abbreviations :

A.O.A. angle of attack, degrees

RN Reynolds number based c;n the a i r f o i l chord, :-nless Gtherwise mentioned

TRANS. transition From laminar to turbulent boundary layers on a i r f o i l upper and lower surfaces


Page 14: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

., L" .






Since t h e development of wind tunnels, extiasive a t t e t t i o n

has been devoted t o t h e i n t e r f e r e n c e on wind-tunnel models caused

by the tunnel w a l l boundaries. This i n t e r f e r e n c e is caused by

t h e a l t e r a t i o n of t h e s t reamlines near t h e w a l l from t h e i r free-

air posi t ions. Wind-tunnel i n t e r f e r e n c e i n both two- and three-

dimensional f a c i l i t i e s has been addressed with a n a l y s i s and

f a c i l i t y modifications to reduce or e l imina te it.

I n t h e past , t h e primary i n t e r e s t i n two-dimensional w a l l

in te r fe rence concerned t h e upper and lower w a l l e f f e c t s .

of t he l i n e a r a n a l y t i c a l methods t h a t have been developed to

account f o r these e f f e c t s a r e presented i n rcference 1. Some

nonlinear methods have a l s o been developed for t ransonic two-

dimensional tunnels and a r e described i n re ferences 2 and 3.

A t t e m p t s t o reduce these in te r fe rence e f f e c t s have r e s u l t e d i n

f a c i l i t y modifications by making t h e upper 3nd lower walls with

e i t h e r longi tudinal slots, porous surfaces , o r a d j u s t a b l e contours.

The in te r fe rence e f f e c t s caused by t h e s idewalls i n two-

dimcisional wind tunnels occur because of t h e presence of t h e

sidewall boundary l aye r s . The in te r fe rence of a t tached s idewal l

boundary layers i n two-dimensional tunnels r e s u l t s i n a modifica-

t i o n of t h e cont inui ty equation because che geometric tunnel width


Page 15: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



is e f f e c t i v e l y reduced by twice t h e s idewall boundary-layer dls-

placement thickness . The two s idewall i n t e r f e rence problems which

have received the most a t t e n t i o n o r e t h e growth of t h e s idewall

boundary layer due to t h e shear ing stress a t t h e s idewall and the

separa t ion of t h e s ldewal l boundary layer due to Interaction with

la rge model-induced pressure grad ien ts . The problem of boandaty-

layer growth due t o shear ing stress is accounted f o r i n some wind

tunnels by 3 s l i g h t outward inc l ina t ion of the walls, and t h e

problem of t he s idewall boundary-layer separa t ion can be con-

cont ro l led to some exten t with suc t ion or t angen t i a l blowing on

the s idewall .

This studv concerns the intermediate problem of the a t tached

s idewall boundary-layer i n t e r a c t i o n with the pressure f i e l d of

the model a t t ransonic speeds. Earlier methods of accounting f o r

t h i s e f f e c t havt. been proposed for incompressible flow, as

described i n re ferences 4 and 5 . These methods considered the

e f f e c t of the sidewi.11 boundary layer as a change i n t he c i r cu la -

tion about t he c i r fb i l .

For subsontc and t L ansonic compressible flow, t h i s effect

can be formulated i n t o s imi la r i ty r u l e s of t he s idewall boundary

layer t o the model-induced pressure f i e l d . The a n a l y s i s presented

i n t h i s study a p p l i e s elements of the de r iva t ion of t he s i s l l a r i t y

ru l e g i v e n i n re ference 6 t o the von Karman t ransonic similari ty

Page 16: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

I 3

r i

. 1


rule. Expermental r e s u l t s from three a i r f o i l tests, each conducted

w i t h varying sidewall boundary-layer thicknesses, are also presented.

These r e s u l t s are used to evaluate the v a l i d i t y of the s lml lar l ty

rule a t transonic speeds.

i - i i

Page 17: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer







F a c i l i t y and Test Conditions

The e f f e c t s of t h z s idewall boundary l a y e r s i n subsonic and tran-

sonic two-dimensional tunnels were inves t iga ted i n t h e Langley 6- by

19-Inch Transonic Tunnel, presented i n f i g u r e 1. This f a c i l i t y .

described i n d e t a i l i n reference 7, is e s s e n t i a l l y a blowdown tunnel

that opera tes a t Mach numbers ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 with correspondip4

u n i t Reynolds numbers of 5.0 mil l ion to 7.5 mil l ion per foo t .

The tunnel a x i s is or ien ted v e r t i c a l l y with the flow d i r e c t i o n

upward, a s shown i n f i g u r e 1. The test s e c t i o n has s o l i d , parallel

s idewal l s and s l o t t e d w a l l s jo in ing t h e s idewal l s t h a t minlmiee t h e top

and bottom w a l l in te r fe rence mentioned i n reference 1.

This tunnel is configured for t e s t i n g a i r f o i l models, whicn span

t h e tunnel, as shown i n f i g u r e 1, and havc constant c r o s s s e c t i o n s con-

s f s t i n g of the a i r f o l l shapes. Each e d ol t h e model mounts i n t o a

t u rn t ab le t h a t f i t s f l u s h i n t o the sidewall of t h e test sec t ion . The

turn tab les r o t a t e together , allowing changes In t he model angle of

a t t a c k .

total-hmd tube probes and t r a v e r s e s t h e wake of t h e model t o o b t a i n

wake t o t a l pressure measurements used i n t h e drag c a l c u l a t i o n method

from reference 8 .

A movable rake mounted behind t h e model is equipped with four

S t a t i c pressure measurements both i n the test s e c t i o n and in t h e

cont rac t ion region 45.7 crn upstream of thc s t a r t of t h e test s e c t i o n

Page 18: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

5 !


. .

- i !


r i ,


_ I

' ,

are provided by a centerline row of o r i f i c e s i n t h e s u r f a c e of one elde-

w a l l .

obtain t h e Hoch m b e r e t t h e model s t a t i o n when runniag tunnel empty

f o r tunnel c a l i b r a t i o n .

On t h e same sidewall , a t u r n t a b l e with 17 o r i f i c e s is used t o


A photograph of two t y p i c a l m d e l s t e s t e d i n t h e f a c i l i t y is shown

i n f i g u r e 2.

of 15.72 cm, and are instrumented f o r pressure d i s t r i b u t i o n tests. The

15.72-cm chord model, which was t h e type used i n t h i s experiment, has

rectangular tangs machined on the ends of t he model to t r a n s f e r t he

model aerodynamic loads t o t h e model support s y s t e m . The tubes have

been placed in s ide t h e model and t h e coverp la te has been welded i n place

over t he tubes. The o r i f i c e s are located in chordwise rows near t h e

midspati of t he model and have A diameter of 0.35 nun.

accurac ies f o r these experiments were within 20.013 am.

Both models are constructed of s t a i n l e s s steel, have a span

The model contour

Three a i r f o i l shapes were used for t h e experiment. The f i r s t model

was a NACA 0012 a i r f o i l model, which Is a symmetrical a i r f o i l t h a t had

been t t -*-ed in many t ransonic f a c i l i t i e s . The second a i r f o i l t o be

t t ~ d w a s t he s u p e r c r i t i c a l SC-27 a i r f o i l t ha t represented t h e modern

c l a s s of t ransonic a i r f o i l s . This p a r t i c u l a r a i r f o i l has been exten-

s i v e l y t e s t e d i n two neighboring f a c i l i t i e s and Ravc t h e f irst indica-

t i o n of an in te r fe rence problem t h a t w a s thought t o be caused by the

s id -wa l l boundary layer . The l a s t model teslcd was t h a t of t h e NLR-1

a i r f o i l , another s u p e r c r i t i c a l a i r f o i l t h a t was designed for r o t o r c r a f t

appl ica t ions and was tt.s:c*d i n (1 neighboring f a c i l l t y .





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I -i i


1 - 1 ?

. I

'I I

A l l of t h e airfoil models were tested with a spanwisa s t r i p of

c a r b r u n d m g r i t on both upper and lower s u r f a c e s to f o r c e the laminar-

to-turbulent boundary-layer t ransi t ion. For t h e NACA 0012 a i r f o i l , t h e

t r a n s i t i o n particles were located a t 0.075 x/c and were 0.089 mo i n

nominal height.

t ion p a r t i c l e s located a t 0.05 x/c with a nominal particle height o f

0.076 aim.

i n su re s u f f i c i e n t s i z e f o r complete t r a n s i t i o n without contributing

extra protuberance drag.

The SC-27 and NLR-1 a i r f o i l models both had t h e transi-

The particle sizes were der,ermined by re ference 9 so as to

A r t i f i c i a l Thickening of t he Sidewall Boundary Layer

The s idewall boundary e f f e c t s on tw-dimensional n i r f o i l t e s t i n g

were studied by examining r e s u l t s of s e v e r a l a i r f o i l tests conducted

with successively thickened s idewall boundary layers .

boundary layers were thickened with 3 device similar to t h a t invest i -

gated i n reference 10, which cons is ted of t h i n p l a t e s , each having

th ree rows of pins protruding from the surface, as shown In f i g u r e 3.

One p l a t e w 3 s mounted on each s idewall i n t h e tunnel c o n t r a c t i o n region

(f ig . 1). a t n s t a t i o n 114 cm upstream ol t h e m o d e l leading edge as

indicated i n f i g u r e 4. The thickness of t h e s idewall boundary l a y e r

was cont ro l led by the d is tance t h a t t he p ins protruded from t h e p l a t e

surface. Three p a i r s of p l a t e s were used:

t he second p a i r had p i n s extending out 2 .56 cm, and t h e t h i r d pair had

p ins extending out 3.80 cm.

was conveniently possible t o a l low t h e wakes from t h e Individual pino

The s idewal l

t he f i r s t pair had no pine,

The p l a t e s were mounted as f a r upstream as


Page 20: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

to be s u f f i c i e n t l y mixed 80 that no pecu l i a r behavior would exist in the

s idewal l boundary l a y e r s c l o s e to t h e model s t a t i o n .

The s idewal l boundary l a y e r was surveyed a loag t h e test s e c t i o n

c e n t e r l i n e us ing total-head f ixed rake-tube probes.

sisted of two rows of 0.76 mm 0.d. tubes and are shown i n f i g u r e 5.

tubes were posit ioned t o survey out t o 5.10 e m from t h e s idewal l surface.

The tube closest to t h e s idewal l r e s t ed on t h e s idewal l and was used t o

determine t h e sk in - f r i c t ion c o e f f i c i e n t from t h e Pres ton tube ca l ib ra -

t i o n i n re ference 11.

t i o n on t h e s idewal l was determined from t h e s ta t ic pressure measured a t

the s idewal l l oca t ion nea res t t o t h e probe l o c a t i o n without t he probe

inserted. Th i s s t a t i c pressure was c a l i b r a t e d a g a i n s t t h e f rees t ream

Mach number sc t h a t with t h e probe mounted, t h e boundary-layer static

p res su re was determined from t he freestream Mach number.

These probes con-


The s ta t ic pressure a t t h e rake-tube probe p3i-

The ve loc i ty r a t i o , U/Ue, was ca lcu la t ed a t each tube p o s i t i o n on

the rake-tube probe €or t h e d i f f e r e n t s idewal l boundary-layer thick-

nesses. F i r s t , t he Cal ibra ted s t a t i c pressure was assumed cons tan t

through t h e boundary layer, and with t h e l o c a l t o t a l p ressure a t a

p a r t i c u l a r xube, t h e l o c a l Mach number was ca lcu la t ed . Next, a static

temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n through the boundary layer, given by t h e

equat ion


1 A

Page 21: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


8 I



. I

; ! i

from references 1 2 and 13, was used t o c a l c u l a t e t h e l o c a l speed of


from both t h e local Mach number and speed of sound.

The local v e l o c i t y at each tube location was then determined

Af ter t h e local v e l o c i t i e s through t h e boundary l aye r were obtained,

the boundary-layer th ickness was determined from a least-squares regres-

s ion using t h e power l a w

- 5 " (f "e

With the values of 6 and N and the static tempera'ane given by

equation (1). i n t eg ra t ions were performed t o ge t t he displacement thick-

ness, 6* , and the momentum thickness , 8. Details of these procedures

are given i n Appendix A.

To examine the s i m i l a r i t y of the thickened s idewall boundary

layers, the ve loc i ty p r o f i l e s a t the model s t a t i o n were compared.

Figure 6 shows the resul ts of t h i s comparison where the v a r i a t i o n of t he

loca l ve loc i ty r a t i o , UIU,, with the nondimensional he ight , z/6*,

appear for a l l th ree boundary-layer thickening configurat ions. ThlJe

p r o f i l e s were considered t o match q u i t e w e l l .

Another c h a r a c t e r i s t i c inves t iga ted €or the thickened boundary

l aye r s concerned the r e l a t ionsh ips between the v e l o c i t i e s i n t h e

boundary layer and the wall shear stress.

l e n t boundary l a y e r s i n a zero pressure grad ien t has been e s t ab l i shed

with the law of the wake of re ference 14 . The c o r r e l a t i o n of t h e th ree

a r t i f i c i a l ly - th i ckened boundary l aye r s with the law of t he wake Is shown

One r e l a t i o n s h i p f o r turbu-




-. I , . ,,. . ....___ . ... .J

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i n f i g u r e 7. The v r r e l a t i o n is reasonable except for t h e inner regions

of the boundary layers . This is as expected because t h e l a w of t h e wake

a p p l i e s t o the outer reg ions of t he boundary l aye r while t he more

commonly known l a w of t h e wall a p p l i e s t o t h e inner region.

tube boundary-layer probes used appear t o de f ine pr imar i ly t h e ou te r

region of t h e boundary layers .

The rake-

From t h e law of t h e wake c o r r e l a t i o n i n f i g u r e 7 and the s i m i l a r i t y

of t he v e l o c i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s i n f i g u r e 6 , i t is concluded that t h e

th ree boundary-layer thickening conf igura t ions produced turbulen t

boundary layers similar t o those on a smooth f l a p l a t e .

The a r t i f i c i a l ly - th i ckened s idewall boundary layers were also sur-

veyed i n the v i c i n i t y of t h e model s t a t i o n , tunnel empty, t o f ind t h e

v a r i a t i o n of boundary-layer displacement thickness . Figure 8 shows t h i s

v a r i a t i o n t o be small f o r a l l t h ree boundary-layer thickening configura-

t ions .

to t h a t due t o the shear ing s t r e s s on a long, f l a t p l a t e .

T h i s slow growth rate of the s idewall boundary layer is similar

The v a l u e of the shape f a c t o r , H, ranged from 1.39 t o 1.59 f o r

the three boundary-layer thickening configurat ions. i

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Primary Concepts

Consider steady, i s en t rop ic , small-per turbat ion flow in a nominally

two-dimensional a i r f o i l wind tunnel. L e t t h e Cartesian coord ina tes In

the f reestream, normal, and spanwise d i r e c t i o n s be x, y , and z; and

the r e soec t ive v e l o c i t y components be U, v, and w, as shown i n fig-

u re 9 . The e f f e c t i v e tunnel width is b-26" where b and 6* can

vary s l i g h t l y with respec t t o x and y, and t h e bocndary condi t ions

for t he a i r f o i l model and t he upper and lower w a l l s are independent

of z. It is a l s o assumed that t h e tunnel is narrow enough f o r t h e flow

a t each s idewall t o be s t rongly influenced by t h e o the r s idewall bound-

a r y layer.

ve loc i ty v a r i e s l i n e a r l y with the spanwise coordinate z as

Reference 6 i nd ica t e s t h a t t o the lowest order , t h e spanwise

In wider tunnels the dis turbance caused by the s idewall boundary l aye r

decays nonl inear ly with d i s t ance from the s ldewall so that equat ion (3)

is not ba l id .

The flow i n the wind tunnel described above is governed by t h e

small per turhc t ion form of the con t inu i ty equation, which can be wr i t ten





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where M, is t h e f reestream Mach number, u 0 U - U, is t h e v e l o c i t y

per turba t ion i n t h e x-direction, and y is t h e ratio of s p e c i f i c h e a t s

of t h e gas.

The dynamics of t h e s idewall boundary l a y e r are modeled wi th t h e

von Karman momentum integral, which is given i n reference 12 and can be

wr i t ten as

ad* 6" 2 au 6" aa T~ ax U ax H ax + 2 - - - -(2 + H - M )- + - -


where 3 is t h e dens i ty and 6". TW, and H a t% the sidewall dis-

placement thickness, m'li shear stress, and shape facto:, respect ively.

For t h e present problem, equation ( 5 ) can be s impl i f ied because t h e

s idewall boundary layers i n t h e tes t s e c t i o n s of most a i r f o i l wind

tunnels can be approximated as f l a t - p l a t e boundary layers with l a r g e

equivalent lengths , L, and hence, r e l a t i v e l y l a r g e Reynolds numbers.

The model pressure f i e l d is considered t o cause a r a t h e r l o c a l i z e d

v a r i a t i o n i n t h i s l a r g e length-scale s idewall boundary l aye r , and by

applying t h e following order of magnitude ana lys i s , t h e shear stress

term can be neglected from equation ( 5 ) .

F i r s t , t he shape f a c t o r g rad ien t , ax, '' can be r e l a t e d t o t h e

v e l o c i t y a rad ien t , - by t h e following expression derived I n

Appendix B; ax'

aH (H + 1 ) ( H - 1) - - ax U ax

Page 25: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

. ' I

I L .- .

,' I

Therefore, for a flat plate boundary layer wlthout a pressure gradient,

both aulax and a t t / k vanish in equation U), lea- only the shear

stress term, T ~ / ~ U * , to affect the sidewall boundatplayer growth rate,

a6*/ax. 'ile order of magnitude of ax in the test section i8 P/L

which should be the same order as TJPU~.

For the sidewall boundary layer with a pressure gradient due to au the Podel, - is of t b order so that the first two terms ia

equation (5) are of the order 6*/c.

the sidewall boundary layer, L,

length, c, the hequality

ax C

Because the equivalent length of

is much larger than the model chord

t 2 appl ies , and the shear stress tern,

equation 0) as a first approximation.

form becomes

rw/pU , may be neglected from

With equation C6), the final

1 2 au - M ) ax - = - a6* -&* (2 + ax U

an au With equation C8), equation (3), and the observation that = ax the derivative


1 2 au w,26* ( 2 + - - M ) - ae o H ax

2 6*/c raagiog from 0.0lb

heasurementa of skin friction and 6" shoved values of r,/pU taagigg from 0.0010 to 0.0012 and valueo of to 0.052, which experhentally verified Inequality (7).

Page 26: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


I s obtained. tor small disturbance flow, M In equation (9) can be

replaced by the freestteam Mach number M,.

bined with equation (4) to give

Equation (9) can be com-



For this study, the values of 6* and H measured at the model

station, tunnel empty, are used as constant values in equation (10) so

that the von Karman transonic similarity rul:, discussed in reference 15,

car. be applied. This rule relates the pressure coefficients of two flow

fields, denoted by Cp,l and Cp,2, as i

where the flow fields satisfy the constraint

- 2 0,


Page 27: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

F .r,






For the same model and test gas (tl = t29 Y1 = Y2)& equation !14)


= An interference-free equivalent Mach number M, can be defined

with equation (15) and the condition 6" = 0 as

Mm u-

314 8 3 1 2 (1 - it)

This equivalent Mach number represents a flow in a:' ideal two-

dimensional tunnel without a sidewall boundary layer which is otherwise

the same as the actual two-dimensional tunnel with A sidewall boundary

layer. The pressure coefficient can be adjusted from the value in the

actual two-dimensional tunnel to the nlue in the ideal two-dimensional

tunnel having a similar flow without a sidewall boundary layer with

equation (13) with y1 - y2 (same test gas). The exptc.Jsion is

where E is the pressure coefficient in the ideal two-dimensional


coefficients formulated by integrating the surface pressures:

P Equation (17) results in the following adjusted airfoil force


Page 28: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

adjusted sectiou normal-force coefficient,

= adjusted section drag coefficient, cd,

- Cd = J 1 - M, Cd

where cn and cd are the measured section normal-force and drag

coef f IC ient s.

Approximate Mach Number Increment

An approximate expression for the Increment M, - zm can be formulaced from a flrsL-order Taylor series expansion of both s i d e s of

equation (16). First, M, and 8 are rewritten as, - 31


M, 5 M, + AM


- $ = \I- (21)


A8 - = ~ ( 2 26* + 1 - t42)

and Is treated as a single variable. Equation (16) then appears as


Page 29: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



uhare the only

about AN and

of both series

- variables are AM and h$. Both eidee are -8d.d

&E equal to rero. Retention of the firrt-order terms

results In

, + ... (1 - 1 -[(. - 314 + 3


The first-order approximation Is

- This equatlon can be solved for AM in terms of AB to give

G %xi m a - 2(2 + MZ)


For M- ranging between 0.7 end 0.9 and H ranging from 1.4 to 1.6,

this increment is approximately

28* A M : - - b

which represents the fraction of the tunnel width occupied by the two

sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknessca.

.... _. ..

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- I

: i



Equivalent Freestream Nach Nuar3er

The e f f e c t i v e n e s s of t h e s idewal l s i m i l a r i t y rule ha8 been evaluated

by cumparing measured a i r f o i l test dam obtained a t d i f f e r e n t sidewall

boundary-layer displacement thicknesses . F i r s t , t h e equivalent Mach

d e r , Sm, was determined for t h e t h r e e boundary-lzyer th icknesses

wlth equatioos (12) and (16). The value, of 6* and R used i n equa-

t i o n (12) were measured a t t n e model s t a t i o n , tunnel empty, as suggested

by t h e ana lys i s . Figure 10 shows t h e v a r i a t i o n of gm with M, f o r

t he t h r e e boundary-layer thicknesses and shows a n increment betveen t h e

equivalent Mach number and t h e measured freestream Mach number of

approximately 26*/b as indicated i n equat ion (28).

NASA 0012 and SC-27 A i r f o i l T e s t s

Next, t h e a i r f o i l tests were conducted beginning with the NACA 0012

a i r f o i l . This a i r f o i l has some i n t e r e s t i n g t ransonic behavior a t zero

angle of a t t a c k i n t h a t t h e chordwise shock wave l o c a t i o n v a r i e s almost

l inear ly with freestream Mach -imber up t o values of approximately 0.86.

The v a r i a t i o n s i n shock wave loca t ion wit.^ both and M, were com-

pared f o r t h e th ree sidewall boundary-layer thicknesses , as shown i n

f i g u r e 11. A s i g n i f i c a n t l y improved c o r r e l a t i o n was obtained when

r a t h e r than M, was used.


The d a t a fo r t h e f i r s t two s i d e w a l l boundary-layer th icknesses are

shown in f i g u r e 11 wlth centered symbols, while t h e da t a for t h e t h i r d ,

t 1

Page 31: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


or th i ckes t , s idewal l boundary l a y e r are shown with open symbols.

observations that w i l l be mentioned later i n t h e paper indica ted that tk

t h i c k e s t s idewall boundary layer lsay have introduced excessive t h r e e

dimensional i ty that was not addressed by t h e present ana lys i s .

fo re , the centered symbols denote t h e d a t a f o r which t h e s i m i l a r i t y rule

can be appl ied with t h e moat confidence.

O thm


The o the r two transonic characteristics investigated were t h e

v a r i a t i o n of normal-force and s e c t i o n drag c o e f f i c i e n t w i th f rees t ream

Mach number a t a f ixed angle of a t t ack .

r equ i r e s t he app l i ca t ion of equat ions (18) and (19) t o form the valuea

of t he ad jus ted normal-force and sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t s , ca and Cd'

The v a r i a t i o n s of t he measured normal-force and s e c t i o n d rag c o e f f i -

c i e n t s , c and Cd, with the measured freestream Mach number, M,,

were compared to t h e v a r i a t i o n s of the ad jus ted normal-force and s e c t i o n

drag c o e f f i c i e n t s , cn and cd, with the equivalent freestream Mach


Here, the s i m i l a r i t y tule

I - n

m I

I M,, f o r t he th ree s idewall boundary-1.-yer thicknesses .

Continuing with the NACA 0012 a i r f o i l a t zero angle of a t t a c k , t h i s

phase of the inves t iga t ion began with the comparison of t he v a r i a t i o n of

the measured drag c o e f f i c i e n t , Cd, with Mm t o t he v a r i a t i o n of t h e

adjusted drag c o e f f i c i e n t , cd, with M,. This adjustment actually

a p p l i e s only to the component of pressrire drag i n the drag c o e f f i c i e n t

and does not account f o r the s k i n - f r i c t i o n component. Figure 12 shows

the comparison between cd vs. M, and cd vs. M, f o r t he th ree side-

-11 boundary layers.

s u b s t a n t i a l l y improved drag c o r r e l a t i o n i n the drag- r i se region, but


= - I n f i g u r e 12, the s i m i l a r i t y r u l e provides a

i i

Page 32: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

. " \



loses q u a l i t y below t h e drag rise.

majori ty of t h e drag comes from the s k i n f r i c t i o n b e l o w drag rise

whereas t h e adjusted drag c o e f f i c i e n t addresses only the pressure drag.

The c o r r e l a t i o n improves as the pressure drag becomes a larger f r a c t + n

of t he t o t a l drag, as seen i n t h e drag rise region.

This is probably bemuse t h e

Figure 12 ind ica t e s more s c a t t e r i n t h e drag d a t a measured with the

th i ckes t s idewal l boundary layer . This boundary layer was approximately

5.2 an t h i c k a t t h e model s t a t i o n , tunnel empty, so that che two side-

w a l l boundary l a y e r s occupied approximately two-thirds of the tunnel


three-dimensional secondary flows not addressed by t h e ana lys i s , and

could possibly have adverse e f f e c t s on both t h e drag measurerents with

the wake probe and t h e a i r f o i l suLface pressure measurements. There-

fore , t h e da t a f o r t he th i ckes t s idewall boundary l aye r are presented

with open symbols, while t h e da t a f o r t he two th inner s idewall boundary

layers, where the s i m i l a r i t y r u l e is more appl icable , are presented with

centered symbols. This depic t ion wa3 a l s o used i n f i g u r e 11 and w i l l

follow f o r a l l f i g u r e s present ing measured a i r f o i l d a t a with the th ree

s idewall boundary-layer thicknesses .

This l a r g e amount of s idewal l boundary layer is thought t o cause

The v a r i a t i o n of normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t with freestream Mach mrm-

ber was first s tudied using t h e NACA 0012 a i r f o i l a t one degree angle of

a t t ack . Again, t he s i m i l a r i t y r u l e w a s evaluated by comparing the

v a r i a t i o n of t he measured normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t , cn, with M, t o

the v a r i a t i o n of t he adjusted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t ,

Figure 13 shows t h i s comparison. The s i m i l a r i t y r u l e provides a

= cn, with k.

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s i g n i f i c a n t l y improved co r re l a t ion , p a r t i c u l a r l y f o r t h e two thinner

sidewall boundary layers.

t h i c k e s t s idewal l boundary layer , probably because of the previously

mentioned problems assoc ia ted with its l a r g e thickness . Some l o s s in

c o r r e l a t i o n a l s o Eppears f o r t h e two th inner s idewall boundary l a y e r s

near t h e maximum normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t . This is thought to be caused

by i n t e r a c t i o n s between t h e shock wave on t h e a i r f o i l upper su r face with

the s idewall boundary layer .

The c o r r e l a t i o n q u a l i t y diminishes for t h e

The v a r i a t f o n of sec t ron drag c o e f f i c i e n t with f rees t ream Mach num-

ber was a l s o s tudied f o r t he NACA 0012 a i r f o i l a t one degree angle of

attaclc. Figure 14 provides a comparison of cd vs. M, and cd vs . M,.

The r e s u l t s are genera l ly similar t o t h e zero angle-of-attack case f o r

t h i s Same a i r f o i l i n t h a t t h e c o r r e l a t i o n improves i n the drag rise


3 =

The SC-27 s u p e r c r i t i c a l a i r f o i l was used t o examine the c o r r e l a t i o n

of t he ad jus ted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t with the equivalent ?iach number.

This a i r foi l has a much weaker shock wave than that on the NACA 0012 air-

f o i l a t t h e same normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t .

v i a t e the poss ib le in t e rac t ion between the a i r f o i l shock wave and the

s idewall boundary layer t h a t was suspected f o r t he NACA a i r f o i l .

This would hopeful ly alle-

= = Figure 15 shows the comparison between cn vs . M, and cn vs . €4,

for the SC-27 a i r f o i l a t zero angle of a t t a c k . The c o r r e l a t i o n is very

good f o r the f i r s t two s idewall boundary layers, but degraded somewhat

f o r t he th i ckes t s idewall boundary layer. In comparison with the

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NACA 0012 a i r f o i l shown i n f i g u r e 13, t h e c o r r e l a t i o n f o r the SC-27 air-

f o i l f o r t h e two t h innes t s idewall boundary l a y e r s is improved even wi th

the SC-27 a t higher va lues of ad jus ted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t .

The c o r r e l a t i o n of Cf, with was examined f o r t h e SC-27 a i r f o i l

a t higher va lues of and, therefore , stronger a i r f o i l shock waves.

Figure 16 shows t h e comparison between cn vs. M, and cn VS. M, f o r

an angle of a t t a c k of one degree. While t h e cn vs . M, c o r r e l a t i o n is

still much b e t t e r than that for cn vs . MOD, t he c o r r e l a t i o n f o r the two

th innes t s idewall boundary layers w a s of lower q u a l i t y than that shown

i n the zero angle-of-at tack case i n f i g u r e 15. Therefore, t he shock

wave s t r eng th on the a i r f o i l appears t o l i m i t t he performance of t h e

s i m i l a r i t y r u l e s .

cn m m

= =

NLR-1 A i r f o i l T e s t R e s u l t s

The NLR-1 a i r f o i l test provided a study of t he c o r r e l a t i o n of the

adjusted normal-force and sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t s with equivalent Mach

numbers f o r severa l angles of a t t a c k .

desc r ip t ion , the NLR-1 is a s u v e r c r i t i c a l a i r f o i l f o r r o t o r c r a f t

appl i ca t ions.

A s mentioned i n the models'

I = Figure 17 shows the comparison of c vs. M, and c, vs. M, for n

an angle of a t t a c k of zero.

boundary layers is iaprcved using c, vs . M, r a the r than cn vs. M,,

but with d i f f e r e n t r e s u l t s than those observed f o r the NACA 0012 and

SC-27 a i r f o i l data . The l a r g e s t values of c n f o r the second s idewal l

boundary layer exceed those of the f i r s t or t h innes t s idewall boundary

layer .

The c o r r e l a t i o n for t h e th ree s idewal l 5 =


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The reason the second sidewall boundary layer produced a larger

maximum value of Gn mined from an examination of the local Mach number distributions.

Figure 18(a) shows the lacal Mach number distributions on the kzR-1

airfoil with the two thinnest sidewall boundary layers.

normal force coefficients are near their maximum respective values shown

in figure 17, and these values occur at essentially the same equivalent

freestream Mach number. Except for the lower-surface region near

30 percent chord, the local Mach numbers for the thinner sidewall

boundary layer are slightly less than those for the thicker sidewall

boundary layer at the same location. This condition is required for

matched values of the adjusted pressure coefficient which relate

directly to the value of c . The value of c for the thinner side- n n

wall boundary layer is slightly lower than that jf the thicker sidewall

boundary layer because the lower-surface local Mach numbers at 30-

percent chord for both sidewall boundary layers are practically the sane.

This causes the adjusted pressure coefficients for the thinner sidewall

boundary layer to have a larger negative magnitude than that of the

thicker sidewall boundary layer in this lower-surface region, and

results in a lower value of c . n

than the first sidewall boundary layer 9108 dater-

The adjcsted

m P


Figure 18(b) compares the local Mach number distributions for the

same two sidewall boundary layers with a small increase in equivalent

freestream Mach number. With the thinner sidewall boundary layer, the

local Mach numbers on the lover surface between 20- and SO-percent chord

have substantially increased from those seen in figure 18(a) with only a

k- -

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very small change in the equivalent freestream Mach number (0.850 to


layer are significantly higher than those for the thicker sidewall.

boundary layer.

adjusted pressure coefficlants in this lawersurface region produce a

much lower value of cn for the thinner sidewall boundary layer. The

local Mach numbers for the thicker sidewall boundary layer in this same

lower-surface region also have a noticeable increase in values compared

to those in figure 18(a).

the thicker sidewall boundary layer has only changed from 0.852

(figure 18(a)) to 0.858 (figure 18(b)). This sensitive development of

supersonic flow on the lower surface caused an abrupt loss in normal

force wixh increased equivalent freestream Mach number.

These local Mach numbers for the thinner sidewall boundary

The corresponding higher negative magnitude of the


The equivalent freestream Mach number for

This study included two positive angles of attack shown in figures

21 and 22. The correlations of the normal-force coefficient with

freestream Mach number for these angles of attack appear very similar

to the results for the NACA 0012 airfoil at one degree angle of attack,

f.s indicated by figure 13. First, the c vs M, provides an

unquestionable improvement in correlation over the c vs M,. Second,

the correlation of ‘c vs M, loses quality for the data with the

thickest sidewall boundary layer as compared t o the two thinner eide-

wall boundary layers. Third, these two thinner sidewall boundary layers

show a slight loss in correlation at the maximum values of

is probably duo to the presence 01 strong shock waves on the airfoil

interacting with the sidewall boundary layer.



n =



cn, which

These shock waves

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. .- _" . . .. . . - . ,^. - . . ..


contributed largely to the rapid drop in tn that follows the

maximum value.

Drag measurements were also obtained for the NLB-1 airfoil. These

drag data, which are presented in figures 23 through 26, in m a y

cases indicate very similar correlation behavix to that ahown for

the NACA 0012 airfoil in figures 12 and 13.

c vs M, show no real improvement over cd vs M, until the drag

rise region.

boundary layer often seem to show more scatter than that from the

two thinner sidewall boundary layers, again, probably because of the

large fraction of the tunnel width occupied by the thickest sidewall

boundary layer.

The correlation of I I


Drag measurements involving the thickest sidewall

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Surmnary of A i r f o i l Tests Resul t s

For t h e a i r f o i l d a t a measured with the t h r e e L d e w a l l boundary

layers, t h e similarity r u l e produced an improved c o r r e l a t i o n f o r the

v a r i a t i o n of t h e sd jus ted normal-force and s e c t i o n drag Coef f i c i en t s

with t h e equivalent f reestream Mach number as compared t o the variation

of t he measured c o e f f i c i e n t s with the measured freestream Mach number.

The normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t s appear t o form th ree d i s t i n c t zones

f o r each s idewal l boundary l aye r when p lo t t ed aga ins t t he measured free-

stream Mach number. The ad jus ted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t s appear t o

have more converged zones f o r t h e th ree s idewall boundary l a y e r s when

p lo t t ed aga ins t the equivalent freestream Mach number, but the magni-

tudes of t h e ad jus ted wrmal-force c o e f f i c i e n t s do not e n t i r e l y


The sec t ion drag c o e f f i c i e n t s appear to have two d i s t i n c t d rag rise

regions f o r t he two th innes t s idewall boundary layers when p lo t t ed

agai.nst the measured freestream Mach number. The ad jus ted s e c t i o n drag

c o e f f i c i e n t s show converged drag rise regions when p lo t t ed a g a i n s t t he

equivalent freestre- Mach number but show no improvement i n the magni-

tude of t he drag c o e f f i c i e n t when below drag rise.

An important effect of t he s i m i l a r i t y r u l e is that the maximum

adjusted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t and t h e divergence t h a t fol lows occur

a t almost the anme equivalent freestream Mach numbers f o r a l l t h ree

s idewall boundary layers. Likewise, the drag r ise occurs a t almost t h e

same equivalent Mach number f o r the two th innes t s idewall boundary

' !

! ,

Page 39: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


layers. The fact that the maximum normal force end drag rise occur

at different measured freestream Mach numbers fcr each of the three

s idewal l boundary layers but a t the same equivalent freestream Mach

number demonstrates the correction to the measured freestream Mach

number provided by the similarity rule.




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. I I I






The e f f e c t s of a t tached s idewal l boundary l a y e r s i n two-dimensional

t ransonic tunnels have beer. c o r r e l a t e d with a t ransonic s i m i l a r i t y ru l e .

It ha been shown experimentally t h a t t h e a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s s i m i l a r i t y

r u l e t o t h e a i r f o i l test d a t a obtained i n t h e Langlcy 6- by 19-Inch

Transonic Tunnel g ives an e f f e c t i v e f rees t ream Mach number c o r r e c t i o n .

The experimental d a t a a l s o i n d i c a t e t h a t t h e s i m i l a r i t y r u l e provides a

s u b s t a n t i a l co r rec t ion t o t h e nonnal-force c o e f f i c i e n t s and some correc-

t i o n f o r t h e s e c t i o n drag c o e f f i c i e n t s i n t h e drag rise region.

The s imi la r i ty r u l e c o r r e c t i o n a p p l i e s provided t h e s idewal l

boundary layer is small enough tu a;toid excess ive three-dimensional

i n t e r a c t i o n s with the model.

the s idewal l boundary layers have no apprec iab le separa t ion (due t o

shock wave/boundary layer i n t e r a c t i o n o r s i g n i f i c a n t t ra i l ing-edge

separa t ion) .

The s i m i l a r i t y r u l e can be used as long as

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1. Pindeola, M.; and Lo, C. F.: Roundary In t e r f e rences at Subsonic AEDC TR-69, May Speeds i n Wind Tunnels with Vent i la ted Walls.


2. Kemp, W i l l i a m B., Jr.: Transonic Assessment of Two-Dimensional Wind- Tunnel Wall In t e r f e rence Using Measured Wall Pressures. CP-2045, pp. 473-496, March 1978.


3. Murman, E. M.: A Correction Method f o r Transonic Wind-Tunnel Wall In te r fe rence . AIAA paper No. 79-1533, J u l y 1979.

4. Preston, J. H.: The In t e r f e rence on a Wing Spanning a Closed Tunnel, Aris ing from t h e Boundary Laye r s on t h e Sidewalls, with Spec ia l Reference t o t h e Design of Two-Dimensional Tunnels. Teddington, Middlesex, England, R & M 1924, March 1944.


5 . Winter, K. G . ; and Smith, J . H. B.: A Comment on t h r Origin of End- Wall In t e r f e rence i n Wind-Tusnel Tests of A i r f o i l s . RAE Tech Memo AERO 1816, August 1979.

6. Barnwell, R. W.: Simi la r i ty RGle f o r Sidewall Boundary-Layer Ef fec t i n Two-Dimensional Wlnd Tunnels. A I A A Journa l , Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 1149-1151, Sept. 1980.

7. Ladson, C . t.: Descr ip t ion and Ca l ib ra t ion of t h t L?ngley 6- by 19-Inch Transonic Tunnel. NASA TN D-7182, 1973.

8. Baals, Donald D.: and Mourhess, Mary J.: Numericai Evaluation of the Wake-Survey Equations f o r Subsonic Flow Including the E f i e c t s of Energy Addition. NACA WR-L5, 1945. (Formerly NACA ARR L5H27.)

9. Braslow, Albert L.; and Knox, Eugene C.: Simplified Method f o r Determination of Crit ical Height of D i s t r ibu ted Roughness P a r t i c l e s f o r Boundary-Layer Trans i t i on a t Mach Numbers from 0 t o 5. NACA TN-4363, 1958.

10. Johnson. D . 2 . ; and Mi tche l l , G. A.: Experimental Inves t iga t ion of Two Methods f o r Generating an A r t i f i c i a l l y Thickened Boundary Layer. NASA TM X-2238, 1971.

11. Allen, J . M.: Evaluation of Compressible-Flow Preston TJbe Ca l ib ra t ions . NASA TN D-7190, 1973.

12. White, F. M.: Viscous F l u i d Flow. McGraw H i l l Book Co., New York, p. 607, 1974.

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13. Schlichtiag, E.: Boundary-Layer Theory. HcGraw B i l l Book Co., New York, pp. 667-668, 1968.

14. Coles, D.: The Law of the Wake i n Turbuleot Boundary Layers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, V o l . :, 1956, pp. 191-226.

15. Liepasam, 8. W.; and Rosko, A.: E l a e n t s of Gas Dynamics. John Wlley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1957, pp. 256258.

16. Green, J. E.: In te rac t ions Between Shock Waves and Turbulent Boundaiy Layers. Progress i n Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. XI, Pergaton Press, New York, 1970.

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Temperature Distribution in the Boundary Layer

The velocities within the boundary layer were calculated from the

values of local Mach number and speed of sound. The local tamperature

within the boundary layer was given by equation (11, where the wall

temperature was assumed to be the adiabatic temperature Indicated in

reference 13 as

For the tunnel-empty sidewall boundary layer it was assumed that

Tm = Te,

0.8963, which was also obtained from reference 13. The temperature of

the chamber surrounding the test section usually remained within 5OK of

the value for Taw in equation (Al). Due to the rapid operatien in

blowdown testing, the wall temptrature was not expected to change


M, = Me, and the recovery factor, r, was given a value of

The temperature distribution through the boundary layer was obtained

from reference 12 as

i k


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where T t h e boundary l aye r . Since Taw is assumed to be t h e actual wall


be combined t o provide equation (1) i n t h e text,

is t h e the-averaged local temperature a t some point with in

2 2 T,, and Ue = Mey(cp - cv)Te, equat ions (Al) and (A2) can

- 'e T 0 1 + 0 1793 Me *( 1 -5) where 7 is assumed to be t h e local s ta t ic temperature, T.

Displacement Thickness and Momentum Thickness Calcu la t ions

The s idewall boundary-layer thickness w a s determined from t h e

least-squares power-law regress ion given by equation (2) i n t h e tex t .

This procedure was used because the l a r g e s t s idewal l boundary-layer

thickness i n t h e experiment exceeded t h e h ighes t t o t a l head tube on t h e

boundary-layer rake-tube probe.

t he v e l o c i t , p r o f i l e i n t h e booiidary layer allowed a simple, closed-form

i n t e g r a t i o n f o r c a l c u l a t i n g t h e displacement thickness and t h e momentum

t h i c kness .

Using t h e power-law representa t ion of

The boundary-layer displacement th ickness 6* is defined as


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.. I


From the i d e a l gas relation,

P Te pressure grad ien t i n the boundary l aye r , t h e expression - = - Pe T obtained so that equation (A41 becomes

p = PRT, and the assumption of zero normal


Using t h e power-law rep resen ta t ion of t h e v e l o c i t y p r o f i l e given i n

equation (2) and equation (A6), equat ion (AS) becomes

1 /N .=I[- (z/c 1

1 + 0.1793 M f G - !z/6)

Note t h a t t he second term of the integrand is of the form

(2/6)1/N 1 1 + 0.1793 Me 0.1793 M:

1 + 0.1793 Mf -

which can be r ewr i t t en as t h e geometrrc series

(A7 1

(A8 1

(z/s)l/N + P(z/s)2'N + P2(t/6)4/N + P3(z/s)"N . . j 1 + 0.1793 Mf

(A91 where

0.1793 M:

1 + 0.1793 Mf P = - (A101

Page 46: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer




1 t

> -

Placement of t h e series i n expression (A91 i n t o equation (A7) allows a

term by term i n t e g r a t i o n which r e s u l t s in t h e series

1 + 0.1793 Me

o r


1 + 0.1793 Mf 6 * = 6 +

Q) Npk-l

(2k - 1) + N k-1 -

This series converges r a p i d l y and y i e l d s the necessary prec is ion when

k = 5 .

The momentum th ickness is defined as

and is ca lcu la ted i n a manner similar t o tha t used f o r t h e displacement

thickness. With the power-law representa t ion of t he v e l o c i t y p r o f i l e

and the d e f i n i t i o n of 6*, equat ion ( A 1 3 ) becomes

The l a s t term i n t h i s equation can a l s o be represented by t h e geometric


(* /a) 'IN 1 + 0.1793 Mf

: t

- t

Page 47: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

. -. I



0.1793 Uz

1 t. 0.1793 M: where P = as i n equation (A10). Term by term

integration yields

NP 1 + 0.1793 Me


which results i n the final equation


6 0 = 6 - 6 " - 1 + 0.1793 Me kIl

This summation also required 5 terms for convergence t o the necessary

precis ion.


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I 35




The conventional shape fac to r . H, has a s i g n i f i c a n t dependence on

f reestream Mach number and, therefore , is o f t e n replaced by the trans-

formed shape f a c t o r , H. Refererice 16 d e f i n e s t h e transformed shape

f a c t o r as


For compressible, tu rbulen t boundary l a y e r s with cons tan t to ta l tempera-

ture assumed through the boundary layer , re fe rence 16 ind ica t e s that H

is r e l a t e d t o fi by

h = (fi + 1)(1 + M') - 1

Reference 16 a l s o shows t h a t f o r large Reynolds numbers, such as those

appl icable to tunnel s ide t ia l l boundary layers , fi approaches one. t

This s i m p l i f i e s equat ion (B2) t o

H - 1 + (y - 1)M2

'The measured va lues of 'i ranged from 1.18 t o 1.26, but use of t hese va lues i n t he above a n a l y s i s d i d not provide any s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e rence from using a = 1.

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Use of t h e simple compressible f low r e l a t i o n s wi th cons tan t total

temperature r e s u l t s i n the expression,

i i

(B4! ,

1 + ( V ) M 2 D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n of both s i d e s wi th respec t t o x g ives

il -I/

of equat ion (B4) y i e l d s Divis ion of both s i d e s by 2U' and use


which relates the v e l o c i t y grad ien t t o the Mach number grad ien t .

The shape f ac to r grad ien t can be r e l a t ed t o t h e Mach number

grad ien t by

with equation (B3), and the Mach number grad ien t can be r e l a t ed by the

ve loc i ty grad ien t with equat ion ( B 6 ) , so t h a t i

With equat ion ( B 3 ) . the expression (y - 1)M2 - H - 1

f i n a l form of equat ion (6) i n t he text is obtained as

resultcl , and the

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I . .7 ._. -2, <

ORlGlNAL PA= 3F PO03 Q U A L m



Figure 4 . - Experimental apparatus used i n t h e Langley 6- by 19-Inch Transcnic Tuanel to i n v e s t i g h t e t h e e f f e c t s of t h e s i d e w a l l boundary-layer displacement t h i c k n e s s on two-dimensional t e s t i n g . A l l dimensions are i n cm.


of Pins With Lengths to



Page 54: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer




Tube on wall surface , I i I I

. --I J 1 Top and front view.

Figure 5 . - Sketch of the rake-tube probes used to survey the s idewal l bounaary layers i n the Langley 6- by 19-Inch Transonic Tunnel A l l dimensions a r e i n c m .

Page 55: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer






brace for tubes .25 x .025

P1 ug

Tubes go t o transducers

Total-pressure tubes .051 i.d. x .076 0.d. [Not shown t o scale.:

3 ,

(b) Sidev iev i

Figure 5 . - Concluded.

Page 56: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


Q ".

8 s U

1" * cro 24s N


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b 0 0

V \ X


a a C



0 (3 0

c3 0

0 II *

0 0 0 8 s

u --. x

d I

Page 59: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

? \ s

3 U


I 1

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I I ’ I I


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' I

A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

26.b 8 -028

7 o r a -070

0 . I O 0 1


t I .s .6 .7 .8 -9 1 .o


10- I I I I I I 1

(a] Shock wave location vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 11.- Variation of shock wave location with freestream Mach number for the NACA 0012 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. 0 degrees.

Angle of attack is


Page 62: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer







A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 0 -028 ffl -070 0 .loo 88

m @ m





W - am


101 I I I I I I I I I I .5 .6 -7 - .8 .9 1 .o


(b) Shock wave loca t ion vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.

Figure 11.- Concluded.

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1 ' I 1 ; i




C d






A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

26*/b 8 .028 B .070

0 .loo


eP 0

ern O "0 0m 000

-L I I 1 I I I I I 1 ~~ ~

.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o

(a) Section drag coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 12.- Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NACA 0012 airfoil tested with three sidewall bomdary- layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is t degrees.


-r( .

Page 64: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

5 1




c' d



.t: i



- -







A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.: FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RNs3.4-3.8 X lo6

26'/b 0 .028 RI .070 Q .IO0

CB0 0

00 00

oQ 63 0

t O l 1 I 1 I I I I I d

.5 .6 .7 .0 .9 1 .o %a3

(b) Adjusted sec t ion drag coefficient vs. equivalent freestream Hach number.


Figure 1 2 . - Concluded.

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A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RNS.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 8 .028

19 .070 0 .loo


" 0 0 O 0


0 0


0 .5 .6 .7 .0 .9 1 .o


(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 13.- Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NACA 0012 airfoil tested with three siiewall boundary-layer displaczment thicknesses. Angle of attack is 1.0 degree.

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A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X ?Os

26*/b 0 .028

0 -100

* 1 8 t .16 1

0 0

.08 t




0 0

0 0

01 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 'I .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o

k (b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient v8. equivalent freestream

Figure 13.- Concluded.

Mach number.

Page 67: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


A.O.A.= 1.0 d8g.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 X/C: RN=3.4-3.8 X lo6

.os **T ‘d -03 *I;_ r

.01 0°*

2 6 . b .028 .070

0 .loo

.* @ Q


01 I I 1 1 I -2 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o

la) Section drag coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 14 .- Variation of secti.on drag coefficient with f reestream Mach number for the NACA 0012 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. 1.0 degree.

Angle of attack is

Page 68: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.075 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

.04 -

c' - d

.03 -


2 6 . h 0 .028 B .070 C .lo0

t 01 1 I I I I I I 1 I I .5 .6 *7 - .8 .9 1 .o


(b ) Adjusted s e c t i o n drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs. e q u i v a l e n t freestream Mach number.



! .F

I -




Figure 1 4 . - Concluded.


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A.0.A.z b.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 X/C; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 0 .028

* 4 0 r .070

.22 c (a)

Figure 15.-

Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach numher.

Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the SC-27 airfoil tested with three sidewaLl boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 0 degrees.

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1 I I 1 1 I I I I I






3 4


-32 z n








A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXt'D TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

2 6 3 ) - 0 .028

B .070

- 0 -100

8 - $



(b ) Adjusted normal-force .eff ic ient with equivalent freestream b- number.

Figure 15 .- Concluded.

Page 71: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.: FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X IO' i 1


.40 c"


' \

26 .b @ .c2a F .070 0 .loo

t %I

(38 B

m ,m


-30 LLL .5 .6 -7 .a .9 1 .o


(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestram Mach number.

Figure le.- Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the SC-27 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 1.0 degree.

. I


1 1

Page 72: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer

A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RNz3.4-3.8 X 10'

2633 e .om


0 .loo

.48 t

.44 -T

.42 1 - Q

-30 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I .5 -6 .7 .a .9 1 .o



$ i i I

(l-' Adjusted ncm*al-fc\rce coeffici?nt vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.

Figure 16. - Conc: ucied.

Page 73: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



. la













- -


.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 %/e; Rk3.4-3.8 X lo6

267b (9 .028 B] .070

0 .too



O I L 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o


(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 17.- Variation of nermal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 0 degrees.

Page 74: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


I. P4



A.O.A.= 0.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

2 6 3

m ,070 @ -028

0 ,100


E" -10 -I2[

.02 * O 4 I

eD 0

O I L - - - .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o -


(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.

Figure 17.- Concluded.

I I '

Page 75: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer








Ml-1 -' -6








t .cI




Figure 18.- Chordwise local Mach number di6tr ibut ions 011 the NLR-1 a i r f o i l . Angle of attack fa 0.0 degrees. Open symbols indicate the a i r fo i l upper surface; centered symbols indicate the airfoi l laver surface.

Page 76: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer







1 .o



Mlocal .' .6






( 1

.1 9 9 .4 b .6 .7 1 .9 1.0

63 1


(b) POD : 0.86

Figure 18.- Concluded.


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0 -
















-.lo I I 1 I I 1 I I 1

267b @ .028 B .070 0 .loo



Q 0

(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 19.- Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is -1.0 degree.

Page 78: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


- -


A.O.A.=-1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.350 x/c; Rk3.4-3.8 X lo8 263 )

@ ,028

ffl ,070 .08 0 .loo

O B 0 m Be


O I s o

--O4I+ -.06


6 1 I I I I I I @ I I

.6 -7 - .8 .9 1 .o -.to

-5 4 x 2

(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.


Figure 19.- Concluded.

Page 79: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer











Mlocal -' .6







Figure 20.- Chordwise local Mach number dlstrlbut1or.s on the NLR-1 a i r f o i l . Angle of attack is -1.0 degree. Open wabols indicate the a i r f o i l upper surface; centered symbols Fnaicate the a i r fo i l lower surface.



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A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RNz3.4-3.8 X lo6

2 6 . b Q .028 EI .070 0 .loo


Q 0@0 8"


@ 1 I I 1 I I 1 U

.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 Ma0

(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 21.- Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 1.0 degree.

Page 81: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 0 .028

e30r m .070

.2a 0 .loo

t .24


?" .20


.? 6





&- I I I I I 1 I .5 .6 .7 .a .9 1 .o


(b) Adjusted normal-force coefficient vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.

Figure 21.- Concluded.



Page 82: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



* 38




c" .30







A.O.A.= 2.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 X/C; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 0 .028 EI .070 0 .loo

0 0

El 0 I


.5 .6 .7 .a .9 1 .o Ma3

(a) Normal-force coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 22.- Variation of normal-force coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidea. 11 boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 2.0 degrees.

" .

Page 83: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer















A.O.A.= 2.0 deg.; FIXCD TRANS. at 0.059 xic: RNz3.4-3.8 X lo6

.20 I 1 I I I I I I I I

26'/b 0 .028 EI .070 0 .loo

.22 I

0 b o 0

9 0

El 0 0

(b) Adjasted normal-force c o e f f i c i e n t vs. e q u i v a l e n t rzaestream Mach number.

Figure 22. - Concluded.

Y '

Page 84: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


A.O.A.= 0.0 dec.; FIXED TRtXS. at 0.050 x/c; 9N=3.4-3.8 X 10'


c 'd


-02 t t

t OL I 1 1 I I I I I-, I

.5 .6 .7 -8 .9 1 .o Ma? 1

(a! S e c t i o n drag c o e f f i c i e n t vs. measured freestream Mach nunber..

Figare 23.- v a r i a t i o n o f s e c t i o n drag c o e f f i c i e n t w i t h freestream Mach number ; :*- tne NLR-1 a i r f o i l t e s t e d w i t h t h r e e sifiitrall boundary-1ay.r displacement t h i c k n e s s e s . Angle of a t t a c x is 0 degrees .



Page 85: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


A.O.A.= 0.0 dag.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.0W x/c; Rt9=3.4-3.8 X 10'


m -070 @ ,028

0 .1oc



.02 1 t

o l 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 .o

K (bj Adjusted section drag coefficient vs. equivalent freestream

Mach number.

Figure 23. - Cancluded.

c i

Page 86: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer








A.O.A.=-'-0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; Rbb3.4-3.8 X 10'

- - -








2a'/b 9 -028 3 .070

0 -100


e e


01 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I -5 -6 .7 -8 .9 1 .=,


(a) Sectian drag coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Fisure ,* l?arietiori of secticn drag coefficient with freestrew Mach number for the N L R - 1 airfoil Lested with three sidedall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. -1.0 degree.

Angle of attack is .

Page 87: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


A.O.A.=-1.C deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c: RN=3.4-3.8 X lo6

2b.h 3 .028 y-


-05 c -04 c

E d

e 6

8 I -03





(b) A d j u s t e d section drag coefficient vs. equivalent freestream Mach number.


d' r



Figure 24. - Concluded.

Page 88: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer


f i ~!





C d






A.O.A.= 1.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RN=3.4-3.8 X 10'

267b - e -028

&I -070

0 .loo



I I I I 1 ---- J .6 .7 .a .9 1 .o .5



Figure 25.-

Section drag coefficient vs. measued freestream Mach number.

Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall boundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attack is 1.0 degree.

Page 89: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer





- C d


A.0.A.z 1.0 deg.: FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RNz3.4-3.8 X lo6





- - -


Q .028 B .070

c -100

Oi 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 .5 -6 .7 - .a .9 1 .o -

(b) Adjusted s e c t i o n drag c o e f . ' i c i e c t vs. e q u i v a l e n t freestream Mach number.

Figure 25. - Corzluded.

Page 90: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer



A.O.A.= 2.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RNS.4-3.8 X 10'

267b 8 .028

a o 6 r .070 0 .loo t

r -04 r -03

.02 1 t I I

.01 t- I i

o i l - - - .5 .6 .7 .a -9 1 .o


. (a) Sectibn drag coefficient vs. measured freestream Mach number.

Figure 26. - Variation of section drag coefficient with freestream Mach number for the NLR-1 airfoil tested with three sidewall hundary-layer displacement thicknesses. Angle of attazk is

. O degrees.


Page 91: B.S. Hay 1973, - NASA...cV H ii adjusted section drag coefficient adjusted normal-force coefficient specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume boundary-layer





* C d


- -







A.O.A.= 2.0 deg.; FIXED TRANS. at 0.050 x/c; RNz3.4-3.8 X 10'

2 6 3 @ .028

B .070 0 -100

(b) Adjusted section drag coefficient vs. equivalent frsestream Kach number.

Figure 2 6 . - Concluded.