bryan senior high school - softball handbook

Bryan Senior High School Softball Team Member Handbook and Expectations Agreement Bryan High School 4700 Giles Road Omaha, NE 68157-2699

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Bryan Senior High School

Softball Team Member Handbook and Expectations Agreement

Bryan High School4700 Giles Road

Omaha, NE 68157-2699Phone: (402) 557-3100

Fax: (402) 557-3139

1st Edition

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Introduction 1-2

School 3



Community 4

General Guidelines


Social Media

Practice 5-6



Cell Phone



Games 7-8




Dugout Etiquette

Wellness 9



Parents 10

Coaches 11

Signature Page 12

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Extracurricular school sponsored clubs and activities, and interscholastic athletics and activities are an extension of the selected content curriculum and instructional strategies of the Omaha Public School District, whether or not they occur in a traditional classroom setting.

Extracurricular activities enhance the overall effectiveness of the education program and student participation in such activities is encouraged. The Superintendent and administrative staff have the responsibility to guide and control such activities and to develop procedures, which will govern student participation in these activities.

This handbook is to be a summary of the important details that are needed to be successful in the classroom setting, the extracurricular arena, and the community that these students represent. Copies of this book are on file with the administration and additional copies can be requested through their offices or your child’s coach.

Coaching Philosophy:

I believe that given the proper guidance and practice, an individual is able to achieve a heightened level of mental, physical and emotional ability. As a coach, it is my goal to continuously evaluate players in each of these three areas and try to help the athlete reach their highest potential. It is important to consider the complete athlete and their history to help determine their role in team activities.

The building principal and/or athletic/activity director of each school shall be responsible for determining the eligibility of any student who wishes to participate in any extracurricular or co-curricular activity. When the number of students allowed to participate in a team or club must be limited, each supervisor/coach shall be responsible for determining which candidates will become members of that team or club. Students must have a white card which determines if they are eligible to participate. Students who are not eligible, will not be considered as participants in the sports program.

Expectations and Purpose of the Book:

The purpose of this book is to answer important questions that parents, participants, coaches, and community members may have. It provides a detailed explanation of expectations in the areas of the student’s mental, physical, and emotional growth as they pertain to the program. It is also an effort to define roles within the program to minimize confusion with program participation. With these items outlined, this manual can be used as an educational tool to help provide deeper understanding to the program’s expectations as well as consequences for not upholding these expectations. The information provided in this book are to be considered a firm guide to what is expected, but the athletic department of Bryan High School, the coaching staff, and administration withhold the right to implement or change the described actions based on what is best for the program.

Seasonal Information:

Bryan Senior High’s softball program is not only a Fall sport, it is a yearlong commitment. Athletes that are looking to play on the Bryan Senior High Varsity Softball team are expected to participate in pre- and post-season activities that include, but are not limited to the following items. In the items listed, the

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coaching staff will make attempts to assist in transportation to off-site events, but it will be the players’ and the players’ families’ responsibilities to make sure they are in attendance.

Maintaining physical and mental health necessary to executing the skills to be successful in competition. This would mean conditioning, playing as a part of a team when not in school contests, attending camps, and studying game situations. Athletes that do not engage in these activities are not guaranteed a position, but improves their chances due to heightened awareness and ability level.

Volunteering opportunities that are both on and off of school campus. Examples could be to help run camps, concession stands, or other programs that help promote Bryan student athletes and the softball program as a whole. Opportunities will be looked at as a program wide experience, players should not assume they are not responsible due to their position, team they’re playing on, or experience level.

Engage in fundraising opportunities. Fundraisers provide additional income for the team to participate in extra player development, update equipment, and provide the team with promotional materials. Individuals who do not meet fundraising goals when ordering clothing will be expected to pay the difference to cover the cost of the materials. At no time should it be expected that the softball program will cover the cost of additional materials or experiences.

Preseason –

Preseason workouts will be communicated through personal contact information. Informal workouts for those students that are not involved in a summer team will begin approximately a month before the beginning of the season. These will not be formal practices, but ways to assess skills early on, exercise and teambuilding. It is highly encouraged that athletes engage in this conditioning to become familiar with expectations, prepare for the season physically, develop mental awareness of the game, and meet members of the team in an informal setting. Preseason activities will vary based on experience and conditioning levels.

Season –

Students are expected to uphold the standards described in this handbook and their OPS code of conduct. Students that checkout materials are responsible for their maintenance and care. All materials, unless specified beforehand, will be returned at the end of the season as part of a team checkout. Any materials that are not returned as they were checked out, deemed unusable, or returned at all, will be issued a fine for the replacement of the materials. Schedules will be posted on the Metro Conference website: (Search Bryan High School).

Postseason –

Students are responsible for returning their materials. In addition to this, coaches will determine who lettered as a varsity player, establish a winter workout regimen, and answer any questions parents may have about the culminating season or the upcoming season.

Questions regarding this information can be found in later sections of the book, or you can contact a coach at any time.

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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~Nelson Mandela

Behavior -

Students who participate with Bryan High’s softball team are expected to uphold a level of professionalism and respect above an ordinary student. Girls are expected to uphold the code of conduct in all settings relating to school, both during and outside school hours. Individuals that receive administrative discipline, teacher referrals, excessive tardies, or have a negative teacher report can receive a consequence through softball. Consequences can be, not are not limited to, apologies to the team, sitting out of game(s), physical tasks, or removal from the team. Each player will be looked at in an individual basis. Punishment will be discussed only with the parent and the player involved, not the entire team or with other parents unless the safety of other players has been jeopardized.

Players who are not representing the Bryan High softball program through positive actions or upholding the Bryan High School code of conduct, may be asked to return their equipment and removed from the team by the coaches’ discretion.

Grades -

Bryan Senior Softball team will adhere to the guidelines expressed in the student code of conduct and NSAA eligibility requirements. Student athletes, regardless of position and team standing, are required to maintain passing grades in order to participate. Students who are having difficulties will be required to attend academic coaching at least, or more if deemed necessary, a week. Students who are failing a class will not be permitted to play or will be at the discretion of the coaching staff if they are making accommodations to meet their academic goal.

Bryan Senior Softball has been proud to proclaim an excellence in education and grades. The softball program has boasted on of the highest GPA’s consistently throughout all of Bryan High’s athletic programs. Girls are expected to uphold this standard and communicate any academic difficulties before they become problematic. Coaches will work with individuals to find a balance between academics and athletics.

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“The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others on how you demand to be treated. Don’t settle for anything other than respect.” ~Unknown

General Conduct -

Students who participate with Bryan High’s softball team are expected to uphold a level of professionalism and respect above an ordinary community member. Girls are expected to uphold the code of conduct in all settings relating to school, both during and outside school hours. Individuals that are involved in or with drugs, alcohol, and police action can receive a consequence through softball. Consequences can be, not are not limited to, apologies to the team, sitting out of game(s), physical tasks, or removal from the team. Each player will be looked at in an individual basis. Players that are suspected of being under the influence at a softball function will be referred to administrative staff and handled through the general code of conduct procedures or the procedures identified by the athletic director. Student athletes that test positive will be removed from the team due to safety and wellbeing concerns. Punishment will be discussed only with the parent and the player involved, not the entire team or with other parents unless the safety of other players has been jeopardized.

Volunteering –

Athletes will be requested to participate in activities that will not result in direct compensation. Athletes may be required to participate in activities outside of school hours to help raise money, better the community, mentor youth, assist another Bryan athletic team, or devote personal time in order to build the Bryan softball program.

Issues relating to volunteering efforts must be communicated with the coaching staff. Failure to meet volunteering opportunities can result in a player’s inability to receive certain perks, participate in functions, or may be required to pay for expenses. Individuals and concerns will be discussed on an individualized basis and plans will be developed based on the circumstances.

Social Media -

Social networking is a great way to express yourself, keep in contact with friends, and build your network. As an Omaha Bryan softball player, you are responsible for the information you voluntary post on the online networks, such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter or any other social networking site.

No offensive or inappropriate pictures or inappropriate comments are posted. Do not violate the Omaha Public Schools code of conduct.

What you are posting may not only affect you, it may affect others as well. You are free to express yourself on social networks. However, it is important that you respect the privacy and rights of others. Although you may not be aware the information you post is public information, be aware that what you post may affect your future.

Players who are not representing the Bryan High softball program through positive actions or upholding the Bryan High School code of conduct, may be asked to return their equipment and removed from the team by the coaches’ discretion.

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“If you don’t practice, you don’t deserve to win.” ~Andre Agassi

Attendance –

Attendance is mandatory for all practices, scrimmages, games and functions. The coaching staff understands certain issues may arise, but any absences must be approved prior to the incident by a coach. Since participates are student athletes, attendance in their registered classes is also required. Students must be present to at least half of their scheduled day to be eligible to practice or participate in sports related functions.

To ensure that attendance is a priority, students should modify their personal and work schedules to minimize conflict. It is the responsibility of the student athlete to adjust their schedules before practices and games begin. Missing practice due to work is deemed an unexcused absence.

Unexcused absences may result in limited play time or removal from the team. Excused absences must be documented with a doctor’s note or teacher’s note by the next practice. Incidents that effect play and status within a team will only be discussed with the player involved and their families. Since absences may be a result of personal reasons, incidents will not be discussed outside of the involved parties and may differ from player-to-player based on information communicated to the coach.

Clothing -

At the beginning of each season you will be issued a uniform by your coach. You are totally responsible for this uniform. If your uniform is lost, stolen, or damaged in any way you are responsible for replacing the uniform at twice the value of the original uniform.

The uniform issued to the athlete shall not be worn to practices, and it is the duty of the athlete to acquire the proper attire. Athletes must have softball pants, socks, glove, cleats, and sliders. Individuals who do not have the means to have the proper equipment should communicate with the coaching staff to try to be properly equipped. Individuals who are not equipped, including wearing game uniforms to practice, with appropriate practice gear can have consequences administered or may not be allowed to practice.

To promote players in practicing like they play, jewelry of any type is not permitted. Earrings, rings, watches, bracelets, and necklaces (both cloth and metal) should be removed prior to gameplay. Coaches will remind players, but it is the responsibility of the team captain and players to ensure that they are not in violation. Cell Phones –

Cell phones are not permitted during practice. This includes during water breaks, transitions and wait time. Exceptions will be made for individuals that communicate extenuating circumstances with the coaching staff. Issues relating to cell phone usage will be addressed on a time-by-time basis.

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Equipment –

As a member of the team, players are expected to care for equipment. Equipment should be used as designed or modified by the coaching staff. This is to ensure the safety of players and staff as well as maintaining the quality of the equipment. Coaches hold the ultimate decision on whether equipment will be used, both personally and school provided.

Before Practice:o Players will check the practice schedule and gather equipment from the storage location

based on the day’s drills.o Players align the equipment in a manner that can easily be gotten to and not simply

placed in one big pile. During Practice:

o Players will use equipment in the specified manner during drills. Post Practice:

o All players assist in putting materials away. No player is to leave the field or pack their own gear until the team’s gear is cleaned up.

Attitude –

Attitude is a subjective indicator of a player’s involvement with the sport. Coaches will be looking at players on whether they are playing as if, “It’s now or never.” With every day that passes, we get closer and closer to the end of the softball season and that statement becomes relevant. But the truth is, you never know when your last game, your last inning, your last at bat, or your last play will be. Attitude will be addressed individually and will be in an effort to maximize the opportunities our players’ experience. Make each opportunity count.

Players may not agree with their coaches, parents, and fellow teammates, but our attitude expectation is that they will disagree in a respectful manner. This comes across through words, actions, and body language. Words should always be encouraging, actions should be purposeful, and our body language should be that of a respected individual. Coaches will administer concerns with attitude and effort with the players initially, but may involve parents if need be. Consequences may be administered to address attitude concerns on an individual basis.

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“Winning means you’re willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than everyone else.”

~Vince Lombardi

Arrival/Departure –

Athletes will travel as a team to functions off-campus. Transportation will be provided by the school and leave the school at a predetermined time. Students that will be participating or traveling with the team as a spectator, are expected to be at the bus on time. It is the responsibility of the coaching staff to allow for adequate travel time, provide safe transportation, and ensure that athletes are present. Due to safety concerns, students are not allowed to transport themselves. Exceptions will be made on a time-by-time basis and discussed with the coaching staff. Students who are granted exceptions are expected to adhere to safe driving practices, parking in appropriate locations, and will not transport other players.

Players may leave with their parents or other family member after the game as long as they communicate their departure to a coach. Players can provide other players a ride with prior approval from both players’ guardians. Athletes are not permitted to leave with a significant other or undisclosed individual. It is the player’s responsibility to arrange a ride from the game or school. It is not the responsibility of the coach to provide rides home.

Uniforms –

At the beginning of each season you will be issued a uniform by your coach. You are totally responsible for this uniform. If your uniform is lost, stolen, or damaged in any way you are responsible for replacing the uniform at twice the value of the original uniform.

Coaches will announce color combinations prior to the game. Athletes that are participating in contest will be expected to be dressed appropriately. It is the player’s responsibility to have the correct clothing, color combination, and cleanliness to take the field. Individuals that are not properly dressed may be restricted to the dugout during gameplay.

Jewelry of any type is not permitted. Earrings, rings, watches, bracelets, and necklaces (both cloth and metal) should be removed prior to gameplay. Coaches will remind players, but it is the responsibility of the team captain and players to ensure that they are not in violation.

Individuals that are traveling with the team are expected to dress similarly. Players that are injured may wear their jersey with jeans and tennis shoes. Persons that are traveling with the team will wear a Bryan Softball shirt and jeans, but not their uniform. This is to prevent confusion and promote team unity.

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Equipment –

As a member of the team, players are expected to care for equipment. Equipment should be used as designed or modified by the coaching staff. This is to ensure the safety of players and staff as well as maintaining the quality of the equipment. Coaches hold the ultimate decision on whether equipment will be used, both personally and school provided.

Equipment is placed in designated areas to maintain quality and safety.

Pregame:o Catchers must have a proper protective gear when warming up pitchers. Batting helmets

and fielding masks are not acceptable protective gear. Catchers must also wear a chest protector.

o Helmets, bats, and catcher’s gear is placed neatly outside the dugout for umpire inspection.o Players align the equipment in a manner that can easily be observed and not simply placed

in one big pile.o Once inspection is completed, it is the players’ responsibility to move the equipment to the

dugout before play. During Play:

o Helmets are placed on a rack or in a bag near the entrance of the dugout. Individuals are required to have a helmet on while on offence, on deck, and in-the-hole (batter, next up, and the batter after).

o Bats are to be hung properly, not simply laid on the ground or stuck in the fence. o Know where your glove is at all times. It is not the coaches’ responsibility to keep track of

player equipment during play. Post-Game:

o Players assist in collecting and organizing the equipment. No player is to leave the field until all of the equipment is in the storage or in the bus.

o It is the player’s responsibility to make sure their personal equipment is gathered at the end of the game. Coaches will not replace belongings that are left at a field of play.

Dugout Etiquette –

All individuals are expected to adhere to the guidelines regardless of their role. Expectations described below are to ensure a high level of engagement, safety and sportsmanship. Individuals who do not adhere to the dugout procedures may be asked to leave the dugout or refused future entry as determined by the coaching staff.

Cell Phones – Cell phones are not permitted during practice. This includes during water breaks, transitions and wait time. Exceptions will be made for individuals that communicate extenuating circumstances with the coaching staff. Issues relating to cell phone usage will be addressed on a time-by-time basis.

Cheering/Engagement – When not playing, athletes are to remain engaged in the game by cheering their team on. Attitude off the field is as important as on the field.

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“Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.” ~Unknown

Trainer -

Hours –

M-F – 1:00-end of last practice/event Saturday - 1 hour before events/practices until end of practice/event Sunday – closed

Expectations –

Use of the ATR is a privilege, not a right, so be respectful at all times All athletes MUST SIGN IN prior to use of athletic training room (ATR) REPORT ALL MD VISITS AND INJURIES TO ATHLETIC TRAINER!!! Must also bring us doctor notes! Athletes MUST FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS from the sports medicine staff to aid in prevention

and care of injuries The ATR is a medical facility and must be treated as such The ATR is not a lounge. You must get

in and out, and cannot wait around for friends to be done. No horseplay or profanity No food or drinks allowed besides water No cleats No shoes on the tables You must get all treatment, taping, evaluations done before practice/game Athletes arriving late (5 minutes before practice/game) will need to return with a note from

coach prior to using the ATR, you will be sent away!! Do not help yourself, get permission prior to using anything in the ATR The ATR office is off limits at all times. Athletes coming in during their lunch, need to have a pass from their coach/teacher NO SKIPPING CLASS to come to the ATR Athletes must report injury to coach and get their permission prior to using the ATR for new

injuries!!! Athletes with home practices and events who have previously been seen will have the first

priority Athletes with new injuries or who haven’t been previously seen will be next Athletes who are not currently in season will be seen only when in-season athletes are finished

Concussions –

Bryan High Softball will adhere to guidelines established and reported on the NSAA website, Decisions based on play will be determined by the coaching staff, along with the recommendations of the trainer and doctors. Even though a student may be cleared to play, it may be determined that they will have a

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limited role until deemed ready. Issues relating to concussions will be handled on an individual basis with the player’s overall health as a priority.

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“Parents can only give good advice or put {kids} on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” ~Anne Frank

The organization will not tolerate any behavior on the playing field or in the stands which would hinder the spirit of sportsmanship and cooperation that we are trying to encourage. By allowing your daughter to participate in athletics at Bryan High School, you are agreeing to uphold these traditions by:

1. At Games, only the coaches will be allowed in the dugout and/or on the bench. DO NOT COACH YOUR CHILD FROM THE STANDS. The coach and player on the field may have specific signs, or prearranged scenarios to ask a player to do something. Do not interfere with that Coach’s instruction.

2. Abusive and foul language is not permitted3. Conduct of any guests of parents is the responsibility of the parent/guardian whose child will

participate on the team. Please think twice before saying something critical.4. Reinforce and remind your daughter to honor the player’s code of conduct she is bound to uphold.5. I will make sure my daughter remains in the dugout and/or on the bench when she is not in the

game, and to cheer her teammates.6. I will remember that children participate in sports to have fun and that the game is for youths, not

adults.7. I will inform the coaches of any ailment, injury or physical disability that may affect the safety of the

child or the safety of others.8. I will not openly complain about or, bring up, team issues or my displeasure about other players in

front of my daughter, other players or team parents.9. I will respect the officials and their authority during the games and will never question, discuss, or

confront the coaching staff after the game. I will take the time to speak with the coaches at an agreed time or place.

10. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to understand the concept of what it means to be a team player.

11. I will demand that my child treat other players and coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, ability, or difference of opinion.

12. I will not yell at, criticize, or ridicule my child or any participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.

13. I will reinforce to my child not to ask the coaches during a game, scrimmage, or practice about playing time, batting order placement, starting or substitute status. Should I have any questions concerning specific playing time, positions(s), and/or concerns regarding interest in specific areas of the game, I will discuss this matter with the coaches directly at the appropriate time and place (outside of team events).

14. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner. Even after a loss or bad game.

15. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility, verbal abuse, or violence.

16. I will not disrespect the property and equipment used at any sports facility. This includes disposal of trash, restrooms, and parking lot.

17. No alcohol or drug use is allowed at any games, scrimmage, or practice.18. I will not force my child to play on the team if she does not want to.

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“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” ~ Jack Welch

To uphold the traditions and expectations of Bryan High’s sports tradition, coaches will have defined expectations of conduct. This is an incomplete list because the coaching staff will have duties arise that are not always predicted, are defined by the administration, or are explicit to the field of play.

1. Coach should establish team rules, coaching philosophy, and properly set player and parental expectations on practice participation, playing time, in-game interaction between player and parents.

2. Exemplify behavior that is representative of being an adult, a coach and a leader of young women.3. Demonstrate high ideals, good sportsmanship, and desirable attitudes in personal behavior and

demand the same standards from his/her players.4. Emphasize to his/her players and support personnel the importance of proper behavior and the

necessity of restraining from entering the playing field to engage in an altercation of any kind.5. Maintain self-control at all times.6. Utilize positive educational methods in coaching; giving all players an opportunity to develop and

use initiative, leadership, and judgment.7. Pay close attention to the physical condition and well-being of players; refusing to jeopardize the

health of an individual for the sake of improving his/her team's chances of winning.8. Discourage profanity or abusive language directed toward anyone involved with events.9. Refuse to disparage opponent, officials, or others associated with our activities.10. Conduct himself/herself properly when raising a question about or discussing a call with an official.11. Coaches are expected to interact with parents, fostering an atmosphere of open communications,

trust and team.12. Coaches should conduct organized and productive practices. Practice should be conducted in a

serious, “Game pace” manor. Practice is for learning and improving. Be prepared for practice and set the tone.

13. Coaches are strictly prohibited from using alcohol during all team activities, including but not limited to games and practices.

14. Coaches must ensure that they are in compliance with all park rules.

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Bryan Senior High School Softball – Signature Page

Team Handbook Agreement

I, _______________________ (Print Parent Name), acknowledge that I have read and understand the BHS Softball Handbook, and agree to follow the policies and procedures contained in the handbook.

______________________ __________________Parent Signature Date

______________________ __________________Parent Signature Date

I, _______________________ (Print Player Name), acknowledge that I have read and understand the BHS Softball Handbook, and agree to follow the policies and procedures contained in the handbook.

______________________ __________________Player Signature Date