bruce lee thoughts

Bruce lee thoughts: -In the contrast of Comparison some new thing might grow -Independent inquiry is needed in your search for truth, not dependence on anyone else’s view or a mere book. -It’s like a finger pointing away to the moon don’t concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory. -Empty the cup to be useful. -Don’t let the outside conditions affected on you. Your mind power against circumstances. -Free your mind. -Keep your mind active. -Don’t distract your thoughts. -Plans came from imaginations. -Empty and free your mind -Balance your thoughts by action if u thinking about the thought many time u will never do it. Look directly to the fact.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Bruce lee thoughts:-In the contrast of Comparison some new thing might grow-Independent inquiry is needed in your search for truth, not dependence on anyone elses view or a mere book.-Its like a finger pointing away to the moon dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.-Empty the cup to be useful.-Dont let the outside conditions affected on you. Your mind power against circumstances.-Free your mind.-Keep your mind active.-Dont distract your thoughts.-Plans came from imaginations.-Empty and free your mind-Balance your thoughts by action if u thinking about the thought many time u will never do it. Look directly to the fact.-Learning let us discover our make things uncoveredIdeas principles:-Look for your needs and unsolved problem-master all the essential problems-make new twist for the old principles-believe in your idea and act.

-intelligent mind is aninquiry mind