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  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    BROYYNING RWe are proud that you have chosen a

    Browning. In its manufacture we have endeav-ored to incorporate the very finest in materialsand craftsmanship, and with just reasonablecare this gun should provide you with many years of pleasure and dependable service. If,by any chance, you have any observations tomake regarding its performance or appearance,

    we hope you will write us immediately.We would also like to know more about you

    as a Browning owner and would be grateful if you could take but a moment to complete andreturn the marketing survey card found onthe inside back cover.

    Thank you.


    BROWNING New Gun Ow ner s Rec ord

    Keepthis record for future r e f e r e n c e

    B r o w n i n g M o d e l .


    Purchase Price..

    Date of Purchase

    P l e a s e f i l l o u t a n d m a i l t h e M a r k e t i n g S u r v e y Card at theback of the booklet.


    Route # 1, Morgan, Utah 84050

    Distributed in Canada by: 8rowning Arms Co. of Canada, ltd.5350 Ferrier Street, Montreal, Que. H4P 1L9

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000



    In conventional gun terminology, the posi-tion and movement of gun parts are describedas they occur with the gun horizontal, innormal firing position; i.e., the muzzle is for-ward or front; butt stock is rearward or rear;trigger is underneath; the rib is on top.

    a .



    A L W A Y S V I S U A L L Y C H E C KY O U R S H O T G U N


    to be certainthat it does not inadvertently containany ammunition. Whenever you pickup a gun, immediately make sure thegun is on safe and the chamber and

    magazine a re un loaded.A L W A Y S K E E P Y O U R G U N SSAFETY IN THE ON SAFE POSI-T I O N- even if you are certain thegun is unloaded. Check and doublecheck, frequently while you are hunt-ing. Be sure contact with a twig, a

    tumble on slippery terrain, the mo-ment of excitement after a shot, or adozen other seemingly innocent inci-dents have not left you with a gun,off safe.Never point a gun you are certa inis on safe at anything you do notintend to shoot. Safe gun handlingdoes not st op with your gun s mechan-ica l sa fe ty . I t s ta r t s the re . Handleyour gun at all times with deep respect


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    and with alert consideration to allwithin its range.



    even t hough you arecertain the gun is unloaded and onsafe. Never point your gun at any-thing you do not intend to shoot.


    safety precaution it is preferable todisassemble your gun for storage.Store your gun and ammunit ion sep-arately- beyond the rea ch of children.

    e. DO NOT PUT A 20 GAUGE SHELLIN A 12 GAUGE GUN- if you va lue

    your gun and yourself. We stronglyrecommend tha t a ll shells of differen tgauges be stored in completely sep-ara te and well-marked containers.NE VER store shells of mixed gau gesin a common container or IN YOUR

    P O C K E T S . E X A M I N E E V E R YSHELL YOU PUT IN YOUR GUN.The m ost cert a in way to bulge or rup-ture th e finest bar rel is t o drop a 20gauge shell in to a 12 gauge chamber .The 20 gauge shell, unfor tuna tely, will

    not fa ll completely th rough the bar rel;its rim is caught by the FRONT of a12 gauge chamber. Your gun will mis-fir e, and u n der con dition s of ca reless-ness ma de leth a l by hast e, a 12 gaugeshell can be loaded behind the 20.

    Y ld t d lib t l h t

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    ed a more ser ious hazard to your gunand yourself.

    f. BEWARE OF BARREL OBSTRUC-TIONS - for the sa fety of both your

    gun and yourself.Mud, snow and an infin ite var iety ofother object s m ay inadver ten t ly lodgein a barrel bore. It takes only onesmall obstruction to ruin (swell orruptu re) the finest of shotgun bar rels.



    TH ECHAMBER MAY NOT BE EMPTY!Treat every gun with t he respect du ea loaded gun - even t hough you arecert a in t he gun is un loaded.

    It is unn ecessar y to sna p th e hammerto prevent weakening of the mainspr ing. It will not weaken even thoughthe hammer is left cocked indefinitely.Neither will snapping the ha m mer onan empty chamber dama ge or break

    the fir ing pin .AMMUNITION: The gauge an d max-imum accepta ble load a re sta mped onthe right side of the barrel. Neveruse a load t hat exceeds these specifica-tions. Magnum shells may be used

    so long as the cartridge length doesnot exceed the length sta m ped on thebarrel. That is, a 12 gauge shotgunstamped 12 g a u g e s h e l l s - 2 3/4inches may use 2 3/4 inch 12 gaugeMagnum loads but not 3 inch 12

    M l d

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    CAUTION: Do not take the meas-urement of an unfired shell to deter-mine th e length . An unfired 2 3/4"shell,for example, only measures about 2 1/2".

    Most shell boxes are stamped as tothe length of the shells t hey conta inand some shells a r e actua lly individu -ally marked as to th eir length .The Browning 2000 must be used on lywith th e gauge of amm un it ion sta mpedon the bar rel. The bar rel and act ionof th is shotgun have been m ade withlarge safety margins over t he pressur esdeveloped by establish ed commercialloads. Never theless, Browning can as-sume no responsibility for incidentswhich occur through the use of cart-

    ridges of non-standard dimension ort hose developing excessive pr essu res.


    This shotgun is gas-opera ted. A por t ion ofthe expanding powder gases is bled off

    th rough gas port s in th e barr el and u sed tooperate the mechanism. During rearwardt r avel, t he bolt ext ract s a nd eject s t he spentsh ell and cocks t he ha mmer. Dur ing forwar dt ravel, a new round is fed from the ma gazineto th e cha mber .

    This operation is semi-automatic; thetrigger must be released and pulled to fireeach successive shot . After the la st shell ha sbeen fired, the breech bolt locks open. Thisof course, facilita tes speedy reloading.


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    Your Browning 2000 i s packaged andshipped with the forearm attached to the re-ceiver and magazine tube. In order to install

    the barrel it is necessary to remove the fore-arm from the magazine tube and affix theforearm on the barrel before mounting thebarrel to the action. Follow the s t e n s below:





    BARREL,THE BORE AND OTHERMETAL SURFACES. Remove wi thany good quality gun oil or gun clean-ing solven t .Unscrew the forearm cap and removethe forearm from the magazine tube.

    Affix the forearm to the barrel by lo-cating the entire forearm rearward ofthe barrel ring and gently sliding theforearm forward until the barrel ring issea ted against th e rubber forea rm bush-ing (Figure 1). Do not force the rear-

    war d end of th e forear m upwa rd a roundthe barrel as this could split the fore-arm.

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000




    Draw th e breech bolt rea rward so th a tit remains locked back. Be sure thesafety is on sa fe.Gra sp t he but t stock by the pistol gr ip

    and an chor th e bu tt end on your hip.With your other h and grasp the fore-ar m an d barr el an d after a fina l glan ceth rough th e bore t o be sur e th ere is nobar rel obst ru ct ion , ca refu lly work t heforea rm down t he ma gazin e tu be an d

    in t roduce the bar rel extension in to ther eceiver (F igu re 2).


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    6. As the bar rel and forear m are sea tedinto final position, be certain the U-shaped cut in the barrel extension(Figure 3) mates fully against the

    F ig. 3

    bar rel gu ide in the upper in side of thereceiver (Point A, Figure 4). Also

    check tha t t he meta l forearm t abs inthe rea rwar d end of the for ear m (F ig-

    u re 5) slide in to th e opposing receiverrecesses (Point B, Figure 4).

    7. Screw the forear m cap on to th e ma ga-zine tube. HAND TIGHTEN ONLY.

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    Never apply a wrench or any kind ofsevere force.Removing the barrel is simply done byreversing the above procedure. If you

    prefer to store your gun with the ac-tion and barrel separated, it is suggest-ed that the forearm be attached to themagazine tube and receiver. This se-cures your forearm and prevents i tfrom possible damage.


    Do not press the carrier latch and let thebreech bolt ride home under its own force, un-less the bolt is actually feeding a round intothe chamber. It is always advisable, wheneverthe bolt is being closed on an empty chamberor being closed after the barrel has been re-

    moved from the action, to hook your thumbor finger around the bolt operating handle andlet the bolt ease forward.

    CROSS-BOLT SAFETYThe cross bolt safety blocks the trigger

    from operating. In the off safe or fireposition a red warning band is visible, on the

    left side of the trigger guard_, alerting theshooter of the gun s r eady-to-fire st a tus.

    To accommodate left hand shooters, thissafety can be reversed by a gunsmith in amatter of minutes. When reversed, of course,the red warning band will then appear on the


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    right side of the trigger guard. Unlike manyother guns with cross bolt safeties, no extraparts are necessary for this conversion.



    The Browning 2 0 0 0 is equipped with thespeed loading system Browning Automaticshotguns are famous for. It is not necessary

    to jiggle the first round into the chamber andthen trip the carrier latch (bolt release) toready the first round for firing. Nor is it neces-sary to insert a round into the magazine andthen cycle the bolt to chamber the first round

    After being sure the breech bolt is locked

    open, a ll you do is thumb the first round intothe loading port on the left side of the re-ceiver.. Push this first round forward so thatthe b rass head o f the she l l i s abou t aninch forward of the carrier latch trip (Figure6). Release the shell by withdrawing your

    thumb completely out of the loading port andletting the shell slam rearward against the

    carrier latch trip. Instantly this round willbe whisked into the chamber ready for firing!


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    (Remember to keep your fingers away fromthe ejection port on the opposite side of thereceiver. The bolt drives forward with forceduring the loading of this first round.)

    The second, third and fourth shells to beloaded are then thumbed completely into themagazine. You will not be able to insert thefifth shell you load completely into the maga-zine. This fifth shell (the second shell in line-up for firing) is inserted so that it lays in the

    loading port with the crimped end protrudingonly partly into the magazine (Figure 7). Be

    certain that this shell lays straight and is en-tirely within the loading port. It is held firm-ly in this position and will not fall out orrattle.

    This is also true when the plug is installed


    the third (last) shell to be loaded (secondin firing sequence) lays visible in the loadingport.

    The shellSWITCH LOADS FASTwhich lays visible in the loading

    port can be quickly removed, if you want toswitch loads in a hurry. Suppose your 2000 isloaded with duck loads and geese decide to veeryour way. Simply pluck the visible shell fromthe loading port and insert a goose load. Cyclethe bolt. Your chambered duck load will eject,and the goose load will be chambered.


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    FIRINGOnce loaded, all that is necessary to fire

    the gun, of course, is to push the safety to thefire position and pull the trigger. The firstshell will fire and be ejected. The second willautomatically be chambered. The trigger mustbe released and pulled to fire each succes-sive shot.

    THE BREECH REMAINS OPEN after the lastshot has been fired. This allows you to reloadquickly, if you desire to.

    BREAKING IN WITH LIGHT LOADSI f the ini t ia l shoot ing of your 12 g a .

    B-2000 is done with trap, skeet or light fieldloads, you may experience a few malfunctionsin the first box or two of shells. After this

    short break-in period your B-2000 will oper-ate well with light or heavy loads.

    UNLOADINGAs well as speed loading, the Browning

    2000 features speed unloading. Before un-loading, BE SURE THE SAFETY IS ONSAFE AND THE MUZZLE IS POINTEDIN A SAFE DIRECTION.

    The shells in the loading port and maga-zine are unloaded first. Simply ease the shell

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    in the loading port ou tward with your th umbunt il you can remove it . To remove the shellsin t he magazine depress the car t r idge stop.The car t r idge st op (F igur e 8) project s fromthe bottom of the bolt slide. With the cart-

    r idge stop depressed let each sh ell ride rea r -ward and out of the loading por t . In th is man-ner you can remove all the shells except theone in the chamber. Th is sh ell is r emoved bydra wing the breech bolt rea rwa rd and ca tch -ing the shell a s it eject s.

    MAGAZINE PLUGA magazine plug, restr ict ing the Browning

    2000s capacity to 3 shots, is furnished witheach gun.

    TO INSTALL THE PLUG fir st r emove th e tr ig-ger group (see pages 23 and 24). Merely push

    the solid end of the magazine plug throughthe opening in the follower unt il th e plug is


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    completely within the magazine (Figure 9).Impor tant : Be cert a in t ha t t he split end ofthe magazine plug is rearward.

    TO REMOVE THE PLUG fir st remove the t r ig-

    ger group (see pages 23 an d 24). Then take anempty shotshell and place th e mouth of theshell against the ma gazine follower (Figure 10).

    Thumb th is empty shell fa r enough int othe ma gazine to place a second empty shellbehind the fir st. Then press th e second empt y

    shell into the magazine (Figure 11). Somepressure with the thumb will be required,since it causes th e split rear war d end of themagazine plug to compress and emergeth rough the hole in the ma gazine follower andin to the inside of the first empty shell. Ease

    the shells rea rwar d an d ou t of the magazine.

    You will now see the plug prot ruding fromthe follower. Simply pu ll the plug from themagazine follower (F igure 9). Now reinsta llthe t r igger group.


    With the plug removed your 2000 has acapacity of five 2 3/4" shells. When it is set upto fire 3" magnum shells with a 3" magnumbar rel, the capa city is fou r 3" sh ells.


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    With the plug installed the capacity isreduced to th ree shells- whether the 2000is set u p to fire 2 3/4"sh ells only or 3 magnu mshells.


    The Browning 2000 has a uniquely de-signed, ext remely reliable gas syst em. It iscompactly contained within the magazinetube. Th is m akes it less accessible to dirt and

    allows a slim forear m design.The gas is sealed off so that it cannotblow rearward into the forearm, along theact ion ba r a ssembly and towar d the act ionThe gas is vent ed forwar d th rough the holein the forear m cap.

    H ow oft en sh ou ld you st r ip down the ga ssystem and clean it? There is no rule ofthumb. It depends somewhat on the type ofammunition you use and how heavily youshoot your gun . Hunters will probably wan t t oclean the syst em a t the seasons end. Trapand skeet shooters will perhaps wan t to clean

    it more frequently It s a mat ter of shoot ingconditions and judgment .



    Disma nt ling the gas system is very simple.Make sure the safety is on and draw thebreech bolt r ear war d u n t il it locks open. Un -screw the forear m cap and remove th e bar reland forearm.

    You will not ice the gas piston ba r project-


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    ing from each side of the magazine tube (F ig-ure 12). Remove this simply by pushing it

    b8Sx:9 _

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    BROYYNINGAutomatic 2000 Gas

    Operated Shotgun

    NOTE: This pa ge c onta ins the sc he-

    mat ic fo r the 12 gauge B-2000 . F o r

    . . .corresponding 20 gauge

    p a r t n u m b e r s r e f e r t o

    t h e p a r t s list o n

    @- I2394 the following page.

    lMP0RTANT: W h e n o r d e r i n g p a r t s ,

    l is t code number, part name, gauge,

    model and serial number.


    1 2 3 &

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000





    l 12010



    *12024* 12025*12028*12034


    * 12068* 12070


    Action 8ar Left 12, 20 ga.Action8ar Right 12, 20ga.Action BarRight(4), 12,

    Action Spring 12 ga.Action Spring 20 ga.8arrel Ring 12 ga.8arrel Ring 20 ga.8arrel Guide 12, 20 ga.8olt 12 ga.

    8olt 20 ga.Bolt Slide 12 ga.Bolt Slide 20 ga.Butt Plate 20 ga.8utt Plate 12 ga.Butt Plate Screw 12, 20ga .Butt Stock, Field 12 ga.8utt Stock, Trap 12 ga.8utt Stock, Skeet 12 ga.8utt Stock, Field 20 ga.Butt Stock, Skeet 20 ga.

    Carrier 12 ga.Carrier 20 ga.Carrier Cartridge Limit Pin

    12, 20 ga.120791208012081

    Carrier Cartridge Pin 12 ga.Carrier Cartridge Pin 20 ga.Carrier Cartridge Spring 12,

    20 ga.12085 Carrier Cartridge Stop

    12 ga.12087


    Carrier Cartridge Stop

    Carrier Dog 12 ga.Carrier Dog 20 ga.Carrier Dog Pin 12, 20 ga.Carrier Dog Spring 12,

    20 ga.12101 Carrier Dog Spring Guide 12,

    20 ga.12105




    Carrier Latch 12 ga.Carrier Latch 20 ga.Carrier Latch Pin 12 ga.

    Carrier Latch Pin.20 ga.Carrier Latch Spring 12,

    Carrier Latch Spring Plunger12, 20 ga.

    12122 Carrier Latch Trip 12 ga.12124 Carrier Latch Trip 20 ga.



    12128 Carrier Latch Trip Pin 12 ga.12130 Carrier Latch Trip Pin 20 ga.12132 Carrier Pin 12, 20 ga.12136 Carrier Release 12 ga.12138 Carrier Release 20 ga.12142 Carrier Release Pin 12,

    20 ga.12146 Carrier Spring 12, 20 ga.12150 Cartridge Stop 12, 20 ga.12156 Cartridge Stop Pin 12,

    20 ga.12159 Cartridge Stop Spring 12,

    20 ga.*12162 Disconnector 12, 20 ga.

    12168 Disconnector Pin 12, 20 ga.12171 Disconnector Spring 12,

    20 ga.12173 Disconnector Spring Plunger

    12. 20 ga.12176 Extractor 12,20ga.

    Extractor Spring 12, 20 ga.

    12186 Extractor Spring Plunger 12,ga.

    12190 Firing 12, ga. 12, 20 ga.12198 Firing Pin Bushing Pin 12,

    20 ga.12202 Firing Pin Spring 12, 20 ga.12206 Forearm, Field 12 ga.12208 Forearm, Semi Beavertail



    12 ga.Forearm, Field 20 ga.

    Forearm, Semi Beavertail20 ga.

    12216 Forearm Bushing 12 ga.Forearm Bushing 20 ga.

    12220 Forearm Bushing Washer20 ga. only

    12222 Forearm Cap 12 ga.12223 Forearm Cap w/Eyelet

    12 ga.12224 Forearm Cap 20 ga.12225 Forearm Cap w/Eyelet

    20 ga.12227 Forearm Cap Buffer 12 ga.12229 Forearm Cap Buffer 20 ga.12231 Forearm Cap Buffer Washer

    20 onlyga.12232 Forearm Cap Plunger 12,

    20 ga.


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000



    12237 Forearm Cap PlungerSpring 12,20 ga.

    *12240 Forearm Liner 12 ga.*12242 Forearm Liner 20 ga.*1 2 2 4 6 Forearm Tabs 12 ga.*12248 Forearm Tabs 20 ga.

    12252 Gas Cylinder Plug 12 ga.12254 Gas Cylinder Plug 20 ga.12262 Gas Piston 12 ga.12264 Gas Piston 20 ga.12268 Gas Piston Bar 12 ga.12270 Gas Piston Bar 20 ga.12272 Gas Piston Bar Guide 12 ga.12274 Gas Piston Bar Guide 20 ga.12276 Gas Piston Buffer 12 ga.12278 Gas Piston Buffer 20 ga.12282


    *12292* 12294



    Gas Piston Spring 12 ga.

    Gas Piston Spring 20 ga.Gas Piston Valve 12 ga.Gas Piston Valve 20 ga.Hammer 12 ga.Hammer 20 ga.Hammer Pin 12 ga.Hammer Pin 20 ga.Inertia Piece 12 ga.Inertia Piece 20 ga.Locking Block 12 ga.Locking Block 20 ga.

    Magazine Adaptor ThreeShot 12, 20 ga.

    12315 Magazine Base 12 ga.12318 Magazine Base 20 ga.12320 Magazine Base Pin 12 ga.12322 Magazine Base Pin 20 ga.12324 Magazine Follower 12 ga.12326 Magazine Follower 20 ga.12330 Maaazine Spring 12 ga.12332 Magazine Spring 20 ga.

    *12336 Magazine Tube 12 ga.

    *12338 Maaazine Tube 20 ga.12342 Ma&spring-Right or Left

    12, 20 ga.12348 Mainspring Guide-Right or

    Left 12. 20 ga.12352 Mainspring Pin-Hammer

    12 ga.12354 Mainspring P i n - H a m m e r

    12356 Mainspring Pin-TriggerGuard 12 ga.

    PART #





    * l2378

    * l2384













    Mainspring Pin-TriggerGuard 20 ga.

    Operating Handle 12 ga.Operating Handle 20 ga.Operating Handle Retainer

    Pin 12, 20 ga.

    Operating Handle RetainerPin 12, 20 ga.Operating Handle Retainer

    Spring 12, 20 ga.Receiver Assembly 12 ga.

    Receiver 12 ga. Field Type 2Receiver Assembly 12 ga.

    Trap & SkeetReceiver Assembly 20 ga.

    Receiver 20 ga. Field Type 2Receiver Assembly 20 ga.

    Receiver Buffer 12 ga.Receiver Buffer 20 ga.Safety Crossbolt 12, 20 ga.Safety Spring 12, 20 ga.Safety Spring Plunger 12,

    20 ga.Safety Spring Retaining

    Pin 12, 20 ga.

    Sear 12 ga.Sear 20 ga.Sear Pin 12, 20 ga.Sight Base Front 12, 20 ga.Sight Bead Front 12, 20 ga.Stock Bolt 12, 20 ga.Stock Bolt Washer 12, 20 ga.Trigger 12 ga.Trigger 20 ga.Trigger Pin 12, 20 ga.Trigger Guard 12 ga.

    Trigger Guard 20 ga.Trigger Guard Retaining Pin

    12 ga.Trigger Guard Retaining Pin

    20 ga.Trigger Guard Retaining Pin

    Bushing 12, 20 ga.Trigger Guard Retaining Pin

    Spring 12, 20 ga.Trigger Guard Shield 12 ga.Trigger Guard Shield 20 ga.

    I n1977 production, these two parts will be combined to form one integralpart.

    I n1977 production, forearm tabs will be part of one integral piece.M a ybe purchased only by holder of valid Federal Firearms license.

    *Indicates part must be fitted by our Service Department or Qualified Gunsmith.


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    CAUTION: Do not t r ip the car r ier la tchand let t he bolt fly home when t he gas pistonbar is removed. The opera t ing handle of thebolt will slam into the front of the receiverand da mage it. If you wish to close the bolt

    at this time, make sure you hold onto theopera t ing handle and let the bolt very slowlyr ide forwar d u n t il the opera t ing handle rest saga inst the forward edge of the eject ion por t .

    You a re now ready to wipe ou t the maga-zine tube an d clean the component s. The gas

    piston and gas cylinder plug are bronze. Ifyou decide t o scrub these componen ts with abrush , be sure you use a t ypica l brass borecleaning type brush and not a steel brush orany other t ype th a t will scra tch t hese com-ponents.

    Use a good quality powder solvent , such asBrowning Liquid Gunsm ith , to clean the gassystem components. Do not use gun oil. Thiswill collect foreign mat ter . Keep these com-ponent s clean and dry.

    Reassemble the gas system component s in

    th t d d th P

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    par t icu lar a t tent ion to lin ing up the slot inthe gas piston bar guide (A, Figure 15) withthe holes in the gas piston (B, Figure 15) andth e magazine tu be (C, Figur e 15) so tha t you

    can easily inser t the gas piston bar . Be cer-

    t a in t ha t t he slot in t he gas piston ba r guide(A, Figure 15) is rearward. This is criticalfor proper funct ion ing. Also be cer ta in tha tthe aperture in the forward end of the gas



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    piston is located upward and in alignmentwith the gas entrance aperture in the top ofthe magazine tube (Figure 16). To i n s u rethat you install the gas piston with this aper-

    ture upward, the slot C in the magazine tubeand the s lots A & B in the gas piston andgas piston bar guide are machined off centerIf after installing the gas system in the mag-azine tube, you cannot easily install the gaspiston bar, you have not assembled the com-ponents properly. Remove them and be cer-tain the aperture is located upward. Neverun der a ny circum sta nces ta p the gas pistonbar with a hammer or other object. If youcannot insert the bar with your fingers, youare not assembling the gas system correctly

    Also during assembly be sure the concave

    surface of the gas cylinder plug bears againstthe gas piston.

    (Of Interest: During disassembly of thegas system you will have noticed the white gaspiston buffer. Buffers are also located in theforearm cap and in the rearward portion of

    the receiver. These act as shock absorbersgreatly cushioning the forceful operation ofthe gas system and the energy it imparts tothe bolt. They help to soften recoil, makingyour 2000 very pleasant to shoot.)


    If the barrel of your Browning 2000 ischam bered for 2 3/4" shells, a ll you need toshoot 3 magnum loads is an extra barrelchambered for 3 sh ells. You do not need topurchase a differen t a ct ion nor a lt er t he ga s


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    system in any way. The gas ports in thebarrels differ, so that you can interchange2 3/4" cha mbered bar rels and 3" chamberedbarrels on the same act ion

    N O T E : With the 3 *inchMagnum barre linstalled the B-2000 is designed to funct ionreliably with 3 inch M a g n u m shellsWhileno harm can come from shooting 23/4" MagnumIoads in the 3 inch chambered Magnumbarrel, it is not advised since the ejector

    mechanism built into the barrel extensionof the 3" barre l to specifically eject 3" cart-r i d g e s is n ot total lydependabIeuponejec-tionwiththe shorter cartridges. Should theshooter not mind an occasionalhangup intheejector port with the shorter 2 3/4"Mag_numshells he indeed may alsouse themif


    PeriodicalIy YOU may wish to completelydisassemble your Browning 2000 for athorough cleaning Your 2000 can be com-pletely stripped down without any tools ex-

    ceptm g a dr ive punch or any simila r objectwhichwiII enable you to remove the triggerguard retaining pin. Follow the stepsbelow:Besure your gun is unloaded and on safe.

    1. Remove the barrel and forearm anddismantle the gas system as descr ibedon page 17.

    2.Hold onto the bolt operat ing handletrip the car rier la tch and softly easethe bolt forward unti1 the operatinghandlerests against the forward part


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    of the receiver. DO NOT LET THEBOLT SLAM FORWARD.

    3. Remove the trigger guard retainingpin (F igure 17) .

    Fig. 17


    4. Draw the bolt rearward about 1 1/2inches (F igure 18).



  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    5. With your other hand t r ip the carr ierla t ch , grasp t he tr igger gua rd (F igure18) and remove by forcing it slightlyforward before a t tempt ing to lift it ou tof the r eceiver (F igure 19).

    Ease the bolt for -war d again.

    With t h e b u t tstock r est ing firmly

    on a workbench ortable, grasp theact ion bar a ssem-bly and compressthea c t i o n springseveral inches

    (F igure 20).Remove the boltoperating handlewith your otherhand. F irm finger


  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    pressu re rem oves it easily (F igur e 21).

    9. To remove the boltand bolt slide ease

    the act ion bar a s-sembly forward offth e magazine tu bewhile depressingthe ca r t r idge stopwith your finger

    (Figure 22). Thecar t r idge stop pro-jects from the bot -tom of the boltslide. Pa r t icu la r ly

    no t i ce how thedouble act ion barssepar a te from t hebolt . This will helpyou during reas-sembly la ter.

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    You can now easily clean all of these com-ponents as well as the inside of the receiver.(See Figure 23.) Again a good solvent is



    recommended. Fur ther disassembly of thetrigger group is not recommended.

    NOTE: Do not apply large quant i t ies

    of oil to the trigger group or other areas ofthe action. Excessive oil is not necessary andserves to collect dust and minute particles ofdirt. Excessive oil could also soak into thestock; softening the walnut and loosening thestock. Only a very, very light film of fine

    quality gun oil is needed to protect theseworking parts.

    REASSEMBLY OF THE ACTIONFollow the steps below:1. Slide the action spring onto the maga-

    zine tube, compress the action spring

    and start the action bar assembly ontothe magazine tube. Grasp the actionb a r a s s e m b l y k e e p i n g t h e s p r i n gslightly compressed.

    2. Assemble the bolt and bolt slide andalign the action bars in their respective

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    r ecesses in the bolt s lide. Th is is doneju st forward of t he r eceiver before t hebolt is completely inserted into thereceiver.

    Notice that the left (loading port side)action bar enters from the top of the boltslide (F igure 24) while th e r ight act ion bar



    attaches from the bottom (Figure 25). It is





    F ig. 25

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    easiest to cant the bolt assembly to the leftand attach the left action bar first, thenrotate the bolt assembly to the right anddownward until the right action bar is en-

    gaged.3. Keeping th e act ion bar s loca ted in thebolt slide with your fingers (Figure26) ca r efu lly or ien t t he bolt a ssem blyin the appropr ia te receiver channelsan d push rear war d on th e action bar

    assembly unt il the bolt a ssembly slidesin to the receiver .

    Fig. 26

    4. Insert the bolt operating handle andgradually release pressure on the ac-

    t ion bar assembly.5. Draw th e bolt par t ia lly rearward andinsert the trigger group (Figure 27).Replace the t r igger guard reta ining pin.

    CAUTION: While inserting the triggergroup be ca refu l not to scra tch the un dersu r -

    f f th i ith th i t id

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000



    st op. (Th is is the long, slender , unblued pieceof m eta l wh ich lies a longside t he ca r r ier ; seeFigure 27.) If you will t ip the t r igger group

    so tha t you in t roduce the ca r r ier a nd th e ca r -r ier ca r t r idge stop in to the r eceiver fir st , youcan easily avoid scra tch ing the receiver .

    6. Lock the bolt open.7. Replace the gas system (see pages 19

    and 20) and insta ll bar rel and forearm.

    TWO OR MORE: GUNS IN ONEBY USE OF EXTRA BARRELSUse the sam e gun for mult iple shoot ing

    condit ions merely by changing from one bar -rel to another of different choke, length andr ib. Bar rels of the same gauge ar e completely

    interchangeable, and no special fitting ora ltering of the gas system is r equ ired. Thu s,by merely buying another barrel, you havethe utility of another gun at a fraction ofthe cost of a new gun ... a duck gun be-comes a skeet gun or a fine upland gun by

    th dditi f t b l

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    NOTE: As pointed out earlier, you donot need a complete sepa ra te gun to shoot 3m agnum s. An ext ra 3 m agnum bar rel is alltha t is needed. Simply in terchange bar rels.

    Altering the ga s system is u nnecessar y. Seepage 22.NOTE: With the 3 inch Magnum bar rel

    insta lled the B-2000 is designed to funct ionreliably with 3 inch Magnum shells. Whileno harm can come from shoot ing 2 3/4"Mag-

    num loads in the 3 inch chambered Magnumbarrel, it is not advised since the ejectormechan ism built in to the bar rel extension ofthe 3 barrel to specifically eject 3 cart-r idges is not tota lly depen dable upon eject ionwith the shor ter ca r t r idges. Should the

    shooter not mind an occasional hang up inthe eject ion por t with the shor ter 2 3/4"Mag-num shells he indeed may a lso use them ifdesired.

    Please see your Browning dealer forbar rel specifica t ions a vailable.


    The correct procedure for cleaning yoursh otgun is a s follows:


    1. Dismount barrel so that i t can becleaned from the breech end.2. Using a sh otgun rod with t ip an d pat ch

    la rge enough for snug fit in bore, in-sert rod and patch in breech end ofbarr el and r un back a nd fort h th rough

    b l t i

  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000


    3. Inspect bore from both ends for leadingby looking th rough bore toward ligh t .Leading will appear as dull longitudina lst reaks and is usua lly more predomin-

    ant in the constriction area of thechoke a nd just forwar d of the chamber.

    4. Leading is minimal with todays m od-ern loads. If or when leading shouldbecome heavy, it can be removed witha brass bore bru sh . Use a good powder

    solvent such as Browning Liquid Gun -smith and scrub bore un t il leading isremoved. To prevent brass bristlesfrom breaking off, the brush should bepushed completely through bore beforebeing withdrawn.

    5. After leading has been removed, thebore should be wiped dry and then asligh t ly oiled pa t ch run th rough it forpreservation.

    6. If the gun has been exposed to much

    dust, dirt, mud or water, the actionand gas system should be strippeddown and clean ed as out lined in th isbooklet.

    7. Reassemble bar rel a nd wipe all expos-ed meta l su r faces with an oiled cloth

    making sur e to wipe gun clean of a llfinger m arks where moisture will ac-cumulate.

    6. The wood surfaces can also be wipedwith Browning Gun Oil or t hey can bepolished with any quality furniture

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  • 8/14/2019 Browning 2000



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