brown vs boe roe vs wade

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  • 8/7/2019 brown vs boe roe vs wade


    Two major cases that changed the social law of United States were Brown

    vs. Board of Education and Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade case was in 1859 and

    stated that the Texas abortion law violated women's constitutional right to have an

    abortion. It was ruled in favor of Roe and struck down the Texas abortion law as

    unconstitutional. Brown vs. Board of Education was in 1954 and was over the

    racial segregation of public schools that denied black school children equal

    protection of the law under the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Roe vs. Wade: The Decision and its Impact on American Society

    "The Court today is correct in holding that the right asserted by Jane Roe is


    within the personal liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the


    Amendment. It is evident that the Texas abortion statute infringes that right


    Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more complete abridgment of a

    constitutional freedom

    than that worked by the inflexible criminal statute now in force in Texas.

    The question

    then becomes whether the state interests advanced to justify this abridgment

    can survive

    the 'particularly careful scrutiny' that the Fourteenth Amendment here

    requires. The

    asserted state interests are protection of the health and safety of the

    pregnant woman,

    and protection of the potential future human life within her. But such

    legislation is not

    before us, and I think the Court today has thoroughly demonstrated that these


    interests cannot constitutionally support the broad abridgment of personal

    liberty workedby the existing Texas law. Accordingly, I join the Court's opinion holding

    that that law

    is invalid under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment" (Craig

    and O'Brien


    On January twenty-second, 1973 Justice Harry Blackmun delivered the opinion

    of the

    Supreme Court regarding the Roe vs. Wade case. A pregnant single woman, "Jane


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    brought a class action lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Texas


    abortion laws, which proscribed procuring or attempting an abortion except on


    advice for the purpose of saving the mother's life. Norma McCorvey, the real

    name of the

    plaintiff, was young and divorced at the time, searching for a solution to

    her unplanned

    pregnancy. "No legitimate doctor in Texas would touch me," stated McCorvey.

    "There I was

    - pregnant, unmarried, unemployed, alone and stuck" (Craig and O'Brien 5).


    plaintiff's assertion was that prohibiting abortion at any time before birth

    violated a

    woman's constitutional right to privacy. The Supreme Court later agreed with


    McCorvey, justifying the legality of abortion under the fourteenth amendment.

    A person's

    right to privacy now extended to choosing an abortion. Although the Court

    avoided the

    issue of when life actually begins, abortion became legal under this landmarkSupreme

    Court decision. The debate over the legality of abortion had taken place in

    America for

    several decades, and the final decision rendered by Roe vs. Wade resonated

    among all

    Americans, influencing society to date.

    Until the last third of the nineteenth century, when it was criminalized

    state by state

    across the land, abortion was legal before "quickening," which is

    approximately the

    fourth month of pregnancy. Colonial home medical guides gave recipes for


    abortions with herbs that could be grown in one's garden or easily found in

    the woods. By

    the mid-eighteenth century, commercial preparations were widely available.


    these drugs were often fatal. The first statutes regulating abortion, passed

    in the 1820s

    and 1830s, were actually poison-control laws: the sale of commercial

    abortifacients was

    banned, but abortion itself was not outlawed. Despite these new laws, the


    business was booming by the 1840's, including the sale of illegal drugs,

    which were

    widely advertised in the popular press.

    However, this trend would soon change. Following the 1840's, abortion would

    soon be underattack, and a string of anti-abortion laws would be passed until the

    twentieth century.

    The leading force behind the criminalization of abortion was physicians and

    the American

    Medical Association. The AMA was founded in 1847, and the illegalization of

    abortion was

    one of its highest priorities. To the growing movement, "abortion was both an

    immoral act

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    and a medically dangerous one, given the incompetence of many of the

    practitioners then"

    (Joffe 28). However, the opposition went beyond these factors. To many people

    during the

    end of the nineteenth century, abortion represented a threat to male

    authority and the

    traditional role of a woman in the time period. Abortion was a symbol of

    unbridled female

    sexuality, expressing selfish and self-indulgent qualities. The AMA's

    Committee on

    Criminal Abortion expressed this view blatantly in 1871. "She yields to the

    pleasures -

    but shrinks from the pains and responsibilities of maternity; and, destitute

    of all

    delicacy and refinement, resigns herself, body and soul, into the hands of


    and wicked men" (Joffe 29). As the twentieth century dawned, over forty

    states had

    completely outlawed abortion unless the mother's life was in direct harm, and

    many others

    had placed strict regulations. However despite these emerging laws, peoplestill

    performed abortions illegally for decades until the Roe vs. Wade decision. A


    performed by Frederick Taussig in 1936 recorded an estimated half million


    abortions. In 1953, ninety percent of all premarital pregnancies were aborted


    and twenty percent of married couples performed abortions. Illegal abortions

    rose to over

    a million a year until Roe vs. Wade. Although the law dictated the morality

    of abortion,

    abortion was still a considerable aspect of society.

    The Roe vs. Wade decision was first argued in December 1971, and had been

    before the

    Supreme Court for over a year. Although this decision would later be

    intensely analyzed

    and debated, little attention was brought upon the case at the time. Chief

    Justice Burger

    opened the Court's oral arguments, and each side had only thirty minutes to

    present their

    case and answer questions. Sarah Weddington, the head lawyer defending Norma


    argued that abortion needed to be legalized beyond in the case where a

    woman's life is

    threatened. The physiological and psychological harms also warranted an


    However, since the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over public policy,Weddington

    argued that current abortion laws violated the fourteenth amendment. The


    amendment guarantees the right to liberty without due process of law, and the


    contended this right was extended to a woman's right to choose to be

    pregnant. In her

    closing argument, Weddington stated if "liberty is meaningful... that liberty

    to these

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    women would mean liberty from being forced to continue the unwanted

    pregnancy" (Craig and

    O'Brien 17).

    Jay Floyd, the assistant attorney general of Texas, next presented his case

    against the

    legalization of abortion. Weddington had argued that many women had no other


    besides abortion because of their socioeconomic status. However, Floyd

    contended that

    despite external factors, each person had free autonomy. "Now I think she

    makes her

    choice prior to the time she becomes pregnant. That is the time of her

    choice. It's like,

    more or less, the first three or four years of our life we don't remember

    anything. But

    once a child is born, a woman no longer has a choice, and I think pregnancy


    determines that choice" (Craig and O'Brien 17). Thus, Floyd contended, the


    amendment was not violated since pregnancy was based on free will, and

    liberty was notdenied. If pregnancy was a deliberate choice on the woman's part, then

    abortion was not


    Another crucial aspect of the Roe vs. Wade trial was the status of when a

    fetus is

    guaranteed constitutional rights. In response to Texas' harsh abortion


    Floyd explained that Texas "recognized the humanness of the embryo, or the

    fetus" and had

    "a compelling interest because of the protection of fetal life" (Craig and

    O'Brien 17).

    However, there were several flaws with this statement in the court. First,

    the topic of

    the Court was not the constitutional rights of embryos, but whether abortion

    violated a

    person's right to liberty. Second, no state law or court decision had equated


    with murder. Thus, Floyd's contention amounted to a mere personal opinion,

    with no

    bearing on the case. The Court needed to uphold the constitutional rights of

    the woman

    before protecting the "rights" of the unborn fetus. The fourteenth amendment

    applies only

    "to all persons born or naturalized in the United States," and if the Court


    the fourteenth amendment to unborn children, it would be an extreme case of

    judicialactivism (Craig and O'Brien 20).

    After two years listening to arguments, the Supreme Court finally made its

    decision. The

    right to privacy and liberty was broad enough to encompass a woman's decision


    abortion. The fourteenth amendment guaranteed personal liberty, which

    includes a woman's

    body and unborn fetus. Although the Court established the legality of

    abortion, they left

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    the responsibility of implementation to the states. Like Brown vs. The Board

    of Education

    of Topeka, a general decision on constitutionality needed to be interpreted


    implemented by local governments. "Where certain 'fundamental rights' are

    involved, the

    Court has held that regulation limiting these rights may be justified only by


    'compelling state interest,' and that legislative enactments must be narrowly

    drawn to

    express only the legitimate state interests at stake" (Craig and O'Brien 27).


    the court did not provide any specific methods of implementation, it did set


    guidelines regarding the stage of the fetus. A mother had the sole choice to

    abort the

    child in the first trimester, but limitations on abortion were allowed in the

    second and

    third trimesters if the right to liberty and privacy of the mother was still


    The initial reactions to the Roe vs. Wade decision were intense and extreme,as abortion

    remains to be an extremely controversial issue. The president of Planned


    hailed the decision as "a wise and courageous stroke for the right of

    privacy, and for

    the protection of a woman's physical and emotional health" (Craig and O'Brien


    However, there were as many supporters of the decision as dissidents.

    Cardinal Terence

    Cooke attacked the Justices, claiming that "whatever their legal rationale,

    seven men

    have made a tragic utilitarian judgment regarding who shall live and who

    shall die"

    (Craig and O'Brien 32). Roe vs. Wade elevated the abortion issue to the


    spectrum, becoming a source of political and social struggle in the years to

    come. On the

    tenth anniversary of the decision, The Washington Post illustrated its effect

    on society.

    "[Roe vs. Wade] has drastically changed the Court's image, fostered wholesale

    attack on

    'judicial activism' and mobilized thousands of supporters and opponents of


    abortion in a debate that has reshaped the political terrain in many states

    and, at

    times, has virtually halted the work of Congress. Few court decisions have

    had a moreimmediate impact on such a personal aspect of American life" (Craig and

    O'Brien 35).

    The Roe vs. Wade decision has affected all aspects of society, from the role

    of the

    Supreme Court to the human status of an unborn fetus. Many scholars refer to

    the case as

    the "Dred Scott" of the twentieth century. The decision sparked a national

    discussion on

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    judicial activism, and the role the Supreme Court has on public policy. No

    other case

    like Roe vs. Wade had had such a direct impact on public law. Furthermore,

    the case drew

    an imaginary line, diving the country into either the pro-life or pro-choice


    Almost immediately after the decision, a multitude of pro-life and pro-choice

    groups were

    formed, and abortion has remained a pressing political, social, and moral

    issue. No other

    subject has resonated such disparity and importance in American politics.

    Finally, the

    Roe vs. Wade decision is considered a representation of the changing society

    during the

    1970's. In the past, abortion was highly restricted and opposed, mimicking


    conservative society. However, as the 1970's marked a rise in liberalism and


    importance of individual freedom, the Roe vs. Wade decision to legalize

    abortion mirrored

    this willingness to embrace a person's autonomy. Roe vs. Wade marked adramatic change in

    government, politics, and society.