brokered cloud services and the future of it service delivery

Brokered Cloud Services and the Future of IT Service Delivery Barton George, Director Dell Services Harvard IT Summit, June 5, 2014

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Brokered Cloud Services and the Future of IT Service Delivery

Barton George, Director Dell Services

Harvard IT Summit, June 5, 2014

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Bleeding-edge Harvard technology circa 1991

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Legacy architectures


Big data

Outdated applications

Rigid processes

High operating costs

Social media

* Research conducted by Dell through the Economist Intelligence Unit, surveying 536 CEOs, CIOs and other CXOs WW


IT is under pressure from both internal and external factors

70% of CXOs expect their IT department to go through a significant or complete overhaul in the next three years*

IT is at an inflection point


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• Anywhere, Anytime, Any device

• Agile, On-demand

• It just works

• Cost efficient, “Free”



The campus community expects more

Legacy architectures

Outdated applications

Rigid processes

High operating costs



Big data

Social media

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“IT must help transform the institution’s business while it also transforms it own”

• Anywhere, Anytime, Any device

• Agile, On-demand

• It just works

• Cost efficient, “Free”



The campus community expects more

Legacy architectures

Outdated applications

Rigid processes

High operating costs



Big data

Social media

Source: EDUCAUSE: Top 10 IT issues, 2014

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IT expenditures: How true is this for Harvard?

Source: EDUCAUSE Core data service 2013

IT expenditure by institutional mission

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IT expenditures: How true is this for Harvard?

Source: EDUCAUSE Core data service 2013

IT expenditures used to run, grow or transform the institution

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Setting the ground work for transformation

EDUCAUSE: Develop an IT architecture that can respond to changing conditions and new opportunities

• One of the key challenges and opportunities facing IT leaders is how to optimize the mix of technology services delivered from on-premise, cloud, or hosted sources.

• IT leaders are challenged to integrate these discrete services and systems into a holistic environment that is usable and secure, scales to meet demand, provides for multiple integration points, and can be integrated back to provide useful data for decision-making.

Source: EDUCAUSE: Top 10 IT issues, 2014

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The future of IT service delivery is a brokerage model enabled by cloud

CIO becomes Chief Innovation Officer

Cloud is an enabler to this transformation

Service delivery includes a brokerage model

Somebody who’s got 100,000 square feet under management is going to be able to do it much more cost-effectively than I can manage 10,000 square feet.”

- Barry Libenson, CIO, Safeway

There is no better time to be in IT than now. I think its in the midst of a dramatic reformation or transformation.”

-Ranga Jayaraman, CIO Stanford Business School

A CIO has to simplify their architecture, change the way that they react to business problems and become almost an app shop themselves and get out of their own way.”

-Jay Ferro, CIO, American Cancer Society “ “ “

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What is a Cloud Services Broker (Cloud manager)

An internal or external function that manages relationships across technologies and providers and is responsible for delivering a unified, integrated experience across them.

Gartner: Estimates annual spending of over $1.5 billion1

– Roles include: aggregation, integration and customization brokerages

Forrester: Cloud management is different from traditional IT management. As cloud manager, you will be

– a broker, orchestrator, and administrator of cloud services,

– some of which will run on infrastructure you own, but most of which won’t

– Developers are a key focus

1 Cloud integration brokerage services mature | ZDNet, April 15, 2014 Source: Forrester Research inc: Cloud Management In A Hybrid Cloud World by Dave Bartoletti, July 30, 2013

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Skills needed by today’s hybrid cloud managers

Cloud Service Delivery

– Service Catalog

– Provisioning

– Migration

Source: Forrester Research Inc.: Cloud Management In A Hybrid Cloud World by Dave Bartoletti, July 30, 2013

Cloud Service Governance

– Access Control

– Cost Management

– Integration

Cloud Service Operations

– Monitoring

– Scaling

– Service-Level Management

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How to move forward

Source: Forrester Research Inc.: Cloud Management In A Hybrid Cloud World by Dave Bartoletti, July 30, 2013

IT-as-a-Service transformation has begun

• It’s still early days but it’s a big opportunity for IT

• Start thinking about applications first

• Standardize and automate everything

• Understand why developers are turning to new cloud management tools

• Look for quick wins – Add cloud management capabilities in increments

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DevOps in a Nutshell

• Goal: decrease friction, increase velocity (customer responsiveness)

• Originated with cloud providers addressing issues of scale

• Culture: – Working together

– Focus on the customer not the technology

– Continuous delivery

– Fail fast

• Technology: – Automation

– Open source

– Cloud or cloud like infrastructure

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Case Studies

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OpenStack -- Modular, extensible, open framework

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• 900 researchers

• Data sets challenging resources

• Research data scattered everywhere

• Transferring datasets took forever and clogged shared networks

• Distributed data management reduced productivity and put data at risk

• Needed centralized repository for compliance

Overcoming a data deluge US university that specializes in Cancer and Genomic research

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Research Computing System (Originally) A collection of grids, proto-clouds, tons of virtualization and DevOps

HPC Cluster

HPC Cluster

HPC Storage

DDR Infiniband QDR Infiniband

1Gb Ethernet

University Research Network

Interactive Services

Thumb drives

Local servers



Thumb drives

Local servers

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• Housed and managed centrally, accessible across campus network

− File system + cluster, can grow as big as you want

− Provisions from a massive common pool

− 400+ TBs at less than 41¢/GB; scalable to 5PB

• Researchers gain

− Work with larger, more diverse data sets

− Save workflows for new devices & analysis

− Qualify for grants due to new levels of protection

• Demonstrating utility with applications

− Research storage

− Crashplan (cloud back up) on POC

− Gitlab hosting on POC

Solution: a scale-out storage cloud Based on OpenStack and Ceph

“We’ve made it possible for users to satisfy their own storage needs with the Dell private cloud, so that their research is not hampered by IT.”

David L. Shealy, PhD Faculty Director, Research Computing

Chairman, Dept. of Physics

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Research Computing System (Today) Centralized storage cloud based on OpenStack and Ceph

Ceph node

Cep node

Ceph node

Ceph node

Ceph node


OpenStack node

HPC Cluster

HPC Cluster

HPC Storage

DDR Infiniband QDR Infiniband

10Gb Ethernet

Cloud services layer Virtualized server and storage computing cloud

based on OpenStack, Crowbar and Ceph

University Research Network

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• Designed to support emerging data-intensive scientific computing paradigm

− 12 x 16-core compute nodes − 1 TB RAM, 420 TBs storage − 36 TBs storage attached to each compute node

• Individually customized test/development/ production environments

− Direct user control over all aspects of the application environment

− Rapid setup and teardown

• Growing set of cloud-based tools & services

− Easily integrate shareware, open source, and commercial software

Building a research cloud Project goals extend well beyond data management

“We envision the OpenStack-based cloud to act as the gateway to our HPC resources, not only as the purveyor of services we provide, but also enabling users to build their own cloud-based services.”

John-Paul Robinson, System Architect

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Research Computing System (Next Gen) A cloud-based computing environment with high speed access to dedicated and dynamic compute resources

OpenStack node

OpenStack node

OpenStack node

Ceph node

Ceph node

Ceph node

Ceph node

Ceph node

OpenStack node

OpenStack node

OpenStack node

OpenStack node

HPC Cluster

HPC Cluster

HPC Storage

DDR Infiniband QDR Infiniband

10Gb Ethernet

Cloud services layer Virtualized server and storage computing cloud

based on OpenStack, Crowbar and Ceph

University Research Network

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Want to use OpenStack to

• Students: Run student workloads, one VM per student per class

• Research: Run Scientific workloads

• Administration: Migrate SAP core application into to save money

Large public research university Looking to add OpenStack alongside their VMware private cloud

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• Kicking off a 10 month OpenStack-based trial

• Schools and Universities will be invited to run workloads of their choice

• Integration into the customers third party storage

• Federated authentication: Dell Cloud Manager will integrate via SSO to customer’s LDAP

Higher Education hosting provider in Europe Setting up a public cloud for institutions through-out the country

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Higher Education hosting provider in Europe

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Boston OpenStack Meetup

• 862 members

• Meet every month – at MIT or Harvard

• Average of 70-80 attend each month

• Topics vary from advanced to basic


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• IT is at an inflection point

• Cloud is the foundation for this transformation

• IT needs to adapt a brokerage model moving forward

• Add cloud management capabilities in increments

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Thank you

Twitter: @barton808


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Skills needed by today’s hybrid cloud managers

Cloud Service Delivery

– Service Catalog

– Provisioning

– Migration

Source: Forrester Research Inc.: Cloud Management In A Hybrid Cloud World by Dave Bartoletti, July 30, 2013

Cloud Service Governance

– Access Control

– Cost Management

– Integration

Cloud Service Operations

– Monitoring

– Scaling

– Service-Level Management

Public Private

Application performance mgt

SW delivery lifecycle tool chains API

ERP, Reporting

Financial Management API

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Student Retention Program on Mobile

Student collaboration in University

Business Need Identify endangered students in the university who are potential drop outs & help them by providing specific guidance & support required to continue their courses.

Solution • A smart device based mobile app which can be

used to facilitate better collaboration b/w students & professors in the university

• Students get feedback about current grades & achievements, information about relevant courses, deadlines and dates , bonus system for suggested activities and exam results on smartphone

• Professors get extensive picture of each student, their grade history, automatic risk analysis to focus on specific students needing support, spend more time on promotion & mentoring

• Application helps with info on locations, grades, events, find professors, tasks, surveys etc.

Platforms / Technologies IOS & Windows 8, SAP Hana, Sybase

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On premises

Converged solutions

Open source solutions



Cloud clients

Advanced virtualization

• Governance & access controls

• Performance monitoring

• Application integration

• Provisioning & management

• Cloud Broker

Off premises

Community cloud (vertical compliance)

Public Cloud ecosystem

Software as a service

Managed private cloud

Dell Cloud Consulting & Application Services

Enabling private cloud

Delivering multi-cloud management

Supplying cloud builders

Cloud Management & Broker Engine

Dell Cloud Strategy

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Dell Cloud Services: then and now


Data center solutions

• Supply cloud builders


Managed virtual hosting


• Healthcare and FED practices


Initial Dell Clouds

• 2 data centers

• Boomi Integration Cloud

• Unified Clinical Cloud Archive


Dell Cloud Services

• Public cloud (VMware and OpenStack)

• Hosted private cloud

• Cloud security services


Global partner ecosystem and multi cloud

• 128+ data centers

• 14 partners

• Dell Cloud Manager (DCM)

• Public cloud moves to cloud broker

1H 2014

Cloud Brokerage Services

• Integrated cloud management and partner experience

• Application services

• FedRAMP Cloud

• Workspace as a service

• DCM evolution

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Providing the broadest partner ecosystem in the industry

Global coverage

Multiple cloud platforms Proprietary | MSFT | VMware | OpenStack | CloudStack

Most popular use cases vertical apps | disaster recovery | ERP and CRM scale-out web infrastructure | test and development productivity apps | computational analysis

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Our trade secret is value-creation cloud services

Common cloud management challenges …

… solved through our intellectual property …

Strictly reactive services

Multiple support processes

Disparate user interfaces

Overcome legacy challenge

• Application modernization • Migration to cloud platforms • Cloud business applications

• Vertical compliance • ITIL and ISO standards • Infrastructure and apps protection

• Data integration • Unified cloud management • Solutions for the entire cloud


• Consultative solutioning • Single purchase path • Advisory/proactive managed services

… providing a unified experience in a multi-cloud world

Secure cloud endpoints

Integrate and manage everywhere

Meet diverse cloud needs

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Vertical specialization through the world’s largest healthcare cloud

Enabling information-driven healthcare organizations to innovate

Health information is being exchanged within communities

More information is becoming digital

Accountable care models look to improve quality and efficiency

Information needs to be accessed wherever and whenever by medical personnel and patients

Balancing security and privacy with aggregation, collaboration and interoperability


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• Dell Cloud Clinical Archive


• EMR Cloud

• IKA Solutions