
in Collaboration with Harnessing Business Opportunities for SMEs in the East Africa Community Kigali Serena Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda Organised by The Kenya Institute of Manangement The Conference is hosted by Rwanda Private Sector Federation. ENGLISH WILL BE THE LANGUAGE USED IN THE SME CONFERENCE KIM SME Solution Centre (SSC) Maple Court, Westlands Close, Off Westlands Road, Opposite Zimbabwe Embassy P. O. Box 43706,00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: + 254 20 3749929, + 254 20 2396411 Email: [email protected] • Website: KIM RWANDA OFFICE: Maison #16 Avenue de l’armee, Next to UN Rwanda, Opp. Rwandatel P. O. Box 6501, Kigali Rwanda Tel: +250 782 228 939, +250 788 921 671 Email: [email protected] Website: FIT RESOURCES KENYA Pittaway Flats, 1st Floor, Suite No. 4 Ralph Bunche Road, Off Ngong Road, Opp General Accident House P.O. Box 61477, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 2715900 • Telefax: +254 20 2713473 Mobiles: 0733 710 992 , 0726 877 770 Website: FIT UGANDA LTD Plot 175/176 Block A, Kyadondo II Road, Kagugube Zone Tel: + 256414532393 • Fax: + 256414532391 Websites:, P.O. Box 24060 Kampala, Uganda EMILY OGADA: Email: [email protected] Tel: +254 20 374 9929 / 239 6411 Cellphone: +254 – 733 315 363 NJERI MWANGI: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +250 – 782 228 939 +250 – 722 566 055 CATHERINE MONGELLA: Email: Tel: +254 – 20 – 271 5900 CATHY MUGALU: Email: Tel: + 256 414 532 393 Fax: + 256 – 414 532 391 For more information on the SME Conference, please contact:- 21st - 23rd November 2012 Topics of interest (please tick three areas that interest you most) 1. [ ] SME Support Initiatives 2. [ ] Networking through Business Associations 3. [ ] Overcoming non Tariff Barriers in the East Africa Region 4. [ ] Policy challenges for SMEs in the East Africa Community (E.A.C) Region 5. [ ] An Integrated Approach to Handling the E.A.C Market/Business Environment 6. [ ] East Africa Community Regulatory Framework and SMEs – the Challenges and Opportunities 7. [ ] Integrated Financial Opportunities Delegate fee: Cost per delegate for the convention is as below: Conference only: US $ 375 *The registration deadline is 5th November 2012 Payment details: Cheque Details: Name of the Authorizing Officer: Position: Signature: Total Amount (in figures): Cheque No.: Date: Email: Tel. Payment to be made by cheque in favor of the Kenya Institute of Management Cash transfers: Commercial Bank of Africa, Wabera Street Branch Account number: 6425720016 Swift Code: CBAFKENX Barclays Bank of Kenya, Queensway Hse Branch Account number: 03-094-8215403 • Swift Code: Barckenx EXIHIBITORS SECTION Organization Name: Contact Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Name(s) of Exhibitors attending : 1. 2. MELISSA NYAMBURA Email: [email protected] Tel: +254 (20) 2730980/1 Fax: +254 (20) 2727783 Ambassador Court, Suite No. A4, Milimani Rd. • P.O. Box 56977-00200, Nairobi, KENYA Tel: +254 (20) 2730980/1 • Fax: +254 (20) 2727783

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in Collaboration with

Harnessing Business Opportunities for SMEs in the East Africa Community

Kigali Serena Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda

Organised by The Kenya Institute of Manangement

The Conference is hosted by Rwanda Private Sector Federation.


KIM SME Solution Centre (SSC)Maple Court, Westlands Close, Off Westlands Road,

Opposite Zimbabwe EmbassyP. O. Box 43706,00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: + 254 20 3749929, + 254 20 2396411Email: [email protected] • Website:

KIM RWANDA OFFICE: Maison #16 Avenue de l’armee,Next to UN Rwanda, Opp. Rwandatel

P. O. Box 6501, Kigali Rwanda • Tel: +250 782 228 939, +250 788 921 671Email: [email protected] • Website:

FIT RESOURCES KENYA Pittaway Flats, 1st Floor, Suite No. 4

Ralph Bunche Road, Off Ngong Road,Opp General Accident House

P.O. Box 61477, 00200 Nairobi, KenyaTel: +254 20 2715900 • Telefax: +254 20 2713473

Mobiles: 0733 710 992 , 0726 877 770Website:

FIT UGANDA LTD Plot 175/176 Block A, Kyadondo II Road, Kagugube Zone

Tel: + 256414532393 • Fax: + 256414532391Websites:,

P.O. Box 24060 Kampala, Uganda

EMILY OGADA:Email: [email protected]: +254 20 374 9929 / 239 6411Cellphone: +254 – 733 315 363

NJERI MWANGI:Email: [email protected] +250 – 782 228 939 +250 – 722 566 055

CATHERINE MONGELLA:Email: [email protected]: +254 – 20 – 271 5900

CATHY MUGALU:Email: [email protected]: + 256 414 532 393Fax: + 256 – 414 532 391

For more information on the SME Conference, please contact:-

21st - 23rd November 2012

Topics of interest (please tick three areas that interest you most)1. [ ] SME Support Initiatives2. [ ] Networking through Business Associations3. [ ] Overcoming non Tariff Barriers in the East Africa Region4. [ ] Policy challenges for SMEs in the East Africa Community (E.A.C) Region5. [ ] An Integrated Approach to Handling the E.A.C Market/Business Environment6. [ ] East Africa Community Regulatory Framework and SMEs – the Challenges and Opportunities7. [ ] Integrated Financial Opportunities

Delegate fee:Cost per delegate for the convention is as below:Conference only: US $ 375 *The registration deadline is 5th November 2012

Payment details:Cheque Details:

Name of the Authorizing Officer:



Total Amount (in figures):

Cheque No.: Date:

Email: Tel.

Payment to be made by cheque in favor of the Kenya Institute of Management Cash transfers:Commercial Bank of Africa, Wabera Street Branch • Account number: 6425720016 • Swift Code: CBAFKENXBarclays Bank of Kenya, Queensway Hse Branch • Account number: 03-094-8215403 • Swift Code: Barckenx


Organization Name:

Contact Name:


City: State: Telephone:


Name(s) of Exhibitors attending :



MELISSA NYAMBURAEmail: [email protected]: +254 (20) 2730980/1Fax: +254 (20) 2727783

Ambassador Court, Suite No. A4, Milimani Rd. • P.O. Box 56977-00200, Nairobi, KENYATel: +254 (20) 2730980/1 • Fax: +254 (20) 2727783

The East African Community constitutes a

major common market operating as an

integrated customs union, since 01 July 2011.

The East African Community provides a rare

opportunity for the business community

in the five countries of Rwanda, Burundi,

Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania to enjoy a seamless market.

This market has a population of 133.5 million and a GDP of US

Dollars 74.5 billion. The GDP per capita is US Dollars 558.00.

The opening up of East Africa provides rare opportunity

for the business community in the region to explore and

benefit from markets that have until very recently been

beyond reach. Emphasis of the East African Community is

on merchandize and trade. The potential is therefore vast,

for the business community in the region.

So far, large and giant enterprises in the region are marking

major inroads on this market, having in any event stamped

their presence in regional markets even ahead of the East

African Community . Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

have previously lacked the kind of financial and allied

resource muscle that is for them to make independent

forays into the region. They need to know the opportunities

that exist, relative to their core business.

Breaking into the regional market requires making critical

fact based decisions. You need to know who your potential

partners and business associates are. You also need to

know about the level of demand for your kind of goods and

services, as well as the consumption patterns, seasons and

price structures. Then there is the need for your potential

business associates to know that you exist and to know that

they can work with you. So how do they get to know about

you and your business? And how do you get to know about

them and what you could do together? What potential

exists for both of you? What are the challenges that both of

you must confront and overcome so as to work together?

The SME Conference is an opportunity for the SME Sector in

the East African Community to showcase itself in one stop

shop. Here is your opportunity to get a genuine feel of the

market and its potential for you, all in one location, over a

three day period. You will not only have the opportunity

to display your goods and services, but also to listen and

participate in discussions on the major challenges and how

to overcome them; as well as discover the opportunities

in the region. The speakers at this conference include SME

experts, SME policy makers and SME entrepreneurs. This is

the one place where practice and reality meets with theory

and policy. Entrepreneurs have the chance to influence the

policy that regulates SMEs.

The First SME Conference for East Africa 2012

Background Goals and ObjectivesConference Goal and Objectives The goal is to “Enhance SME Competitiveness in the Region.” The objectives are:1. To understand SME challenges and chart way forward2. To network, share experiences and opportunities 3. To develop integrated policy framework for E.A.C4. To identify ways in which SMEs can optimally benefit from the regional integration

Structure of the Conference:20th November 2012 • Arrival and an Evening cocktail

Day 1: 21st November 2012• Registration of delegates• Official opening

Sub theme 1 : Trade and Business Opportunities within the East African Community

i. SME Support Initiatives• Transport and Infrastructure• Cost of doing Business in the Regionii. Market Linkages ,Vertical and Horizontal integration

& Experience Sharingiii. Networking through Business Associationsiv. Role of Governments in Enabling Investments

• Excursion and Town Tour

Day 2: 22nd November 2012• Conference

Sub theme 2 : Enabling Environment

Success Stories and experience sharing from the region

Day 3: 23rd November 2012• Conference

Sub theme 3 : Enabling Policy Framework and SME Financingi. Overcoming non Tariff Barriers in the East Africa

Regionii. Policy Challenges for SMEs in the East Africa

Community (E.A.C) regioniii. An Integrated Approach to Handling the E.A.C

Market/Business Environmentiv. East Africa Community Regulatory Framework and

SMEs – the Challenges and Opportunitiesv. Access to Finance- Available Offersvi. Integrated Financial Opportunities

• Conference closing at 2.00 pm

Expected Outcomes1. Documentation of SME challenges from an

entrepreneurial perspective2. Contribution to policy recommendations for SMEs in

the East African countries 3. Identification of business forums and creation of

business opportunities for SMEs in the East Africa Community

4. Initiation of the process of database construction for SMEs in the region




REGISTRATION FORMName of Organisation:


Physical Address:

Postal Address:

Telephone No: Fax:


We have nominated the following to attend the Conference:


Email: Position:


Email: Position:


Email: Position:


Email: Position:


Email: Position:

The First SME Conference for East Africa 2012

Harnessing Business Opportunities for SMEs in the East Africa Community