broadcasting an interview in english class

Broadcasting a TV interview Elena Santa

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Page 1: Broadcasting an interview in English class

Broadcasting a TV interview

Elena Santa

Page 2: Broadcasting an interview in English class


• Lengua extranjera –Inglés – 1º de Bachillerato

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1. Write an interview for a magazine TV program

2. Enhance oral fluency, listening (listening for gist) and acting out an informal dialogue

3. Mastering the Past Simple/Continuous in questions & -Ed/-ing adjectives

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1.Question structure in the past

2. –Ed/-ing adjectives

3. Past Simple and Continuous

4. Practical expressions/words used at English TV.

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- Computer lab room with internet access for every 25 students

- Photocopies with grammar exercise for each student

- MEDIA RESOURCE at web site :

1. BBC Worldwide channel: Parkinson interviews Victoria & David Beckham (British accent)

2. CBS TV channel: David Letterman interviews Paris Hilton (North American accent)

3. CBS TV channel: Oprah Winfrey interviews Penélope Cruz (Spanish accent)

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ActividadesSESSION ONE

1st Warm up: The students, in groups of 2/3, gather around the computer and click in the website mentioned above. While they are waiting for the videos to finish buffering, they are given an exercise to practise the –ed/-ing adjectives. They have already been presented this type of adjectives in a previous session.

-The exercise contains words related to TV, and it could be like the following:

         VOCABULARY -Choose the correct ending of the adjective in each sentence. Then, check with your teacher. (Timing: 5-8’)

1 Twilight movie was a box office hit. The film director was amazed/amazing!2 There was a frightened/frightening noise in the backstage of the set.3 The TV magazine broadcast yesterday was bored/boring. I had to turn the TV off!4 Not many viewers watched the TV contest last night. It was quite

disappointed/disappointing for the TV presenter.5 The actress’ performance in the sitcom was extraordinary. It was moved/moving to

watch her acting.

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   LISTENING/GRAMMAR- • The students listen carefully to the 3 interviews with their partner.

The first interview is made to the British couple Victoria and David Beckham, the 2nd is made to the American celebrity Paris Hilton, and the 3rd is made to Penélope Cruz.

They will have to create similar interviews later on. They must pay attention to the different accents, and also write down the following:

a) 2 or 3 questions you have heard

b) 2 or 3 common oral expressions used in the interview

c) Listen to some –ed/-ing adjectives said in the videos

(Timing: 15’)

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Interview at click here click here or click here

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         SPEAKING- Briefly comment and discuss with the students: Which interview do you like the most? Why? Did you get the gist of the dialogues? Is there any feature you can comment about the body language of the celebrities and/or their facial gestures? Do those add any meaning to the interview? (Timing: 5’)

         WRITING – The students prepare an interview to a celebrity in groups of 2/3, trying to follow a similar question-answer structure to that of the interviews they have watched. They can use digital paper, that is, the Word processor in the computer they are sitting by. This way they can delete and rewrite as much as they need to (like real interviewers do while creating their work in TV).(Timing: 20’)

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         The students act out their interviews at the blackboard. They must imitate the intonation, the same or similar expressions, and produce a fast interaction of asking & answering, in the most natural possible way. They must respect the context of a TV studio, in the language and the communicative conventions used. (Timing: 30-35 ‘)

         The class now votes & decides which interview has been the best one. They also ask in turns similar questions to the ones in the speaking practice in SESSION ONE: Did you get the gist of the dialogue? Is there any feature you can comment about the body language and/or their facial gestures? What meaning do they add to the interview? (Timing: 15 ‘)

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 - Following the objectives:

    Students have progressed in their use of the Past Simple/Continuous in questions & -Ed/-ing adjectives

    Students have improved their oral fluency and their listening skills

    Students have learned about the conventions in writing an interview for a magazine TV program

    Students have shown a positive attitude in using media resources and in acting out an interview in front of the group. They have also tried to act naturally while performing their interview.