britney spears circus (poster advert)

The colours red and yellow and the type of font that is used on this poster represent the ‘Circus’ style which the single the album is named after represents. The poster also includes in big, pink, girly lettering ‘BRITNEYSPEARS.COM’ and again at the bottom of the page to advertise her website as well as her album. This also represents the type of audience Britney herself attracts which would generally be younger females. Her name is plastered across the middle of the page so people are instantly drawn to it, and as Britney Spears is a very popular artist, this should attract an audience which sells products. This poster also includes a past hit of Britney’s ‘Womanizer’ which may attract an audience that may have heard that single but necessarily know of Britney, or people may associate the fact that she has had a past #1 hit on the same album and buy it thinking that it would be just as good as the single.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Britney spears   circus (poster advert)

The colours red and yellow and the type of font that is used on this poster represent the ‘Circus’ style which the single the album is named after represents. The poster also includes in big, pink, girly lettering ‘BRITNEYSPEARS.COM’ and again at the bottom of the page to advertise her website as well as her album. This also represents the type of audience Britney herself attracts which would generally be younger females. Her name is plastered across the middle of the page so people are instantly drawn to it, and as Britney Spears is a very popular artist, this should attract an audience which sells products. This poster also includes a past hit of Britney’s ‘Womanizer’ which may attract an audience that may have heard that single but necessarily know of Britney, or people may associate the fact that she has had a past #1 hit on the same album and buy it thinking that it would be just as good as the single.