british columbia schools: case study


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A report outlining the structural and aesthetic uses of wood in two BC Schools Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary and Richmond Christian, as well the report outlines the overall benefits of wood for use among future projects.


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2 Crawford Bay Elementary-

Secondary School,

Crawford Bay, BC

• Introduction• Architectural Design Approach • Structure • Environmental Strategies• Durability and Demountability • Conclusion

11 Richmond Christian School

Richmond, BC

• Introduction• Architectural Design Approach • Structure • Environmental Strategies• Conclusion

18 Appendices

• Code Briefs • Project Credits

Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

Richmond ChristianSchool

Crawford Bay is a small and remote community on the east shore of Kootenay Lake in the

southern interior of British Columbia. A community of about 500 people, it is one of several such

communities collectively known as the East Shore communities.

Historically, the area has relied heavily on logging for employment but, since the 1960s at least,

has also been home to grassroots environmentalists and, more recently, to highly educated ex-

urbanites who form part of a ‘back to the land’ movement. There is also a strong artisan

community with a broad range of skills in carving, weaving, ironwork and other arts.

The village of Crawford Bay has been home to a one-room school house since 1946, and the need

to replace this aging facility provided the impetus for this project. A feasibility study quickly

determined that rehabilitation and expansion of the existing building was not cost effective, nor

could the existing site readily accommodate a new structure and the required ancillary facilities

such as playing fields and parking lots. Accordingly, a new site was selected and design of the

new school commenced in 2004.

Table of Contents

I n t r o d u c t i o n

2 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School & Richmond Christian School

Crawford Bay Elementary-SecondarySchool, Crawford Bay, BC

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Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School 3

Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

Crawford Bay, BC

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g nA p p r o a c h

Design objectives for the project were form-ulated through a process of consultation withthe community, and included:

• Create a healthy, sustainable environmentfor learning and working, with emphasisplaced on the use of natural materials,natural light, fresh air, energy and waterconservation and durability.

• Integrate school and community by creat-ing a welcoming facility that uses localmaterials and labour, and incorporates artand other products made by local artisans.

• Recognize the unique qualities of a small,rural kindergarten to Grade 12 school,providing opportunities for interactionbetween students of all ages, as well asbetween students and staff.


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4 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

• Design in harmony with nature, respecting thesite, conserving vegetation and water, con-sidering solar orientation and views, andintegrating building and site.

The basic plan organization is straightforward:two single-loaded parallel corridors that servethe educational and communal spaces of theschool. One north-south wing contains the ele-

mentary classrooms, the other the secondaryclassrooms. Between them is a courtyard and at the south end of the building, they areconnected by the third main program elementcontaining the gymnasium, library and othercommon spaces.

In a small community, the school is the heart of social and recreational activity and the

construction of a new school is an event of greatsignificance. This is underscored by the fact that the local residents raised an astounding$850,000 to add a preschool, fitness centre andother community facilities to the program.


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Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School 5

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In recognition of the historic importance offorestry to the local community, the building isdesigned as an all-wood structure, using nativelocal species as much as possible. The geometryis simple and repetitive, based on a 3-metre (10-foot) grid; a deliberate strategy to ensureconstruction could be accomplished using locallabour and expertise. In fact, Sam Anderson, thegeneral contractor, used the project as a skillstraining program for youth in the community.

The post and beam frame is made up of acombination of Douglas fir glulam, spruce/pine/fir (SPF) glulam and solid timber elements,with solid-sawn rafters. In-filled between thepost and beam elements is light frameconstruction that is non-load-bearing and henceeasy to reconfigure if the need arises. Theexterior walls include windows with deep box-like frames also constructed from glulammaterial. Although the glulam components for

the project were fabricated several hundredkilometers away in Penticton, much of thematerial used in their manufacture came fromlocal forests and mills.

The roof overhangs (which require no in-sulation) were prefabricated on site as stackedplank components – approximately 1.2 metres (4 feet) in width and spanning the 3 metres (10 feet) between the glulam beams. This

6 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

S t r u c t u r e


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Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School 7

system has the advantage of providing bothstructure and finish in a single operation, and isentirely compatible with the remainder of thestructure and the plywood roof sheathing.

Exterior detailing, including the substantial roofoverhangs, is designed to protect wood com-ponents from exposure to weather and soimprove durability. The scupper detail, whichuses a steel channel to cantilever beyond theroof edge and discharge rainwater directly into agravel bed, features a dual purpose bracket thatboth supports the channel and protects the endgrain of the glulam roof beam.

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8 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t r a t e g i e s

To ensure a healthy and stimulating environ-ment, the building features large expanses ofglass to bring natural light and views to alloccupied spaces including the gymnasium. Theglazing is oriented for optimal solar exposure,protected by overhangs to reduce glare andprevent overheating in summer, and shaded bydeciduous trees that filter sunlight in summerand allow full solar penetration in winter.Operable windows at low level around theperimeter of the building work in combinationwith operable clerestories to create a chimneyeffect that facilitates natural ventilation.

Crawford Bay is sufficiently remote that it has noservice infrastructure other than electricity. Thusthe school has no main water supply, and nopiped connection for the disposal and treatmentof waste water. All water used by the school

comes from wells drilled to subterraneanaquifers. In addition to supplying daily needs,this water also feeds a separate 20,000 litre(4,400 gallon) storage tank used for fire fightingand the building’s sprinkler system. A fire pumpdraws the water from the storage tank andcreates the pressure for the system.

Sewage effluent from the school is treated totertiary standards. This process culminates in sixconstructed wetland zones where naturalvegetation and wood cellular fibre remove anyremaining nutrients from the liquid, which thenpercolates back into the ground. The school usessite ecology as a teaching tool, includingsustainable silviculture, a composting programand an organic worm farm.

Rain water is collected through rain watertroughs and scuppers at roof eaves, directed intogravel and garden catchment zones, and used toirrigate landscaping. Excess water is collected bya sub-surface collection system and stored in acistern for irrigation of playing fields. The watersystem, which includes water-efficient, low-flushtoilets and urinals and infra-red water taps, isdesigned to achieve a reduction of at least 20%over baseline calculation.

The main energy source for the heating systemis a closed-loop geo-exchange system thatincludes 9,000 metres of horizontal piping laidbeneath the playing fields, and a series of heatpumps placed along a “Utilidor” beneath thefloor slab of the school. A propane-fired back-upsystem is only used for peak loads during thecoldest times in the winter.

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Occupant comfort and a healthy environment for learning were of paramount importance in the design for this school. All materials used inthe building are LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) compliant in confor-mance with the IEQ credits for low emittingmaterials. Floor finishes are linoleum, polishedconcrete, rubber, porcelain tile, and maple hard-wood for the gymnasium. Wall finishes are lowVOC (volatile organic compounds) paints ondrywall, larch wood slats over mineral woolacoustic insulation, low VOC MDF (mediumdensity fibreboard) board and some Tectumacoustic panels. Ceilings are Tectum panels,exposed wood structure and larch wood slattedpanels. Sealants and finishes are non-toxic andlow VOC.

The majority of structural and finishing productsare wood-based and/or include a recycledcontent. As much as possible, locally/regionallymanufactured and or harvested products weresourced. As Crawford Bay is a logging andlumber-producing community, the majority ofthe wood products used in the structure andfinishing products, including the larch exteriorsiding and wood slats used throughout theschool, were locally grown, harvested andmilled.


Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School 9

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10 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

D u r a b i l i t y a n dD e m o u n t a b i l i t y

The anticipated service life of this building is aminimum of 50 years. The regular grid of postand beam glulam structure allows ultimateflexibility for future changes in use, as all interiorpartitions are non-load bearing and can easily bemodified and relocated.

Furthermore, bolted connections of the timbersuperstructure allow the entire building skeletonto be disassembled and relocated, or compo-nents thereof to be reused.

As a school building, ease of maintenance andlongevity requires a robustness of finishes. Thecorridor walls are designed to withstand a higherthan usual wear and tear as can be expected in aschool environment. MDF panelling is used onlower surfaces, capped by a solid wood chair rail,while upper regions of the walls are finished withslats of larch wood, spaced and backed byacoustic insulation for an attractive finish andfunctional acoustic treatment.

Corridor floors are concrete that has beenfinished by a local craftsman to a finely polishedsurface resembling terrazzo. Thus they arevirtually maintenance-free, requiring only wetmopping (no wax required). Classroom floorsare finished with linoleum that contains onlynatural products.

C o n c l u s i o n

In its blending of the environmental, economicand social aspects of sustainable design,Crawford Bay School can be seen as thequintessential community project. The use oflocal materials – particularly wood – and labourhas provided not only economic benefit to thecommunity during the construction process, buthas fostered a long-term sense of ownership andcommitment to what has become the social andrecreational heart of the surrounding area.

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Richmond Christian School 11

Richmond Christian School

Richmond, BC

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Richmond Christian School (RCS) was founded

in 1957 and operated as an independent

elementary school for 35 years before merging

with the nearby Seacliff Christian School in

1992. From that point Richmond Christian

School has offered an expanded K-12 program,

with the original RCS building becoming the

elementary campus, while the Seacliff facility -

known as the Woodward Building - on No. 5

Road in south Richmond, becoming the high

school campus.

In the early 2000s, increasing enrolment

created the need for additional space and a

new building was commissioned for the No. 5

Road campus. Opening in the spring of 2008,

the new 38,000 ft2 (3500 m2) single storey

structure has become the high school, while

the existing Woodward Building now houses

the middle school.

Richmond Christian School,Richmond, BC


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12 Richmond Christian School

The new building is located to the west of theWoodward Building, between it and No. 5 Road.Rather than adopting the conventional solution,which would have been to orient the buildingparallel to the main road, it is instead arrangedperpendicularly and is entered from the north.This enables the new building to relate moreclosely to the Woodward Building, creating acampus-like quality, as well as improving solarorientation by elongating the east-west axis. Apedestrian path connects the old and newbuildings.

The decision to build a single storey structurewas partly economic and partly programmatic.The greater part of the program is made up of agymnasium, multi-purpose room, drama studio,home economics room, library and tech shops –

all of which ideally needed to be located atground level. This left only seven classrooms that could have been organized in a two-storeyblock – but this would have incurreddisproportionate extra costs for stairs andelevators. A two-storey classroom block will beadded in a later phase.

The plan is organized into two wings, placedeither side of the north-south entrance andcirculation axis. The west wing is turned a fewdegrees off grid, with the result that the centralcirculation spine tapers in plan from north tosouth. The taper is repeated in section, so thatthe expansive scale of the entrance canopyreduces first to that of a generous foyer, thenfurther to that of a more intimate corridor beforeterminating at the entrance to the gym. This

forced perspective adds drama to the experienceof the building.

The single storey solution has the addedadvantage of increasing the opportunities forintroducing daylight to the interior spaces, andthis opportunity has been beautifully exploitedthrough the introduction of ‘light trenches’ alongthe length of the entrance foyer and corridors.

Daylight has also been introduced into thegymnasium to a degree rarely seen before inCanada. A vast north-facing window wall bringsbright and even daylight into the entire spacewithout hot spots or glare. The light, combinedwith the material quality of the space, makes thegymnasium a suitable venue for a variety ofschool and outside functions.

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n A p p r o a c h

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Richmond Christian School 13



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14 Richmond Christian School

S t r u c t u r e

The design of the building structure was drivenby two objectives: economy and a desire tocreate a non-institutional environment thatwould be visually warm and welcoming. Thesolution was a simple post and beam system on a 4.2-metre (14-foot) grid, made up of acombination of Douglas fir and spruce/pine/fir(SPF) glulam elements with solid-sawn rafters.The structure is fully exposed in some of thelarger spaces, notably the gymnasium, but onlypartially exposed in the classroom areas wheresuspended ceilings have been used.

In the gymnasium, the north-facing exterior wallis fully glazed above an 8-foot (2.4-metre) datum

level. Here the glulam columns are connected byglulam transom beams that resist the windforces acting on the curtain wall, so reducing therequired depth of the extruded aluminummullions. The ceiling beams are exposed andbetween them are prefabricated 5/8 inch (15mm)thick slatted medium density fibreboard (MDF)panels with acoustic insulation behind. A similarfinish is used on the interior walls, where theMDF is fastened directly to 2”x2” (38x38mm)strapping on 24 inch (600mm) centres.

In the classroom areas, only the glulam columnsare exposed. As in the gymnasium, glulamtransom beams are used to resist wind forces,

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Richmond Christian School 15

although in this case the glazing system fitsbetween the beams rather than running pastthem on the exterior as the curtain wall does. Theface of the glulam transom beams, thus exposedon the exterior of the building, is protected by aflashing. Internally, the lowest beam forms awindow sill that is deep enough for students tosit on.

Around the edge of the building, the roof eavesare constructed using solid 2”x3” and 2”x4”lumber nailed side by side on edge. This nailedplank system is both self-supporting and self-finished, spanning between the roof beams andcantilevering beyond the beam ends. Finished off

with a zinc gutter, this detail creates a crisp andelegant edge to the roof. The warmth of the woodsoffits is highlighted by exterior uplighters.

A similar construction technique is used for theroof of the entrance canopy, foyer and circulationspine, which appears to float above the slendersteel portal frames that support it. Here the nailed planks are alternately 2”x4” and 2”x6”,giving the soffit a visual texture and goodacoustic properties.


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16 Richmond Christian School

E n v i r o n m e n t a lS t r a t e g i e s

Although this building did not go through formal green building registration processessuch as Green Globe and LEED, it nonethelessincorporates many design strategies consistentwith these evaluation systems.

Building orientation takes maximum advantageof passive solar radiation and glazing is sized andpositioned to maximize daylight and views.Windows are operable to facilitate natural ven-tilation.

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Richmond Christian School 17

C o n c l u s i o n

The choice of wood for the structure also hasenvironmental benefits. Wood is a local materialwith low embodied energy and, when obtainedfrom sustainably managed forests, helps reduceatmospheric carbon dioxide.

Interior finishes were chosen for durability andlow VOC (volatile organic compounds) emis-sions. These include both the solid wood andMDF material, which are clear sealed.

The mechanical system is highly efficient,employing heat pumps that use a variablerefrigerant flow system new to North America.This system, which enables excess heatgenerated in one zone of the building to betransferred and used to heat other cooler zones,replaces the traditional on/off control systemwith one that operates on an infinitely variablesliding scale.

Richmond Christian School is an eloquentexample of how straightforward post and beam construction, strategically and sensitivelyhandled, can produce buildings of poeticsimplicity and elegance. The detailed designdemonstrates an understanding of the inherentproperties of wood, its strengths and limitations.The nailed plank roof and eave systems are bothself-finished and self-supporting while the gutterand flashing details acknowledge the need toprotect the material from weather in exposedlocations. The result is a building that is not onlyelegant but economical, durable and environ-mentally responsible.

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18 Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School

Crawford Bay Elementary-Secondary School


Code Brief

The governing code is the British Columbia Building Code (BCBC). The building is classified A2 (assembly) major occupancy and contains a public kindergarten to Grade 12 school under a single tenancy. All other uses contained within the building are considered subsidiary occupancies within the major occupancy.

The building is considered combustible construction, one storey plus mezzanine, slab-on-grade with partial crawlspace, and is fully outfitted with sprinklers.

Floor assemblies and mezzanines are required to be fire separations and, where they are of combustible construction, have a fire resistance rating of not less than 45 minutes.

Load-bearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly are required to have a fire resistance rating of 45 minutes.

Project Credits

Address City Prov. PC Phone Website

Client School District #8 Kootenay Lake 570 Johnstone Road Nelson BC V1L 6J2 250 352 6681

Architect KMBR Architects Planners Inc. 1788 8th Avenue West Vancouver BC V6J 1V6 604 732 3361

Structural Engineer Fast + Epp Structural Engineers 201-1672 1st Avenue West Vancouver BC V6J 1G1 604 731 7412

Mechanical Engineer Poole & Associates Mechanical Engineering Ltd. 107-2293 Leckie Road Kelowna BC V1X 6Y5 250 762 6116

Electrical Engineer Falcon Engineering Ltd. 210-1715 Dickson Ave. Kelowna BC V1Y 9G6 250 762 9993

Landscape Architects Maruyama & Associates 615 Stamps Landing Vancouver BC V5Z 3Z1 604 874 9967

Construction Manager School District #8 570 Johnstone Road Nelson BC V1L 6J2 250 352 6681

Commissioning Agent R.A. Bruce & Associates 5603 38B Ave NW Edmonton AB T6L1W2 780 462 6909

Photography Brandi Abele, Witmar Abele, KMBR 1788 8th Avenue West Vancouver BC V6J 1V6 604 732 3361

Wood WORKS! is a Canadian Wood Council

Program Partners

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Richmond Christian School 19

Richmond Christian School


Code Brief

The governing code is the British Columbia Building Code (BCBC). The building is classified as a Group A - Assembly - Division 2 major occupancy. The building contains a public school under a single tenancy. All other uses contained within the building are considered subsidiary occupancies within the majoroccupancy.

The building is of combustible and heavy timber construction; building height is one storey (plus mezzanine). The building is fully outfitted with sprinklers.

Load-bearing walls, columns and arches supporting an assembly are required to have a fire resistance rating of 45 minutes.

Project Credits

Address City Prov. PC Phone Website

Client Richmond Christian School 10260 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V7A 4E5 604 274 1122

Architects KMBR Architects Planners Inc. 1788 8th Avenue West Vancouver BC V6J 1V6 604 732 3361

Allen + Maurer Architects 2843 Arawana Place Naramata BC V0H 1N0 250 276 4106

Structural Engineer Fast + Epp Structural Engineers 201-1672 1st Avenue West Vancouver BC V6J 1G1 604 731 7412

Mechanical Engineer Cobalt Engineering 305-625 Howe Street Vancouver BC V6C 2T6 604 687 1800

Electrical Engineer Acumen Consulting Engineers One Innovation Place,

Suite 650-2700 Production Way Burnaby BC V5A 4X1 604 525 4601

Civil Engineer Matson Peck Topliss Engineering Suite 210-8171 Cook Road Richmond BC V7A 5H7 604 270 9331

Landscape Architects Maruyama & Associates 615 Stamps Landing Vancouver BC V5Z 3Z1 604 681 0548

Construction Manager Companion Construction Ltd. 4211 Vanguard Road Richmond BC V1Z 1G1 604-271-1609

Photography Robert Stefanovic 2843 Arawana Place Naramata BC V0H 1N0 250 276 4106

Photography Florian Maurer 2843 Arawana Place Naramata BC V0H 1N0 250 276 4106

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US Program


National Office


Alberta Program


BC Program


Quebec Program


Ontario Program

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