bringing together 1

BRINGING TOGETHER A Visual Treatise on EAST, WEST & MODERN visual communication thinking. Is it …Revelation, Reconciliation, Renaissances, Research…all this in one…? This is an attempt to learn and understand though the revolutionary method conceived by the master Indian painter Late M. R. Acharekar in 1949. By Ranjan R.I. Joshi Kindly note: All the copy rights are with the respective artist and institutions. This is an academic exercise PLEASE SEE PART TWO AFTER THIS PART ONE…

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Bringing together 1


A Visual Treatise on EAST, WEST & MODERN visual communication thinking. 

Is it …Revelation, Reconciliation, Renaissances, Research…all this in one…?

This is an attempt to learn and understand though the revolutionary method conceived by the master Indian painter                Late M. R. Acharekar in 1949.By Ranjan R.I. JoshiKindly note: All the copy rights are with the respective artist and institutions. This is an academic exercise 


Page 2: Bringing together 1

“RUPADARSINI” The  Indian approach to Human Form           a book written in 1949 by  the famous Indian master painter Mr. M. R. ACHAREKAR

• FORWARD – By M. R. Acharekar 

• Assumed… Traditional  Indian Art does not inspire the modern art students, and it is often unnatural, crude and lifeless.

• Classical figures and actual human form and its analysis… 

• Creative expression is different than ‘anatomy’ given herewith is just for understanding the movements of the human form.  

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2nd April 1949. 

Is Art  universal and does it transcend natural frontiers ?

Art – Matter of ‘Latitude’ and ‘ Longitude ?’ 

Elemental impulses are universal and art is as old as mankind and varied – ‘ Nationalistic’ in the world. All great works of art a

heritage. They have a past, tradition and character. Only the so‐called Modern Art seems to be without a background or parentage

and certainty no FUTURE. What is Indian Art ? In what way does it differ from the art of the West ? What are its aesthetical ideals and

artistic merits ? Is there not an undue emphasis on the so‐called natural aspect of it ? M. R. ACHAREKAR who has delightfully

conceived and produced book of drawings under the fascinating title “RUPADARSINI”. This illustrated monograph is a simple

straightforward albeit a practical, answer to the questions raised at the beginning of this text. Comparative study and the underlying

structural strength of human form as conceived and created by the ancient artist of India. Endless Expression of beauty… Plastic quality

and linear grace but feeling for abstraction… Indian Art is A Mental Summery of Visual perception rather than a faithful reproduction of

an object or a person from a certain point of in space. The perceptive is psychological and freer and unfettered in INDIAN ART. The tree is

never mistaken for forest. Artistic Anatomy, Rhythmic Form, and Symmetry is the ideal in INDIAN ART. Breakaway from the shackles of

the ACADEMY ART AND REDISCOVER THE HIDDEN BEAUTY in the traditional art. M. R. ACHAREKAR who has delightfully conceived and

produced book of drawings under the fascinating title “RUPADARSINI”. This illustrated monograph is a simple straightforward albeit a

practical, answer to the questions raised at the beginning of this text.

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tumblr_lu1owzhm1u1qj06a9o2_1280.jpgatelier7culori.tumblr.com800 × 618Search by image

Atelier DESEN – corpul uman. Anatomie artistica – incepator

This drawing is one of 

the classic example 

according to my 

friend realistic style 


Mr. D. T. Padekar from 


Yes I too agree with 

him but the 


Mr. M.R. Acharekar

did in understanding 

Indian Classical Art 

changed my visual 

thinking. I appeal all 

realistic style art 

followers to 

investigate such visual 

treasure for students 

like me.    

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These two example illustrates the idea of human body’s anatomical proportions from the WESTERN viewpoint presented by M.R. Acharekar. 

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These two example illustrates the idea of human body proportions from the WEST AND EAST.

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Simplifying forms to understand the rhythmic visual force.

This drawing is one of the classic example

M.R. ACHAREKAR created to investigate Indian classical

figure through the lens of western ideas of human

proportions. This according to my study one of the few

steps ever taken by any Indian artist to rationalized the

same in today‘s age of sciencetific thinking.

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Attendants serving king at Royal toilet, Mahajanaka jataka, Mahayana phase

Artist Shantaram Pawar who is adorer of M.R. ACHAREKAR and AJANTA ART has created modern visual form which is Indian derived from art of Ajanta.    

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Look at this metamorphic visualization in the  work of famous applied artist          Shantaram Pawar who is adorer of M.R. ACHAREKAR and AJANTA ART. One can see the modern interpretive influence of both that aptly demonstrates  as the Traditional 

"Indian Art does inspire the modern art students.                      Elemental impulses are universal and art is as old as mankind and varied –

‘ Nationalistic’ in the world. INTRODUCTION by  G. VENKATACHALM 

This is the work of famous applied artist Shantaram Pawar who is adorer of M.R. ACHAREKAR and AJANTA ART. One can see the modern interpretive strong INDIAN art form                                

derived from AJANTA ART.    

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“Classical figures and actual human form and its analysis… Creative expression is different than ‘anatomy’ given herewith is just for understanding the movements of the human form.”

Observe the grace and rhythm aptly illustrated by   M.R. ACHAREKAR  in the three figures in context to the classical one… 

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Observe the negative space being left out between hands and legs thereby creating grace and rhythm in the figures in context to the classical one… that proves the point expressed in the book … This book in my  humble opinion ought to replace ALL GRECO‐ROMAN statuaries that now adorn the class of the art schools. INTRODUCTION by  G. VENKATACHALM

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Nandalal Bose’s ‘RUPAVALI’  and R. M. RAVAL’s book of Indian Designs were more in the nature of drawings which young students might copy before they take up painting in Indian Style. 


RUPADARSINI is the pioneering effort in the direction of bringing ancient art to Modern structure in practical way. 

Nandalal Bose’s ‘RUPAVALI’  and R. M. RAVAL’s book of Indian Designs were more in the nature of drawings which young students might copy before they take up painting in Indian Style. 

This book, however is for advanced students and the practicing artist both as guide and instructor and to that extent a very valuable contribution to Indian Art. 

This book in my  humble opinion ought to replace ALL GRECO‐ROMAN statuaries that now adorn the class of the art schools. INTRODUCTION by  G. VENKATACHALM

ENJOY THE  DYNAMIC DRAWING EXPERIMENT IN NEXT PAGES AND my essay  on which you can react introspect for further study…        ranjan r . I . joshi

Nandalal Bose

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This book in my  humble opinion ought to replace                             ALL GRECO‐ROMAN statuaries that now adorn the class of the art schools. INTRODUCTION by                           G. VENKATACHALM

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Parsee girl painted by PESTANJI BOMANJI              in 1857 A.D. Ref: Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya and Shilpakar Charitrakosh‐Drushyakala Khand. 

These are the two major schools in Sir J. J. School of Art followed by art

students. EAST & WEST. The interesting visual detail for me is in the

painting of the PARSEE GIRL. The doodle made by the child on the wall

mural shows the artist imagination to connect works of master painter

and child art nearly 160 years ago. For me this is also REVELATION. Both

the said schools were almost parallel and child art education were yet to

be recognized then…

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“RUPADARSINI is the pioneering effort in the direction of bringing ancient art to Modern structure in practical way. “ This book is the eye opener for students,  scholars and practioners of Indian visual art who are following realistic approach. Perspective blended science and art.          This experiment by    M.R. ACHAREKAR blended EAST with WEST  culturally through this scientific modern method. 

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Courtesy: PHADNIS GALLERY journey of his cartoons : JYOTSNA PRAKASHAN‐ Pune, first edition 2014. Page 11.

This is PARADOXICAL where the 

artist creates realistic painting 

from the abstract model.             

My most favorite cartoonist                       

Mr. S. D. PHADNIS captures the 

essence of this contrasting human 

perception. I have never seen 

such visual parodist.  This essay is  

trying to understand such 

nuancenses of visual art.  See the 

next page abstract painting 

appears different to me.           

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Courtesy: Painting by   PRABHAKAR KOLTE

“From Simple to Complex” 

This is M. R. Acharekar creating composition from abstract to realistic.

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Motifs from the Ajanta‐Ellora‐Cave‐paintings

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These two 

examples in 

jacquard weaving 

process are 

created under the 

guidance of my 

late artist father 

Prof. R.P.Joshi in 


They illustrate my 

present topic i.e. 

revelation of 

Indian motifs and 

the image 

(Drawing) of 

Mahatma Gandhi 

could be 


through modern 

textile design   


process.    AJANTA Painting

This is the documentations done by the Britisher Oven Jones in                A . D  1857 which is known record of INDIAN GRAPHIC  PATTERNS collected from Indian Textiles, Ajanta Caves Paintings, Folk Art, Mythology etc. This could be insightful in terms of Indian Visual Language that M .R. Acharekar is trying to rationalized in his RUPADARSINI BOOK.