- bridging materials to get ready for french at harrogate ...€¦ · 3. _a _a _i_ _ _e_ _ _. 4. _e...

Mon petit livret de français - Bridging Materials to get ready for French at Harrogate Grammar School.

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Page 1: - Bridging Materials to get ready for French at Harrogate ...€¦ · 3. _a _a _i_ _ _e_ _ _. 4. _e _ i _ _. 5. _ a _ _ a _. 5. _o_ _e_ _ _’a_p_ _l_ _-t _? 6. _ e _’a_ _ el_ _

Mon petit livret de français

- Bridging Materials to get ready for

French at Harrogate Grammar School.

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Page 3: - Bridging Materials to get ready for French at Harrogate ...€¦ · 3. _a _a _i_ _ _e_ _ _. 4. _e _ i _ _. 5. _ a _ _ a _. 5. _o_ _e_ _ _’a_p_ _l_ _-t _? 6. _ e _’a_ _ el_ _

How to use your petit livret: You have seven pages of little activities, so you can do one page per week

in the holidays.

Work your way through the activities on the page. You can do them in any

order you like. Each page will help you write your own mini paragraph at

the end.

Tick the box once you complete an activity.

For every 4 ticked off, you will get a HGS “positive” when you show

your new French teacher in September.

Pierre’s memory challenge: You will have one memory challenge per

week. Learn 10 words or expressions from the page and ask someone to

test you. Write the amount you got correct in the box at the bottom of

the page.

Here are a few tips on how to learn new words:

Writing them out.

Making your own card games.

Saying them out loud (perhaps making a song).

Making your own games on the computer.

This website is really good for practising:

www.linguascope.com (username: harrogate, password: coche)

Go to “beginner” then “bonjour” and you will find good games to

help you practise the words.

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Pierre! I hope you enjoy all of the little activities in

this booklet. I will be with you every step of the way!

Bienvenue! Welcome to HGS French! We’re really looking forward to seeing you all in September and helping you to do really well in languages, as

well as having lots of fun. Some of you will study Spanish and some of you will study German, but all of you will

study French. As you have all done slightly different amounts of French at Primary School we thought we’d

make a little booklet of activities to help you either catch up a bit or practise some French over the holidays.

We hope you find it useful - it should help us to make a flying start to French lessons in September!

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Bonjour -Hello

Bonsoir -Good evening

Excusez-moi -Excuse me

Comment t’appelles-tu? -What is your name?

Je m’appelle -My name is

(Comment ) ça va? -How ’s it going?

Ça va bien -It’s going good

Ça va très bien -It’s going really good

Ça va mal - It’s going bad

Comme si comme ça - So so

Pas mal - Not bad

Merci - Thank you

Quel âge as-tu? - how old are you

J’ai onze ans - I am 11 years old.

De rien - - You are welcome

Au revoir - - Good bye

Boite à outils (toolbox)

Pierre’s memory challenge : Pick 10 words or expressions from the

tool box to learn this week. Get someone to test you. On y va!

Can you answer the following questions with full sentences?

Comment t’appelles-tu?


Ça va?


Quel âge as-tu?


Fill in the expressions below:

1. _ _ c _se_ - m_ _ !

2._o_ _ _ i _ !

3. _a _a _i_ _ _e_ _ _.

4. _e _ i _ _.

5. _ a _ _ a _.

5. _o_ _e_ _ _’a_p_ _l_ _-t _?

6. _ e _’a_ _ el_ _ Pierre!

c ç n a ç a r

b a u u è o u

o v a r r v o

n a a e m t j

s b l v o r n

o i a o n o o

i e c i m r b

r i n è t r a

l m a p a s v

Find the 6 hidden expressions!


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Les couleurs

vert -green

bleu -blue

rose -pink

violet -purple

jaune -yellow

rouge -red

marron -brown

orange -orange

blanc -white

noir -black

gris -grey

bleu foncé -dark blue

bleu clair -light blue

Boite à outils (toolbox)

Pierre’s memory challenge : Who will test you this week?

On y va!

Colour by numbers:

1= rouge

2= marron

3= rose

4= orange

5= bleu

6= vert

7= jaune

8= gris

9= noir




5 5

6 6 7


2 2

6 7


7 7 7


5 5


2 2




Colour in the items below

in the correct colour:




Un sac bleu

Une fraise marron

Un citron vert

Un chat violet Un soleil rose Un poisson jaune



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Les numéros

Numéros 1-100: 1 - un 2 - deux 3 - trois 4 - quatre 5 - cinq 6 - six 7 - sept 8 - huit 9 - neuf 10 - dix

11 - onze 12 - douze 13 - treize 14 - quatorze 15 - quinze 16 - seize 17 - dix-sept 18 - dix-huit 19 - dix-neuf 20 - vingt

21 - vingt et un 22 - vingt-deux 23 - vingt-trois 24– vingt-quatre 25 - vingt-cinq 26 - vingt-six 27 - vingt-sept 28 - vingt-huit 29 - vingt-neuf 30 - trente

40 - quarante 50 - cinquante 60 - soixante 70 - soixante-dix 80 - quatre-vingts 90 - quatre-vingt-dix

91– quatre-vingt-onze 100 - cent

Boite à outils (toolbox)

Pierre’s memory challenge : How good is your memory? On y va!

Have a go at saying this number

rhyme to someone. (If you do

not know the tune look it up on


Tune: Frère Jacques

un, deux, trois

un, deux, trois

quatre, cinq, six

quatre, cinq, six

sept, huit, neuf

sept, huit, neuf

dix, dix, dix

dix, dix, dix

Here is a French car number plate:

1.Read the numbers aloud forwards.

2.Read the numbers aloud backwards.

French maths

Answer the questions below by writing the word for the

French numbers (e.g. “dix”):

3. Add the numbers together and write the total in



4. How many even numbers are there?


5. Work out the following :

neuf + deux =_____________

cinq x quatre =_____________

huit x cinq =_____________


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Mon agenda

Les jours de la semaine

lundi - Monday

mardi - Tuesday

mercredi - Wednesday

jeudi - Thursday

vendredi - Friday

samedi - Saturday

dimanche - Sunday

Les mois - The months

janvier - January

février - February

mars - March

avril - April

mai - May

juin - June

juillet - July

août - August

septembre - September

octobre - October

novembre - November

décembre - December

Mon anniversaire est le trois décembre - My birthday is on the 3rd of December

Boite à outils (toolbox)

Pierre’s memory challenge : Is your memory improving?

On y va!

Find the days of the week by putting the

letters in the correct order:

1. dulni:

2. iedmas :

3. udeij:

4. dulni:

5. rrecmide:

6. cianmdhe:

7: edirdvne:

How about these months?

1. bomenver:

2. iam:

3. inuj:

4. lujielt:

5. ûota:

When do each of these events happen? Write the

date of each of the following events in French.

1. Noël (Christmas) :

E.g. C’est le vingt-cinq décembre.

2. La Saint Valentin (Valentine’s day) :

3. Le jour de l’An (New year’s day) :

4. Pâques (Easter) :

5. La rentrée scolaire (Back to school):

6. La Toussaint (Halloween) :

7. Ton anniversaire (Your birthday) :


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Les animaux

Pierre’s memory challenge : ENFIN! One last challenge!

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Astérix et j’ai un

chien qui s’appelle Idéfix!

Tu as un animal? - Do you have an animal?

j’ai -I have

un chat -

un chien -

un lapin -

un cochon d’Inde -a guinea pig

un poisson -

un cheval -

un serpent -a snake

un oiseau -a bird

un hamster -a hamster

une souris -a mouse

une tortue -a turtle

une araignée -a spider

je n’ai pas d’animal -I do not have any animals

qui s’appelle(nt) -who is/are called

Boite à outils (toolbox)

_ n ch_ _n _ n l_ p_n

_ n ch_ t _n_ s_ _ r_s _n ch_v_l

Fill in the missing vowels (a, e, I, o, u)

Voici Idéfix!

_n p_ _ss_n

Now you can use the pictures above to fill in the missing English words in the tool box.

J’ai deux poissons

et un serpent.

- Gladys

What pets does each person have?





J’ai un chat et un

cochon d’inde.

- Virginie

J’ai cinq lapins et une

grande araignee.

- Aurélien

J’ai une tortue et

deux oiseaux.

- Sébastien


(You have some to fill in by yourself this time!)

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La famille

Ma famille - My family

Dans ma famille - In my family

Il y a - there is

J’ai - I have

Ma mère - my mother

Mon père - my father

un frère - a brother

deux frères - two brothers

une sœur - a sister

une tante - an aunt

un oncle - an uncle

un cousin/une cousine - a cousin

Je n’ai pas de frères et de sœurs

-I do not have brothers or sisters

Je suis fille unique - I am an only child (daughter)

Je suis fils unique– I am an only child (son)

Boite à outils (toolbox)

Pierre’s memory challenge : Oh là là! How many can you

remember this week? Don’t forget to get someone to test you!

Salut! Dans ma famille il y a: mon père ma mère moi J’ai un petit frère qui s’appelle Bigorneau. Mon frère est très paresseux! Je n’ai pas de sœurs. J’ai aussi un crocodile vert!

Voici la famille Pirate!

Draw a picture of your family and label it here:

Qui s’appelle -

who is called


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Mon premier paragraphe

français Bonjour! Ça va ? Moi, Ça va bien. Je m’appelle Kylian Mbappé. Je suis joueur de foot. J’ai vingt-et-un ans et mon anniversaire est le vingt décembre. Mon père s’appelle Wilfred, ma mère s’appelle Fayza, et j’ai deux frères. J’ai aussi un chien noir et blanc qui s’appelle Fred.

Bravo! Tu as fini le petit livret! Bon travail! À bientôt!

Have a go at writing your first French paragraph about yourself. Use the language in the booklet and the

paragraph above to help you. You could talk about your name, age, birthday, pets and family.

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Un petit quiz!

Pierre’s little quiz: How good is your general knowledge of France? Can you

get all ten? Bonne chance!

1. What is the capital city of France?


2. In England we buy things with pounds. What money is used in France?


3. Some French people might eat “escargots”. What are they?


4. What is the name of the highest mountain in France?


5. Which French football team did David Beckham play for at the end of his career?


6. What is “le Louvre”?


7. Where might you see “bleu” followed by “blanc” followed by “rouge”?


8. What is the name of the highest building in France?


9. In July 2014 which annual French sporting event came to Harrogate?


10. French children love this comic character. What is his name?


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