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brian + krista

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brian + krista

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Our story started four years ago under pretty incredible circumstances. Krista had just moved cross country to dance with a professional com-pany and Brian was finishing his degree in his hometown. One night, on a whim, Krista decid-ed to go to a young adult group at our church, where she met a girl she clicked with immedi-ately. They talked all night, and when Krista left to go home that girl called Brian, a good friend of hers, and told him that she had just met his wife. Incredibly, she was right and we were married about a year later. Brian has a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Mental Health and Wellness within Family Dynamics and works as a Youth Pastor at our church. Krista has an Associates of Science and is currently a stay at home mom to our kiddo, Russell. We are both passionate about our faith and serve our church and community regularly. We love animals, especially dogs, and spend a lot of time playing with our Australian Shepherd, Gus. He and Russell are the best of friends, and often partners in crime. We have a deep love for our family and regularly get together for family cookouts, holidays, and birth-days. Family is incredibly important to us, and we maintain close ties to our extended family. Krista and Brian have always wanted to adopt and foster, a dream that started to take shape at the beginning of this year. God has placed adoption strongly on our hearts and we are joyfully pursuing this path.

about us

t Occupation u

t TV Show u

t Hobbies u

t Favorite Food u

t Childhood Memory u

t Color u

t Movie u

Youth Pastor

How I Met Your Mother

playing and watching sports, video games


Christmas mornings


Remember the Titans

Stay at home mom


knit and crochet, gardening, baking

Indian food

going to Disney World


Pride and Prejudice

fun factsBrian Krista

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about brianWhat struck me about Brian when I first met him was his love for Jesus and his confi-dence. As I got to know him better, I was able to see a softer side to him as well. Brian is incredibly compassionate and cares deeply for others. He is always thinking “How can I help?” when a student or volunteer comes to him with a problem going on in their lives. Brian has this magnetic charisma that makes everyone feel like he’s their best friend and closest confidante. He is especially great with kids. They love him and trust him with their deepest thoughts and feelings. Brian is the grounding element in our family. He keeps us level headed and on task, and can always make us laugh when we need it the most. Brian loves sports and is fiercely competitive. In his free time you can usually find him playing his favorite video games or spending quality time with friends and family.

about kristaStrength. When I think of Krista I think of strength. She has overcome some of the most difficult life circumstances I know and has always bounced back stronger. Krista is an incredibly independent human which allows her to be the most generous human I know. She is able to care for herself in such a way that she is able to completely give and give to others. Krista always ensures that our family has fun and stays flexible. She is the definition of a mother; she is selfless, caring, enduring, wise and kind. Some of her favorite things to do are knitting and crocheting, cooking and baking, and spending time with those closest to her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

our home

(written by Krista)

Our house is a cozy 3 bedroom and 1.5 bathroom home. We live in a quiet neighbor-hood with some young families and lots of grandparents! We have a great relationship with our neighbors and often visit or help each other out. It has been so encouraging to see their interest in our adoption and their excitement about this process. Our home has a fenced in backyard and plenty of space for our dog and son to play.

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Brian and youth group

Krista and her Dad’s family

Brian’s Cousin and his wife (Russell’s Godparents)

Brian’s Parents Brian, Krista and Russell with Krista’s Sister

Brian’s family on his dad’s side Brian and Krista with youth volunteers Our best friends Krista’s friends

Brian’s grandparents Brian and Krista with their brothers

Krista with her friend at our church

Brian’s side of the family

Brian’s mom and grandfather with Russell

our family + friendsOur family and friends are incredibly important to us. Brian’s par-

ents live 15 minutes away and are seen weekly. We get to see Krista’s

family multiple times a year, either hosting them at our house or

road tripping out to them. Our extended family is also very involved

in our lives. We get to see them for holidays and family cookouts in

the summer months. Although family is usually dictated by blood

or law, we consider our friends family as well. Most of our friends

have kiddos, which Russell is very happy about. We have play dates

for the kids and game nights for the adults. They are just like aunts

and uncles to Russell. We wouldn’t be who we are today without the

support and help of all of our friends and family. They are so excit-

ed to be a part of this adoption and forever afterwards.

Brian’s Cousin and Russel

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why adoption?

Building Blocks Adoption Service Inc.

Brian & Krista

Dear Birthparent(s): We are so glad that you are reading this letter, we have been praying for you for quite a while now. The fact that you would take the time to read through many letters and profiles to ensure that your child goes where you believe is best, means more to us than we will ever be able to express. Our prayer throughout his whole thing would be that these amazing children being adopted would end up right where they belong. Although we can not begin to understand what you are going through, we want you to know you are not alone. We are here with our friends, family and com-munity praying for you and your child. We love you and your child already and can’t wait to walk through this process. These profiles can only tell you so much, please know if you have any questions or concerns, we are more than willing to talk with you about them. Thank you again for your courage, strength and love that you have already shown through this process.

Adoption is more than just adding an amazing child to our family. Adoption is a lifestyle. This whole process takes a kind of vulnerability

and openness on both sides that we are willing to undertake. Our goal has alway been to partner with the birth family and maintain a strong and healthy relationship if desired. The intent to adopt really starts with our faith. We know that this is exactly where God wants us, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us and everyone else involved in the adoption. We are so excited to see how God will

use us in this child’s life, and more importantly how they will change ours. We would be overjoyed to match with a family of any ethnic background. We are dedicated to raising a child with strong ties to

their culture by providing them with a diverse community that will help raise and mentor them.