breathitt county news. (jackson, ky) 1904-12-02 [p ] ·...

7f Y TAKT AT PANAMA I Received by President Amador a nd IfIICablnlt r Panama Nov 28 Secretary Taft I and party arrived at Colon on boa rd the United StatoR cruiser Columti Mr Taft was received on shore b- J Vice President Arosema and oth r Panama officials General Davis comI I mander of tho canal zone awl ter Itarrf tt After a conference wltb 1 n the American congressional delegation 1 Mr Taft went by a special train to t Panama where he was oRlclally reo celved by a committee and quarter at the residence of Mr Wcllacc chief engineer In charge of construction of the Panama canal He was recelv later by President Amador and the Panama cabinet After greetings had been exchanged r Mr Taft said It Is a pleasure to- l 4 bring tho greetings of the president of the United States and to congrat Ista Panama upon the propitious be- ginning of a long and prosperous life In fact a life that In to be a peacef one and one In which the presIdent j and people of the United States aris most willing assistants The Unltell I States has no Intention in the Isthmul other than to build the canal for the benefit of Panama the United Slates and mankind IS Defeats Local Option Boston Nov 25The full bench of- S r the Massachusetts supreme court de elded that It Is not a crime for tbe A seller of intoxicating liquors Intended t4s for delivery Into a no license city or town to transport them by one not ci r 4 rYIng on a regular and lawful eXprE83 v business Furthermore It was hell1 that the carrier though not a regular expressman Is equally free to tran Sport liquors without the act being con r J 041 a crime This decision will tYS have an Important effect upon the de e i e livery of liquor from license to no S license districts In the state r Insane Patient Choked to Death Chicago Nov 24 Samuel P Glo serf a patient In the county asylum t- cwy the insane at Dunning Was choked to + l- j death and the coroner will endeavt tto ascertain whether he was killed by > Alexander Harper a colored man who- A f > srd is also a patient In the asylum or whether It was done by Tohn Conwa > and Scott Hogan two of the asylum attendants Hogan and Conway as sert that Glosser was violent and that I 1 Harper assisted them in placing him under restraint and Harper declare that both the attendants kicked Glo 6 ser and that Hogan choked him r Knights of Pythias Jubilee Columbus 0 Nov 2tTen that rIsand men participated In the Knight 4 Jubilee The feature of the r Jubilee was the initiation into the l rank of knighthood a class of more w than 400 candidates and the reception into the Grand lodge of JBO past chat cellars Steamer Lost Constantinople Nov 25The Ore steamer Elpls long overdue Is now reo garded as lost It is believed she slink In a recent gale In the Black sea and that her entire crew and a numuer of t passengers were lost a total of 77 persons 3IAUKKT UK POUT A Grain and Stock Priori for Nov its J Cleveland Cattle Choice fit dry fed steers 1200 Ibs and up Sf 7545 Ot EOid to choice 1000 to 1200 tbs J3 7 AU a 4 60 tale to good SOO to 1100 Ibs J3 004 A 3 75 chalet heifers 3 60 tfJ 7S chute fat bulls 3 OO3 35 choice fat COl- ts 4- a SS3 25 choice to fancy milk cows anI springers 40 CO 050 00 Sheep and Lamb Good to choice lambs J5 85C5 90 tair to good tS JSftS 7S culls and common 14 50O5 25 goof to choice wether sheet 14 0064 35 good to choice mixed sheer S3 7604 25 lair to good 83 003 71 cull to common S2 003 00 good to cholc yearlings 14 2S4 SO good to choice ewes J4 004 25 Calves Good J7 MJ 7 SO HogsYorkers II 65 medium an heavies > 4 C54 70 pigs S4 JOfffl 40 stags and roughs 13 504 00 Chicago Cattle Good to prime steers 15 007 30 poor to medium 13 GO 65 SO stockers and feeders 11 ISC 20 rows 11 2564 00 heifers 11 85 OS is canners 11 402 35 bulls 12 OQ4 20 western steers 13 OQ5 15 Sheep nd Lambs Oood to choice wethers 14 SO 4 90 fair to choice nixed 13 50 H SO 1western sheep 13 0065 00 native lambs 10 western lambs 14 8AQC5 70 Calves IS 0066 60 Hors Mixed and ibutchers 14 5005 70 good to choir 6064 70 rough heavy 14 40JJ 4 55 light 14 4004 60 Wheat No red II 13114 Corn No 3 46Hffi4C i OatsNo2 30c East Buffalo Cattle Good tfl choice exports 14 SOQS 70 shipping steers 14 4004 80 butcher cattle 14 40 96 00 fair to good 13 04 40 helter 13 1563 90 fat cows 12 153 45 bull 12 40Q3 70 good to choice milkers and cprlngers ICO 00 3 CO 00 Sheep and iambs oood to choice yearling 14 76Q3 25 wethers 14 50 mixed 14 254 60 owes 14 0004 60 spring lambs 15 0006 10 Calves Best IS 0068 50 Hogs Heavies 14 SS04 90 mediums 14 8004 85 York etc 14 7084 75 pigs 14 50 roughs 14 00 4 15 stags 13 0003 60 Plttsburg Cattle Choice IS COQi C 70 prime 15 256S 50 good 54 7547 6 10 tidy butchers 14 254 65 fair 13 75 01 10 heifers 12 2504 00 cow bulls and stags It 6003 60 fresh cows 325 00 0EO 00 Sheep and Lambs Prime weth ¬ ers 14 4094 60 good mixed 14 1004 35 fair mixed 13 5004 00 lambs 14 004 6 25 CalvfS16 OOQ7 75 Hogs Prime h eY 14 8004 85 mediums 14 80 heavy Yorkers 14 i0 UE3 heht YorJcwn 14 50 t 04 60 pigs 14 4004 50 Isew York Cattle Native steers 13 2505 76 tops 15 35 stags and oxen 13 0004 25 bulls 12 253 60 cows 11 IS 0S 25 Sheep and Lambs heep It GOO 140 choice and export sheep 14 SO culls 11 0002 76 lambs 15 4096 25 choice 16 40 Canada lambs culls 14 00Q 460 Calves Veals 14 25S 75 Host Pennsylvania and state Jl 7688 00 4 l sholce light 15 10 Wheat No 2 red p 11 19 Corn Xo 2694e OatMixed- p26 1 to ii tbs 34H0SSV4C Cincinnati Wheat No 2 red 11 15 Si lL CornNw tar 46447c Oats No 2 mixed 33c Itye No 2 S o Lard 17 SO Bulk Meats 17 00 Bacon PL8 26 Cattle 14 104 75 Sheep II 75 04 00 Lambs 13 8006 25 iQISU 70 4L Boston Wool Ohio and Pennsyl vania XX and abuse 35Q36o X 30031P Xo 1 35S34c No 2 3563Ce tine washed 1 detain 38H037C Toledo Wheat 11 15c corn 4cr- aN 22c rye 83oclovereeel 17 ffty Prld y I Why did you tip tbat walter You cant afford to give away money e I know It but I didnt want him to iflnd It outDetrolt Free Preu c i r Vicious e jFlr5t GirlDid you bear thnt Mr I Williams got a dreadful fright onhl t Weddloc dy Second QlrlVes I t vig iu the church und suw her > Opponents think that they refute its h n they repeat own opinion notlct of oursGoetbe- t W > ndta1e no kr > r il t 1 f c oD 1 at t J < tV I Crab lIa rd and Burt The process of crabs shedding llur lug the summer sennon U us follow The crabs become fat tbtu they 18 Buuie n bluish look on the buck Rud yellow on underside When In thla condition If an outer shell tit brottli there will be found a skin similar to the Inner skin of an egg covering ti crab In this stage the crab IsJ kllllwn I nH a peeler The next stage Is whet till outer shell begins to open anti till crab Is then known an a buster When the outer shell Is tituOTed the cfttb I then a soft crab If she has escapcd from the cannibalistic male crub wlio pursue her during this period she II hidden Iu the grass In shoal water it til the next tide which hardens hr shell considerably and the crub 1teI ed a buckruin Buckrutua are the toulCh crabs sold as soft crabs and wlieD cooked the shell turns red like that of n lobster and in not desirable on ne count of Its brittleness In ntiotlJrr tide the crubs become truly hnrd allli go where they please without fear ot being devoured by the wale members One of Yore Experience Poe one night during those lost weeks he spent In Itlchtuond rtlated this personal experience adding thnt he would carry It with blw to the graveI living In Philadelphia durlt the epidemic ot the cholera there All day I would pace the streets seeing ti- dying and land until my heart was faint and sick within me late one evening on coming home after one at these aimless wanderings broke down and with a thousand picture 01 suffering and death dancing hideous before iny eyes I lay upon the bed h a moment I was asleep and dreamt that a black bird like a raven rtme Into the room and perched over tbp door I asked what It was The bird repliedI the spirit of the cholera aDd you are the cause of met I woke wltb a start but the QP parltlon was sa real that it made In linpresslou on me I shall never tlt getLamp Origin of Omcauar School Orauituar schools are school whic were founded to teach grammar at n tlwe when the word had a velar dllfei ent meaning from that which It bear at the present time Inreiltliate art of using It correctly and one woul naturally Imagine that a gramma school must necessarily be a schoi where the English language Is tuugh but It is not so In the middle ages when the clergy were the only educated men Latin WIlS the language In which knowledge wa l preserved and handed down either oral- ly or Iu writing so grammar came to mean the grammar of the Latin tongu and a grammar school was an endow ed school fee teaching Latin and after- ward Greeks to poor scholars to fit them for unlveraltlea Tight Lacing and Oreat 31u A correspondent says that the Ugh lacing periods of history have always been productive of the greatest genius eStthe loose dressing periods the re- verse Bacon Shakespeare Drake Marlborough Thackeray Dlcken Scottto mention only a few names were born when chroniclers and fast Ion artists reveal to us the fact tbat women were never satisfied till they could span tbelr waists arid while eighteen Inches was the faahlouiib standard many fashionable girls and women possessed waists fully two or three inches smaller But Thackeray said he would as lIet marry a girl with a bumped bacl lIS one with an eighteen Inch waist Yerlahable Pearl Pearls are perishable They cnnm be considered a tint rate iuvefttme like diamonds After a time they de- cay Sometimes a flits specimen wlU lose Its luster and beauty within a let mouths so that thi possessor of sllch treasures does well to keep them pu- swayIn a vented place They consis- of thin films overlaid one upon anothei with more or less animal matter be- tween the layers and It Is no wonder that they deteriorate QnitllUrd HIs SlBtcmrul ShoTo think tbat you once declare that you would love we as long as yoi lived And now although we have not bet n married a year you careno hlni at all about mel HeBut you see rhen I told you I would love you as long as I lived I wasnt feeling verj veil and I really didnt think I shoulj live long Plenty of Advice Ills trouble was just due to a neg cted cold A neglected cold I dont bellev here ever was such a thing No war ver had a cold without having a1 east a dozen friends attending to 11 for him Philadelphia Ledger A RlBBlBK Specoh raseslu a ringing speech last night George declared that he could tot live without me and asked me to be his wife Gladys In a ringing ipeech eh Groyce Yes and If you Ipnt believe It theres the rlnglPitts urrg Post Reminders of the Maori Concerning tbe dwellings in the Ar entire Uepubllc a traveler writes Wherever there was a collection of ouses I WR greatly struck with the haracter of the architecture like Lab or Moorish villages one great rail without Windows surrounding hew The country U very quiet now ate enough for a bevy of schoolgirls to travel It by day or night but still tie peculiar architecture remains At Cetfra Muerta where we camped there WI only one large building once the etidquartor of the estauclero who own hundreds of square leagues of tbl surrounding country but now ten- anted by bU manager a superior sort at half breed Spanish Indian with his family There wits the huge square utslde wall without any windows of IIny kind one arched doorway nod the wide house or houses built against tbe outer wall and facing Into a patio t1 most Moorish looking place Truly JP occupation of Spain by the Moor bas left Its deep markings they ex Hided across to tbe new world In uenclug today even the customs of tile Indians of Spanish South America r A Royal Catspftir Peter the Great particularly d lighted In drawing teeth and he strict ly enjoined his servants to send for htm when anything of thnt sort was to be dune One day his favorite vuletI de clmnbre seemed very uielancliol The czar asked him what was the ma- ter Oh your majesty said tbe lUau lily wife Is suffering the grentc agony from toothache and she obs natcly refuses to hove the tooth tllkcu out If that Is all said Peter we will soon cure It Talc me to her at once When they arrived the wonu declared that she was not suffering lit all there was nothing the matt with her That is the way she talk your majesty paid the valet SI > Is suffering tortures Hold her head and hands said tbe czar I will have It out In a moment And be Instantly pulled out tile lad cated tooth with great dexterity awld profuse thanks from the husban What was Peters Indignation to Itll cover R little later that his valet lIud used him as an executioner to punish his wife who had never bad an un- sound tooth In her Lead Old TIme School Whipping Sir Sydney Waterlow lord mayor of London thus described to a Ioudo Express writer a good old fashlom t thrashing In school My waster at St Saviours grat mar school Soutbwark at the foot ot old London bridge was a counterpa of tho tyrant of Dotbeboys Hall Finding that at the nice of ten year I had not made much progress in tbe proper comprehension of the four cot cords In Latin be determined to glfe me a good birching He was a most practiced baud with the rod and WIlS never satisfied with a birch less that four or five feet long wltb plenty of small sharp cones on it Ho nevi used the same one twice The lint having gone forth I Wllft stripped to ray bare back and wade to kneel The waster then Inflicted hire ttrokoa an bard as his strong arm en- abled him to give causing the bloat to spurt all over my back Many of the cones remained in ray flesh for days Varied Mommies Colas The following are the various color used for mourning in different coun- tries together wltb tho reasons gives tor the selection Black expresses pr votlon of light worn throughout Eu Tje and America yellow the sear am yellow leaf Egypt and Burma In Brit- tany widows caps among the peasant are yellow purple and violet to ex- press royalty mourning for the card oafs and kings of France violet U tlie mourning color for Turkey white eu blew of white handed hope China deep blue Bokhara mourning the sly ilflcance of this selection is not known pale brown the withered leaves Per us grayish brown earth Ethlopl and Abyssinia i Obeyed Orders Slrtcllr The sentinels at Pompeii who dint at their posts during tbe eruption becaus they had received no orders to leav them ere held1 up as types of perfect obedience but then the punishment In tbe Horaan army were brutal and they knew It Different was tbe cSa of an Individual who being ordered to take a hot bath by his doctor compile I with tbe order and remained In It uu I UI the learned man paid his next visit The doctor exclaimed when he heard Why it Is enough to kill you by par boiling or chill r It was all you fault said tbe bather sulkily You only told we to get Into a hot bath You ought to have told me when to get out as well The Monk of Tibet A traveler In Tibet says that tbe women of that country are IIpeasant and when washed buxom and The monks are the blot oc the landscape They bear no resem jlsuce to the women of the country Ode would think they belonged to a different type and yet they are the liOns and brothers of these women Thi I reason probably Is the low degraded life led by the ordinary monk a lift without Interest without work devoid if any pursuit Intellectual or other wise and passed In the droning 01 chants and the performance of ritual the meaning of which they neither know nor care about Tb Upper Amasou Basin The whole upper Amazon basin is subject to annual overflows which snake it impossible to build homes or he rivers as we ate accustomed to tic m our American rivers There are only a few points In all the great stretch of I river country that are above the flood ling point and these ore commonly corn i dosed of rock or clay quite unlit tor Cultivation City Visitors Oversight Uncle Josh after seeing urban guest take the tranTbat feller may know a heap about city cttyket but Le rouldnt pass fer no Chestyfleld lu aese parts Uncle LUb Wouldnt hp7 Uncle JoshNo sir TVy bf tayed weth me three days an never once proposed gn out au look at my awgs Judge Her Hard Luck I made BU awful faux pas lat Ijbt said Mrs Oldcastle Did you replied her boatess Ive been wontln to make one for a loni time but I rlnt been able to get a attern Wbosa did yon haveChl cao Tribune Wholesale Rate Sammy admiringly surveying bU lately arrived twin sUtera Did you et them cheaper by taking the two papa7 Enthusiast without capacity are tbt really dangerous people Schopcn hlll1PI Tess Yci be was an om nsi- lne Did you tell him 1 was engaged to Jack Hansom JessOh ytsl Tess I suppose he wondered bow soon I ould be married to hlmJelsNoh- ot bow soon but hoW long blladelphla Press Modest Shell a lovely girl and so simple In her tastes I told Lee that 1 hadnt inch of an lucome yet but that I hop td I could provide for her every want I And what ild she says I She said that would be aUIl1ecoul4 h Y Tile Iuuvil uf flesh flarr Eleven illfffienl versions uf the pound of flesh story exist In the eat literature of Kurupe none of which Is founded on a historical basis Rave flue related by the biographer of Pok tit tins V The original tale runs as fullov Simon Ienada a Jew enters Into n ra ger with Settil a Christian sinking a pound of his flesh against a large IIUIII of money of the Christian The Jl1w locos the wager and Sechl insists on hili forfeit The case U referred lo the go ernor of the city who In turn plates It before the pope who condemn bulb to lifelong Imprisonment from which ilia are finally released on the payment of a heavy tine Au Italian moist Florentlno In the sixteenth lItury was the drat to cbange the rule ot nt Jew und Christian and Jn this nltItd form the Bard of Avon found the stoi The port himself could scarcely ha known any Jews personally slucetb were expelled front England 300 ytnri before his time and were not rlId witted until after his death Fro stage presentation from descrlpttoi In books or from popular report which were always derogutory to the Jewish character the poet derived hll knowledge of tbe Jew Meuorab Tulip and Poppy DaBKeruns Plane The florist held a tulip In his hall Some people claim that a tulip has uo swell be said As a mutter of tuel It boa a dangerous smell Take a tulip of a deep crimson color antS Inhale It with profound inspiration and It 111 be apt to wake you light beaded Yc will say and do queer tbtugsduur sing tight swear aud so on For two hours you will cut up In this Wrtl Afterward you will be depressed Tile poppy Is another danger flower A young woman of s uerroi temperament It she lingers among a- bed of popples will grow drowsy tl tame as If she bad smoked a pipe ur two of opium In Asia Minor whet the opium manufacturers cultlval vast fields of poppies tourists Inipec lug the beautiful flowers often becoiu altogether Incapacitated They get 10 sleepy they can hardly talk Fhy reel In their gait Iu some cases tlle1 have to be put to bed Boston Adve titer The Lubitern Claw If you take the trouble wben you save Up uiorey enough and purchase II lobster to notice the claws you will observe that each is peculiar and quit materially differs from the other OUt claw Is a scissors the other a mill on Is a cutter the second a cracker Practically a lobster has ten legs but of these only eight are uvJ In walking Of these ten legs tbe Iron pair the claws are employed Iu seisin and crushing its prey Generally the right claw U the more slender aud longer and has sharp teeth on It edges while the other has no teeth but blunt tubercles or hammers ILl left claw U operated by stronger iuu des Sometimes however the scissor claw Is the left one and the banruiei or crusher slaw is the right Keuni bee Journal The Kdltori OeatlcBiaii The question always comes up Wba- M a geutlemau Some say he Ua ma with a silk hat and others u wan will a smooth tongue But wen connects with the newspaper trade have u can- on of their own Mr Editor uld a patron out day how is It you never call on wt to pal for your paper Oh said the wan of types wi never ask a gentleman fur uloney Indeed the patron replied thou lo yell manage to get along wben thej Isnt pay Why said Mr Editor after 10 ertuln time we conclude be U hot a leutleinan and we ask hiwLoudon Stall Old Turks A London Jeweler has rood a collec Ibu of ancient forks used In Euglanc vbcb show some little known fact ibout the table manners of a few cen urlcs ago The forks which ate of lolld sliver date from the slxteentl century In many cases the designs It ill this time hue scarcely varied In my detail and tile forks look like hose which might be bought today Ibe old forks were a great luxury It heir time and were only used by the irlstocracy Poor W siaB Mrs Gldday I thought you were en truly satlsfled with your bat Mrs Jresscr So I was uutll my busbanc got tbe bill Mrs GiddayOb why Uould bU growling worry 7ou MM DresserBut tbat was the trouble Hi lldnt growl at all showing tbat I night easily have got a more expeuitvi me Philadelphia Press Good Comfort The most solid comfort one can full rack upon la the thought that the bust seta of ones life tbe work at Lowe titer the holiday Is done Is to help lu some small nibbling way to reduce the tow of ignorance degradation and uUery on tbe fete of this btautlfu el1rtbOeorre Eliot DlicrelloB Mrs Younshusbund Why cant you I Lay at Lowe this evening George tour employer can get along without you George I know it but I dont want him to find it out KBOTT Everything Mayme Vhat o gossip Mrs Gadb Is EdithYes indeed I never tell- er anything without finding out that Ibe hue already told It herself Phils elpbla Bulletin It Is astonishing how much time some people have to spare for the ipervUlon of other peoples business nnd how well theyIto rIn their ilnds Blngbamtop i ress 3OOO to Colornilo and Ileiuri YI OlilonKo Union Paeltlo A Nhrs- heatrn tine Chlongo to Denver Col nradn SprlnRbiuid Poclilo dnllj ironglioiit the siiniinea Correspond l ijiRiy how rote from AU points east 01lt1 onH night to Denver from Cities gn nnd Central States and onlf lira gbls enroute from the AlLan Sea Doid Two fast trains dahy NM Bretre 435 Vine Street- Olnolnnntl Qhlu c t r J llr A Story ef Napelcou- Xapoleou Invariably refused to r move his hot when he received klui and aoveretgu princes uudtr tbe rJnk of emperor lie uncovered hits hen only lu the presence of the eiupero of lluu lur suit of Austria OUt dllY Napoleon received the king of Buvan and of Saxony at St Cloud As tbe two klngx removed their tints the ell1 l etor acknowledged their ajltilatlot by merely touching the brim of hI cocked bat with bU forefinger lie then drove with the two kings tivMa mnltiou and gutting out of his varrlng casually remarked I aiu going to ICt the empress Would you tuliul walvln for uie The royul pate seemed to have been forgotten for they nt III sk it expectation for nearly uu tour Finally they noticed tome of the 101 perls footmen playing card lbe king of Bavaria then laughingly r- emarked to the king of Saxony Win a pity we Latent got a pack of earth Since be treats us Iu this way we might at least follow the servants ej ample and pass the time playing pl quetNew York Tribune Bolivia Rr Every one who has rend the bi- ttunes of the Incas writes au Engllsl man has marveled at the tales of the native runner who were a feature In the civilisation of that period Sow of this race of men still remain Whln In Bolivia I have often had a telegrat delivered at the station forty wile away and an answer received and brought back by the same wan alllt eluding tbe Journey of eighty wiles Jlut occupying more than eighteen hour The man was well content to recto two Bolivian dollars or 75 cents 111 American money for the service 1 saw a man who delivered a uiMsag 200 nillf away aud brought an as swer back covering within sIx day and nights 400 miles Ac he did tbll work for a native his charge was Ihe Bolivian dollars about l8i Atner can out of which bt provided bU ow food By Wire and Air An accidental experiment In the ye betty of aottfid is recounted by a cor- respondent Ho went to bit telephone and just aa be put the receiver to bb ear be heard the click of another tell phone Another receiver bad been re- moved and the line was open Then be heard through the telephon the shriek of a locomotive whistle aDd a few seconds later the sound cam through the open window iu the usua way Looking up be saw a locoinotlvi half a wile away passing the bouse ot- a friend The mystery was solved The tele phone that was open was that at th distant house and the sound of thu whistle had come through Its tran formation into an electric current quicker than it bod traveled throng the air Soap That Float A floating soap Is produced by the mass of soap being beaten while It is cooling Just as we blllt enl or bat- ter This Incorporates air luto the soap and wakes It float A linn bulk of floating soap weighs much less that tbe same bulk of soup that does not float One hundred pounds of sons beaten will wake many wore cakes ot- a given size of floating soap not beaten It Is due to no Ingredient day soap will float If beaten A soap Is no better because It floats This Is no sign of o good soap The only advantage Is Ii being able to find the cake more easily It it be dropped Into the bath or watt tub Iu soap factories the soap U beaten by machinery HvHtlBar Barsrlars You cant lure my wife Not Well listen 1 was away tram home rot three days list week One night the heard burglars the saitc burglars that she has beeu bearing ever Hlucc WI were married Til wake them think there a man In the house she lectded So the put au a pair of my shoes and tramped about ou the hard wood floors for an hour to scare them way My woe Is a diplomat Cleve ¬ land Leader Brut Water Pipe It Is calculated that one rlgbUangle bend In a pipe through which water lows will make necessary 0 per cent more pressure for a given flow than 11I required for a straight pipe of like ind structure With three sharp bends lit right angle the pressure needed is 13 per cent more titan that which la- uild la a straight pipe A CarefBl Judge This story Is related of an old time JUde During a session of court there raw no much talking and laughter go IDA on that the Judge becoming angry md confused shouted In great wrath ° Silence heart We have decided half a dozen cases this morning and I have sot Lean a word of one of them Dangerous Blnks That long tunnel on the P D and Q Is a very dangerous place Jluks Why there hasnt been an ac Ideut there for years BtnksBut within the past week rout young couplet have started through It free as air and come out enraged Arms and Their uses Jessie What made you remain such a long time In the conservatory with that young lieutenant IlesUeOur onversatlou turned to war and be vas sbowtng me bow an officer should USe his arms Medical A Rochelle physician was called to ttend a boy who swallowed a couple of pennies When he returned a friend Irked How is your patient No barge yet was the replyMount lorrU Index HI Angel Jlrnsley thinks bli wife Is an angel Thatso Why I didnt know Jim ley was married Fe ii a widower +a 12GG riCt L ii P CIPWFOFb JWE5 B 6pir ft F CYOti o C Look before a ou Purchase Sny did yon know fro hail the pll SJ V Of qOOD5 IfJJOUfJ J j You can appnrt monuj anywhere hut wlwi U COIIUH drtwn I to now todate right priiwl giltwlgfl l rt tilt plenso thu custoiiior mid ptwisure to sell of inwrcliBtidise w lI have It j 3 i s HOES i All inmlo to tit 0111111ORr well nohhyalrd drossy 4uu1ea cheiip Ile others sell old shop worn stulT It is not ponHlhlo for any duller in the country to tiller httter goodnt the same 1wit whei to buy your Dress Goods and Notions R The verdict in uiinninioiiH Truly your friends i B L A1 12 CRAWFORDOft Jfontucty J car rs hr ccrcc teIt r 25iS2J SiS75i3aS25jJ5i 5iS5 SiSiiSiSi 1aftrthlerF Kj JACKSON DEPOSIT BANKi Jackson Kentuckyh Paid up Capital and Surplus 2050000 We solicit the ttiian < uis and accounts of mlJUnlhcr Manufacturers 1 rn Timber Dealers Business Menl- YLerelianfs m I V Farmers EaUsrri ICwuttick and odor our 6Htojimra mmlhronghollt the most R A TERMS o- J L Within the limits of legitiinatu btminwf u COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY 5r575 2525ZS525 52525c5t 5P552rz5uc di 5 n JONI young man or young woman who would win success in life fhis being conceded it is of first importance to get your Vainingat the school that stands in the very front rank riie Bryant Stratton Business College- N KCnr Secrtud stud Wnliint Sfe IOUlSNfIILK KV BooJckeeping Shorthand Typewriting Seven experienced teachers ouch om a KjM cialisi in his line Vrite for a beautiful hook trivinjr IftsliiuoniaU from frraduatos occu eying prominent Msittons all over the United Stales It will be mail etl to you FREE School open all llio year Students can outer nt any time E1 WKKH1T IVesidont r I JI 2 W N i Rio secure the best results 4 for your none f advertise i- n9IreeehllCoun4i tho H == f Wews s- f JfUhobest medium 6y which to to roach all the mountain I trado > f Uwice the Circulation of J t c iany paper in ffiroathift J N OM KSTIIOTBLIXTIIE FUKK nus TO nml FROM enI Y DEPOr ARLINGTONHOTE L s S TAULBEE PROP J AGKSON NXUGIIT OODMVEilYSTAIIIEIN KII13T CLASS BAMFfjl IN O NNECTION ROOMS e r a i r sO I i7 r DYSPE PS1ACM > y DIGESTS WHAT Y0 e 4 jfa Tk8100bea114cantdsa2i4amst4ltNuvjKIIus rauuo vats gr Ms C D WITT SgOq > lllYiC1II 1 yy t rs i

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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-12-02 [p ] · 2013-06-13 · r J 041 a crime This decision will tYS have an Important effect

7f Y


I Received by President Amador a ndIfIICablnlt

r Panama Nov 28 Secretary TaftI and party arrived at Colon on boa rd

the United StatoR cruiser ColumtiMr Taft was received on shore b-

JVice President Arosema and oth rPanama officials General Davis comI

I mander of tho canal zone awlter Itarrf tt After a conference wltb

1 n the American congressional delegation1 Mr Taft went by a special train to

t Panama where he was oRlclally reo

celved by a committee and quarterat the residence of Mr Wcllacc chiefengineer In charge of construction ofthe Panama canal He was recelvlater by President Amador and thePanama cabinet

After greetings had been exchanged

r Mr Taft said It Is a pleasure to-

l 4 bring tho greetings of the presidentof the United States and to congratIsta Panama upon the propitious be-ginning of a long and prosperous lifeIn fact a life that In to be a peacefone and one In which the presIdent

j and people of the United States arismost willing assistants The Unltell

I States has no Intention in the Isthmulother than to build the canal for thebenefit of Panama the United Slatesand mankind

IS Defeats Local OptionBoston Nov 25The full bench of-

Sr the Massachusetts supreme court deelded that It Is not a crime for tbe

A seller of intoxicating liquors Intendedt4s for delivery Into a no license city ortown to transport them by one not ci r

4 rYIng on a regular and lawful eXprE83v business Furthermore It was hell1

that the carrier though not a regularexpressman Is equally free to tranSport liquors without the act being con


J 041 a crime This decision willtYS have an Important effect upon the de

e ie livery of liquor from license to no

S license districts In the state

r Insane Patient Choked to DeathChicago Nov 24 Samuel P Glo

serf a patient In the county asylum t-cwy the insane at Dunning Was choked to


j death and the coroner will endeavttto ascertain whether he was killed by> Alexander Harper a colored man who-

A f > srd is also a patient In the asylum orwhether It was done by Tohn Conwa

> and Scott Hogan two of the asylumattendants Hogan and Conway assert that Glosser was violent and that


1 Harper assisted them in placing himunder restraint and Harper declarethat both the attendants kicked Glo

6 ser and that Hogan choked him

r Knights of Pythias JubileeColumbus 0 Nov 2tTen thatrIsand men participated In the Knight

4 Jubilee The feature of the

r Jubilee was the initiation into thel rank of knighthood a class of more

w than 400 candidates and the receptioninto the Grand lodge of JBO past chatcellars

Steamer LostConstantinople Nov 25The Ore

steamer Elpls long overdue Is now reo

garded as lost It is believed she slinkIn a recent gale In the Black sea andthat her entire crew and a numuer of

t passengers were lost a total of 77persons


Grain and Stock Priori for Nov itsJ Cleveland Cattle Choice fit dry

fed steers 1200 Ibs and up Sf 7545 Ot

EOid to choice 1000 to 1200 tbs J3 7 AU

a 4 60 tale to good SOO to 1100 Ibs J3 004A 3 75 chalet heifers 3 60 tfJ 7S chute

fat bulls 3 OO3 35 choice fat COl-ts4-


SS3 25 choice to fancy milk cows anIspringers 40 CO 050 00 Sheep and LambGood to choice lambs J5 85C5 90 tairto good tS JSftS 7S culls and common14 50O5 25 goof to choice wether sheet14 0064 35 good to choice mixed sheerS3 7604 25 lair to good 83 003 71 cullto common S2 003 00 good to cholcyearlings 14 2S4 SO good to choiceewes J4 004 25 Calves Good J7 MJ7 SO HogsYorkers II 65 medium anheavies > 4 C54 70 pigs S4 JOfffl 40

stags and roughs 13 504 00Chicago Cattle Good to prime

steers 15 007 30 poor to medium 13 GO

65 SO stockers and feeders 11 ISC 20

rows 11 2564 00 heifers 11 85 OS iscanners 11 402 35 bulls 12 OQ4 20

western steers 13 OQ5 15 Sheep ndLambs Oood to choice wethers 14 SO4 90 fair to choice nixed 13 50 H SO1western sheep 13 0065 00 native lambs

10 western lambs 14 8AQC5 70

Calves IS 0066 60 Hors Mixed andibutchers 14 5005 70 good to choir6064 70 rough heavy 14 40JJ

4 55 light 14 4004 60 Wheat Nored II 13114 Corn No 3 46Hffi4C iOatsNo2 30c

East Buffalo Cattle Good tflchoice exports 14 SOQS 70 shippingsteers 14 4004 80 butcher cattle 14 40

96 00 fair to good 13 04 40 helter13 1563 90 fat cows 12 153 45 bull12 40Q3 70 good to choice milkers andcprlngers ICO 00 3 CO 00 Sheep and iambsoood to choice yearling 14 76Q3 25

wethers 14 50 mixed 14 254 60 owes14 0004 60 spring lambs 15 0006 10

Calves Best IS 0068 50 Hogs Heavies14 SS04 90 mediums 14 8004 85 Yorketc 14 7084 75 pigs 14 50 roughs 14 00

4 15 stags 13 0003 60

Plttsburg Cattle Choice IS COQi

C 70 prime 15 256S 50 good 54 75476 10 tidy butchers 14 254 65 fair 13 7501 10 heifers 12 2504 00 cow bullsand stags It 6003 60 fresh cows 325 00

0EO 00 Sheep and Lambs Prime weth ¬

ers 14 4094 60 good mixed 14 1004 35

fair mixed 13 5004 00 lambs 14 0046 25 CalvfS16 OOQ7 75 Hogs PrimeheY 14 8004 85 mediums 14 80 heavyYorkers 14 i0UE3 heht YorJcwn 14 50

t 04 60 pigs 14 4004 50

Isew York Cattle Native steers13 2505 76 tops 15 35 stags and oxen13 0004 25 bulls 12 253 60 cows 11 IS

0S 25 Sheep and Lambs heep It GOO

140 choice and export sheep 14 SO

culls 11 0002 76 lambs 15 4096 25

choice 16 40 Canada lambs culls 14 00Q460 Calves Veals 14 25S 75 HostPennsylvania and state Jl 7688 00

4 l sholce light 15 10 Wheat No 2 redp 11 19 Corn Xo 2694e OatMixed-

p261 to ii tbs 34H0SSV4CCincinnati Wheat No 2 red 11 15

Si lL CornNw tar 46447c OatsNo 2 mixed 33c Itye No 2 So Lard

17 SO Bulk Meats 17 00 BaconPL8 26 Cattle 14 104 75 Sheep II 75

04 00 Lambs 13 8006 25 iQISU 70

4LBoston Wool Ohio and Pennsyl

vania XX and abuse 35Q36o X 30031PXo 1 35S34c No 2 3563Ce tine washed

1 detain 38H037CToledo Wheat 11 15c corn 4cr-

aN 22c rye 83oclovereeel 17 ffty

PrldyI Why did you tip tbat walter You

cant afford to give away moneye I know It but I didnt want him to

iflnd It outDetrolt Free Preuci r Vicious

e jFlr5t GirlDid you bear thnt MrI Williams got a dreadful fright onhl

t Weddloc dy Second QlrlVes I

t vig iu the church und suw her


Opponents think that they refute itsh n they repeat own opinion

notlct of oursGoetbe-


W > ndta1e no

kr > r ilt

1 fc


1 attJ

< tVI

Crab lIa rd and BurtThe process of crabs shedding llur

lug the summer sennon U us followThe crabs become fat tbtu they 18Buuie n bluish look on the buck Rudyellow on underside When In thlacondition If an outer shell tit brottlithere will be found a skin similar tothe Inner skin of an egg covering ticrab In this stage the crab IsJ kllllwn

I nH a peeler The next stage Is whet tillouter shell begins to open anti tillcrab Is then known an a buster Whenthe outer shell Is tituOTed the cfttb I

then a soft crab If she has escapcdfrom the cannibalistic male crub wliopursue her during this period she II

hidden Iu the grass In shoal water ittil the next tide which hardens hrshell considerably and the crub 1teIed a buckruin Buckrutua are the toulChcrabs sold as soft crabs and wlieDcooked the shell turns red like that ofn lobster and in not desirable on necount of Its brittleness In ntiotlJrrtide the crubs become truly hnrd allligo where they please without fear otbeing devoured by the wale members

One of Yore ExperiencePoe one night during those lost

weeks he spent In Itlchtuond rtlatedthis personal experience adding thnthe would carry It with blw to the

graveI living In Philadelphia durltthe epidemic ot the cholera there Allday I would pace the streets seeing ti-

dying and land until my heart wasfaint and sick within me late oneevening on coming home after one atthese aimless wanderings brokedown and with a thousand picture 01

suffering and death dancing hideousbefore iny eyes I lay upon the bed ha moment I was asleep and dreamtthat a black bird like a raven rtmeInto the room and perched over tbpdoor I asked what It was The bird

repliedIthe spirit of the cholera aDd

you are the cause of metI woke wltb a start but the QP

parltlon was sa real that it made Inlinpresslou on me I shall never tltgetLamp

Origin of Omcauar SchoolOrauituar schools are school whic

were founded to teach grammar at n

tlwe when the word had a velar dllfeient meaning from that which It bearat the present time

Inreiltliateart of using It correctly and one woulnaturally Imagine that a grammaschool must necessarily be a schoiwhere the English language Is tuughbut It is not so

In the middle ages when the clergywere the only educated men Latin WIlS

the language In which knowledge wa lpreserved and handed down either oral-

ly or Iu writing so grammar came tomean the grammar of the Latin tonguand a grammar school was an endowed school fee teaching Latin and after-ward Greeks to poor scholars to fitthem for unlveraltlea

Tight Lacing and Oreat 31uA correspondent says that the Ugh

lacing periods of history have alwaysbeen productive of the greatest genius

eStthe loose dressing periods the re-

verse Bacon Shakespeare DrakeMarlborough Thackeray DlckenScottto mention only a few nameswere born when chroniclers and fastIon artists reveal to us the fact tbat

women were never satisfied till theycould span tbelr waists arid whileeighteen Inches was the faahlouiibstandard many fashionable girls andwomen possessed waists fully two orthree inches smaller

But Thackeray said he would as lIetmarry a girl with a bumped bacl lIS

one with an eighteen Inch waist

Yerlahable PearlPearls are perishable They cnnm

be considered a tint rate iuvefttmelike diamonds After a time they de-

cay Sometimes a flits specimen wlUlose Its luster and beauty within a letmouths so that thi possessor of sllchtreasures does well to keep them pu-

swayIn a vented place They consis-

of thin films overlaid one upon anotheiwith more or less animal matter be-

tween the layers and It Is no wonderthat they deteriorate

QnitllUrd HIs SlBtcmrulShoTo think tbat you once declare

that you would love we as long as yoilived And now although we have not

betn married a year you careno hlniat all about mel HeBut you see

rhen I told you I would love you aslong as I lived I wasnt feeling verjveil and I really didnt think I shouljlive long

Plenty of AdviceIlls trouble was just due to a neg

cted coldA neglected cold I dont bellev

here ever was such a thing No warver had a cold without having a1

east a dozen friends attending to 11

for him Philadelphia Ledger

A RlBBlBK Specoh

raseslu a ringing speech lastnight George declared that he could

tot live without me and asked me tobe his wife Gladys In a ringingipeech eh Groyce Yes and If youIpnt believe It theres the rlnglPittsurrg Post

Reminders of the MaoriConcerning tbe dwellings in the Arentire Uepubllc a traveler writesWherever there was a collection ofouses I WR greatly struck with theharacter of the architecture likeLab or Moorish villages one greatrail without Windows surroundinghew The country U very quiet nowate enough for a bevy of schoolgirls

to travel It by day or night but stilltie peculiar architecture remains AtCetfra Muerta where we camped there

WI only one large building once theetidquartor of the estauclero who

own hundreds of square leagues oftbl surrounding country but now ten-

anted by bU manager a superior sortat half breed Spanish Indian with hisfamily There wits the huge squareutslde wall without any windows of

IIny kind one arched doorway nod thewide house or houses built against

tbe outer wall and facing Into a patio

t1 most Moorish looking place TrulyJP occupation of Spain by the Moor

bas left Its deep markings they exHided across to tbe new world Inuenclug today even the customs of

tile Indians of Spanish South America


A Royal CatspftirPeter the Great particularly d

lighted In drawing teeth and he strictly enjoined his servants to send forhtm when anything of thnt sort was tobe dune One day his favorite vuletIde clmnbre seemed very uielancliolThe czar asked him what was the ma-

ter Oh your majesty said tbe lUaulily wife Is suffering the grentc

agony from toothache and she obsnatcly refuses to hove the tooth tllkcuout If that Is all said Peter wewill soon cure It Talc me to her atonce When they arrived the wonudeclared that she was not suffering litall there was nothing the mattwith her That is the way she talkyour majesty paid the valet SI >

Is suffering torturesHold her head and hands said tbe

czar I will have It out In a momentAnd be Instantly pulled out tile ladcated tooth with great dexterity awldprofuse thanks from the husbanWhat was Peters Indignation to Itllcover R little later that his valet lIud

used him as an executioner to punishhis wife who had never bad an un-

sound tooth In her Lead

Old TIme School WhippingSir Sydney Waterlow lord mayor of

London thus described to a IoudoExpress writer a good old fashlom tthrashing In school

My waster at St Saviours gratmar school Soutbwark at the foot otold London bridge was a counterpaof tho tyrant of Dotbeboys Hall

Finding that at the nice of ten yearI had not made much progress in tbeproper comprehension of the four cotcords In Latin be determined to glfeme a good birching He was a mostpracticed baud with the rod and WIlS

never satisfied with a birch less thatfour or five feet long wltb plenty of

small sharp cones on it Ho neviused the same one twice

The lint having gone forth I Wllft

stripped to ray bare back and wade tokneel The waster then Inflicted hirettrokoa an bard as his strong arm en-

abled him to give causing the bloatto spurt all over my back Many ofthe cones remained in ray flesh fordays

Varied Mommies ColasThe following are the various color

used for mourning in different coun-

tries together wltb tho reasons givestor the selection Black expresses prvotlon of light worn throughout EuTje and America yellow the sear amyellow leaf Egypt and Burma In Brit-

tany widows caps among the peasantare yellow purple and violet to ex-

press royalty mourning for the cardoafs and kings of France violet U tliemourning color for Turkey white eublew of white handed hope Chinadeep blue Bokhara mourning the sly

ilflcance of this selection is not knownpale brown the withered leaves Perus grayish brown earth Ethlopland Abyssinia

i Obeyed Orders SlrtcllrThe sentinels at Pompeii who dint at

their posts during tbe eruption becausthey had received no orders to leavthem ere held1 up as types of perfectobedience but then the punishmentIn tbe Horaan army were brutal andthey knew It Different was tbe cSaof an Individual who being ordered totake a hot bath by his doctor compile

Iwith tbe order and remained In It uu


UI the learned man paid his next visitThe doctor exclaimed when he heard

Why it Is enough to kill you by parboiling or chill r It was all you

fault said tbe bather sulkily You

only told we to get Into a hot bathYou ought to have told me when to get

out as well

The Monk of TibetA traveler In Tibet says that tbe

women of that country areIIpeasant and when washed buxom and

The monks are the blot octhe landscape They bear no resemjlsuce to the women of the countryOde would think they belonged to a

different type and yet they are theliOns and brothers of these women Thi

I reason probably Is the low degradedlife led by the ordinary monk a liftwithout Interest without work devoid

if any pursuit Intellectual or otherwise and passed In the droning 01

chants and the performance of ritualthe meaning of which they neitherknow nor care about

Tb Upper Amasou BasinThe whole upper Amazon basin is

subject to annual overflows whichsnake it impossible to build homes orhe rivers as we ate accustomed to ticm our American rivers There are onlya few points In all the great stretch of


river country that are above the floodling point and these ore commonly corni dosed of rock or clay quite unlit tor


City Visitors OversightUncle Josh after seeing urban guest

take the tranTbat feller may knowa heap about city cttyket but Le

rouldnt pass fer no Chestyfleld luaese parts Uncle LUb Wouldnt

hp7 Uncle JoshNo sir TVy bftayed weth me three days an neveronce proposed gn out au look at my

awgs Judge

Her Hard LuckI made BU awful faux pas lat

Ijbt said Mrs OldcastleDid you replied her boatess Ive

been wontln to make one for a lonitime but I rlnt been able to get aattern Wbosa did yon haveChl

cao Tribune

Wholesale RateSammy admiringly surveying bU

lately arrived twin sUtera Did youet them cheaper by taking the two


Enthusiast without capacity are tbtreally dangerous people Schopcnhlll1PI

Tess Yci be was an om nsi-lne Did you tell him 1 was engaged

to Jack Hansom JessOh ytsl TessI suppose he wondered bow soon Iould be married to hlmJelsNoh-ot bow soon but hoW longblladelphla Press

ModestShell a lovely girl and so simple In

her tastes I told Lee that 1 hadntinch of an lucome yet but that I hop

td I could provide for her every wantI And what ild she saysI She said that would be aUIl1ecoul4



Tile Iuuvil uf flesh flarrEleven illfffienl versions uf the

pound of flesh story exist In the eatliterature of Kurupe none of which Is

founded on a historical basis Rave fluerelated by the biographer of Pok tit

tins V The original tale runs as fullovSimon Ienada a Jew enters Into n rager with Settil a Christian sinking apound of his flesh against a large IIUIII

of money of the Christian The Jl1wlocos the wager and Sechl insists on hili

forfeit The case U referred lo the goernor of the city who In turn plates It

before the pope who condemn bulb tolifelong Imprisonment from which ilia

are finally released on the payment ofa heavy tine Au Italian moistFlorentlno In the sixteenth lIturywas the drat to cbange the rule ot ntJew und Christian and Jn this nltItdform the Bard of Avon found the stoiThe port himself could scarcely haknown any Jews personally slucetbwere expelled front England 300 ytnribefore his time and were not rlIdwitted until after his death Frostage presentation from descrlpttoiIn books or from popular reportwhich were always derogutory to theJewish character the poet derived hllknowledge of tbe Jew Meuorab

Tulip and Poppy DaBKeruns PlaneThe florist held a tulip In his hallSome people claim that a tulip has uo

swell be said As a mutter of tuelIt boa a dangerous smell Take a tulipof a deep crimson color antS Inhale Itwith profound inspiration and It 111

be apt to wake you light beaded Yc

will say and do queer tbtugsduursing tight swear aud so on For twohours you will cut up In this WrtlAfterward you will be depressed

Tile poppy Is another dangerflower A young woman of s uerroitemperament It she lingers among a-

bed of popples will grow drowsy tltame as If she bad smoked a pipe urtwo of opium In Asia Minor whetthe opium manufacturers cultlvalvast fields of poppies tourists Inipeclug the beautiful flowers often becoiualtogether Incapacitated They get 10sleepy they can hardly talk Fhyreel In their gait Iu some cases tlle1have to be put to bed Boston Advetiter

The Lubitern ClawIf you take the trouble wben you

save Up uiorey enough and purchase II

lobster to notice the claws you willobserve that each is peculiar and quitmaterially differs from the other OUtclaw Is a scissors the other a mill onIs a cutter the second a cracker

Practically a lobster has ten legs

but of these only eight are uvJ Inwalking Of these ten legs tbe Ironpair the claws are employed Iu seisinand crushing its prey Generally theright claw U the more slender audlonger and has sharp teeth on Itedges while the other has no teethbut blunt tubercles or hammers ILlleft claw U operated by stronger iuudes Sometimes however the scissorclaw Is the left one and the banruieior crusher slaw is the right Keunibee Journal

The Kdltori OeatlcBiaiiThe question always comes up Wba-

M a geutlemau Some say he U a mawith a silk hat and others u wan willa smooth tongue But wen connectswith the newspaper trade have u can-

on of their ownMr Editor uld a patron out

day how is It you never call on wtto pal for your paper

Oh said the wan of types winever ask a gentleman fur uloney

Indeed the patron replied thoulo yell manage to get along wben thejIsnt pay

Why said Mr Editor after 10

ertuln time we conclude be U hot a

leutleinan and we ask hiwLoudonStall

Old TurksA London Jeweler has rood a collec

Ibu of ancient forks used In Euglancvbcb show some little known factibout the table manners of a few cenurlcs ago The forks which ate of

lolld sliver date from the slxteentlcentury In many cases the designs It

ill this time hue scarcely varied Inmy detail and tile forks look like

hose which might be bought todayIbe old forks were a great luxury Itheir time and were only used by theirlstocracy

Poor W siaBMrs Gldday I thought you were en

truly satlsfled with your bat MrsJresscr So I was uutll my busbanc

got tbe bill Mrs GiddayOb whyUould bU growling worry 7ou MM

DresserBut tbat was the trouble Hilldnt growl at all showing tbat I

night easily have got a more expeuitvime Philadelphia Press

Good ComfortThe most solid comfort one can full

rack upon la the thought that the bustseta of ones life tbe work at Lowe

titer the holiday Is done Is to help lusome small nibbling way to reduce thetow of ignorance degradation anduUery on tbe fete of this btautlfuel1rtbOeorre Eliot

DlicrelloBMrs Younshusbund Why cant you

I Lay at Lowe this evening Georgetour employer can get along withoutyou George I know it but I dontwant him to find it out

KBOTT EverythingMayme Vhat o gossip Mrs Gadb

Is EdithYes indeed I never tell-

er anything without finding out thatIbe hue already told It herself Philselpbla Bulletin

It Is astonishing how much timesome people have to spare for theipervUlon of other peoples business

nnd how well theyIto rIn theirilnds Blngbamtop i ress

3OOO to Colornilo and IleiuriYI OlilonKo Union Paeltlo A Nhrs-

heatrn tine Chlongo to Denver Col

nradn SprlnRbiuid Poclilo dnlljironglioiit the siiniinea Correspond

l ijiRiy how rote from AU points east

01lt1 onH night to Denver from Citiesgn nnd Central States and onlf lira

gbls enroute from the AlLan SeaDoid Two fast trains dahy

NM Bretre 435 Vine Street-Olnolnnntl Qhlu


t rJ llr

A Story ef Napelcou-Xapoleou Invariably refused to r

move his hot when he received kluiand aoveretgu princes uudtr tbe rJnkof emperor lie uncovered hits henonly lu the presence of the eiuperoof lluu lur suit of Austria OUt dllYNapoleon received the king of Buvanand of Saxony at St Cloud As tbetwo klngx removed their tints the ell1

letor acknowledged their ajltilatlotby merely touching the brim of hIcocked bat with bU forefinger liethen drove with the two kings tivMamnltiou and gutting out of his varrlngcasually remarked I aiu going to ICtthe empress Would you tuliul walvlnfor uie The royul pate seemed tohave been forgotten for they nt III

sk it expectation for nearly uu tourFinally they noticed tome of the 101

perls footmen playing card lbeking of Bavaria then laughingly r-

emarked to the king of Saxony Wina pity we Latent got a pack of earthSince be treats us Iu this way wemight at least follow the servants ejample and pass the time playing plquetNew York Tribune

Bolivia RrEvery one who has rend the bi-

ttunes of the Incas writes au Engllslman has marveled at the tales of thenative runner who were a feature In

the civilisation of that period Sowof this race of men still remain WhlnIn Bolivia I have often had a telegratdelivered at the station forty wileaway and an answer received andbrought back by the same wan alllteluding tbe Journey of eighty wiles Jlutoccupying more than eighteen hourThe man was well content to rectotwo Bolivian dollars or 75 cents 111

American money for the service 1

saw a man who delivered a uiMsag200 nillf away aud brought an asswer back covering within sIx dayand nights 400 miles Ac he did tbllwork for a native his charge was IheBolivian dollars about l8i Atnercan out of which bt provided bU owfood

By Wire and AirAn accidental experiment In the ye

betty of aottfid is recounted by a cor-

respondent Ho went to bit telephoneand just aa be put the receiver to bbear be heard the click of another tellphone Another receiver bad been re-

moved and the line was openThen be heard through the telephon

the shriek of a locomotive whistle aDda few seconds later the sound camthrough the open window iu the usuaway Looking up be saw a locoinotlvihalf a wile away passing the bouse ot-

a friendThe mystery was solved The tele

phone that was open was that at thdistant house and the sound of thuwhistle had come through Its tranformation into an electric currentquicker than it bod traveled throngthe air

Soap That FloatA floating soap Is produced by the

mass of soap being beaten while Itis cooling Just as we blllt enl or bat-

ter This Incorporates air luto the soapand wakes It float A linn bulk offloating soap weighs much less thattbe same bulk of soup that does notfloat One hundred pounds of sonsbeaten will wake many wore cakes ot-

a given size of floating soap not beatenIt Is due to no Ingredient day soapwill float If beaten A soap Is no betterbecause It floats This Is no sign of ogood soap The only advantage Is Iibeing able to find the cake more easilyIt it be dropped Into the bath or watttub Iu soap factories the soap U

beaten by machinery

HvHtlBar BarsrlarsYou cant lure my wifeNotWell listen 1 was away tram home

rot three days list week One nightthe heard burglars the saitc burglarsthat she has beeu bearing ever Hlucc

WI were married Til wake themthink there a man In the house shelectded So the put au a pair of myshoes and tramped about ou the hardwood floors for an hour to scare themway My woe Is a diplomat Cleve ¬

land Leader

Brut Water PipeIt Is calculated that one rlgbUangle

bend In a pipe through which waterlows will make necessary 0 per centmore pressure for a given flow than

11Irequired for a straight pipe of likeind structure With three sharp bendslit right angle the pressure needed is13 per cent more titan that which la-

uild la a straight pipe

A CarefBl JudgeThis story Is related of an old time

JUde During a session of court thereraw no much talking and laughter goIDA on that the Judge becoming angrymd confused shouted In great wrath°Silence heart We have decided halfa dozen cases this morning and I havesot Lean a word of one of them

DangerousBlnks That long tunnel on the P

D and Q Is a very dangerous placeJluks Why there hasnt been an ac

Ideut there for yearsBtnksBut within the past week

rout young couplet have startedthrough It free as air and come outenraged

Arms and Their usesJessie What made you remain such

a long time In the conservatory withthat young lieutenant IlesUeOuronversatlou turned to war and bevas sbowtng me bow an officer should

USe his arms

MedicalA Rochelle physician was called to

ttend a boy who swallowed a coupleof pennies When he returned a friendIrked How is your patient Nobarge yet was the replyMountlorrU Index

HI AngelJlrnsley thinks bli wife Is an angelThatso Why I didnt know Jim

ley was marriedFe ii a widower

+a12GG riCt L

ii P CIPWFOFb JWE5 B 6pir ft F CYOti oC

Look beforea

ou PurchaseSny did yon know fro hail the


j You can appnrt monuj anywhere hut wlwi U COIIUH drtwn I

to now todate right priiwl giltwlgfl l rt tilt plenso thucustoiiior mid ptwisure to sell of inwrcliBtidise w lI have It j

3 isHOESi All inmlo to tit 0111111ORr well nohhyalrd drossy 4uu1ea

cheiip Ile others sell old shop worn stulT It is not ponHlhlo forany duller in the country to tiller httter goodnt the same1wit whei to buy your

Dress Goods and NotionsR The verdict in uiinninioiiH

Truly your friendsi B


12CRAWFORDOftJfontucty J

car rs hr ccrcc teIt r

25iS2J SiS75i3aS25jJ5i 5iS5 SiSiiSiSi1aftrthlerF Kj


Paid up Capital and Surplus 2050000

We solicit the ttiian <uis and accounts of

mlJUnlhcr Manufacturers 1

rn Timber DealersBusiness Menl-


I V FarmersEaUsrri ICwuttick and odor our 6Htojimra

mmlhronghollt the most




Within the limits of legitiinatu btminwf

u COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY5r575 2525ZS525 52525c5t 5P552rz5ucdi 5

nJONIyoung man or young woman who would win success in life

fhis being conceded it is of first importance to get yourVainingat the school that stands in the very front rank

riie Bryant Stratton Business College-N KCnr Secrtud stud Wnliint Sfe IOUlSNfIILK KV

BooJckeeping Shorthand TypewritingSeven experienced teachers ouch om a KjM cialisi in his line

Vrite for a beautiful hook trivinjr IftsliiuoniaU from frraduatos occueying prominent Msittons all over the United Stales It will be mail

etl to you FREESchool open all llio year Students can outer nt any time

E1 WKKH1T IVesidontr

I JI2 W Ni Rio secure the best results4 for your nonef advertise


n9IreeehllCoun4ithoH ==

f Wews s-

f JfUhobest medium 6y which toto roach all the mountain I

trado > f

Uwice the Circulation of J t

ciany paper in ffiroathift J









sO Ii7




DIGESTS WHAT Y0 e 4 jfaTk8100bea114cantdsa2i4amst4ltNuvjKIIus

rauuo vats gr Ms

C D WITT SgOq > lllYiC1II



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