breast cancer proposal

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  • 8/3/2019 Breast Cancer Proposal


    Breast Cancer Awareness Network

    Ms. L. M.Human Needs ProgramMarin Community Foundation17 E. Sir Francis Drake Blvd.; Suite 200Larkspur, CA 94939

    Dear Ms. M.:

    I am submitting this proposal as a follow-up to a meeting with M. B. earlier this year. The mission ofBreast Cancer Awareness Network is to explore, identify, and reveal the reasons for Marin Countysextraordinarily high incidence of breast cancer, to work toward its eradication, and to create a healthier

    environment for ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.

    I will act as contact person and can be reached at the following address:

    F. L.Breast Cancer Awareness Network25 B. Blvd.San Rafael, CA 94901

    Telephone and Fax: (415) 555-0000, (415) 555-0000



  • 8/3/2019 Breast Cancer Proposal



    M. G. was 31 when she discovered she had breast cancer and opted for a mastectomy. Eight years later thecancer returned. She formed a support group with four other women, and with their help survived to raise achild and become a charter member of the Breast Cancer Awareness Network. Her four friends have sincedied from metastatic breast cancer.

    When the catastrophe of breast cancer strikes, two very human questions are:

    Why did this happen to me? and

    How can I protect my daughter?

    This project seeks to help the women ofMarin answer these questions.

    Sadly, M.s story has become all toocommon. Breast cancer is the mostfrequently diagnosed cancer amongAmerican women. In 1965, 62,000cases were diagnosed. By 1995, thenumber had tripled to 182,000 althoughpopulation had increased by only 38%.Rates in the United States are as muchas six times higher than other developedcountries, and Marin County has thedubious honor of being the leader in thisnational crisis. In any given year, about200 women in Marin are diagnosed withbreast cancer, so that today, over 1,000women in the county are living with orhave survived the disease. Those who

    have survived are at high risk, and because of the genetic link to the disease, so are their daughters andother female relatives.

    We do know some of the reasons for high rates of breast cancer in Marin. These risk factors include age,child-bearing history and heredity. However, these account for only 30% of the elevated rate.Recently, pioneering researchers havedeveloped methods that promise to expandour knowledge of the unexplained 70%.Methods include

    in-depth surveys to identify not onlypersonal risk factors but alsoenvironmental factors (such as exposureto pesticides and workplace toxins)

    computer mapping to correlate breast

    cancer cases with data on pesticide use,industrial and military waste dumping,water pollution, high intensityelectromagnetic sources

    environmental investigation techniquesthat trace the circulation of toxinsthrough a local ecosystem













    1973 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91

    source: Northern CA Cancer Center






    0 50 100 150


    Contra Costa

    San Mateo


    San Francisco

    Canada, BC

    France, Doubs

    Poland, Warsaw

    Hong Kong

    J apan, Osaka

    Breast Cancer Cases per 100,000 Women

    sourc e: Northern CA Cancer Center and CDC

  • 8/3/2019 Breast Cancer Proposal


    With funding from state health departments and the federal government, these techniques were developedon the East Coast to investigate excessive cancer rates in Long Island, Cape Cod, and Newton (MA).However, they are not as well known or accepted in California.


    Therefore, BCAN proposes a one-year project that will keep the women of Marin up-to-date on cuttingedge breast cancer research and encourage local investigation of breast cancer causes.


    Provide 1000 adults with intensive information about breast cancer causes and state-of-the-art research

    into possible causes.

    Provide 800 high school students with intensive information about breast cancer causes and state-of-

    the-art research into possible causes.

    Provide 1200 families with ongoing follow-up information.

    Reach 80,000 people with general information on breast cancer causes and new research through massmedia.

    Generate funding for the following projects1. Studies of environmental causes of breast cancer2. Computer mapping of breast cancer cases and suspected environmental carcinogens3. Environmental investigation

    (Please note that funds from MCF will not be used to conduct research, but only to build local coalitionsand develop proposals for research.)


    Adult Forums: We will conduct quarterly educational forums at Marin General Hospital and CorteMadera Community Center. Forums will generally be in a lecture format. Projected topics and invitedspeakers include:

    L. P. (president of the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project) on results of current breast cancer

    research on Long Island S. S. (researcher for Silent Springs Institute) on results of the Newton and Cape Cod Studies

    P. R. (head of Environmental Epidemiology and Geographic Information Section, California HealthDepartment) on new research in California on breast cancer links to organochlorines andelectromagnetic radiation

    Dr. M. L. (founder and president of Commonweal and author ofAlternative Choices ) on alternative

    treatment options

    Dr. J. G. (author ofPreventing Breast Cancer) on ionizing radiation as a cause of breast cancer

    D. M. (breast cancer survivor and grassroots activist) on activism, spirituality and breast cancer

    We estimate attendance of 1000 people over the course of the year.

    Evaluation: We will track attendance via sign-in sheet and compare against target attendance. In a writtensurvey, audience members will comment on usefulness of content, suggest format changes, and recommendfuture speakers.

    High School Forums: We will conduct quarterly educational forums in Marin high schools. Some studentforums will be conducted by guest speakers for the adult forums. Others will be conducted by a corps of 5-10 community educators (members of BCAN who have attended the adult forums and who have a personalexperience of cancer). We estimate reaching 800 students over the course of the year. The forums willoperate cooperatively with an environmental education program in the schools currently sponsored by thePacific Environment and Resources Center. We are currently in discussion with H. C. of the Center to


  • 8/3/2019 Breast Cancer Proposal


    expand content and format to include links between the environment and health. Students will be taughthow to review environmental records through hands-on experience as part of BCAN research projects.

    Evaluation: We will track attendance by head count and compare against target attendance. Students willbe given a short test over content to evaluate effectiveness of forums.

    Quarterly Newsletter: With the volunteered time of R. C. (a professional journalist and BCANvolunteer), we will develop an 8-page quarterly newsletter to keep the community informed of recentdevelopments in breast cancer research and grassroots organizing. The mailing list will be based on a 1000name database including attendees at past adult forums. Sign-up forms will be made available at MarinGeneral Hospital in the Breast Health Center and at private clinics throughout Marin County. Circulation isestimated at 1200. We will also develop a tri-fold pamphlet. These will be handed out at forums and willbriefly describe BCANs mission and activities.

    Evaluation: We will compare targeted circulation and publication frequency to actual circulation andpublication frequency. Further, in each newsletter we will invite reader response to content and format andprovide a space for letters to the editor.

    Media Coverage: With the assistance of G. R. (public relations professional and BCAN volunteer), wewill develop and place 10-15 articles and letters-to-the-editor in the Marin Independent Journal. Topics

    will include responses to current research, announcements of new BCAN grants and projects, updates onstatistics, grassroots activities in the Bay Area, and personal stories of breast cancer survivors.

    Evaluation: We will track articles and letters placed and compare to targeted placements. We will alsotrack media references to BCAN.

    Promotion of Research: Board members will work with a contracted grant writer to develop proposalssupporting cutting edge research. As part of proposal development, we will fund travel by two boardmembers to New York and Boston to study the research methods of the Silent Springs Institute andthe Long Island Breast Cancer Research Project. Potential funders include:

    Breast Cancer Research CouncilsCommunity Research CollaborationProgram. In conjunction with the

    University of California system, theCouncil annually distributes about $16million gleaned from Californias tobaccotax. The funds are targeted for breastcancer research. We currently have a$75,000 pilot award under this program,and will be preparing an application for afull research award to cover a $500,000three-year study of factors in adolescence that put women at risk for breast cancer later in life. We willalso apply for a pilot project on environmental risk factors.

    California Endowment. The Endowment, a new foundation created by the privatization of Blue Crossof California, is committed to funding health-related initiatives. The Endowment recently announcednew guidelines for funding for projects that address persistent and/or emerging health challenges

    using a holistic, integrative, systems change approach.

    W. Alton Jones Foundation. The foundation funds research on the impact of toxins on the ecosystem.

    Evaluation: We will track grant proposals submitted and awards made. We intend to submit nineproposals and receive funding for at least three with an estimated total of $200,000 in new funding.


    Causes of Breast Cancer



    Known Risk


    Unknown Factors

    source: CA Dept. of Health Services

  • 8/3/2019 Breast Cancer Proposal



    Total cost for the one-year project will be $100,021. We ask that Marin Community Foundation cover theoperating expenses, a total of $27,221. The Marin Board of Supervisors has committed $5,000.In addition, Marin Supervisor H. B. is seeking additional funds to match the Foundations grantdollar-for-dollar. A letter of commitment/support from him is attached. The Breast CancerResearch Council has committed $13,000 for preparation of a research proposal on factors inadolescence that put women at risk for breast cancer later in life. Grants are pending at variousfoundations, as listed on the Funding Sources form in the attachments. In addition, we willcontinue donor solicitations and special events, estimated to raise $11,600, based on last yearsfigures.


    Breast Cancer Awareness Network was founded in 1995 and incorporated in 1996 by survivors of breastcancer. The Board of Directors includes eight members, seven of whom are cancer survivors and thereforehave a strong commitment to the organizations mission. Several members of the medical community act asconsultants to BCAN including Dr. F. H., radiation oncologist at Marin General Hospital; Dr. M. W. andDr. M. L., both of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department at UCSF; Dr. G. F., a physician at theMarin Community Clinic; Dr. W. M., director of the Division of Pediatric Hematology Oncology atUCSF; Dr. D. E., epidemiologist at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Over the past threeyears, we have striven to provide the most current but scientifically-supported information to the Marin

    community. As a result, we were recently awarded a $75,000 grant by the University of California systemfor a pilot study of factors in adolescence that later put women at risk for breast cancer.

    While research is important, most of our effort goes to community education. Since its inception, BCANhas sponsored monthly educational forums at Marin General Hospital, providing information on alternativehealth care, diet, and environmental issues relevant to breast cancer. Speakers have included M. M., M.D.;M. D., Ph.D.; D. O., M.D.; L. P., president of the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project; and S. S., Ph.D.and author ofLiving Downstream. BCAN sponsored the screening ofRachaels Daughters (a documentaryabout breast cancer produced by two academy award winning film makers) atthe 1997 Mill Valley FilmFestival. The screening was sold out and raised $10,000 for the organization. Early in 1999, we willsponsor a screening ofExposure, an award-winning documentary that discusses links betweenenvironmental toxins and disease. In 1997, five board members attended the World Conference on BreastCancer and later presented findings to the Marin community at an educational forum. The event was given

    front page coverage by the Marin Independent Journal. Earlier this year, board member R. M. wasinterviewed for an article on breast cancer published in thePacific Sun.


    We feel our project supports the goals of two of the Foundations grantmaking programs: Human Needs(Community Education) and Environment (Environmental Education). By using forums, a newsletter, andnewspaper articles to reach the women of Marin with information about breast cancer and current research,we seek to involve the community in the promotion of womens health. By teaming with the local schoolsand the Pacific Environment and Resources Center, we seek to educate young people on linkages betweenhealth and the environment. And finally, by promoting further research on the causes of Marin Countysbreast cancer rate, the highest in the world, we seek to create sound scientific knowledge that will informpublic policy and allow a thoughtful approach to this health crisis.

    Thank you for your attention to our application. Please contact me if you need further information.


    F. L.President
