brave enough to be kind anti-harassment & bullying program at roy junior high

Brave Enough To Be Kind Anti-Harassment & Bullying Program at Roy Junior High

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Page 1: Brave Enough To Be Kind Anti-Harassment & Bullying Program at Roy Junior High

Brave Enough

To Be KindAnti-

Harassment & Bullying Program

at Roy Junior High

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What do these words make you

think of?

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Harassment is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.

Bullying is a form of harassment.

3 Main Types of Harassment/Bullying• Physical• Verbal• Relationship

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Some of the ways people harass others are by: calling them names, saying or writing nasty things about them, leaving them out of activities, not talking to them, threatening them, making them feel uncomfortable or scared, taking or damaging their things, hitting or kicking them, or making them do things they don't want to do.

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Harassment is any unwanted behavior in speech, in writing, or in pictures directed at an individual or group. It does not matter if the person who is doing the harassment says he/she was only kidding or having fun. If his or her behavior hurts someone, it is wrong. Harassing or bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate, hostile, and repeated behavior which is intended to hurt others.

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Harassment looks and sounds like: teasing, language, jokes, insults, touching, grabbing, name calling, intentional shoving, pushing, or bumping, blocking someone’s way, unwanted compliments, swearing, intimidating, rumors, gossiping, negative note writing, picking on, laughing at, excluding someone, spitting, unwanted advances, and bullying.

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Have any of these

happened to you?

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Have YOU done any of these

things to someone else?

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Stats & Facts

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FACT: Bullying statistics show that those who bully and are bullied appear to be at greatest risk of experiencing the following: loneliness; trouble making friends; lack of success in school; and involvement in problem behaviors such as smoking and drinking.

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30% of 6th – 10th graders have

participated in harassing or bullying

another person.


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1 out of 4 kids experience

bullying DAILY.


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FACT: One out of every 10 students who drops out of school does so because of repeated bullying.

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FACT: Harassment and

Bullying have been linked to 75 % of school shooting


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FACT: Those who are bullied

are five times more likely to be depressed and far more likely to

be suicidal.

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FACT: Between 15 and 25 children every year commit suicide because they are being bullied. (There may be more we don't know about, and many more than this attempt it because bullying has made them so unhappy.)

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FACT: Over one-fourth of students in grades 7th- 9th report that they have been harassed or bullied on school property because of their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.

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Why are some people bullied?Some young people are bullied for no

particular reason, but sometimes it's because they are different in some way - perhaps it's the color of their skin, the way they talk, their size, or their name. Sometimes young people are bullied because they look like they won't stand up for themselves.

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Common misconceptions are:- The person being harassed asked for it. Nobody asks to be abused. Every person is accountable for his or her own behavior and cannot blame behavior on anyone else.- If it’s not physical, it’s okay. This is not true. One person can severely torment another with comments, looks, or in writing and it’s just as hurtful.- “They’re just being kids” or “Boys will be boys”. Most young people DO NOT harass others. Harassment of any kind should never be expected or accepted.- Those being harassed complain just to cause trouble. Most victims don’t complain. The vast majority of those being harassed or bullied just want those who are doing the behaviors to just stop.

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What can you do if you are being Harassed or Bullied?

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You have a right to feel safe and secure. Under federal and Utah state law, you have the right to attend school without being harassed. If harassment occurs, you have to take the right action to stop it. Weber School District and Roy Jr. High School have a “NO TOLERANCE” Policy.

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When possible, ignore them (including mobile phone or email bullying). Ignoring the bully may be helpful. Bullies are looking for a reaction from you and often lose interest if they aren't given the satisfaction of getting one.

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PHYSICALLY MOVE. Walk away when the bully approaches you. Try and imagine it's a friend you're walking away from - this can be a way of making sure your body language (which you're usually unaware of) doesn't give away a sense of fear. Head up, shoulders back, make eye contact and move.

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They are human – Don't give them superpowers.

All bullies are human - they all get up in the morning, eat breakfast, brush their teeth and do other normal things. They have fights with their parents, feel insecure, feel scared, feel worried, and aren't perfect. They may present themselves to the world as having no worries and can act really confident - but don't be fooled. They aren't superhuman - they may be just better at hiding what's really going on inside. In fact - often bullies act the way they do to make themselves feel better. They put other people down to make themselves feel more powerful.

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Stay in a group. Kids who bully like to pick on kids who are by themselves a lot– it's easier and they're more likely to get away with their bad behavior. If you spend more time with other kids, you may not be an easy "target" and you'll have others around to help you if you get into a difficult situation!

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Always tell an adult. It's hard to talk about serious things with adults sometimes, but they can help put a stop to bullying. Tell an adult that you trust and can talk to - your parents, your teacher, your school counselor, your coach, your neighbor. If you've told a grown-up before and they haven't done anything about it, tell someone else.

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Follow the steps on the card –

What Can I Do?1. Tell the person harassing that you do not like

it. Name it and take charge by saying, “You are harassing me and I want you to stop.”

2. If the person harasses you again, tell an adult

like an administrator, counselor, teacher, or parent immediately.

3. If I observe someone harassing another, I will tell an adult immediately. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO FEEL SAFE AND NOT BE HARASSED OR BULLIED.

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What Happens to a Person that is Harassing or Bullying

Another at RJHS?1. The person is told to stop immediately. Harassment

/Bullying is explained to them with the consequences for continuing to harass or bully. The person harassing/bullying will work with the counselor to develop appropriate interpersonal and personal skills.

2. If the person harasses/bullies again, parents will be notified. Suspension or other consequences will be applied.

3. If the person harasses/bullies again, parents will be notified, and the student is suspended. He/She could be referred to the District.

4. If the person harasses/bullies again, the student will be referred to the District on a Safe School Charge.

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What can you do if you see someone else being Harassed or Bullied?

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If you see someone else being bullied you should always try to stop it. If you do nothing, you're saying that harassment or bullying is okay with you. You’re a “Bystander” if you watch the bullying, but don’t take part in it. In fact, you are exactly the audience that the bully wants.

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Bystanders are present 85% of the time when there is harassment or bullying happening…

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When peers step in; the bullying stops within ten seconds 57% of the time!

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Always report the incident to an adult immediately, if you have witnessed a harassing or bullying situation.

Reporting harassment or bullying is not tattling. Tattling is when you want to get someone into trouble. When you report bullying, you are helping someone else. It is important to know the difference.

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Are you Harassing or a Bully?

Have you ever harassed or bullied someone else? Think about why you did it and how you were feeling at the time. If you sometimes harass or are a bully, try to find other ways to make yourself feel good. Most bullies aren't liked, even if it starts out that way.

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Remember, it's best to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

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Questions to ask yourself:- Would I like to have my behavior reported on the front page of the newspaper?- Would I like to have a member of my family treated this way?- Would I like to be treated this way?- Would my parents or guardians be proud of my behavior?- Would I act this way if another person were present?

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Look around our school. Make friends with other kids who are alone. Be a friend to all. When you disagree with someone, work it out or get someone to help mediate if it is a major conflict. You can also agree to disagree and still be friends!

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Join us in creating pride in our school. 60% of most students are NOT victims. Sixty percent, you are the students who hold the greatest power to stop harassment or bullying.

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Look around our school. Make friends with other kids who are alone. Be a friend to all. When you disagree with someone work it out or get someone to help mediate if it is a major conflict. You can also agree to disagree and still be friends!

Are YOU Brave

Enough To

Be Kind?