branding, it's more than your logo

Bbranding It’s more than your logo. Monday, February 13, 12

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Overview of branding geared towards entrepreneurs/start-ups who've not yet gotten far in the process of building brands for their companies or products.


Page 1: Branding, It's more than your logo

Bbranding It’s more than your logo.

Monday, February 13, 12

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cliff notes for the history of visual branding (even though branding is more than visuals)

Monday, February 13, 12

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Ingrid NewkirkPresident of PETA

That is SO not cool.

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early advertising playing on the novel-ish idea of a brand name

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Monday, February 13, 12

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» A brand is not a logo.

» A brand is not your company name and tagline, or your product.

» A brand is not the look of your business cards, stationery and the corporate identity manual to which they adhere.

» A brand is not a product.

» A brand is not what your company says about itself (though that should be “on brand”).

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» A brand is all of these things — which are important — plus one crucial element: how the market perceives your company and products.

» Some people say that a brand is a “promise”. That’s true too — it’s putting your name on something.

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Handy Equation:

all of your stuff + people’s perceptions + consistency over time = your brand

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i stole the idea for this next

thing from my friend fred.


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{visual respite}

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» Start by thinking about: what are the 3 words I want to pop into people’s heads when they see our logo, or hear our name?

simplified version of how to get from no brand to a dandy brand

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

Simon Sinek

Monday, February 13, 12

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more steps for going from no brand to a splendiferous brand» Understand your company and product inside-out

» Make sure everyone on the team, who represents the brand in the world in any way, understands the company and product inside-out

» Understand your story, and make sure everyone’s telling it the same way (in-person, when they pick up the phone, on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, other social media, on your blog, in pitches, everywhere)

» Make sure you and the team are psyched — this is important Tony Hseih

CEO of Zappos

I would so agree with that…

Monday, February 13, 12

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more steps for going from no brand to a fantabulous brand» Work with a designer/firm to create differentiating,

compelling, appropriate visual branding — then use it consistently and without fail.

» Work with a designer/dev/UX expert to make your website amazing. There really is ROI to this.

Monday, February 13, 12

Page 21: Branding, It's more than your logo

start with a great company/product name as your foundation

marty neumeier’s 7 criteria for a good name:

1. Distinctiveness

2. Brevity

3. Appropriateness

4. Easy spelling and pronunciation

5. Likeability

6. Extendibilty

7. Protectability


My books are really good quick reads about this stuff.

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then, using what you know about the “why”, start getting visual

annie’s 7 criteria for a good logo:1. Distinctive

2. Appropriate (to you and to the right paradigms)

3. Usable (technically and, of course, legally)

4. Appealing

5. Extensible

6. Not overly literal (unless that’s appropriate)

7. Timeless (not trendy)

★ Cleverness is totally optional

Monday, February 13, 12

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ready, set…


Monday, February 13, 12

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more information for your perusal

Book-type things:

Fabulous, quick-read primer on branding:The Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier

Good overview of why web design decisions can make or cost your money:Web Design for ROI by Lance Loveday and Sandra Niehaus

Why how you do it is as important as what you do for brand success:The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuck

Case studies of how branding plays out in design:Branding From Brief to Finished Solution by Mono

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find me & this presentation

Annie Smidt

email: [email protected]

twit: @anniesmidt


Monday, February 13, 12