brain fingering

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  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Brain Fingerprinting

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering



    2.Working Principle .

    3.Equipment and Technology.

    4.Benefits of Brain Fingerprinting.



  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering



    Brain fingerprinting was invented by Dr. B. S. Farwell,

    The chief scientist and president of Human Brain

    Research Laboratory, USA. He had tested Brain Fingerprinting technology in over

    170 cases. More than 80 of these were in real-lifesituations, and the rest were laboratory studies. Brain

    Fingerprinting testing has not made a single error in allof these cases.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering



    "Brain fingerprinting" is a computer-based test that isdesigned to discover, document, and provide evidenceof guilty knowledge regarding crimes , and identify

    members of dormant terrorist cells. Brain fingerprinting is a technique that measures

    recognition of familiar stimuli by measuring electricalbrain wave responses to words, phrases, or picturesthat are presented on a computer screen .

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    The entire Brain Fingerprinting system is undercomputer control, including presentation of thestimuli, recording of electrical brain activity, a

    mathematical data analysis algorithm thatcompares the responses to the three types

    of stimuli and produces a determination of"information present" or "information absent,"

    and a statistical confidence level for thisdetermination.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    How the technology works.

    When someone commits a crime, his brain records

    it has a memory .

    Brain Fingerprinting seeks to reveal that memory,by showing the suspect evidence taken from the crimescene.

    A head band with sensors is placed on the subject.

    A series of pictures or words is flashed on the screen.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    The computer records the brain waves produced inresponse to what the subject sees.

    The brain responses called a P300 MERMER

    are recorded as a wave form. By analyzing MERMER (Memory and Encoding

    Related Multifaceted ElectroencephalographicResponse) the pattern of waves, Farwell can determineif the subject is recognizing what he is seeing.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    The brain fingerprinting system comprises

    A personal computer (Pentium iv,1 GHz, IBM PC).

    A data acquisition board .

    Two monitors. A EEG amplifier.

    Software for data acquisition.

    Some electrodes.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Computer Controlled.

    The electrodes are used to measure electrical

    brain activity.

    The software presents the stimuli, collects theEEG data, and analyzes the data.

    Brain electrical activity amplified and stored

    on a memory device.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Computer Controlled (Contd.)

    During the data collection ,the stimuli are

    displayed to the subject on one monitor,

    and the investigator views another monitor. Investigator gets the summary of the textual

    information and the wave form as follows..

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Reduce costs and complexities. Provide astraightforward, scientific method of distinguishingbetween perpetrators and innocent suspects.

    Access criminal evidence in the brain. Evidence of acrime is virtually always stored in the brain of theperpetrator; fingerprints and DNA, though accurateand highly useful, can only be collected inapproximately 1% of all criminal cases.

    Support the right to a speedy and fair trial.

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Counter terrorism

    Criminal justicemedical

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering


    Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new

    technology for solving crimes, with a record of100% accuracy.

    The technology fulfills an urgent need forgovernments, law enforcement agencies,

    corporations, and individuals in a trillion-dollarworldwide market. The technology is fullydeveloped and available for application in the field

  • 8/2/2019 Brain Fingering
