bracknell forest governor development handbook 2016...bracknell forest education centre...

Bracknell Forest Governor Development Handbook

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Page 1: Bracknell Forest governor development handbook 2016...Bracknell Forest Education Centre School Governors

Children, Young People and Learning

Governor Services Team

01344 354069 / 01344 654036

Produced by The Governor Services Team

May 2016

Bracknell Forest Governor

Development Handbook

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Page 2: Bracknell Forest governor development handbook 2016...Bracknell Forest Education Centre School Governors

Governor Services Team

Time Square, Market Street, RG12 1JD

Governors’ Helpdesk

01344 354069

[email protected]

Fiona Edwards Rachel Clayton

Governor Services Co-ordinator Governor Services Assistant

01344 354036 01344 354069

[email protected] [email protected]

Sue Shields Hannah Stevenson

(for course bookings) Democratic Services

(Term time only) (LA governor nominations)

01189 977 0788 01344 352308

Bracknell Forest Education Centre [email protected]

[email protected]

School Governorsare people like you

Bracknell Forest Governor

For information contact:01344 35406or visit our

If you enjoy being

a governor, tell

someone about it!

Although Bracknell Forest has a vacancy rate

lower than the national average, there are

always vacancies occurring due to terms of

office coming to an end or people moving out

of the area.

We know that one of the best ways to recruit is

by word of mouth and recommendation. If you

know of someone who may be interested in

becoming a governor, talk to them about it.

Further information including a recruitment

booklet is available from Governor Services and

we would be happy to talk to anyone who may

be interested about what is involved and how

much of a commitment being a school

governor is.

01344 [email protected]

Bracknell Forest Council - Working for Equality

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Page 3: Bracknell Forest governor development handbook 2016...Bracknell Forest Education Centre School Governors


Supporting our Governors and Clerks 4

Induction Training 4

Development Framework 5

Other Training and Development Opportunities 6

Governor Conference 6

National Governors’ Association (NGA) 7

Governor E Learning (GEL) 7

Governor Representative Groups Information 8

Sources of Information 8

Who’s Who on the Governing Body 9

Booking Arrangements and Venues for Training 10

If you enjoy being a governor, tell someone about it! 11


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Bracknell Forest Council is committed to supporting all schools’ governors and clerks to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills and support necessary to carry out their roles and responsibilities.

This handbook has been designed to be used in conjunction with:

The Governor Training and Development Programme is sent to all governors, associate members and clerks each term. This gives details of all training sessions for the coming term with an indication of the target audience, content and aims of each session.

The blend of training courses, workshops and briefings is produced following full consultation with our governing bodies via development governors, clerks and officers of the local authority. The aim is to provide a programme which will assist all governors to gain the skills necessary to effectively support their schools. Governor Services also informs governors of national training opportunities as appropriate.

‘Welcome to Governance’ guide - produced by the National Governors’ Association (NGA). This guide is specifically written for newly appointed governors and contains a wealth of useful information. Clerks will benefit from referring to this guide.

Induction Training

Every year in Bracknell Forest, we welcome approximately 80 new individuals into school governance. This is a significant proportion of the number of governor places in the Borough which amounts to approximately 500. All new governors are sent information packs and are invited to attend induction training. The training on offer is either held over two evening sessions or for a full day.

Aim: - To introduce the role and work of school governing bodies. - To make governors aware of their role and responsibilities. - To increase new governors’ confidence to enable them to contribute fully and effectively to their governing body.

Content: - Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction; - Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and

- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

All governors should attend this course, ideally within six months of appointment or election. Clerks will find the course useful and are also encouraged to attend. It is an excellent opportunity to network with other new governors in a relaxed atmosphere.

We know from experience and feedback that governors who attend the induction training gain a better understanding of their role and can therefore benefit their governing body by being more effective at an earlier stage in their term of office. Please refer to your individual Governor Training and Development Programme for dates of future induction sessions or contact the Governor Services team.


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Other Training and Development Opportunities

Onsite Training for Governing Bodies

Governing Bodies may request onsite training sessions. Onsite training is not covered by the Governor Services Service Level Agreement and therefore there will be a charge for this training.

Onsite sessions which may be requested include:

Governors Role in School Improvement Knowing your school through data Preparing for Ofsted Making a difference to the quality of teaching Roles and Responsibilities / Effective Governance Monitoring and Evaluation Effective School Visits

Requests should be sent to Governor Services ([email protected]) and should include: the session required, preferred dates/timings and contact for making arrangements.

On receipt of a request, Governor Services will consider who can provide the training and the cost and willreport back accordingly.

Governing Bodies may wish to consider inviting governors from other Governing Bodies to join the session unless it is specifically relating to one school. It is important that as many governors as possible attend onsite training and Governing Bodies may wish to invite school staff to also join in the session.

Bracknell Forest Governor Conference

In January or February each year, Bracknell Forest hosts a Governor Development Conference in the beautiful surroundings of Easthampstead Park Conference Centre. The event is attended by approximately 100 governors representing schools in the Borough.

A high quality keynote speaker starts the day with workshops during the afternoon. Governor evaluation from the day makes it clear that governors value the conference as an opportunity to focus on their ‘governor’ role and to network and share best practice with fellow governors.

All governors, associate members and clerks receive a personal invitation during the autumn term.

Attendance is free to subscribers to the Bracknell Forest Governor service level agreement (SLA).

Bracknell Forest Governor Conference 2016


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The NGA is the national membership organisation for school governors and it aims to support and promote good governance in our schools.

Membership of the NGA now forms part of the Governor Services Service Level Agreement.

Governors, clerks and associate members benefit by receiving:

the NGA weekly newsletter with updates on education matters and NGA news.

Access to the members’ area of the NGA website – a wealth of guidance, information,useful resources and newsletters.

Access to the NGA magazine Governing Matters - membership is the only way tosubscribe to this magazine.

You can visit the site at Access to the members’ area of the website is via a password which you will receive once your clerk has notified the NGA of your appointment.

Governors, clerks and associate members are encouraged to take advantage of this online resource available as part of the Governor Services Service Level Agreement (SLA). New website launched April 2016.

Governor E Learning (GEL) provides effective and accessible training online and information enabling governors to access a broad range of modules at their own pace and convenience.

This online facility is complementary to, and not a replacement for, the training programme provided by Bracknell Forest Governor Services.

Governors may wish to access modules in preparation for attending a specific course, e.g. Safeguarding, in order to consider questions which they may wish to raise. Equally to visit the site following training may help to reinforce the information learned.

GEL offers training modules for new governors, and covering topics under the headings of Policy and School Practice, HR and Safer Cultures, Finance and Leadership and Performance Management. There are also modules for Clerks together with regular ‘Hot Topics’ exploring some of the liveliest and most contentious questions which governing bodies face in their work. All Hot Topics are written by school governors, for school governors.

The site also contains a range of documents to support learning and provide useful information.

You can register on the site by visiting - or call GEL on 01223 652040.

Governor E Learning (GEL)

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Governor Representative Groups

Governors who are interested in contributing and sharing their knowledge and experience can do so through serving on a variety of Bracknell Forest Council groups, taking a more active role locally, or by expressing an interest in becoming a parent governor representative.

The constitution of each group will set out the membership and the exact role that governors can play. When vacancies arise nominations are sought from the relevant category of governor.

The groups on which governors are currently represented are:

Schools Forum The Schools Forum agrees changes to school funding proposed by the Local Authority and is consulted on general school funding and school contract issues.

Children, Young People and Learning Overview and Scrutiny Panel This panel has responsibility for reviewing the Council's handling of education matters. There are places for two parent governor representatives on this panel, one representing primary schools and the other representing secondary schools, who would represent the views of all parents in the area of the Local Authority. There are also two places for parent governor representatives on the Overview & Scrutiny Commission, the Panel's parent body, as its remit also includes education matters.

The Independent Admissions Appeal Panel The Independent Admissions Appeal Panel determines appeals lodged by parents where their child is not offered a place at their preferred school. School Exclusion Appeal Panels determine appeals lodged by parents against the permanent exclusion of their child from school. Both Panels include an education representative but you do not have to be a governor to apply.

Sources of Information

BF School Management Website


DfE Governance Handbook

National College for Teaching & Leadership

National Governors’ Association (NGA)

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education)


School Governors’ One Stop Shop (SGOSS) (Recruitment service)

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Who’s Who on the Governing Body There are many opportunities within every governing body for individual governors to make use of their skills and experience and to develop particular areas of expertise through training and committee work.

Chair and Vice-Chair

Being a chair of governors is a key role in the leadership and management of schools. An effective chair of governors:

works with the headteacher to promote and maintain high standards ofeducational achievement

ensures that the governing body sets a clear vision, ethos and strategicdirection for the school

with the governing body holds the headteacher to account for the educational performance ofthe school and its pupils, and for the performance management of staff

ensures oversight of the financial performance of the school and effective use of the schoolsresources

Each term chairs are invited to the chair’s briefing to meet with the Director of Children, Young People and Learning and the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning to hear presentations by senior officers of the LA on current issues.

Committee Chair

Each committee of the governing body must elect its own Chair, whose responsibility it is to work with the committee clerk to compile and circulate agendas for meetings and ensure members have sufficient information to discuss issues and reach decisions. The Chair leads the discussions and ensures that the decisions of the committee are conveyed back to the full governing body.

Development Governor

The Development Governor acts as a link between the Local Authority and other training providers and the governing body. The role offers plenty of scope and could include helping the governing body identify its training needs; encouraging individual governors to attend training courses; helping new governors settle in and make them aware of training and development opportunities. Development Governors are invited to attend an annual Forum which is hosted by a different school each time, allowing governors to visit other schools on a regular basis.

Specific Roles

Child Protection (Safeguarding) Governor - The whole Governing Body should receive assurance that their school has effective child protection policies in place and that, as a statutory policy, it is reviewed regularly. Schools should have a nominated lead governor who is trained to a higher level and can advise the wider governor body on CP matters should the need arise. The designated governor will champion child protection issues, liaise with the head teacher and provide information and reports to the governing body.

SEN Governor - Governing Bodies have specific legal responsibilities for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). The governing body must do its best to ensure that the school makes the necessary provision for every pupil with SEN. This governor would have particular responsibility for maintaining an overview of SEN policy and practice within the school through regular meetings with the school’s SEN Co-ordinator.

Clerk to the Governing Body - Governing bodies should recognise the importance of employing an effective clerk with appropriate skills, in order for them to act in accordance with legal requirements and to provide administrative support to the Governing Body. It is a fact that a good clerk will greatly add to the effectiveness of the governing body.

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For details of available courses please refer to your personal copy of the Governor and Clerk Development Programme which is provided each term. This can also be viewed on the School

Management Website -

To book onto training

By post: Sue Shields Bracknell Forest Education Centre

Easthampstead Park, Wokingham, RG40 3DF

Telephone: 0118 977 0788 Email: [email protected]


There are no additional charges for published courses for schools signed up to the Governor Services, Service Level Agreement (SLA). Charges will apply for schools who have not signed up for the SLA and are subject to annual review.

A charge will be made for provision of onsite governing body training or consultancy. Price on application. There is no charge for attendance at the Clerks’ Briefing, Chair’s Briefing and Development Governor Forum.

Venues Bracknell Forest Education Centre Easthampstead Park Conference Centre, Off Peacock Lane, Wokingham.

Most courses are held on the second floor which is accessible only by stairs, (please see ‘Accessibility’ below). The website provides directions and the postcode to use for SatNav purposes. Convenient free on-site parking.

Bracknell Open Learning Centre (OLC) Rectory Lane, Easthampstead, Bracknell, RG12 7GR

(next to Brakenhale School)

The OLC is Bracknell Forest Council’s main centre for Adult, Community and Family Learning. The Centre has full disabled access and is within walking distance of Bracknell railway station and the town centre. Convenient free on-site parking. Please follow this link for a map -


If you have any special requirements, including difficulty with stairs or sight impairment, please ensure you complete the relevant section on the application form or email or speak with a member of the Governor Services team.


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Governor Services Team

Time Square, Market Street, RG12 1JD

Governors’ Helpdesk

01344 354069

[email protected]

Fiona Edwards Rachel Clayton

Governor Services Co-ordinator Governor Services Assistant

01344 354036 01344 354069

[email protected] [email protected]

Sue Shields Hannah Stevenson

(for course bookings) Democratic Services

(Term time only) (LA governor nominations)

01189 977 0788 01344 352308

Bracknell Forest Education Centre [email protected]

[email protected]

School Governorsare people like you

Bracknell Forest Governor

For information contact:01344 35406or visit our

If you enjoy being

a governor, tell

someone about it!

Although Bracknell Forest has a vacancy rate

lower than the national average, there are

always vacancies occurring due to terms of

office coming to an end or people moving out

of the area.

We know that one of the best ways to recruit is

by word of mouth and recommendation. If you

know of someone who may be interested in

becoming a governor, talk to them about it.

Further information including a recruitment

booklet is available from Governor Services and

we would be happy to talk to anyone who may

be interested about what is involved and how

much of a commitment being a school

governor is.

01344 [email protected]

Bracknell Forest Council - Working for Equality

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Page 12: Bracknell Forest governor development handbook 2016...Bracknell Forest Education Centre School Governors

Children, Young People and Learning

Governor Services Team

01344 354069 / 01344 654036

Produced by The Governor Services Team

May 2016

Bracknell Forest Governor

Development Handbook

Train&Dev Handbook 2016 Dark Blue_Layout 1 24/05/2016 10:32 Page 1