bozeman avant courier (bozeman, mont.) 1872-07-30 [p ] · the new drug store of" w f,,,;...

AVANT O We have constitt 11 d U 4d ear agents in their respective localities, sad they are authorised to receive ubscr 1 pt14i, ; 10A seets, ete., and the same: Jobn'H. Mfing D. W Tilton... ....................... a UCty Nall tedell................... Roiert W. Keller..& -. T. H. Pauley .. a...... .Advertisemnat 1 sanl fo publicaotion, unleeu4ae ' I they are to be pub1 *4 . bid, and oharged fil We wish ear hereSafter Job Prlnts ds m must be paid for; h made is this rule. Virginia Cty., Rev. Bishop 1E. M. tairvid yi.l; Ui t! the following places: Gallatin City, •ll!•l!,t•.+J 2•,++.•+•,, 'j Weaver's School 0 a siUlqb,+ilQ J , t , July 211th, at 5. T Stit} Bozeman, Sunda July 0th, morAinr asi1t e'v d .g'g. Further appote .fter. " Blisop Tutle's Fort Shaw, 11 Trinity, July 28ltl. Deer Lodge, 11 A x. and 8 P. a,,)pI! e s after Trinity, August 4th. Willow Crreek (lJtter ipot 3,z, -, n day, XI alter Trinity A ~,}. Btevensvllle 8 Pr. Ait Missoula, 11 A. a and 8 P. x., Sd I ater Trinity, August 18th. Bannock, ll. Xi after T'rinity, Au Poi ndexter ,Self 26th. -ESTEtr N ST1 R F.r',,+• f,++ . li': .+ VV meets every Monday nis i JA8 o.'clock p. In., in Masonic Hall. ShStste comnimtmichliones oL ali atti oagex Nd .A F & AM held at their 1l qi tefirs 8atr, stay evening on or bef 're tth-"fUli mooliin eech Month. Visiting brethren are cordially invited o attend. H. P. MENEF•b, SecretarTy. Local NTews. THOMAS BA( . •? H te ... s BOZEMAN. MONTAN :s TUESDAY. : : : i : JULY 30. 172. Arrivals at ke3~Mltal lli " .1ii Maj. M. M(agiunis, Helena, Hon. Marry Comely, Helena; Judge Wmn. Claney, Ra- dersburg; H. C. White-j• C. Wor , St. Joseph. E Jo , M•o; G. B. Bryan a•a; Hen; fi , $runnot, Pittsburgt, Pa.;. Thos. 1., Washingto:n. D.A•;l Cl. J. A. Vi Jno. F. Yancy, Yellowstone, Yellowstone; II. W. 1k A. It. Reed, lieletj h . W e R. R.; J. A. Haydtfl,•4o do.; F'rank Lemnor, .\Wtl. J. Buchanan,, db; Browi:. do.; J. Mutien, do.; t sh do.; J. L. Cresisonlo4- J. Daghcrt IsnaLc Baillinger, do.*ad@ ar, Ingrahamul, do.;, fair Burke. (do; Dr. ctj. e tTI IlHlt. Sun River; IL ' r A. Broadw':ater. lie Riv.r; ''. . laina Suln River; Clapt. w4 To + o Licut. Irgetis, Fort il A; r ;tally Demosrats d : ..t r Let every Drnloi anid Brown attend Up rite eveninlg. Ve tai el~it il iritikll >Ts~ no that the hvork.1 'fori ;.'iii : be~'l rte ( s$ teinutnicahly, and Isgitimls will -have no d186 culty in carryinglG t' rot1osi~t3b3 three to four hundred mnHleyf a+ Cosl Oil, Lar4.*Ul qM i.*4 .4l ,' UWa pentino, what; eil 1' i .. ;St Vttcp , 5 the new Drug Store of" W F,,,; ri4iBQ~i . J. W. Flcniiikejna i{ . ant Eatt.n 1 and Paymaster p , rif EM. Wt` a e1 city. ELLIS, DAVI *t UJ.3U.5ERP lD3S fully mollcitaall MNt fO t Ste Latest Sty les BLwuOP MAIN alwiA Wiresei ars. eer School house .te evening at 6 o'@loek._ _ "WAIT *RTJI4 sw4~* ' The author of the S ' t' respctfully lnfolta I t i tillg onle of tlse. t $ Livery EmporiJ ft u Tsa GaZrmETTl-4pl y U,t Wicjisjo} Bal., has been iitervtefiS the tpeo ieeof G Latin Valley inv., tboeta ftIi 41i* Beseaa. Gazette dluring th tsaL.weekt, L E1:j' "T n :i.LTIii . , .) : J "" DR. MUSSIG81 GB; tl 9b d ti},{pi Rtantsof iioz n Ia tIhlw 1.sob- ruinled a quetutityJZ 3 RIUq.VAAjM$W.,i" desiring vaccin noW1.stn as gi "fl,1 4 J Metropolitan i1itel NW.'W p 5 oirIa ikuag a'e Maie Street. } APPoINTTI;Uiijil, o. wi- icon, is analountt9t(iu k Whj~a~ psi' of thla County dnrtarthgiemift ebing' k .yer- boly go to bhl J u4. -io , L-e& of i ments. - Ladles', -- + tm .S *f t he Newest St , i Tai dispatches .iduagtqi rave diggers a# ' !It{. wecery, England." In ordaraiii tqM 4 eia combinat !'W" e' r ' ' o at the people "resolve" n contentents resume vms. That will fet*ilxej PzE8O'NAL.-lo4?1d . " V 'Mll. atad I hoos1%. 3 zeroan last ' gency on the to4lHqlp0 1 1e1 't" kIS e rted that theygl *fE'A WSY b"9ej; the removal of th&ll4 ~ Lllluum dpi4* i e other poinWd ut s p - i t 5 8. L. 8Q t: l ; ire to call the attend j hr large and 4'0W1''i aCi hel;consistinU-pp"~~l~~r. M t9Iii XGAR and .s`.1i A HOOL BOOKQE'' f WALL Pr'a, WI .sad h 1 g l, Wuhou rr jomyrm. whatever requred 10r lise UAW *4 togsses uay bounded admiwtesses orn e othe ar. mcent sf ery to;also llet's +e f. prng, and pre tat hm to l..e repots informv the ladies ofp theBoe-, presses unhounded adlninton of the mag- aaiaoent scenery of.tb s ui945IogWc l e repared to near tlosing ioet msl i the ne2ry gyons sh other day, thltebreakin , of tii.4rth's crust'' f l t t f hed Musli, whiand precipitatlugrhim into the m obskt Oil t sloths Rag and esm.p Carpe, leave to infolderm the ladoes ot Boae- ma and esir e d have all te facilities to ive p-repared to offer the latest r sUtr & CO. den Dress Qoods, WJilto Oqos of ld lFp- jinieirY 'tsd iee' mand Chlldren's Shoes, af ls, Scarf , Sash Rb en l ea Tringwlg i , ub'roIries a1 d bleachied Mluslins, white and colored Table ) naeki Oil Cloths, Rag and Hlemp Carpets, we inbitei eyer ur stock, feeling confldent that we " do not lack the desire," and have all the facilities to give STRASBUROER & CO. Mother may I talbe.Aslt ; 1 L l 1 Oh, yes, my darling daughter, Biut be aure and go to Goe.'s, And don't drink any water. JRSONAI..-" MsJor ana sTis. (fin t. uruce rrived in Dozeman from the East last Thnrs- digy. `'qjor Brue started the second news- paper in this Territory, at Virginia City, in 1865, which he xwut si ZC ssfmiienil the tail H 'of when he sold ji•t•i, . t, Since then, he has spent most f" the y)t~F in the practice of law in Washington C'it.- We are gratified to learn that the Major with jI wife will permanently locate in eian. The presence of Mrs. Brucz il add much to eoir iid 6 l5 , id bn a not have received a more wide-awake, h-going business man than Major d the lea ng Patent Mdieines, at the new rag re of W. V. Morris, Bozeman. sw BANK UJLDING.-W• havejust design for the new building to be _ of e, ^ cp surp tn f- Iput :up inI this '`. and workmans't- substantial, el anter, i w.ill . be;•+ q W le dition toN ,t atshitttrV I~tddwa nrv on is to-be prbpeeded with iinmedi- cesY. c4ae and lpar• l .g. t `ter ' tfavoritPu$atop. Cao"aiar.w 's Liqnors and Cig:ars. SeAkwridd -ov. 's Clif'rnihthflibreigaWW&et. Ia aAn.sp. .U meta•'rE-An* . lthe v'e- `i t i 1i ly brongl t to the Territory by colCTO,'M . %lack, weojke s riihi~i < ti " rc, ,lid o 1 . 0,. . Jtnr t n t•4tping the summer. It is a splen- akd viPSielr, +) 1 J'J% g4 WiW Ir Aug p•wilrs ces, and makes a handsome ap- 'er e on tie roadj 1 'icet e$ e646 teh. t A New A Gallerey. SGor.i WIaltns, (esirqSMif W6 rqft ns Al'-'f il4•w',, urooses to his patrons and the puldic ren- e eorly te ellye thcrn of sa qrius 7t ury Pie- tfaro, h gSiv the a,+•ir }t ftpfhewtJwj " meat g rW awoI'el (dg"ra d `C oa eai e and g eotest Lagerittobe fOmundin nozeman. ";$pT cJ'•iiIvEs ARouE -.-A n ,mber of c hmorges 1im al-thu ryIff4tqiP ~ nyi giy$4a gt this esiirjty under circumstances which I some oftiem having been taken from the t pieket pi•s,to whiebtheteO *eA ttah ed, - I. , ,at diretedo tow4 4;i•{,nsui duals. * .,fl•tir,. we t pro~ bjU a neglll. ,,+• +.,a i,,!t ' 3..m r,, ' ._. ;• " .. 1 ?+ . ... yy +; ,, ?.:+!+ Pmflmtes a 4 9I..*.w &4t~rmIbR4 . a uig Ss -idt> 4r,, UMs t tw4t of =Lamdn eA, .k, .# .1 4a ,t at. i`. WuM .,_R* h~ :E1 ~ato Feral our tvyi, ,etzr m4 ing iiev~ oIlyWare to : ab tat da T a l~ if~~qolyea orr -y The riehIes andiu*4 t sites' Dows, Lue Lol a Babies' iur Loi t3re d t' t ia' avery pcI xprtess 7y Ot " r Gi~~c~. ~ . 1. Bilao1;.;..qfuwj ipvt*y that hpm tiert ~ P 7 ,7Mt*d Th i-ha a Ptes EI~F~. drI tlbfir 1~bolk4af~l'Cdi .~-' . Iteefre _ SSt tao a eiMe+sp e tpe - numaber df 'pmterm6ed" oIg Sn tino irrt eMajIo and biea o sixt or y person way., The t mis o- a et4 dIked se tion to th farom theo assen mi . lMaj.ainisi, theeIn a speech of about ;x p ,frrepa tiew of the potullea situation, theo present position aadstamadg o I of the ea , i declarlg that he had shsambutsi s.abMt or & cifuatlon to i tipll e tt ike eer te st, fW the Democratic, an equitable and honoi ol aduct ot publie afairs was insured; denounced thp j o:Prj atlje 9iwRh n Rugwd . - Saieelntt swindle;" endorsed the position + :ta 4zhe National Democratic Conver- :AFB wiatdr atiib niata; satid the coalllUon• between the Democrats and Liberal Be ubli- did n e~ MAIt 1 e party, but had been ad4e for purpoan of arresting the owirard mae centriiaation, andred j•re•tei ' throw of asn 9presslvy itary . espot~ and fluaiiy pne , t ,ttj vo i a taithful 'representation of the laterests of the T'errr, ; ,ithp• ua 4•iit sectionalt distinctions, and to use every effort ere the advancement the the s Gosgress. He was 'reqbitiben y Inter- rupted durin• torical efforg, 1MU ons-by the applause of the audience, atnd at its close, was greeted vwith proloungl cheeiin: Holn. Hardy .C,nJ 1 nI.e ly 3 "l fys~ the meeting ,, ' o inttl4 Pit marks chieqly t at14t as.st_ (f the present ad- ministration, and the state of the lational affairs. Major Mtagines ad c lh y favorable lwpression on the audience, anT the i dtildtcharaeterized by old residents ol "his place as the most enthusiastic yqmpnutra tion ever held in Gallatin County. j th FOLLY VARiiE Ni kflARD FROM! in - i 8 P ltake pthasoelt Sh6dl rdiaO.J r, our friends that we have just e, received; per prmS. a ery . lr large inl comrn te assortpent of " Dolly, Var4ens" <Jewelry.y Necklaces, Coral. Beads. Kid , , of all colors, &c., &e. ww ATBo M a lare ,lo$t , 1ej >i wr-f: Braids, Curs, f`4wirtclies Chig tonis, ic., &c., which we offer vt very chea p, tj.l room .r ourlarge a vhes t _ i,!1 LIS. D A VIS S SPERLI NG. Gentlemen of the Republican Party nud J Fekh t gkizens of GRqy4llg up4IW AH S; irM9vt~1 V4l•hutarily permitted my name to i- go befi4ilhe npiyii•'ti•',to•tittp gp a dide for the oftie of County Commis- - eneft may appear somewhat anomalous in, me at this late day to deelne.renitnsItifo a i r said office and demand good reasons for said #. action, which I hope to h1prewithhcraent to Ste. F a ti tliu +of- the taa `rFa this'Coui nt~d . ' `'-•.- . Y rst. From having some- ktowledgeof n rpast and present flnapciJ q iaQci p1 4$ SfAtlt pnt• aware that ood abil same, as also t y i1e' :h finances to whicht d I hvey not the diiir'eI e to ti ' $ oun w ich I could nqt, Apiaccssflly, sore e SSecondly. Sineealt.'~ Cl hkas declined to a astowit the Democrat j t Jpth) ceeded in obtailpig RP_ ., 4erlc, w q se"-tittf ,kt f t d ' Whose eliite ii e appearing as the nsalieae qf .the Demoemrtle PRtl was ramystcrf tdi moat qtthe idepublt- i cans, as it is a wellkaiown Tact that through i S fs t be f•fnancial affiHrs of the County e have been brought up trobegi loft qvgi ,o a respectable commercial considera- r Satio s* feei safe Ini 'Ui thattdes iao4a ug 4 t ,and careful a~ct stftid of gf5 his le Bofia l•atlti s •rti sInerp r vwill steer f fthitli rflear of th e )tsiba 4Uiti h .ll -Tik. t !ly-to Ci ~r during his term of opleefrezu e i blep AhonLs. t waevinm a pob#fio:m prefet It becomes our d .p jotp1o; the nM t1ffiocan and will best erve outris- , f4ery especttally, 1,' ;': 1 fing a strictly csair td hs are o i parg and attractive a e L(c.r . PAVte . ArPERLt G._- ACAR. To the DmwaflI? oi qdtrra, had e, -10 a ZMA - I8 Tr aekt ot u e •o fts•* otjshe si e wlmm• lif, o*., emat e ouea'ka •yea . **aes n ebee e f f tee nd•A i h adl y et raefda is hr the rs with the mournful tiding an, tie ant{nh e herle Mulk et•tiey to E il thatthe wlifte w i life, or it least ciW aAermu ently rlig.kt Indisposition, was in the evening in the embrace of the g, iand ruth4 less destroer, 4eat. Th u~ , by her amilablity and pedtllarly happy talent of gracefully ads tii herself to the trIn der Seumstances jr ' ee ver g s t ing n sendeed hetsielf to the limit ahecie of a•qualtaneese she had formed dnr Ing her brief sojourn in ournmi ,wuil her iden w pe aused an qnivers•al expreo &Tof surtow i 1zd t him whose' cud bAwl1ss b ed to the ground. They had, durg-ther stay, been the guests of Messrs. the d yiUone's eyes, kind hearts were not te~r last rsting place with befitting obse- quies. The deceased was bqiied o i Friday evening ac - palurch e . . on con t dt service , and it needed not the i ft of language to il t tl l ' A i4 aJ e xpressisi no % li erlt It sypa- thy on the part of the stranger friends who attended to pay the last sad tribaee4-respect to the depqrted one. May . the Angel of Peace comfort him in his aflictioqaWJ sol him with the redeetion that 'sdoI 1tl, but gone before," and that a happier .teeshcl till yet take lace wh :,, " Last Call--eome Dow Wi t t Se Stamps. All persons lq •fklt iiz are re- quested to comeu &i nie tt e Without fu tir delay This is the lat call. If you would save cost pay up. T. MiUNETT. oit tAE AFrRAY,,-A g gfeggc ghlgetg r ## ung f.ta ,to omitf the parties, occurred on ridi' JAst hetwp Jgf ejg Siumed'fredibuli. The particulars as we are informeare tht the two men were engaged nag charcoal some six or eight miles from town, when a dispute arose between themer aP some trivial occurrence, an Jewett sttaek Trumbull iditli tfl2a ho returne th bld}f itfi 'b ake which he had. at the time, inde s-if hIeb w so t iqfv ep and knocking him senseless. When assistance arrived Jewett asolliung n the ground in contftu1M , i ian prliesn a very precariroue condition.e still lies in a very preearious condition. is- Stock Ranch. .4 The proprieto>,,w,, .p, |aw• mile northwit ih•t IVbt"i4 0mh1•o~ illlpatr; a fne pasture enclosed by a high, strong fence, Id and will ranch all kinds of stock, on reasonable Stenps. Also, good fresh butter can be obtained. to A1ply at the ranch or at W .I, V4 4 A 1 S'' -- Hunter set tiis week a lne a lot of gardeni ill " 1 green peas iro (enr o e oe tIoeut has a beautifully located e and the m Sw received are a speeimen of the products of S1heseadltetone valley we shall noT"•Me suir. 1i i44, .ety soon, that all tke arable Springs it is one of the best places we know WI" a good locationt f"' :I 0* v '4,: A .: :•. :.`4 : $URVn Y.-196 understand that Slthe North ?dcltltC i* Cag uvlar ItrQ Swi:tartf~'rom Fort Ellis during the coming i week iir i? er field ot labor in the, Yellow- r stone 'afley. Mr. J. A. Hayden, the survey- here with his party, and the arrange- - metn fa the start are agatF 64llel C , JCpI I t• nt Baker will command the military SI(grinperson. and it will not be healthy r for any thieving t•etlbtIit~tt4L '-viu m tlia'etlip.. rL 14r r..-MLL-Mr. ' fwige al ~l~a has just completed thbe.rastio• , a ne• a ta ill on Bear Creek, about six i fis• m town, an lIpi~W uiiiaj outs some very tine lumber. He 'has a number of samel elgaged Ip pAR jwt s4.aE SfI*) .prough the canyon, whith will be completed i IL~W k, wh•a he wil be pre tblli fur- : &AntroT, ,. T.,- !#shIN 4gIopC. M. 'aJl WK Gmldtt smans "icing beea uop• th . ta er itfor or tire the p Vi e, 4d oir this purpose will be Taeoma As -A BatS Ttl gi andmer tihe tr s''p (1. C. E awn, ,ia b lg Tuaaday Yeilowst•ae as an escort thse N, P. K. RH tirvylagn lrtkrtC *t ta #att tet 'thei a{rea .. t >& i sos.* the. pr peaks tidy % na* 9**4. - ymkr. o• m; i h'. _W .............. e.. ... •yea a w 'tpe, asn t - etles-a. ~and Dit ash argoefothe• gnemaitt inudu Aaska. u - Grand D**ltMw ak *At.Y*t l G nota wyrler .yoe nwt putaa to ther paftelh;n4. aib Mc'ranice wbr el seaai inathanaaser CoMImoA.t w"tg the alTerritoguery aor GlagetW n st ny, t'optuart a Jewe! d nredtt watbtaerrS&Sltbe ae** SAuML On6, -t1w tPaal!t'e*;ii =*%u1P4AR) caudluate for the NCtdfatrOeiwutlatied3bbV for Clagett. : t e1 oy, tiion art a Jewel. Tra Uazotte, speak la ishio n says: "Wg are vWa aW fhadedrtin•edfttV great popuZlatioa I qijq te t " 1. he a polygamis t, 'r whatB aha#f tat4 Ohio or G.w. ley and Br. . ,)I pltETUnWa--o . . '])A Wok-4 home on Thursday last. looking hale anul hearty after his ECpIQtWtI4W . M. FOR Tl iF s ,k'.l : ,;S ; J•Pieraoi and wife. and J., .Tr~eek ragdtwide tWt ow iv 4 &t t a visit to tli M taammoth Ho Springs. Caors Din *MR. was dn to'd84imt db t~ •• M ?he hull atolms.r BLACKMOIE.-At Bozesan on the it ins. of congestive chills, M. 11 Blackjnore, of Londo an -,dk r: 1 , : I;. an Bozeman Mi4rr14C` ire Secl ss s 4 Jar tItAMf leas LOa ,% e Single ..................... ... 00 no nl ..... . ... .. ............ .: 0 ho s OGANS. C r nshed ....... ... .. .. ". #f. `. .. " • ,rown , .ack ....... ................ ..... t.... so rCre shed J ........ .. .. ... 4,.... . ,4 ...... ett Rio, choice .... . .... . ., t.... t.f;.. . . I35t ' I ........................... .... 8o .. e Old Governont Java.. . " . . . I : Impjuera.............:....... .. - unp w . ....... ..,....;.. .. :........:` ` -" . Mlls .. ... ... . . .. . fly z48orted., t.9*,q.ili 099'-" a 0b atrs ( .s c e. .; . ... . 2. .t p es . . ............ ............. 0.... C . l ioy ........ ..... . ... ..... ... 1 '. 4. . "t *' BJ' Ckiu-u: lmsl -- o. ::-- : :... S ster (Field's) .esNeI s. i... " .... at al ...... ....... •.mib....told 5 . .... ... ........ .... .. ..... . 1 00 Apples, new, NoIa; . Black eres...... ........ . Zante C . .. itt9 s. I. .'. .. " "25 .i1 Sbo ... .... a........ ........ 350 E aSe .... : ' SPalrbnk'ts, in E.I,'.l:' .. : t J ! t..-f.. . ,. ...... . ......... r . ." .. " 1stct. . iOs.fnlfr c.cer's .. "..;Wt~ Silver drip, I cafe of gallons..... ..... 12 do Bucket• b Ire Mop fin m l4,,vI , t WaALS. : at C'fllt - . t ,,4 . 4 P , a.:!3CeX 4 3!i .i~pn c MW 71I, l~l~:-1S~ Alt VL w.i I ofa ba sl jti i* . mo d-cai-il *.?- --.. lures- ( -- Y xottob. 4 m~i- rg.t.n * Atd 1~, 1 ;3 .ap" 4. ,: %l;% F;iii e ln c yl- 'g,; ., ty - .. , " .10 ;t- ' ' 'lj~, to s; W e S3 MID of att, s , 'ChI~ a id` exzkin. fu a `6~iis t "e' "are; aso gent~rk)'' Mowera-and d ?"c. idpo *n en 44 tot 'i. I[Street. ' - Bosemnan. W. J.SEG4 , w oe 35 mW Tx X~I&w e t entida i* StAtL eloabiwWih a eWmpru I }eaer Dw` ise Awruflbsreqgusewitfg :,?"'4 A: . oD FEED STABLE."" e wy rdwatt -- emeih m I W ool q ;tb natante"rlritA, 4R zu~taotoj ot;ex " Ti A. . #4, *ow 'M' 4 r%, 't ' 2*40 ~1 vg Will b.N eptqmiL% for tie reoeptaon of raaslep 16so'. fl&Pehd ta guests and larders. I*1 95l 4 I It a Ike'n B e Fe mra~e heIn &4W W fern sica. **tmx Rot bprz } ,sp toxl ake Traii nA* 9) t 00 - "'`~""r............. rya......: its Ii :. a rt .1 oertO Trowar 4 O. Op - 4 uid itaur'gAriI'; 1 1 4t~iax drir~ Trd . .i eor bang Sii r $1 . fl tt . I;E F1:I UC~j ."$i 'tn ~-li:;~ b~itrf "c- CRIFMI~O~1971 .. .1, ''(r~(5~.r r* jrj) 5: Ic ~ I Iz lC.Sr ,,Pi I -SR rni~ 1k~l~tf,:~~~ git-I: sqw n if a a~eaptiafactionu, if I ami 14- t , zitwU heatt gds Ili' Niwi `N ntgoer1, Itnwq mo ,ae altfdlag, Su ra.*lae. j~a2 c CCwqa' q~~~ tk.wdsei. 4.N. Amria. mww mbd f P. W. McTG B 'ar mskt sitr .at rally .4 i GALLATIN IL1! eA n bi rap.onb of ?rto * a ' ai 1 ;=At thte , H kevrtad .rt th .Z Ms+e 3 1(Ersa hv thin Ws~rpalio4f.., - 1 i+. W. ocOW & BRO. ~~tl itb r e tht:at Iirwg*hv Jbr~~~4~ P.tM;I W.i McDO - 'i r ~RY M1 RC,., Mssurtac>fture+ sand Je~et'sit1 " r4 P aer 4 Sonstantly en hssd sat woMutastte4 Oustom-Made ~oatj -"'> su$1la4,on04 to at 'ad made orf the beat material -i; 1 Of WQR i;v F ~iC Breve y4 egrlipttlon done. if you want year east. ta, P . rnx here alonax bat AN oa1WJ. Z4AS MAIN bTEIT ,' General DJ G ."$A;gug OXEN, HORSES AND MULES SHOD0 e . And everytJlnz Dqrtalnang to the uidineas Boas in a Workman-like ma' nor sad at cheap rates. "4. -PI1b~t tD r ttf:I~l!t~ r itsa t ult1( 4Y t: 'eA+#g '$' i% "i S rrwprrs:' $ )"`.." ali a ''lks ,F4 srutMnrt a ftcltr tsu *t istoisd l mmunetW., }y} 4 .mayrbpo J.'.x MR +e'sTmyC .IaiI g pigi~iP 1 y r :ii;id' it; s ~ )~~YStip !y '"t: f." siin pb~4ssd 4 ~ e. . 4MJa .,t 1 krlaafzl;il ~i 4)~ S~ ~ Li:

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Page 1: Bozeman avant courier (Bozeman, Mont.) 1872-07-30 [p ] · the new Drug Store of" W F,,,; ri4iBQ~i . J. W. Flcniiikejna i{ . ant Eatt.n 1 and Paymaster p EM. , rif Wt` a e1 city. ELLIS,


We have constitt 11 d U 4dear agents in their respective localities, sad theyare authorised to receive ubscr 1

pt14i, ; 10Aseets, ete., andthe same:Jobn'H. MfingD. W Tilton... ....................... a UCtyNall tedell...................

Roiert W. Keller..& -.T. H. Pauley .. a......

.Advertisemnat 1 sanl fopublicaotion, unleeu4ae ' Ithey are to be pub1 *4 .bid, and oharged fil

We wish earhereSafter Job Prlnts ds mmust be paid for; hmade is this rule.

Virginia Cty.,

Rev. Bishop 1E. M. tairvid yi.l; Ui t!the following places:Gallatin City, •ll!•l!,t•.+J 2•,++.•+•,, 'jWeaver's School 0 a siUlqb,+ilQ J , t ,

July 211th, at 5. T Stit}Bozeman, Sunda July 0th, morAinr asi1t e'v


Further appote.fter. "

Blisop Tutle's

Fort Shaw, 11Trinity, July 28ltl.

Deer Lodge, 11 A x. and 8 P. a,,)pI! e s afterTrinity, August 4th.

Willow Crreek (lJtter ipot 3,z, -, nday, XI alter Trinity A ~,}.

Btevensvllle 8 Pr. AitMissoula, 11 A. a and 8 P. x., Sd I ater

Trinity, August 18th.Bannock, ll. Xi after

T'rinity, AuPoi ndexter ,Self


-ESTEtr N ST1 R F.r',,+• f,++ . li': .+VV meets every Monday nis i JA8 o.'clock p.

In., in Masonic Hall.

ShStste comnimtmichliones oL ali atti oagex Nd.A F & AM held at their 1l qi tefirs 8atr,

stay evening on or bef 're tth-"fUli mooliin eechMonth.

Visiting brethren are cordially invited o attend.

H. P. MENEF•b, SecretarTy.

Local NTews.

THOMAS BA( . •? H te ... s


TUESDAY. : : : i : JULY 30. 172.

Arrivals at ke3~Mltal lli " .1ii

Maj. M. M(agiunis, Helena, Hon. MarryComely, Helena; Judge Wmn. Claney, Ra-dersburg; H. C. White-j• C.Wor , St. Joseph. E Jo ,M•o; G. B. Bryan a•a; Hen; fi ,$runnot, Pittsburgt, Pa.;. Thos. 1.,Washingto:n. D.A•;l Cl. J. A. ViJno. F. Yancy, Yellowstone,Yellowstone; II. W. 1kA. It. Reed, lieletj h . W eR. R.; J. A. Haydtfl,•4odo.; F'rank Lemnor, .\Wtl.J. Buchanan,, db;Browi:. do.; J. Mutien, do.; t shdo.; J. L. Cresisonlo4- J. DaghcrtIsnaLc Baillinger, do.*ad@ ar,Ingrahamul, do.;, fairBurke. (do; Dr. ctj. e tTIIlHlt. Sun River; IL ' rA. Broadw':ater. lieRiv.r; ''. . lainaSuln River; Clapt. w4 To + oLicut. Irgetis, Fort il A; r

;tally Demosrats d : ..t r

Let every Drnloianid Brown attend Up rite

eveninlg. Ve tai el~it il iritikll >Ts~

no that the hvork.1 'fori ;.'iii : be~'l rte ( s$teinutnicahly, and Isgitimls will -have no d186culty in carryinglG t' rot1osi~t3b3 three tofour hundred mnHleyf a+

Cosl Oil, Lar4.*Ulq M

i.*4 .4l ,' UWapentino, what; eil 1' i .. ;St Vttcp , 5

the new Drug Store of" W F,,,; ri4iBQ~i .

J. W. Flcniiikejna i{ . ant Eatt.n 1and Paymaster p , rif EM. Wt`



ELLIS, DAVI *t UJ.3U.5ERP lD3Sfully mollcitaall MNt fO t

Ste Latest Sty les

BLwuOP MAIN alwiA Wiresei ars. eerSchool house .teevening at 6 o'@loek._ _

"WAIT *RTJI4 sw4~* '

The author of the S ' t'respctfully lnfolta I t itillg onle of tlse. t

$ Livery EmporiJ ft u

Tsa GaZrmETTl-4pl y U,t Wicjisjo} Bal.,has been iitervtefiS the tpeo ieeof GLatin Valley inv., tboeta ftIi 41i* Beseaa.Gazette dluring th tsaL.weekt, L

E1:j' "T n :i.LTIii . , .) : J ""DR. MUSSIG81 GB; tl 9b d ti},{pi

Rtantsof iioz n Ia tIhlw 1.sob-ruinled a quetutityJZ 3 RIUq.VAAjM$W.,i"desiring vaccin noW1.stn as gi "fl,1 4 JMetropolitan i1itel NW.'W p 5 oirIa ikuag a'eMaie Street. }

APPoINTTI;Uiijil, o. wi-icon, is analountt9t(iu k Whj~a~ psi' ofthla County dnrtarthgiemift ebing' k .yer-boly go to bhl J u4. -io , L-e& of iments. -

Ladles', --+ tm .S

*f t he Newest St , i

Tai dispatches .iduagtqirave diggers a# ' !It{.wecery, England." In ordaraiii tqM 4

eia combinat !'W" e' r ' ' oat the people "resolve" n

contentents resumevms. That will fet*ilxej

PzE8O'NAL.-lo4?1d ."V 'Mll. atad I hoos1%. 3

zeroan last 'gency on the to4lHqlp0 1 1e1 't" kIS erted that theygl *fE'A WSY b"9ej;

the removal of th&ll4 ~ Lllluum dpi4* ie other poinWd ut s p - i t 5

8. L. 8Q t: l ;

ire to call the attend j

hr large and 4'0W1''i aCihel;consistinU-pp"~~l~~r. M t9Iii

XGAR and .s`.1iA


WALL Pr'a,


h 1 g

l, Wuhou rr jomyrm.whatever requred

10r lise UAW *4

togsses uay bounded admiwtesses orn e othe ar.mcent sf eryto;also llet's +e f.prng, and pre tat hm to

l..e repots informv the ladies ofp theBoe-,

presses unhounded adlninton of the mag-aaiaoent scenery of.tb s ui945IogWc l e

repared to near tlosing ioet msl i the ne2rygyons sh other day, thltebreakin , of

tii.4rth's crust'' f l t t f hed Musli, whiand precipitatlugrhim into the

m obskt Oil t sloths Rag and esm.p Carpe,leave to infolderm the ladoes ot Boae-ma and esir e d have all te facilities to ivep-repared to offer the latest r sUtr & CO.den Dress Qoods, WJilto Oqos of ld lFp-jinieirY 'tsd iee' mand Chlldren's Shoes,

af ls, Scarf , Sash Rb en l

ea Tringwlg i ,ub'roIries a1 d

bleachied Mluslins, white and colored Table) naeki Oil Cloths, Rag and Hlemp Carpets,

we inbitei eyer urstock, feeling confldent that we " do not lackthe desire," and have all the facilities to give


Mother may I talbe. Aslt ; 1 L l 1Oh, yes, my darling daughter,

Biut be aure and go to Goe.'s,And don't drink any water.

JRSONAI..-" MsJor ana sTis. (fin t. uruce

rrived in Dozeman from the East last Thnrs-digy. `'qjor Brue started the second news-

paper in this Territory, at Virginia City, in1865, which he xwut si ZC ssfmiienil the tailH 'of when he sold ji•t•i, . t,Since then, he has spent most f" the y)t~F inthe practice of law in Washington C'it.-We are gratified to learn that the Major with

jI wife will permanently locate ineian. The presence of Mrs. Brucz il

add much to eoir iid 6 l5 , id bn anot have received a more wide-awake,

h-going business man than Major

d the lea ng Patent Mdieines, at the newrag re of W. V. Morris, Bozeman.

sw BANK UJLDING.-W• havejustdesign for the new building to be

_ of e, ^ cp surp tn f-Iput :up inI this '`.and workmans't-

substantial, el anter, i w.ill . be;•+ q Wle dition toN ,t atshitttrV I~tddwa nrv

on is to-be prbpeeded with iinmedi-

cesY. c4ae and lpar• l .g.t `ter ' tfavoritPu$atop.

Cao"aiar.w 's Liqnors and Cig:ars.SeAkwridd -ov. 's Clif'rnihthflibreigaWW&et.

Ia aAn.sp. .U meta•'rE-An* . lthe v'e-`i t i 1i ly brongl t to the Territory bycolCTO,'M . %lack, weojke s riihi~i< ti " rc, ,lid o 1 .0,. .

Jtnr t n t•4tping the summer. It is a splen-akd viPSielr, +) 1 J'J% g4 WiW IrAug p•wilrs ces, and makes a handsome ap-

'er e on tie roadj 1 'icet e$ e646 teh. t

A New A Gallerey.SGor.i WIaltns, (esirqSMif W6 rqft ns Al'-'f

il4•w',, urooses to his patrons and the puldic ren- eeorly te ellye thcrn of sa qrius 7t ury Pie-tfaro, h gSiv the a,+•ir }t ftpfhewtJwj "meat g rW awoI'el (dg"ra d `C oa eai e and geotest Lagerittobe fOmundin nozeman.

";$pT cJ'•iiIvEs ARouE -.-A n ,mber of chmorges 1im al-thu ryIff4tqiP ~ nyi giy$4agt this esiirjty under circumstances which I

some oftiem having been taken from the tpieket pi•s,to whiebtheteO *eA ttah ed, -I.

, ,at diretedo tow4 4;i•{,nsui duals. *.,fl•tir,. we t pro~ bjU aneglll. ,,+• +.,a i,,!t ' 3..m r,, ' ._. ;• " .. 1

?+ . ... yy +; ,, ?.:+!+Pmflmtes a 4 9I..*.w &4t~rmIbR4

. a uig Ss -idt> 4r,, UMs t tw4t of=Lamdn eA, .k, .# .1 4a ,t at. i`.

WuM .,_R* h~ :E1 ~ato Feralour tvyi, ,etzr m4 ing iiev~

oIlyWare to : ab tatda T a l~ if~~qolyea

orr -y

The riehIes andiu*4 tsites' Dows, Lue Lol aBabies' iur Loi t3re d t' t ia'averypcI xprtess 7y Ot" r Gi~~c~. ~ . 1. Bilao1;.;..qfuwj

ipvt*y that hpm


~ P

7 ,7Mt*dTh i-ha a

Ptes EI~F~. drItlbfir 1~bolk4af~l'Cdi .~-'

.Iteefre _

SSt tao a eiMe+sp e tpe

- numaber df 'pmterm6ed" oIgSn tino irrt eMajIo and biea o

sixt or y personway., The t

mis o- a et4 dIked setion to th

farom theo assen mi. lMaj.ainisi, theeIn a speech of about

;x p ,frrepa tiew of the potulleasituation, theo present position aadstamadgo I of the ea ,

i declarlg that he had shsambutsi s.abMt or& cifuatlon to i tipll e tt ike

eer te st, fWthe Democratic, an equitable and honoiol aduct ot publie afairs was insured;

denounced thp j o:Prj atlje9iwRh n Rugwd . -

Saieelntt swindle;" endorsed the position

+ :ta 4zhe National Democratic Conver-

:AFB wiatdr atiib niata; satid the coalllUon•between the Democrats and Liberal Be ubli-

did n e~ MAIt 1 eparty, but had been ad4e for

purpoan of arresting the owirard maecentriiaation, andred j•re•tei '

throw of asn 9presslvy itary . espot~and fluaiiy pne , t ,ttj vo i

a taithful 'representation of thelaterests of the T'errr, ; ,ithp• ua 4•iitsectionalt distinctions, and to use every effort

ere the advancement the thes Gosgress. He was 'reqbitiben y Inter-

rupted durin•torical efforg, 1MU

ons-by the applause of the audience, atndat its close, was greeted vwith prolounglcheeiin: Holn. Hardy .C,nJ 1 nI.e ly3 "l fys~ the meeting ,,

' o inttl4 Pitmarks chieqly t at14t as.st_ (f the present ad-ministration, and the state of the lationalaffairs. Major Mtagines ad c lh yfavorable lwpression on the audience, anT thei dtildtcharaeterized by old residents ol

"his place as the most enthusiastic yqmpnutration ever held in Gallatin County. j

th FOLLY VARiiE Ni kflARD FROM!in -

i 8 P ltake pthasoelt Sh6dl rdiaO.Jr, our friends that we have just

e, received; per prmS. a ery .lr large inl comrn te assortpentof " Dolly, Var4ens" <Jewelry.yNecklaces, Coral. Beads. Kid

, , of all colors, &c., &e.ww ATBo M a lare ,lo$t , 1ej >i wr-f:Braids, Curs, f`4wirtclies Chigtonis, ic., &c., which we offervt very chea p, tj.l room .rourlarge a vhes t _ i,!1


Gentlemen of the Republican Party nudJ Fekh t gkizens of GRqy4llg up4IW AH

S; irM9vt~1 V4l•hutarily permitted my name toi- go befi4ilhe npiyii•'ti•',to•tittp gp a

dide for the oftie of County Commis-- eneft may appear somewhat anomalousin, me at this late day to deelne.renitnsItifo a irsaid office and demand good reasons for said

#. action, which I hope to h1prewithhcraent toSte. F a ti tliu +of- the taa `rFathis'Coui nt~d . • ' `'-•.- .

Y rst. From having some- ktowledgeofn rpast and present flnapciJq iaQci p1 4$

SfAtlt pnt• aware that ood abil

same, as also t yi1e' :h finances to whicht d

I hvey not the diiir'eI e to ti ' $oun w ich I could nqt, Apiaccssflly, sore e

SSecondly. Sineealt.'~ Cl hkas declined toa astowit the Democrat j t Jpth)ceeded in obtailpig RP_ ., 4erlc, wq se"-tittf ,kt f t d ' Whose eliite ii eappearing as the nsalieae qf .the DemoemrtlePRtl was ramystcrf tdi moat qtthe idepublt-i cans, as it is a wellkaiown Tact that through iS fs t be f•fnancial affiHrs of the County ehave been brought up trobegi loft

qvgi ,o a respectable commercial considera- rSatio s* feei safe Ini 'Ui thattdes iao4a ug 4

t ,and careful a~ct stftid of gf5 his leBofia l•atlti s • •rti sInerp r vwill steer f

fthitli rflear of th e )tsiba 4Uiti h .ll -Tik. t!ly-to Ci ~r during his term of opleefrezu

e i blep AhonLs. t waevinm a pob#fio:mprefet It becomes our d .p jotp1o;the nM t1ffiocan and will best erve outris-

, f4ery especttally, 1,' ;':

1 fing a strictly csair td hsare o i parg

and attractive a e

L(c.r . PAVte .ArPERLt G._-


To the DmwaflI? oi

qdtrra, had e,


a ZMA - I8 Tr

aekt ot u e •o fts•* otjshe si e wlmm•lif, o*., emat e ouea'ka •yea .**aes n ebee e f f tee nd•A i h adl y et

raef da is hr the rs with themournful tiding an, tie ant{nh e herleMulk et•tiey to E il thatthe wlifte w i

life, or it least ciW aAermuently rlig.kt Indisposition, was in the evening

in the embrace of the g, iand ruth4less destroer, 4eat. Th u~ , byher amilablity and pedtllarly happy talent ofgracefully ads tii herself to the trIn derSeumstances jr ' ee ver g st ing n sendeed hetsielf to the limitahecie of a•qualtaneese she had formed dnrIng her brief sojourn in ournmi ,wuil her

iden w pe aused an qnivers•al expreo&Tof surtow i 1zd t

him whose' cud bAwl1 ss bed to the ground. They had,

durg-ther stay, been the guests of Messrs.

the d yiUone's eyes, kind hearts were not

te~r last rsting place with befitting obse-quies. The deceased was bqiied o i Fridayevening ac -palurch e . . on con

t dt service , and it needed not thei ft of language to il t tl • l

' A i4 aJ e xpressisi no % li erlt It sypa-thy on the part of the stranger friends whoattended to pay the last sad tribaee4-respectto the depqrted one. May . the Angel ofPeace comfort him in his aflictioqaWJsol him with the redeetion that 'sdoI1tl, but gone before," and that a happier.teeshcl till yet take lace wh :,, "

Last Call--eome Dow Wi t t Se Stamps.All persons lq •fklt iiz are re-

quested to comeu &i nie tt e Without fu tir delayThis is the lat call. If you would save cost pay

up. T. MiUNETT.oit tAE

AFrRAY,,-A g gfeggc ghlgetg r ##ung f.ta ,to omitf the parties, occurred onridi' JAst hetwp Jgf ejg

Siumed'fredibuli. The particulars as we areinformeare tht the two men were engaged

nag charcoal some six or eight milesfrom town, when a dispute arose betweenthemer aP some trivial occurrence, anJewett sttaek Trumbull iditli tfl2a horeturne th bld}f itfi 'b ake which he had.

at the time, inde s-ifhIeb w so t iqfv ep and knocking him

senseless. When assistance arrived Jewettasolliung n the ground in contftu1M , iian prliesn a very precariroue condition.e

still lies in a very preearious condition.

is- Stock Ranch..4 The proprieto>,,w,,.p, |aw• mile northwit ih•t IVbt"i4 0mh1•o~ illlpatr;

a fne pasture enclosed by a high, strong fence,Id and will ranch all kinds of stock, on reasonable

Stenps. Also, good fresh butter can be A1ply at the ranch or at W .I, V4 4A 1

S'' -- Hunter set tiis week a lnea lot of gardeni ill "

1 green peas iro (enr o e oetIoeut has a beautifully located

e and the mSw received are a speeimen of the products ofS1heseadltetone valley we shall noT"•Me suir.1i i44, .ety soon, that all tke arable

Springs it is one of the best places we knowWI" a good locationt f"' :I 0* v '4,: A .: :•.

:.`4 : $URVn Y.-196 understand thatSlthe North ?dcltltC i* Cag uvlar ItrQSwi:tartf~'rom Fort Ellis during the comingi week iir i? er field ot labor in the, Yellow-r stone 'afley. Mr. J. A. Hayden, the survey-

here with his party, and the arrange--metn fa the start are agatF 64llel C, JCpI

I t• nt Baker will command the militarySI(grinperson. and it will not be healthyr for any thieving t•etlbtIit~tt4L '-viu m


rL 14r r..-MLL-Mr. ' fwigeal ~l~a has just completed thbe.rastio•

, a ne• a ta ill on Bear Creek, about sixi fis• m town, an lIpi~W uiiiaj outs

some very tine lumber. He 'has a number ofsamel elgaged Ip pAR jwt s4.aE SfI*).prough the canyon, whith will be completed iIL~W k, wh•a he wil be pre tblli fur- :

&AntroT, ,. T.,- !#shIN4gIopC. M. 'aJl WK Gmldtt smans

"icing beea uop• th .ta er itfor or tire

the p Vi e, 4d oir this purpose will be

Taeoma As -A BatS Ttlgi andmer tihe tr s''p

(1. C. E awn, ,ia b lg Tuaaday

Yeilowst•ae as an escort thse N, P. K. RHtirvylagn lrtkrtC *t ta #att tet

'thei a{rea .. t >& i sos.*

the. pr peaks tidy %



- ymkr. o• m; i h'. _W ..............e.. ...•yea a w 'tpe, as n t - etles-a.

~and Dit ash argoefothe• gnemaitt

inudu Aaska. u -Grand D**ltMw ak *At.Y*t l

G nota wyrler .yoe

nwt putaa to ther paftelh;n4. aib

Mc'ranice wbr el seaai inathanaaser

CoMImoA.t w"tg the alTerritogueryaor GlagetW n st ny, t'optuart a Jewe!d nredtt watbtaerrS&Sltbe ae**SAuML On6, -t1w tPaal!t'e*;ii =*%u1P4AR)

caudluate for the NCtdfatrOeiwutlatied3bbV

for Clagett. : t e1 oy, tiion art a Jewel.

Tra Uazotte, speak la ishio nsays: "Wg are vWa aW fhadedrtin•edfttV

great popuZlatioa I qijq te t " 1.he a polygamis t, 'r whatB

aha#f tat4 Ohio or G.w.ley and Br. .

,)I pltETUnWa--o . . '])A Wok-4home on Thursday last. looking hale anulhearty after his ECpIQtWtI4W .M.

FOR Tl iF • s ,k'.l : ,;S ; J•Pieraoiand wife. and J., .Tr~eek ragdtwide tWt ow

iv 4 &t t a visit to tli M taammoth HoSprings.

Caors Din *MR.was dn to'd84imt db t~ •• M ?hehull atolms.r

BLACKMOIE.-At Bozesan on the it ins.of congestive chills, M. 11Blackjnore, of Londo an

-,dk r: 1 , : I;.

an Bozeman Mi4rr14C`ire

Secl ss s 4 Jar tItAMfleas LOa ,%

e Single ..................... ... 00

no nl ..... . ... .. ............ .: 0ho s OGANS.

C r nshed ....... . .. .. .. ". #f. ̀ . • . . " •,rown , .ack ....... ................ ..... t.... sorCre shed J ........ .. .. ...4,.... . ,4 ......

ett Rio, choice .... . .... . ., t.... t.f;.. . . I35t 'I ........................... .... 8o ..

e Old Governont Java.. . " . . . I :

Impjuera.............:....... .. -

unp w . ....... ..,....;.. ..:........:` ` -"

. Mlls .. ... ... . . .. .fly z48orted., t.9*,q.ili 099'-"


0b atrs ( • .s c e. .; . ... . 2. .tp es . . ............ ............. 0....

C .l ioy ........ ..... . ... ..... ...1 '. 4. .

"t *' BJ' Ckiu-u: lmsl --o. ::-- : :...S ster (Field's) .esNeI s. i... " .... at• al ...... ....... •.mib....told 5

. .... ... ........ .... .. ..... .1 00Apples, new, NoIa; .

Black eres...... ........ .Zante C . .. itt9

s. I. .'. .. " "25 .i1Sbo ... .... a........ ........ 350

E aSe .... : '

SPalrbnk'ts, in E.I,'.l:' .. :

t J ! t..-f.. . ,. ...... ..........r . ." .." 1stct. .iOs.fnlfr c.cer's .. "..;Wt~

Silver drip, I cafe of gallons..... ..... 12 doBucket• b Ire Mop fin m l4,,vI ,

t WaALS.

: at C'fllt - . t

,,4 . 4P , a.:!3CeX 4 3!i .i~pn c

MW 71I, l~l~:-1S~


VL w.i I ofa ba sljti i* .

mo d-cai-il *.?- --.. lures- ( -- Y

xottob. 4m~i- rg.t.n * Atd1~, 1

;3 .ap" 4. ,: %l;% F;iii e ln c yl- 'g,;., ty - . . , "

.10 ;t- ' ' 'lj~,

to s; W e S3 MID

of att, s ,

'ChI~ a id` exzkin. fu a `6~iis t "e'"are; aso gent~rk)''Mowera-and d?"c. idpo *n en 44 tot


I[Street. ' - Bosemnan.

W. J.SEG4 , w oe35

mW Tx X~I&w e t entida i* StAtLeloabiwWih a eWmpru I }eaer

Dw` ise Awruflbsreqgusewitfg :,?"'4 A: . oD FEED STABLE.""

e wy rdwatt

-- emeih mI W ool q ;tb natante"rlritA,4R zu~taotoj ot;ex "

Ti A. . #4,

*ow 'M' 4 r%, 't '

2*40 ~1vg Will b.N eptqmiL% for tie reoeptaon of raaslep16so'. fl&Pehd ta guests and larders.


95l 4 I It a Ike'n B e

Fe mra~e heIn &4W W fern sica.

**tmx Rot bprz } ,sp toxl akeTraii nA*

9) t00 -"'`~""r............. rya......: its

Ii :. a rt .1

oertO Trowar 4 O.

Op - 4 uid itaur'gAriI';

1 1 4t~iax drir~Trd . .i eor bangSii r$1 . fl tt . I;EF1:I

UC~j ."$i 'tn ~-li:;~ b~itrf

"c- CRIFMI~O~1971 .. .1,''(r~(5~.r r* jrj) 5:

Ic ~ IIz lC.Sr ,,Pi

I -SR rni~1k~l~tf,:~~~ git-I:

sqw n if a

a~eaptiafactionu, if I ami 14-t , zitwU heatt gds

Ili' Niwi `N ntgoer1, Itnwqmo ,ae altfdlag, Su ra.*lae.j~a2 c CCwqa' q~~~

tk.wdsei. 4.N. Amria. mww mbd f

P. W. McTG B

'ar mskt sitr .at rally.4 iGALLATIN IL1!

eA n bi rap.onb of ?rto * a ' ai 1

;=At thte , H kevrtad .rt th .Z Ms+e3 1(Ersa hv thin Ws~rpalio4f..,

- 1 i+. W. ocOW & BRO.~~tl itb

r e tht:at Iirwg*hv

Jbr~~~4~ P.tM;I W.i McDO

-'i r ~RY M1 RC,.,

Mssurtac>fture+ sand Je~et'sit1

" r4 P

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Sonstantly en hssd sat woMutastte4

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