boyne valley – primrose loop - bruce trail · boyne valley – primrose loop we never know what...

WWW.BRUCETRAIL.ORG BRUCE TRAIL MAGAZINE 25 DUFFERIN HI-LAND Boyne Valley – Primrose Loop We never know what we can expect when we submit our moonlight hikes for the winter hike schedule. Sunset and moonrise are calculated and accounted for, but snow conditions and visibility of the moon are always a gamble. As we approached our meeting location... an enormous golden moon was rising at the end of the road. 52 hikers set out on this beautiful night. When we entered a clearing, a wisp of cloud passed over the moon creating a prism effect, known as a ‘sundog’. While still in awe of this spectacular sight, a shooting star streaked across the sky. The hikers returned with the light of the full moon dazzling on the snow. Every moonlight hike is a memorable experience, but this one for us, really stands out. Bryan Foley BRUCE TRAIL REFERENCE: MAP 20 DISTANCE: 4.2 km PARKING: County Road 19 (Prince of Wales Rd.), Mulmur 44.100049, -80.137339 DIRECTIONS: 1. Take Hwy 10 north through Orangeville. 2. At Hwy 89 (Primrose), where Hwy 10 turns left, continue straight ahead onto County Road 19 (Prince of Wales Rd.). 3. In roughly 1.5 km, parking lot is on the right (south side of the road). SUGGESTED HIKE: This looping hike explores the western side of Boyne Valley Provincial Park along the Prince of Wales Side Trail and Primrose Loop Side Trail. From the parking lot at County Rd 19 (Prince of Wales Rd.), follow the road roughly 80 m north to the start of the blue- blazed Prince of Wales Side Trail. Get your heart pumping with a steady climb up the Escarpment to the junction with the Primrose Loop Side Trail. Turn left to take the loop clockwise along the top of the Boyne River Valley with some lovely views. At the next junction stay right on the Primrose Loop Side Trail back to return to the Prince of Wales Side Trail and the parking lot. (Taking a left leads to the main Bruce Trail and a longer hike). Photo: Carl Tafel

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Page 1: Boyne valley – primrose Loop - Bruce Trail · Boyne valley – primrose Loop We never know what we can expect when we submit our moonlight hikes for the winter hike schedule. Sunset

W W W . B r u C e T r a i L . O r g B r u C e T r a i L M a g a z i n e 25

d u F F e r I n h I - L a n d

B o y n e v a l l e y – p r i m r o s e L o o p

We never know what we can expect when we submit our moonlight hikes for the winter hikeschedule. Sunset and moonrise are calculated and accounted for, but snow conditions and visibilityof the moon are always a gamble. As we approached our meeting location... an enormous goldenmoon was rising at the end of the road. 52 hikers set out on this beautiful night. When we entereda clearing, a wisp of cloud passed over the moon creating a prism effect, known as a ‘sundog’. Whilestill in awe of this spectacular sight, a shooting star streaked across the sky. The hikers returned withthe light of the full moon dazzling on the snow. Every moonlight hike is a memorable experience,but this one for us, really stands out. – Bryan Foley

BruCe TraIL reFerenCe:

Map 20

d I s Ta n C e :

4.2 km

pa r K I n G :

County road 19(prince of Wales rd.),Mulmur44.100049, -80.137339

d I r e C T I o n s :

1. Take Hwy 10 north throughOrangeville.

2. at Hwy 89 (Primrose), whereHwy 10 turns left, continuestraight ahead onto Countyroad 19 (Prince of Wales rd.).

3. in roughly 1.5 km, parking lotis on the right (south side ofthe road).

s u G G e s T e d h I K e :

This looping hike explores the western side of BoyneValley Provincial Park along the Prince of Wales SideTrail and Primrose Loop Side Trail. From the parkinglot at County Rd 19 (Prince of Wales Rd.), follow theroad roughly 80 m north to the start of the blue-blazed Prince of Wales Side Trail. Get your heartpumping with a steady climb up the Escarpment tothe junction with the Primrose Loop Side Trail. Turnleft to take the loop clockwise along the top of theBoyne River Valley with some lovely views. At thenext junction stay right on the Primrose Loop SideTrail back to return to the Prince of Wales Side Trailand the parking lot. (Taking a left leads to the mainBruce Trail and a longer hike).

Photo: Carl Tafel

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