boy scout jamboree 2013

Dragon Boat Race at the Boy Scout National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Center in West Virginia, July 2013.

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Post on 20-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Boy Scout Jamboree 2013

Dragon Boat Race at the Boy Scout National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Center in West Virginia, July 2013.

Page 2: Boy Scout Jamboree 2013

Dragon Boat docks and view of the grounds.

Page 3: Boy Scout Jamboree 2013

My solar panel and battery backup.

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Solar charging unit.

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Solar cell phone charging station at the Jamboree.

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Solar hot water bags for showering. There were thousands of these at the Jamboree site where there is no hot water in the shower houses!

Page 7: Boy Scout Jamboree 2013

Solar hot water bags for showering. There were thousands of these at the Jamboree site where there is no hot water in the shower houses!