bourbon news. (paris, ky) 1907-07-16 [p ] for dry...

KSWS PARIS KB3STTOC T JULY C j 4 d THE BOURBOJi 16 107I J 1 n cr e l HAS CASSJTY AARON CASSITY Main Street Over Bowling Alley Paris Ky LAMES GARMENTS DRY CLEANER Wjjjyfe gjfjjL Anything from a of gloves to ball or opera gowns from draperies to oriental rugs will be made ft JUST NEW cleaned by our exclusive 2 FRENCH BENZOL PROCESS Sj We are the ONLY house in the country using the Benzol method for dry cleaning This exclusive process keeps riSfe garments clean times as long as those cleaned all other processes Neither odor shrinkage fading nor in 0t jury to Benzol cleaned fabrics 1116 F H Benzol Dru Gleaning Go TO 4 Hats Cleaned and Blocked while you wait Phone No 78 TWIN BROTHERS Come to the Big Bargain Sale Jieiy 9th Goods Shoes Millinery Carpet Depar Corner Main and 7tli Sts PARIS I nrmii 3gfetttgsiS5E TO3 Street Come in and Inspect Our New Line of 250 300 3 50 TWIN BROS CLOTHING AND SHOE STORE 703 Main St Next to Fees Grocery 4 CASSITY BROS I t tl f t J d qI IqC ttJ h o r m WI1 f1Jt P 1lll l Comme dl1lg to 1- at TWIN BROTHERS9 Big Department Store Rig e 01 Jnli Iid o rt J ftiI w iINiijl trffi Ai IIo If 4 t u A t O WI N BROS I 31 s- I Mocha Invitation rring ClotJing9- VI L Men s Shoes L t jj it 1O- t 0 I 1 C r 1 1l A 4 25h9 E Y 1 t Dry 3 y pOULA3 i 1 > < < > > = r Purity I II is the t best I I for your dough 1 Sold by all Grocers 1 Iis MiIiiiig c co1J N Ii j FLOUR = DEHOCJRATIC TICKET For W Hager drick For Superintendent of Public Instruc A Gullion For Commissioner of Agriculture J W Newman For Secretary of State Hubert For Auditor Henry Bosworth For Laffoon For Clerk Court of B Chenault For United States C W Beckham If You Try Father Williams Indian Herb Herb Tablets and do not find them he best medicines you ever used for Constipation Torpid Liver Sick Kid Sour Stomach Sick Headache Neuralgia Dyspepsia Indigestion Malaria Dizziness and Bad Breath we will refund the moneyThey work day and night and get up in the morning feeling like new person Try them 20 cents Tea 01 Tablets sale by W T Brooks Niagara Falls Excursions Via Queen Crescent Route July 25 30 August 10th and 17th Write H C King C P A Lexington FV for particulars augl TrmbleFor I tionE I TreasurerRuby AppealsJohn SenatorJ Tea- r r governorS u ¬ ¬ > THE BOURBON NEWS BOTH PHONES 124 NO 320 STREET SWIFT CHAMP EDITOR AND OWNER Entered at the Paris Kentucky Postoffice as Secondclass Mail Matter Established in J88J 26 Years of Continuous Publication advertisements 100 inch for first time 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion reading notices 10 per line each issue reading notices black type 20 cents per line each issue cards of thanks calls on candidates and similar matter 10 cents per line Special rates for big advertisements PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ONE YEAR 200 I SIX MONTHS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE I 100 MAIN ceiits = i iamt t t With Fool Attached Not infrequently some one filler wrh jous enthusiasm and idiocy in about equal proportions does some thing that makes all others except those saturated with the same danger ous mixture wonder what his idea of a Creator would be like anyhow if it were possible to paint it on canvas or ic with a pen Here is a which will make the reader boil with indignation If it does not then it is high time the reader shonld go off and get his mind straightened that is what little he has for it would be better for the rest of mankjng if he had none at all Colorado Springs Col June 28 and are hunting members of an unknown religious oragnization which has defaced Pikes Peak by painted texts The offenders have piacarded Pikes Peak from top to bottom along the right of way of the railroad together with the scenic rocks along its nine miles of track from the summit almost into the town of Manitou with religiuos quotations Letters several inches long tell the beholder Go Thou To or asking Which Will You Choose in Eternity Heaven or Hell The quotations inscribed in black and white paint ap peared suddenly a few days ago on the eve of the convening of the State Society of Christian Endeavorers Little wonder there are so many people in the world who askthe is there a God When fails to immediately strike the fool who has just sufficient intelli gence to wield a baintbrush to one of Gods works with any kind of a biblical quotation whatever bitterness must rise in the heart of one to whom even a waving branch is a poem Such creatures as these think there is only one kindof icono which made of the Tibers bed a mine of art in marble They are the forked misfits who because forsooth they think it their duty to do so stop a thinking man on the street and tell him he ought to be he wasnt at church their particu ar church last Sunday a man two minute of whose doubt is worth an eternity of tttplv insipidity and who will not who cannot believe that God put him here with a mind and him to be satisfied with a constant diet of second hand ideas It is such as these defacers of Gods work on Pikes Peak that are a drawback to the cause of true religion re and instead of the civil authorities of Colorado hunting them the church ought to Shunt them down and when found turn them over a barrel and endeavor to instill into them by physical means just ideas of real reverence As for their story it was evidently made for the sole purpose of furnishing a place to hang a hat on As for the question Which will you choose in eternity heaven or hell it strikes us there are a good many who would find it an easy mat ter to decide if they only knsw which way the fool or fooless who painted it on Pikes Peak is going Would Unite Democrats John Temple Graves still sticks to Roosevelt for a third term but he has evdently not yet jumped off the Demo cratic band wagon for he now con cludees that Bryan is purely Democratic and would make an ideal Executive but he is untried and Roosevelt possesses all the ability of Bryan and we know it The South has Presidential timber but will not ask for the nomination though if a Hoke Smith were s51ect d he would not lose a Democrrat vote north of Mason and Dixon line Undoubtedly Governor Hoke Smith would unite all Democrats North and South for there is no raeson why any Democrat should not vote and work for him and if President Roose velt forces himself a candidate for a third term thousands of honest and patriotic Republicans would join in making Governor Hoke Smith the next President I With the tinkling ring and the wink ing swing of a plank on a platform the announcement comes that Administra tion has caught John D and isnt going to do a thing to him Lookout for an advance in the price of oil and another big depositof public money in the Rockefeller banks without interest 60- I rot I r W dis- patch I I I I i I I I I I ques- tion II I de- face clasmthat b idly expect- ed eople everywh I upper manlike JulyTrade ftb 110 aturday July 2 h I I i light- ning ashamed a i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Koilaoad tfaucation Wall Street Daily News If the agitation concerning the railroads does nothing more it will educate the country up to some idea of what railroading means The ma jority of the people seem to be under the impression the reciepts of the raiIroads from passengers and freight trafic must of necessity be large and therefore priveliges be given more cheaply Governor Huges President Finley and many others who have common sense as well as some knoledge of the matter and a sense of fairness have openly stated that legislation as well as agitation has without either ade quate knoledge or any attempt to gain any Certainly the attacks made by and demagogues have resulted in replies of far more value to the than the attacks could have war ranted W J Murpny Vice dent of the Queen and Crescent Route in his reply to the statement of the Receivers and Shippers As sociation of Cincinnati is an of this His road was charged with earnings of per frieght train mile whereas other roads averaged 189 On the face of this a demand would be made for reduction it has already been made Mr Murphy points out what others either have not engines instead of one as is the case on other roads entailing naturally far greater expense per frieght train mile Futher it is shown by figures that while expenses have increased in the cost of labor and materials during the past two years reciepts have shown a decrease per mile in freight as well as passenger returns It is also clearly demonstrated that the majority of the earnings have into the property in the shape of extensins improvements and other needed advancements These matters should be given the same prominence in the various ne the country over which the criticisms receive Evils whcih may have crept must be corrected but time alone will haye to do that In the meanwhile the American sense of justice hur ry a little faster to thhe front and Americans sould not allow their most important industries to be played upon for political purposes The Causes It has nevre been true that dstrust such as we now observe in business and Apolitical affairs has its cause in the men and things distrusted and is not a mere caprice of the public mind As citizen And as to business the equally old maxim is let the purchas er beware The trouble in the business now is that we have reached the limi of prosperity based on fictitious value and the time has come for paying the penalties incident to dishonesty and recklessness In politics the trouble is that our statesmen have acted in baud faith with the taxpayers and have been found out hence this univer sal distrust which threatens the ex istence of the dominant political party and the prevailing industrialand finan cial systems v The Costly Tariff Wouldnt It be a fine thing if every man could have a tariff of his own or an Aladdins lamp or something of that sort to skin tIe consumers with But it is only trust magnates who can afford to have a tariff It is a costly thing In the McKinley campaign rff 1896 it cost it possessors a large part of the 16500000 Republican campaign fund and has bsen costly in same direction ever since An Apocryphal Statement Gov Vardaman declared in a joint debate on July 4 with Hon John Sharp Williams that Mr Bryan said in a Wall Street Journal in reply to Sena tor Money and others that he did not want to make government ownership of railroads an Governorhow ever was unable to produce a copy of such statement or name the paper in which it appeared or date of its pub licaton Gov Vardaman will find that in dealing with Mr Williams He will have to confine himself to facts or be called to account ownership is unpopular the Southern States and himself repudiated it as an issue I that should beencarreidon si 282 frieghttrains I ac- tually re- turned in o Distrust prudent issae The I I in Gov Vardamrll lI v ship srs na- tion example apers should Govern- ment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° f When its a question of EYESIGHT its JJJ W nice to use FORESIGHT and submit that W W question to me W iiI OPTICIAN and OPTOISETBIST J PARIS KY Office Bank CONSULTATION FREE c o4IIIeL iI s JOC A1D Home 9PhoSiJe Number 59 i t It 7 lt aif Q o P 151 II i e e C It t 1 Deposit W 9 l6 W td Ii P 4 P4iP iJ1di94I 4iIii t tT fla YA s C TS ae ElL 1A LTi SiM 6srSi 14 w t t over Lr < > > + + ° + + + + There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribe local remedies and by constantly fail ing to cure with local treatment pro nounced it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by FJ Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken inter nally in doses from 10 drops to a t spoonful It acts directly on the bigot case it fails to cure Send for circular and testimonials Address FJ CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggirts 75c Take Halls Family Pills for The Right Name Mr August popular or the poor at Fort Madison la says Dr Kings New Life Pills better than any other laxative Guaranteed to cure biliousness and constipation 25c at Oberdorfers drug store jly An Invitation The farmers of Bourbon are cordially invited to inspect the large stock of harness collars hames pads whips saddles horseboots etc etc on our second floor before purchasing We can save you money 28tf LAVIN CONNELL Cured 01 Lung Trouble It is years since I had a narrow escape from consupmtion writes C 0 Floyd a leading business of Kershaw S C I had in weight to 135 pounds and coughing was constant Doth by day tinued this for six months when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my weight 170 pounds Thousands of presons are healed every year Juaran and 100 Trial bottle free j0 Williams Kidney Pills Have you neglected your Kidneys i Have you overworked your nervous system and capsed trouble with yom Kidneys and Bladder Have you pains in the loins side back groins and bladder Have you a flabby ap pearance of the face especially under the eyes Too pass urine If so Williams Kidney Pills will cure you Sample free mail 50 cents Sold by Oberdorfer WILLIAMS MFG O THE SECRET OF SUCCESS I I I I systemThey I n4 Sherpe the agreeably noweleven run- down takingDr I teed at Oberdorfers drug store 5Gc- I PropsCleveland I a consti- pation over- seer are man ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ t Ncv Sir You cannot off any substitute on me Ive been using J was a boy and Ill no other million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States since its introduction And the demand for it is still growing Isnt that a fine showing cure of indigestion and worst of health JDoes it not afford the best evidencethat August Flower is a sure specific for all and intestinal that it is the best of all liver regulators of over 35 years in the mil lions of these distressing complaints 5 QTwo sizes 250 750 druggists G S VARDEN SON Paris Ky f AugustFlower dyspepsiathe Flower has a matchless record curin I have piness Dr Williams Indian PJRj Ointment will cure Blind allays the itching at orice acts as a instant re Dr Williams Indian Oint meat Isprepared for Piles a Hd Itch private parts Every box la By on of price cents and 5IW CO Props CtevcHwd 5Sk For Sale by Obrrdcrfer I I I ItchingPiles drl1 gftq re- ceipt lie lie warranted ¬ ¬ < Leave Paris Ky 15O am s Leave Cincinnati S3O Ironi street station BASEBALLZOO Breezy hides to the Hill Tops Matinees at Theaters Yr H HARRIS Agent D S JORDAN T A m Bargains in IREflL ESTATE I For Sale I have listed the following property for sale Two Cottages on West street Four large rooms each halls porches cistern good stable lots 50x100 feet Farm of 153 acres treville all in grass 25 acres Brick residence good barns and all other out buildings Another farm 6f 47 710 acres on the Russell Cave pike R miles from Paris 10 from Lexington Newtobac co barn Other buildings are good should be glad to show you these placesat any time Prices right Gallon or address R W BECRAFT2- nd Floor Wilson Building E T Phone 748 Imported Swiss prick and Cheese Just Seeeived SHEA CO Both Phones 423 v 4r L lII 1 Pf41iiioiiiWti ExcurSinn Sunday t st 4th Fare l50 RoundTrip J T OeHeeft8 It i tI1 I 7 4 A U > J E G f exceptS r fit S 1 V I G I I I o I e G JIDf ta 1 I 1 I N tel l I I 1 I I I I SL 1J Jy21 pin pi a I e J

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1907-07-16 [p ] for dry cleaning This exclusive process keeps ... Jieiy 9th Goods Shoes Millinery Carpet




d THE BOURBOJi 16 107I J1

ncre l

HAS CASSJTY AARON CASSITYMain Street Over Bowling Alley Paris Ky


gjfjjL Anything from a of gloves to ball or opera gownsfrom draperies to oriental rugs will be made

ft JUST NEW cleaned by our exclusive

2 FRENCH BENZOL PROCESSSj We are the ONLY house in the country using the Benzol

method for dry cleaning This exclusive process keepsriSfe garments clean times as long as those cleaned all

other processes Neither odor shrinkage fading nor in0t jury to Benzol cleaned fabrics

1116 F H Benzol Dru Gleaning GoTO4 Hats Cleaned and Blocked while you wait

Phone No 78


Come to the Big Bargain Sale

Jieiy 9th

Goods Shoes Millinery Carpet DeparCorner Main and 7tli Sts PARIS I

nrmii 3gfetttgsiS5E

TO3 Street

Come in and Inspect Our New Line of

250 300 3 50






IqC ttJ h o r m WI1 f1Jt P 1lll l

Comme dl1lg to1-



Big Department StoreRig e


Jnli Iid o rt J ftiI w iINiijl trffi Ai IIo If 4 tu

A t O

WI N BROSI 31 s-

I Mocha

Invitationrring ClotJing9-


Men s Shoes

L t jj it


0I 1C










y pOULA3

i 1




> >


rPurity I


is the t

best I

Ifor your dough

1 Sold by all Grocers 1

Iis MiIiiiig



N Ii



For W Hager

drickFor Superintendent of Public Instruc

A GullionFor Commissioner of Agriculture J

W NewmanFor Secretary of State Hubert

For Auditor Henry BosworthFor LaffoonFor Clerk Court of B

ChenaultFor United States C

W Beckham

If You TryFather Williams Indian HerbHerb Tablets and do not find them

he best medicines you ever used forConstipation Torpid Liver Sick Kid

Sour Stomach Sick HeadacheNeuralgia Dyspepsia Indigestion

Malaria Dizziness andBad Breath we will refund themoneyThey work day and night andget up in the morning feeling likenew person

Try them 20 cents Tea 01 Tabletssale by W T Brooks

Niagara Falls ExcursionsVia Queen Crescent Route July

25 30 August 10th and 17th WriteH C King C P A Lexington FVfor particulars augl














Entered at the Paris Kentucky Postoffice as Secondclass Mail Matter

Established in J88J 26 Years of Continuous Publication

advertisements 100 inch for first time 50 cents per incheach subsequent insertion reading notices 10 per line each issuereading notices black type 20 cents per line each issue cards of thankscalls on candidates and similar matter 10 cents per line

Special rates for big advertisements








i iamt t t With Fool AttachedNot infrequently some one filler

wrh jous enthusiasm and idiocy

in about equal proportions does something that makes all others exceptthose saturated with the same dangerous mixture wonder what his idea ofa Creator would be like anyhow if itwere possible to paint it on canvas or

ic with a pen Here is awhich will make the reader boil

with indignation If it does not thenit is high time the reader shonld go

off and get his mind straightenedthat is what little he has for it would

be better for the rest of mankjng if hehad none at all

Colorado Springs Col June 28and are hunting

members of an unknown religiousoragnization which has defaced PikesPeak by painted texts The offendershave piacarded Pikes Peak from topto bottom along the right of way ofthe railroad together with the scenicrocks along its nine miles of trackfrom the summit almost into the townof Manitou with religiuos quotationsLetters several inches long tell thebeholder Go Thou To or asking

Which Will You Choose in EternityHeaven or Hell The quotationsinscribed in black and white paint appeared suddenly a few days ago on theeve of the convening of the StateSociety of Christian Endeavorers

Little wonder there are so manypeople in the world who askthe

is there a God Whenfails to immediately strike the

fool who has just sufficient intelligence to wield a baintbrush to

one of Gods works with anykind of a biblical quotation whateverbitterness must rise in the heart ofone to whom even a waving branch isa poem Such creatures as thesethink there is only one kindof icono

which made of the Tibersbed a mine of art in marble Theyare the forked misfits whobecause forsooth they think it their

duty to do so stop a thinking manon the street and tell him he ought tobe he wasnt at church theirparticu ar church last Sunday a mantwo minute of whose doubt is worthan eternity of tttplv insipidity and who

will not who cannot believe that God

put him here with a mind andhim to be satisfied with a constant

diet of second hand ideasIt is such as these defacers of

Gods work on Pikes Peak that are adrawback to the cause of true religion

re and instead of the civilauthorities of Colorado hunting themthe church ought to Shunt them downand when found turn them over abarrel and endeavor to instill intothem by physical means just ideas ofreal reverence As for theirstory it was evidently made for thesole purpose of furnishing a place tohang a hat on

As for the question Which willyou choose in eternity heaven orhell it strikes us there are a goodmany who would find it an easy matter to decide if they only knsw whichway the fool or fooless who paintedit on Pikes Peak is going

Would Unite DemocratsJohn Temple Graves still sticks to

Roosevelt for a third term but he hasevdently not yet jumped off the Democratic band wagon for he now concludees that

Bryan is purely Democratic andwould make an ideal Executive buthe is untried and Roosevelt possessesall the ability of Bryan and we knowit The South has Presidential timberbut will not ask for the nominationthough if a Hoke Smith weres51ect d he would not lose a Democrratvote north of Mason and Dixon line

Undoubtedly Governor Hoke Smithwould unite all Democrats North andSouth for there is no raeson whyany Democrat should not vote andwork for him and if President Roosevelt forces himself a candidate fora third term thousands of honest andpatriotic Republicans would join inmaking Governor Hoke Smith thenext President I

With the tinkling ring and the winking swing of a plank on a platform theannouncement comes that Administration has caught John D and isntgoing to do a thing to him Lookoutfor an advance in the price of oil andanother big depositof public money inthe Rockefeller banks without interest





r W dis-












tion III




b idly







JulyTradeftb 110 aturday July 2 h






















Koilaoad tfaucationWall Street Daily News

If the agitation concerning therailroads does nothing more it willeducate the country up to some ideaof what railroading means The majority of the people seem to be underthe impression the reciepts ofthe raiIroads from passengers andfreight trafic must of necessity belarge and therefore priveligesbe given more cheaply GovernorHuges President Finley and manyothers who have common sense as wellas some knoledge of the matter and asense of fairness have openly statedthat legislation as well as agitationhas without either adequate knoledge or any attempt to gainany Certainly the attacks made by

and demagogues have resultedin replies of far more value to the

than the attacks could have warranted W J Murpny Vicedent of the Queen and CrescentRoute in his reply to the statementof the Receivers and Shippers Association of Cincinnati is anof this His road was charged withearnings of per frieght trainmile whereas other roads averaged189 On the face of this a demand

would be made for reduction it hasalready been made Mr Murphy pointsout what others either have not

engines instead of one as is the caseon other roads entailing naturallyfar greater expense per frieght trainmile Futher it is shown by figuresthat while expenses have increased inthe cost of labor and materials duringthe past two years reciepts have

shown a decrease per mile infreight as well as passenger returnsIt is also clearly demonstrated thatthe majority of the earnings have

into the property in the shape ofextensins improvements and otherneeded advancements These mattersshould be given the same prominencein the various ne the countryover which the criticisms receiveEvils whcih may have crept mustbe corrected but time alone will hayeto do that In the meanwhile theAmerican sense of justice hurry a little faster to thhe front andAmericans sould not allow their mostimportant industries to be played uponfor political purposes

The CausesIt has nevre been true that dstrust

such as we now observe in business andApolitical affairs has its cause in themen and things distrusted and is not amere caprice of the public mind As

citizen And as to business theequally old maxim is let the purchaser beware The trouble in the businessnow is that we have reached the limiof prosperity based on fictitious valueand the time has come for paying thepenalties incident to dishonesty andrecklessness In politics the troubleis that our statesmen have acted inbaud faith with the taxpayers andhave been found out hence this universal distrust which threatens the existence of the dominant political partyand the prevailing industrialand financial systems

v The Costly TariffWouldnt It be a fine thing if every

man could have a tariff of his own oran Aladdins lamp or something ofthat sort to skin tIe consumers withBut it is only trust magnates who canafford to have a tariff It is a costlything In the McKinley campaign rff1896 it cost it possessors a largepart of the 16500000 Republicancampaign fund and has bsen costly in

same direction ever since

An Apocryphal StatementGov Vardaman declared in a joint

debate on July 4 with Hon John SharpWilliams that Mr Bryan said in aWall Street Journal in reply to Senator Money and others that he did notwant to make government ownershipof railroads an Governorhowever was unable to produce a copy ofsuch statement or name the paper inwhich it appeared or date of its publicaton Gov Vardaman will find thatin dealing with Mr WilliamsHe will have to confine himself tofacts or be called to account

ownership is unpopular theSouthern States andhimself repudiated it as an issue I












o Distrust


issae The



inGov Vardamrll


vship srs




















f When its a question of EYESIGHT its JJJ

W nice to use FORESIGHT and submit thatWW question to meWiiIOPTICIAN and OPTOISETBIST J

PARIS KY Office Bank




Home 9PhoSiJe Number 59 it It7 lt

aif Q o P 151 II ie eC


t 1


W9 l6

Wtd IiP 4 P4iP iJ1di94I 4iIii


tT fla YA s C TS ae ElL 1A LTi SiM 6srSi 14 w







+ + ° + + + +

There is more Catarrh in this sectionof the country than all other diseasesput together and until the last fewyears was supposed to be incurableFor a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribelocal remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science hasproven catarrh to be a constitutionaldisease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Curemanufactured by F J Cheney CoToledo Ohio is the only constitutionalcure on the market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tspoonful It acts directly on the bigot

case it fails to cure Send for circularand testimonials Address

F J CHENEY COToledo Ohio

Sold by Druggirts 75cTake Halls Family Pills for

The Right NameMr August popular

or the poor at Fort Madison lasays Dr Kings New Life Pills

better than any other laxativeGuaranteed to cure biliousness andconstipation 25c at Oberdorfersdrug store jly

An InvitationThe farmers of Bourbon are cordially

invited to inspect the large stock ofharness collars hames pads whipssaddles horseboots etc etc on oursecond floor before purchasing Wecan save you money


Cured 01 Lung TroubleIt is years since I had a

narrow escape from consupmtionwrites C 0 Floyd a leading business

of Kershaw S C I hadin weight to 135 pounds and

coughing was constant Doth by day

tinued this for six months when mycough and lung trouble were entirelygone and I was restored to myweight 170 pounds Thousands ofpresons are healed every year Juaran

and 100 Trial bottle free j0

Williams Kidney PillsHave you neglected your Kidneys

i Have you overworked your nervoussystem and capsed trouble with yomKidneys and Bladder Have youpains in the loins side back groinsand bladder Have you a flabby appearance of the face especially underthe eyes Too passurine If so Williams Kidney Pillswill cure you Sample free mail50 cents Sold by Oberdorfer







n4Sherpe the




takingDrIteed at Oberdorfers drug store 5Gc-

















Ncv Sir You cannot off any substituteon me Ive been using

J was a boy and Ill no othermillion bottles of August Flower

sold in the United States since itsintroduction And the demand for it isstill growing Isnt that a fine showing

cure of indigestion andworst of healthJDoes it not afford the best evidencethatAugust Flower is a sure specific for all

and intestinal that itis the best of all liver regulators

of over 35 years in the millions of these distressing complaints 5QTwo sizes 250 750 druggists




Flower has a matchless recordcurin




Dr Williams Indian PJRjOintment will cure Blind

allays the itching at orice actsas a instant reDr Williams Indian Oint

meat Isprepared for Piles a Hd Itchprivate parts Every box la

By onof price cents and 5IW

CO Props CtevcHwd 5Sk

For Sale by Obrrdcrfer



drl1 gftq re-ceipt lie






Leave Paris Ky 15O a m sLeave Cincinnati S3OIroni street station


Breezy hides to the Hill TopsMatinees at Theaters


mBargains in


I For Sale

I have listed the followingproperty for sale

Two Cottages on Weststreet Four large roomseach halls porches cisterngood stable lots 50x100 feet

Farm of 153 acrestreville all in grass25 acres Brick residencegood barns and all other outbuildings

Another farm 6f 47 710acres on the Russell Cavepike R miles from Paris 10from Lexington Newtobacco barn Other buildings aregood

should be glad to showyou these placesat any timePrices right

Gallon or address


BECRAFT2-nd Floor Wilson BuildingE T Phone 748

Imported Swiss

prick and


Just Seeeived

SHEA COBoth Phones 423 v 4r


lII 1Pf41iiioiiiWti ExcurSinn

Sunday t


Fare l50




i tI1

I7 4AU>

J EGf exceptS


fitS 1


II Io Ie




IN tel










