bouncer: change-ready application whitelisting

Change-ready Application Whitelisting Introducing BOUNCER by CoreTrace™ September 2008

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With the demise of blacklist-based antivirus, a new approach has emerged--application whitelisting. It is a simple concept: rather than chase all the bad programs (malware) on the Internet, simply only allow your approved (whitelisted) applications to run. But, application whitelisting is not practical unless it can easily and safely handle changes--like new applications being installed by every user in an organization--without involving IT every single time. BOUNCER by CoreTrace is the only solution that combines security and flexibility with its patent-pending "Trusted Change" model. View our presentation and then learn more at


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Change-ready Application Whitelisting

Introducing BOUNCER by CoreTrace™

September 2008

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Today’s Endpoint Control Challenges

Current generation endpoint security solutions are no longereffective:

Malware is more targeted and increasing in volume and sophistication

Blacklisting and heuristics-based solutions are failing to catch zero day attacks

The Security — IT Operations balancing act

Frequent patching

Image management

Preventing UNAUTHORIZED change and rapidly allowing AUTHORIZED change

Help Desk burden

Compliance & Governance

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Malware Is a Booming Business! — 2008

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Even Blacklist-based Vendors Agree —A New Approach Is Needed!

“The relationship between signature-based antivirus companies and the virus writers is almost comical. One releases something and then the other reacts, and they go back and forth. It's a silly little arms race that has no end.”

Greg Shipley • CTO, Neohapsis

“If the trend continues and bad programs outnumber good ones, then scanning for legitimate applications (whitelisting) makes more sense from both an efficiency and effectiveness perspective.”

Mark Bregman • CTO, Symantec Corp.

“Authenticate software that is allowed to run and let nothing else run. Anti-virus is a poor IT Security solution because it doesn’t do that. Instead it tries to spot software it thinks is bad. Anti-virus comes from a bygone era and that is where it belongs.”

Robin Bloor • Partner, Hurwitz & Associates

SC Magazine Poll,Ogren Group Webinar, 2008

Do you think signature-oriented security suites make your systems secure?

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The Future is Coming… Quickly!

Security Vendors Embrace Application Whitelisting

Antivirus is 'completely wasted money': Cisco CSO

Security experts look to 'whitelisting' future

Coming: A Change in Tactics in Malware Battle

Whitelisting and Trust

The Real Dirt on Whitelisting

Black versus White

Redefining Anti-Virus Software

McAfee CEO: Adware is killing AV blacklisting

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Ogren Group:The Three Tenets of Endpoint Security

Control what you know

Easier to control what is known than try to control unknown attacks.

Control at the lowest possible level

Only security software that functions in the kernel can reliably deliver the controls that IT requires.

Control transparently

Security must be transparent to end-users and not create administrative burden to operational staff.

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Kernel-Level Application Whitelisting

Protect from within the OS

Enforce a whitelist of approved applications only

Provide memory protection

Provide network filtering

Utilize minimal system resources

User Space

Kernel Space / OS

System Resources



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BOUNCER’s Mission:Dramatically Lower Endpoint TCO

Dramatically improve security — with significantly less effort

Reduce or eliminate expenses resulting from malware damage or theft

Reduce patch frequency time and expense

Automatically prevent unauthorized & unplanned change

Automatically maintain images

Reduce help desk expenses from unexpected application conflicts

Easily allow authorized & planned change

Enable users to easily add acceptable & required applications themselves

Seamlessly allow approved application updates

Automatically meet compliance requirements for controland visibility

“The notion of patching every Windows system in the company after Microsoft issues its monthly Patch Tuesday security bulletins is impractical for reasons related to asset logistics as well as the need to keep IT systems up and running to support Morgan Stanley's internal users, partners, and customers”

Matt Hines • Infoworld

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Trusted Change:BOUNCER’s Key to Lowering Endpoint TCO

Whitelisting without Trusted Change isn’t practical

Trusted Change allows you to:

Define boundaries of trust in advance

Specify what can modify your systems

Control systems and keep them secure without hampering user productivity

BOUNCER with Trusted Change fits your organization —not the other way around.

BOUNCER with Trusted Change seamlessly keeps policiesup-to-date for you and keeps you informed on what changed

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Auto-GenerateCustom Whitelistfor Each Endpoint

AutomaticallyEnforce Whitelist

(Stopping UnauthorizedApplications & Malware)

Report on Security or Configuration Issues

EstablishTrust Models in


How BOUNCER Provides Easy, Immediate,and Ongoing Endpoint Control

DeployBOUNCER Client toMultiple Endpoints

Update CustomWhitelist for New

Trusted Applications

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Application Whitelisting is the new foundation of endpoint control

Application whitelisting solutions must be able to easily andimmediately handle change

BOUNCER dramatically lowers endpoint TCO

Automatically prevents unauthorized & unplanned change

Easily allows authorized & planned change

Automatically meets compliance requirements for control and visibility

Dramatically improves security — with significantly less effort

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Questions or Further Information:

[email protected]