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I can΄t live without the internet

Upload: cr1stian94

Post on 10-Aug-2015




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I can΄t live without the internet

Nowadays, internet is considered to be an endless spring of information. People prefer learning online because they have access to a lot of information and they find out things they don΄t know easier.

Personally, I΄m becoming overwhelmingly addicted to the internet because it makes my life so much easier.

• using the internet helps me with my homework ; as a student, I have to spend a lot of time on the internet because I have to find information for presentations I have at school.

• using the internet helps me to keep informed (it gives me the possibility to read newspapers, even books at home without being necessary to spend a lot of time into the libraries).

• using the internet helps me to take online courses (in this way, I can improve my pieces of knowledges

• using the internet it is a source of entertainment (seeing movies, listening music, playing games)• the internet helps me to communicate easier with people and friends from other countries and from other cities.

Student: Boțocan Silviu – AndreiÎndrumător: Mihai FrumușeluGrupa: 8103